»t fourj 1*11. A and vicinity to&^' *f the W. a T. U. will meet L. E. Bennett, on Thursday July 26. at 2:30. We wl»h a cordial InvlMtlen to all llo meet with us. Mbs. J. B. PBKBT. Pres. T. J. Walsh. See. j «H meant for tome other par- tbaa to drift with the stream or With the bluest crowd. •#" REPORT OF THE C o n d i t i o : TBI FIRST NATIONAL BANE At Wood8tCK3kL Illinois, ®em> of Business. June 30, Wf -- w$e J . H «UO . Dm DHf OttTrent expenses UIHhks andother ItlUo of other bunks Fran paper cur. nickels & UCd tender notes.......... Itod'rcipt'n fund with U. 8. $ per cent of H I»U1 :rv Li • f Uapiial stock paid in / Unlu fund Undivided profits , Bond* to secure circulation... StJ.000 as I from Httte banks and hankers... 5.0WJ 'rent expenses and taxes paid... 1»0 s 28,518 «0 1.877 r" 1,350 M| 60,000 « 1 3;),otio no 4,277 SS ! National Bank Notes outstanding.. 27,<xM)n0 Individual deposits subject to check lJs>241 peiBAnd Certificates of deposit**.* •• W4 * Total 4M0.827 18 «TATE OF ILLINOIS, lB. r«n.VQ«»nfannrybakier of the above Mined bank, do solemnly swear that the above Statement is tree to the best of my knowledge *nd belief. „ „ ., EDWA.RD a Qcihlak, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this iota 4ftav of Ju v. 1883. T B. C. JSWKTT, Notary Public. Oorrect Attest JOHH J. MUKPHT, Wi. H.Stewakt, r . E. B. Bichabds. • . Directors. m -"'$iigf w & •• • . • •••&£ GASOLI 'V -V. ( • :>v<| s ••'.M StoveS El am i . . . . t mr - itf ,-yZ ^ Have just received a new lot ofgoodrf including lace flouncing, 41 inches wide, m.UfetqtUJy, Spanish, iroipuro and Duchess Lace. A fine line of «•* * 4 • *' W > t ~V " s * ' ' * - * \ - " V*-> ' 1 > 'T T "* V *' v V / * - i Z . ' .^v • 1 . * "fcW t* *' ^ lucludinjar Fronch Batiste, L«wn Tennis and Goods. Also Satee. s, lace stripes and chocks ( Rite"0IT' a'l"Z°r,( ffth«",Jjn». riU^. „ is Ril.M na, H,im k«rehie(s, Lwo M.tts, etc. All «ho» eoods h.vfne becu l>oi'ght at a great reduction we will sell nt the j The best in the market for the following reasons. 1--It is not an uutiied experiment. 2--It is manufactured by the Bathbone Stove <||% which is prooji ofifca dur*Uility. . 3--It has a separate generator burner which saves timo and Gasoline in starting the stove, und causes a perfect combustion of vapor, thus doing away with that puffing and hissing sound caused ty many inferior kinds in the market. Lowest Possible Figures. "•sii'si'P"" - : v' ' • f afl and exiiniinc our stock and wo will convince you that ire have as fine a J ne as can bo found in the country. We are selling r !l:-- 0111 ° c^* ui>» et. up. Also a fine line: «f G LASSWARE, CROCKERY; • •' ^ • Decorated teti sets for $3.98* Ottr «t^efc oi •*$>> J.V.- selling goods re Recommeded To You. A! Is complete in every respect and wo will guarantee to give you satisfaction in quality and pric^ 1--They will do all the work of a large family, washing, cook- | ing and ironing in less time and at less expense than tujiy coal, or I wood stove made, ; •' S H T- pti-'.' JUXtlA A. ifOH) (One Door West of Riverside House,) They do not heat up your house and make a furnace ol your ittle kitchen, and thus break down the health of your wife or aughter. ' Opposite Post Office, West McHenry, June 26th, 1888 . m^-DEALER I*- "sV" m-w I C I N E S OWEN, We have a large ptock of -- V .v Sta&.Fslati, Ols tsi Colon. (kmstantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OP- Q to Q QVV: o?":' get Q QPv". them Q DO SOT com TO TOWS STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Physicians Prescriptions I Wall Paper, - Clothing, Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- st. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. The Finest Line of CLOTHING In the county; in all sizes and the latest styles and best fits. BOOTS AID SHOES, -OUR- Without v "'""S v?" al the « STOFFEL & BLAKE. Have now a full stock of all the latest novelties in Dress Goods, BATS ABO CAPS, isi and Apothecary. wist mFamsmwk' -DEALER Srugs and lledicines, PAINTS, OILS« 'oiXet Articlost --PURE WINES AND fclQUOBS, FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tob^|i. always on hand. •./ PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS^ Carefully Compounded, Give me a call McHenry, December 28th, 1887* i'Vil w. QiMiM ' BE8LEY. OASH STOBX2 of every description from 15 cents per yard up and ining our Bargains. ALTHOFF i HcHEHRY, ILU For Musical People NORTH'S MUSICAL JQOBNAL monthly published. Con. ° ™u"e»l literature and w aew music in every issue. Enrr !«k?£5«r®C6,ve8 ̂ worth (Of sheet musie X?' of Publication®. We buy all our goods in large quantities, for Cash, and guaran- For Ladies wear, we have the never exclleed John Foster. For I tee to sell as low and many times Men and Boys we have the John Foster and Buffalo. In Boots, the | lower than any Buffa o and Redpath Bros. For house cleaning' time we have laid in a fine assortment of W A L L P A P E R CASH OTORE m • and Window Shades. In tereral smiths. This series of "ar^es1"^ •lone worth many times the price of subscrip- tlon, and to bat one of the many valuable fea taxes et this popular publication. Only si per year. Specimen copy 10 cents, * w A. PIANO FBEE. To the person sending the greatest number Of mbKrlbers to North's Musical Journal o July 1st, 1888. we will give a Iffi/rlS w&o%"i' VitTZ tbroratull Also Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Drapery Plushes, Curtain I In the county. We have now ' ' in an elefpiit licw c^ • Bur S&tius, • Eisgh&ms, w w ^ -- We have all clean, freeh, first cl iss goods, and we sha| ' ! BEAR THE MARKET DOWN To the Lowest Living Price®. In CLOTHING, Come and cret the dandiest fit and the finest goods for the AND WHITE GOODS. :• V r LujuMS'v iw y, ,5Sl^L-x Goods, In Black and Colors, and trim- mings to matcb. New Spring in Is larger than, ever before and we keep finer goods in Men's Ladies' and Children's wear, and Prices Lower. * 0tir 8tock of CARPETS, AND CUfttliffS, Cannot be excelled. Are You Going to Build JDf so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from ^ " (0WH1I, Near the Depot. 1 '• West McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to otfer to the public Tin Bist QoaSKy of luaWr, --AT TJJE-s- LOWEST LIVING PRICES- We.carry tfce largest stock and gipp^jyices ||| ̂west. Perry & Oven. Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare its to accommodate all wh j may favor us with their patronage. * WJ a,; * * r ,