Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1888, p. 5

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fcr WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1,18TT, r: S* I Railroad Time Table. Takta* effMt Jane KKh, trains will put MaHearjr Stuhw daily, aa fallows: \ OOIHQ SOUTH. __ t Laka OenoraPasaaagar J«L* z Lake Geneva InrtH .8:SS " t Laka Genera rniikt, 2:00 r. • * Laka Geneva PaManger 3:96 •« i Lake Geneva Paaaengar 8:3# •• S L»ke Geneva Bumlajr Panenger --7:38 '• OOFLFO WOK**. Lake Geneva Freight...............•*11 a. * . Laka 3eneva Passenger..... ...... 8:8# ** x LakeGaaaraPaaaangar............1*:10 •• t Laka MMTB Sxpreia .4.«r. u { LakaGaaova Paaaaaaer.... 6:51 " $ Dftllv exoept Snadsy. • tannyi only. ' xJStopa only to Leave Passenger*. B. Buss, Agent. McHenry, 111 If; MASONIC. MoffBWHT LODOB, No. MS A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communication* the seoond and fonrtli Monday* la aaeb month. J. VAX SLTKC, |W. M Church Directory, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. every Sabbath, Bornlng and even tUngwood at S :30 p. x 1» and worship with ns. "Bwafntet r'vvs torn for mernUv. ¥ HARDY E. WTOKOW, A. B., PasSor. UNIVEBSALIST CHURCH. Rarvicaa averv Sunday norninK, and aver; Srst aqd,jttura Sunday evening* la eael aoalk. , A^Ortlial w«lc*rne i« extended to every one the truth. E, amine--Refleot--"Preve all thing*; hold fast that whlefc U good." Kir. H.^LADE, Pastor. BEEDeland'S advertisement.. REV. H. SLADE will prca$|ti at the Huffman Sshool House on Sunday next. THE Old Settlers Meeting at Wau- oonda la Aafoat 30tb, "and don't yon forget It." THB Harvest Party, at the River­ side Houses McHenry, will take place August 34th. . QUITS a number from kbit villagi attended Barnum's 8bow, at Elgin, en Monday. THB MoHenry Bfte Ball Nine jvlll play the Cary Club, at Cary. to mor­ row, Thursday, afternoon. BINDING TWINE, at Wholesale and Retail, at R. Bishop's Warehouse. " McHenry. / THB new Street Sprinkler has ar- / rived, and Is dally doing duty on oar Vstreets. Its a daisy. READ the new advertisements of A1 theff Bros, and H. V. Shepard, to be found In another column this week. THE Willing Workers will meet With Mrs. Dr. B. T. Brown at Plstaqua Bay, Thursday August 2nd, at 2 p. M. SECRET ART. LOST, on the Sidewalk between O. W. and E. M Owens, a black Satin Fat Will the find »r please return U to O. W. Owen. NEVKB fall to read the advertise­ ment and locals of Bonslett A Stoflel as they are changed from week to week. s&V ' 0. h". WE are requested to give notice that thtrre will be no services or Sunday School at the Unlversallst Church, In this village, daring the month of August. A. sT WRIGHT, Secretary of the Mo- Henry County Agricultural Board, will accept thanks for a complimentary to the thirty-sixth annual exhibition, to be held at Woodstock, September ilth to 14th, 1888. G. C. JONES, Secretary of the Winne­ bago County Agricultural Society, has put us under obligations for a compli­ mentary to their 34th annual fair, to be held at Rockferd, August 27tb to 81st, 1888. He will accept thanks. JOHN STKONKR has been moving his building forward towards the street, raising It up and putting a brick un- derpining undeV it, mucb improving Its appearanoe and also the appearance ef Jhe street In that yldnlty. DURING the races on Saturday last, a foet race, of one hundred yards, for 925 a side, was gotten up between Toney Barbian, of this village, and a yonng man from Cary, which was won easily by Barbian. We did not learn Jhe time. fev DR. C. E. WILLIAMS, Dentist, Is still making visits to tills place, and can be found at his rooms, at the Parker House, en the lOttr'and 25th of each month, ready to attend to all work In his line. He Is a first.class dentist, and guarantees to satisfy all who ctfl. WM. M. RAGAN, of Waukegan, was a caller on Thursday last. MRS. SLATER visited with friends at Nunda on Saturday and Sunday. MRS. W. A. CRISTT has been visiting at Elgin for the past few days. B. GILBERT and wife visited with friends In Richmond OJI Friday. MISS JESSIE WIGHTMAN visited with friends In Elgin last week. ERNEST WENDELL, of Chiosgo. was cal'.iug on friends here this week. FRANK WARD has had a brother visit­ ing with him for the past few weeks, A. L. PATTERSON, of Chicago, was calling on friends here on Saturday l0 J. PEKOVSKT rejoices over the arrival of a nine and a half pound daughter on j£ftdnesday morning last. CLARENCE M YERS had the misfor­ tune to severely sprain his ankle one day last week. Mits ELLA KELTER, of Chicago, Is visiting with friends In this village and vlcinttv, this week, JOHN BREWER, of the Rlchuiood Gazette, was a caller on Saturday. He was down to attend the races. J. STILLWELL, Richmond's "boss"' painter, made our sanctum a pleasant eall on Saturday. C. E. CMAPELL and wife, of Algon- qulns, and Oeo. Chapell and wife, of Chicago, were calling on friends here on Saturday. ' HON. RICHARD BISHOP and wife started for Southern Illinois on Mon­ day afternoon. They expect to be ab sent about a week. D. L. JONES, wife and son Bennle, of Waukegan, Ills, attended the encamp­ ment at Fox Lake, and vial ted at the eeler farm the past week. Miss AMIS OWEN. Miss Kale Howe, Mies Mattle Smith an] Miss Maude Van Slyke are spending the week with Oeo. W, Owen and family, at Pistaqua JLR, AND MRS. W. J. CUTTEEIDGE re- joice at the birth of a son, last week Thursday. So says the Lake Geneva Herald. Mrs. Cutterldge was former­ ly Miss Maggie Clark, of this village. JACOB WENTWORTH has gone to Elgin to take charge of the Yard of the Elgin Brick Company. He has had largo experience in the business under th# Superintendence of his father, who is oae of t'ie best Brick Makers in the Northwest, and with his steady ba&ftc and aoillty he is sure to make a success in his new field. His many friends here wish him sucoess. LADIES MUBIID Skirts, good quality, 35 oents. worth 65«ents. 'New French Ratteens 25 and 30 cents, worth 40. Domestic Satteensf 10 and 12} cents. Black Satin Parasols, best bargains of the season. Ladles White Dressing Satques, fine quality. Boys Shirt Waists 35 centf. At Lvlles Sales­ room, Nictiois' Block. THE Richmond Recorder Lather O. Bigg** editor and publisher, is the last candidate for public favor In the journa lit>fte field. It is an eight col­ umn folio, Republican In politics, printed on new type and presents a clean and handsome appearanee. We present to brother Rlggs the right band of fellowship and wish him all the luck that usually falls to the lot of country publishers. WE do not boast of the PLAINDEAL- EB, but lovite everyone to examine it and see for himself what it is. The subscription price 1s #1.50 per year in advance. For 37} ,oents, the regular price, we will send it for three months on trial, and there will be no trouble in getting it stopped If one does not wish to continue it after that time. We solicit subscriptions, and will do our best to make the paper well worth he price. THE Soldiers' Reunion at Fox Lake last week was pronounced a failure, the number in attendance eaob day be­ ing exceedingly small, and in conse­ quence the programme could not be carried out as was Intended. The caase ef the failure is said to have been a difficulty which arose on the first and lecond days .on account of the rations elng dealt out at Lippincott's, and the onsoquence was that the veterans Te­ amed to their homes in large num­ bers, and of oourse advised their friends, who contemplated attending the last of the week, not to go. As we did net attend, we only speak from ^hearsay. >• i y * \ > 4 THERE will be a Leap Tear Party,. •ft Malman'e Hall, Wauconda, on Thurs-/ day (to-morrow evening, August 2d;j under the auspices of the Relief Corps! G. A. R , the proceeds to be for th > benefit of the Sonc of Veterans. Goo ! music In attendance. Tickets 75 cent. Supperextra. WHEN you see a newspaper brag- Ing on Its own town and boomiog her for all she is worth, look at the advertising columns of that paper and see If the boom is solid and substantia^ or a more mockery. The odltorla' oolomn may deceive, but the advertis log will not. THBREISE good deal of oonfosion as to the significance of the different colored campaign plug hats. The authorities say that the Cleveland bat Is of light color with a blacfr baod; the Harrison hats are white or drab with corresponding bands. Ono ex­ change says that the mugwumps wear bonnets. THB great question, wWhy is a woman like a tea-kettle ?" lias been solved. We don't dare to say who gave us tho solution, for ho Is a marri­ ed man, and we should not like to see him oonverted suddenly to a bald- headed man. It Is because she sings pleansantly at first, then stops, and least I T E R C . H F E G E R S was called on the latter part of last week to administer, professionally, to quite a chapter ef ac­ cidents. George D. Davis, of Chicago, who was stopping at the Lakes, acci­ dentally shot himself through the left feot. Another party at the Lakes, whose name we did not learn, was hit and severely Injured with a ten-pin ball. A child of Wm. Norton's, aged about four years, fell and broke its arm. A child of Mat Miller's, north ef Johnsburgb, aged about 12 years, broke an arm. And a daughter-in-law of jS Wm. Hutson fell and broke her collar -I bone. At last accounts all were doing COMMUNICATIONS Intended for pub­ lication should, lu every Instance, be accompanied by the name of the writer, not necessarily loi publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Failure to comply with this rule often shuts oat worthy articles from the public, bat, aft It Is tbe publisher's only safeguard against those who seek to use th® press for the Ir own private and malicious purposes, we must strictly adhere to It. Our columns are always open to those who champion any worthy cause, boldly and fairly, but the anonjmeus writer, whOBe ob­ ject is private spite and malice, ean have no place in them. The latter class are found In every community, and should receive no onoouragement from the press. Buolnooo Oh«n«o. Since onr last Issue the McHenry Brick Company have sold their Yard and bnsiness In this village to the Elgin Brick and Tile Company, who have taken possession of the same. The bill of sale Includes 37 acres of land, 1,000,000 Brick on tian l and all tbe nuachinery, teams, etc. : Tbe busi­ ness will be continued here, but on a more extensive scale, (lie 'new firm haviog unlimited capital and propose to push both the McHenry and Mc­ Queen Yards to their fullest capacity. Mr. Isaac Went worth has been engag­ ed to take charge of both Yards, with Jacob Wentworth as assistant Superin­ tendent at McQueens and W. D. Went­ worth as assistant Superintendent and Book-Keeper at McHenry. This waa a wise thing for the new firm te do, as we reiterate what we have said before, that as a brick maker Mr Wentwortb has no superior. He has followed this business from youth, studied It in all Its details, and is as familiar with every part as study and long experi­ ence could make him. He was one of tbe founders of the McHenry Yard and it was his efforts alone that made it a success and brought the McHenry brick into the the market with a repu­ tation second to none, and sought after by builders far and near. The Elgin Brick and Tile Company were fortu­ nate In securing his services, anil they can be assured that with tho able as­ sistance of his two sons their business will be ably and faithfully attended .to while under his charge. J V^Phe company who now own the twfe yards is composed of tbe following named gentlemen: E. D. Waldron, Wm. Grote, J. B. Lane, McBrlde Bros., Andrew Magnus, Chfts. Herman and Henry Marckbofl. The McHenry Yard has one of the fiaest beds of clay In the Northwest and the McHenry Brick are fully enti­ tled to rank No. 1, and the new firm will never regret their purchase. THE Races at the Driving Park, on Saturday last, drew out a big crowd, and seme fine sport was the result. The day was fiue( and no cooler place could have been found anywhere, than beneath the trees In the center of the Park. Promptly at 2 o'clock the races were called, the three minute class being the first, for which there were seven starters' and the race was a hot one from beginning to end. but was won by Lakesida. owned by Geo. G Smith, of this village, takiug the first, second and fourth heats. The next was the 2:50 olass, in which there were four entries. This, too, wis hotly con­ tested, but Jockey, owned by H. Snyder, carried ofi tbe laurels, taking three straight heats. For the running Rtce there were three entries, but the Purse was won easily by a mare owed by F. K. Granger. Owing to the crowded state of our columns wo are unable to give a sum­ mary of eaoh race, IK wo would like to do, • DURING the coming Presidential Campaign Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper will be especially Interest* lng and valuable. Thoroughly Inde­ pendent, It will treat ail the Issues of the campaign with strict justloe and impartiality, Written and illustrated by the ablest writers and best artists and engravers, tbe Illustrated News­ paper will be simply indispensable to all who desira to be thoroughly In­ formed, It will be sent to any ad- drees six months for 92. Subscribe at once. Address, MRS. FRANK LESLIE, Publisher, 63,55 A 67 Park Place, K. Y, STOCK EXHIBITS. The time has arrived when each farmer can Inspect his stock, select what he thinks is best and have It In condition to exhibit at the Fair. Ow­ ing to tbe drouth of last season a great many were prevented from purchasing who will need something this fal», and why not have your best at tbe Fair. No one denies the great advantage one receives in having his stock at the Fair whore thousands can see It. Mc­ Henry Co., one of the foremost stock counties in the Northwest, ought to show a solid front this fall. No stock breeder can afford to be backward in doing his share toward making tbe Fair of 1888 a brilliant affair. We ought to show our visitors the very best we have. It Is the cheapest ad­ vertisement you can invest In. A. S. WRIGHT, SOC. LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOSTO.--A. r. %na n, meet at Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- A. F. and A., M, meet at Muonic y 1st a Mil* of each month. MODURK WOODMBK OP AMRPTCJL.--Meat at Masonic Mall every 3d and 4th Thursday even­ ings of eaoh month. Neighbort cordially in­ vited. SOWS OF TSXPBRAKCB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each. week. EDITOR PLAIPDEALKE:--Mrs, (Geo, Manor returned home fro n tho east on Friday morn­ ing. Mrs. Josia Manley waa down from Harvard a few days of last week. The ilatett arrival Is a ten and one half pound girl at E. B. Stratton's. Mr*. Martha Ro*ve has been quite atok *taee her return from Minnesota. Quarterly meeting services were held at the church on Saturday last. John A Rotnour came up from;Twin Lakes rridty night, returning Saturday morning, 1 Mrs. A M Rowe and Mrs. Olin ttowe re­ turned to their home in Iowa on Thursday. A brother of Mrs, Spooner, accompanied by his wife, drove through from Iowa recently, spending several days at this place. Found, on the road leading west of town, a fishing rod. The owner can learn of the same by calling at Frank; Howe's store Hebron. E. Rowe smiles aver a 11 pound boy, Mr, Hanchett has taken views of several residences in town and vicinity, which are pronounced to be first class picture*. He will remain with us, but a tew days longer. Those wishing work done must call soon. There will be a Harvest party at Howe's flail on Friday evening, August 17. Music by J K Smith'eOrchestra from Janeaville. Tick­ ets 91,00. Sapper will be served at Earle's Hotel. >A number of Hebronitcs started Monday ^norntngfor Geneva I^ako to spend several days in camp. The party consisted of Newell Manor and wife, Roilo Puillips and family, Frank Itowe and family, Mrs. ASaunderd, Mrs. L Mcliuron and Miss Blanche, Misses Annie Good sell and Ibbie Howe. Others will join the camp later in the > ook. Large posters announce a Ura&y entertain­ ment under the direction of Miss Delia Crewe, given at Alden on Tuesday evening. July 31st, by the crazy punils assisted by their crazy teacher. • crazy program and oraay^ice cream will be the order of the even, ing. No doubt it will i»e a crazyaflairand well worth attending. ORAPE3 FOR HEALTH. The use of ripe grapes for dinner Is of incalculable benellt to the human system, and the Pure Grape Juice, properly preserved, Is Invsluable for weakly persons and Invalids. The Port Grape Wine and tbe Grape Juice preserved from bis own vineyards, by Alfred »peer ef New Jersey, Is pro- nouueed by the leading medical ex­ perts to tie the molt reliable to be ob­ tained. To use tbe Uufermented Grape Juice is just liko eatlng tbe ripe sweet grape. Harvest Excursions Will be run by the Oblcago & North* Western Railway to points In Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota (Including the Blaek Hills), Nebraska, Wyomiug and Colorado, for which tickets will be sold August 21st, September lltb and 26th, October 9th and 23d, at half the usual rates, oae fare tor the round trip These Excursions will enable those desirous of locating on free govern* ment land or of purchasing cheap rail* road lands to look tbe ground over carefuliy and judge for themselves ef tbe wonderful fertility ef the soli, which Is fully demonstrated by tho bounteous harvest of the present sea­ son. For full information regarding rates, ti jkets.etc., apply to any Agent ot the ohloago A North-Western Railway. aug 418-sept 1-15 SULKY FOR SALE. I have a Sulky, almost new, which I took as seoarlty, and haviag no use for, offer for sale at a Bargain Inquire of ' MATHEW WIRTZ, Call on Mrs. B» Oonfectionarlas. Lawlat for ohoioe THB Woman's Christian Tom per ince Uatoa of McHenry Oounty will hold a County Con­ vention in this village,- Aug. s»th and 10th. at the Univcrsalist Church, commencing Thurs­ day at 10:00 A. M., Closing Frltlay at 5 i\ M Delegates from all the Unions of the county are expected. A good programme lias been prepared which we giva in p^rt. Miss, Nor­ ton, tho able President ot ilie Fifth District will preside at the meetings. Everyone is invited to attend ail the sessions of the Con. vention. Couie and hear ilio children, on Thursday, in the evening, liev. A. G. Duns- ford, of Murengo, Hi., will deliver ono of his line addresses, don't fail to hear him. It is earnestly dosired that llio fanners, business uien ana young men of the community attend tbe evening meetings. The following roiuronces lo the lecture of Rev. A. G. Dunsford, of Marengo, unler the auspices of the W. C. T. U. and L O. G. T., will give the reader an ido* ol the ability ot tbe speaker. Of his lecture, "The Mission ol the Hero tic," the Aurora J{eac.)n says: "It waa eloquent and most wonderful." Tbe ISlgin Advocate declares that "lie captivated his audience with the first sentence and held them spellbound to the end." The Bats via ATeufscharacterizcd it as "a broad, scholarly and brilliant effort," The Freeport Journal says ot his lecture, "Who ot' you is on tbe Lord's side?" "It was one of the most logical And eloquent lectures ever delivered in this city.** ' PROGRAMME, • THURSDAY, AUG, 9, 1888. W:Se4*it4-- Devotional Exercises. UlntO " --Tbe Object oiour Convention ..A Discussion opened by the President 11:06 » --The White ttlbbon Discussion opened by Mrs, W. £L ltar- back, Uidgefleld, 11:80 " --Discussion of General Work 12:00 " --Noontide Prayer . 4:0C •• --Prayer * * 3:20 " Wolooaio,. 1L Mado, Mclienry Response .Mrs. s. C Hay, Woodstock Introduction of the Pastors,... 3:30 r. 41.--Question Box *.00 " --Loyal Temperance Legion Exer­ cises, THURSDAY EVRNIHG. 7:S0* M -- Address....Rev. A. G, Dunsford, of Marenge. "Who of you is on the Lord 's side?" Fnil)AY, AUO. 10,1888. 9'00 A. M.--Prayer and conference 9.30 «• --A conference.. How may we make our efforts more effective. 11:00 " --Stepping stouea--Mrs.t). G. Tee- pie, of Marengo, Mae "flh-Fc stock. 3:0S v. M.--Social Msetin; 8:30 "gh-l'oem ..Mrs % B. Austin, Wood- Si 10 " -- Foreshadowings in the light of History....Mrs. Anna Thomas Wyckoff, McHenry. Question Box Adjournment The above announces onlv a portion of the good things in preparation for tho convention. All are most cordially invited te attend all the meetings. Do not ,fail te hear tne even­ ing lecture, EMMA 3. NORTON, District President. Maa. O. G, TEKPLE, District Secretary. : Dakota Hot Springs. Located In the Bl^ck Hills of Dakota, are reported ai accomplishing wonders in the way of curing obstinate cases of rheumatism and kindred complaints. The Chicago & North-Western Kail- way runs fast trains carrying sleeping carsjbetween Chicago and Bufialo Gap, Dak., with only one change, from which point the cprings are most readilv accessible. > Excursion tickets at epeoial rates are now on sale. For full particulars apply to any ticket ageut, or address the General Passenger Agent O. & N. W. Ry. at Chlcajp. 3-wl WhBB Baby wee sfak, we gave her Csetorls, When she was a Child, she cried for Cactoria, When she became Miss, she clung to CMtoria, When she bad Children, she gave MwmOsstoria Something New for Farmers- short Stiff, Straw, long heads, im­ ported from Prussia, White Winter Bye, Big yield, from 25 to 30 buShe# $1# acre. The seed can be got of Peter Blake, one mile North of McHenry. on tbe Richmond Road, for one dollar per bushel. PETER BLAKE, ll-3-Sm THE BB9T TEST OF SUCCESS IS SUCCESS, Tested and proved by over twenty- fire years* use in all parts of the world AHcock's porous Plasters have the in­ dorsement of tbe highest medical and chemical auhorlties. and millions of grateful patients who have been cured of distressing ailments voluntarily testify to their merits. Allceck's Porous Plasters are purely •ogetable. Tbey are mild but effec­ tive, sure and quick In their action, and absolutely harmless. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for AHcock's, and let no ex­ planation or solicitation Induce you to aooept a substitute. Do not bet on election, but bet that our new uncolored teas beat them all. BONSLETT & STOSTRL, OOMTSIBUTKD BT "THE PROWLER.' ^5? Pickles are coming, Oorn and potatoes need rain, ' Stake races August nth and 25th. Several formers are building new silos. Harvesting is now tbe order of the day; grain is good. A Harrison and Morton streamer floats from Geo. Kldredge's flagstaff. Isn't it about time Richmond organized a Harrison and Morton Club? A few from this vicinity "took In" Burn urn's circus at Elgin, last Monday. Flourishing Su.tday Schools can' be found in the Keystone and Washington districts. A jolly party of our young men were in camp at Twin Lakes last week and part of this. Mrs. J. O. Coalman has lately returned trom an extended visit with her folks at Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. Rob't Motley's many friends will re­ joice to learn that she has so far recovered frOm her recent severe Ulness as te be up and abeut again. Carl Fay, sof Ring wood, formerly a teacher at Todd's Seminary, will preside over tiie destinies of the Selen school during the com­ ing year. L. W. Howe, assisted by ' Ed. Robbins and P. K, Wright, has disposed bf a large number of Binders this year, and binding twine has disappeared like hot cakes. The Richmond litcorder is the latest aspi­ rant for journalistic honors. Vol. 1 No. 1 made its appearance last Saturday, Oapt, L. G. Riggs is the editor %nd publisher. Our School Board has engaged Frank Garr, of Ringwood, as Principal of our Public School for the coming year. Mr. Garr needs no introduction to our people as he has hosts of friends iu thie town, who all rejoice at his success and wish him a continuance of it. Mr. P. K. Wright has severed his connec. tiou with L W Howe and can hereafter be found iu PostOfllco block, wherein company with Mr. Coalman ha will be engaged in the Dry Goods and Grocery business, Mr. uonl- man has already a largo trade and their suc­ cess is assured. G, W Kldredge has in "Earl Wilkos" one of the most promising i year old colt's to -be found iu this vicinity. He is entered in three Stake l£:u-es to be trotted this month as follows: Klchmond Augtislll. Snaron, Wis., August IStli. and Richmond August '25th. lie is a "hustler" and will make the best of them trot to beat him uodtn- the wire. John VW and Thomas K, Hodgo are profita­ bly and agreeably employed on tho steamer "Lucius .Newbury" of the Burton Sseamai- Line, on Lake Geneva. J. \V. is pilotol' tlie a position ho has tilled with honor for several years past. Any of their friends visiting the lake are suro of a rousing wel­ come trom the boys. l.ast weok everything was booming at 1'wiu Lukes, Several camping parties occu­ pied tents along the shores; Mr Lordag's collages were all occupied; the Rook%>rd i;lub was out in tail nuiuoers uudur'tiie manage* ment of Mr. Haskell and Oapt. Ackerin.m had uearly ono hundred regular boarder* besides innumerable transients. No bolter place ex­ ists tor an outing cither fora day or a week than .can be found on the shores of these beautiful bodies of water,' It is a fact bjyonu question that there is not the slightest douut anioug men of a>l parties at prescut In tue United states, as to wtitch political faith has the greatest strength 111 the country. No person with even ordinary powers ot judgment, believes otlier- wiso than that the UepubUcan party embrace -imijority of tlie voters of the Union, and that by a full vote can easily carry tboir points in the tall election, This being the case the situation is narrowed down to exceed­ ingly plain and clearly dcilued limits. The Itopublic in candidates liavo only to receive all the support and voles to which tliey are entitled, 10 oe triumphantly elected. Our Democratic trionua well uudei stand this tact, and build their hopes almost entirely on the uolief that the full liep.iciican voto can- nwl be polled in anyievont. Iteasoning from the conduct oi the party in times past, especially four years ago, lliese opponents have con­ cluded that it is an impossibility to again 4rouse and enthuso the Kepubiic^u voters itiroughout the country sutliciently' to win ihe battle. That ihcy have reason--goou reason too--for so concluding even the Uopub- lican voters must admit and the thoogiittui leaders ot tho party do mako the admission, sorrowfully but not by any,means hopelessly, believing that to so adniti is lar better than to boasttully claim everything in sight and out, Many a campaign has been lost through over-couihteuco and hragadocia, That in times }mst this stale of things has been the cause of the parties' downfall is true; that it must again deieat the hopes and plans of Re­ publican leadois if it takes place the present year is another tact; but tnat it will take place we are happy to say there is every reason to doubt, lo-day there is every evi­ dence of awakened zsal and enthusiasm in the UepubUcan ranks from Maine to Califor­ nia. Vlie Democrats, with their "Mugwump" and Prohibitionist allies huvo at least achiev­ ed so much at the very outsetot the campaign they have caused their opponents to thorough­ ly survey tho situation trom every stand, ooiut, and to appreciate It to its full value. The Republicans can see how, whore and why they should work. Tne partios* conscience is aroused and something will come of its awakeuing. ALGONQUIN- INoTlOfe--Persons in Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing ihemselvos inuebted for the PLAINDKAL.BR can learn of the amount by calling on John Holm, who is authorized to reccive money and receipt for the same, in our name. Those wishiag to subscribe can leave their names at his store. Gail on him and get a sample oe py.J .EDITOR PLAINDEALSB:--At D. W Thomas' Auction Sale of a car toad of milch cows, en Saturday (last, coir* sold on an average of per head. Mrs Ray, of Huntley, waa the guest of Wm, Morton and family, over Sunday. Mrs. Whorrall is spending this week with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. MahaiTy, at Eagle- wood, III. Mr. and Mrs, Sinnett, of Barrington, visited hero last week with thoir son, Emory Sinnett. George Helm and Arthur Ohapell went to Chicago on Thursday of last week to take in the Base Ball Games. Barni,m'a Circus, at Elgin, was well pat' ronized from here oa Monday of this weck. Big and little, old and* young, all went to see the elepliaat. The Ladies of the Sewing Society of the Congregational church wish us to e.vteml their thanks to the Gary Cornet Band for the line musio tbey furnished at the festival eu Saturday evening last, F. Kirst, our watch maker, pulled onton Monday of this week for Colorado,, ilo started down the river in a row boat. He in­ tends going as tar as St, j^ouis in that way. His son Frankie wont with him. The Pink Festival, under the auspices of the Ladios Aid Society tof the Congregational church, on Saturday evening last, passed oil' very pleasantly. It being a line evening there was a large attendance. The Cary Cornet Sand furnished some very line music, which was a very pleasant ^addition to the festival, and we learn it was also a success financially. Now Vootlbuled Trains* Tbe fast Overland Express trains ou the Chicago & North-Western Kail- way are now fully equipped with Vc6tibuled Baggage Uars, Coaches, Dining Cars aad Sleepers. The Over­ land Express runs dally In both di­ rections between Chicago and C >uncil Blulla,. connecting west-bound with fast trains to Denver, 8ait Lake, Port- laud, dan Francisco, Los Angeles and all Pacific Coast points, and east- bound with fast trains between Chica­ go and eastern cities. 8-3 w NOTICE. Tbe McHenry Brick Manufacturing Company having sold out their busi­ ness to tbe Elgin Brick and Tile Com­ pany, hereby request all persons knowing themselves Indebted to the late firm to call at tbe offlje at the Yard and pay the same without delay. All persons having any claims against tbe McHenry Brick Company are re­ quested to call at the Yard, where the book-keeper, W. D. Wentworth. will settle the same. WHITING St WENTWORTH, 3-3w. WOEAT WANTED.^ The highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Yalley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R, BISHOP. We fully warrant our Ciscoette flour. Only $1.00 per "saek at Bonslett A Stoftel's. Presidential ^ Ca»«fete>. We publlah the list of Presidential candidates for tbe seven different parties. Paste this In your hat on- less yon have a good memory: Republican party President, Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana; Vice President, Levi P. Morton, of N. Y. Democratic party--President, Gro- ver Cleveland, ef New York; Vice President, Allen G, Thurman, of Ohio. Prohibillon party--President, Clin­ ton B. Fisk, of New Jersey; Vice President, John A. Brooks,i.of Mis­ souri. Uulon Labor party--President A. J. Streeter, of Illinois; Vioe President, Chas. E. Cunningham, of Arkansas. United Labor party--President, Robt. H. Cowdry of Illinois; Vice President, W, H. T. Wakeflald of Kansas. Industrial Reform party--President, Albert E. Redstone of California; Vice President, John Colvln of Kansas. Woman Sufirage party--President Belva A. Lockwood of Washington; Vice President, Alfred H. hmw* of Pennsylvania. Jersey Bulls For Sale« The undersigned oiler,for ssle three line full blood Jersey Bulls. One IS The Champion of Ringwood,w No, 18103, coming three old, and a very fine animal. r One is a year old, and will be ready for use this Fall. And one fiae Jerssy Bull Calf, For full particulars and Pedigrees call on or Address HARRISON BROS. Ringwood IU. Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon Urease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, Ask for a sample of our new teas, we warrant them the best in town. BONSLETT A grorPEL. Sje the ci^ar fans, also the parasols, ?reat variety, low prices at Bonslett & StoHel's. Overooats, in all the latest stylet, at bonslett A Stoftals. Keroseue, the best quality, at Story's Drug store. Our 25 cent Tea Is the best for tbe price in the market. Our 20 cent roast Coflae Is the leader of al1 leaders. Prices Cream Baking Powder and Price's famed Extracts always in stock. Not canned lightning but Lightning Cans for sale by us. We handle Kenosha Butter Crackers. Our stock of 3rocarIes and Canned Goods always oleau and fresh, STOFFEL & BLAKE. ^Chemesette Colars only 10c at John Evaason A Co's. Ctnlles, a d ie assortment just re­ ceived at dtory's Drug Stora. New styles of Rug Pattarans, Rug Machines. For sale by Mrs. E. Lawlus. JUST received. A car load of the McCormlck Steel Harvesters and Bind- srs. Parties wishing machines can find them at my Warehouse. R, BISHOP, Seersucker coats and vests from $1.65 up, at Bonslett & Stoflel's. THE VEKDIGTI UNANIMOUS. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Blppus, Ind„ testifies: ' I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy Every bottle sold his given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, andwasenre i of Rheumatism of 10 years' etauding." Abraham Hare, druggist, rteliville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever haudied iu my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands or others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at G. W. Besley's Drue Store. The Chicago Meat Market. Situated near the Iron Bridge, Mc­ Henry, has been recently fitted up In drat class shape, and is now prepared to furnish customers with Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds, of tbe best quality, and at Bed~Rock Prices vVliea we say Low Prices we mean just#vhat we say, and we Invite you to call and see for yourselves. The Highest Market Price fNttd -for Calves, Hydes and Tallow. GIVE ME A CALL. Tnos. BURKK. Proprietor. Farmers Attention. 80 to S2 cents per bu9hel will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Waucou da M111. J. SPENOSB. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In Cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. _R. BWHOP, No more round shouldered ladies and gentlemen. Call and get a uew style brace and save doctors bills, at E. Lawlus'. JUNE AXD JULY BILL OF FARE. ,g$3.50 fitia shoes down to $2.5G. £§3.00 fine shoes down to $2.00. £91.50 fine shirts, with cuds down to $1.10. §2.50 stylish white stiff hats down to $1.90. $1.23 wool torbans, stylish hats down to 90 cents. . Gents socks». 4,10 and 15 cents, best. Boys black knee pauts 50 cents. • E. LAWLUS. Call In and get measured for a nobby pants at $7. Don't pay #9 and #10. Your choloe out of 200 samples. Also have your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, as he can not be beat la doing a nice job. S. LAWLUS, Tailor. .« WOMAN'S DISCOVKRV. 'Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this country. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and tor seven years stie withstood its savereet tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months ehe coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much re­ lieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and witb one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick A C©., of Shelby, N. C. Get a free trial bottle at G. W Besley's Drug Store. Artists material, a oomplete stock always on hand at Story's Drug 3 tor e. A choloe ttfttli Box Papei at Besley's, West filde. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban,* _ best Five Cent Cigar in the market. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, IB, %% Beeley's Worm Syrup for ehlldroK has no equal, All kinds Ladles* and Gent's Pocket book* and bags at Besley's Drug atom y west side, IF you want a first class Photograph, call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry M Owen's store. FOR SALE. A?arge quantity of Shelled Corn tot sale at Blsnop's Mill. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe*t fof ItlHIo*- * ery and Dress Making. # "Carrv the news to Hannah," tha#:*-' * the best place to buy l4#» * Shoes Is at Althoff Bros. - j - , j Besley's Death to Rats la sure certain. Don't be troubled wltii these peats longer. , ^ HOUSE TO RENT. ,-v^ Good garden and outbuildings % Terms reasonable. Inquire at thta * ^ offlce' Every thing in the Implement line can be found at Bishop's Warehouse* ; Call and examine. Prices low, y.| Drink Besley's Ale and ho heattlw. , and happy MIDDLINGS, * Corn Meal and Ground Feed at roii*'vC'."^ sonable prices. Call and learn price* ' ; at Bishop's Mill. 'J? Go to Althoff Bros, for^fne Shoe*. '% The finest stock In town. The choicest brands of Cigars la town, at Besley's Drug Store, West , „ Side. Machine Oil, best quality, 50 coats per gallon, at Besley's Drug Store.;. ̂ West Side, . . j. If you want to see the finest stearic of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices, at Althofl Bros. j Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitten. Toilet articles, such as are usually '4 found In a first class, well regulated "v pharmacy oan be had at Story's Drtuc " $ Store. * "1: Gents call and get the new coat eol- lar and lappell spring and have yoie coat In shape. E. LAWLUS, Agent. Screen doors at Shepard'a hardware lowest prioes. Brushes of every description, and for all purposes. Ail kinds, aud sizes, and prices are the lowest at J. A. Story. We have just received a very plete line Ladies Muslin Under which we offer at a bargain, Pie investigate. * :. vf JOHN EVAN SON A Co. ^ Stationery, all kinds to be found •f'^ Story's. B Be sure and buy a pair of Evanson's $3.60 Ladles fine Kid Shosa. Fancy Fans at modest prices, • ^ JOHN EVANSON A Co* Soaps. Toilet and Laundry,laa ek#^ less variety. £lgar» at J. A. Story's. Shorthand c . I Enclose stamps and write to llii* F. F. Judd, 79 Madison St. Chioa£0« for Importaut particulars of a practical course by mall. , £ Besley's Famous Waukega* Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A, Ba» glen's and John Heimer's. We have a few dozen silk Gloves at 10 cents John Evanson A Co's. Mi per Mask pair Bargains la Ladies Hoee from S cents to tl.25 per pair at John Evan« son A Co's. Oils, we have ou hand a large qoah- tlty of the difierent kinds for palMlags lubricating, &c. We sell only the pan, unadulterated articles, and ir^utiiit them as such. J. A. Story's. That a go needed in t complete 11 Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger* tbe fiuest thing on the market, at ther > West^ldo Drug Store. . Campaign plug lints for both parties at Bonslett A Stoftdl's. STEVENS A MILLER. Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found in our stoek. J. A. Story's. / Perfumery, all tbe latest populapr odors, always fresh, fragrant and last* lng at Storys. Paints, all kinds and colors, In un­ limited quantities. Mixed palat by ||k*^ pail or gallon at Story's C. F. TORNOW, Custom Tailor, of Xunda. wishes inform the citizens of MoHenry vicinity that be will visit Molls on the 25th of each month, with ftj line of samples, and will take or<lQlg for single garments or full suits SA4 guarantee satisfaction in quality ol; goods, good fits and low prices. * Headquarters at the Parker House, t Should the 25th tail ou Sunday, will be here tho following Monday. O. P. TOSNOW. V Dated. April 25,1888. 43*1 ' Furniture! Furniture!' JUSTEN BROS, wish to inforsii the public that their store on tho JKaal side, formerly occupied bv Jolts B. Blake, which bas been closed M M* count of sickness, is now open isd will remain open every day, where ean bo found a full line of Furniture of all kinds, from a single chair to a full par* lor set, aud at as low figures as any other store in tbe county. Any ktaw of furniture for less mouey than assail* er dealer* can sell it You can aavo money by buying your house-keeping outfits o{ us. Call and see us, lnapeot> goods and loara prloea before buying elsewhere. Jv STEM Baos. McHenry, May 15,1SSS. :?.i| •uoklen'a Arnloa til»S> ; The best Salve iu the world tor ooti oruiscs, sores, ulcers, salt rhettss* lavtf'< sores, tetter, chapped hands,ohliblaiMk oorns. and all skin eruptians, tively cures piles, or no pu it is guaranteed to give perl faction, or money refunded. oerts per box. For sale Besley,

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