Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Aug 1888, p. 8

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I jpMFt W Trapmaw L«gl eiteraoon »t Your iplare Hall. A l» extended lo the VlU«c« and vicinity to C. T. U. County CodtwIIOB lit the CniYorsaliat Church, i tad 10th. Able speakers. ^Nttettly requested to be pree-; ill u« shew by our presence thai I* Interested in temperance greatest of all faults, I should to be COMOIOUS of none. Perkins explains how Prohibi­ ts not ruining the Jawhawk- i was leoturing out in Kansas Usi _ ig where they have Prohibition, intemperate man came to one ftaaM: "Yes, Mr. Perkins, this IttOft will bring ruin to the 'II will, will ltr Yes, It iiapOTerlsh us and destroy our i homes." "New Jet's see about friead; let's examine this K . If i Kansas farmer brings 1600 ih of corn to Topeka. he gets how nriilgf it?** "Four hundred dollars." "Now If you take this 1000 bushels of COM to Peoria, how much whisky wffTirXn it make?" "'Four thousan caNons.* "And the whisky is worth-- lio«rin«MrtiP "Oh It will be worth abMt #4600." "And if this whisky * shettld oome back to Kansas you would Kate to pay about $4600 for it. Would It be worth anything to your clti-' cans?" "X©, I ailppoee it would cause a great deal of idleness and crime. It| would hurt us. I never did think? whtoky a positive benefit." Well I'll! tell you. This whisky will hurt you directly #5000 worth. You sell the flora from which the whisky Is made lor 9400 and then buy back the whisky^ for 94600. Yen would be directly out of pocket just $4300. And indirectly this whisky wouli coat Kansas in idle­ ness and crime about #20,000. It would take 16,000 men a day apiece to drink It ap it they drank a quart a day each.: The loss of 16,000 daye labor to Kansas^ would he 920,000 wouldn't It?" "By George 1** he exclaimed, "I never heard It put that way. I see it all plainly now m sever say anything about Prohibition damaging Kansas again.'*- "Ym, if Kansas can save #25.000 ori every thousand bushels of corn by lei- ting It stay In Peoria, the more she is dasaaged that way the richer she will become unt i l f inal ly I l l inois , u t t e r ly Im­ poverished, will have to call on Kansas^ to lend her money to build her poor homes. But there is one thing in Kan­ sas that will be ruined by Prohibition.'1; "What to that ?" he asked. "Why, her poor houses: I MB! WORLD V ICTQR. The McCormick Light Steel & BINDER Stronger titan the strongest, light at tho 1 ightest, 3urat>itUy'the greatest, light draft, good work and capacity, never equaled. We have the Red jWhite ant Blue, Crown, changable speed and McCormicK Steel. . v , Howe's Block* McHENBY, ILLINOIS, CHAS. A. BARBEE, Prop. fiiA 5* • ' v.-:, ! All kinds and at prices that are lower than the lowest. In fad everything in the Implement line can be found at my warehouse. Ipiii^trrulr "^Twnm BISHOP. DEALER IN SHSkUF A Have just received a new lot of goods including lace flouncing, 4§:' inches wide, in Chanfilljr, {Spanish. Guipure and Duchess T^a * JE fine line of ^ * *»?• >|->* W?!.- ware , Tin-, Copper I Sheet-Iron Ware The Peninsular and Reliablê it We take pleasure in announcing to the cltl- g«n> of McHenry and surrounding country that we keep on band at all times a fall stock of all kinds of 1 BAKER'S SUPPLIES, hNiiii And hope by a close mention to business to ttcrit the patronage of the Public. From a long expenonce In the business we are eonfl- ] dent that wo can please ail, PISS, CAK1S, »< And in short everything Is the Bakery ttne • Will be kept on tuna | fresh Every *<;'• A fULL STOCK OF : Confectionery and Cigars, Goods, JULIA A. 8TOBT, (One Door West of Riverside House,) li'HENRY, XXaXaZZVOXS. •] WWYWJPBALEB The best Stove on the Market and cheap. Come and see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that -will I hold a barrel. I The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tr acka, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pulleys, tie | best in the market. Oall and see it. Screen Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow Pail, a new thing. Haish'a Barb AX BOTTOM PRICES. JOBBING! AND E1SFAIEIN6 Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter F respectfully solicited. ~~ ~ STEVENS, W. P. & OWEN, All of the best qaalitr and at the lowest' frtoea. Oall and bee us. CHAS. A. BARBEE. Mpmtmxr. March 27th, 1888 THE CHICAGO M» fflORTH-N WESTERN '4' •• RAILWAY. lNfti}*trates the {Centers of Pepulatlortiln , ^ ^ I C I N E S , ~ L I M E Bmg», Chemicals, Dp StuffiuPaiali, Oik m4 Colon. Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OP STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Fhyisioians .Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharraa- I cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. We have a large stock of 1 , STOFFEL & BLAKE. liinota, D(ltOt(l I now a full stock ot all the latest novelties in Dress Goods, 1 of every description from 15 cents per yard up. In Trade Its train service Is carefully arranged to meet requirements of local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din- Mr ana place sleeping ears is without rival. iOteeL ^ 18 pfllr"otlon* ot ,tono ballast- •j (i The Northwestern is the favorite route for ;•the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the «eek«re after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information oheerfully furnished ** BERNARD BUBS. Agont, fc' MeHenry, III* WSlTMAJf, %Vr-, _ Gen. Manager. WaU Paper, - Clothing, BOOTS hM SHOES, BATS ASS CAPS, eXEOOH-XBIMB* We buy all our goods in large J quantities, for Cash, and guaran- For Ladies Wear, we have the never exclleed John Foster. For I tee to sell as low and many times I Men and Boys we have the John Foster and Buffalo, In Boots, the I lower than any Buffao and kedpath Bros. |"or house cleaning time we have laid in a fine assortment of The Finest Line if CLOTHING In the county; in all sizes and the latest styles and best fits. •OUR y.;f! Including French Batiste, Lawn Tennis and embroidered Swiafc Goods. Also Satce,.s, lutee stripes and checks, Ginghams; etc. # Japane-e, sauzo and feather Fans, ladies' ribl>ed Jersey Ves Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, L;ice Mitts, etc. All thwe goods havfi been bought at a great reduction we will sell at the t ' p- ^ 1-' 'A ' . X ' j , f • \ • ' >. tfwt we i al I and examine otfr stock and we will convince have as fine a Ime as can he found in the country. We are selling fans from 5 cts. up; handkerchiefs from 1 ct. up. Also a Ji m Decorated tea sets for $3.98. par stock ot pi AND SHOES ' Is complete in every respect and^ ̂ vill guarantee to give yctt satisfaction in quality and price. « ! e fITZSIMMQNS & HENDERSON. Opposite Post Office, V^est McIIenry, Jnne JjStjh* ' Hi WEST M HEMYr DEALER IN-- Jniors and Medicinal. PAINTS, OIL8« Toilet Article«, --PURE W1XHB A I f I I L IQUORS FOB MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. 5 Thebest brands ot Cigars an! Smoiting and Chewiug Tobacco jfclwayson hand. * is? PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Oarefully Compounded, Give me a call. \ / r l C. w . BE8LEY. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. W A L E P I A P E R B. a WIC KB, „Z*a0le Managmr. WILSON, ;.V;- Qmttral Pattenger Agent. A. m#church7 Watehmwker and Jeweler I NO, IB SOUTH OliABK STREET, Oht-oum, ill. Special attention given to r*. palriasrine watches and Chronometers. MT A Vail Assortment of Goods in bis line WHEAT WANTED. hSgbMfe market price In cash Mid for g«od mil Hog wheat f»z Hirer VeUey MjU^ Mc- B, BISHOP. fall j warrant oar Ciscoette Oalr 91.00 per >ftck at, Boyelctl Also Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Drapery Plushes, Curtain] iPoles and Window Shades. In GROCERIES, CASH BTOIjtE In tho county. We have now in an elegant lino of ire all clean, fresh, first diss goods, and we shall B AR THE 7o the Lowest Living Pricet. * In ARQ WHITf OQODa, CLOTHING, CLOTHING,rne Dre" 0ood,,' I In Black and Colors, and trim- Come and get the dandiest fit and the finest goods for the least I match. f Kew Spring money to be bad in the town I styles in 8T0FFKL Is larger thun ever before and we keep finer goods in Men's Ladies' and Children's wear, and Prices Lower. Our Stock of CARPETS, Wall Paper ' AND CURTAINS,, . tarry tte largest stockand guarantee prices the lowest. If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from Near tlie Depot. McHenrv, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, ©f ait kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public Tho B«et Quality of Lumbw, LOWEST LIVING PRICES- , „jrs. Bins, MOBlilQ Casinp, Boor M f Mow Frames-Ready Hade-always oi Hail Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. • '• ' - We shall keep bur stock complete at all times and spare no paisf : to accommodate ail wh» may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER COMPACT. , ft. f f . I l awagftr •>>*»

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