* V • -5 ...r'tbe above hovt j M«ttheW.O.T. Of? fwrt or credit fori "tft " " TeoapertuM* Lsglon Ida? iluraoM tt loarj JHttmpton Hell. A mOon to extended to the' vtlltge fc&d vicinity to «? ?* L / t* ' mmm. 14?"' ; » m n 5r may be defered, bat preieil | *0 one CM defer. (H ted that la every OAM of murdefj ilittt slaughter (exoepl one) th#j itttftdtng to the crime came direct] thesalooa, Report of the GrenUfcl of Cook county, IUM March 31,| The cry that Prohibition will do-*] •troy the farmer's market for grain 1*1 I very weak cry. The fact is that lesi'i than one bushel out of one hundred iMMboto of grain raised by American I farmer* goo* to brewers and distillers. For ovary #85 that the saloons get for (lie manufactured product tho farmer got* less than 91 for the raw material | tarnished. It doesn't pay, The W. C.T. U.Convention, which: I on Friday last, was a success In 1 respect. The exercises by chil dren were very enjoyable. Thursday! evening a crowded house greeted Rev, j Hansford and listened with the closest attention to his fine address. The Music furnished by the male quartette Was very fine, and the song by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh was heartily encored. Although Friday was a rainy day, tho I church was filled with earnest workers | and eager listeners. Throughout the Convention the devotional exercises! wore spiritual, the papers excellent, I ifta discussions spirited and of great] benefit to us all, and we hope at soma future time wa may again have the pleasure of entertaining the McHsnry OonntyW, T. C. IJ. The following] . resolutions were passed by the Con-] mention. Resoived, That the delegates of the | W. T. C. U. convention hereby ex-j ^ress their grateful appreciation of hearty welcome and abundant we have received from the lies or McHenry, and it is onr earn* oat hope that your Union may receive j IMw impetus of courage andusefoll- aess from this Convention. Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the Loyal Legion for their I beautiful exercises, and to the Choir | and to the gentlemen quartette for the Inspiring music furnished, also to Me Ladles who have furnished papers I for our programme. We desire to ex-1 ris our obligation to the clergymen McHenry for their presence and j aMistance, In behalf of the Union toe desire to return our thanks for Rev. | Dansford's able lecture. Jte»otved, That we extend ouri hearty thanks to the Universalist Soci ety for the use of their cheery little] church, and also to the ladies who dee- Mated it so beautifully. Resolved, That we extend our sym-1 pathy and beBt wishes to those who were detained by illness from attend* j log the convention. lias. JCLU BISHOP, Oor, Secretary* Beduee the Stack. N*iiiSt»ably there is less need df aftvi-1 •ing farmers to reduce their herds khan there has been for twenty-tire ] years. Still It is a matter of Impor tance. The drouth which led to the decrease of many herds during the last year, was/«Q4 entirely universal, *&d the temptatioih^gf low prices led some who were outside of the drouth | districts to buy more stock; and then 5 It Is possible that manyj carried over, I oven upon short feed, more cattle than they need. It used to be the rule to | . keep all the cattle that a farm would * carry, and we know how it worked. It | glutted the markets, and together] with some other causes, made cattle A growing a very unprofitable branch j of business. The® rule now certainly ought to be to keep tbe number of cattle withla reasonable limits, and the only way to do this Is for each one I to limit his own herd. But there are Buy herds whtch would be greatly benefited by being thlned out. I whether there are as many cattle as | the farm ought to have or not. Look •ver the berd and remorselessly sacrl- ] floee the poor animals, whether they are cows or bulls. What do the calvea I promiset If nothing, get rid of them a* soon as possible. An animal that gives no evidenoe of its ability to pay a profit on the food oonsumed Is good for nothing.-- Western Mural. Furniture! Furniture!! JUSTKN BROS, wish to inform the public that their store on the East aide, formerly occupied bv John B. Blake, which has been closed on ac> count of sickness, is now open and will remain open every day, where can bis found a full line of Furniture of all lordset,r°and "atgiS lowflgureaaaany I **ave now a full stock of all the latest novelties in Dress Goods other store in the county. Any kind I of every description from 15 cents per yard up. In of furniture for less money than small er dealers can sell it. You can save money by buying your house-keeping outfits of us. Call and see us, Inspect goods and learn prices before buy ins elsewhere. < „ . JUSTS* Baos. McHenry, May 15,1888. Buoklen'a Arnica Salve. Tho beat Salve in the world for outs Bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever •ores, tetter, chappe d hands, chilblains, conn, and all skin eruptlans, (and pos- thwly cures plies, or no pay required. It to guaranteed to give perfeet satis faction, or money refunded. Price 26 *.ts^ per box. For sale by G. W. OUB CANDIDATE FOB PRESIDENT. He will be nominated by the conven tion aad will be elected by the DOODIo 0 be will come the nearest to tbelr ideal of a Chief Magls- Xlectric Bitters has been given boat plaee, because no other baa ao well filled the ideal of tonic and alterative. Tbe lave Indorsed Electric Bitters 1 this great remedy in all •f Liver, Stomach and Kid- all Malarial Fevers asd OSSSOd bjr Malarial Poisons, Bitter* cannot be too highly Also cures Headache ipa. Satisfaction guar- ^aw»0yj*j[anded. Price 60c. -- y's Drug Store. warrant our Ciscoette fi <• ICTOR. ;m; The NfcGormick Light Steel HARVESTER <fc OXJB5 CAREFULLY,^. Stronger than the strongest, light as the lightest, durability the greatest, light draft, good work and capacity, novor equaled. ,0am# and aee our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make our«elvea, tti»t will bold a barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings. Floor Hooks and Pullers, tie best in the market. Call and see tt Screen thing* JULIA A» 8TOBY, (One Door West of Riverside Hous%) --DEALER IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES •A FULL LW*' Drop, Ctanloals, Bjs Statti, Paints, OUs aad Cota* Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptions . c Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. STOFFEL & BLAKE. We have the Red White ani Blue, Crown, changable specif a n d M c C o r m i c * S t e a l s V t . I RAKES I All kinds and at prices that are lower than the ^lowest, In fad evei^tfeJug itt lui^cuuiut line can bo touud at my wa^Jjouae. RICHARD BISHOP. West McHenry,* DEALER SHELF AND Have just received a new hit of good* including lace flouncing, W inches wide, in Chantilly, Spanish, auip.iro and Duchess U*sT M fine line of ^ j'l s 5 " ' X * + . _ Including French BrtiMe, Wft ffennte ni«! arfftn-btiWea SwUa Uooos. Also Sateoiis, laco stripes and checks, Gino-hams etc Japanese, gauze and feather Fans, ladies' ribt>ed Jersey Vests, Kibxms, Handkerchiefs, Lsvce Mitts, etc. All these been bought at a great reduction we will sell at tbe goods havfng V ^ ' Lowest Possible Figures. ^aflltii examine our ntock an«3 we will convince you that we have as fine a line as can be found in the country. We are selling ffqm, 5 eta. ; ̂Also a fine linê »f fans LASS WARE SABOLE Itoves, Tin, Copper Sheet-Iron Ware STOVES, The Peninsular and Reliiiblet The best Stove on the Market and cheap. Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow l^ilii a new finish's Barb Wire. AT BOTTOM PRICES. , . # AND Will be done on short notice and specialty of Butter Factory work, respectfully solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. A A phare of public patronage W. P. STEVENS, PERRY <Sf OWEN, We have a large stock of s, BOOTS ASD SS02S, 21 Hats! Hats! The Finest Line ff CLO^HING In the county; in all sizes and the latest styles and best fits. -^>UR ml SHOBS, For Ladies wear, we have the never exclleed John Foster. For [ Men and Boys we have the John Foster and Buffalo, In Boots, the Buffa o and Redpath Bros. For house cleaning time we have laid ! in a fine assortment of W|A|L|l#v P|A|P|E|R Also Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Drapery Plushes, Curtain Poles and Window Shades. In We have all clean, fresh, first diss goods, and we shall BB4B THE MARKET DOWN In SMVaSKS moa°y Tu Lowest Living Pricet. CLOTHING, GLQTH1NO, Come and ) ana get t to be nad it the dandiest fit and in the town. the finest goods for the least STOFFEL «, BUUlC. BATS AID CAPS, CkROC® MIBSf. We buy all our goods in large quantities, for Cash, and guaran tee to sell as low and many times lower than any CASH (STORE In the county. We have now in an elegant Hno of *8 MM AMD WHlti CfOODf* Fine Dress Goods, In Black and Colors, and trim mings to match. New Spring styles in tl Is larger than ever before and we keep finer goods in Men's Ladies' and Children's wear, and Prices Lower. 0«r Stock tf CARPETS, AM# CURTAIN8, n ••• Cannot be excelled. REMEMBER, We carry tbe largest stock and guarantee prices the lowest. Decorated tea sets for $3.98. Our DRY GOODS BOOTS " 'V Is complete in every respect and we will guarantee to crive satisfaction m quality and price. FITZSIMMON8 & Oypsdto Port 0*w, «r«at tteHoniy, Juae 36th, 18M iSft , . . W. BESLEY, Aptbecan, .0 ;-f«--DEALBR1H*- Drugs aad UedidaSi, FAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles. s'i,, ---PURE wmiis FCXR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. Thebest brands of Cigars an 1 Smoking and Chewing Tobaooe alwayson hand. . PHYSICIAN'S DESCRIPTIONS, C2arefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. G. W- BESLEY* Are You Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from • :,S Near tho Depot, est McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, ef ifci r' kinds, is the most complete of any ' and we are prepared to offer to the public Tha But QulHy of hnbi% AT tiie-». LOWEST LIVING. PKICES, Mt, Monldin Casiip, Door and Vindov Frames-Eeady Mafte-altayg m Hail Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no paUt9 • to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. ; WILBUK LUMBER OOMPANT.? O. H. GRANGER, : T fHgpSll - ' •• ' 1 i'v.