Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1888, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, AUO. Si, 1888. Railroad Time Table. ....7:98 A.* ,„.S:M " ... 3:00 i. M ... 3:96 " • ••6:96 " T»kii)| effect Jane 10th, train* vill put Me Henry Station daily, «a follows: OOIKQ SOUTH, 1 Uake Ganeva Passenger.*.. i LakeGeneva Express. t Lake Geneva Freicht I Luke Geneva Passenger...., $ Lake Geneva Passenger { Lake Geneva Sunday Passenger....7:tt OOIK9 itfOKTS. ' t Lake Geneva freight ... .SvIla.M I Lake Geneva Passenger • »6 * x lAke Geneva I'asseager 1»:H) •• t Lake GenevaExpress I r^ake Ghenuvs Passenver.-. 6:51 I Diily except Sunday. t Sundays only. xiStops only to Leave Passenjeia. ---. -, B* BUSS* AkwiI» McHenrv, 111 SEE Deland** idTerttseoent. F OUB Public School will open on I Monday, September 3d. / JOHN W. SMITH IB building a Silo CM Ibis farm, ;w«t of this village. Sir MM Kit Clearing Sale, commencing this week at Jonb Evanson A Co's. (f A. H.-HANLY & SONS are building, on tlielr farm, a new Silo, 32x40, 16 jfoot posts. REMEMBCB the great Excursion to the Mlstflsslppi River, Tuesday, Aug. 28th. Hound Trip only f2.00. RKAD the new advertisement of Stoflel & Blake, to be found in another place in this paper. / JOHN P. CLAXTON will at onoe com- I me nee the erection of a Slle, on bis I farm, east of this village. RKA^D the CloBlng Out Sale adver­ tisement of John Eranson & Co., to be found In ggother column. . ICUMEMBEB the place and date of the Old Settlers1 Meeting. Wauoonda. Thursday, August 30thjone week from id-morrow. IF yon wish to see the. largest Saw Mills In the world, go on the Excur­ sion to Clinton, Tuesday, August 28th. Round Trip only $2.00. ' DR. C. H. FEGERS IS treating his barn to a coat ot Paint on tho outside, Netgis and Klelfgan are doing the work, ' SOLDIERS and Sailors Reunion at Crystal Lake this week, Tuesday, Wednesday aad Thursday. A grand ; good time is being bad. STBATED.--Came Into the possession of the subscriber on Saturday, August 18th. The owner is hereby notified to prove that nlgbt-goWn, pay charges and take it away. ' BB sure and remember MM Old Sft tiers Meeting, to be held at Ylauoonda on Thursday of next week, August 30th. There will bd a big turnout. . K FRANK MILLER'S team ran away one f day last week, and capsized the wagon near the Riverside House, throwing out Mr. Miller and Injuring him quite severely. The wagon was a total > wreck. WE will cut by any ladies measure a dress pattern and warrant it to fit for 36 cents. New black dress goods, ex­ tra width. «Anew stock of boys aud Misses Hosiery at Ladies Sales Rooms. Nlcbol's Block. DB. WILLIAMS, Dentist, will be ab­ sent from home for a short time, con­ sequently will not make his ususl visit here on the 23th, £but will be here again on the 10th of September, as usual. . THE Harvest Party, at the River- aide House, on Friday evealng of this week, promises to be the party of the season. Slocum's full Orchestra will furnish the music, and mine host Calkins will do all In bis power to make It pleasant for all. IF you have never seen the Missis- , stppl River now is the time. Tuesday August 28, you oan make the round trip from McHenry for $2.00. Go and enjoy a steam boat ride on the grand­ est rlvbr on the globe, Leave MoQeory 7.-05 A. M. *!• THE only son of* Ed.' Dalley, of Chicago, aged about five years, died In that city on Suuday and the body Was brought to this village and burried from the Catholic Church on Tuesday. Mr. Dailey formerly resided near Burton's Bridge, in the town of Wau- couda. THERE will be an Ice Cream Festi­ val given at Band Hall, Ringwood, Saturday evening, August 25th, under the aunpices of the Ladies Aid Society A very tine Musical and Literary pro­ gram is being prepared and a general good time is expected. Admission 10 cents. ' I O. N. OWEN, of the 8rm of Perry & / Owen, caught a Muskaionge in Pishtaka Bay, on Wednesday ot last week that weighed fourteen and one half pounds. It was a beauty. He caught him with a common T/olllns: Hook. It is a settled faot that Pishtaka \and, Fox Lake, are the best fishing grounds In the west. , WB are In receipt of a COPY ot #• American School, a wide-awake, vigor ous. common-sense, educational maga­ zine, issued monthly, It announces its aim to be to reach the mass of school teachers with suggestions of practical value In the schtfol room. More than this, it leads in price. It has reduced Its subscription prloe to 26 ots. year, and promises to maintain Its high literary standard. "By this means," It says, "we are bound to reach the teachers." The editor of this paper some fifteen years ago orig­ inated the Idea of county education­ al papers, and has since then operated a very popular plan in many counties. The Company wants a teacher in every town to secure subscriptions, and offers very liberal terms. Address the paper •I 417 Dearborn &L, Chicago, III, PBKSON %tn MR. AND MRS. E. M. Owslt spent Sunday at Lake Qenav*. Miss EDITH CARPENTER visited wUh friends In Chicago last we**k, HENRY HOGAN, o( Uartland, was on our streets o:i Monday. GLEN WAir, of Elgin* spent Sunday in this village. FRANK GRIMKS, of Nunda, WIS on our streets Saturday and Sunday. H. V. Shepard spent Monday at Elgin. |Iiss KATE HILL, of Fox Lake, was calling on friends here on Monday. MRS. J. P. GOING is visitiog with friends in Chicago this week. DR. ^ F. BENNRIT, of Richmond, was a caller one day last week. FRANK COLBY, ot Lake Geneva, was on our streets on Tuesday. Miss DORA BESLET has gone to Waukegan to spend the winter. J. F. Going, of Chicago, was the guest of Mrs. J. P, Going last week. Miss NETTIE DOWNING and Mrs. How* ard Vinton, of Richmond, were calling en friends here on Saturday, MRS. MERRIS, of Dubois, Pachas been visiting with her sister, Mrs. J, P. Going, in this village. FRANK SCHNORR and wife and Miss Amie Owen visited with friends in Richmond on Tuesday. Miss ELSIE SCHUMACHER, of Elgin, is visiting with friends here this week. Mus. FRANK SCMNOBR has been visit­ ing friends al Woodstock the past week, * MRS. JoNfis anil two 'children, of Chicago, are the guostn of Hon. F. K. Ursngcr and wife, this week. PHILLIP IIAUPEBISCH and wife upcnt a part ot last week with friends in Chicago, "TTARTI Br,A*TEU. of Texas, Is spending a few days with hissister, In this village. MRS JAMES WALSH and two children of Elgin, spent Sunday with friends in this village. Miss ANNA NOKDQUEST started for Hartley, Iowa, on Monday, where she will visit friends for a few weeks. PROF. LINN H. YOUN«, of Sturges, Mich., who has been engaged to teach our Public School the qomlng year, was a caller on Friday. MRS. CHARLES PIERCE and two daughters, of Ettglewood, are the guests of C, 6. Colby and fatal lyjhis week, ' "f, J>L • HORACE O. HEDGS, senior editor of the Chenoa Gazette, is visiting with his daughter, Mrs, M. A. Howell, in this village. MRS. SLATER, her grand-daughter Gertie and her son Earl, attended. Camp Meetiug at Silver Lake on Sun­ day. MRS. ICHABOB WELLS went to Min­ neapolis, Minn., on Tuesday, where she will visit with friends for a few weeks. THE Ladies of the W. C. T.V. will meet with Mrs. B. M. Owen Wednes­ day afternoon, Angust, 22d, and not Thursday afternoon as per notice on the outside ot this paper. As this Is our annual election of officers we hope all the members will try and be present, Mas; J. B, PfCBBY. President. Mas. T. J. WAJ.8H, Secretary. THE MISSISSIPPI EXCURSION. If you have never seen the grandest view on the globe now is your time. Tuesday August 28 you can make the rouud trip for $2. Several Steamers will be In readiness at Clinton to give the excursionists a ride on the father of waters. TMB Circus that exhibited here on Wednesday last drew out but a small crowd, net being well advertised, nevertheless those who did attend pronounce it one of the best little shows that ever visited this town. No use trying to get through tills world without the liberal use of prin ters ink, _____________ THE Editors Dinner, given by W. B. Walker, of the Walker House, Har­ vard, on-"fhe lltb, la pronounced by all who attendel^M a very enjoyable afiiir. And we^fenew it *rould be, as •'Butt" never does anything by halves, Sorry we could not attend but never­ theless wish the Walker House and ite genial landlord s long and prosperous career. t . ' REV. MR. COOPER, ot- Aurera, who attempted suicide not long since finally succeeded Wednesday morning of last week. He burned his own bouse and went out and hanged him self in a barn. He locked hU> wife and daughter in the bouse before setting it on fire and.when rescued they were nearly sufiocated. Rev. Cooper occu pled the pulpit of the M. E. Church in this village one year, we think In the year 1876 or 1877. THE M. E. Sauday School will hold a picnic, Friday, August 24th, en the banks of the river, one and a half miles below the bridge. All scholars and others who desire to go meet at Mrs. Julia Bishop'j or the M. E. church, and conveyances leaving those places 9 o'clock sharp, will accomodate them. A committee has been ap­ pointed to make arrangements for boats, hammocks, swings, etc., and a most pleasant time fs anticipated. A cordial invitation is extended to every one. ' Ho! For the Mississippi. Grand Excursion to Clinton, Iowa, from MaHenry, Tuesday August (28. Leave McHeury 7 A. M..Terra Cotta. 7:10 A M., Crystal Lake 7:20 A, M., Tur­ ner Junction 8:10 A. M. reach Clinton 11:30 A. M, Leave 6:30 p. kn. fer this Grand Excursion through the garden of Illinois end across the Mississippi, round trip ticket will be sold at the i exceeding!* tow rase of JflU 93th. Annual Reunion. The Aonual Reunion of the 95th. 111. Voluntworc will be held at Harvard, 111., Tuesday, Sept.. 4,1888. A desire having beau manifested by some of the citiaehs, and soldiers of other organization* to give the 95th. a free dinner at that time, the following named committee. Asad Udell, Ed. Rector, aud J. W. G roes beck were ap­ pointed by the resident members of the 95 th, te act with other Com­ mittees that night bo appointed. At a meeting of J. B. Manzer Post, Com­ rades Marshall, hunger, and Woodruff, were appointed as a^-Hke committee. At a meeting of these two committees the following sub-committees were appointed. Committee on Finance--Geo. King. Committee on soliciting Refresh­ ments--Mrs. Si Ho Munger, Mrs. Wra, Hill, Mrs. Willard Soott, Mrs. Bert Alderman, Mrs. Wallace Allen, Mrs. Gilbert Brainard. Committee on Dinner--Mrs. Rupert Church, Mrs. Wm. Grovensteln, Mrs, Aaad Udell, Mrs. I. W. Seaveros, Miss. Agnes Marshall. Committee on Tables, Chairs, Stoves, Water,etc--S.Butts, C. W. Brooks, John Landon, Wm. Holllster, J. I> Clark. . Committee on Receptlea--W. B. Walker. R. J. Whlttleton, H. S. Will- lams. Committee on Music--A W. Young, C. W. Ntmn8, Edward M. Titcomb. Commit too on Band--Asad Udell. PROGRAMME . nead-qnartors at G. A. R.1X&U.,-frero which the procession "(vill march to dinner at ihe rink at 12 o'clock. Busi­ ness meeting at the G. A. R. Hall at 1 o'clock. Speeches, music, yarns, and visiting at the rink at 2 o'clock. All soldiers and their wives are cordially invited to be with us. Come prepared to sin£ a song or tell a story and have a good time. Committee on Arrangement--Asad Udell, Jfid. Rector, J, W. lil'uosbeck, (Co., papers please copy.) FAIR LOCALS- Bx-Gov. St, John will be the attrac­ tion Sept. 12th, Prohibition Day. Thursday, Sept. 13, Republican Day, Hon. Joo Fifer, candidate for Gover­ nor, will greet all who oomo, besides the balance of the State nominees. Friday, Sept. 14, Democratic Day, Hon. Wm. C. P. Brcckeurldge, Hon. John Palmer, candidate for Governor, will be happy to see you, in eompany with tbe balance of the State homi- nees. The two candidates for Governor will not be in this seetion again before election hence come out aad give them aroyal weloome. The stake for 2-yr-old will be con­ fined to the county and will be the best 2 In 3 half mile heats. Entries will close evening before the raee. Entries to regular races clese Sept, 5. the outlook Is brilliant for the Great Fair to break i ts record this fall. A. S. WRIGHT. Sec. BUT two weeks more of the engage­ ment of "The Crystal Slipper" at the Chicago Opera House remain to be filled before the magnlficlent||scenery. costumos and otbeft|M£aphenalla, with Immense company, are transported to the stage of the Boston Theatre. Last Sunday night several new faces ap- pe tared in tbe cast, Miss To pay Veon, the well known burlesque actress, suo- ceeded Miss Elma Delare as Florade- fluma. Mr. Harry Allen (Augotura) retired from the cast, and his place has been filled by Mr. Charles Warner. The two lacqueys, Tweedledu m and Tweedlede are now portrayed by Messrs Kelly and Sqllvan, Miss Homie Weldon now enacts the part of the Fairy Graclosa. Owing to its great popularity, "The Dolls1 quadrille" has again been Introduced. It is estima­ ted that over a quarter of a million persons have already witnessed " The Crystal Slipper." The last perform­ ance will positively be given Saturday evealng, September 1. Tbe next at­ traction at the Chicago Opera House will be Thomas W. Keene. An elabo­ rate revival of "Richard III" will be given. FOR all people, to sickness or in health, lemonade fs a safe drlhk. It corrects biliousness; it is a specific against a'orms and skin complaints. The pippins, crushed, may aUo, be mixed with water and sugar and used as a drink. Lemon juice 1s the best anti-scorbutic remedy known. It not only cures the disease, but prevents It. Sailors make a daily use of It for this purpose. A physician suggests rub­ bing of the gums daily with lemon juice to keep them in health. The bands and nails are also kept clean, white, soft, and supple by the dally U6e of lemon instead of soap.' It also pre­ vents chilblains. Lemon used in lntegy mittent fever is mixed with strong, bot black tea or coffee, without sugar. Neuralgia may ho cured by rubbing tbe part aflects^d with a lemon. It is valuable, also, to cure warts and to destroy dandruff on the head by rub­ bing the roots of the hair with it In faot. its uses are mauifold, and the more we employ it externally tfte bet­ ter we shall find ourselves.-- Auditor's Meeting. A meeting of the Bjard of Town Auditors for the town of Mc Henry, will be held at the council room In tbe village of Me Henry, on Tuesday,iSept., 4.1888. for the purpose of auditing all claims against Bald town. All inter­ ested are requested to bear this In mind and hand In their claims on or before that day. •--.vvx r>.; K. G. MAYES, Town Olerk. , Tho Excurion. romaln at home Tuesday, August 28, y IU will miss the cheapest and belt excursion ever run from this vicinity. Rouod trip ^ only 12.00. Leave McHenry 7:06 A. x., Terra Cotta OS A,K.Reaeh Clio too UJWA*** Fort Hill Precinct-Lake iCo. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--I am happy to report that tho present season has been an unusually healthy one for old people attfl many of our aged citizens are planning to attend the Old Set­ tlers' meeting at W&uconda August 30th. !f the weather shall he. favorable. Our citizens are all very much interested in the Soldiers' Re-Union which is to be held at Slusser Grove, on the banks of GrayVLake, on tho 22nd and 23d day* of Angnst. A large crowd is expected. Extensive prepa­ ration arc being made for the suitable accommodation of all who may come. I am not posted In regard to the pro­ gram of the entertainment hut hear that there is to be music, both vocal and Inrtrumental, and some public speaking. Our population seems to be Increasing gradually. Among the late arrival are a son In the family of Willla Wllsen,*-soB In tho family of Georg Wood aad a daughter In the family George Thurlwell. Among visitors from a distance wh have called on friends In Grant an Avon during the past tw& weeks ar Elder Roberts, of Winchester, Scot| oounty, Illinois, John Wlekham, Kansas, Mrs. Frauees Van Huson,o Cleveland, Ohio. Aaron Fox, of Minn! eska. Minnesota, aud Harfy Wheelocl of Wlcheta, Kansvs. Political excitement is runnl rather high just now In regain? county officers. Oar Comity Couveu tlon will be held on Tuesday nea t which will dispose of many of tl 3 candidates. We have a wet time for harvestin] oats, and frequent showers ret§r stacking. Many large fields of oat are still standing In shocks. Corj looks well and is growing finely. Po: tatoee light exoeptlng those earl] varieties that woro planted early. 1 think, with the PLAINDEALEE that there would be some chauce for tliird li'jpubUL-mi ci'.ndilatc tMa yeai Hoi For tho Mississippi! Grand Excursion to Clinton, Iowa* Tuesday, Auguit 28th. This excursion over the best managed and best equipped railroad in America, takes you through tho garden of Illinois,! threugh the nourishing towns of Geneva, i^oKalb, Koehollo, Dixon, Sterling, Merrieou, Fulton, and across the grandest river on the globe, on the magnlfioent Iron bridge of the C. & N. W. R'y Co, to the large and thriving City of Clinton, where are located the largest saw mills In the United States. For this grand excursion tickets will be sold at the low rate ot $2.G0 the round trip. At Clinton several steamers accom­ panied by barges for dancing, will be in readiness to give the excursionists a ride on the Father of WatorB. Tick­ ets for sale by station agents. Leave McHeury at 7.-05 A. M.^ Terry Cotta 7:16 A. x. Crystal Lakl 7:30 A. Reach Clinton 11:30 A. M. OLD SETfLEHS' MEETING. THE annual reunion of the Nlnty- fifth Regiment Illinois InUntry will take place at Harvard, Tuesday, Sept­ ember 4th. The members of the old organization, residing at Harvard, are making all nsccsaary arrangements for tbe comkig event and it IS exWei- ed that the occasion will be one of the best ever enjoyed by tbe surviving members since tbe close of the war. A business meetin ; will be held at 11 A. M. Dinner will be served at tbe Wal­ ker House and the "boys who wore the blue" know th|t this means plenty of 'grub*' lots of It and of tbe very best quality. Be sure and attend this re- TOMO Baby wMslok, W* gave her OasteHi, When die was a Child, she cried forCastorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Oaatoria, When sha had CliUdren, stogare tbem Oastorta, ^WHATEVER their faults and fallings may be, editors as a rulo are kind- hearted and liberal. An .exchange tells of a subscriber to a ,certain paper who died and left fourteen years' sub­ scription unpaid. The editor appeared at tbe, grave as the lid was being screwed down the last time and put in a linen duster, a tbermemeter, a pslm leal fan and a receipt for making Ice. THE fellow who hired a white horse to take his red-headed girl, from oat riding, Is said lo have cast an auburn hue on the sincerity of bis affection. "Give mc liberty (and gum) or give me death," NEVER fall to read the advertise­ ment and looals of Bonslett & Stoflel as they are changed from week to weak^ Money to L«oan. Money to loan In sums from $109 to $1,500, on good security. Inquire at this office, 0 We fully warrant our Ciscoette flour. Only 91.00 per "sack at Bonslett & Stoffel's. 3TAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE. I have some very choloe Strawberry Plants for sale at reasonable rates. LEWIS WAIT. no USE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale bis House and Lot, in^the village of Mc­ Henry. Is pleasantly located, good barn and outbuildings, and Is withal a desirable property. Will be sold reasonable if applied for soon. E. CAaPEKTBB. McHeury. Aug. 14, 1&» Something New for Farmers Short Stiff, S;raw, long heads, im­ ported from Prussia. White Winter Kyo. Big yield, from 25 to 30 bushels per acre. The seed can be got of Peter Blake, one mile North of McHenry. on tbe Richmond Road, for one dollar per bushel, PBTER BLAKB, " * » . . r" •• "A'" • •"'•.*•£'7 Annual Re-llnion BASKET PlCtlO. Old Settlers' Associate Of McHenry and Lake COuntie WAUC0NDA, ILL., TtaJai, Anpst 1883, Cuapialn. Rev. J. L. Brooks. M arshale, Frank Powers, A. C. Bangs, M >rrh Ford. . « uo follow lug speakers will address the meetiug: Hon. Richard Bishop, Hon. George Gago, Joel H.Johnson, Esq., and oth9is. The Rs-Uulfeu will be of the Picnic order and will be held In Ford's Grove, YVauconda, where ample accommoda­ tion will be furnished for all.2 Tbe Old Settlers' Champion Flag will be contested tor. and the town bringing io the largest procession of teams on tbe day of the reunion will be awarded the Champion Flag. Let every town in Mcllenrv and Lake counties make an effort to carry home tho llngj Appoint your marshals, or- Tuzo^lnd arrangements will be made to meet and count your delega­ tion a^a certain hour, thauno delays majj^feccur. "^wauconda Millitary Band, a martial band and a choice • choir will furnish mualc for the occasion, general iuviiatiOh is Attended to all to oome out, meet the old settlers and have n. day of "real enjoyment. ASA W, SMITH, I'rc^Ulent. J. BLTKE, Secretary. • SANTA FAIRBANK SOAP Chicago Made Business :Notice«. Harvest Excursions Will be run by the Chicago & North- Western Hallway to points In Iowa, Minnesota. Dikot-i (including the Black ililla), Nebraska. Wyoming and Colorado, for which tickets will bo sold August 21 st, September 11th and 25th, October UtU and 23d, at h&if the usual rates, one fare <or tho round trip Thcae Excursions will enable Lnose desirous of locating on free govern­ ment land or ot purohasin* cheap rail­ road lands to look the ground over carefully and judge tor themselves of the wondurtul fertility of the soil, which Is tuUy damou&trated Uy the bounteous harvest of the present rea­ son. For full Information regarding rates, tijkets, etc., apply to any Agtmt ot the Ohicago & North-Western Railway. , aug 4«lS-sept l-lo A PRESIDENT ON BK VNDY FOR SICKNESS, Tbe President of the Baltimore Medical College, Dr. Byrd, who has thoroughly tested Spoer's wlues, etc.. says: I have prescribed Bp"er's Port Grape Wine with marked and decidedly ben­ eficial effects. I am prepared to bear testimony to the value of his Pedro J. Brandy, also, as a pure and valuable article In all oases of disease In which a reliable stimulant is required. I would be happy to feel that I was in­ strumental In Inducing my fellow citi­ zens to patronize these productions, to the exoluslon of the foreign "doc­ tored,M and harmfully adulterated wines and brandies with which our people are often Injured. HARVEY L. BTRD, M, D. President and Professor of Obstet­ rics and Diseases of Women and child­ ren, Baltimore Medical Collego. SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. Brandreth's Pills are tho safest and most.effectlve remedy for Indigestion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipa­ tion, Biliousness, Headache. Dizziness, Malaria, or any disease arising from an impure state of the blood. They have been in use in this country for over fifty years, and the thousands of unim­ peachable testimonials from those who have used thom, and their constantly Increasing sale, Is incontrovertible evidence that they perform ail that is claimed fgj: them. Brandreth's Pills are purely vegeta­ ble, absolutely harmless and sate to take at any time, Sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar-coated. Why bet on horse races when you can have a sure thing by betting on our all solid Pebble Goat, Ladies but­ ton $1,50 Shoe. For the beat Oil Grain, Glazed Don- gola, Pebble Goatv or Kid Shoe 92,00 You should come and see us. We still lead on *25 cent tea. Our 20 cent Coffee is still the champion. For the only genuine Kenosha crackers come to us. STOFFEL BLAKE. Furniture! Furniture! JUSTEN BROS, wish to inform tbe public that their store on the East side, formerly occupied bv John B. Blake, which has been closed on ac­ count of sickness, is now open and will remain open every day, where can be found a full line of Furniture of all kinds, from a single chair to a full par­ lor set, aod at as low figures as any other store In the county. Any kind of furniture for less money than small­ er dealers can sell It. You can save money by buying your house-keeping outfits of us. Call and see us, Inspect good6 and prices before buying elsewhere. JUSTEN BROS. McHeury, May 15,1888. Artists material, a complete stock 4ittafa h«ftd &t Stacy** Ontg Start* SKIS*5 rr*vv?Xii^s.V«v• < "y j v"- I'ffep Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY". jl.vsoxto.--A. F. au<t A, M. meet at Masonic Flail on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- of eHo.ii month. MODERN WOONXAN op AMEPTCA.--Meet at M i sonic Hall erery 2d and 4th Thursday even- ingij of each mouth. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. SONS OF TEMPERANCE.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of eaoh week. EDITOR PUIVDHALEII:- Ed Taylor's ohil- dren have the vrlioopinff cough. Sir, Gliut French lias been the guest of Dr. and J|rs. lierrick. The campers have returned from the lake nmt wide A\rako camp is deserUd* Mr* Wilkinson, of Harvard, took charge of the drujj t>toio durtug the .abaense of the pro­ prietor. Master WllHo Van Hoozen. from K vans ton, has i>een spending a few uays in towu, Mr. Potter, from Steuben Oounty, X. Y„ is visiting his relatives, Lyman Pierce's family. While the Presbyterian church is under, goiiifr reimirs, the services are held in the grove near the Church. Mrs. Ifeury J . Mead, from the west, has been visiting friends In this place for Isome time. A samo of ball, played between the Hebron and Richmond kids, last week, resulted in the defeat of the former. All prououneo tho dance on Friday evening to he tho most enjoyable party of the season. Twenty ei^ht couples were present, Rich­ mond boin* well represented. The spin of horses belonging: to Wilder Smith, which wero stolen from his barn on the evening of August 12th.. were found, after diligent search, in an oat Ueld, near Alien, 011 the following t'ueaday. Jlr- Wilson, from Valparaiso, who has been e:ig»ge<l as principal of the public, school, eamc on Saturday evening and took up his hea l quarters at E. K. Howes', Tue inter­ mediate una I'rimsn'y ilepartmcuts will be under the charge of Miss King, of N'unria, and Mwd I.ul„, of Allen Alltttoiigti xtratigers to this place trie three toacners come to us highly recommenced. On Saturday last tho "Scrubs" and ••Pro­ fessionals" .played a game ot ba 11, the score being (7 to 1 111 i'aror of the Professionals. T;ie game will bo repeated on Saturday after­ noon ol this week, commencing at tw.i o'clock when the tsoruos intend to gel to the front, it will doubtless be an interesting game aud a close one Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Merry returned from Chicago on the evening train Saturday. The marriage of Mr, Merry and Mis* Emma Mead occured at the home of the bride, on Tuesday August 15, WSrt, Rev, W. A. Cross ofllciatiag. We extend tho hand of congratulation, witn an earnest wish that the future sf our friends Web and tiuima may be a happy one. Those ghosts who have been haunting the Presoy terian cemetery and tresspassing uoon tue silent city of the dead and trying in cunningly o devised ways to frighten people out of their wits, but failed to conceal then- identity, may learn to thoir sorrow tliut thoie is a boundary lino to mduranco, and if they continue 111 tueir uulawtul deprouauons may Hiiil thiitr motherssuuetariddled with bullet*, and there is a place prepared tor aK such specimens of hum^utty Alden people were too kind to ttieir ghostahips a few years ago. liebron ha» a horse company, organized many years ago, many ot the olli members ot which are still living. In the uays when norse thieving was a frequent occurrence the sound of tue bugle wouia call together a large hand aud through their uresistent .search it was almost impossiolo jor a thief :o escape. The organization has been slumber­ ing lor a number of years, iu consequence of nothing to do. Out at tho least cause of ac­ tion it will be found they will awake witti a will with their number inorersed an huudred fold, aud it will ibe wise for horse thieves to give tills scclisn a wide berth, for (they can- uot escape. ALCONOUIN- [NOTICE.--Persons iu Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing themselves indebted for the PLAINDUALBK can learn of the amount by oaltiug 011 John Helm, who is authorised to receive money and receipt for tue satnu, in our 'name. Those wishing to subscribo oan lo.ivo tnolr names at bis store. Call on him ami get a sample copy.] KoiToa PLAIXUEALEU -- L>r. Velie, Secre­ tary of Chicago Academy of Science, spent a day with Dr. Nason here last week. At O, K. Chapelt's Auction Sale of a carload of miloh ROWM, on Wednesday of last week, cows sold on an average of per head. Wo attended tho Woodmen's Picnic at Woodstock on VVc'luos'lay of last week and liad a very pleasant time as wo always do when tho Woodmen meet. Algonquin has got a Half Mile liace Track an 1 it ib nil Hi Ijy tuoao that are judges that it can be made one of the best half mile tracks in 1:1c stale, Ho thero is nothing to lnuder Algonquin having some fast horses as we have some as flue stock as there is in tho country. Aud we also have a Base Ball ground in the centre of tho track so tho boys won't have nay excuse on account of not hav­ ing food grounds to play on. All they have to lo now is to Uo some good playing. C. K. elm pell came in on Friday of last week with a carload ot uiilch cows and he is billed for an Auction Sale for Wednesday of this week, Aug, S2d. 1). W. Thomas came in on Saturday last with a < ar load ot uiilch cows, aud he is selling them out at private sale. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Benson attended the funeral of tue iffant son of Orri£ Benson, at May wood, on Saturday last. 1 Mr. Kd. and Miss Jessie Chandler, of Chioa- gu, are the guests ot the Chapell family. Algonquin was well represented at the .Silver Lake Camp Meeting 011 Sunday last. J. Van Slyke, of tho PLAIKDEALEB, was a oa.ler iu Aigouquiu on Monday ot tuis week, iiias Myrtio McKoe and Miss Mary Adaruek arc attending tiie ^chooialarms Convention at \N oodstock this week. " • John Johns.tou's brother, from Chicago, vis­ ited with him here a part of last week. Mrs. Joo Winkio, Jr.. was very stck with catarrhal icsrer last Friday (light. Dr. Nason attended her. ' - Mrs. Nellie Thredgold had a bad attflfeft of catarrhal fever last week. i)i\ Nason jrtts in attendance, . . • One of John Jencks* twins has been quite sick for the past week but is no won the mend. Chad. Wand rack's two children was quite sick last week. Mrs. Sinnett and children are visiting at llockford. Mrs. G. French aud children were the guests of H, J. Brink last week. J. W. Adamek, of Elgin, is home for a « eeks vacation. Mr. Wm, and Miss Alice Pooley, of Aurora, are the guests of James Philp. Married, Aug. 30, 1886, at Algonqnin, by Jas. I'liilp, Esq,, Mr. Everett Chandler to Miss Mary F. Dunn, all of Algonquin. The bridal party left on th« II^JOA. M. train for a short wedding tour. May success and happiness go with them is our wish. ( Mr. A. Doig is constructing a Fi^hway in hisdain. It is one of the Rogers Patent and we exp -ot the lish will have free passage when completed. Hanchett's Photo Pavilian will remain here one week after this and anyone m want of pictures would do well to call on them as they are doing some very good work and on reason­ able terms. The Ladies' Sewing Society, of tho Congre­ gational Church, will meet at Mrs. 6 Dodd's, onJWednesday of next week. Neighbor J. D. Keyes i« on th« sick list. A choice line of Box Paper, cheap* at Besley's, Weet Side. ? SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," tfe* best Five Cent Cigar in the market. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, HI* Besley's Worm Syrup for «hlldiftn has no equal. r" • All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side. IF you want a first class Photograph, call on L. K. Bennett, over Perry A Owen's stere. _______ FOK SALE. A large quantity of Shelled Corn t*r sale at Bishop's Mill. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's lor Mllitfr* ery and Dress Making. "Carry the newa to Hannah," that the best place to buy Ladies Fin# Shoes is at Althoff Bros. v 1' *"*! Besley's Death to Kat« Hi tore a*4 certain. Don't be troubled witk these pests longer. Plum-ba-go-ine, tbe finest Wagttt, Groace ever used, a new thing, aft Besley's, If' Chomesette Colars Evanseu & Co*s. only lOo at » ri-Ciuiles, a fine assortment just ceived at Story's Drug Store. ' Every thing in the Implement Htttt can be found at Bishop's Warehouse, Call and examine, Pricos low/ Drink Besley's Ale and be bealthjr and happy '..""ME' MIDDLINGS, Corn Meal and Ground Feed at rea* sonable prices. Call aad learn priett at Bishop's Mill. .. Go to Althofl Bros, for Floe Shoes. The finest stock In town. v- si The ohoicest brands of Cigars Ifp^ town, at Besley's Drug Store, Wee| Side. «j Machine Oil, best quality, so cfttniai per gallon, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. It' you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prleei, at Althoii Bros. Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Toilet artioles, suca as are usually found In a first class, well regulated pharmacy can be had at Story's Drug S tore. Screen doors at Shepard1* hardvn# lowest prloes, Brushes of every description, and for all purposes. All kinds, and slsea, and prices are the lowest at J. A. •Story. • -vi Stationery, all kinds to iM found taw* Story's. • A * Be sure and buy a pair of Evanson*« C Vj 92.60 Ladies flue Kid' tihoss. . „ £ % • , Fancy Fans at modest prices, * J JOHN EVANSON ^ ~ .jjpjJ Soaps, Toilet and Laundry,* an en#* " H less variety. ' Cigars at J. A. Story's. • ' ^ ' Shoi*thnud. 4 • * W Enclose stamps and write to Mrs. F. F. Judd, 70 Madison St. Clilcago, • ,sii for Important particulars of a practical ^ course by mail. v j -- y Besley's Famous Waukegao •; Ale and Porter J Ji On draught at J. Bonalett's, i M glen's and John Helraar's. *- ^ Believing \ That a geod new stock of clothing la ig. % needed in this place we have put in a J- . ,*]f ^ complete line. Call aud look It over* % t ;i Yours truly, STEVENS & MILLBB. Bargains In Ladies Hose iron % cents to 81.25 pejr pair at John Evan* son & Co's. 4i. Vive Years in Joliet tor lj " Beading These l«ooals. New Japan Tea worth 45c only ^ ; Warranted CIseoette Flour $1. , ^ Now oar llao salt; par barrel $1,90. ^ Seven 12 oz. bars good soap 2Sc. Try ^nr Leader Smoking Tobacco SH* 3 cakes fancy tollut soap 12c. 350 good ne w grain bags I3 aad l^ot / Campaign Plug Hats fl^O. Good'gingbams 5c, . Reliable Shirting to 11#^4> Chew Plank Road Plug, WearBoloit Overalls. ^ * Phelan & Jockey, a floe stani^ ! § ® L. Candee's rubbers are rellabte. Hanly's fiaur #1.05, Honest Abe #1J0. Try on ear «6.30 wool suits 34 to 43, You will find campaign goods at Bonslett & Stoflel**. ^ A1 ii GENTS WANTED! To canvas for ono of the largMt. eldMt establishdd, BEST KNOWN SUSSXUXS kn the i»«ntry. Mo>t li)>< ral terms. Ua. equaleii faculties. Q£JTSVA jrintSttT» FstabUahed 1846 W. & T» SMITH,Geneva, H. Y, Bealwy's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the flnrst thing on the market, at tlt% Wwtt biua iteujf Wm. >- v .. t ' , • i,"( " , *'• ik' X:.

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