Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1888, 8 000 8.pdf

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T. y« NPAKTMK NT 9***- OUB CANDIDATE F0» PRESIDENT. Be will be Dominated by the conven­ tion Mi will be elected bj the people, because be will come the nearest to Ailing tbelr ideal of a Chief Magis­ trate . Electric Bitters has been gives the highest place, because bo other medicine bas so well filled the ideal ef a perfect tonic and alterative. Tbe people have indorsed Electric Bitters rely upon this great remedy in all troableg of Liver, Stomach and Kid­ neys. For all Malarial Fevers aid diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cannot be too highly recommended. Also cures Headache and Constipation. Satisfaction guar­ anteed, or money refunded. Price 50c. and 91. at G. W. Besley's Drag Store. Call in and get measured for a nobby pante at 87. Don't pay #9 and 910. i our choice out of 200 samples. Also * x •-* ^et»4iei of iheW^a T.U, oltiiM ao part or eredlt far P.I*. will not meet thU week meeting wiU be ttta'MXtwoek. Mas, T. J. WALSH. BOO. secretary. Ow fear ago oar W, C. T. U. was and last Wednesday, lb up tbe work for the year, we the results most gratifying. Ylme were reports from the officers v Dijndaoperlntendent of the various de- V, partments, showing that good work bad been aooomplisbed. At present we btve 34 members, an Inorease of 28 £ " since Its organization. Have distribu- ted 839 pages temperanoe literature i and maintained a part of a column In ' tbe I'laindkausb. The L. T. L. has •V, 90 enrolled, with an average attend- f ance of 30, and 39 have signed tripple pledge. Have held 11 public meetings* j; The following offloers were re-elect- t / ed. President, Mrs. J, B. Perry. Vice President from X. E Churoli. Mrs. L. K. Bennett. Vioe President, from ? Unlversallst Church, Mrs. W. A. Cristv If Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. J. Bishop. Recording Seoretary. Mrs. T. r jr. Walsh. Treasnrer, Mrs. A. Colby. j Superintendent of Narcotilss, tff - McOmber. Superintendent of Tem­ perance Literature, Mrs H. H. Nichols. i Superintendent of Union Signal, Mrs. Cobb. Mrs. E. M. Owen, who has so & , ably conducted the press work, felt che could not take it again, but in Mrs, , t. E. Bennett we feel we have one Who is fully qualified to carry on this department. The Loyal Legion will continue under the leadership of Its faithful Superintendent, Mrs. F. G. V" Hayes with the same officers and teachers, \ * The following resolution was pre- li; tented and carried unanimonsly: Resolved, That we offer to Mr. # Van Slyke our hearty appreciation of S Ills kindness and generosity in allow- jy . ing us the use of a part of a column in bis paper,"and also for printing the many notices sent in ;during tbe past fear. We are glad to set the interest that Us being manifested, and invite every tone to come and join us. Visitors cordially welcome at our meetings. MRS, J. BISHOP, Corespondlng Secretary, "There are two law6 which might bt tnore effectual in regulating the wbolt christian community than all political Institutions, utbe love of Ged and the love of oar neighbors.1* "I was reading sometime ago an ac­ count of a snake worship in India. I thought is was a horrible thing. I read of a mother who saw a snake oome into her house and cell Itself jhronnd her little Infant only six months old, and she thought that the reptile was such a sacred thing that •he did not dare to touch It; and she taw that snake destroy her child; she heard its pitiful cries, but dare not rescue It. My soul revolted, But I do not know but we have things right here in America that are just as bad as that serpens in India. Serpents that «re< coming Into many a christian home, and ooillng around many a son and binding them hand and foot, and the fathers and mothers seem to be asleep. Oh may tbe spirit of God wake us up! "No drunkard shall in­ herit the kingdom of God,,1 nor rum- seller either. Bear It in mind. "Woo be to the man that puttetb the bottle to his neighbors Hps."---Extracted from D. L. Moody's works. ? o * ^ ' •" '*\yV * "" J-A 'W ; - %V: •k T* ti , fk * #1 WORLD VICTOR. McCormick Light Steel - IR <fc v® - * jrl"' v • ••PS-7:1 * wfiWWW'n rl^fOTJE CAB£FU£4LT^ oT^aSs indMta* iaetf flouncfnit, 4s ti'Iie lTnc'(ifft> m an Spanish. liuipuro and Duchess Lace. A Stronger than the strongest, light as the lightest, durability the greatest, light draft, good work and capacity, never equaled. ! v s •• A We have ani Blue, Crown, changab^^eed and McCorraicK Steel, , \ # I All kinds and at prices that are lower than the lowest. In fact everything in the Implement line can bo found at my warehouse. Including French Batiste, Lawn Tennis and embroidered Swiss Goods. Also Sateens, lace stripes and checks, Oinffhams etc Japanese, gauze and feather Pans, ladies' ribbed Jersey Vests. Rib Jons, Handkerchiefs, Lnce Mitts, ete. All these goods havfn* rcluttUea will sell at ttw v ° Lowest Possible Figure* ' % w. •• lery Truly Youm, RICHARD BISHOP. West McHenry, '-all and examine our stock and we will convince you that lis have as fine a 1 me as can be found in the country. We are selling fans from 5 cts. up; handkerchiefs from 1 ct. up. Also a fine line of G LASSWARE, CROCKERY -H-t)EALER IN SHELF AND Decorated tea sets for $3.98. Our stock ot , Tin, Coppee And Sheet-Iron Ware NE SING BOOTS AND SHOES, >pli© Peninsular and The best Stove on the Market and cheap. holcla barreT* 866 OUr Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that will £?*£• n.«ilng., floor Ho«k.and Pnlleya, II. Screen Doors. The celebrated floatilg Alinnow Pail, a new [ thing. ^ i Barb AT BOTTOM PRICES, Ip complete in every respect satisfaction In quality and pric%. Ve iwtt JULIA M JOBBING AND Will be done on short notice and specialty of Butter Factory work, respectfully solicited. FITZSIMMON8 A HENDERSON. Opposite Post Office, West McHenry, June 26th, 188S. Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialtv of Butter Factorv work. A sbare of public patronage P. STEVENS, (One Door West of Riverside House*) PERRY St OWEN •DEALER IN- r DRUGS, MEDICINES, -A FULL LINE OP- We haVe a large stock of Dry Goods, have your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, as he can not be beat la doing a nice job. ? E. Lawlus, Taller. Bueklen's Arnica Salvo. best Salve la the world for cats cruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bande,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptlaus, ,aod pos- tlvely cares piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 26 " oerts per box. For sale by G. W. Besley, WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Fox Biver Valley Mills, Mo- Henry, B. BISHOP, C. Ft TORNOW, Custom Tailor, of Nunda, wishes to inform the cltizons of McHenry and vicinity that he will visit McHenry on the 25th of each month, with a full line of samples, and will take orders for single garments or full suits and guarantee satisfaction in quality of goods, good fits and low prices. Headquarters at, the Parker House. tihould the 25th tall on Sunday, will b# here the following Monday. U. F. TOBNOW. Dated. April 25,1888. 42-tt The Chicago Meat Market. Situated near the Iron Bridge, Mo- Henry, has been recently fitted up In first class shape, and le now prepared . to furnish customers with Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds, of the best quality, and at Bed-Rock Prices Wfcea we say Low Prices we mean just what we say, and we invite you to call and see for yourselves. Tbe Highest Market Price paid for U US ' ™ " Drugs, Chmiesls, Djt Sta&, Psiats, Oils sad Colon. Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Fhysicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- | BOOTS AVD SB08S, cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. CARPETS, Wall Paper, • Clothing, H . V . S H E P A R D OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, McHEimY, ). - ILLINOIS WIIF BE : ? The Flneet Une of CLOTHING In the county; in all sizes and the latest styles and best fits. -ouKt-- if -DEALER IN- Brags and lledicines, PAINTS, Ol Toilet Articles, -PURE WINES AlfB I^IQUORB, FOB MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. Thebest brands ot Cigars anl Smofcing and Chewing Tobaooo al way son hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Calves, ydes and Tallow. I'VE ME A CALL, os. Bukkb. Proprietor. StfRfirEE Clearing Sale, commencing lis week at Joho Eyaoson & Co's. alar Cigars &ud Tobacco J DEALER IN- A full line of Stoves now on hand, at Bottom Price?, warranted to give satisfaction. Superior Barb Wire. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. BATS m CAPS, 6BOOEBIES; We buy all our goods in large quantities, for Casn, and guaran- | tee to sell as low,and many times lower than any }' CASH (STORE Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. C. w. BESLEY# In the county j in an elegant line We have now Nickle Barn Door Bolter, now made' Powder, Shot, etc;, always on Agent for the celebrated of steel. Fish Poles, Tackle, BoatJOars, hand. We guarantee to give satisfaction in shop work or no pay. Cog­ nizant as we are of the scarcity of money, we will accommodate those who accommodate us. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. JOBBUffCI AMD MPAJRUSO In blilM, - tinglum, Promptly Attended tos HRL' V# McHenry, HI., August 1st, 1888. * 8HKPARD, AND WHITI GOODS. Fine Dress Goods, In Black and Colors, and trim mings to match. New Spring styles ip. " '"vw • ' • .*> ̂ " • : Is larger than ever before and we keep finer goods in Men's Ladies' and Children's wear, and Prices Lower. Our Stock of CARPETS, Wall Paper AND CURTAINS, Cannot be excelled. llffillEBi We carry the largest stock and guarantee prices the lowest. Are You Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from COMPANY, Near tlie Depot, f West McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, ef all kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to tlir public THI B*ST QUALITY #F Lomfaw, LOWEST LIVING- --at the-- PRICES. I , U W V X H . Casfflffs, Door andWMow Frames-Beady Mafle-always 11 Han Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. Wg shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare ne to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBEB OOMPANT# C, H. GRANGER, Manager [ a

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