WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12,11888, m Railroad Time Table. yftklnc elect June K*h, train* will para IfeHenry station Oily, as fellows: ooivo aonTH. Lake Utur* Paeaaager » A. H Uke Geneva Xxpresa - .8:« Lake (Geneva Freight »:«»r. * Lake Geneva Passenger 3:96 «• Lake Geneva Passenger o-M •• Lake Geneva ttumlay Pawengar....7:86 SOISO ITOBTB. | Lake Geneva Freight .»*I1 A. M I Lake 3eneva Passenger ...... 0:66 •* XLake Geneva Paasangar *jl® t Lade* 5«aava Express ....... .4:86 P. M x Ukt Genava Passenaer .....6:51 t Diily except Sunday. „ I Sundays only. XjStopsonly to Leava % 4 MeHenry, 111 Church Directory. M*THODI3T EPISCOPAL CHURCH. tYcaehtng every Sabbath, morning and even- 'Butineu . , I at t:S0 p. M. (Voted In and warship with ns. 4m»for KhemMn. f-r HARDY X. WTOKOPy, A. Pastor. ̂ UKIVERS ALIST CfTURCII. Service* every Sunday morning, and every Crst and third 8unday evenings In eaeh south. A eontlal weleome is extended to every one tejoin as in our worship. On* Mette--Stndv to know the trnth. Ex amine--Reflect--"£r*ve all things; hold fast that which Is good." lir. H. *SI>AJDB« Pastor. MASONIC. MoHmr LODOB, N& 158 A. P, and A. M.-- Regular Communication* the second and fourth Mondays in each month. J. VAN SLTKK, W. M - H I -- -- -- -- -- : MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of eaoh month Neighbors oor llally lnvltod- Delands advertisement. WAN TED. a Compositor at offlce. . . THE this r. Board of Supervisors met on ^ Tuesday, and adjoamed for two weeks. j l L N E x e u r s l o o t r a i n , c o n s i s t i n g / eleven coaohes. passed through here f from Chicago to Twin Lakes on Sun- \d$y. •=, THK Harrison and Morton 431ob will meet on Monday evening next for the purpose of organizing a Marching Club. Let all turn out. NEVER fall to read tha advertise* •lent and looals of Bonslett A tofiel as they are changed from week to week. MR. SLADE'S subjeot next Sunday morning will be "The Prpdigil Son," and In the evening. " The^Ladder that reaches to Heaven.** ANOTHER new Steamboat was added to the Fox Lake fleet last week. This makes fifteen Steamboats now on the river and lakes here, Quite a respec table flotilla. THE Fair at Woodstock, Is progress ing as we go to press, with good weather and the prospects of one of the most successful exhibitions ever Jield In the county. ^ THB Marengo Driving Fark offer some rare sport on their track Sept. 19th., 20th. and 2lst. Liberal Purses are offered for Trotting and Running . Marengo has one of the finest tracks In this part of the State. WK are requested to say that there will be no regular meetings of the MeHenry 8, A. B, Post uotil further notice, on aooount of the repairs being made upon the Hall. When the Hall Is ready due notice wilt be given. WE have a new advertisement for Fltzslmmons & Henderson, received too late for this week, but which will appear In our next. In the meao time call at their store, examine their fine stock of Goods and see what bargains1 they are offering. HON. A. B: COON, of Marengo, died at his residence, in that village, on Sunday morning last, from paralysis His funeral was held on Tuesday after noon. Mr. Coon was an old rest den and one of the ablest lawyers In tbli part of the State, He was 73 years o THE entertainment at Blversldi Ball, on Baturday evening did no draw out as big a crowd as its merit Reserved, but those who were then were well pleased. It is hoped tha Miss Griffin majf dome this way agai; when we believe she woul d have a ful house. fnooNtL O. C. _ COLUT, of Nunda, was on our streets one day last week. J. A. GOING, of Chicago, was on unr streets on Monday. C. H. GRANGER and H, <01 Smith, spent Sunday at Twin Lakes. HON. B. BISHOP and wife, spent Sua day with friends at Woodstock. SHERIFF ECKERT. of Woodstock, was over on official business on Saturday. GKO. SMITH, of Eigln, was shaking hands with friends here on Sunday. VILLA MORET, second daughter of C. H. Morey. has been quite sick the past few weeks. 1 C. H. BEERS, of Hoxle. K*naa«, wail shaking hands With friends here ON Tuesday. J ^PETRR GILLES and Hiss Lena Gillee, left for Vinton, Iowa, Ian week. They ^ill work for F. A. Parker. Miss ANNA NORDQUIST and brother, returned from their visit to Hartley, Iowa, on Saturday last. W. A. HENNINGER. 'Agent for Beggs & DeWItt, Pharmacists, Chicago, was a caller on Monday. MRS. VOLK, of Chicago, was fEe^ guest of H. V. She pard and wife last week. C. H. BEERS, of Hoxie, Kansas, passed through her* on bis way to Lake Geneva on Saturday evening. ^BEN WRIGHT has accepted an etw I gagement with the Book Auction V Store, and started out with them last Xweek. DR. ROGERS and wife, of San Fran cisco, an old time resident here, has been calling on friends here the past week. Layton, who has been with C. A. Barbee, at the Home Bakery, re turned to his home at ^ « last week. Misa EMMA GREGORY, who has been spending a four weeks vacation .in the country, returned to the city on Sun day evening. CHAS. P. JORDCMV, of St. Paul, Ne braska, formerly of this village, was the guest of Dr. H. T. Brown and fam> fly and C. A. Knight and family at PIshtaka Bay, over Sunday. /"MISS MART WELSH can hereafter be found behind the counter at Bonslett & Stoflel's, on the West Side. Miss Welsh being a practical dress maker, will be able in her new position at this store, to materially assist her lady friends in the selection of fine drew goods. She will be a valuable help for this firm. J The Republican Bally. f Heimer's Hail was picked;to its ut most capacity on Tuesday evening, the first Rally of the campaign lit this village. <J. P. Btrnes. Esq and Frank Spltzer Esq, of Woodstock, the two ablest young Republican orators In the Northwest, were present, and for two hours and a half presented the question of the day In so plain a man ner -that he who ruos might read." The fallacies of democratic pretenses and the inconsistencies of Grover Cleveland aud his advisors were pre sented In their true light. "Both speakers showed themselves to be well versed on every prominent question now before the people and with their splendid oratorial powers will do yeoman service during the eampalgn. Their addresses were IIstoned to with the utmost luterest by the 1 arge^utu ber present and Were fremgently ln> terrupted by round* of applause. During the meeting over forty new names were added to the roll J^fthe Club, which now contains nea^fone hundred names, quite a number, ol whom voted for Cleveland lour years ago. * 1 HE Trot:ing Stallion "George O." has been to Richmond the past week or ten days, under the care of G. W Eldredge, and has been entered in the Free for all Stalliou Race on Thursday next, at the county Fair. He has just closed a long season In the stud and with the short time had for training is In no condition for fast time, but Bverytblng being favorablewe pre^ fllqt be will make a good showing, /"THEresidence of El Saylor. three miles southwest of this village, with its entire contents, was totally ^de stroyed oy fire on Thursday night last, Mr. Saylor and family having ;barely time to get out with what few things they could grab. The cause of the fire is unknown, the first intimation being the falling in of the roof to the kitch en, which awakened the fa ally. Mr. Savior looses bis entire household Furniture, bedding, clothing of him self and family, besides Buffalo Robes, Blankets, et*. Loss about $2000, on which there was not one cent of In surance, Mr. Saylor has the sympathy of all in this misfortune. n I Stor NEW goods, new goods, for Fall an Winter trade. Many novelties fo ladies and childrens wardrobes no .usually found In a oountry store. Blacl morte silks, also black and blue velvet for dress skirts, with a full line of fancy velvet goods, at Ladies ^Sales Boom, Nichols Block. WE have received fr^ni our old Mend S. F. Bennett, e?Richmond, an account or the entertainment at Lake Geneva, by the Sir Knights of this oounty, on Thursday last, but as we are getting out our paper early this week in order to attend the Fair, we are obliged to lay it over until next Wtek. SLOWLT the sex Is encroaching upon the perogatlves of boys and men. It used to bo said that girls oould not oliuib. It Is related by a foreign journal tbat a plucky little miss named Florence Morse, aged 12, has succeeded In safely making the perilous ascent of Mont Blano. That girls cannot ellmb is obsolete. IT IS not known to many persons that the oommon elder bush of our oountry is a great safeguard against the devastation of Insects. If anyone will notice It wM be found that worms and Insects never touch the eld ;r. Last year we scattered the leaves of the older over the cabbages, cucumbers, squashes, and other plants In the kitch- en garden that were subjeot to the ravages of Insects, aad It wo&ed effectually.--Prairie Farmer* Tarred Fodder Oven & Son's. fwlne at E. M BURGLARS broke in to the Drug Store of J. A. Story on Thursday night last, ransacked the SafeXwhlch was unlocked, and one of the mopey draws, but were only rewarded l>y a few mutilated coius. The other draw, which they failed to find, contained six or eight dollars In silver. Pro bably fladlug their search for money unavailing they helped themselves to two boxes of cigars, which they pro bably smoked to solace their disap pointment, They gained an entrance by prying open a rear window, after attempting to bore the lock oft the rear door. The tools which they left proved to have been taken from Nordquest St Weber's Blacksmith Shop. Now that these gentry are proved to be around our citizens should prepare to give them a warm reception. --- SOCIAL DANCE. Yourseirand Lady aro cordially In vited to attend a social party at Me Henry House Hall, MeHenry, Illinois, Tuesday evening, September 25th 1888 Good Muslo In attendance. ^Tickets 50 cents. Good barn for horses. JOHN THALEN, Proprietor. WB have received from the Chicago Music Company two pieces of new campaign muslo, one entitled "Bring out dem Oxen," by Finn Phenix. and •'Down with the FlauntiGg Bandana," by S. Filmore Bennett. They are both fine, but the latter Is one of Mr, Bennett's best pieces, and that is say ing a good deal. It has the true rinir of loyalty, and ought to be sung at every Republican meeting In the United States from now until Novem ber. All orders for either song should be addressed to the Chicago Muslo Co., Chicago, 111. Cheap Rates To Chicago* The Chicago A North-Western Railway Company will sell cheap Ex cursion Tickets to Chicago and return at frequent intervals during Septem ber and October on account of the Chicago Exposition, which opens Sep tember 5th, and closes October 20th. For information regarding rates, dates on which tickets will be sold etc.. apply to agents of the Chioago A North-Western Railway Company* f invitation, with others, we visit ed the residence of Dr. A. S. Chllds on Monday evening, to view a Night Blooming Cereus in full bloom. To us It was Indeed a curiosity, as we had neve? seen one before, and we must say it is a beauty. This plant Is about six years old and this Is the first blossom. At the time we were there, about nine o'clock. It was not fully open, but at that time It measured eight Inches across, and we think when fully open It would measure ten Inches. It was pure white and very fragrant. It was a sight wortb going to see. Mrs Chllds Is justly roud of this beautiful plant. Proceedings of tho Board of Trustees. MCHEKBT, Sept. 3d, 1338, The Board met pursuant to adjoutn* ment, the President In the chair..Pres ent, Trustees Walsh, Bishop, Granger, Hauperlsch, Crlsty and Parker. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following bills were presented, audited, and the clerk ordered to draw orders on the Treasurer for the same: Thos Murphy, care lamps ... 20 00 J Van Slyfce, salary 1050 Geo 3 Curtis, Police Constable 30 70 It Bishop, wheelbarrow, eto 4 35 W T hurl we 11, labor CKy Hall ... 2100 I'otcr rtcha'ror, '• •• ... H 00 Clarence UobU " " " .............15 0C Lis us Cobb, " *• *9 875 JSwadish, *• -- 4, ii-^6 B W Howe, • «* " 1875 J R Brents, street work... .............. 388 W Wright, " «« i. 2 25 Win Davis, •• *• ........... 300 S McDonald, f* »« ..r...... ... 226 Jack Bishop, ~m «• 12 75 Peter Bishop, •« ** .... .... 12 75 D Parker, ,;*• " 20 75 A C Granger, •• .... Sf»ou W A Cristy, gravel....... ... 220 Perry & Owen, oil, 240 Stoftel & Blake, •' ....... ... 240 Bixilbert, " 2 40 ••itevens & MU'r " 2#) Justen Bros, glass 13f> Attboff Bros, oil 2 60 Wilbur Lumber Oo,|lamber.... 28511 The CoaMpltto appointed to expend the ipp?of^ittx>n on the Public Square mide a verbal report, and on suggestion of members of the Board their plans were changed. The Clerk reported that he had, as per order of the Board, drawn |an Order on the Treasurer for the sum ol $1200, in payment for the building and land lately purchased for city Hall, and had received a Warrnty Deed for the same. On motion duly seconded, the action of the Clerk in the abofe matter was approved bv the Board. Moved by Trustee Granger that the walls In the upper room of the new City Hall be hard finished Instead of painted. Carried: Trustee Granger reported to the Board that J. F. Claxton bad oflered $75 for the Engine^ Boiler and fixings, now owned by the village, {provided tbat on examination by a machinist It proyed that the same was not Injured beyond some slight repairs. On motion ot Trustee Crlsty the oiler of Mr. Claxton was accepted. Moved by Trustee Crlsty tbat the President appoint a committee of two who together with the President shall investigate and get prices on two Cells lor Lockup, to be built of Iron or Steel, size 6x7 and 7 feet high, and if they find the price reasonable to con tract for what in their judgment they deem for the best interest of the village.' Carried.. The President appointed as such Committee Trustees Granger and Elauperiscb. On motion adjourned. R. A. HOWABD, President. J, VAKSLTKB, Clerk. AUCTION SALE. In order to accept a lucrative posi tion at the State Farm, at Elgin, 111., the undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on the Burger Farm. 1 mile East of Tryon's Corners, on Saturday, Sept. 15. 1888. Commencing at 12 o'clock, Noon, the Following Proper ty: 12 Cows, some coming in soon. Six graded heifers, coming in in spring, 1 yearling grade short born bull, 3 heifer calves, 1 mare and Colt, 1 brood mare, 36 shoats, 1 set work harness. 1 set light harness, 1 land roller, 1 hay rack, a quantity of stove wood, 20 acres corn,20 tons of hay in Darn, 200 bushels rye, 50 bushels wheat. 800 bushels oats, 75 bushelg potatoes and other articles not mentioned. TERMS OF SALE; All sums of 910 and under cash. Over tbat sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per cent, interest. Two per cent, off for cash. WM. Bubosb. F. K. GBANOEB. Auctioneer.' Hebron Department SE PTLEMENT NO TICE. Dr. C. E.Williams, Dentist, requests all persons knowing themselves in debted to him to call at the Parker House, In the village of MeHenry, ;on the 25tb, and 23th Inst, and settle the same, as his accounts mus: be settled at once as he is preparing to join his family in the west. All persons wish ing any work in his line are also re quested to oail at that time, In order te glvo hist time §b finish it before he leatos. CLE. Wn.iJAMfl. - . LODGK DIRECTORY". MAJWWno.--A. W. ami A, M. moot at Maaoale iwin every 1st aud 3d Wednesday even* M^iofeaoh month. Moonur WOODM«*O* AMBPICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every Miwlhh Thursday even- ingaof eaoh mouth. ' Neighbor* cordially la. SOUS or TBMFBKAHCR.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of eaeh week. EDITOR PLAINDBALGR:-- A Circus "struck" the town last w«)ek. Mr. Joseph Stone Is ranking a visit to his old home in York State* Editor Faber, of the Gazette, was a pleasant caller In town on Saturday. A large quantity of barley was shipped from this station the past week. Mr. Goddard, from Milwaukee, has come to reside permanently with bis son George. Miss Ella Rowe went to Harvard on the fVeol|ig train Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gronz-> drove to Elk- born Saturday for a visit to their former home. Mrs. S.J. Andrews and Mrs. W. V. Andrews spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Lawifence. Mrs. H. M. Wlioox. V past eighty four years of age. walked three miles recently to visit a niece. We challenge the county for a better record, and do not know but we will include the young Ladles. .1 Henry DauOhy Was In town last week.' Ho has spent thsfFi^ater part of the summer in a factory in Elgin. The base ball game, between the Hebron and the Linn clubs, Saturday afternoon, resulted in grand victory for the Hebronltes. the score standing 50 to 3*1. | The Methodist society are preparing for a fair, to be held ere long, the pro* oeeds of which will be expended to ward the purohaset>f the much needed ohurch bell. Contributions of fancy or domestic artldes will be^thankfuily received by the society. Pursuant to notice a large and en thusiastic crowd assembled at Rowe's Hall on Saturday evening, and with the help of Asa W. Smith a Republi can Campaign Club was organized, H. W. Mead ajting as Chairman^ T>a motion of C. F. Prouty the Constitu tion of the National and State League was adopted. The names enroliedas members of the Hebron Club numbered about 100. The election of officers re sulted as follows: Presideut, C. F. Prouty. Vice Presidents, Frank Rowe, N. A. Chandler. C, A. Stone was elected Secretary, and H. W. Mead Treasurer. Executive Committee, G. W. Conn, Frank Tarreuce, G. B. Stone, E. B. Stratton, B. Young. J'tiuipoe Committee, Ira ft. Phelps, M. W. Merry, E. F. Hewos. The chairman then Introduced Eton. O. H. Gilmore, of Woodstock, who ad dressed the audlenoe on the Issue of the day, and ttie able, eloquent and decisive manner In wbich he presented facts and figures could not tail to im press each individual present wltfTtEe truth of his remarks. On motion a vote of thanks was tendered Messrs. Gilmore and Smith, the latter for his presence and help, the former for the instructive remarks on the tariff question, which called forth rounds of applause. During the evening the Male Glee Club rendered three selec tions of true blue campaign songs, which were vigorously applauded. m .bi u ALGONQUIN. t^U'i lOU.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin- Uy, knowing tbeuiselve* inuebtud for the I'LAiNDUALHR can team of Hie amount by calling on Julm Helm, who is auinomed to receive money anil receipt tor tne same, in our name. Those wistiiog to subscribe cau leave tbeir names at his store. Call on bim and get a sample copy .J EOITOB PLAIN DEALER:-- C. E. Chapeirs Auction Sale of a oar load of milch cows, on Wednesday of last week, cows sold on* an average of $38 per head. John Johnston was rather under the weather a part of last week. Mrs. Bartells has been quite Sick for the past few days but is some better now. Dr. Nasou is attending her. Charlie Chapell spent a part of last week with friends In Chicago. E. Slnnett met with quite a painfull accident on Saturday last. While drawing ooal he slipped and fell from the wagon and both of his legs went between the hind wheel and the step of th e box. Both legs were much bruised but qo bones broken. It wao a very (narrow esoapO C. E. Chapell started North on Sat urday last to buy milch cows. He ex pects to have an auction sale the first of next week. J. W. Adamek Is having the old Brick Blacksmith shop made over Into a Meat Market. John Yojtech Is colng to occupy it when completed. Charles Pingey and son John will take a trip to KanSat for a months en* joy ment. Miss Ina Hubbard, of Wayne, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Seeber last week. Robbie Phillips is attending school at Drews Business College, Elgin. E. Whorrall took In Chicago On Sunday last. Geo, Marshall, of Elgin, called on his son Frank on Monday of this week. Monday morning of this week it looked very much like the beglmilng of Fair week as of old. WMa. When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, Wbeu she became Mlas, she ehug to Castoria, Whsa ahe bad CbOdrea, she gave than Osstoria CIDER! CIDER! I «« now rt»ady to make yon* ap ples into Cider on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring on your Apples, THOS KNOX, Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BY "THE PROWLER.' n • Oystera. • Fair week./I Roads are dusty. Cold nights last week. School began Monday, the 3d. Corn cutting Is well tinder way. Have you joined the Marching Club. Richmond is blessed with circuses this year. There was a Harves* Pienic at Sil ver Lake, Saturday. September lit. Harrison and Morton flags are be coming quite numerous. Look out for some more good races at the Driving Park soon. Nearly one hundred voters on the Qarrison anJ Mortou club roll." MoCounell & McGaw paid 3? oents for July milk. The Marching Club goes to Wood stock to-morrow. The Harrison and Morten Club meets next Weduesday night. A Harrison and Mortou fi tg floats above the Washington cheese factory. H. Heck with "Modesty" andE.E Manor with tMfili M." attended the. Elgin races. Cole Cooley A Co. and George W. Eidrpdgo are buying and shipping barley. The Young Ladies Society of Kings Daughters hold a Rag Carpet Festival Saturday evening. The past three weeks have been fine for threshing, and the machines have all been busy, Mike Fluker has purchased Frank Wray'sMeat Market and can be found at the old 9t<tnd. G. W. Eldredge is driving G. W. Owen's sorrll horse "George 0,M Mr. Eldredge handled the horse three seasons vgo. Base Ball, Wednesday. August 29th, at Slaughter House Park; Hebron 42 Rlohmond 15. "He who laughs last laughs best." This session of Congress exceed* In length all its predecessors except that of 1850 which sat through the month of September. Auction Sale ot Standard Books every evening in the C. F, Hall & Co. building. B^oks are selling cheap. Now is your chance. The village ^schools are now in fine" running order arid give promise of en joying a pleasant and profitable year, Editor Faber. of the Qazettt, took a Western trip last week, his objective polut being Omaha, Nebraska. He arrived home last Friday night. The Marching Club met for drill at Burton's Opera House last Saturday night. Quite a number iiave jMned the ranks of the club but still there's room for more. White hats are numerous. The white band largely predominates but occasionally one with the »blaok band is seen. Prohibitionists are to wear .bonnets. "Public office Is* a pubTItr 4"Eret.M Grover Cleveland's Mugwumps! take notice!! Grover Cleveland Is willing to buy public office and gives 010,000 down for the Presidency. A good bid but not quite enough. Tuesday evening September 4th, a Harrison and Mortoi Marching Club was formod and the following officers chosen: Captain;G, W. Eldredge. 1st Lleuteaant, Hastings; 2nd, Lietenant, wT Overton; Orderly Sargeant, Dab Boutell. Everybody "and their sisters and tbeir oousins and their aunts" will go to the Fair tbis week. Our trotters and fancy cattle, sheep and horses, will be there and no douot will take tbeir full share of tha honors as usual. Secretary Haythorn, of the Driving Park Association Informs us that if the weather keeps ;fine, tbat probably after the Fairs are over lovers ot trotting and trotting horses will be treated to another Matinee at the Park. When we good people go to church how eagerly we listen to the praise service by the choir, tho reading of thescriptufe, while the sermon occu pies our attention above everything else, but how many of us charge our memories with the reforence. that the good minister makes, when he states his selection from the scripture, as the ban's of bis remarks, so tb&a when we get to our homes we can give the preachers text. It cannot be that people forget! Ob no! it is because they can't think what It was. Mrs. J. L. Downing and daughter, Miss Nettie, left for their new home In Ashland, Oregon, on Monday of last week. They will be greatly missed In the. social and religious oircles of Rlcbmon J, where their attendance and assistance have been repeatedly solic ited aud cheerfully given. Miss Downing has long enjoyed the reputa tion of being one of the finest musicians In this vicinity. |.Tbey will be greatly missed here, but tbeir friends and they have hosts of them, wish them happiness and prosperity In their far Western home. Sioux City Corn Palace- The second annual festival of the Sioux City Corn Palace opens Septem ber 24th, and closes October 6th. |ln order to enable all to be present at the festivities, which will be of a most entertaining character, the Chicago & North-Western Railway will sell tickets from points In Iowa and Dako ta from September 23d to October 5th, Inclusive, and from points in Illinois and Wisconsin September 2Sth and 27th and October 1st and 3d, at one fare for the round trip; tickets good to return until October 10th. For tickets and full Information apply to any agent of the CblMM # North- Westen Railway. cue- 'A \ II There waj ayovmC , PERS"ji NWtfO H°P£ V#fOl>IPWOTHlN0 AND Mope: vl HERVORKAU-BEH/MD, ifNUt AT£(TED HER MIND, OWE MORN INC INAlAy'H' T THE NEIGHBORS 010 /Aft * iUjijQAPFOftyOVRWASHINC T«fl% aw y<»/R. troubles ' -- Will vanish AS &/ A1AGIC Av/Ay, '̂' A -TiT 's Iron Tonic Bitters. ^Foddef pornlBlnder8 at E, M. Owen A choice lino of Box Paper, / _ , at Besley's, West Side. - i S S S S S ? " , h . - E m p i r e &-3w You never will have to busk an ear of corn if you get one of the corn Thresher and Seperators, at E. M. Owen & Sen's. Golden Machine Oil at Bim aiojM. . _ . Sor Coughs and Colds Take Story's 'Tar and Wild Cherry." T Ladies white muslin underwear at cost to close out at Evanson'*,] Bottom'prlces on Plows, at E. M. Owen & Sou's. TH&Peerles* Dyes, the* best artiole on the market and warranted. At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors. In un limited quantities. Mixed palit by tho p»il or gallon at Story's Dontforsfot to see the Thrasher and Seperator, that attaches to a feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen & Son's. Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the linest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Bargains in Ladies Hose from 5 cents to 81.25 per pair at John Evan son & Co's. Star, Belle City, Smally, and other 'Ensilage fodder Cutters at E» M*> Owen & Son's. ^ WHEAT WANTED. ^ The highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat st the Fox River Yalley Mills, Mc> Henry. R, BIHOP. Norwegian, Star. Rock Island, First & Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, at E. M. Owen & Son's, Barley Wanted. 10,000 BUSHELS OF BARLEY Wanted at the Warehouse of Smith 5on & Co., West MeHenry. The highest market price paid for all kinds of Grain, SMITH, SON & Co. Fairi Time Reflections. Ladies handsome fall jackets, Worth *7. only «3.5G, Clevelaud and Harrison caps only 17 cents. 200 new cloaks arrived this Week, sen them. See our rare bargains kn new shawls. Our stock of underwear Is first class a nd cheap. Menasba flannels and tricots stsnd at the head. Our Rockford hosiery should be in every home. See our mons elegant congress shoe only $1.90, Swits Conde's S. 0L I, red mixed underwear only #1.25, ' , Drives in wall paper and borders for September, BONSLETT A STOFFCL. FOR SALE OR RENT. For Sale or Rent a good house and two lots in West MeHenry. Also an acre of land adjoining if desired. The bouse is in good repair, irood barn and other outbuildings. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. for Schools. TABLETS, TABLETS, Large and Small, For Pencil and for Ink. 1 cent Tablets! 3 cent Tablets! 5 cent Tablets! 10 cent Tablets!. All to be found at J, A, Story's Orug Store. Also a full line of Pens, Pencils. Erasers, Slates, Sponges, Scholars Companions, Pencil Sharpeners, Pen Wipers, etc., etc.. Everything that Scholars need to be found at the Scholars Headquarters J. A. <Story's Drug Store. Great Bargains* 500 Childrens Collars 10 cents, wortb from 25 to 50. Also latest styles in ladies and gents linen collars. Embroid ered black kid gloves of extra fine quality, only one dollar. 50 Corsets, latest arrival, price 25 cents It will pay you to look us over. JOHN EVANSON ft Co., Go to J. A. Story's for the Peerless Dyes. The most convenient form of dye stuS. 40 shades and colors. Also full line of Bronze Paints all colors. Silver, Gold, Copper, Red, Blue, etc. 10 cents a package. Te be found at J. A. Story's. • Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found in our Stock. J. A. Story's. PRESIDENT GARFIELD'S PHYSICIAN. Dr. Bliss and other eminent medical men speak In the highest terms of Speer's Wines, Dr. Bliss prescribes these wines in bjs practice, whenever wines are necessary. The following Is part of a letter received by Mr. Speer: I have been greatly pleased with your N. J. Wines, and specially so with the Claret, Burgundy and Port. I wish you to send me two cases of your Claret and one of Burgundy. Also, two case3 of Clardt and one of Burgun* dy to my niece Miss New York City, and send the bill of both orders to me. Yours truly, 1>. W. BLISS, M. D., Washington, D, C, Buoklon'o Arnica Business Notice** Cuban," tho best Five Cent Cigar In tho marfcOt, City residences for sale, Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no equal. • All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket, books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side, IF you want a first class Photograph, call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry A Owen's store. ________ FOR SALE. A large quantity of Shelled Corn for sale at Bishop's Mill. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Millin ery and Dress Making. "Carry the news to Hannah," that the best place to buy Ladies Flno Shoes is at Althoff Bros. Besley's Death to Rats is sure and certain. Don't bo troubled with theBe pests longer. Plum-ba-go-ine, tho finest Wagon Grease ever used, a now thing, at Besley's, Chemesette Colars only 10c at John Evanson & Co's. Candies, a fine assortment jost re ceived at Story's Drug Store. Every thing In the Implement line can be found at Bishop's Warehooflo* Call and examine, Prioes low, Drink Besley's Ale and be hoiitl# and happy MIDDLINGS,' Corn Meal and Ground Feed at rea* sonable prices. Call and learn prioes at Bishop's Mill. Go to Althoff Bros, for Fine Shoot, The finest stock in town. -- The choicest brands, of Cigars la town, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. Machine Oil, best quality, 60 oents per gallon, at Besley's Drug Storo. West Side. If you want to see the finest atotk of Fine Shoes at tbe lowest prioes, call at Althoff Bros. Toilet articles, such as are »w^nlly found In a first class^ well regulated pharmacy can be had at Story's Drujr Storo. Screen doors at Shepard's hardware lowest prioes. Call on Mrs. E, Confectioneries. Lawlus for eholao HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The underslgoed offers for sale hb House and Lot, in tbe village of Mo- Henry. Is pleasantly located, good barn and outbuildings, and is withal a desirable property. Will bo sold reasonable if applied for soon. « K. CAKFBJTTSML MeHenry, Aug. 14, 1883. Something New for Farmers. Short Stiff, Straw, long heads. In* ported from Prussia. " White Winter Bye. ̂ Big yield, from 25 to 30 bushels pf*"' acre. The seed cau be got of Peter Blake, one mile North of McQenry. on tbe Richmond I£oad, for one dollar per bushel, PITKB BLAKS* 14-3*301 Salve. The best Salve in the world for outs oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 26 Story'sloerts per box. For sale byG.W. ' KMIPV. . f * ?? Hv iiiki. ^ • > » f - - t ; Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at 97. Don't pay $9 and $10. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clothes altered, fitted and oleaned. as he cao not be beat In doing a nice job. E. LAWLUS, Tailor, WHEAT WANTED. J,j The highest market price In will be paid for good Milling Wheat*- at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. R.BIH«PVj, Slioi-thand. ^ Enclose stamps and write to Mia, F. F. Judd, 79 Madison St. Chicago, for important particulars of a practical course by mall. Oll,s we have on hand a large quan tity jo the diSerent kinds for paintiaga lubricating. <&c. We sell only the para* unadulterated articles, and warrant them as such. J. A. Story's. C. F. TORNOW Custom Tailor, of Nunda. wishes to inform the citizens of MeHenry aad vicinity that be will visit MoHenry on the 25th of each month, with a fall line of samples, and will take orders lor single garments or full suits <""1 guarantee satlstactlon in quality of goods, good fits and low prices. Headquarters at the Parker House* Should the 25th tail no Suaday, wtti be here the lollowing Monday. ~ . . . . U F . T o u t o w . , ; Dated. April 25,1838. A WOMAN'S D1SCOVKK*. aAnother wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady la this country. Disease fastened Its clutches upon her and ter seven years she withstood Its severest tests, hot her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For threo months she coughed incessantly and could not deep. She bought of as a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much re lieved on taking first dose that lbs slept ail night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Lnther Luis." Thus write W. (J. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. (X --Get a free trial bottle at <2. W H J W: ... *' i