Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1888, p. 5

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» • : •'C <v - '&«% '% WEDNESDAY. SEP P. 19, 1888. v Railroad Time Table. .„. Taking effect Jane loth, trains will pas# lUdnrf btftiiw telly, »> Wloiri: OOIHO IODTH. . M 1UU Geneval*a»aenger UlM Genen Ixyma -J® Lake tteaeva Frelflit 2:00r.m Lake Geneva PaMenger «:» " 1 Lake Geneva PAM^NGER.....^... ...5:36 | Lake Geneva BanUay Passejpflf. 7.86 ootso noun, 4 I Lake Geneva Freight ...*«» .9 • lla. H f Lake Qeneva Passenger....* • *•••• * Lake Geneva Passenger--,,.,*i.«W:10 «• f Lake Geneva Express .4:Kr. * | Lake Gensva Pumm... ...... ...«:S1 t Dtllv except Soaday. • » Sundays only. xJStops only to Leave PaaaenKeru. B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry, 111 Church Directory, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Preaching every Sabbath, morning and even- teg. Igjftf Rinawood at 2:30 p. M. Crowd in and warship with as. "Butinett i*n* for Eternity. HABDY E. WTCKOFF. A. B., Pastor. UNIVBBSALIST CHURCH. Services evey Sunday morninjf, and every »o nth. A oordlal welcome in extended to every one # join as in our worship. Our Motte--Study to know the truth. Bx- araine--Reflect--"Prove all things; hold fast •hat which is good." R«v. H.-SLADE. Pastor. irst and third Sunday evenings iti each MASONIC. MoHmntr LODOK, NO. 158 A. P, and A. M.-- Begular Communications the second and fsurth Mondays in each month. J. VAN SLTKB, W. M. MODERK;WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second Mid Last Tuesday evening of each"month. ITeighbors cortialiy invited- -Ji Harrison and Morton GJub. The next meeting of th« 'Harrison and Montoh Club will be held at the Hew City Hall, on Saturday evening liext, Sept. 22d, at 7:30 o'clock, at which time the arrangements for or­ ganizing a Marching Club will be com­ pleted. Let us have a full meeting. The MoHenry Military Band Will furnish music. Democrats Rally. There will be a meeting in Helmet's Hall, on Saturday evening, Sept. 23d, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of organ- Icing a Cleveland and Thurman Club. All those believing in tariff reform and Jbflersoniao principles, are request­ ed to be present. PER ORDER TOWN COMMITTEE. SEE Deland's advertisement. F? GEO. W. OWEN has just finished a U new Silo, adjoining his baro. LOOK out for the new advertisement Of Steveos A Miller, next week. SEE the card of F. K. Granger. Auc­ tioneer, to be found In another column. MR, SLADE'S subjeot next Sunday morning will be, "Right Thinking and f* Bight Doing." READ the new advertisement oi Fltaslramons & Henderson, to be FEltSOST %i» MRS. W. A. CKISTT IS visiting with friends In Eigin this week. MRS. E. PKKKIKS is visiting this week with frien<l« i a Chicago. HOK. F. K. GRANGER started on Monday for Dakota, tie expects to be gone about a week. t C. A. WALSH and wife, visited with friends at Lake Geneva the first part of this week. DR. S. F. BENNETT, of Richmond, was down Tuesday, on professional business. MRS. H. V. SHEPAKD spent Saturday withMrs L. A. (.lark and Mrs Will Cutteredge, at Lake Geneva. , FRED SCHNORR and wife, of Qulnter, Kansas, were visiting with friends at Crystal Lake and Mc&atiry, last week. ^ROBT. HOWARD, son of R. A. Howard, 'started on Monday for Kansas City. Mo., where he expects to remain for ^he present. T MRS. JOHN I. STORY and two daugh­ ters, Hattie and Edna, departed for their home, at flartly. lo^ra, on Fri­ day morning last. ' B HENRT COLBT started for Hoxie, Kansas, last week. He will go from there to Salt Lake, where he expects to remain about a month, MRS. JOS. HKIMER and Mrs. John Schuenemartn, of Chicago, are visiting with their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Kuhnert, at Johnsburgh. to-day. CLINT WAIT, of Emporia, Kansas,/ arrived here on Thursday night last! expecting to remain over Sunday, but received a letter the same evening stating that his brother William was lying at the point of death, and de­ parted for home on Friday morning. AN exchange asks: "What's Jtbe diflerence between P. T. Barnura and President Cleveland? One 1ms the biggest show on earth and the other has no show at all." Horrible! 1 LARGE size chenille drapery Cur­ tains for folding doors, at a bargalq. Calico and Sateen Wrappers and Dresses. Ladles' and Children's Win­ ter Underwear. Remnants. A new lot of fine Haudkerchiefs, Table Linen. Woelen Yarns, etc., at the Ladies' Salesroom. J. W. NICHOLS, Secretary <of I 111 no! State Prohibition Committee, will speak on the Political issues of th« day at. Parker House Hill, Friday Evening September 21, 1888. The music will be furnished by a quartette. Also solos by W. A. Crlsty and f. J. Walsh. Good speaking and singing. Come and enjoy both. By Order Committee, various elegant ladies arid gentlemei wore pictured going about wrapped ii mattresses, and underneath the pietur< found In another column. THE Marengo and Libertyville F*lrs Are In progress this week, and are getting a rather wet time. OUR Soldier's Department Is una­ voidably crowded out this week but will appear In Ita proper place In our next. / FRANK CALKINS has been building I a handsome new barn and a Silo In I connection, near bis residence, In tblt ^village. /^HE Good Templars Lodge, in this | Tillage, are getting np a Paper Festl* \yalj They expect to give the enter* talnment In about two weeks. NEVER fall to read the advertlse- nent and looals of Bonslett & Stofiel as they are changed from week to week* THE new advertisement of John Evanson & Co., can be found on the last page of this paper. Read It. as you will And therein something to your advaatage, / R YOLO takes the lead for re-unions. Thursday, September 6th, Raught Bros, bad a family gathering, of friends from Bristol and Pleasant Prairie, Wis., from Fox Lake and Union, 111. to visit with friends from New York, the number belug twenty Ave all counted. THERE was a quiet weddlug Wednes day evening, September 5th, at E. L. Huson's, Yolo; their yonngest daughter Nellie was married to Dr. Williams, of Indiana. I Rev. W. H. Pierce per- Tormed the ceremony. They left the first of the week for their new home In Indiana. "George O." at the Fair. The trotting Stallion "George O." owned by George W. Owen, »f thin' village, was at the Fair la«t week, and done himself oredl*, In spite or all op­ position. lie was entered for the Free for ail StaHIO'i R**? en Thursday, and in the first heat it wis evident to all outsiders that he was being hel I, and after losing the first he*t. winning the second, the steal became so app%rent on the third that the Judges changed drivers, wh«n '"George O." went In and took the rice with ea*e. This he might have done in three straight heats had he been allowed to d» so. And the Judges are entitled to the thanks of the many friends of the herse for insisting that he be driven according to his merits in this R«oe. His competitors were "Sprague Pilot,** record 2:24. and •'Typhoon." The best ti ne given him was in the fourth hea*. 2:29}, but private watches marked him several seconds lower. This horse has suffered dlsgraoe several times in the past few years, not in any Instance the fault of the horse, and w« trust that hereafter h*? may be allowed to prove that he has merits that bis real friends have c.'aimei for him . On Friday he was also entered In the Free for all, his principle compet. itor being "Pat Qulim," record 2:25, who he beat handily. Bjst time given was 2:29}. "George O." is also entered totrot at Marengo on Frldiy of this week. f MARBIKD.--At the residence of the bride's parents, in this village, on Thursday evening, Sept. 13th, 1SS5, by the Rev. H. .Slinle, Frank I,. McOmbor, of Hartley, Iowa, and Miss EiBo Gilbert, daughter of B, Gilbert, Esq., of this rtfus tfis been joined together ia the holy bands of matrimony, two of McHenry's most popular young people, as both were born and raared in this village, Mr. McOmber leaving .here less than a year ago. He is a young man of good business qualifications, excellent habits and one who is sure to win friends wherever he g%s. Miss JHbert is one of our most popular young ladies, and will be greatly miss, ed in the social circles of our village, where she was always a great favorite. I'he wedding was a quiet one, only the relatives and a few inlknaie frleuds seeing present. The Presents were iKHnerous and beaiiilfaLJ Mr. and Mrs.* ^lcOuiber lert on the 8:22 A. M. train on Friday morning for their western nome, taking with them the best wlsh> of a host of friends, who wish them bon voyage on the sea matrimonial. EDITOR I'LAINDEILER I want a space In your piper to make a brief natemeut. Early on Thursday morn­ ing last 1 went to the Livery Stable of B. R. Austin, and engaged seats for tnyself and wife In Ills Bus to the Woodstock Fair. Whan the Bus came aiong an hour or two afterwards I was was the legend: "Fashions for the bom- lal°rmed that they could not take us bardment season." as he had all the lead he wanted. Rut Most of these pleasantries of the siege afterwards I was informed that the turned upon the scarcity of food--a grin^ rea36n he did not take us wis because subject which seemed particularly in* gonae of hl9 pwiag9ti objected to spiring to the caricaturists of the time. ... • ™. . „ , -- A servant asks liia master: «ShaU i ̂ ing to Woodstock with us. put the horses in the carriage to-day, oi Well we have lived in Mclleury for in the barouche?" ^several years and have always tried to "H'm," says the master, sighing, "yoa go conduct ourselves as to merit the may put them in the oven, please!" " respect of all good citizens, end we Not unlike ^.another caricature we bave the re8p9Ct of aU suoh Miss ELLA SPAULDIMO would inform the Ladle* of MoHenry and vicinity that she has just received a new stock of Millinery Goods, for the Fall and winter trade, of the latest styles to which she invites their attention. Is also prepared to do Dress Making of all kinds and guarantee satisfaction. Call and see our new styles In 'Millin­ ery. Nichols Block, up stairs, WE are in reoelpt of a speech by Hon. Shelby M. Cullom, delivered in the United State's Senate, Friday, Aug. 31st, 1888, en the Csnadian Fish erles question. He says the President's Retaliation Message is inspired solely by political necessity, end expresses the false pretenses of the democratic administration. Every voter should read It. * ORAMOE JUDD, who was me builder and for thirty years the editor of the old American Agriculturist, and for four years past of the Prairie Farmer, Is now with his Sons publishing a first- class Weekly Journal, viz., the Orange Jadd Farmer, adapted io bath coun­ try end (village life, oat-door end la- door. He Invites ell of his former tenders, and any others, to send for a free sample copy, to Orange Judd tyr«ei Co.,Oikiage, lUft* THE glgin News of Monday has the following: *'fo-day John Nlsh ceased working for Uncle Sam after nearly ten years of continuous service in the postal department. His dismissal was purely for partisan reasons. a9 his re­ cord has always beea at the highest notch. He has had the mall route be­ tween Geneva Lake and Elgin and has always been held in high respect by all with whom he came in contact. He is succeeded by J. M. Sheedy, of Car- pentersville. \/r2i McHenry County Fair, last week, was a glorious success in every particular. Fine weather and one oi the biggest cro Yd? for twenty yearaJ vTe had Intended to~gTveK general re­ view of the entire four days, but sick­ ness and other causes have prevented this week, but we shall have more to say in relation thereto in our next. Suffice to s*y at this time eyery de­ partment was full and the Fair manage* ment.sustained the reputation of the best County Fair in the State. ON Monday, Sept. 24th, following the "Natural Gas" engagement at the Chicago Opera House, will be Booth and Barrett. This, of course, will be the dramatic event of the season. Booth and Barrett are booked to ap­ pear for three weeks, during wbloh time they will produce three pieces, every one a production. To that end, scenic artists have been at work tor the past six months, painting scenery that will be more absolutely correct In all its details than any ever seen in the Sh'akesperian revivals. SOCIAL DANCE. Yourself and Lady are cordially In­ vited to attend a social party at Mc* Henry House Hall, McHenry, Illinois, Tuesday evening, September 25th 1888 Good Music in attendance. "Tickets 50 cents. Good barn for horses. JOHN THALEN, Proprietor. ON Monday, September 24th, the great dramatic event of the Chicago season will occur, when Booth and Barrett will re>appear at the Chicago Opera House. They will opedf^ with •'Julius Canar" and play the piece for one week. It will be mounted upon a most elaborate scale, and will Intro­ duce a number of novel efleets. The second week will be devoted to a grand production of "The Merchant of Venice." This will be given during the entire week, and the third and last week will be devoted to the revi­ val of "Othello" upon a scale of magni­ ficence that has never been equalled upon the western stage. The sale of aeats for the entire three weeks will begin on Tuesday, September IStb, The prices will range as formerly from 92.50 to 50 cents. All orders will be promptly attended to at the box |paaaf (I* tfeeatre, whose respect is worth having4 We obtained seats in Mr. Wightman'% Bus, and we believe with just as respeot- able company as those who .feared to be contaminated by our presence. We think we were the gainer by the change. We make this statement merely to show our citizens to what length some people may ge to appear respe stable. JOHN R. BRENTS. FOR SALE. House and Lot In this Tillage, In good repair. Good outbuildings and iirst class water supply. For further particulars apply at this offleej Colic, Dlarrhoet and Summer Com­ plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have con­ stantly on hand a bottle of some relia­ ble remedy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POSI 1'IVE RELIEF In all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to lake. It will cost you only 35 cents. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and John Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggists. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock. Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reasbnable terms. Orders by mall will receive prompt attention. Address F. K. GRANGES, West McHenry. Ill* ; CIDER! CIDER! I am now rsady to make yoat ap­ ples into Cider on short notice end guarantee satisfaction. Bring on your Apples. THOS XKQK. MC HENRT. SEPT. 11th. 1888, The Battle Or Gettyabarg. We beg leave to advise our readers to be sure tnd not forget to see the Panorama of the Battle ot Gettysburg, while in Chicago during the Exposi­ tion. Take advantage of .the low rates and see Gettysburg. Perhaps there is no place In Chicago where an hour can be spent oMtre prof­ itably than at^the Panorama of the Battle of Gettysburg, the fame or which has spread all over the West. From early morn until nearly mid­ night viettors ge in and linger as they gaze at the landscape spread eut be­ fore tb*m, and then examloe the details of "bittle's magnificently stern array" portrayed with marvelous fidelity and startlingly real. There is no pictare in the world like this of Gettysburg. No other panorama pres­ ents snch a sweep country, and no other presents nature arrayed in the garb of summer, with the summer sun producing the Innumerable tints and the light and shade that lend to the scene a charm that Is wanting In other faintlnfiif! The Knights Templar Entertainment. The Knightss Templar of Calvary Commandery Woodstock, and their ladles will mark Thursday September 6lh with a white *iono In the teinplo of life. The membership of Cavalry Is very large and Its jurisdiction em­ braces a large territory. As a repre­ sentative body of men, their superior intelligence, education «nj social standing could hardly be equalled anywhere, and tranocn<1ed nowhere. The following card of Invitation explains how Thursday, September 6th. happened to be a gala day to the Sir Knights and their la>li-s: KNIGHTS TKMPLAU ENTBRTAINU BNT. Sir Knight: -.Y v. The company of youfsfelf and Ikdles is respectfully sollclten to enter­ tainment glvtn undfir the aupices of t.he members of Cavalrv^Comiuand/sry, Knights Templar, resVl ng tt Harvard and Capron. to be li*JJ at lidffvard Camp »eptember6. 18S8AA special train will h« furnish by gie Com- co an dory, which will leave Wood?tt>ek at 11:45 o'clock; Harvard at 12:00; Hebron at 12:45; Genoa Junction af 1:00; arriving at Williams' Bay at 2:00 o'clock P. M., The party will return by the same route. J. W. GROKSBKCK, ASAD UDELL., S. H. CALLKNDHR. Committee on Invitation. From the above It will be seen that the Sir Kiights of Harvard and Capron planned and furnished this entertain­ ment, oue of the most pleasant In the history of Cavalry Commandery. A special train was chartered by the Commandery. running|via. Woodstock, Harvard and Genoa Junction to Lake Geneva village and thence to Williams' Bay, where the elegant steam yachts of Ed Ajer and George Sturgls were waiting to convey the company around the lake, visiting the various points ol interest, especially the Home for the Chioigo waifs, where fifty of those poor chi ldren at a time were given an outing of a few weeks. The establish­ ment seems perfect In all its aopoiut- ments, from cook r. om to dormitories, where the cots in long rooms, with their snowy, coverings, seemed to in­ vite rest. Arrived at Harvard Park, the com­ pany were Invited to such a banquet is U only seen and enjoyed under the management of the Knights Templar. The tables were simply superb in all ithelr appointments. The dinner was ^t for kings; uay, bitter, fit for Knights and their "fayre ladies,' After dinner Mr. Ayer invited the air Knights and their ladies to in­ spect bis collection of ludlau r lics and cariosities. Mr. Ayer has a collec­ tion worth traveling across the conti* neut to see. It Is the largestlu the United States, unless pa^ibly that of the Smithsonian Institute. It Is a caravansary of wouders of Indiau workuaanshlp, taking miny years to collect, aud costing iniuy thousands of dollars. At eveatlde. led by Stoma's superb orchestra, brave |Ku(ghts and fair ladles were soon "whirling in the maaes of the mertry' daace," The dancing conttnued until 9:30, when Ice cream and sake were served, a verse ot "Aul Lang Syne*' was suog by the whole compauy, standing, and the signal was given to embark upon the yachts to return to Williams' Bty and thenoe home. A pleasing episode of the dance was the offering and enthusiastic adoption of the following resolutions In honor of Mr. Ayer: WHEREAS. We have all had a splen- time to-day et Ganeva Lake, there­ fore. Heaolved, That we the members of Calvary Commandery, Knights iem- plar, speaking In behalf oi ourselves and of the ladies accompanying us, Hereby extend to Sir Knlgnt Edward E. Ayer, our most grateful thanks for his courtesy In giving our entire party the delightful atearn yacht ride this afternoon around G^nev* Lake, The return trip through the star­ light over the sparkling waters of the lake was delightful, aud when at last the final parting words bad to be 8poken,asone delegation after another arrived at their destinations, it was worth the happy consciousness that memory would stow up the pleasing events of the day, were to be kept green and sunny. BAD BLOOD. There Is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the world as adulated state ot the blood. Your ambition is gone. Your courage lits tailed. Your vitality has left yoa. Your languid step and listless actions show that you need a powerful invfgorator. One bottle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, aud U it does uot it will cost you nothing. For Sale by J. A. dtory, Mclleury. aud John Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggists. Campaign Yarns, 17 peut Roasted Coflee Is Flour good Our corker. Last week on earth; Clscoette for $1. Come to us tor 29 bars 12 ounce reliable soap ior SI. Al! the lateat colors 36 inch all wool Dress flannol 36 eents. Elegantly colored end made fall Overcoats $8.75 to 116.90. Our Leader smoking tobacco 20 cents good flne Cut 3D cents. $5. $6. and #7. fancy serviceable ladies Jackets; choice #3 50. ^ ' Timothy and Clever seed of best quality for tall sowing. Plank Road and Big S. are our leading plugs, 300 new Cloaks, SacqueE, Waraps, and Jackets. A good heavy ell wool Shawl $3.90 Go*d beaver $5.23. We offer common white blankets $1.25 pair. Good, large heavy bed oomforters 90 cents fl,30and 11.60. All style mens and boys plush caps now In stock. 45 new, all different 'grades and shades of Yarns. Onr 92.50 high cut solid Kip boot is a winner. Ses our dandy mens oongress end button shoes for 1.90. BONSLETT & 8TOFFEL. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONTO.--a. F. an<l A, M. mfet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and Sit Weilne«Uay even- Itirs of each month. MODBKS WOODMEN OF AMRH'CA.--Meet at Masouic Hall every 3<1 and 4th Thursday even­ ings of ea«4h month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited . SONS OF TBMPBRANCB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening ot each week. EDITOR PLAINDI?ALER:--Hebron re­ ceived ber share of blue ribbons at the Fair. ^ Mrs. Dr. Herriok ppfcnf Saturday with Richmond friends. George Boughton closed ills school for two days of last week. The frosts of last week Injured the fodder corn to a great extent in this section. Mr. Olin Rowe, from Traer, Iowa, spent a few days with rcixtivt-s in this vicinity. Earl Tavlor returned Saturday night from a visit to Chicago^ Miss Ella Rowe commenced her sc'tool at Bigfoot last week. Mtes Delia ore we had a flue collec­ tion of paintings at the Fair. fiewes and Jones advertised to sell forty head of cattle at suction on Tuesday. A good crowd attended the enter­ tainment given by Miss Lucia Griffin, at Union Hall, on Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Sons of Temperance. Do not miss a chance In the drawing of the beautiful painted mirror, the work of Miss Delia Crewe. Purchase your tickets before they are all dis­ posed of. * W e learn of the marriage of Miss Rose Buchanan to a Mr. Davis, at Lodi, Wisconsin, on Wednesday eveuiug September 12th, During^ her stay in Hebron Miss Buchanan won many friends who will wish for her a life of happiness.,, The gambling institutions at the fair this year were unusually numerous and pronounced by many to be a nuisance, of a disgraceful order. They furnish easy work for pickpockets. The Aiden correspondent to the Harvard Herald, in his article last week, considerably exagerates an oc­ curence of recent date, which has caused some talk in llebrons society circle. Trouble of this nature should be couflued to the immediate families of the parties concerned,'for In this instauce, ai is usually the case, a mite has grown to be a mountain. No one has "skipped to parts unknown" bet all is peace and quiet as it should be. ALCONOUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin­ ity, kbowing tUonaelve* indebted for the I'i.AiNDK.vr.KH can loam of the amount by calling on John Helm, who is authorized to receive money aud receipt for the same, In our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave thotr names at uis storo. Call om him and get a sample cu py.J EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--David Py- ott returned home on Wednesday of last week from his trip to Germany, where we went last spring fer his health, lie Is looking much.better than he did when he went away. C. E. Chapell came In with a car load of milch cows on Thursday of last week, and he lo billed for an Auction Sale for Tuesday of this week Rev. Mr. Uench moved his family from Wayne here on Thursday of last week. He oocupies one of Mr. Shufeldts houses on the eait side ol the river. Algonquin was well represented at McHenry County Fair on Thursday and Friday of last week. Died, September 12th. 1888. of Cholera Morbus, Mr. Crist Koch. Mrs. Jame* Stewart, who has been very sic* for some tin»e. %t this writing, Monday of this 4week, U rest­ ing easy but is very low. There was a number from kere at­ tended the funeral at Cary on Sunday last of the three persons that were drowned last week. Fred Netzbandt Is moving into his ticw house this week. The Sewing Society of the Congre­ gational Church will meet at Mrs. Wm. Jo neks on Wednesday of next week. At this meeting there will be au election of officers of the society tor the ensuing year and al^members are requested to be present at said meeting. John'Peter has had bis residence painted In fiae style. The body terra cotta and tan border. Ed Morton done the job. . < • . . . . . . . . . . Tarred Fodder Twins at R. M. " - * V - " Cheap Rates To .Chicago. The Chicago & North-Western Railway Company will sell cheap Ex­ cursion Tickets to Chicago and return at frequent intervals during Septem­ ber and October on account of the Chicago Exposition, which opens Sep­ tember 5ib, and closes Ootober 20th. For information regarding rates, dates on which tickets will be sold etc.. apply to agents of the Chicago & Xorth-Westeru Railway Company. 9-5 w. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your akin Is rough and course^, When your skin Is inflamed and red. When your skin is full ot blotches. Wnen your skin is full of pimples y®u need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure tor ail of the above, so you can not possibly run any risk when you get a bottle of this wonderful medicine. For Sale by J. A. Story. McHenry, aud John Humphrey, Wau- eoode, Druggists. SE rTLEMENT NO TICE. Dr. C. E,Williams, Dentist, requests all persons knowing themselves in­ debted to him to call at the Parker House, in the village of McHenry, Jon the 25th, end 23th Inst, and settle the same, as his accounts must be settled at onco as he is preparing to join his family in the west. All persons wish­ ing any work in his line are also re­ quested to call at that time, In order to give him time to finish it before he leaves. 1® m | THtf 1$ THE f\<rSjKt TiVVT JACK Witt. THY' SAHTAOAW ill i r'Trtfii pma ̂ < This is die House, that Jack bolt < •.% These are the patties, that lived < f In the boose, that Jack bnilt- line are (he dotho, dat m *; Wont by the parties, that Hred in | The heme, Oat Jack beat. "V*" These are the Machines, that The ckthes, that were worn by The parties, that Hved In the boose* ft* Jack buOt This Is the Soap, that was enf ' In the Machine, that washed the •othes, that were worn by the partial That Bred in the house, that Jack 'V~; f , Try BesleyXIron Tonic Bitters. Fodder Corn^Blnders at E. M. Owen & SOQ'8, Elegant white aprons only 18 cents at Evanson's. For Coughs and Colds Take Story's 'Tar and Wild Cherry." Ladles white muslin underwear at cost to close out at Evanson's, Bottom prices on Plows, at E. M. Owen & SouV Golden Machine Oil at J. A. Story's Drugstore, C THE Peerless Dyes, the best article on th« market and warranted. At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors, un­ limited quantities. Mixed paiit by the pall or gallon at- Story's Dont forget to soe the Thrasher and Seperator, that attaches to a feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen & Son's, Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the tiuest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Bargains in Ladies- Hefce' from li cents to 41.25 par ptlr at John Evan son & Co's. Star. Belle City, Smally, and other Ensilage fodder Cutterejli ISi M. Owen & Son's. „ WHEAT WANTTTT). The highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Vallev Mills, Mc- Hinry. R, BIHOP. Norwegian, Star. Rook Island, First & Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, at E. M. Owen & Son's, You never will have to hufk an ear of c-»rn if you get one of the corn Thresher and SeperUors, at E. M. Owen & Son's. __________ Perfumery, all the latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant end last IngatStorys. Barley Wanted. 10,000 BUSHELS OF BARLEY Wanted at the Warehouse of Smith Son & Co., West McHenry. The highest market price paid for ail kinds of Grain, SMITH, SON & Co. When Baby was sick, we gaveher CaatoftK,, When she was a Child, she cried for Castdffit, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Caatori* Bur Schools. TABLETS, TABLETS, Large and Small, For Pencil and for Tok. 1 cent Tablets! 3 cent Tablets! 5 cent Tablets! 10 cent 1'ablets!. All to be found at J, A, Storv's Drug Store. Also a full line ef Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Slates, Sponges, scholars Companions, Pencil Sharpeners, Pen Wipers, etc., etc.. Everything that Scholars need to be fopid, j|* the Scholars Headquarters J* 'A# IStory's Drug Store. Great Bargains* 600 Childrens Collars 10 cents, worth from 25 to 50. Also latest styles In ladies and gents linen collars. Embroid­ ered black kid gloves of extra flne quality, only one dollar. • 50 Corsets, latest arrival, price 25 cents It will pay you to look us over. JOUN KVANSON & Co., •sM > Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found in our stock. J. A. Story's. • Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts orui«es, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required, it Is guarauteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 26 .•erts per box. For sale by G. W. Besley, The Chicago Meat Market. Situated near the Iron Bridge, Mo­ Henry, has been recently titted up in flrst class shape, and is now prepared to furnish customers with Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds, of the best quality, and at Bed-Rock Prices vVhen we say Low Prices we mean just what we say, and we Invite you to call and see for yourselves. The Highest Market Price paid for Calves, Hydes and Tallow, GIVE ME A CALL. THOS. BURKE. Proprietor. OUR CANDIDATE FOR PREIDEJf T . r • He will be nominated by the conven­ tion aad will be elected by the people, because he will come the nearest to filling their ideal of a Chief Magis­ trate. Electric Blt ershas been given the highest place, because NO other medicine bss so well tilled the ideal of a perfect tonic and alterative. The people have indorsed Electric Bitters rely upon this great remedy in all troubles of Liver, Stomach and Kid­ neys. For all Malarial Fevers aad diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cannot be too highly recommended. Also ores Headache and Constipation.' Satisfaction guar­ anteed, or money refunded. Price 50c. St***. Business Notice?. A choice line of Box Paper, cheep, st Besley's, West Side. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar In the merket, Cltv residences for sale. Apply te Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, I1L Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no equal, •; "f All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket ij books and begs at Besley's Drug store west side, f IF you want a first class Photograph. call on L. E.Bennett, over Perry A Owen's store. ' FOK SALE. $5 A large quantity of Shelled Corn tor ' sale at Bishop's Mill. : $$ Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for MUlln- J ery and Dress Making. "Oarrv the news to Hannah," thet J the best place to buy Ladies Fine < Shoes is at Altbofi Bros. Besley's Death to Rats la sure and <> certain. Don't be troubled with Sri these pests longer. \ 'f • J Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, e new thing, et Besley's, Chemesette Colars only 10o et John Evauson & Co's. Candles, a fine assortment just re- celved at Story's Drug Store. •> Every thing in the Implement line •"*> can be found at Bishop's Warehouse, ' Call and examine. Prices low, 1 Drink Besley's Ale end be heelthf and happy MIDDLINGS," Corn Meal and Ground Feed et rea» ^ sonable prices. Call and learn prices ' « at Bishop's Mill, Go to Althoff Bros, for Fine Shoes, " The finest stock In town. J --: The ohoicest brands of Ctgars In ^ • % town, at Besley's Drug Store, Westr" "P- Side. j Machine Oil, best quality, SO cents per gallon, et Besley's Drug Store. # West Side. If you want to see the finest stock ft of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices, oell • ;./ at Altbofi Bros. 4 l$W-i Toilet articles, soon as are usually found in a first class, well regulated pharmacy can be had at Story's Drar Store. _________ Screen doors at Shepard's hardware lowest prloes. Call on Mrs. E. Lawlus tvi choice Confectlonaries. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his House and Lot, in the village of Mo> Henry. Is pleasantly located, good barn and outbuildings, and is withal a desirable property. Will be sold ^ reaaonable if applied for soon. E. CABFUTU. McHenry, Aug. 14, 1888. Something New for Farmers. Short Stifl, Straw, long heads. In* ported from Prussia. \ White Winter Bye. ̂ Big yield, from 25 to 30 bushels per ! acre. The seed can be got of l»eter - Blake, one mile North of McHenry. on the Richmond Road, for one dollar per bushel, PETES BULKS. H-32in Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at 97. Don't pay 90 and $10. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also ^ have your clothes altered, fitted and oleaned. as ho can not be beat In doing a nice job. E. LAWLUS, Teller, ; .WHEAT WANTED. ^ The highest market price In casn will be paid for good Mi'llng Wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc- Henry, • R. BIHOP, Shorthand, Enclose stamps and write to Mrs. ; F. F.Judd, 79 Madison St. Chicago, for important particuiara of a practical couree by mall. Oil,s we have on hand a large quan* tity jo the diflerent kinds for paintings lubricating, &c. We sell ouly the pure, unadulterated articles, and warrant them as such. J. A. Story's. ' \ C. F. TORNOW Custom Tailor, of Nunda, wishes to ^ inform the cltizons of McHenry aad •> vicinity that he will visit Moueary & ou the 25th of each month, with a fall . line of samples, and will take orders for single garments or full suits and » guarantee satisfaction in quality of ? ; goods, good fits aud low prices. Headquarters ar the Parker House. Should the 25sh tall on Sunday, will be here the loUowing Monday. ~ . . C. F. TORHOW. Dated. April 25,1888. 43-U A WOMAN'S OISCOVKRT. | "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady la this country. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and ter seven years she withstood its severest tests, but : ber vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed Incessantly aad < could not sleep. She bought of us e bottle of Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for Consumption aud was so much re- J lieved on taking first dose that She slept all night and with oue bottle hae been miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther Luus." Thus write W. C. Hatnrick & Co.. of Shelby, X, C, --Get a free trial bottle at Q. W •» . f- 'V * * . V •

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