Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1888, p. 8

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iv' p:- Hv- |v ?• :M> T. U. MMRTMINT. id Hattcye »nder* tbe jj®?? bf tlnljidies ofttae W -0.1.0. alitor cl»iBi no part or credit for jFfMHMI*!' Ltd!** ©f tb« W.C.T. U. will meet Mr*. P. A, Htbard on Thundfcy «th, at 2:30 p. m. A cordial Wtttftttoa Is extended to »ll,1»dte» to Mill With us. Mu. J.B. PBKET,i*re«ld«Bt. ' Mu. T. J. WALSH, Secretory. Hmt part It spreading trirtMej overtake error, la helping tp Hie world belter. Costly Works of Art. , butCthese works of art do run j Into moniy," remarked a passenger whose breath sm illed like the south tide of the Ohio river. "It bests all What feols some folks make of them- ielves over pictures. When I was in Chicago I saw a little ^painting about t foot square that was held at 9510, *Specfc spme simpleton will o >me along and buy It. ir I bad a million of | money you'd not catch me paying #600 for a little painting like that." "That's the way you talk." spoke up | t bashful drummer; but "1,11 venture %ou paid four times as much money for a painting not a tenth part as big." *What, met" "Yes.yox" "What kind of a fitttroii#* . "The one en the end of your BOM*', --Chicago Rerld. Swift Judgment. Daring the reoent Crusade Earnest Christian women lo a place In Hothern Pennsylvania, went to the jfchlef saloon keeper in the place, and § aid. "We want you to look at the iiames on the head-stones In our grave-yard, and count the young men who have gone from drink sold by fon. Is it not about time you should §top this bnsiness?" The saloon keeper, pointing significantly to a li­ cense hanging on the wall, annwered, ••There Is the authority for my busi­ ness, and whatever may be the results. Til sell. If I go to hell with my whole family. Get out of this place!* They went their way, leaving the saloon keeper In the hands of * God. Two weeks.from that time the eldest son went out of the world fight­ ing demons In delirium tremens. Two months later another sen was run over by a railroad train and brought home dead. Three months later, his wife died in a lunatic asylum. A few weeks afterward, the last oae of his boys was brought home on a shutter, dead--killed In a row io a neighbor" I ng saloon. This man is now a lunatic. --Christian Woman. Has made ike surrounding country happy. Oar present City Government has made our city happy. I * Two new Fire ̂ Engines, a new Street Spriukler, a new Park House, a new City Hall and a Cooler. Who says we are not rapid­ ly going to you to remember that we are putting'in *&• largest new stocks of all kinds of Goods this Fall that has ever been brought to McHenry. We have to close out a large line of And can sell them to you at Wholesale Prices. You cannot afford to buy until ydu have looked ours over. You know we keep YOUR CONFIDENCE^ The successful merchant looks .Iter the interests of hi* custom* ers always, giving the best fb| the least money. open this week their new line of *' -v.1 nd Winter Goods £ •Cri It makes a difference to hi the course of 365 days in dealing with a firm you have confidence ill and to know that you are do­ ing the best that can be dione in buying the necessaries Qualities and priced fluctuate constantly. An article may be cheap and yet very poor and de­ ceptive. And we wish to say our new stock is the very finest we ever hAve opened and cheaper than you have over bought before. Always on hand. ^ I R O O B R I E S ^ The best we can possibly buy. Hats and Cap, Mora and Mittens. --<im-- P Howe's Block, •' MoHENBY, ILLINOIS, =BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 We are leaders for good goods and low prices. We hope to see jyou, sell you, and give you the worth of every cent you leave with us. Our place is the home of the celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods, And their output this Fall is larger than eyer. Tours as Ever, STBTMNS A HmJB. VR* H STOFFEL & BLAKE. ?! We take pleasure I* announcing to the citi­ zen* of McHenry and surrounding country that we keep on band at all times a fall stock of all kinds of BAKER'S SUPPLIES, Now have a full and complete line of And hope by a close attention to bnsiness to 1 merit the patronage of the Public. From a J long experience In the business we are confi­ dent that we can please ail, " £ BR1AD, PUS, CASKS, And In short everything in tbe Bakery line Writ He kept on hand Fresh Every Day. A FULL STOCK OF Confectionery and Cigars, Gammed Goods, Etc. All of the best quality and at tbe lowest fruwi. Oall and see as. CHAS. A. BARBEL HeHenry. March 27th, 1988 Such as Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Bab ' Shoes, Slippers, FAT BABY'S SHOES, And in fact the finest, newest and most complete line of foot- I wear that money can buy. In THK CHICAGO % &» AND MIRTH RAILWAY. PMitratea th« {Centers of Population? in Hois, Iova, - Wisconsin. MMip, liieseta, Dakota, Netala anft lyomiiii. We carry a large line of Jamestown Cashmere, Worsted*, Sateen, Ginghams, Prints, and everything pertaining to Dress Goods de­ partment. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, We seU by sample. Thus we are enabled to sell from a wholesale j stock and we can show a larger line and sell cheaper, for we have no mony invested and yet a much larger stock to sell from than all the houses in town combined. Our stock of GROCERIES, Always complete and prices the lowest. Give ns a call. 8T0FFEL & BLAKE. train service is oarefully arranged to •Met requirements of loeal travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes tor through travel between Important Trade Centres. . I®* equipment of day and parlor cars, din- UK and place sleeping ears is without rival. Its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for 1 tbe commercial tiaveler, tbe tourist and the! SJSrtbwest!'" new bomes in the golden Detailed Information cheerfully furnished | * •ERKAftD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, III. m JT WHITMAN, r #r- 4ml. Manager. K • : ' < & f i -"jry ""P* ••'•II' • £, ' ' A P. WllAON, || ; .. Ummil Pamnger AfmL & P Consequently the prices quot­ ed are a mere bagatelle to you it qualities are objectionable. C£ > o We want vour confidence. We want your trade* Will take care of the rest. • • £ aK^° ^av6,n<! °'^ Qd she!M wor.i goods lef over from last year to - f show you. but goods pertectly new and the latest styles. Wnip* ^ i ' i Hsnristta and Aiaonr Clotlu. Ttieot and Drin flannds, In all shades* with trimmings to match. Plaids are front and we have a fine assortment of them, altft > - ; a ne^ of iadics* Fancy Goods, Oolhrsand Cuffs, Ruch^ ings, Veilings, etc. New Ribbons in all the late shades, maho£Mn\. '-Z gobelin and abtmthe, and the Glacia Marie Ribtous. . We have a full stock of Ladies'-, Gent's and Children'ii . . , m WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. HOOTS AND OAP̂ KTd o o J Look us over. It will pay you. John Evanson SL Co. THE WORLD V I CTOR, The McCormick Light Steel HARVESTER & BINDER -NOTE CAREFULLY, Stronger than the strongest, light Jaa the lightest, durability the greatest, light draft, good work and capacity, never equaled. We have the Red White an4 Blue, Crown, changable speed and McCormics Steel. ! RAISES I All kinds and at prices that are lower than the lowest. In fact everything iu the implement line can be found at my warehouse. Very Truly Youra, RICHARD BISHOP. W. F, West McHenry, wSUfcAhlttEhr There's Our on it! •PUL8 OP MONET CAN BE SAVED BY BUYING OF OUR |&»DY SALESMEN THE MTSOME GOODS WE I9»DLE. • BIO DRIVE IU LADIES' ^KERCHIEFS. WOTE IT DOWN. 1 r^OME IS WHO MpSOME DOSS." "SEEING IS BELIEVING. YOU WILL FIND UENTS WANTED i ALTHOFF BROTHERS 1° II V»ennTasferoM<tftbe Urgefft. oldest IfMlnbllaked, BIST MOW* VURSEBIBS **HI MM country. Most liberal terms Un- •qMtetf CseiKtles. OEHEVA VUBSXBY, Wr«,N.Y. ON a9- AT TH£lR STORE READY TO TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION, MfilJcury, III,, Aug. 1,1888. ' 'OLE YOB PURCHASE TPOl DEALER IN SHELF AND Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware TOY The Peninsular and Reliable, The best Stove on the Market and cheap. Oome and see oar O&lV&nizert Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that wll 1 holds barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tr acks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pulleys, tl e best In the market. Oall and see It. Screen Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow Pail, a new thing. Haishfc Barb Wire AT BOTTOM PRICES. JOBBING AND BEFAIBOfQ Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed* A specialty of Butter Factory A share of public patronage respectfully solicited, v W« P. STEVENS, We also have Remnants, odd and ends of Summer Goods which we will sell you at cost in order to close them out. Our.«t#o^4^ -GROCERIES,1 affords C°ffee' Spicos and Canned Goods is the finest the market. CROCKERY, - GLASSWAREJI We will sell you a decorated Tea Set, 5G pieces, for $3.98, Giv* US & CFTLL« FITZSIMMONS & HENDBR80N. Opposite Post Office, West McHenry, June 26th, 1888. H1NRY. •--Dealer iiiii*#*#. Drags and Hedicines, PAINTS, OILti Toilet Articles, • PURE * WIRES AND LIQUORSj FOB MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. Thebest bran U of Cigars anl Sinmin^ and Che^lug Tjb^^co alwayson hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. G. W- BC8LKY. Are You Going to If so do not fail'to get an estimate on your Lumber from Near the 33ep©f* West McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, ef all kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to th» public Ths B«t Quality of Lombtr, ----AT ran, yn LOWEST LIVING PRICES- iS&8S@^6i. b.* Casing, Door and Window Frames-Ready Hade-always u Hail Als the Bost Brands of Barb Wire. We shall kee.) our stock, complete at all times and spare no panM» to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER GQHFJ&T* C, H. GRANDER, Manager

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