Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1888, p. 5

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j£e$[eiry b̂uiiMler. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 1888, Railroad Time Table, i * Taking efltoct June Wtb, train* wilt pass MeHenry station daily, aa Callows: ^ OOIHO BOtJTH. | Lake Geneva Passenger,.....7 7:28 A. * | Lake Geneva Express -8:22 i Lake Geneva Freight S:on p. * I Lake 6eneTiPuMncer..,M *» <»OLWO WORTH. Lake Geneva Freight .9*11a., M « Lake 3eneva Passenger 9:X - Lake GenevaKxpreas. «... .4:S6F.K Lake Geneva Passenger 6:61 , D»«y «x««pt Snod.y. a ^ MeHenry, 111 tlarrlfM and Morton Marching Club. . Will meet at New City Hall Thursday evening^ it 8 o'clock, all turo out. . Per Order. this Let SEBDeland's advertisement, y • - O. L C, Kennedy, t£e barber. Is igent for laandry work. Oo to Mrs, C. •. Hutson's for Fall . Sod Winter Millinery Good. FRUIT and Vegetables of all kinds at Iklthoff Bros. Market. Look at Perry A Owen's big id. this freak, ' ' ; : • THERE will be services in the Uni­ versal 1st Church next Sunday at the tsual beur. : NEVER fall to read the advertise- ^ iaent and locals of Bonslett A Stoflel *« they are changed from week* to V "George O." woo fresh laurals at the \Elkhorn FairJ Time and space will jfr>t permit of a Mammary of the race fere. Will speak of it at another time. " THE more you Cellar and Cuff a jjaundryman the better he likes it. f'ry the Harvard Laundry. D. H. Kennedy, agent. MARRIED--September 10th, 1888, at the residence of the bride's parents in Volo, by Elder Joseph Owen, Mr. Wmt C. Russel, of Burlington, Iowa, to Miss 8arab Russel, of Volo, Illinois. THE I. O. G. T. of this village will tlold tbeir meetings in the lower room fjjf the City until further notice, tttmmenolng Oil Thursday evening !•«. PER ORDER. , .DIBD--In Chicago, September 29th, 18S8 Mrs. Mary Smedley, sister of Lewis Waite of wis village, aged S3 years. Her remains were brought to this vil­ lage on Monday, and were deposited Jo Woodland oemetery. Miss. ELLA SPAULDINGI bat just re­ turned from the city with a line stock ||f new aod stylish Millinery Goods, |» whioh she Invites the attention of «t>e Ladies of MeHenry and vicinity. Gall and examine ber new stock. ]|tooms In Nlekols' Block. THERE will be no regolir services In ihe M. E, Church Sunday, but Sunday fcobool will be held at 10:30 Instead of ihe usual hour. In the evening the Sunday School will give a Concert to Which every one is Invited. A LARGE; number of dudes were fathered at an exposed corner last Sabbath where the wind was high, and caught oolds. Each little darling |ras speedily cured by Dr. Bull's Cough tyrup. • . ONE of the attractions of the Ma- ieogo fair was a pair of tame black Spar*, the property of Dr. J. Q. Adams, iphe Doctor is an old hunter and captur- id these when cubs, while on a hunt In |he woods of Northern Wisconsin. WB are under obligations to Mrs. Buckland and Mrs, Oscar Tabor, of Blngweod, for two of the handsomest toqueta that ever adorned our table. $bey were beautifully arranged and oomprised some or the choicest va­ rieties. • ALL colors Eider Down Flannels for fblldren's cloake ; all wool Dre ss Flau- iels 48 inches wide, 35 cents per yard; Xogllsh Cashmere, 35 cents per yard. Prapery. Curtains. Chairs, Cord and Tassels very cheip, Corsets, Under­ wear, Dressmaking at Ladle's Sale8- A WELL known citizen of Lancaster. ' ffa., Mr. L B. Klefer, writes: Having # sprained leg of almost thirty days Standi ngand after trying half a doeen Of the advertised preparalions in the Viarket wlthoot satisfactory results. | was advised to try Salvation Oil, did fo. and In less than three days my leg •'Was all right again. It did the work. THE next attraction following flooth and Barrett, begining October $5th, at the Chioage Opera House, Will be the full strengtn of A. M. palmer's Madison 8quare Theatre Company. They will open in "Part­ ners," the latest hit at that theatre. This will be followed by "Our Society" tnd "Heart of Hearts," plays which 9111 show the full strength of that or­ ganisation. In another oelumn can be foood the pew advertisement of Jacob Bonslett, |ueoesser to H. V, Shepard, dealer ID Hardware, Stoves, etc. Me has replen­ ished the stock In all Its branches and ivill at all times keep It up to the frants of the buying public. Mr. Bows, one of the best Tinners tn the Northwest, can hereafter be found at fbls Store, where be will be happy to Creel bis old friends. Read the adver­ tise sent In another column. A PHTSICIAK, satisfied that there was deatb In that form of tobacco, had a {(garotte analyzed. The result was a Startling one. The tobacco was found lo be strongly Impregnated with tptum; While the wrapper, which was Warranted to be pure rice paper, was proven to be the most ordinary quality Of paper, whitened with arsenic, the two poisons oomblned being present In sulflolent quantities to ereate in the amoker the habit of using opium with­ out his being aware or It, and which craving oaa only be satisfied by an ox- qnaslve consumption of olgarettas. P8RSOK4L. MRS. J. HETZEL and children visiting In Chlosgo this w*»fe; MRS. LEWIS WAITE has been%Islt1ng with friends in Elgin the past week. MRS, L. A. CLARK, of Lake Geneva was calling on friends here last week /"A TEX pound boy arrived at the 'home of Thomas Jecks, oi Friday eve nlng last. Miss TILLIE JECKS la visiting with ber sister. Mrs. C. E. Hollister, at Champaign, III. COL. WM. AVERT, of Woodstock, was a caller on Saturday last. Sorry we were out. ••BOTE" HOWE and friend, of Chi­ cago, wrre calling on friends here the last of the week. Miss MART BUSS went1 to Chicago on Monday, where she ejects to re main during the winter. E.G.THOMAS and wire,of Wood­ stock, spent Sunday with the family of E. M, Owen, in this village, MRS. T, J. WALSH and Mrs. Julia Bishop attended the W. C. T. U. Con vention at Elgin, last week. / DR. H. T. BROWN and family broke oamp at Pisbiaka Bay on Thursday ^ast^andcan now be found at their residence In this village. Miss MART MADDEN, who has been In Chicago the past few months, re­ turned to her home la ibis village on Friday last. , DR. A. 8. CHILDS received a dis­ patch on Saturday that his f*tb«r, who resides In Wisconsin, was dying, and Immediately departed for that plaoe. PaporCarnival and Oystors. A Paper Carnival and Oyster Supper will be given in the City Hall, by the Good Templars of this village, Friday evening, Oct. 13, Fine music will be given during the evening. All are cordially invited to come out and have a good time. PER ORDER. DOWN in Lancaster county, which Mr. Thurman says is "the garden ol the world," a farmer scolded bis wife a few days ago because her new baking or bread was heavy. An hour later the woman^hung herself to a rafter in the garret, the rope being so small that ber throat was cut from ear to ear. MeHenry county women are not so sersjtlve as this. When their hus­ bands Hod fault with the cooking they generally stand at a safe distance- just a little farther than a^woraan can throw a stone. PATENTS granted to citizens of Illi­ nois during the past week, and re­ ported for this paper by C. A. Snow A Co. patent lawyers, opposite the U. 8. Patent Office, W asbington, D. C. W, H. Beath, Rockford, bpring Hinge. L. M. Devore, Freepert, Cork Ex­ tractor. Frank E. Gilmore, Gerlaw, Straw Stacker. D. E. Helton. Ogdeu, Gate. W. C. Hooker, Abingdon, Ani­ mal Trap, C. Morgan, Freeport, Cork Extractor. E^ II. Morgan, Free- port, Coffee Mill. J. W. Reed, Pax ton, Napkin Holder. J. C. Rlsser, Paris, Fanning-mlli. C. H. Shaffer, Rockford, Fire Alarm. MANT foolish people make them­ selves offensive in politics to their best friends and pleasant social* rela­ tions are often strained or broken bj senseless party Intolerance. Ail have equal rights to their convictions, and all should respect the opinions of others as they desire these to respect their own. But no person clad in a ragged or old misfit suit can command the respect that a neatly and well dressed man can. If you desire to command the respect of respectable people, It behooves you to go to Lawlus, the Tailor. He oan fit you out with a Suit in Style and quality fit to be presented to a Queen. THE man wtio baudles.tbe local de­ partment of a newspaper learns after experience, not to expect even briefly expressed thanks for a column of plettsant things, but he knoweth as surely as cometh the wlnterj that a single line in which there is an unin­ tentional misrepresentation, will cause some one'to be heard from as on a bouse top. And we may add that when he has made pleasant mention 999 times of some person, thing or place, but on the thousandth time fails to do so, be must not expect to be forgiven, The omission may have been from accident, inadvertence or even the entire lack or knowledge. It matters not. The simple fact remains and he will be judged by that. Building at Auction. i The Building heretofore used as a Council Room and Calaboose, in the village or MeHenry, will be offered ror dale, at Public Auction, to tne blghe3t and best bidder, on SATURDAY, Oct. -20th, 1888, at one o'clock p. M., at said Council Roomi Terms made knowa oa the day of Sale. By order of the Beard. J. VAN SLYKE, Village Clerk. F. ^GRANGER, Auctioneer. THAT there is something in the faith cure has recently been demon­ strated. A gentleman, not a thousand miles from this city, was taken sud­ denly ill, with eolic, in the night. He told his wife to get up and gat that prepared mustard plaster and put it on his stomach. She did so aod in about fifteen minutes he complained of its drawing too hard and said It burned liim; adding that he never did like those ready-made, patent plasters. He teok the plaster off and went to sleep. The next morning his wife went to throw the piaster out and found that it was a piece of sand pa­ per. She had got into the wrong drawer. When she mentions It to hSm now, all he says is, you must think you're smart. Men's heavy Grey Underwear cents, worth 60 oents. at Perry Owen's. •, . Baa oar new Fall styles of fiao foods. JOHN EVARSON & Co. THE following Is the report of the MeHenry Publio School for the raontb nding Sppt, 38,1888. The grades are based upon Class Records and Monthly Examinations. » , HIOI1KK DErmSMt. H A GBADR. - ? Maude Van *lyke...miAmrC. "'iJm John Ralston SSjKUitli Carpenter ..IS Belie Whiting ..y 77 B GRADE. ~ Florence Searles--»l|Tena liaa* .87 "" Thomas Walsh. Ma An ties 84 Ohfulo* Norviquest..84 Nina Wells 89 Nellie Knox iW Maude Colby SS Hetty Went worth. .8* Eil« in Granger 87 Amos Smith.... C GRADE. J W ray J W Gilbert........TS ...77 Bonslett 9i I.Annie Bishop SS Ralph Chillis S5 George Gilbert 85 James Perry.. St John Bonslett 84 Joseph Wheeler ...83 Ooy Tnrner 85 Guy Glcmnns 81 Bernice Kimball .. 79 Names of those neither absent nor tarrtv: Maggie Bonslett, ttalph OhiMs. Belle Whiting, Hetty Wenthworth, Mantle Olbv, Janes Perry, Guy Clemens ami Nellie Knox. LIKN B. YOUNG, Principal »TEaM«DIAT B DKTABTXailT. ; % A GBADB. Margaret McDonald 85IOarrie Stella Morey Allie Smith .....". ..79 Lvle Howe 83 Mary Sutton 7ft Agnes Perry... so'ciyde OurU« 71 Bessie McKinlny ...72 B OKAOB ' Frank Oolby ..... Stella Nordqneat Amos Turner .... Dors Colby Mabel Wheeler .. Ida Wilson ...S3 . . . M ...87 .. .86 JennieCevell ..., Ererett Colby...; Harry Wightman. Miles Oolbj ... Milo Howe. ...8SJ Willie c GRADS ...89 ..w ..79 ..7t ,..7S Oalby 09 l>ois Whiting JS Anna PomreniBf.,. ?} Maud McKinlay....N Lena Smith SB Delo Knox... Nellie Clemens Bernice Perry 89 Edith Curtis 87 l-ura Owen 86 Anna swadish 73 Edna Beckwith S3 Those neither ab9ent nor iar<ly: Prank Colby, Everett Colby, Willie Colby, Nellie Clemens, Anna Swadish, Margaret McDonald, Carrie Colby and Allie dniith. , , MART *V*KTWORTH. Teaiftton, ~ FBIMARY DEPARTMENT. A GBADB. Lutie Morey 39!Mzzie Simon ..87 Kthe! Hiuith 8S Clayton Wilson St Mary McKlnlay dijMauny Auringer....7S Willie Bishop 75 ii' B GBADB. •, ' Albert Holly 92 Wallie Woodburn. .94 Harold Colby 9-1 May Andersen 92 Julia Laughlin 92 C GBADB. Martin Howell 91 Harry Kennedy 90 Eddie Simon... H9 Chas. Gilles 83 Hodie Auringer...S8 Johnny Knox D GRADB. Alice Harrison..81: Guv Colby .....89 George Ho we........87 Hat tie Howard 86 James Colby ,.83 Harry Pay ..... .. 8$ Paul Foreman SS Willie Orerocker....88 Win field Woodburn S3 Mary Overocker....7t Nina Colby 90 Willie McKlnlay.. .9J Walter French. !K) Josie Gilles 89 Anna Winkle 89 Josephine Englen..S8 Willie Howe 88 Lilian French SS Jennie Smith 80 Westfall Woodburn 87 Grace Taylor 87 Klsie |Howe 87 KLSIB GAUK, Teaoher. WEST DIVISION. A GRADES Agnes Colby ... ....Ml Herbert Bennett....74 Harry Eldredge ....S7 Lome Howard 7i Chas Blaokman ^51 Walter Evanson . .71 Walter Besley 82iCarrie Siraes.... ...70 Luther Lincoln 79|Lottie Stevens 83 B GBADB Guy Harrison 97 Harry Hanly 88 George Hanly 83 Bay Wilson Si Ollie Blackman ...77 Newell Colby 75 Frank Bennett 68 Names ot those neither absent nor tardy during the month were: Agnes Colby, Mamie Besley, Lovina Block, Eddie Cobb, George Slimpins. Harrv Hanlov, Frank Bennett, Henry Block, Willie Block Henry Nickles Frank Cobbaud Herbert Bennett, H. it. PUBUX, Teacher. THE Ladles' Witling Workers Society connected with the Universallst Church, will meet with Miss Julia A. Story, Friday afternoon October 5th. Jtita, W. Cfti8xr,.Pre8ideot # MRS.O. N. OWEN, Secretary, C, W, KOSSACK & Co. General Pro­ duce aod Commission Merchants, who are located at 35 Market Street, Chi* cago, are wholesale dealers in, and, shippers of, Potatoes, Apples, Buttei^ Eggs, Veal, Poultry, Fruit, etc. The junior member of the firm Is D. B. Warner, formerly of the flrji of But­ ler & Warner,Nunda, and is well and favorablv knowu in this and Lake counties, and we take pleasure In reco- mendiog this firm to farmers and shippers in this vicinity as men, and who will guarantee good prtce» aod quick returns." When you have any­ thing to ship try the firm of K>sseck and Company, 35 Market Street, Chicago. Funeral «f George Walts. In the Evening N*wa% published at Emporia, Kansas, we fiod the follow­ ing account of the .funeral of George Waite, eldest son of Lewis Waite of this village. Yesterday at IrSOJthe Jr. A. R, posts of this city, headed by the Emporia band, Co. £., K. N. G. started from the department headquarters and marched to the residence of the late George Waite, to aid in tue last sad duties as comrades. A large number of friends and citizens bad already arrived aod the religious services conducted by Rev. Walker were sooti begun. At the conclusion of the services at the bouse, the coffin was taken out on tbe lawn to allow comrades and friends an opportunity to view the re- uaibS. The tloral ofierlngs were very ricb and beautiful, and the music fur­ nished by MeBdames Harris and Penny and Messrs. H. E.Fox and R. G. Brodie was both beautiful and ap­ propriate. The band then formed on South Avenue, followed by the K. N. 3. Behind the guards were members of Posts 55 and 464 G. A. R. under command of Post Commander Charles Harris. In a body. Next In order was tbe hearse au t on eitbtb gide were members or Co. E. Elevenm Ktnsas volunteer cavalry, with whom the deceased served three years. To tbe impressive strains or *'Rock Hill Dirge" the procession moved slowly west to Commercial street. Besides the band, K. N. G. and G. A. R. organi­ zations on fojt there were one hun­ dred and aeventy-two carriages in line. Arriving at Commercial street the line turned north and continued to Twelfth avenue, during which time "Webster's Funeral March" and -'Dirge Dolore" were played by tbe band. At I'weirth. those on foot took tbe wait­ ing vehicles and accompanied the pro­ cession to Maplewood. On the arrival there the lines were formed again and tbe march taken up to the grave, where the band played "Nearer my God to Thet\" Then the beautiful and touching memorial service «f the G. A. R. was read. Colonel Felgan, being the department commander and the superior officer in th« city, by re­ quest conducted the reading. The sa­ lute was thfn fl'ed 1>V Co K. N G. and tbe sad duties of comrade* and fel­ low-citizens were *nderi and th« home- ward dl&rcb taken np. Reaching Twelfth avenue the companies were again formed and marched to their respective halls., ' LOOK HEKB. Harvard] Staan Laun­ dry* D. B. KftOMdj, agent. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORV. MUOiTO.-A F. and V, M. meet at Masonic Hail oa every 1st and 3<i Wednesday even­ ts *a of each month. MODERN WOODMBSOF AMKK'CA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every £4 and 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month. Neighbor* cordially in­ vited. Soirsor TBHPKRAMCK --Meetat Union Hall on Tuesday evening of cacti week. last EDITOR Pt.AINI>BALKIT:-Miss Minnie Hodg« Is home f^ffm Harvard. <?. A. Stone was in Chicago week. Mr. and Mis. flowed Conn spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Sirs. Will Ferr*6, at Lsiwr»»no9. Sandford Rotnour made a business visit to Carpeatersyllle on Thursday. Miss Mai^y Alexander returned to ber home at Xort^ Dumbarton, New Hampshire, the drat of the week. Rnmor says that wedding bells will ring a joyful sound oo Wednesday of this week. Frank Rowe Is In Chicago this week makings purchase of goods for tbe Fall snd Winter trade. Cora and Earl Taylor have been en­ ter t a! nlng their cousin Mr, Lyon. A dance will be given at Rewe's Hall on the evening of October 19. Mnsio oy the Janesvllle orchestra. Tbe Misses Nellie Andrews and Ibbie Rowej enjoyed afpleasant?visit with friends at Lawrence the first of the week. Taylor Brother* erected a Monitor power windmill and grinder a few days ago for Mr. Dilleuoeck, on bis farm at Lino. Mr. and Mrs. Waruer, of Iowa, were the guesta Aof Mr. and Mrs. George Goddard the first of last week. "Doc" Prouty will move to town. The writings were drawn a fews since which makes him. owner of George Goddard's house aad lot. George Goddard starts for Omaha, Nebraska, ou Wednesday of this week to make bis home there. T tat suocess may acoompany him is our wish, Melvio J. Cole has purchased the property owued and occupied by Dr. B. O. 'Jratton for many years, one of the finest I oca t loos In towo. Consid­ eration, 93,000. MABBIBD:--At the home of the bride's pareuts on Monday, September 24th, at Lawrence, Miss Ida Anderson to Mr. Charles Nichols, both of this place. The happy c>aple have our best wishes. Sugar was a scarce article lo town a tew days a^o aud by the time a fresh supply arrived a large quantity was needed to sweeteu tbe accid.ty of tempers, ete. A oumber from here have attended tbe fair at Elkhoru and report a vast crowd of people and the fair complete in every department, although Newell says Walworth county cannot compare with McHeory county in fine horses, cattle and sheep. «t» & Of course we admit that gossips tongues will wag Wbaf the efrarting Is but a myth, or mere nothing, and with so frail a foundation might fall to the ground but for tbe overflowing of tbe little box that tbe Alden prohibition correspondent carries, and In which we imagine he gathers his news. Such items as his first, and a manlyf P) expression in his last article, are sultablê only for tbe Police Gazette. Tbe Qazettds sprightly little* "kid" has taken'anto herself a partner. A Demoorat and a Republican have em­ barked in the same crart to call to­ gether over tbe Inky waters or the broad river which leads to tbe bound­ less ocean, literature. At the mast- head floats a banner with tbe device, "Latest News" and we donbt ir their watch-word will be rree trade but protection, with a heavy tarifl of good senee levied on every breeze bearing tbe Import or doubtfuK news Sucoess to "Company Kid." AND now approaches the time of year to put up stores. In this con­ nection we wculd remark that the English language consists of about 38.000 words/and the man who amuses himself by setting up stoves gener­ ally manages to make use or just about two-thirds of them in just about five minutes. Call at Mrjj li A Uutsons aad exam­ ine ber hew stock or Fall Millineiy Goods. Can give you tbe best bar­ gains ID Hats aud Bonnets, Fanoy Goods, Ladies1 Furnishing Goods, Lace, Embroideries, Insertings, Trim­ mings Braids, etc.. of any place in the county. We also continue Dressmak­ ing on short notice and guarantee sat­ isfaction. MRS. C. A. UUTSOK. West Side, near the Depot. THE most complete assortment of Over and Underwear to be found west or Chicago at Evansons, WB want you to try Miller & Co's Racine made shoes ror everyday wear. They are extra. JOHN EVANSON A do. Wgare showing the finest line or Tricots, Dress Flannels, Henrietta cloths. Water-proofs, tFuderwear. etc., to be round west of Chicago, we guar­ antee our prices tbe lowest and our goods or only first-class quaiitv. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Swlts conde's Flannels S. C. 1 Under­ wear 91.20. Others are selling for more money. At Perry & Owen's. FOR SALE. House and Lot in this village. In good repair. Good outbuildings and first class water supply. For further particulars apply at this office. Dropped Dead. Physiologists estimate that the heart does 5.000,000 pounds of work each day. No wonder people drop do ad with worn out hearts This could be prevented by Dr, Mile?" new and great discovery, the New Cure. Always cammences when you first begin to get short of breath, have weak, faint or smothering spells, pain or tenderness In side, etc. Sold at. Geo. Beslej's and J alia A. Story's Drag Store. Richmond Department. OOHTRIBCTBD BY "THK PROWLER.' Fall feed is short. Elkhorn Fair takes the hlue ribbon. McConnell A McGraw paid ffli rent* for August butler. Richmond was well represented at the Elkhorn Fair last week, "Chet" Valentine hss rented the Will Burger farm, near Keystone. Jack Frost paid this luck of the woods q»il:e a vl*lt Friday night. The boys are just beginning to g -t enthused for campaign work, so look out. Harrison and Morton flags are be.- coming quite numerous, uot only In town but out in the country. Some of the boys talk of going to Indianapolis next Saturday with the excursion. Why would'nt a matched race be­ tween "George O" and ".Sprsgua Pilot" prove a good drawing card. Tbe Harrison and Morton marchiug club met last Saturday night for drill. Tbe tap of the drum and "fours right march," will be beard for tbe next five weeks. Coloael J. G, Wilson, the Burlington auctioneer, sold a lot of milch cows for Ward and Thomas last week Tuesday., They were a fine lot and sold for good' prices. Mr. D. R. Wheeler, tbe well known furniture dealer of Wilmot, who has been dangerously sick, is now reported as gaining, a fact over which bis Rich* mond friends are greatly rejolc )d. Tbe Sunday school at Stone's Cor­ ners, of which Miss Jennie Dennison of this village Is tbe superintendent, gave a oonoert in the school-house last Sunday evening which was well attended and mnch enjoyed. Probably no horse in MeHenry county has shown as much improve­ ment this season as "Prince S." who has been driven by Mr. Heck of this village. At Elkhorn Fair la9t week he had a "snap" in the stake race for three-year olds, winning the raoe In three straight heats. Youcau't touih Mr. E, E, Manor with a twenty-feot pole just now, WbyP Because his trotter "Eli M." took first money in the 3 minute class at Elkhoro last week. Six heats were trotted, he taking the last three. Eli ha9 a noble little horse aud be is not to be blamed for feeling proud of him. MABRIED:--Wednesday, September, 26tb, at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Ida Dennison to Mr, H. E. Cole. These young people are too well known in this vicinity for us to attempt to tell our reader* how well they stand wherever known. They are now absent on an Eastern trip. Congratulations. The Democrats are much troubled over Mr. Blaine's teur; they are fear- ful(?) that Mr, Harrison will be lost sight of. What would they not give IX UiejL-Uad a man who-nould arouse one-tenth the enthusiasm ror tbeir ticket that James G. Blaine will ror Harrison and Morton? It was Free Whiskey last week and it is Blaine this week. What next P To-night, (Wednessay) tbe Harrison and Morton marching club will bold their second rally or tbe campaign at Burton's opera bouser Messrs. Frank Spitzer and C. H. Barnes, of Wood­ stock. are to be the speakers. Both of these gentlemen are fine orators and staunch Republicans aud there is no doubt that it will be a rare treat to hear them. Music will be furnished by the Richond band and a glee £club. The Marching club will meet at 7:30 aud beaded by tbe band will parade tbe principles streets before the meet­ ing opens. Everbody turu out. Sioux City Corn Paiaoe. The second annual festival of tbe Sioux City Corn Palace opens Septem­ ber 24th, and closes October 6tb. |In order to enable all to be preseot at the restivities, which will be of a most entertalniug character, tbe Chicago & Nortb-Westero Railway will sell tickets from points in Iowa and Dako­ ta from September 23d to October 5t(i, inclusive, and from points in Illinois and Wisconsin September 25th and 27th and October 1st and 2d, at one fare for tbe round trip; tickets good to return until October 10th. For tickets and lull Information apply to any agent of the Chicago & North- Wcsten Railway. i)-3w See our large Stock of Ladies and Misses fine Shoes. Prices tbe lowest at Perry & Owen's Blood vs. Nerves- Great mistakes have been made in the world, by supposing many nervouB troubles were due to bad blood. This headache, tits, dizziness, sleeplessness, etc. are always due to weakness or Irri­ tation of the nerves of the brain: dys­ pepsia, pain, wind, etc. to weakness of tbe nerves of the stomach: weak lungs is caused by weakness of the parts: bililousoess, constipation, etc. to weak­ ness of the nerves of the liver or bowels: pains. Irregularity, sterility, to derangement of the uterine nerves. For all weakness, Dr. Miles' great nerve and brain food surpasses ail other remdies. Trial bottles free at Geo. Besley's and Julia A. Story's Drug Store's. M. P.--A New Discovery- Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowels should never be acted on by Irritants like common pills, bran, etc., by a new method. Samples free at Geo. fiesley's and Julia A« Story's Drug Store's. Wa have a very complete assortment of Gloves In Kids and Cashmeres, wor­ thy of your inspection. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Wi wish to inform the public that oar stock or Fall and Winter ware is now in. and very complete in each de­ partment, It will pay Close Cash Buyers to look us over. JOHN EVANSON A Co. OUR Corset department has received Important additions within tbe last few days. Nursing Corsets Included. Inspection iovited. TAW EVANSON A Co. y 1,1 IU| cr--, MADE ONLY BY ft fart pay to no afta brands, for in the end wise -- keepers settle down to the of SANTA CLAUS SOAP. If your grocer hasn't Santa Claos Soap, he'll get it Jj -- - ~ UW AA N. K. FAIRBANK ft CO.,Chicago. IS. Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Go to Perry & Owen's for Overooats aud Clothing. Fodder Corn Binders at E. M. Owen & Son's, For Coughs and Colds Take Story's "Tar and Wild Cherry." Ladles and Misses Cloaks at Perry ft Owen's. Prices lower than anybedys. Bottom prices on Plows, at E. M. Owen & Sou's. Golden Maohlne OU at J. A. Story's Drug Store. Perry A Owen have in a large Stock for fall trade snd are selling very oheap. Look at their Ad. THE Peerless Dyes, the best article on the market and warranted. A.t Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors, In un­ limited quantities. Mixed pal'it by tbe pall or gallon at Story's Dont forget to see tbe Tbrasber and Seperator, that attaches to a feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen & Son's. Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the finest thing ou the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Heavy, all wool. Twilled Red Flannel at 21 cants, at Perry & Owen's, A rare bargain. Star, Belle City, Smally, and other Ensilage fodder Cutters at E. M. Owen & Son's. Fine all wool Dress Flannels, 36 Inch wide, at 35 cents. Greatest bar­ gain In the world at Perry & Owen's WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Me­ Henry. R, BIHOP. Norwegian, Star. Rock Island, First A Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, at E. M. Owen & Son's, You never will have to husk an ear of corn If you get one of the jcorn Thresher and Seperitors, at E. M. Oweu & Son's. Perfumery, all the latest popular odors, always fresh,fragrant and last Ing at Storys. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real E<tate, Stock. Farming Tools, Household Furniture, aud Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reasonable terms. Orders by mall -will receive prompt attention. Address F. K, GRANGES, West McHeory, 111, CIDER! CIDER! I am now rsady to make your ap­ ples into Cider on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring on your Apples, THOS KNOX. MCHBNRY. SJCPT. lltb. 1888, Is a Campaign Yarns, Our 17 cent Roasted Coffee corker. Last week on earth; Clseoette Floor for $1. Come to us tor 29 bars 12 ounce good reliable soap for SL All the latest colors 36 Inch all wool Dress flannel 36 eents. Elegantlv colored and made fall Overcoats to §16.00. Our Leader smoking tobacco 20 cents good fine Cut 35 cents. 85. $6. and 87. fancy serviceable ladies Jackets; choice *3.00. Timothy and Clover seed of best quality for fall sowlug. Plank Road and Big S. are our leading plugs, 300 new Cloaks, Sacques, Waraps, and Jackets. A good heavy all wool Shawl 93.90 Good beaver$5.25. We oiler common white blankets FL.25 pair. Good, large' heavy bed oomforters 90cents $1,30 and tLGO. All style mens and boy* plush caps now in stock. 45 new. all different grades and shades of Tama. Our 82.50 blgb cut solid Kip boot is winner. Se* our dandy mens congress aod button ahoes for 1.90. BONSLETT A STOFFIL. Cigars and Tobacco, all tbe popular brands are found in our stock. J. A. Story's. ^ BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the^world as avitiated state of the blood. " Your ambition is gone. Your courage hts railed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless actions snow that you need a powerful invigorator. Oue bottle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and it it does not It will cost you nothing. For Sale by J. A. Story, MeHenry, and John Humphrey. Wauconda, Druggists Go to J. A. Story's for the Peerless Dyes. The most convenient form of dye stuff. 40 shades and colors. Also full lino of Brouze Paints all colors Sliver, Gold, Copper, Red, Blue, etc 10 cents a'package. To be found at J.A.Story's. Horse Blankets. Bed Blankets, Yarn, cottoi and wool Flannel, plonty or them, and correct prices. JOHN BYANSQH A Co. Business Notice** A choice line of Box Paper, cheap at Besley's, West Side. SMOKE the '"Empire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar lo tho market. City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Besley's Worm Syrup for dtlldroa has no equal. Largest stock of underwear la towo at Perry A Owen's. All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side, IF you want a first class Photograph, call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry A Owen's store. FOK SALE. A large quantity of Shelled Cora for sale at Bishop's Mill. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Millin­ ery and Dress Making. "Carry the news to Hannah," that s the best plaoe to buy Ladies F1m Shoes Is at Altboff Bros. Besley's Death to Rata la sure and certain. Don't be tronbled with these pests longer. Plum-ba-go-lne, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, * Gold Watch, Notice Is hereby given tbat tbo drawing of the gold watch with Spear Head and Climax tobacco will take,' place Saturday Oct. 6th. at 3 o'clock^ r. M. Parties interested take notloe. JOH« EVAN80N & CO. Candles, a fine assortment just ro~ celved at Story's Drug Store. „ Every thing in tbe Implement Ham can be found at Bishop's Warehouse, Call and examine, Prices low. Drink Besley's Ale and bo healthy and happy MIDDLINGS," Corn Meal and Ground Peed at re son able prices. Call and learn priesa at Bishop's Mill. Go to Althoff Bros, for Floe Shoes. ' The finest stock In towo. The choloest brands of Cigars In town, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. Maohlne Oil, best quality, 60 oents per gallon, at Besley's Drug Store. West Side. • | If you want to see the finest stotic of Fine Shoes at the lowest prloes, call at Altboff Bros. Toilet articles, suon aa^ are usually found in a first class, well regulated pharmacy oan be had at Story's Drug Store. Screen dojors at Shepard*s hardware lowest prloes. Call on Mrs. E. Lawlus for eboloe Confectioneries. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale hla House aud Lot, in the village of Mo- ; Henry. Is pleasantly located, good barn and outbuildings, and is withal a desirable property. Will be sold reasonable If applied for soon. „ „ E. OABFBXXBS. MeHenry, Aug. 14, 1839. Something New for Farmers. Short Stiff, Straw, long headf»J ported from Prussia. White Winter Bye. Big yield, from 25 to 30 bushels per acre. The seed cau be got of Peter Blake, one mile North of MeHenry. on the Richmond Road, for one dollar per bushel, PITEB BLAKE. 14-3-2m Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer Com­ plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against tbese diseases is to have con­ stantly on hand a bottle of some relia­ ble remedy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POSITIVE RELIEF ia all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 oents. For Sale by J. A. Story, MeHenry, and John Humphrey, Wauoonda, Druggista* C. F. TORNOW Custom Tailor, of Nunda. wishes to Inform tbe citizens of MoHenry aod vicinity that be will visit McHeory on tbe 25th of each month, with a full line of samples, and will take ordera for single garments or full suits aad guarantee satisfaction in quality of goods, good fits and low prices. Headquarters ar the Parker House. Should tbe 25th tall OQ Sunday, will be here^the following Monday. o. F. Tomitow. Dated. April 25.1888. lor Schools, TABLETS, TABLETS, Large and Small, For Pencil and tot Ink. 1 cent Tibtet"! 3 oent Tabletst 5 cent Tablets! 10 cent Tablets!. All to be found at J, A. Story's Drug Store. Also a full line ef Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Slates, Sponges, ^cholera Companions, Pencil Sharpeners, Pea Wipers, etc., eto.. Everything that Scholars need to bo found ££ the Scholars Headquarters J. A. iStOry'e Drug Store. Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at #7. Don't pay *9 and 111, Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clothes altered, fitted aad I oleaned. as he can not be beat In doing I a nice job. _ _ I IUVU^TUIKIK

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