WEDNESDAY. OCT. 17. 1888. May bo foun«t on . *».«. - file at GBO. P. OO.'S Newspaper Advertising race Street), wltere adrertising * mew YORK- Itepubllcan National Ticket. ̂ FOR PRESIDENT, %GENERAL BEN HA r Of INDIANA. WOE VICE-PRESIDENT, HON. LEVI P. MOETOWx OF NEW YORK. < X K": ?mem wmm. LEADING! TUB 1-** iv; -S" j?,s rsoT REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET, For Governor, VT*8: :'.-• ;v JOSEPH W. FIFER. of McLean > Far Lieutenant Governor, • LYMAN B. RAY, of Grundy County, Far Secretary'fiftftoteji N. PEARSON, of McDonough County. For Auditor, QHA&IW. PA VEY, of Jt&eermm Oomty. For Treasurer, {CHARUB8 BECKER, of StCUdr OMMMJP* JH»r Attorney General, * iZ. GEORGE HUNT, of Edgar County. HOPKINS IN VUU51H1 *, Our congressman hat been to Vlr- glala working for hit p%rty, and a clt- l ien of Lexington, In that State, wrote to the Inter Ocean under the date of October a, the following account of hit labors there: "Yesterday w*s a big day here for the^Hepublicans. Oar candidate, «T. Yost, present member of Congress from this Tenth Virginia district, and H. St. George Tucker, son of J. Ran dolph Tucker, were advertised to have a joint discussion. The Democrats se cured the services of the Hon. Carlisle and we poor Republicans expected to be torn all to pieces, but to our great joy there appeared on the scene a poli tical light from your State--the Hon. A. J. Hopkins, then we felt easy. Car lisle led oft, and I must say he is small potatoes In this fight, either with our Tost or your Hopkins. Tucker followed Carlisle, and then our little man, Yost, went for Tucker with gloves off after they bad got through to the great joy and amidst the shouts of the Republicans. Then Hopkins toek the stand and for one hour held the crowd to close attention with hie comparison of free trade and protec tion and his eulogy on the thrift and prosperity of your State compared to ours, that ought to be In the front rank of progressive States. He spoke nobly on your common school system, its efleets upon the masses of your common people. In fact It was a speech that any man could listen to with profit to himself, and I feel sure that be put many Democrats to think ing." Farm for Sale* The usdersig ned will sel I at public auction, on the premises, situated one and one-half ipiles from McBtttry, on the Johnsburg road, on Monday October, 22,1888, COMMENCING AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. 18Acres of Good Farming Land, TERMS O» SALB.--One-third Casb. Balance on time to suit purchaser, at 6 per cent, interest. JOBS 1IKRBES. F, K. GRANGER. Auctioneer. AndWearableif CONGRESSIONAL TICKET. Fr Member of Congress--5th District, ALBERT] J. HOPKINS, qf Aurora. thr Member qf the State Bomd of Equalization, bth District, WILLIAMS, of Harvard. B. & r SENATORIAL. ̂ Jbr State Senator--9th District, nnART.KK X. FULLER, of Boone. •CPUSLICAN COUNTY TICKET. , . For Circuit Clerk, W. P. MORSE,\of Nvmda, For States' Attorney, ADELBER1 B. COON, JR., ¥ Marmgo. n - 'For County Surveyor, . QBARLES H. TR YOX,W Htfarom.] For Coroner, •jCHARLES E. COOK, of Huntley. ISTButter teok an upward turn at Elgin, 111., Monday, and the market was active. Sales were 12,180 pounds, at 26 cents, for a total of #3,166. While the Bourbon papers are bowling about the rate of taxation for State purposes--in spite of the fact that the rate of the last year ef Gov amor Oglesby's administration is about one*third of General Palmer's first year, and less than one-half of the average of Palmer's whole term--It Is a significant fact that they omit all Sefereacfe to the sums returned to the several counties from tbe office ol tbe State Treasurer, en account of tbe •cbool fund. In some cases this sum amounts to nearly one-balf the whole venue eollected from the coanty for State purposes. JTA month ago the New York Tribune filled twenty-four columns of Its space with a review of President Cleveland's appointments. In tbe list are 137 criminals, 22 persons guilty of political crimes, 59 persons directly Connected with the criminal classes and 35,000 people who were gnilty of treason to the United States. Tbe Tribune challenged' the Democratic party and all concerned to prove that aay part of the list was Incorrect, and Offered to make any corrections that isight justly be demaoded; But ene correction has been asked for and that bas been made. This Is the way Mr. Cleveland bas carried ont bis elyil ser- Vloa reform promises. 19* How much longer will honest Prohibitionists, who have left the Re- publican party for the advancement of the cause of temperance, remain In Ibe third party? R. M. Hutchens, of Plymouth, Indiana, a prominent Pro blbltlonist, is out with a letter ex plaining why be left tbe tijlrd party Se says at bis county Prohibition cm • ventlon, of wbicb be was president 4be Reverend Mr. Hughes, Prohibition Candidate for governor, said to hirn •'The only thing lor us to pay any at tentlon to In this campaign Is the Republican party, we must defeat them at all hazards." Mr. H itcbens was shocked and soon announced that he should work for Harrison and Mor ton, He now says: "The Democrats and Prohibitionists have both been angry with me ever since. Of course they are equally offended because their cause Is the same." SSAr"' AUCTION' SALE. Tli# undersigned will sell at pnMtc auction on his farm four miles south west of McHenry, on Tuesday, October 23rd, 18S8, commencing at ten o'clock A.M. the following property: Twenty- two good cows, some coming in soon. 1 yearling bull, 1 two-year-old bull. 4 two-year-old heifers. 8 two-year-old steers, 1 colt two years old next spring 1 colt five months old, 2 lumber wag ons. 1 buggy. 1 sulky plough, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 hay rake, l sulky culti vator. 1 hay fork with ropes and pul leys. 30 ton? of upland hay 10 acres of si jo corn in shock. 100 bushels wheat. 100 bushels oats, 1 corn planter check rower. 1 standard mower. 1 grind stone. 9 cream cans and tank, 5 milk cans, 1 large iron kittle. 1 stack straw, and other articles not mentioned. At the satna time and place will sell my farm of 246 acres. Free Lunch At Noon. TERMS OF SALE:--Sums Of •& and under cash. Over that sum a credit of eight months on approved notes at 7 per cent intetest. Two per cent off for cash. Terms on land .made known on day of sale. P. GEISLER. F. K. URANGKB, Auctioneer. Putting on the Screws; A close perusal of tbe address Issued by the National Democratic Committee, particularly that portion relating to contributions fer political purposes, is calculated to bring tears to tbe eye of the most hardened office holder, Nothing could be more beauti ful than the following appeal: This committee recognizes that no person in tbe public service is under a<ny obligation to contribute to any political fund, or to render any politi cal service, and that such person will not be removed or otherwise preju diced for not doing so. It recognises especially that no person in said ser vice has any right to use official authority or influence to coerce the political action of any person or body!" To the unsophisticated mind all this seems fair and lovely; but alas for the "rarity of Christian charity under the sun," tbe most shameless methods are being employed all over the country to bleed government em ployees. Gollctions are taken up in all the departments at Washington with the most unblushing affrontery. A clerk's office bas been opened. "A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse," bat the clerks are not blind-- they see the nod, and they mark tbe shadow of tbe heavy boot which lies behind it. That good and law-abid ing citizen and Democratic official, Post-master General Dickinson bas turned his department into political headquarters. The clerks pay up or they are respectfully requested to in spect tbe streets for an Indefinate period. Tbe following deeply interesting circular tells Its own story: DEAR SIRS:--Tne Territorial Demo cratic Executive Committee bas in structed me to call upon all federal and territorial officials in the third legislative district, to contribute at least five per cent of their annual sal ary toward defraying tbe expenses of tbe present campaign. ActiDg under these instructions, you are requested to at once contribute tbe amount due from your office by remitting the same to the undersigned.--Circular of George S, Matthews. committeeman for third district. to federal office holders in Dakota, Truly a public office Is a public grab! C. J. BRILL. Small Pieces! A Buaindafitiii C0ISUKIB8 BENEFIT. RICHMOND ILLINOIS. A fuli line of Cloths, of the latest styles and patterns always #n hand. SINGLE GARMENTS, OR FULL SUITS, Made on short notice and a fit guaranteed, From onr experience and practical knowl- edge of the business we are confident we can please the most fastidious, and respectfully invite all in want of Clothing of any kind to give me a calL Priees as low as the same quality of goods can be purchased any where. C. J. BRILL, Rlcliraorid, Octoticr 15tb, 18P8. L. W. NICHOLS, JR., jglgin W/jcqes. IVThis from a minister of tbe gos pel and an ardent supporter of tbe third party must be correct: Bev. Aaron Gurney, whom we re member as the leading prohibitionist Of Elgin, writes: "The most unrelia ble voice that ever speake to any large body of people Is the Voice of New '^Yerk, the leading third party paper of the nation. Its facts are fiction; its Ideas are Idiocies; Its details are de monlac; Its practice Pharisaical and its purpose political aid to the Demo cratic party. The man who reads and believes It* facts i* misled and delud ed; If he acts upon Its Ideas be be oemes a foolish, facattcal Pharisee; if he aids its purpose, he binders, ob- atroete and prevents all adyance of the temperance reform. It is tbe voice #f the demon, and net tbe voice of God; Let it speak, bat believe It not IX U tells tbe truth It Is by accident." W also protests against tbe abuse of i|tj» hMS« of bishops of tbe Methodist flhiillltliifMiiiis fff BepttMletfs Illlsl , PUBLIC SALE. The andersigncd, having rented his farm fer a term of years, will sell at public auc> tion on his farm two miles west of tiingwood, on Thursday, October 2Sth, commencing at nine o'clock A. M. the following property- Twenty-five cows, milkers and springers, 6 grade Holstein heifers, three-year-olds, with calf, 6 Holstein heifers, two years old. 3 three-year-old heifers coming In soon, and 1 yearling heifer; 1 HolatelnNtmll three years old, 1 span colts coming four yWrs old, 1 span'< colts coming three years old, 2 ityan colts ̂ jm- ing two years old, 1 sucking colt, 1 span foan horses, coming five years old; weight 2,600, 1 span gray horses, 1 brown horse, 1 span po nies, four years old, 40 choice Chester white shoats,6 sows and 30 pigs; the pigs four weeks old, 2 single buggies, 1 double-seated carriage, 2 lumber wagons, 1 light wagon, 2 cutters, 3 sulky cultivators, 2 one-horse oul> tivators, 1 shovel plow, 3 stirring plows, 1 sulky plow, 1 steel frame twine binder, nearly new, 1 crown mower, nearly new, 1 warrior mower, 1 four-horse power wood saw, 2 hay racks, 1 caldron kettle, 1 set l air- bank scales, 1 fanning-inill, 1 harrow, 1 seeder, 1 roller, 1 hay lork and equipment, 1 hay rake, 2 set beb-sloighs, 1 tongue scraper, 1 pulverizer, 1 set light harness, 2 sets heavy harness, 1 single harness, a quantity of house hold goods,, a quantity of siove wood, 12 acres corn in the shock, a quantity of hay in the barn, a large lot of oats, and otherjirticles loo numerous to mention. TERMSJOF SALE:--All sums of $10.00 or under cash;over that sum, a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per cent, interest, 2 per cent, off for cash. Free lunch for everybody at noon. Pale absolutely comments at 9:30 A. H. THOMAS LUHLEY. F. K. GRANGER. Auctioneer. JEWELER AND ENGRAVER, RICHMOND ILLINOIS. Ail work in my line neatly and promptly done. Fine watch repairing a specialty. A Volume on how to make bus iness isn't as valuable as»Jgg||;* days experience. , \ it lacks direct teaching. We are at the work; its our daily thought to win trade and we are getting a better grasp on the wort every day. It isn't necessary to say every morning we are going to treat you fairly to-day. We do it at all times and you will soon find it out if you havn't already. We are after the^ largest busi ness in our particular line and to get it we mean that your dollars worth shall cover more merchan dise than you can get elaewbfere. The primary thought in our business is how well we can serve you and how cheap we can iurnish you the necessaries of life. Cash buying and cash sell ing does tmore ^ in this direction than you imagine. If you doubt it come and see. You are invited to examine the finest line of fine and medium priced Dress Goods In wool ever opened in tbii place. Also special bargains in Corsets, more than a dozen styles to select from. Kid and Cash mere Glove, cheapo Please in- vesti^fctfc, v Executor's Notice* RSTATF. of William Watts deceased, t The undersigned having been appointed Executrixot the last Will an 1 Testament of Wm. Watts deceased, late of the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby give* uotice that she will appear before the county x>urt of McHenry county, at the Court House iu Woodstock, at the Dec. term on the lirst Monday in Doc. next, at which time all per sons having claims against saij estate are no tified and requested to attend for the purpose >f having the same adjusted. All parsons in lelited to said estate aro requested to make mmediate payment to the undersigned. Dated, 8th day of Oct., A I) 1888. 8AIJ,IE WATTS, Executrix, REPORT OF THE C O I V D I T I O N --OF -- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT THE-- Close of Business, Oct. 4« 1888. AUCTION SALE. Tne subscriber having rented his farm for a term of years, will sell at Public Auction, on hjs farm known as the Mark Hickoxfarin, Situated six mil«8 West of McHenry, and four miles East of Woodstock, on Monday, October 29th, 1883, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property: 40 cows, new milch and springers, 1 two-year-old full blood bull, 2 yearling bulls, 7 yearling steers, 7 year, ling heifers, 1 span matched gelding h«rset, weight 2600 pounds, 1 bay 7jear old mare, 1 span mules, 40fextr& good sheep, 12 hogs, 4 sows with 4 weeks old pigs, 1 full blood Po land boar, 50 tons tame hay in b»rn, 10 tons wild hay, 20 acres good corn In shock, 5 acres ensilage corn in shock, 200 bushels rye, 1000 bushels oats, 100 bushels barley, large quan tity of straw, 2 set double harness, 1 binder, 2 mowers. 1 hay rake 2 hay racks, 1 lumber wagon, 1 truck wagon, 1 milk wagon, 2 set bobs, 1 sulky cultivator, -1 drag, 1 pulverizer, 1 seedey and other articles not mentioned. TERMS <JF 8AI-E:--All sums of #10 and un- aerCash. Over that suin a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 pur cent interest, Two out reserve'0* C*"h* 8*1® »b#olul° *»d With- FEB LUNCH AT KOOW. i W. K. OftAaoaa, Aeelteew*^ RESOURCES. L^ans and discounts Overdrafts U.s Bonds to secure circulation... Duo from approved reserve agents. Duo from other National Banks.... . Current expenses and taxes paid... CliC' ks and other cash itemi,....;... Hills of other banks Kn'i paper cur. nickels ft pennies.. Specie Legtl tender notes... Red'mpt'n fund with U. 8. Treasurer (4 per cent ot circulation ... .|l04/;r,r, ?r •2»i5 30 30,000 oo 31,211:) 34 98,704 47 1, J22 !«i 117 7 <5 'J l!i 00 57 68 24,725 00 1,554 00 T >tal. 2,150 00 4228,877 26 LIABILITIM. Uapiual stock paid In .. . . 5000000 Surplus fuml 8;)|ooo oo Undivided profits ... 7 5«7 si National Bank Notes outstanding'*'. 27 000 00 Individual deposits subject to check 114*109 45 . ..$228,677 20 Total 4TATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. fss I, E. C. Quinlan Cashier of the above named bank,do solemnlyswear that theabove statement is true to the best of my knowledge • ^ ^ KDWAHD O. QITIKXAX, Cashier. tor efoc*. ym *wora m* nth ^ ' K. U.JBWITT, Notary Public. UonrMt Attest:- 3 c" JOHK J. MUHPHT, STEWAKT, K. M. &1CHARDS. »*4 > Direetora, Our prices are the lowcsi, our goods ot highest <rrade 1ft as sortment we can match the 'best of them. For strictly new, dur able first class goods we beat all. Our To close out some lines of Ladie< fine Shoes and make room tor our extra large tall stock, we have marked down prices as follows: T a d i e 8 ' $ 4 . 2 5 F i n o K i d S h o o , m a r k e d d o w n t o $ 3 5 0 . . f i ** 4.00 Fine mat. Kid • '•« «« ' 3*50. • ' * 3.50 Fine Kid 14 • ** $ QQ * 3.00 u " " ."*• % ** 3.25 straight grain Kid M " * 2 75* Miswes 42.00 Fine Goat *( m 1.50. AboAe goods are all warranted and aie special liarsalnfti early and secure » Ut . ^ And Clothingjp Are the bent. Buy now from first choice, from largest stock, from strictly new standard gooddj on close margins All stylish Large selection. Dress Flan nels, 30 to 85 cents; Tnfeots, 36 to 85 cents; Henriettas, Cash meres, Jamestowns,etc. Menasha Flannels, Tricots and Yarns. Blankets, Robes, Comforters, Three dozen ladies' andrmisses' toboggans for 25 cents. Ten dozen men's heavy gmf Under- wear for 25 cents. NEW FASCINATORS, Ladies' nutria and black Muffs and Boas, 65 cents to $1,25. Also self-fitting fur Boas, all colors* Look over with us our I We start our. children's scarlet all wool at 25 cents. -We Give The Best -FOR THE -- You** Truly, Evansort Oo. CO r* T P> r* CP m fc=3- CTD •--cd C-3 Examine our Shawls, compare them. $2.40 to $15.00. Heac Shawls, Shoulder Shawls. Gloves tiittens, Hats and Caps, Rubbers, Wool Boots. CARGO'S FARGO %% L Four cents, beaut iful patterns for comfortables, unbleached Sheet ing, 5 cents, good Cotton Flannel, 6 cents. . 'V ' . ' Ie«*7 Twiei Eed Faonel 21 Carts, all WOBI Larga white Bed Blankets $1 .00, shades in fine, all Wool value. Lhe Thirty-six inches wide, at 35 cents per yard, the greatest bargain in the world. Largest stock of In toWU. Men's heavy Underwear at 29 cents; a big barg&iar Swits Oonde's famous S. 0. 1 Underwear at $1.20. Others c selling for more. Considered cheap at *1 50 aro | CLOTHING. 1 We are offering a Men's heavy Cassimire Suit for $4.50, tworth $6.00. We have a fine line ot Clothing and selling it ve$|r cheap. Try us once We have a large line ot Ladies and Misses Cloaks, Atid more coming in every week; we can beat them all in price*, this year. Look at above bargains and 3all onbefore buyingi as we will save you lots of money. CASH WE BUY Where wo can buy goods The Cheapest Fw Cosh. >• A N D W I S S E W This Shoe Is warranted First Qnnllty in every respect Very Styllnh. Perfect Fit. rialiiTo,'* ami Tipped. Men's, Beys' tutd Youtbs' COMUUftg, iiUTOJi AW JUtUk --- • Try this Shoe on our say and warrantee. 80 QEOCEEXES, PROVISIONS, TBUNKS. Call on us for prices on standard goods; wo match and all comers and prices^ any any YOURS RESPECTFULLY, L To a cash' paying trade, these advantages all must admit enables us to sell As Cheap as The cheapest. We guarantee our prices throughout our entire stock to be as low if not lower than the same quality of goods can be bousrht for of Any Dealer in the County. We have just added to our line the best stock of winter goods ever brought to fhis village, among which is a line of All Wool HO in«li 'CLARKE'S Patented June 16th, 1885. An Article Required in Every Family tfcsful and EedttfcmicalU Self Cleaning, Labor Saving» Durable, Expeditious, Cheap. Ppjoi HjgfaiiiHt Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Worms, Bu^s, Piiiiipness, 1 )ii-t and ol her ]\uisauce». Town and County Rights for sale by W.H.FORD, Woodstock, III. in • • . ii • ";;v! For 35 cents per yard, former price 50 cents. It will pay all to investigate this as it is A FOSITIVI SAERAIl We have come to stay and will at all times back any statement we may make. We want your trade and will do all in our power to deserve it. Come and learn prices and if we can't do you good we won't ask you to buy a dents worth. IM RESPECTFULLY, J . . . . ' J.W. CRISTY & SON P! Best inthe\ifortJ. t -m-i Kerosene, the best quality, at , Drugstore.