Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Nov 1888, p. 8

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•mwnr. let'the above haul SOf theW.C. T. U II BO part or credit fo> T*1 Temperance Legion will »ewCUy Hall oa Frtdiy • P.M. A Word to Bon. Tm v«n made to be kind boft. ; and magnanimous. Pre Is a boy In school with a, H, don't let him know you ever if<tt»ere Is a poor boy with ragged )4on*ttalk about rag* In his If ftbere is a lame%oy In school, M- •ign Mm a part In tie game that does •ot require rnnning. If there is a hungry one, give Mm a part of year dinner. if there Is a doll one, help him gel III* lewoo. tf there 1s a bright one, be not enti- «ne of him; for If one boy Is proud of llliIntents; and another is envious of I. there are two wrongs and no talent than before.--Ifappy ' / 4 - W " V - V j f » m »« -• "i .. * *\ * > **' *- * . v • j ! Has maae llie sirtroundi ng co an try hap^ ' Onr' pment Cfi Government has mado our city happy. 1 : {... f SEE OUR NEW IMPROVEMENTS ! fm tiew lire Engtfies,' A ifaw "S House, a new City Hall and a Cooler y going to . • • • , : : ' • ' flutter, a new n Who says we are not rapid- A 1 BO DM Not Take Aloafcol. Mr. E. P. Weston, the famous walk­ ing ehampion, says he x could never have performed the wonderfull feats of tfiflrel and endnranoe If he had taken nloMioUc liquors. This Is worth re- ttemberlng. __ Always » Poison. Tears ago an aged and eminent man •aid: "If there U a partlole of de­ pravity In a man's heart a glass of bntndy wl11 find ,k out 8D<i °P* and what is true of brandy Is true of aloobel In every way.n From the time of Noah till this day Its eflecta have Shown that it has an afiinity for the worst parts of our nature. Hence we toammt be to careful in guarding young Ffiitft against it. Strong drink is everywhere and always a poison. Let uftrmly resolve that we will have nothing to do with It.--Temperance JBanoer. . Executor's Notice* £12 O. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY. . * of Wealthy Sherman, deceased. Ci The undersigned having been appointed •lUMtW of the last will and testament of WtrnXky Sherman, deceased, late of the " McHenry and State of Illinois, " M notice that he will appear be- jmiy Court of McHenry county, at i Bouse in Woodstock, at the Da­ tum, on the first Monday in Decera- oar amxt,at which time ill persons having ottMtt uaintt said estate are notified and mUMtsa to attend for the purpose of having tbe waM adjusted. All persons indebted to aaMMtate are requested co make immediate psnuat to the onder igned. Dated this 21st day of September, A. D. 1888. e SAMUEL. S. SHERMAN. Executor. And we isk you to remember that we are putting ill one of the largest new stocks of at) kinds of Goods this Fall that has ever been broughffto MeHenry. have to close out a large line of Robes and Blankets, And tun sell them to you at Wholesale Prices. You cannot .'ws^y . • .' •, ' ^"-v '.Vv V iL... "A ml . ^ %L A . JOlu ifV Wlau Tu WtIWU WW WOCiv ra w TC"j TiffTOv - w® CTW UoV6 opened and cheaper than you have ever bought before. Always on; hand. Executor's Notice* P8tATB of William Watts deceased. ms£ The undersigned having been appointed llHrttfatotthe last Will and Testament of In^Watti deceased, late of the county of MlSMWlrt State of Illinois, hereby gives " "Mt she will appear before the county tflEefleiury county, at the Court House Ok,at the Dec. term on the first ~ . next, at which time all per- 1msagainst said estate are no- I n^oMtcd to attend for the purpose Jth* sane adjusted. All psrsons in Se sahl estate are requested to make "" to nay men t to the undersigned. 6th day of Oct., A. I». 1888. BALL IE WATTS, Executrix, Beat intfacVferlcL tnteMr. bmi • Ikimril »•» OoM Hoatlnc OM •tecut and aiiulmt Birm ItiHn'inil linrtli «ttt> votta IBd Kairti»oiiin lamah loealltr ran Mean oao m». How U UiUpoadbM W. mwr-w w»nt oo. pa* •on to awfe locality, to kMO It to tfcoM who oall.» eomplet* Una of o itrtour h««* caIUd>th*r "" > loaih U»to mit lfne^d u and >ba •ftaryws Its inbalttf, mrnpl««' i (no, u tha tbotrlacaC tn ft Urgt tnds te btnbM In"• locality for a moQtb or two (MM »>«SSS In trad*from th* ooaptiy. Thla, tba Boat wonderful offer rrar to In «d«r tbat OVTMBVIMBUI'be plaecd at OOM r«* toama,all ovar Amarlca. Writ* at one*,aaA cf thaehanca. Kaadartt will ba hardly any troabl* »tai to tboM who Bay caU at your boa* b* Bloat aatMaetory. ApoataloaMoa • bat l oast aad altar JPOB kaotr all,U yM «rf why no harm la dona. BatiryoaS* sMastoacNb yon can arare raKE ona ot tba --, watehaa h tba world and our Imf lloaaf Sttwas. W«payaU< \«nasMi*oo.(swu^r The best we can possibly buy. H&ts sad Caps, (tarn sadlfitton. SBOOTS AND SHOES.a We are leaders for good ^oods and l«w prices. We ho)>e 'to see you, sell you, and give you the worth of every cent you leave with us. Our place is the home of the celebrated Broadhead press Goods, And their output this Fall is larger than eyer. Yours as Ever, STEVENS STOFFEL & BLAKE. Now have a full and complete line of Such as Men's Shoes, |#dies' Shoes* Children's Shoes,, Baby's Shoes, Slippers, FAT BABY'S SHOE8, And in fact the finest, newest and most complete line of foot* wep^hi&fflpiiey can buy. In We carry a large line of Jamestown Cashmere, Worsteds, Sateen, Ginghams, Prints, and everything pertaining to Dress Goods de­ partment. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, We seU by sample. Thus we are enabled to sell from a wholesale stock and we can show a larger line and sell cheaper, for we have no mony invested and yet a much larger stock to sell from than all the houses in town combined. Our stock of . GROCERIES, Always complete and prices the lowest. Give ns a call. 8T0FFEL A BLAKE. r- JAcDBpBONSLETT^ Having purchased the Hardware Business of H. V. Shepard, would inform the Buying Public that he has just put in a full new Stock of , • if,;, M WHAT ON EABTB lathe reason people will dot, CAD " ".•r do not see auy difference In ip nostrums put up by Cheap John • or irresponsible parties »t kous profits, r&tber than take a ielne of world wide reputation that is giving universal eatis- i at equal price ? No medicine world ie giving such unpar- ISatisfaction for purifying the •• Beggs' Blood Purifier & Ifaker, and every bottle that tilt 4o Its work will cost you F«r sale by J. A. Story,, and John Humphrey, Wao- [gist's. i MM get measured for a nobby |Hr. Don't pay $9 and *10. »fo» Mt of 200 samples. Also nr olothM altered, fitted and j jto oan not be beat 1c doing »b. T E. LAWLUS, Taller,'; CIDKB! CIDER! i now ready to make your ap- ito Cider on abort notice aod aatlafaotion. Bring on your XNOX. Purchased for Cash , all of which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods, A ipjljl* LINB ©F ST-OTUP* ^ ;1 GARLAND AND OTH£B/KINDi» ' For 1»bth Coal and Wood, of the best ma&bs, always on hand, in short I will keep everything' in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. v GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HANQ. I have also i©cured the services of E. M. HO WE, one of the best Tinners in McHenry County, and all JOBBING? AND' REFAXRXJ3 Q • ' ' / v 1 ill be done 'on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A sha e of publiq patronage respectfû solicited. JACOB BON8LETT. McHenry, IH., October 1st, 188^ miA - A. STOIY, e Door West of Riverside House,) - -DEALER IN-- I C I N E S A FULL LINE Of- Drags, Cbintku, Dye Stsfii, Faints, Ola aad Co ors. ^'o^itautly on band. Also a large line of j Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF-- ; STMIOMRY DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Physieikns Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. West McHenry, DEALER SHELF AND - ' N|-t 'm - ^ ^ - Winter Goods. • ihl*1?** »****+# **3 gOdas 'tek over from last yeir to wyou. b.ut goods peifectly new and the latest styles. We have SiBifstU aod Ararnr ClotVl; Tdsjt ami 8n» llsnntil, , In all shades, with trimminos to match. Plaids are airain to front and we have a lino iMaarUnentuf tbaa,«ke TT? ..J Childxexx'd Cloa&ings* . Tr Ladies' Fancy Goods, Collars and Cuffis, Ruch- 3 ,3 liigs^ > eilings, etc. New Ribbons in all the late shades,'maho£rjn%« v ' 5 gobe in and abt.inthe, and the Glacia Marie Ribfcous. ' ^ . a fall stofsk Ladte»',,Gent's and Children's ~ 1 WOOLEN* UNDERWEAR, '1 BOOTS AND SHOES#' ^ " ' * v We also lirtve Rettinants, odd and ends of Summer Goods which we will sell j'ou at cost in order to close them out.. Our stock of v. la, Coffee, Spice« and Canned * Goods iS the finest the markel* iinord^. C R O C K E R Y , G L A S S W A R E | We will sell you a decorated Tea Set, 56 pieces, for $3 us a call. r ÎTZSIMMOMS & Opposite Post Office, West McHenry.. June 26th, 1888. kSOL Stoves, tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware STOVES The Peninsular and Reliable, The best Stove on the Market and cheap. Come &nd see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that will hold a barrel, • The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pulleys, tie best in the market. Call and see It. Scrcen Doors. The celebrated ftoatilg Minnow a new thing. f ^ Haish's Barb Wire# AT BOTTOM PRICES. , JOBBING AND KEI'ATiirKG Will be douo on short notice aid Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. W. P. STEVENS. There's on it! MrI ITT f| OF MONET CAN BE SAVED BY BUYINO OP OUR «&»DY SALESMEN THE |^-SOME GOODS WE MTDLE. 4 BIG DRIVE IN LADIES' t^^KERCHLEFS, . - ' f f O T B ' I T D O W N . j^80ME I8 WHO JHTSOME DOES.H "8EE1NO 18 BELIEVING: YOU WILL FIND &LTH0FF BROTHERS ON W AT THEIR STORE READT TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION, rus - r ifaUanvy, lll#> Ai^« l« ,• REPORT OF THE C O T V D I T I O N --OF-- , THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT XHB-- * Close of Business, Oct. 4,1888. HKSOl'KCES. L,-»ans an<l discounts (MM,75 Ovenlvufts 2iiftau U.'tf. Bonds to secure circulation... 30,<K)0 00 Due from approved reserve agents. 84,2!)!) 34 Duo IVoni other National Banks.... . a8,7v>4 47 Current expenses and taxes paidt... 1,223 06 Ctiev-ks and other cash" items........ 117 7l> Kills of other bankB .s".. 9,25i'M) KroN paper cur. nickels * pennies.. 67 68 Specie 24,725 00 Legaltendernoten • 1,65100 lied'mpt'n fund with IT. S. Treasurer (5 per cent ot circulation s, 150 00 T>tal .$328,877 26 T,lAHU4TI|to. Unpual stock paid in 80,000 oo Surplus fund 80,01)0 (M) Undivided profits 7,Wi7Sl National Batik NY>tos outs tan ding.. 27,00000 Individual deitosits subject to check 114,109 45 Total •228,677 26 VTATB OF ILLINOIS, U« County of McHenry. f I, K. C. Quintan Oashlcr of the nbove aamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above abatement is true to the best of my knowledge tad belief. EDWARD O. QOIWLAH, Cashier. Subscribed ami sworn to before me this lltb 4*7 of Oct., 1888. . . . K. U. JKWETT, Notary Public. Uorreot Attest:-- JOHN J. MCTKPUT, W*. H.STBWAMT, K. E. BICKAKI'S. Directors. AGENTS WANTED; To canvas for one of the liigtit. oldest established, BEST K1T0WIT NURSERIES tn the country. Most liberal terms. Un- equaled facilities. QEIfEVA HUR8EBY, Established 1846- __ _ w W , f t T . S 8 U T H . G e n e v a , f f d s t o k , « f ; mmmmms m C L A R K E ' S loin Bin. Patented June 16th, 1885. Am Artlole Boquirad in Every family Us ful and Economical* Self Cleaning, Labor Savings Durable. Expeditious, Cheap. Pr >ol ayaliiMt Rats, Mine, Boaehes, Ants, Worms, ' J3UJ£M« Dampnem, Dirt uiid otnc»|r NuiMauces, Town and County Bights for sale by W. H. FORD, "• ,-i7 ?rj-"-' <gm , ' • '• , , GEO. W. BESLEY. 11HEY. rPEALBB -- and Hedici&M, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articlea( PURE AND LIQUORS Co* r • FOR MEDICAL : USE. 1 , '* - Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. . -f Thebest brands of Cigars aal Smaftiti? and Chewing Tobvsco son hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, 0ive me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. - 'fX '• \'r M C. W» BESLEY. sis •. i If so do not fail'to get an estimate on your Lumber frofit ' • i Near the Depot. , ^Test. McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, ef ill* kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public The Bist polity of LmW, 4-4:^- • •'fl .If- 'Sfa AT THE-- ; LOWEST LIVING PRICES, ri Casisp, Door anif jaioi Frdies-Beafly Made-always si Hail Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. . We shall keea our stock complete at all times and spare nm paisf to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. ; w ^ WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY, Jf f Q* «U QUAXQMR, M»uag«r, . ^ v *0' .}h„ .t»v i ...» : >- i '-'XMy 1

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