>AY. NOV. 7. 1888. SLTKB. Kkiitor 1 PAPER «Kr« SSof ~ .L * oa-a N.wsp>p*r A-KertMoj (10 Sprooe Street^, where lujvmOtgUig im»y be for it in " Hon; A. J: Hopkins. Returns received indicate the elec tion of Hoo. A. J. Hopkins by a major ity exceeding 13,000. The Fifth Dtttrlot done herself proud. 5,y .1. JMBEMggB McHenry County. MoSenry County, as usual, is found tta the sideof right, and fives Harre- son, Korton, Fifer and the entire Republican Ticket her old time major ity. Next week we hope to be able to $Jve the official vote. fhs Eighth District. Hghth District HOD. Chas.B. Fuller Is elected Senator, and C. A. Partridge, G. S, Southworth and E. M. Haines. Representatives. The major ity of each we have not as vet been able lo get. The Glorious Roll of These are the States which have voted to restore t'ae control of the National Government to the party that saved the Union: Ofctitornia....... Colorado......... Illinois Iowa Kamaas inaetts.. Michigan Nebraska Nevada /.ifew Hampshire. .. S .. 3 ..82 ..13 .. » . 6 ..14 ..18 .. 5 .. 3 .. 4 Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Khotle Island.. Vermont Wisconsin New York 23 ... 3 30 . ... 4 4 11 .... 36 Total as# i 49*After our paper was issued last week the Woodstock Democrat took occasion to come out with a dirty lie. knowing #e would have no chance to answer It before election, and thinking thereby to make capital for their rotten canse. We have only time aDd •pace this week to pronounce their statement a dirty lie, made out of whole doth. Next week we will give that slimy sheet the attention they deserve. Former occupants of Police Stations in Chicago and political blackmailers are poor men to charge other people with acts In which they Hi* such adepts. S&V The Election InMcHenry. The election passed of in the most ftiet and orderly manner, although a good deal of earnest work was done on both sides. Four hundred and twenty* seven votes were polled In the second preetnct, which includes this village of McHenry and Johnsburgh, and in the •m precint, at Bingwood. eighty, and tesolted In a majority of thirty-eight for the Democrats, a small Republican (•la over four years ago. Ob Representative the vote stood as Itfllows: First precinct, Bingwood--South- WOrtb, 118; Partridge. 38; Haines, 75; Flavivin, 34; Seooad prednot, MoHenry--South- worth, 186$; Partridge, 301*; Haines, 407}: Flavin, 408. Total vote in township--Southworth, 104*; Partridge, 339*; Haines, 633}; FJavla, 433. Had X bat served the Nation more And served the Kebels less, I should not find myself eutaide the door With such unpleasant suddenness, draw. Y HOW WE QBOW, Under the above bead . tbs Inter Ocean says: In 1834 the total vote oast In this United States wag 353,063; several of ttoe smaller States cast a larger number Of ballots yesterday. Ten years hence the city of Chicago will cast nearly as many, or perhaps more than as many, U popalation increase in the future as In the past. The total vote cast for Mayer of Chicago In 1873 was 47,434; In 1874 it was 40.216; in 1875 it was #4,783: in 1880 the Presidential vote of the city was 81.383. in 1884 it was Their Like Comes no Store. Offioer Mahoney on Monday dlsoov- iired another of the "hospitals," with which Chinatown abounds. About 1 o'clock, as he was standing on the cor per of Washington and Dupont streets, he noticed twe Chinamen carrying third, and he followed them until they descended Into the basement s STo. 635 Pacific street Mahoney fol lowed the party into the cellarway, and there found that the man was In ; dyingcoudltlon. The officer notl fled the morgue officials and then re turned to the basement, The Chlna- fluan had already expired. By pass ;j|ng through the apartment where the dead man lay, three ether small rooms were found, in each of which lay ; Chinese at the point of death. of the victims were males in a borri My emaciated state, while the third «»• y«a«>Kgirl of prepesesslng paarance, wasted by disease. Rlaoe was presided over by an old bag . Md two males, who were smoking Opium, utterly regardless of the dying In the adjoining room.--San Fran cisco Bulletin. Bangs,! ^ l#adles, use the Blssell's Frizzing lioji toenrl yoar bangs;they|save time ̂ To be found at '3. A. f$ (Nf: store. a Two a Cock-a-doo-dle-do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The Republican Rooster On The Top Rail. Bring Forth the Customer. • A The People Have Spoken And There is no Uncer tain Sound. GROVlER'S VETO WON'T WORK HERE. Say, Boy's. Let's Gut a Wator- Melon. The Rattle harden fought and the yictory won, and Gen. Benjamin Harrison has been elected President of the United^States for four years from March 4th. 1889. At the timO of writing the indications are that the Bepublicaas have carried every Northern State except New Jersey and Connecticut. This is glory enough for one day. New Tork swings Into line with a majority of about 15,000, Indiana 10,000JIllInois220,000, Connecticut by a small majority and all the other Northern States exeept New Jersey and Connecticut by majorities as large as those received by Blaine four years ago. Bepublican gains In Congressmen are reported in Indiana. Connecticut, and other States, and it is believed the Republicans will have a majority in the^next House. Notceunting Connecti cut in the Bepublican column, Harrison and ;Morton will baye 333 electoral votes. In New York Hill, Democrat, is probably elected Governor over Warner Miller, Bepublican, by a small majority. Private Joe Fifer is elected Governor qf Illinois, by a handsome majority, although be ran behind his ticket In Chicago and Cook County. His net plurality will be from 8,000 to 13,000. Before eur nextJUiue the majorities wlJl all be figured out and more per fect returns received, but suffice to know that HAllBISON AND M0B- TON are elected President and Vice- President of these United States, and that after Mareh 4th, next, the reins of gevrnment will be in the hands of men who will administer the laws In a manner that will be for "the greatest good to the greatest number." For this glorious victory we are to a great exteut indebted to the veteran soldier, who stood solidly by the right, as he did in the dark days of '61 to '65. All honor to the brave beys who wore the blue, they are always right. Battio of Gettysburg. When In Chicago during the Fat Stock Show, we would advise our read ers not to fail to see the grandest sight in the city, the vast and realis tic panorama of the Battle of Gettys burg, which is exhibited at the corner of Wabash Avenue and Panorama Place. Those who have never wit nessed a work of the kind can form no conception of the startling effects that are obtained. The panorama is the work of Paul Phillpoteux, a French artist of great ability and established reputation as a military painter, whose wonderful "Defense of Paris" has been seen by most Americans who have vis ited the French Capital. Mr, Phlll poteux has made a striking success where most scenic painters have iailed. It is his idea to complete the pictorial illusion by placing the spec tator in the middle of the scene, and completley surrounding him with broad circumference of earth and sky The whole battlefield of Gettysburg reproduced with the strictest top© graphical accuracy, and the details the great flght are represented with realism that seems marvelous. The foreground is actually built out with real fences, earth, trees, guns, etc which are &o skilfully led up to and joined to the painted canvass that it is almost impossible to discover where reality ends and illusion begins. / descriptive lecture is given by a vet eranoftbe war. The enthusiasm the old soldier and there are thousands of them, who gaze upon this pano rama. is unbounded. A band of F kota Indians, who were taken to see paid altogether too sincere tribute the potency of the illusion. Fully ooavinced that the scene was real, they became wildly excited and wanted rush down into the btfoad field a take a hand in the fight. The ampi- tbeatre rang with their war-whoops, a panic ensued, and it was only getting the dusky warriors out of building that calm was restored. PBOPBB BIBLB WINE. Alfred Speer, who has large vine yards near Pasaalc, New Jersey, Is ex tensively eugaged in preserving un- fermented grape juice from the Oporto grapes and supples It to many religious societies for communion purposes. The following is from Dr. John Ellis, who has written several works on Bible wines: 4,Tbe writer obtained from Mr. Speer a bottle of his unfermented wine and found It a very pleasant and nutritious wine. A chemist put a portion of this wine into retort and distilled and condensed about one-third of the contents of the retort; the distilled had neither the smell or taste of alco hol, nor did chemical tests indicate any trace of aloobol. bat a careful examination of oar prices and quality of goods throughout our entire stock will bear us out in all the assertions we make, and will convince all who will take the pains to compare that is of of Da- it. to by the Best unbleached Hall'o Nupda^ Sheeting, 7 eente, >n tftoe undersigned, haviug rented his farm forOaeh Sent, will sell at Public Auction, on the premtaes, two miles north of Crystal L*ke Station, and four miles south ot MoHenry, on SATUaDAT, HOVSX8BR 10th, 1888, Commencing at 10 o'clock A. m., the following property: 10 head of horses consisting of 1 mare 7 years ol<l, 2 geldings 8 years oil, 1, 2 jear-old-gold- Ing, 2 yearling colts, 2 sucking colts, 2 brood mares, 12 choice young cows, milkers and springere, 1 yearling bull, 1600 bushels ear corn, 1 stack ryo straw, 75 bushels winter pples, SO bushels potatoes, 1 caldron kettle. Woodburn heating stove, 20 milk cans, quantity stoye wood. 50 fence posts. 2 set double iharness, 1 lumber wagon,, 1 milk wagon, 2 drags, 1 long sleigh, 1 grain drill, grind stone. TBRNS OF SALS:--On sums of 910.00 and under, cash. Over that sum a credit of one year »n approved notes at 8 per cent. Inter, eat. Two per cent, off for cash. - * WM. GILBEBT. f. K. QBANGER, Auctioneer. LIVING ON THE REPUTATION OF OTHERS. Take everything but my good name; leave me that and I am con tents So said the philosopher. So 6ay all manufacturers of genuine arti cles to that horde of imitators which thrives upon the reputation of others, l he good name of Allcock*s Porous Plasters has induced many adventurers to put in the markets Imitations that are not only lacking in the best elements of the genuine article, but are often harmful in their eflects. The public should be on their guaid against these frauds, and, when an ex ternal remedy is needed, be sure to insist upon having Allcock's Porous Piaster. psgpg •>•%*» • - ' A Gaods House OF M'HENRY COUNTY. '»« 4 We have now in stock a complete line of Fall and Winter Of>o<l8. We buy and sell more gootls than i»ny live stores in Mcllenry Co mtv, and in buying iii such large quantities it en aules us to buy sono goods lower thin those buying in a mm 11 way, which gives the people a letter opportunity to select from our stock of New an« .Reasonable Goods what thev want tlmn buying from small concerns which carrv a line of old and cheap goods. We have this tall bought a larger stock than ever, and will sell them at prices that will defy any compe tition. We are pleased to see the rich and poor, and will sell to them for money or without money. We are the only house in the city whuh carries a complete line of Colored or Black Silk Velvets and Flushes, Serges, OTTOMANS, DRAP D» ALMAS, CASHMEREb, # Henrietta Oloth, Ladies' Rro idcloths. Tricots, and all other kind* ot Dress Goods at astonishingly low prices. White, Red and Gray Wool Blankets, Woolen Yarns. Table Liuens, Gloves. Uosierv, and a beautiful lino of Notions of all kinds. Our stock of Ladies' and Gents', Boy's and Men's UNDKKWEAlt. in white and &!l colors, is the ..ost complete 25 aiid CLOAKS! WE HAVE pounds Rie Coffee for... . Jtest roasted Kto for....,;. Jlest Prunes for Yeast Oakes « handles Smoking Tobacco Plug Tobacco Fine Cut Tobacco Best Snow White Kerosene Choice Tea . . Medium Qnallty Tea By any dealer in thc/eonnty, but that we can and do undersell/credit, stores. We, as well as lail who have given the matter any thought, know that we can undersell any credit merchant and yet get as much for our trouble, and this we are bound to do to en courage all to pay cash fer whatever they may need in our line. We shall always for the Interests Aud for this reason we endeavor to keep a class of goods that will give tire consumer perfect satisfaction, ratner than a class of goods INppCE, DEAR AT AH! PRICE. We shall be pleased to have all wKo are in terested in making and saving money to give as a call, for our stock Iscomplete a£d / Goods Arriving Censto&Uj. We Sfe~ats6 i>#ef»red to offer MILL8TUFFS by (be ton or carat uniformly Low Prices. No tronble to show Goods, and prices glad ly quoted whether goods are wanted or not. TOJHB3 BWPBCTrUI.LT, ,, :*W. MISTY & SON. The largest stork of these goods in the city at onr store in Ladies' Seal Plush New- markets, Seal Plush Sacques, iseal Plush Jackets, Cloth Newmarkete, Oloth Jackets, Cloth Modjeskas, and Misses' and Children's Cloaks. Also, we mako to order any style of <;loak wanted, at prices lower tliun any house in the city. ;'f-v. ' . I CLOTHING I CLOTHING ! we have the largest stock in the Oountv in Men,s and Boy's SUIT? and OVERCOATS In TRUNKS, OIL* CLOTHS. CARPETINGS, WINDOW FIXTURES, LACE CURTAIN'S. WALL ipAPER, ETC,, KTO. So as to reduce our stock of CARPET* we will offer onr best Hartford and Lowell Garnets for 55c, 60c and 95c; Hemp Carpet. 9c, 10c and 12c; Oil Oloth one yard wide for 18c. Xheso are the lowest prices ever made on these goods and the lowest that ever will be made Call soon and buy what you want. EW GROOER1E And Lowest Prices in the City. UpoaadsAfngar for.: fl.no 14 pounds extra white C Sugar for 1.00 I3X pounds Granulated Sugar for 1,00 !5 cent Tea f»r ....25 cents Calicoes...., Id.oo .1,....20 oents .. .--3 cents .... --4 cents 9 cents , ... ..20 cents .......30 cents .......32 cents cents 20 cents 15 cents ....8 cents and 5 oents Blue Calico Best Gingham..,.....^ Bedquilts Table Linen Serge Dress Goods...; Men's Black Hats Men's Gray iiats Boy's Suits Boy's Hats Boy's Pants W«*nts 7 cents ..........63 cents .i.... ...25 cents . . . . .. .12)4 cents ..........30 cents .. ...... 25 cents ...... tl 00 v.........10 cents .30 cents Men's Suits |3.00, fi.OO, *8.00 up to $40 00 Boy's Shoes r.50 cents Men's Boots.... *1.50 tu #8 DO A 95.00 Ladies Fine Shoe for;......... woo Ladies Goat >hoes. tl 00, fl.50, *20o Ladies Kid Shoes fl.25, #1,50, #160 We also have a first-class Tailor, nnd before placing vour order call and see us and we will save you money. Laities wishing Millinery Goods of any kiud will And them in our Milli nery Department at prices lower than any house ir the county. When you visit our citv pay our ni|j^^ioth Millinery and Cloak Departments a visit, E, A. MURPHY & CO), Woodstock. THE And^JFearaMli ^AT- I A i$usixieB«» osa a ife. ing does CSsn buying and cash sell- es more in this direction than you imagine* If you doubt it come and see. You are invited to examine the finest line of fine and medium Dress Goods la wool eVer opened in thi* place. Also special bargains in Corsets, more than a dozen styles to select from. Kid and Cash mere Glove, cheap. Please in- voatj nil ir. •m IS FOB THE COISUVIBS BIVBHT. a*.. ife- ^ONSUMPT'̂ ' It has permanently cured THOUSANDS of cases pronounced by doctors hope- leas. If you have toms. such aa C< o_.i _ don't delay, but" use PESO'S CURE tor consumption : r. rr*"" A volume on how to make bus iness isn't as vauabe as hall a days experience. It lacks direct teaching. We are at th« workT it« our daily thought to win trade and we are getting a better grasp on the work every dqy. It isn't necessary to gay every morning we are going to treat you fairly to-day. Wo do it at all times and you wi soon find it out if you havn't already. We are after the largest busi ness in our particular line and to get it we mean that your do ars worth sha cover more merchan dise than you can get elsewhere* The primary thought in our business is how we we can serve you and how cheap we can jlurnUb £«* •UMiirin <rf < era fc money lor you in our up lor Qnec more we are tuningv Come and goods must go as long as the gas holds out to blow the horn. And furnish music in proportion to tbe size of a good treasury note. We give sixteen ounces of performance for every pound ol promises; we make prices touch the low water mark of profit; we cut prices at the profit end, and not at the purchase enu, and so keep tue value high while the price U low. The way to be happy though married is to look ouer our big stock and small prices, * * L ; 1 •AND Planed Down Figures. Take our advice for once. Buy good goods, buy honorably, get. What you pay for. and pay for what you get. If your wife dies, marry her sister and thus save breaking in a second mot!ier-in-law. Take the traveled road to our store. We are already terribly in debt to our many customers for a good Fall trade. We will pay you all up in fair and square dealing. Try us. Our concerts draw custom ers as the silvery sounds mean silver saved to every mother's son of them, and daughters too. We are willing to let all competitors play the LYEE. There is no denying that'they are great on that instrument, but it is not the stayer that a truthful horn is. Fill HB WW HUM Bo not beleive what we say , butoome at once and investigate. I •;a In endless variety of stales, colons, prices and size!. O ' T E B e O A f S 'i 100 to select from. Beavers, Chinchillas, Keiscys, Mil tons. Underwear is our hope and our solace,, and we please them ail. We don't play for tun but formutual benefit. J6ia us in the waltz or breakdown. * , BONSLETT & STOFFEL. PERRY & OWEN. •¥" ~ ' fi ains. To close out som© lines of-Ladie^ fine Shoes and make roem fcir our extra large iall stock, we have marked down prices as follows: Ladies' $4.25 Fine Kid Shoe, marked down to $3.50. ' *• • „ 4.00 Fine mat. Ki0v • 3.50 Fine Kid *' *** 3.00 44 44 m . 3.25 straight grain Kid '* ** 2.00 Fine Goat ** - AboAe goods are all warranted and ate early and secure a fit. Misses 3.50* 3.00. 2,50. 2.75. 1.50. special bargains. Call Four cents, beautiful patterns for comfortables, unbleached Sheet ing, 5 cents, good Cotton Flannel, 6 cents Htvry Twllied Bid flu&tl 21 Cuts, Largo white Bed shades in fine, all woo: Thirty-six inches wide, at 35 cents per yard, the greatest bargain in the world Largest stock of ^ w„eGive -i- 4?f* OR THB Youum Trulyi " John Cvanson & Co. . * In town. Men's heavy Underwear at 29 cents; a big bargain, i Swits Conde's famous . C. 1 Underwear at $1,20. . Others ai^ selling for more. Considered cheap at $1,50 -. <* • | [~~C LQTHIN G. ( We are offering a Men's heavy Cassimire Suit for $4.50, worth *600. We have a fine line ot Oothiut Md JW9|. Try us once We have a large line of ' v . * ?•* t X«adics and Misses Cloaks, And more coming in evfcry week; we can beat them all in priced this year. Look at above bargains and sall on us before buying; as we will save you lots of money. I *- *:-r- f< *" v 1 -• , ' . ;;