Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Nov 1888, p. 8

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ill K' "'Ji! -~j nta$«£ the «J»v« he*d ktAdlM ot »« W.C.T.V1. claim » no part or credit for •I Tinpenow Legion will mv City Hall on Satur- at two o'clock. IftS, A BmoUM Dream. ^Francisco Neu>8 LetUsr tells 81 ' tktaiiiit of a little girl nine or ten fMdtld^who went Into a shop to bay Sire Matt worth of tea. Liquor was r told there too, and the room wm filled with roagb men, il> "Sew Is your mother?" asked the boy whe came forward to wait upon ber. M8he's side, ain't had nothing to eat to-day.* 4 The boy waa then called npon to wait on some men who entered the sa­ loon, and the girl sat down. In a few mlnntea she was sound asleep and leaning ber bead against a barrel, while she held a nickel in a tight grip between ber thumb and fore finger. One of the men saw her as be came Ann the bar, and after asking who she was, said! MSay, you drunkards, see here I Here we're been pouring down whiskey, when this child and ber mother want bread, Here is a two-dollar bill that •ays I have some feeling yet." MAnd I will add a dollar." observed one. *T11 give another." They made up a collection amount­ ing to five dollars, and the spokesman earefully put the bill between the child's fingers, and whispered: Just look here--see, the giro's dream­ ing T Ho she was. A tear had rolled from the closed eyelid, but on the face was a smile. The men went out. and the clerk went over and touched the sleeping child. She awoke with a laugh, and cried eut: MWhat a beautiful dream! Ha was'nt sick any more, and we bad lots to eat and wear, and my hand hams yet where an angel touched it.*' When she discovered that her nickel bad been replaced by a bill a dollar of which loaded her down with all she oould carry, she said: "Ma won't hardly believe me Chat you sent up to heaven and got an angel to come and Clerk in your grocery." ;Vy' p? SODA Best intheWorli StSSffiSS!? 'tiiuuir. B«at e» JFREE *. WursaUd. Inn Gold Hooting OtMfc •*">•"1 nacnttMBfc Both UdlM'aad (wtl'dM. with works and on* of KNiniMom rauon taadi locality can Mm* om FBBB. HowlathJapoaaaM W. umr-wi want, •oa ia tack locality, to kMb Ik who call, • eomplau lln* ofoor DHUOLO SAMPLKa. -*• w rtch.w.«Bd fV**.»D(l after ro« la yonr hoaw for a month* and shown than SU^SfwS^̂ C^V? at7̂ ^D <̂tS1 Souii J^^uina *••««, «U mrlMrka, Write at onea. tothaaa wlw ia«yeaUat yomrlxi-- Wfll M B tost aatWhetory. A postal card as • ort glff ? ?y**Ap WiltvilUiaeottaM leeotsadaftervotki il illwn lo|f tothsr, • why bo htra la done. MMIWWW1 susm ^ - yoakaow all,tfjoa Bat If ro, da or the \'bsl' vV\.rty< ;< % j l '• ^ * J v : ' ! 1 'a.-' ' * ^ t Das made the surrounding country happy* . Our present Government has made our city happy. t !'• ' ' " : . • fiEE OUR 'NEW IMPROVEMENTS! Two new Fire Engines, a now Street Sprinkler, a new Park City Hall and a Coole*. Who says we are not rapid-House, a new ly going to TBI FRONT, And we \sk you to remember that we are putting in one of the largest new stocks of atl kinds of Goods this Fall that has ever been brought to McHenry. We have to close out a large line of himoBaoa ,BMI And cm sell them to you at wholesale Prices. You cannot afford to buy until y'ou have looked ours over. You know We keep i * ' gainst o. Toctose cfat some !fries of Ladle? fine Shot* and make rootn fo* our extra largo tall stock, we have marked down prices as follows; Ladies' 14.25'Fine Kid ShQ&.mac&fti ^ l iw iv a. xrU •... o Krt * ' 4 . 0 0 F i n e m a t . K M * « ' ^ i ; • > 3 . 5 0 ; 8.60 Fine Kid « •• 3.0<V "* E> IT 2.50|j 2.75» " 3.00 » • « **• &- " 3.25 straight grain Kid " u Misses 2.00 Fine Goat M ** AboAe goods are all warranted and ate special 'bargains, early and a fit. 4 , %.*• Call Four cents, beautiful patterns for comfortables, unbleached Sheet- ing, 5 cents, good Cotton Flannel, 6 cents S#ary TwUsed Bed fl&oail 21 Ctnts, all Wod. 8 w " g t a ̂ ^ ^ l e a d i n g And we wl»h to say our new stock is the very finest we ever have opened and ohaaper than you have ever bought before. Always on hand. '• Tile best we can possibly bugf* Btts ud Caps, Botm and Kittens. . ; ahyfejf i I Jf f PBOOTS AND SHOES ! We are leaders for good goods and low prices* We hope to see you, sell you, and give you the worth of every cent you leave With us. Our place is the home of the celebrated Broadhead Press Goods, And their output this Fall is larger than ei Yours as Eve#1, STOFFEL & BLAKE; • v " • Now have a full and complete line of Such as Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Baby's Shoes, Slippers^ ; And in fact the finest, newest and most complete line of foot­ wear that money can buy. In FOB SALE. " • A farm of 80 acres of land, with good hoose, good out-buildings, and good well of water. The above premises are situated in the town of Antiocb. Lake County. 11],, three miles east of Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. For further information Inquire of D. F. Smtley. Woodstock, or John Hen­ dricks, Spring Grove, 111. 17tf Blood vs. Nerves. Great mistakes have been made in* the worldly supposing many nervous troubles were doe to bad blood. Tbis headache, fits, dizziness, sleeplessness, etc. are always due to weakness or irri­ tation of the nervee of the brain: dys­ pepsia, pain, wind, etc. to. weakness of the nerves of the stomach: weak lungs Is caused by weakness of the parts: hlllloosness, constipation, etc. to weak­ ness of the nervee of the liver or bowels: pains. Irregularity, sterility, to derangement of the uterine nervee. For ail weakness, Dr. Miles* great nerve and brain food surpasses all Other remdies. Trial bottles free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. f • Tissue Paper. sf\ .^,1* astonishing how much can be who In decorating a home by this simple means. Complete out-tits for all kinds of paper flowers kept con- •Untly in stock at Julia A. Story's drag store. _______ WHAT ON EARTH I« the reason people will not, can ,or do not' aee auy difierence ID Mtrums pnt up by Cheap John or Irresponsible parties at Us profits, rather than take a medtolne of world wide reputation and one that la giving universal (satis­ faction at equsl price ? No medicine In the world Is giving such unpar­ alleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as Beggs' Blood Purifier & Bloo4 Maker, and every bottle that ,-m*aot do its work will cost you For sale by J. A. Story, Wm ° We carry a large line of Jamestown Cashmere, Worsteds, Sateen, Ginghams, Prints, and everything pertaining to Dress Goods de­ partment. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, We soU by sample. Thus we are enabled to sell from a wholesale stuck and we can show a larger line and sell cheaper, for we have no mony invested and yet a much larger stock to sell from than all the houses in town combined. Our stock of GROCERIES, Always complete and prices ih© lowest. Give ns a call. STOFFEL & BLAKE. McHenry, DEALER IN ' SHELF AND Thirty-six inches wide, at 35 cents per yard, the greatest bargain in the world Largest stock of W 3BS ̂ 3& '= t.', ' • ' . ^ In town. > Men's heavy Underwear at 29 cents; ji big bargain. Bwits Oonde's famous . U. 1 Underwear at • Othete selling for more. Considered cheap at $1,50 I CLOTHING. | We are offering a Men's heavy Cassimire Suit for $4.50, worth $600. We have a fine line ot Clothing and selling it V&y cheap. Try us once We have a large line ot ^adies and Misses Cloak|i c o m i n g # « f # f w e c a t t f c l t t t ^ h e m a l l I t ! p r i c e s this year. Look at above bargains and sail on us before buying, as we will save you lots of money. Ferry <£t Owen. JTOjIA A. stoby. (One Door West of Riverside House*) floHENJlY, - - ILLINOIS. DEALER IK- I CI NES ' -i---A FULL LINE OF---- Drip, Chsmicals, Syt Sto&, FWts, Oils and Coins. Constantly on hand. Also a large line of fratent Medicines, Toilet Articles, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONABY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Phy^icians Prescriptions 3ripti< Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. NEW DEPARTURE. IIV McH^i^RY, ILLI1VOIIS. • - • fcf,v 'A eir new line of " - Fali and Winter Goods & 11: e have iio otot and slieff wo'ru goods left over show you. but goods perfectly new and the latest styl I- last year to YVe have :4' In all shades, with trimmings to match. Plaids are again to the front aud we have a line«assortment at. them, I ^ Sn Children's Cloakings. Have ft he«r line of Ladiea' Faney Goods, and Culfe, Ruch- ings. Veilings, etc. New Ribbons in all the late shades, mahogany, gobelin and abunthe, and the Gacia Marie Ribbous. W? have a fulL stock ot Ladies', Gent's and Children's WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, BOOTS AND SHOES it ^ e.,^ao l*ftv© Keinnants, odds and ends of Summer Goods whicii we will sell you at cost in or ler to close them o^t. Our stock of . «•#. Tea, Coffee, Spices and Canned Goods is the finest the market. affords>. CROCKERY, - GLASSWARE, We will sell you a decoratod Tea Set, 56 pieces, for $3.98, Git© I us a call. a - FITZSIMMONS & HENDERSON. Opposite Post Office. West McHenry. June 26tb, 1888. S*! rll BESLEY, sd Aptb«can, Will MfHEiWK"STe --DEALER IN and Medicines. Wltvl Mi VVW vNBf PAINTS, OILS, ilet -PURE- AND : FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. Thebest brands ot Cigars ani Smoftin^ and Chewiug Tjbnco» alwayson hand. B - PHYSICIA^KS PRESCRIPTIONS, (.Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. ^ C. W» BESLEY. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. Having purchased the "^Hardware Business of H. V. Shepatnl, would inform the Buying Public that he has just put in a full neiy Stock of ? • - Are You Going to If so do not fail[to get ai^estimate on your Lumber from* . ! - if MM A:--, Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware GASOLENE : STOVES, The Peninsular atid Reliably The best Stove on the Market and cheap. holdabarre"4 Bee our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourtelvos, that wit h..(TuetPurc^8.wlnl Hay Carrier, with Tr acks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pulleys, tie1 beat In the market Call and see It. Screen Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow Pail, * new w»ng- # Haish.'s Barb Wire • AT BOTTOM PRICKS . jobbing and Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicijg^,.. >. v ... ^ ^ I ' •. J rT ' / r^V i - .* • ^ «TteTONS| ; , V ; ' i % , ' ' 1 l v > . ; Purchased fdT Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods, L FUUL IilNB OF ^ GARLAND AND OTHER KINDSI*. fer both Coal and Wood, of the best makes, always oti hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY Oil HAND. I have also f ecu red the services of E. M. HO IVE, doe of the best Tinners in McHenry County, and all JOBBING AND RSF&XRXIt G Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guarantee); A McHenry, tU.f October 1st, 188& ' ' L . f r r _ . i n * , / ' i f . c & N^kr the Depot McHenry, Our stock of Lumber, ef all kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared t# offer to tfee public Tlte But Qna ity ef Lw&lub, --AT TOE-- LOWEST LIVING PRICES- 'M T' .-Y-JI ; >t7 AS?. 2 ** ~~ "-V: Casip, Door and WMot Frames-Ready Mate-always oo Hand. Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire, We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare Be pais* ' to accommodate all wh i may tiivor us with their patronage. $ WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY, ^ Ot H. GRAN GBR, Manager» ^ ̂ .. ^ f -

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