Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Nov 1888, p. 4

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- "S ¥ * T*3 ' ; •&:>-? mm:-TBS following named have boon drawn to serve as Grand and Petit Jurors for the next term of the McHenry County circuit Court, which convenes at Woodstock, Monday, Jan­ uary 14th, 1889. GBAND JCBQ$S. i .....Riley W R^dy for Wjnter £»'H Soil 35 bars, 30 lbs. good Soajj for $1 00. •jV ^ V "1^$ ONLY m&AY. NOV. Brilliant Durable Economical iLYKB, I Sell 150 ° test Coal Oil for 12 cents per «?al- Eddie McKoown. Charlea Davis Will Pringlo Frank Patrick H. H. Karrowa frank Wilbur Mates Logue.. Lines Twines X. Bt McLfittvm Dannie McGoe.... 0. M. Ilughct M, L. Sloey Jacob Hnber. Adelbert Thomas A. J, Northrop John Clark J. 11. Rugh F. L, Sheldon.... Israel StClair Homer Hastings John A. Marshall... Hubert Potter. George Thompson Sr h A npil May be found on ArJCiKflle at GKO. P Marengo . .Dunhan Chemung Flannels, OOL'8 Newspaper Advertising ceStreet), where advertising KNEW YORK Cress Goods, .. Allien .....Hart land Are head j.s for Felt oota, Underwear *te., etc. ..Seneca (i i........Grafton ..Coral ^C«n «o«r too obtaiuedl at Dorr .....Richmond .Nunda McHenry Algonquin PETIT JURORS fgf Kansas wins the Republican Championship. The fnil returns swell Iter plurality for Harrison a nd Morton ltd eighty- two thousand. That beats •Verytblog--eves Pennsylvania. The following named gentlemen are oommanded to appear Monday, the 14th day of January, 1889. ..Riley ... ... Marengo MoT Butter took another big jump «MI the Elgin Board of Trade on Mon­ day. Two weeks ago It sold at 29}c; Sfooday at 41$ cents. There is no Ymtter In stock to meet the lively de­ mand. The milk supply is light and the drouth decreased herds. On the Board of Trade 17,000 pounds sold at 41 #411 cents. The market was de wlared active at 41 cents. IV1* "Thank God" Brooks ran for jgovernor of Missouri on the Prohibi­ tion ticket in 1884 and received over 30.000 votes. He received at the last election In Missouri, for vice-presi­ dent, less than 5,000 votes. Two years •go, lo Pennsylvania, the Prohibition Tote was nearly 83,001. This year It was less than 11.000. In the fade of audi figures, What is there to encour­ age good honest temperance men in holding ont for a third* party, P,S. Griffeth ..... Robert Willard.^ Charles tVilson.......... Anson Vail .. George Gav......... C M Stevenson....... . Ed Dern 9. Collins Waldo Lake........ ..... Wm. Walton...... .^.i, Leroy Wickham... ...'i Wm. Wetlaufer.. ... John Murphy . James Lloyd George St John...... ... -mith Marvin.... Thomas O'Cock Daniel Durkee Richard Hartley-- ... Patrick Gary John Donnelly W. B Austin Wm. Sherman Ohas Thompson T. B. McDonald A. B. Pratt W. D. Lee Lyman Pierce C. L. Hal lerman ... ,» Peter Wan-irick .... W. Sari born W. Stevens John Reylhan Thomas Thompson..... S. H. Abbott Thomas Leonard MP* The presidential electors of each state will meet at the state cap!- tola on January 14th, 1889, and cast their votes for president and vice- president. Under the old law they bad to meet for this purpose Decem­ ber 6tb. The returns of the electoral •6t« are opened and couated the sec­ ond Wednesday in February, by the prMldent of the senate. In the pres- • enoe of both houses of congress, Sea ator J. J. Ipgalle, of Kansas. Is the president of the senate. 1ST A giant locomotive Is being v constructed in Boston. It is for use on the Atchison road, and has two ' cabs, one over the boiler for the engl near, and the other in the nsual place for the fireman. The driving wheels ^%ro of paper, with steel tires.* Econ otay of fuel is accomplished by t pump that utilizes the exhaust steam r' to heat water, and by a large combus­ tion Chamber which burns all the gas. It is expected that the engine will make eighty miles an hour, with ten | ooacbes, on an ordinary road. W&T Some one says the chief claim of the women suffragists is that poli­ tics would be purified thereby. Those who have not progressed that far, fear on the contrary, that the result would be to lower the level of womanhood The debate indulged In at the W. C T. U. convention at New York, grow­ ing out of the determination to make that organization a tactor in politics would seem to present an argument in favor of the conservatives who appre­ hend that active participation In poll tics with the attendant lust for office and scramble to get and keep it, would work disaster both to the disposition of woman and to that high place in the oateom and reverence of man, which is her protection and glory. Woman's Christian influence exerted In right fa! places, is a mightier power than any ballot could give her.' Mr "Looking bade upon the cam. ptlgnu Republicans can feel jnstiy proud," says an exchange, Mof their dean, able, popular, and In every way worthy candidate." Nothing he has •aid or done has weakened or Injured bit party; and every day and week that he has been subjected to the fair­ est criticisms and Investigation, he bM risen higher and higher in the •kinds of his fellow-citizens. There could have been no better nomination Bade by the Republicans, Events have proved that fact beyond the shadow of a doubt. He has shown hlm- aelf to be a type af American manhood at Its best. His speeches have been able, timely and happy, and his bear­ ing has been that of the broad-minded .and clear-brained conscientious Chris­ tian gentleman that be Is. Republi­ cans cannot be too proud of the man under who Be management they have made a glbrious campaign, ...i>unham ..Chemung j tk !".... Aldeta ....... Hartland ... ^ Seneca ..............Goral ....... .. ...Grafton ... ..........Dorr ...........Greenwood «« .M Hebron .............Richmond ...1....". Barton McHenry ,....; Nunda I .......Algonquin The following are summoned to ap­ pear Monday, the 28th day of Ja&uary, 1889, H. Patterson and James Bates. Riley. Warren D. smith, Thomas W. Porter and E. P. Vail, Marengo. T. J. Stevenson and Rlctoard Brown, Dan- ] ham. Frank Janvrln. Sime Hill and R. A. Nugent, Chemung. John Carrol, AMen, George Gu th, Hartland. John Wilcox, Seneca. w. H. S!U':«r, John Pcrrorseaad Luther D. | Fillmore, Coral. J. H 1.-turner, Charles Halligaa and D. Glazier, Graf,on. Levi MeSett, C. F. Thome, B. 8. Austin ami Asa 1'case, Dorr, John McBroom, Greenw«od. John O'lteynolds and Uus»el Holmes, Hebron. Samuel "Wilson and Robert Hunter, Rich^ morul. Frank Hatch, Burton. Warren Francisco, William Thomas and John Evanson, McHenry. George Ames and K- F. Matthews, Nunda. George Peeler an<) E. W. Matthews, Al­ gonquin. f@*The new comet discovered at the Lick Observatory is* going to be a '•specially interesting, object, on ac­ count of the long period during which It will remain visible." There is a difierence between the comet and Grover Cleveland. After March 4tb he will be invisible for a long period, if not permanently. In any event, he will not be a specially Inifrestlng object. a result of the election of! the Republican national candidates and the assurance that their industry will continue to be protected, iron manufacturers are increasing the num-1 ber of men in their employ, and furnaces which have remained idle for the last t}iree years are to be re­ opened. The market for pig iron and the better grades of ore is already more active, and a constantly Increas­ ing demand is reported. 1ST The Tribune'« Washington cor­ respondent to-day presents evidence Of the way in which the Democratic plot to gain a majority in the house of Representatives is being perlected It appears that efforts are In progress tOfOVerse the verdict of the people in districts In Arkansas, Ke ntucky, North Gtfr+lioa, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Not only have large num bers of ballots been thrown out on flimsy pretexts, bnt Itbe facts set forth tbow that in North Carolina in­ timidation has been resorted to in the Interest of the party which is bonnd to retain Its power in the lower house of Congress by hook or erook. And this is not ail. Stupid llosconcerning what the Republicans «re doing are being des*eminated by the Democratic managers In Wash- Sggton. These are desperate devices more than might have been »d. They will be sure to re- tner or later on their authors fifes party that profits by them. Have HP fine stock of lies' and Gent's Un- )rvveur M rock bottom epa a good assort* of Winter Shawls, MoHENRY, * ILLINOIS, FULL LINE IN, ALL DEPARTMENTS. • • • • • ' We have marked the prices on these goods to the lowest living limits, and will not be undersold. Also a lull line of\ Can sell you as <rood ipfc robe for sis little one> ,. the best em. Em, BOTTOM Have no accounts t o close into Profit and Loss. Can sell you Over­ coats, at a baigain. Can knock the socfes off credit stores on Car­ pets. If you want choice Groceries, Canned Good*, or anything iit department, «. all at Althoff Bros, and get their prices. this Small Profits S Take the good' goods prices. lead for at low ANI> N. Will m§et any prices made, quality consid­ ered. Thane you for past patronage and earnestly solicit a continuance ot same. E. LAWLUS. --MERCHANT TAILOR-- How is the time to get your Clothes made t» order, for C. F. TORNOW, THE MERCHANT TAILOR, Of Nunda, is now with E. Lawlusand they are now ready to do anything in the Tailoring line at very low prices O F. Tornow inviteu his friends from Crystal Lake and vicinity, and also the people of McHcnry and vicinity, to call and inspect the goods and get prices. Prices are as lowJuire as anywhere according to the goods. £. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor, Opposite Riverside House, McHenry, 111. Auction Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auction at the Robert E. Stanley House, on Nipper- sink Lake, Lake Co., 111., on Saturday, Dec. 1st, 1888, commencing at 10 o'clock A. x. the following property: Lot of household furni­ ture consisting of 1 new Home sewing ma­ chine, 7 bedsteads, 1 washsink, 7 springs and beds, wash stands, wash bowls and pitchers, chairs and tables, 1 show case and other fur-1 niture. Also 1 buggy, 1 plsw, 1 cultivator, 5 good boats, carpenter tools, 1 good range stove, 4 good breech loading shot guns with 40 to 160 shells each, and loading tools and 1 pair light boo sleighs. TEEMS OF BALK:--All sums of ten dollars or unaer, cash. Over that sum a credit of | 7 months will be given on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Three per cent off for ] cash. R. E.STANLEY. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. X V. K. GRANGER, Ceneral Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock. Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reasonable terms. Orders by mall will receive prompt < attention. Address ' F. K. GRANGER, West McHenry, 111, Evaneon's Order Department. We desire to anounce to our pa­ trons that we receive orders for any article not kept in stock and furnish them at a small advance above whole' sale prices. We take your measure for a fine suit or overcoat, seal skin, plush or beaver cloake, men's sbirts etc.. It will pay you to investigate this. We can save you money. Look Here. Parties who can use the 169 deg. test SNOW WHITE kerosene oil by the barrel can save money by getting prices of the undesigned at his stcre In West McHenry.' B, filLBUT. November 12th 1883. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same old song of praise A purer medicine does not exist aud it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kid­ neys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by Impure blood.--Will drive malaria out of the blood and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers.--For cure of headaches, constipation and indlges tlon try Electric Bitters--entire satis­ faction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c and $100 per bottle at G. W. Besley's drug store. > c0NSUMI*fl' It has permanently cured THOUSANDS of cases pronounced by. doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, &c., don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggiata. 25 cents. toil Corsets : t! ' ROCltfORD HOSE AND YARNS. • ...iir Our Scarlet UNDEBWfellfc, WHY OUR SALES ; Every article of Merchandise a primary consideration with us. We treat all with the same de­ gree of fairness. Nothing sligb ed. AU goods selected in that careful painstaking manner • so conspicuous with a merchant whose first thought is his pat ftiiis. The consumer yj CIDER! CIDER! ...., I am now ready to make your pies into Cider on short notice ap- and Bring on your guarantee satisfaction. Apples, THOS KHOJU MCHEXRY, Snrr, 11th. 1888, A GIFT FOR ALL* fn order to give all a chance to test It, and be convinced of Its wonderful curative powers. Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold*, will be, for a limited timn, given away. Tbia offer is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith in this great remedy. All who suffer from coughs, colds, consumption, asthma, bronchitis or any affection of throat, chest or lungs, are especially invited to call at G. W. Besley's Drug Store and get a trial bottle tree. Large bottles $1.00. Their Business Booming, Probabl/ no one thing has caused such a general revival of business at G. W Besley's drug store as their giv­ ing away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's NewDiscovery'for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it cures and never fails. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test lis merits before buving by getting a trial bottle free, large size 81. Every bottle warranted. le Consumption Incurable. Read the following: Mr. C. El. Mor­ ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was dowo with abecess of the lungs, and friends and physicians pronoujeed me an in­ curable consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, am now on my third bottle and able to oversee the work on my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: uHad It not been for Dr. King,s New Discovery for Consump­ tion I would have died of lung troubles. Was given up by docters. Am now in the best of health.** Try it. Sample bottles free at G. W. Bes­ ley's druji store. * AT BARGAINS. FINE •i iMeased. We know that its liiir purpose to please him anc we were never in so srood a shape to do it as now. Counters anc shelves absolutely crowdcd with the best and salet growing larger every day. School Shoes, of the £est m the land. Ladies' Fine Shoes in abundance. Dress Goods in wool, from 12 1-2 cents to $1.25 per yard Toboggans, new and stylish, anc every article marked on a basis ot Cash Profits, Conijp! It wil pay you. John Evanson & Co. Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others are just as good. Beware of imitations--they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crocky colors. 36 colors ; 10 cents each. Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directions for coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluing (IO cts. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington, Vt. Tor Gliding or Bronzing Fancy Article?, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, 8ilver, Bronze, Copper. Only : 10 Cents. D - * f CELERY Hames \ 3 j COMPOUND CURES \ PROOFS Keitralgla "I'aine's Cclrry Com­ pound cmed my nerv­ ous sicl; headnches." JUrS. L. A. I'L'I'.NTNEIT, San Jacinto, Cal. Nervous Prostration "I'aine's Cclrry Com­ pound cmed my nerv­ ous sicl; headnches." JUrS. L. A. I'L'I'.NTNEIT, San Jacinto, Cal. Nervous Prostration "After using six bot­tles ot Faine's Celery Compound, I am cured ot rheumatism." SAMUEL HUTCHINSOK. South Cornish, N. H. Rheumatism "After using six bot­ tles ot Faine's Celery Compound, I am cured ot rheumatism." SAMUEL HUTCHINSOK. South Cornish, N. H. Kidney Diseases "It has done me more good for kidney disease than any other medi­ cine." GEO. ABBOTT, Sioux City, Iowa. AND All Liver Disorders "Paine's Celery Com­ pound has been of great benefit for torpid liver, indigestion, and bilious­ ness." ELIZABETH C. UDALL, Quechee, Vt. Y «J. Barbian. BAR8IAN ?. J. Barbian- Wholesale and Betail DEALERS TW FINE CIGARS, ILLINOIS. •r fv-y ' > * «&. C J. - Having leajscd the brick building one <1oor South of the post ollic.e, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found line cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the best brands. FIP1S A 5P2CIALTY, We have a very large assortment and some very handsome patterns. . GALL AND SEE US. BARBIAK BBOS. MeXIenry, November 13th, 1&H8. J. QILLIUVtyD. --Deatrn in all Kindt of-- Either by Carload or Retail* NO% 270 SOUTH WATER ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Square Timber a Specialty. Executor's Notice* f j^STATE of Winslow Parker deceased. U The undersigned having been appointed Executor ot the last Will an.l Tostamentof W mslow I'arker deceased, late of the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the county »urt of McHenry county, at the Court House ui Woodstock, at the Jan. term on the llrst uonday in Jan. next, at which time all *>n8 having claims against eat 1 estate are no- triiii'd and requested lo attend for the purpose .»( having the same adjusted. All parsons in •lobted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated, acth day of Nov., A D. 1888. HENRY C. MKA1), Executor, fENTS WANTED! To can vast for one of the largest, oldest established, BEST KNOWN NUBSEBIES mi the country. Most liberal terms tin. equaled facilities. GENEVA NURSERY. Kstauhshed 1846. W. &T. SMITH, Geneva, M. Y. Bangs.! Ladies, use the BisselPs Frizzing Iron to curl your baugs; theyjsave time and trouble. To be found at J. A. Story's drug store. Go to Altbofi Bros, for Plne Shoei. The finest s|ock. In town. THE COLD WAVES . ' Are surely coming and with fiom tho certain necessity of w.trrn goals to keep dottm.; fortubie during tlie coming long winutr, vi 11 at-pfl >!•> jtlei-uit to tho mind and easy on tM purse Our stock, of aHovo goods, is'still very complete and to reduce the sama "to make •twom for on r elegant, large and wall sele.stel stook of of .•it:ipio t : " HOLIDAY PRESENTS, To arrive this week. We will make less than reasonable Prices oil a'.l Winter GwtS» and terms to suit the worts crank aa well as the fuir buyer. Call early to Inspect our stoek CLOAKS, WRAPS, PLUSH SACQUES, As our sizes are yet eo nptete and goods new. Oar We do not play seeond fiddle toany hotiae fn the eouittj for Men, Biyn and OhUdren.« ^ " ,\l "£( • 18 of prime importance to comfort and good health, and is the doctors worst enemv in an ^?£S r, . «><<r previous success in this, line jusuiiijs in in claiming EQUAL II" NOT SUPKul MOU VALl&S, both in variety and prices to moat any other house in tho county. tirav mixed, tor men, from '25 cents to tho finest Australian Wool, natural colors at tl'9:>. tarry a large stock, fro<n the cheapest good to the very' took us over soon, Carefully IOOK into the merits of our , wanp. As yotrs of satisfactory wear • ena&ltiril We cannot, without loss, sell tho " - Iv honeatty recommeitfl them to all. In competition on price with the numerous brands of light, dry. poofIV constructed Ritftfc, bers now flood toff the market at low prices, and still lower met**/ J^JANDEE" ARCTICS --WITH-- DOUBLE THICK BALL. Two Years TEST. The "CANDEK" KTOBEU Co. give a better Rub» ber than can be obtained elsewhere for tho money, with their great improvement of the DOUBLE THICK BALL. The extra thickness of - mbber right under the tread, gives DOUBLE WEAK. Ask to see the 14 CANDEE»» Double Thick Ball ^Rubbers in Boots, Arctics, Overshoes, AIaekaa,.4c. A (pommon Sense idea, FOR SALE Br> Rubber BOOTS --"WITH -- DOUBLE THICK BALL Ordinary Robber Boots always wear out first on the ball. The CANDEE Boots are double thick on the ball, and give DOUBLE WEAR. Stoat cconomicalmb' ber Boot in the market. Lasts longer than any other booty and the PRICE Call and ex­ amine the goods. The oandee stands*! the head.«H me*eha»t%|»V« to admit tttat. and alt %(#&•••' more for them. O >r stock is at all times very complete and new. Give us a trial and studv tho principles explained in cuts. Our immense stock of goods suitable for Christina* and New Years presents will bo in this week, consisting of fancy Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Chamber. Tea, Dinner and Toilet sots, I'lush, Leather and Brass Goods. Do not forget that we handle ontv standard GltOCKRIR* at small proUts. l pound good Tea Dnat only m cents; 10 pounds tor !)0cents; good whole-leaf uncolored Japan, 26 cents, worth 40. Kemember our future success depends npou the buyer And the confidence he can place ' in our trade assertions. YOURS RESPECTFULLY\ BON SLETT & STOFFEL; M RICHMOND, ILLINOIS. i 1,1 mt, 1 1 < i 1 n i l •rv n 1 (iS ll"' i - " j • 'il ^ ".fe W Vs i' -1 <M r >4 - \ First Class Hotel. Kate*} $1.00 pep day or 25 cents per meal, i Special Kates to traveling troupes. Good Sample Room. NQ charges for sample trunks to and from depot. Free Bus to aU trains, ^ood ^tabling aad Livery at low rates, , t 1 P. c. SKINKLE, Proprietor: 1 All kiBds of Agricultura! lmp!ements sold at small profits. ,.-*V ̂ ! V'-"1' r " I ' - "' " • • , .. ' 4 ' >. o'.r "jfe, £* . t St L. .1. . • T*Z>. i' "ViS- 4^7. •ir srV -is»

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