Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Nov 1888, p. 5

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|Hl«wy JtoMwiw. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28. 1888, 'Railroad Time Table. T-tkinir effect June 10th, train* will pass McHenry Station dally, as follows: ooiwo SOUTH. t Take (i^neva Passenger ......7:?S A. • t Lake Geneva Express 6:22 " I f.nfce ttonevn Freight !:Wf. M I Lake Geneva Passenger ...ii. 3:26 11 t Lake Re nova Freight ,. 9-11 a. W I Lake 3eneva Passenrer ....... 8:BB - I Lake GENEVA Kxnress .. .4:S6R. « I L*k« Oman PM«##wr 6:51 " T Ptily except Sunday. B. BTTM. Agent. McHenrv, 111 MASONIC. • MCKRNRV LODOK, NO. 158 A. F, and A. 1L-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Monday* in each month. J. VAW St,THE, W. M. •••it- --is. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second an>1 Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor lially invited- RKMBMBEB the Thanksgiving Party, 1 At the Riverside House, this Wednes 4*7 eveuing. DON'T forget the Thanksgiving Party, at the Parker House, to­ morrow, Thursday evening. READ the new advertisements of X. Lawlus. J. W. Cristy A Son, Althoff Bros. and Bonslett A Stoffel to be found in another plsoe In this paper. IF yon ever dance go to the River­ side House this Wednesday evening Good musio and a general good time •lay be expected. THE attention of our readers ta directed to the advertisement of the Nev Hotel, Richmond, which can be] found in another column. 1 THE annual meeting of the McHenry County Agricultural Board occurs next Monday, December 3d, at 1 p. M.. at the Court House. If you are. a frien of the society please be present. C. E. CHAPELL advertises an aactlou sale of milch cows, to take place In the village of Algonquin, on Saturday ntoxt, Deo. 1st, commencing at 9 o'clock A.M. _____ THE Harvest Home Supper, at the City Hall, on Friday evening last, was well attended and a very enjoyable affair. We have not learned the Bet receipts. THE Brewery team took a little ex­ ercise on their own hook one day last week. They shook up the wagon lively for a few moments but no damage was done. Thanksgiving Party, at the Parker House, will be on Thursday", to­ morrow evening, the 39th. Smith's Quintette Orchestra will furnish the musio. PEHSOXath MigjS. JOHN L. IIOWK is visiting with friends at Detroit, Michigan. Thos. MooRK.of Dundee, was on our |tr«etfi on Sunday and Monday . F. G, MAYKS ntii w fo were calling on friends hi Kvanstort on Friday last. JOHN HKIMKR and wife spent a part of last week visiting wlto friends in Chicago. MKS. G. W. E LOUR DOR. of Rich­ mond, was calling on frlends/here on Friday. Miss JESSIE WIGHTMAH has been visiting the past few weeks at Cbenoa, III., and Chicago. MRS. H. FNYDER and daughter, of Evanston. were culling on friends here on Friday last. , FRANK PATTERSON, of Chicago, and Chas. Patterson, of Nnnda, were call­ ers at E. M. Owen's, on Sunday. ED W. OWEN, who ha« been travel­ ing for the City Manufacturing Company, arrived home last week. MB J. W. BARRETT, of Worcester Mass.. was the guest of Amos Whiting and family over Sundat. MRS. OSMIJN and Miss Lottie Shep- ard, of Nund*. were the guests of H, V. Shepard end family one day l*st week, /Kiss BELLS WKITING. Miss Clara ^Viehtman and Miss Anna Nordqulst will go to Valparaiso, Iod, next week Etndsohooi. C WENTWORTH and his son. m D., started on Monday for a visit among relatives and friends in New York State. They expect to be gone about a month. . f /A. H. HAMLY A SONS have been /utting in a new Twenty Horse Power 'Engine, which they propose to use to run the Feed Scone at their Mill, and also for the purpose of sawing wood, threshing etc. Their water power has not been sufficient to do the flouring and 4eed grinding at their Mill, but with this additional power they will be abte to accommodate their custo­ mers promptly at ail times. W. H. FORD, formerly of the River­ side House, In this village, has leased the Ralyea House, at Vinton, Iowa, and moved with his family to that plaue^J During bis residence In this village, Mr. Ford and his estimable iady made manv warm friends wbe very much regret their decision to leave here. The citizens of Vinton will not only be sure of a good hotel while It is under the care of Mr: Ford, but will find his family a valuable ad­ dition to society in that place. Their many friends here wish them jiueffiee in their new home. * - t " MARRIED, •» the Ctiurcn la Johns- burgb, on Wednesday, November 21st, 188S, by Rev. Fattier Mali ring, John Freund and Miss LJOS Michael*, both of Johns burgh. ONE enthusiastic Republican got mad when he bearcf that New Jersey had joined the Democratic column and •wore he would sell his Jersey cow. He would'ot have bis children feed ou any such milk . A DAUGHTER of Ernest Wendell, aged about two years, died quite suddenly on Friday last. The fuuersi^ SundayAThe parents have entire oommunitj in their bereavement. THE Rev. Mr. tiastiugs, ofiWbite water, Wisconsin, will preach at tin Unlversailst Church next Sunday morning aud evening. Mr. Slade's! subject one week later, "What the Spiritsilth to the Churches.'* FOUND, between the red bridge and the depot, in tb» village of McHenry, •n Thursday. November 33d, a ladles' •bawl. The owner/can have the same by calling at/the McHenry post office, proving property and paying fog notice. thiari BARNES & SMILEY 7 new Law firm in Woodstock, Is the ifims of a C. P. 1 Barnes and David P. Smiley being the And now comes the time of orincinais. 1 Mr. Barnes has the"# ell when the man who does'nt subscribe for bis home paper visits all the drug •lores collecting almanacs to take homo and spend Sunday reading the wild weird narrative of the scorbutic orlppie who was miraculously cured by ,» "Ingle application of Dr,^.pi|u^'s •Medicated goose grease. A FARMER says: I putleto a bar­ rel of sweet cider a quart of milk, about half a pint of mustard--black-- and six eggs. Mix thefat up together, aad pour tnem into the barrel. Cider will keep sweet this way for half a dozen years. I think that it gets much sweeter and better the longer it is kept.--Ex. LADIES and gents underwear bought at sheriff sale and sold at less than Wholesale prices.. Ladles' Fall Ulsters f3.50. Something new In white apron goods. Liuen handkerchiefs, fast col- . ors, 6 cents. Extra value, satin finish, note-paper 5 osnts a quire. Sewing •ilk 5 cents a spool at the Ladies' Salesrooms. * PATENTS granted to citizens of the state of Illinois durlug the past week. Reported for this paper by C. A. Snow and Co., patent lawyers, opposite U. S Patent Offloe, Washington, D. C. F. C. Burrell, LaSalle; rotary brick machine. D. Chapman. Aurora; fold­ ing horse. C. Mallencalf, Malta; horse oollar. S. 8. Milledge, Carrollton ; heat­ ing vehicle tires. J. Kau, Belleville* fan attachment for rocking chairs. Bobert Twist, Dundee; butter worker. Wm. Watklns, Fairfield; grain meas­ ure and tally. C, Wood, Franklin; liMr elevator and catrier. P. CONWAY has leased the fa-rtn df Thos. Lumley, ou Ringwood Prairie, for a term of five years, aud will take possession of the same December 1st. This farm contains 33fr acres - aud-lsone pf the best farms In the county J And ITTBB again P?U t,w> In­ dustrious and hard-working, young farmers In this section. He proposes to keep frojn thirty-five to fifty cows, and as lie is sure to run things! In a businesslike inantier, and will attend to matters himself, tie is bound to suc­ ceed, an J will come out a t tho end of the five years with a handsome sum to his credit. Mr. Lti nley is fortunate In being able to get so good a man to run bis farm as P. Conway, xoh the past week sets of lawlessness /ave been com milted la our village 'that would disgrace tlio worst hood­ lums of the Five Points of New York. Street lamps have Inen broken, fences and gates torn down, pickets broken, and in oue Instance the cap to one ot the posts en the Iran fence belonging to Fred Schnorr was torn oil and car­ ried away. The board have taken tbi* matter in hand, and have determined that the perpetrators, whether boys or men, shall receive the punishment sacb acts merit. A close watch will be kept and a liberal reward will be paid for evidence that will lead to the detec* tion of the miscreant*. A few months n the county jtll mi{bt piove a good son. earned reputation of standing at the head of his profession, and by strict attention to business, together with bis bright legal talent, be has won for himself a place in the front ranks ot the profession iu this County, and a practice that any young man might well leel proud of. His partner Mr. Smiley, is well and favorably known in this part of the county, having formerly resided at Spring Grove. He has been reading law in the office of Mr. Barnes for the past year, aud was admitted to the bar a shoreli ne since, passing at the head of his class. He is a young man of ambition and we pre­ dict will make a creditable mark In his chosen profession. The uew firm is certainly a strong one and any one having legal business to transact can put it In no safer hands. AN Exchange contains the following which, in a good many oases is true to a letter. "If we ever get promoted from the editorial tripod to the legis­ lature, we will sit up nights to secure the repeal of the law whicb compels a farmer to turn oat in the fall and spoil the highway contiguous to his farm. The way roads are worked now It amounts to nothing more than a hin­ drance to travel. Tons of loose earth and dried chuuks are piled up in the middle of a smooth road in the Fall, and the rains and the early snow eon- vert this deposit into an Interminable mudhole. If a few mora rag weeds were cut down each year along the highway and a little less dirt piled np promiscuously on t good road, the traveling publio wonld not be alow In appreciating the ch*nge." 33533 School Report* HIGHER DEPARTMENT. A GKADB. * Maude Van «lTke...swjBull" Whitin* 8# Anna NordtjnUt. ...92 K lith Carpontar ...,«4 Any Owen 9u|fc twin Ur4«*er...,M John ttalaton .....S3 JR GRADS. Nellie ICnox SS.M-iui foil)* . .....85 Klorenco Su.trles ... a8;Ch.-ts. . .8* Unity Wentworth-.^'J iv GHOvrC 7# Amos Smuh N'.lTiioairtS Wit'sh 7H I«U Annas 8J|J.W. fray » Jorpu Buss 7T C ORADR. Maggie Bonsletl ...86 (ieorjre Gilbert '• Lonnie Bishop SOJoaupti Wheeler Iwtiph uiutfis:,.. 8> Joanna Dohet ty. ..Sit IK'rniue lumbal I .. so Oney Turner Wuy Ciomen* ... . J. \V. Bonslett... Jatnes I'errv S3 Karnes of those neither tardv nor absent: Miu<(e Van Siyke, Belie Whiting, Oney Turner, Guy Clemens, James Perry, J. W. Fay, Edwtn Granger. Maud Colby. LISM H. YOUNG, Principal. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. A GKAUR. Allie Smith .901 Margaret MeDonaht SO Agnes Perry «»| Bessie MeKln<y "I Mary Sutton 8;|nariie Oolbv .74 Lyi« Howe 67 B GKADB. Steila Nor>1quist....!>2 tfabel Wheeler Kraikk «'oil>y 90 Petev Roihermel....89 Dora Colby K7 Jennie ;oovell *7, Harry «Vightman...3<;! Miles Colby X5 Amos t'uraer 84 Ida Wlitson P»ter Weber ... .79 Willie Colby.. . ...77 John Hanprich 71 E«1>rar Bishop 71 Kveictt Oolbv 7S Matiiias Weber 64 John Bass 63 Josie Qilles. 61 C GKADB Berniee Perry 91 Lois Whiting 81 Nellie Clemens....!):) Maud McKinley . ..79 I-ura Owen 88 Lena Smith .76 Edilli Curtis . .K! Everett Colby 73 Anna Swailish 82 Maria Quinn.' ... ..63 Anna Pomrening... 81 Delo Knox..... ....6S ^Lizzie Karges ...60 Names of those neither tardy nor absent: Bernice Perry, Frank Colby, Willie Colby. Miles Oolbv, Edgar Bishop, Amos Turner, Stella Nor'lquist, Jennie Covilie. Nellie Clem* mons, Mary Sutton, Margaret McDonald, Allie 8mitn, and Agnes Perry. MAST WCRTWOBTH. Teacher. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. A GKADB. Llszie Simon 8i>j Clay ton Wilson 88 Ethel Smith... SG Henry Pomrening..81 Mary McKinley ...84]Willie Bi'hop 74 B GRADB. Julia Laughlin 89 Guy Oolby 87 Jas. Colby Haitie Howard..... 91 Harold Colby 90 Harry Kay ..90 Alice Harrison 89 Waliie Woodburn.. 87 Albert Holly 86 George Howe Si c GRADE, Johnny Knox Eddy Simon... ...89 , . . 8 f i Willie Orerookec. .8i Charlie Gilles.....*..S3 Charles Harry Kennedy ....82 Mary Filsby 7< WinflelU Woodburn 71 Mary Overock#r 71 70 Willie Howe. Nina Colbv. Block DGBADB. ...87|Jennie Smith 81 .,...87 Josie Englen 80 Willie MeiClnley....86 Josephine Englen...79 Grace Taylor 85!Katie Overocker.. .70 .. fpestfall Woodburn 69 // ., Ei.sik M, GAGC, Teaoher. ry ; WEST DIVISION. A GRADE. Agnos dpi by 90]Loin® Howard ...7S Chaa. Hbtek*r>an 89 Herbert Bennet 71 Harry Eldredge 80 Waiter Evanson....70 Luttie Lincoln. 80 Chas. Nick lea 70 Walter itesley 74|Cary 8imes 69 B GRADE. Harry Haniey 93|Oliver Blackman....84 Frank Bennett 85 George llanicy 76 John dchreiner 85|Newella Colby 76 Lettie Stevens 71 Names of those neither tardy nor absent: Agnes Colby, Tlnkie Feltz, Willie Schreiner, Henry Block, Willie Block, Orval Hutson, Oharles Blackman, Harry Eldredge, John Schreiner. H. R. PBHBT, Teacher. m mm V mm ALCONOUIN. WOODSTOCK, IIX,. NOV. SM, 188^ J. VAN SLYKE, ESQ., MCHENRY, III, DEAR SIR:--As much dissatisfaction existed as to the cabse of death in the case ofJohu Wlukels, it wa^thought Wsl th'a^ We^ody be ren^oved from its resting place and that a post mor­ tem be held that the true cause of death might be determined. Acting on this an examination was hel l by Dr. Fegers, of McHenry, and Deputy Coroner Cook, of Woodstock, Novem­ ber 13th. 1888. As a result of which, it was demonstrated that he did not die, as was first thought, from the ef­ fects of liquor, but from failure of heart action as a result of fatty degen­ eration. *t* Christmas and New Years Will soon be here, so will our Im­ mense stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, both useful and ornamental, and to make reom for them we will name un­ usually low prices and liberal terms on all warm winter goods viz: Cloakf, . IMushes, Jackets, Wraps, Shawls. Overcoats, Clothing, Under­ wear. Robes, Blankets. Flannels, Yarn, etc. Again we sell good wholesome tea- slftings for 10 c per lb., 10 pounds tor 90 cents Good, whole leaf, Japan Tea"for 25c, worth 40c. One pair 10-4 all wool, bed bltokets for #2,75, #3.15, #4.50 to #6.00. Swits Conde S. C. 1 underwear only •1.20. Good grey mixed under we »r 25c, 45c, to #1.90. Rare bargains In gloves and mittens. Bring us your hickory nuts for goods. Yours Truly, BOVSLBTT A S TOWEL. A FAMOUS Washington gambler. It is said, will soon go to preaching. He would have begun it ten years ago, but be has just found a cure for his cough. It is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. A8ound Legal Decision. E. Bslnbrldge Munrfay, Esq., County Attorney, Clay Co., Texas,says: "Have used Electric Bitters with mest happy results. My brother was also very low with malarial fever and janndice, but was cured by the timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bit­ ters saved his life." Mr. D. I. Wilcexson. Horse Cave, Kentucky, adds a like testimony, say­ ing; He positively believes tbat he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off a< well as cure ail malar ill diseases, and for all kidney, liver or stomache dis­ orders stands unequalled. Price 50c and #1.00 at G. W. Besley's drug store. THE following is the experience of a Baltimore butcher:--! have sufierred with bad headaches for years and have tried many remedies without obtain­ ing relief. 1 was advised to give Sal­ vation Oil a trial, and It has entirely cured me. Ed. Baltz, Lafayette Market, Baltimore Md. AN OLD NURSE'S THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. An old nurse of 30 years experienoe says tbat she has never used a wine tbat has had such a pleasing efleet on her patients as that made bv Mr. Al­ fred Speers, of Pasaalc. N. Y. It is a pure article and people have confi­ dence In it. Ask any noted physician. For sale by druggists. Cigars and Tobacoo. all the popular brands are farad Is onr stock. J. 1. Story's. f*oTTCE.-tPersons in Alironqnin and vicin­ ity, knowtaijt *sl»atselvo < indebted for the PLAiwoBALW-eae learn of the amount by oallingon Mb Helm, WM.i is authorized to receive raoftey and receipt for the simc, In our name: Those wishing; to aunseribe can leave their names at his store. Call on' him and get a aiimplo copy.] EDITOR PLAIKDEALEB:--At 0. E. Chape IPs Auction rta-e of a car load of miloU cows on TueeJay of last week cows sold on an average of #41 per head. Mra. Smith Chapman, of Evanston, was iu towu on Wednesday of last week. There were a number from here at­ tended tbe Fat Scoe| Show in Chicago last week. James Marehtll,of£resco, Iowa, was In town shaking hautls with old friends ou Saturday last. Jim looks natural aud it seem9 to agree with him to live in a Prohibition state. M re, George Dodd has been on tbe sick list during the past week. Mrs. Dodd, of Elgin, ig visiting htre with her daughter, Mrs. V. N. Ford. Eroest Benson came home on Fri­ day last from Beloit, W is. He is on the slik list. Mrs. Ira Goodrich was very low two days las? week from heart failure, but Is now up and around again. Mrs. Everett Chandler bas been con­ fined to tho bouse several days with sickness, but Is now better. .Miss Lottie Kee is slowly improving in health and strength. Dr. Nason is attending her. Thomas Kalahan returned home on Saturday last from Sterling, Col,, where he went last spring. He has just recovered from a very severe siege of Typhoid Fever. His sister. Mrs. Donlvan, of Chloago, went out to nurse him and is now down with tbe same oom plaint. M. F. Ellsworth, of Nundi, failed to orgsnlze a Lodge of Good Templars, here on Friday evening last. Our young ^ladies are going to give a Leap Year Dance, at Plngry's Hall, on Friday evening, December 7th. Now boys yon must all say yes when yon receive an Invitation, as the fair sex are very timid in this neck of tbe woods. Mrs. E. A. -Ford spent last week visiting with relatives | and friends in Chicago. Mrs, J. A. Sherwood has gone to Grand Rapids, Michigan, to spend the winter with her sister. Mrs. J. Yoyteeb Is on the sick list. Wm. Horton arrived In town on Monday of this week. He says he halls from Michigan. At this writing, Monday of this week, It looks very much as If we were again to have a spell of weather of a different kind from wh^t we have been baying. Born, November 26th, 1888, to the wife ot Charlie Berkley, a 14 pound dauichter. Tbe Ladies Sewing Society of the Congregational Church wtl meet with Mrs. H. B. Throop on Wednesday of next week. Calves thrive amaziogly on Thorley Food. Geo. Augustus Sala. ®**>rge Augustus Sala. tbe well known English writer, on his last Aus­ tralian trip wrote as follows to the London Daily Telegraph: "1 especially havs a pleasant remem­ brance of the ship's doctor--a very ex perlenced maritime medico indeed, who tended me most kindly through a horrible attack of bronobitls and spasmodic asthma, provoked by the sea fog which had swooped down upon us just after we left 8an Franolsco. But the doctors prescriptions and the Increasing warmth of tho tempera ture a's we neared the tropics, and in particular, a couple of Allcock's Por­ ous Piasters elapped ' on--one 6n the chest and anetber between the shouldjr blades--soon set me right." Don't Experiment* You cannot afford to waste your time experimenting when your lungs are io danger. Consumption always seems, at first, to be only a cold. Do not permit an un»crupulou* dealer to impose upon you with a cheap imita­ tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs a id colds, but be sure you get tbe genuine. Because he can make more money he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Doa't be decteved, but in­ sist upon getting Dr. King's new Dis­ covery for Consumption, which is guaranteed to give relief In all throat, lung and chest affections. Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's drug store. A large assortment of tbe latest style cloaks at C. F. Hall's Nunda. Prices one-third less than credit mer­ chants rates, When in search of clotblog oall and inspect tbe large stock of clothing at C. F. Hall e, Nunda. Ladies admire fine shawls, and tbey should call at C. F. ilall's Nunda, and see the new styles, and g«t prices be­ fore buying elsewhere. No. 1 Deumins for 12} oents at C. F. Hall'r, Nunda. Ladies' shoes for the low prloes of #1.00. #1.29, #1.48 and #2 jO at Hall's Nunda. Men's shoes are being sold by C. F. Halt, Nunda. for tbe remarkably low price of #1 00 and #1.29. C. F. 11*11, Nunda, sells children's shoes for 37.45, 55.65, and 90 oents, A Full stock of horse blankets at Hall's red front store, Nunda. No. 1 teas at C. F. Hail's Nunda, for 25,35, 44 and 60 c«nt per lb. * No. 1 rice at Hall's, Nunda. for 8 cents. You can get No. 2 rlce*at Hall's Nunda, for 6 cents. Hall, of Nuoda, sells stove polish for Scents. ' • All kinds of yeast cakes for ££. cents at C. F. Hairs, Nunda. Best prints for 4}, 5 and 6 cents at C. F. Hall's store, at Nunda. Here you have it. Best brown cot­ tons for 7 cents ar. (f all's Nunda. New Rag Carpot. Tbe Ladles of the Willing Workers Society have placed on sale at Perry & Owen's 25 yards hqhv Bif Utrpet at 50 oents per yard. Hebron Department LODGE M RECTORY. MAwm'C.--A. P. Mi l A. M. meet fit Masonic Hall on every 1st ami Stl WeJnesuay even in>rs of oiK'.h month- MODERN WOODMEN- or AMEPICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2<l an'i 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month. Ne<gh!jors co rtiia I ty In­ vited . Raffles are the order of the day. Miss Ethel Cole bas been in Chicago for a few days, A number from section attended the Fat Stock Show. E. F. newes went to the city 'J hurs- day to buy bolllday goods. Perry Pierce came home Saturday to spend a few days. Mr?. Byron Hopkins hta been quite sick of laic. Mr. aud Mrs, Hamlin Fcnuer spenJt a part of last week in Chicago. Tbe Temperance Aid Society hoW their fair on Tnesday evening of this week. \ A number of emigrants arrived In town Saturday night direct lrom Ger­ many. Munger's dividend for September milk was 90 centner hundred. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Nourse visited at John Judson's a few days since. Notice the new sign on Main St» Mrs. Gronzo, dressmaker, and give her a call. \ Charles Bhle raised a large barn on his farm west of town on Friday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs, D. A, Clary pleasantly entertained a party of young poopln at their home on Friday evening, Tberon Rowe returned home from Minnesota last week with a carload of cattle. He also brought one horse. John A. Rotnour is on the way home from California. Dislike of the cli­ mate and the country generally Is the cause of his return. Miss Jennie Trip was married at Geneva Lake on Monday, November 19th, to Adam Spencer. They are keeping house In Doc Prouty's farm residence. L&Grange Phillips threshed 2,000 bushels of barley last week, raised on his farm this year. Newell Manor and wife and^ George Manor and wife attended the funeral of their mother at Genoa Junction on Tbursday. The commissioners have again under taken tbe repair of the slough road and have this time been successful. It will soon be as good for travel as My In tbe town. Lyman Pierce has rented his farm to a German from Lima, and will have a large auction sale of personal property in February, before moving to town. Dr. MattlS McClarren visited at P. 8. Liues' last week and oiled on ether friends in this vicinity. She was pre­ paring to go on a prospecting tour through the West. Do not fall to contribute something for thev benefit of the church fair, to be held soon, A bell is needed for the M. E. Church ard your little mite, whether large or small will be a help towards its purchase. Any article of fancy or domestic work will be thank fully received. It would surprise you to see bow hogs will thrive whtn Thorley Food is atixed with their feed. Consumption Curod. An Old physician, retired froltt prac­ tice, having placed iu his bands by an East India missionaiy the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tbe speedy and permanent cure of con­ sumption, broucbitis, catarrh, asthma and all throat aad lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and ail nervous complaints; alter having tested Its wouderlul cur­ ative powers in thousands of cases bas felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desiro to relieve humau suffering. I will send free of charge, to all wbo desire it, this recipe In English, French or Germau, with full directions for using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, nam­ ing this paper. W. A. Noyes, 149 Pow er's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 14-20-eow-ly You can get a good corset at Hall's, Nunda, for only 27 cents or a 59 cent one for 39 cents, ^ When you want tbe best shirting flannel call at C. F. Hall's, Nunda, ana you can get it tor ouly 32 cents. If your colts or horses have worms, distemper, coughs, colds, are hide bound, legs swell or nock, or have the scratches, blotches or any blood disor­ der, use Thorley Food. To Kent, A large dairy or stock farm consist­ ing of 40!J acres situated one and one- half miles west of Kingwood belong­ ing to the estat of the late R. H. Carr. This farm has been completely fitted and worked as two farms--having a complete set of convenient dwellings, barns, stables, silo, hog house, wind­ mill, etc., for each farm. Also an Ice­ house in good repair. Is well adapted for one large dairy or stock farm or two smaller ones, and will be let for a term of years together or separate for a cash rent. For terms apply to Mrs. R. H. Carr on the premises. Oh;My! Underwear for only 45, 55,65 aid 75 cents, at C. F. Hall's. Nunda. Call In and get measured for a nobby pants at $7. Don't pay $9 and #10. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, as be cao not be, beat lr- doiqg a nice job. , _ „ E. LAWLUS, Tailor. Dairyman find It profitable to feed Thorley Food, as their cows give an Increased flow of milk. The dry cold -veather of tiho ©nrly winter moottis Is productive of a great deal ot croup among children. Moth­ ers should be on the lookout for it, and be prepared to arfest it as soon as the first symptoms appear. True croup never comes without a warning; a day or two be lore the attack the child will appear hoarse, and that symptom Is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy Is giveu as soon as this cough or hoarseness appears, all danger aid anxiety may be avoided; it has never failed, even In the most severe cases. There is no danger in giving the rem­ edy for it contains no injurious sub- station* For ante by G, W, Btslej. joH toailCiwcerat A •mm WM'Mm NJCFAirtank&Co, Chicd&a Business Notice* , Try Besley's Iron Tonic Bitters. Go to Perry & Owen's for Overooatt aud Clothing. Fodder Corn Binders at E, M. Owen Sb Son's, For Coughs and Colds Tske Story's 'Tar and Wild Cherry." Ladles and Misses Cloaks at Perry A Owen's. Prices lower than anybodys. Bottom prices on Plows, At E. M. Owen & Sou's. Golden Maohlne Oil at J. JU Story's Drug Store. Call on Mrs. E. Lawlus for choice 1 Confectioneries. Cheviots--tbe most stylish dress- goods out, 49 coats at Fltzsimmons A Henderson's. Perry & Owen have In a large stock for fall trade and are selling very cheap. Look at their Ad. THE Peerless Dyes, tbe bea$ article on the market and warranted. At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors, In un­ limited quantities. Mixed palit by the pill or gallon at Story's Dont for;ei to see cue Thrasher and Seperator, that attaches to a feed Cutter, at E. M, Owen & Son's, Besley's Extraot of Jamaica Ginger, the finest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Heavy, all wool. Twilled Red Flannel at 21 cents, at Perry & Owen's, A rare bargain. Star, Belle City, Smally, and other Ensilage fodder Cutters at E. M. Owen & Son's. Fine all wool Dress Flannels, 36 inch wide, at 35 cents. Greatest bar­ gain In the world at Perry & Owen's NEVER fall to read ths advertise­ ment and locals of Bonslett & Stoffel a3 they are changod from week to week. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R, B1HOP. Norwegian, Star. Rock Island, First & Bradley, Thompsons Norwegian, at E. M. Owen & Son's, You never will have to husk an ear ofcornifyou get one of tbe corn Thresher and Seper*tors, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Perfumery, all tbe latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant and last IngatStorys. See our large Stock of Ladies and Misses fine Shoes. Prices the lowest at Perry & Owen's Swits conde's Flannels S. C. 1 Under­ wear #1.20. Others are selling for more money. At Perry A Owen^. FOR SALE. House and Lot in this village, th good repair. Good outbuildings and first class water supply. For further particulars apply at this offloe. Heavy winter wraps only #1.50 nt Fltzsimmons & Henderson's. All wool Tricots 20 cents at Fits- aim mons A Henderson's. Whto Baby was rick, bar OMtefSr When she was a Child, she cried for CastOrtA, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, Wbea she bad Children, she gave them Caatoria M« P.-A New Discovery. Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowela should never be acted on bj Irritants like common pills, bran, etc., bv a new method. Samples free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. Toboggans from 15o to #1.50 at Evansons'. All new and stylish. • SEE HERE! The oldest, tbe largest^ lieii wholesale clothing house in Chicago. E. Lawlus Is agent for. We had or­ ders for five fine suits and overcoats last week at half of local prices. _____ E. LAW&trs, FARM FOR SALE. Tbe undersigned offers for sale bio farm,c.tnsisting of 135 acres, situated 2} miles from Greenwood and 3 miles from Ringwood. Good House and Barn and plentv of water on tbe premises. Is a No 1 Dairy farm. Will be sold on reasonable terms For further particulars inquire of tbe undersigned, ou the premises. j. E. Horras, Dialed Oct. 38th, 1888 19-lm. Tricots, Dress FlanneU and Under­ wear for the next ten days. Don't fail to supply yourself from this sale. JOHN EVANSON A OO. HOW CAN PARENTS Allow their children to oough and strain and oough and calmy say: uOh! it Is only a little cold," and keep giv­ ing them cheap and dangerous medi­ cines, until they are down with lung fever or consumption, when they can be so easily relieved by Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup? It has no superior, and few equ*U. For stU by J. A. nod John Humphrey, Druggist's. A choice line of Box Paper, at Besley's, West Side. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar io the market. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, IU. Besley's Worm Syrup for chlldfWI •- has no equal, ^ Largest stock of uaderwear In tows at Perry & Owen's. All kinds Ladles' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side, IF you want a first class Photograph, ^ call on L. E.Bennett, over Perry A' Owen's store. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Millin­ ery and Dress Making. "Oarrv the news to Hannah,* that the best place to buy Ladlea Fine Shoes Is at Altboff Bros. Besley'i Death to Rats Is sure MH| certain. Don't be troubled with theee pests longer. Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's, •-» Candies, a floe assortment just IS" ceived at Story's Drug Store. * Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy . New styles of Hug Pat&erans,Ruf Machines. Fot SHU; by Mrs. E. Lawlus. MIDDLINGS,* Corn Meal and Ground Feed at roa* sonable pries. Call aud learn prices at Bishop's Mill. The choicest orands of Cigar* In town, at Boaley's Drug Store, West Side. vsm Call in and see the besUsowlng ma­ chine In tbe U. S, of America for tho least money. ' E- LAWLUS. Machine Oil, best quality, 50 oents per gallon, at Besley's Drug Storo. West Side. C-it-steel ornam-m for drasi-mak ing oily 15j. at Fitsilm aoas A Hen demon's. If you waot to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prloes, call at Althoff Bros. Cotton Batt* of high grade only 1# cents at Evansons'. SPECIAL BARGAINSALES. Toilet articles, suc% as are usually found In a first class, well regulated pharmacy can be had at StOf#^>a|| For Schools, TABLETS, TABLETS, Large and Small, For Pencil and for Ink. 1 cent Tablets! 3 cent Tablets! Scent Tablets! 10cent Tablets!. All to be found at J, A. Story's Orug Store. Also a full line of Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Slates, Sponges, scholars Companions, Pencil Sharpeners, Pen Wipers, etc., etc.. Everything tbat Scholars need to be found at the Scholars Headquarters J. A m il?rr's Drug Store. ^ * Dropped Dead. Physiologists estimate tbat tbe heart does 5,000,000 pounds ot work each day. No wonder people drop dead with worn out hearts. This could * be prevented by Dr, Miles' new aud great discovery, the New Cure. Always * cammeiices when you first begin to got short of breath, have weak, faint or smothering spells, pain or teuderness In side. etc. Sold at. Geo. W. Besley's Drug Store. , Go to Mrs. C. A. Hutson's for Fal| and Winter Millinery Good. FRUIT and Vegetables of all kinds at Altboff Bros.Market. Look at Perry A Owen's big Ad. thte week, FARMERS TAKE NOTICE, I always give you tbe best price fat wood, for my lowest priced goods. E. LAWI.CS. COUGH! and COUGH! and COUGHlIt What In the world is tbe reason yoa will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying interior medicines when Biggs' Cherry Cough Syrup will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. For sale by J. A. Story, MeHenry, and J. Humphrey, Wauconda, Drngglst'a. The immense sale of Chawberiala's Cougli Remedy ha* been produced to a great extent, by people, who have beeu cured by it telling their friends and neighbors of its good qualities and urging them to'try it. The most se­ vere cold will soon yield to its sooth­ ing effects, For sale by G. W. Besley. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market prioe In easH will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at tbe Fox River Valiev Mills, Me­ Henry, R. BlHOl\ Buoklen's Arnica Salvot. The best Salve iu tbe wot Id for cats, oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve* sores, tetter, chapped baud*, Chilblains, corns, and all skin erupfciaus, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Prioe St cei U per. Jgtx*.

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