Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1888, p. 8

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K# lRTMBNT. i ftjfcderttlie «J»r« h«jd jiStof the W.O. T. U„ i up fart or ornlU fttr .Temperance Legion will hw city HkTI on S*tur- ii*t two o'clock, « bftlte W. €. T. tf.' will •Cracy Boolabla" K the r-ii- <rf Mm. w. A. Orlstf Wednesday Dw. 19th. Refreshments will All are cordially Invited* Ite fun, and aid in MS*4 | eias« . ' . The ^adlia ot the W. d &• U, gratefully acknowledge the reoelpt a generoaa supply of fuel, from »^>'W©ther*A' H. Hanley, for the beoeflt Ait * Of the L. T. L. He has given -'not p;v #wd£l»gly, or of necessitybut very ' cheerfully. Ged bless him. [5 % ------- § The Drunkard's Will. Koow all men 1^"-"•'by theae presents that I of the ' bounty of Mecklenburg, and State of £*?', Tlcglnta, being of sound and deposing &':• araaory.fin view of the uncertainty of 4«tta. do make this my last Will and Itestament, to-wlt: v; i I die a wretched tinner i and leave to vvC: the world a worthless reputation, a wicked example and a memory that la ft to perish, ' I leave to my parents sorrow and bltteraess of soul all the days of their llvet. £ ' I leave to my brothers and sisters Shame and grief, and the reproach of . their acquaintances. lJ*'~ I leave my widowed and hearts broken wife a life Of lonely suflerlng ii 'and want, I leaye my children a taunted name, ^s , Ha reviled position, and a palnfnl &\f*' Ignorance. j'$\ I pray God that*tbese who are yet |f, " • living may take warning and profit by §I> the abeve.--Mantford't Magazine. 'V mm*i < • ; > f v /i, - *. Has mad® the surrounding country happy. Our present City Government has mad* otw.cUy happj«^^r? *3 v • i >. **-. - »*>*. W***' ^ ' •¥¥ v*v * * t " I , y < ® , X r v =' A: . \ . V •» 1?wo new Fire Enj$n%s; • * • neir ftek ouse, a newt/ity Hall and a Cooler. Who says we are not rapid-House ly going, to # JERRY SMITH. j? i .- " Boot and Shoe Maker, 'W-- • Que .door Sooth of the Farnitnre 8fcore ' Block, -McRENRY ILLINOIS- '•ji feoots ami 8hoes manufactured of the kest S~5'» 7 Material and a fit Guaranteed. REPAIRING * Promptly attendE<I to. Ikvistblb Patches for Fine Shoes and Boots a specialty. Call • -•'"r •' and see me. McHenry, Dm. 4th, Jerry Smith. '"V; V*.J.Serbian* J. J. Barbiaa. BARBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Betail OSALXKS nr CIGARS, IENRY ILLINOIS, And we *sk you to remember that we are patting in one of the largest new stocks of all kind's of iioods this Fall that has ever been brought to McHenry. We have to close out a large line of mm And c m sell them ̂ to you at Wholesale Prices. You cannot afford to twy untU haye looked *»urs pver. You know we beep PERRY & OWEN, t- ^ v ' * *r * y,v - ?•' > •! V" - T y r t. v- > - '-\%4 To dose out some lines of Ladies fine Shoes and make room tor our extra large tail stock, we have marked down prices as lollows: Ladies' $4.25 Fine Kid Shoe, marked down to $3.50. i open this week their new 1 Fall and Winter Goods. * * / 4.00 Fine mat. Kid «• ..71 3.50 Fine Kid 3.00 " " • ( • M- 3.50. '* '<-• 3.25 straight grain Kid Misses 4i.00 Fine Goat - " " 3.00« *50. . ?ISI 4 ' v.i 2 75. ..i. 1.50. AboAe goods are all warranted and ate special bargains* Call early and seeun a SI. > • '>,• /».' .• Four cents, beautiful patterns for comfortables, uubleached Sheet­ ing, 5 cents, good Cotton Flannel, 6 oents. y r ; .1 Hiarj Twilbd B«d fluaal 71 Ctaits, i& Wool. Large white Bed Blankets $1.00, great value The leading shades in fine, all wool And we Wish to say our new stock is the very finest we ever have opened and cheaper than you have ever bought betore. ̂ Always on land. ' ;•> t. Thirty-six Inches wide, at 35 cents per yard, the greatest bargain in the worK ̂ Largest stock s - ̂ The best we can possibly bny.̂ Hats sad Caps, Slows and ICitteas • • •i H iihni.ii ^l I =BOOTS AND A + W*i 1^4 \ We are leaders for good goods and low prices. We hope to see you, sell you, and give you the worth of every cent you leave with us. Our place is the homo of the celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods, And their output this Fall is larger than eyeil Yours as Ever, r-W * Bavtag leased the brick bnilding one door Sontbof the post ottce. we have opened a MtaU stoM. where, at all timet can be found tee cigars of oar,own manufacture, together With molting and chewing tobacco of the *"il braada. fim Jl 8FXC1ALTY, bare a tery large asMrtment aad soma "some patterns. l; , CALL AND SEE US. BABBIAW BBOa. tHenry, Kerember 18 th, 1888. 'ty.y i ||ew Flannels, New Winter Dress Goods, New Underwear, --Can now t>e obtained at-- V"."' ALTHWF BROTHERS roHENRY, #i HXINOIfil, ̂ 0"A FULL LINE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. We have marked the prices on these goods to the lowest living limits, and will not be undersold Also a lull line of ROBES, ETC., AT BOTTOM PKICE&, If you want choice Groceries, Canned Goods, or anything in this department, uall at Althoff Bros, and get their prices. " f y *2 SODA BastintheWorU WATCH tOOm •••<* li tta world! ?« fact tlm^ kMpw. W.rmtod. btrt Solid Oold Hantla( Omm J**"1'•i"1 nwcBlleMl. Both UdlM'ud ntMta with work, .nd euwS naaea nartilocrilt; c.n mcw. om VWBK. BowUttalapoMbUI Viaai*ar-^«imt on. pa. Mtt U> ych locally, to kM hi .aow who <*11, .com plet. IId. MOUT, •«f(Un!(<tt« E3Z38 *• tb«iiiowlii<o( iMiulMk . Urotrad. br »• "ottttartw. Is trad, tnm Dm WOQdOTfal urbipUM Iwttai Writ. M oik>.,m4 K win htedigtur tmtto mrnllttmtkaH iMWnN« tfteryMkaowtflJfmi rtVHtMH kta. MHiwa respectfully solicited# West McHenry, DEALER SHELF AND DEALEE IN--^ r tii town, tfen's heavy tfttd t̂wear At 29 cents; ft big bargain. •Swits Conde's famous S. C. 1 Underwear at $1.20. •' Others are selling for mare. Considered cheap at $1.50 . i iii: mm ii niit iifiiiiiliijijiiiiiiw'ii C L O T H I N G . We are offering a Men's heavy Cassimire Suit for $4.50, worth »6.00. We have a fine line ot Clothing and selling it very cheap, nee We have a large line ot . ; We have no old and shell wora goods left over froth last year to •how you. b4t,tfoo.da jSM/ectly uaw aod tbs Uteat stytw. W. kw. mm %/'" -'r, " -r'^H ; XL; V2 m ± ^ Htnrfiita and Armour Ootto, TrlooUnd DriM fUnailt, In all shades, with trimmings to match. , Plaids are again to the front and we have a lino assortment of them 1U0 . , ̂ > | ̂ Ohildrea'a . . '% • f t % ' i : Have a new line of La<lirs' Knnoy (foods. Colhrsand Cuffs, Buck­ ings. Veilings, eto. New Rl'ibtm* In all the late shades, maho gobelin and abtinthe, and the QImU Marie Rlbbous. We have a full stock ot Ladles', Goat's and Children's •rff . ̂ - 7! ̂ i* ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ tX\ WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, ^ BOOTS AND SHOES, We also hnve Bemnants, odds and ends of Snmmer Ooods which we ' Mj* Tea, Coffee, Spice>s and Canned Goods is the finest the market, i afford?. i d more coming in every week; we can beat them all in prices thW year. Look at above bargains and sail on us before buying. We will save you lots of mone|| We will sell yoi a decorated Tea Set, 56 pieces, for $3.98. Give us a:oaU« ! 4;>i: m ' (One Door West of Riverside Housfe) WtieDBALBB : . ^0k ' , Oil* ttd Colon. (Constantly on hand. Also a large line if Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SJprjONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, K Physicians Preiorlptlotti j (Carefully and accuratey compounded by ft BegltUlftd Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A. •TOUY. •mm NEW DEPARTURE. *• McHEiNBY, ILLINOIS. JACOB BONSLETT. c Having purchased the Hardware Business of H. V. Shepard, would inform the Buying Public that he has just put in a foil new n€ Stoves, Tin, Copper |nd Sheet-Iron Ware 'STOVES "Purchased for Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the market Vill admit and furnish First Class Goods, A FUUu XJXIYIS OF STOVES • ' " GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. The Peninsular and Reliable, The best Stove on the Market and cheap. Oome and see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, tbat we make oara elvea, that iwil hold a barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pnlleya, tte best in the market. Oall and see It. t,. Screen Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow Pail. a new thins:. _____ * Barb Wire AT BOTTOM PBICES. JOBBING AND REPAIRING Will be done on short uotioe'and^atlsfaction Guaranteed. A of Butter Factory Work. share of public patronage PITZ8IMMDN# a HENDERSON. )siteToit dffice, West McHenry, Jnne 26th, 1888. ' t * "a2vJl * ^ TTE8T M'HENRY. , v 'i PEALER IN PAINTS. OILS. PURE WIN1S A N D LIQUORS, FOB MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. Thebest brands of Cigars ani Smofcing and Chewlug Tobaooo •Iwkjrion hand. ' " " PHYSICIAN# #RESCKiraONS* ̂ Carefully^Compounded, Give me a call. • - X McHenry, December 28th, jQ. W. # 90 do not foil to get an estimate on year Lumber from Near the Depot* West McHenry, Illinois, ^ , , , • V ( .*• 1 . F. STEVBNS, For both Coal and Wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In phort I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I have also hecured the services of Ii. M. HO iVE, one of the bept Tinners in McHenry County, and «U AND REPAIRING Will be done Qn short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A share of pubHc patronage respectfully solicited. McHenry ,^l„ OcV>W lit, 1888| « Our stock of Lumber, of all . kinds, is the most complete of any * and we are prepared to offer to th« public Tin Bart Qulitj of Luabtr, T TH»- LOWEST LIVIN© PRICES Also the Bent Brands of Barb Wire. We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no julif to wxjdmmodate all wh. ^favo^^th ^ i ww M.MA+* 9<r ^rwT-r(< O. B. OaAMGBB, Manager. ,^'H I 'f/, - < -V, -•/is.'...-: rr1' 5 it ^ ^ . £ A . h ,\l .. J .-rf.. Wf > -t,/ .if...., ^ i.. . ~ .. 'A m.

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