Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1888, p. 5

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. DEI. 11, 1888, Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Jane Nth, trains will put HeK»tj Station Mir, as WH>«" •OWFT MVW IUkt OtnmPuHBfW VQk' * Lake Qaatn IzpreM --?:f? Lake Qeaeva rretcht r:.u Lake Qeaeva MHiKr " eoine aoi». iUka 8«imFr*W* •JLA* * Oak* 3»MWP*Mwnr .»:« Lake .4«r.n Lake Ornrn Paaaenw 6:61 " Dally eaeept Sunday. B. Boas,Agent. • MoHenry. Ill MASOWIO. MoHaimr LODGE, Na 156 A. F, and A. M. legator Communication* the second and foartb Monday* in each month. J. VAIC SLTKB, W. M MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA. Metft at Parker Uonae Hall, every Second and Laat Tuesday evening of each month. Heigh bora ooTtially Invited. THE Board of Supervisors met at Woodstock, on Monday of this week. CBAZY SOCIABLE, at Mrs. If. A. Crlsty's. on Wednesday evening of next week. All are lovlted. REMEMBER the lecture at tbe City Hall, on Tuesday evening next. Sub­ ject "Robert Burns." You can bang up your Mdaroed" stocking one week from next Moniay night. " REMESBEB the (Jrasy Sociable,** Mrs. W. A. Crl sty's, on Wednesday evening of next wfeek. A general In­ vitation Is extended to all. OUR readers In Wauoouda and flolnltyMbould not fall to read tbe advertisement of Goldlng Bros., to bo found tn another place In this paper. , READ the new advertisements of Bonslett A Stoflel, Samuel Sherman. Stoflel A Blake and Goldlng Bros, to be found in another place In this paper, V * THECE will be a special communica­ tion of McHenry Lodge No. 158, A. F, and A. M„ on Monday evening next. .Dec, 17th, Work on tbe Fellow Craft Degree. A general attendance of members Is earnestly requested. MR. BLADE will preach next Sunday morning what he Is calling "A sermon ot his wife's" and lo tbe evening, on "The Tactics of Gideon to Defeat the enemy if 185.000. with 300 chosen men." THE merit of newspaper advertising was well estimated by a prominent soap man of Philadelphia, when he said that he confined bis advertising lo newspapers because tbe man who does not read the papers does not wash. • , THE Good Templars will hold an open meeting at City Hall oo Friday evening, Dec. 14th. A good pro­ gramme has been prepared. Grand Chief Templar Copp, of this State, will be with us. All are oordlally In­ vited to attend. PER ORDER. LADIES' and Gent's cufl buttons of tbe Aome Lever patent, bought of the manufacturer direct which cuts or tbe wholesale profit and makes prices for reliable goods never known In McHenry. Kid gloves, all sices and oolors 65 cents. White veiling at the Ladles' Salesrooms. THE Ladles of the W. C.T. U. will hold a "Crazy Sociable" at the resi­ dence of Mrs. W. A. Crlsty, on Wednes­ day evening of next week. Dec, 19th. Refreshments will be served, a short programme eonslstlng of vocal and Instrumental music, and a pleasant and enjoyable time may be qxpected. AH are cordially Invited. THE old year will soon ring out and then ring in tbe new. Now Is a most propitious time to trot out those almost forgotten pledges of nearly twelve months, dust off tbe new leaves then turned over, but allowed to turn back, and prepare to oommence tbe new year with better alms, better de­ sires and a stronger will. An experienced nur*e says nothing la better to purify tbe air of the sick room than an open vessel of water. It Is an absorbent of the exhaustion, and at the same time throws ofl parti­ cles of moisture; physicians ol experi­ ence have time and again recommend- 'ed the measure, but its simplicity has Often caused it to be neglected. ONE of our exchanges advances the Idea that If farmers who have horses In pastures fenoed with barbed wire would plow a furrow or two around the pasture Inside tbe fence, tbe dan­ ger would not be so great as without. Tbe stock will be able to distinguish tbe line at nlgtt and thus avoid being horribly mangled and perhaps killed. WE would call especial atteution to the advertisement of the Harmless Spnr Wire, which oan be found in another column. It Is so far ahead of tbe old murderous barbed wire that It needs only a glance to convince any one It should take the place of every foot of barbed wire tn the country. Samuel Sherman Is tbe agent In this vicinity. Read the advertisement. AH editor Is presumed to know what la beat for his paper. Our object Is to do the most good to tbe greatest num­ ber. Others may think they know better than tbe editor what is best to publish and what not to. but should It oome to the actual test they would do the aame thing In the matter as an editor. Practical experience should take the precedence over stubborn per- |AMl opinion or spite. pmoiiti. B&V. FATHER FEOERS. of Sterling.1 111., la visiting with bis brother. Dr. C*-H.Fegera. of this village. CAPT. RIOOS, editor of the Rich­ mond Recorder* was a caller on Mon­ day. Sorry we were not at borne, MORT ROGERS, of Lake Geneva, was on our streets on Monday. Miss BESSIE GOING and Master Jay are visiting with their grand parents, lo this village. MI as JULIA STORY IS In the city tble week buying Holiday Goods. Do not fall to examine tbe stock at her store before buying, . THE First Lecture of the McHenry Lecture Course will take place at City Hall, Tuesday evening, Dec. 18th, 1888. by Walter Scott Rolph; Subject, "Robert Burns." Season tickets 50 cents. Single tickets 15 cents. Chil­ dren under 12, five cents. Lecture to commence at 8 sharp. MABRI«D.--In Chicago. Dee. 6th, 1*98, by Frederick A. Noble, Pastor of the Union Park Congregational Church, Mr, l*ewis P. Card, and Mias Nellie Hoga.ii, both of Harvard. Mr. Card is the gxnial and whole- souled editor of the Capron Herald, and while hU. friends had no idea that he Intended to commit this rash act It Is evident that Leap Year did the business. But we extend congratula­ tions and can ateurt tbe happy bride that she has drawn a trump Card and no mistake, and It la our sincere wish that all the little Card* of the future may be three-ply Bristol and gilt edged. Brother Card we will draw In due time. **T . . . . . Twee a warm manahg in. when I shouldered my rifle nod* Started with ray dog for the "Giant's Basin," hoping to bring home a fine buck, for the venison was running low at the camp, and in this region winter seta in early, and when first here, stays. The basin waa a favorite "lick" for deer, "and this fall had been a plentiful one for them. The road led through sunny Keene Valley, where it turned up the mountain and led for the rest of the way along the sides of different ledges, sometimes high in the air, and again along the dry ledge of a mountain stream. At last the basin was reached, and after waiting an hottr or more my patience was rewarded by obtaining a fat young buck, which I quartered and hung on a tree, to await the arrival of a party of trappers who,were going to join me at the basin on the foltywing morning. Before preparing for the night I took it into my head to have a partridge for supper, and started out accordingly. Luck seemed against me, and I was ' about to turn back for the basin, when to my dismay 1 had not the least idea which way to turn, and it had grown very dark, the wind had come up, and every appearance of a cold night per­ vaded the air. While pondering what to do, the wind brought to my ears a cry or moan so faint as to be hardly heard above the whispering balsams, but all doubt was removed by a second crj much nearer and more distinctly that tlie first. I now realized what the cry meant, and I knew that the smell of fresh venison had attracted the nose of one of the ugliest animals of the forest, THE dancing public should remem­ ber the Annual New^earti Party, to be held at tbe Riverside'House, In this village, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 1st, 1889. Smith A Anderson's Orchestra, of Janesvllle, Wisconsin, have been engaged to furnish tbe music and we do not exagerate when we say no better music can be found in the North West Tickets will be issued th>s ^eek, and In the mean time put the Riverside down on your programme tor New Year's. VAI.LKV CAMP. M. W. A. An adjourned meeting of'Valley Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, will be hell at the Parker House, on Friday evening of next week, Dec. 21st. The Initiation of randldatee and nomination of officers will be the busltaeaa of the evening. Every mem­ ber is earnestly requested to be present. PER ORDER, New Year's Party. There will be a New Year's Party, at the Riverside House. Tuesday, evening, January 1st, 1889. Music by Smith A Andersen's Orchestra, of Janesvllle, Wis. Tickets Including supper and care of horses 92. |No pales will be spared to make It pleasant for all. A, CALKINS, Proprietor. IT will be remembered by our read­ ers that before election we noticed a bet made between Charles Run del I, of Rockford, and Conductor McDougSl, In which It was agreed that la case Cleveland was elected Rundell was to eat a crow publicly on tbe stage of the Rockford Opera House, tind vice versa in case Harrison was elected, In speak­ ing of tbe matter recently the Rock­ ford Star saye: Conductor McDougal Is prepared to eat his crow like a little man. The genial Mac dropped Into tbo Star of­ fice last night. "Just tel! 'em that tbe wager to eat the bird of omen wae uaade in dead earnest. 1 have domed sack cloth and ashes; the sun has gone down out of my nature; life Is not worth the living, marriage is a failure aud all Is not gold that glitters. 1 have no use for Robert Elsiuere. There may be a laud that Is fairer than day. put it isn't on tbe sphere mundane I used to eat pie. sometimes I dabbled ia ice cream, tbere have been times when 1 enjoyed bon bona. But crow, genuiue crow, not tempered with old crow, is good enough for me. Just tell Rundell to name the time and place and I will be tbere. Will I really eat u? Yes, legs, wings, head, feathers aud tbe whole business. I'm a martyr I am, but I Bhuffl j off my mortal colJ In a good cause. HOLIDAY Goods, In endless varietv, from five cents to 910.00, at J. A. Story's. Call and see. B i HAVING moved Into the house first door North of Perry A Owen's store, formerly occupied by Mrs. Colyer, I would be ipleaaed to bave those knowing themselves Indebted tome to call and settle as soon as convenient, as I wish to settle up my old business. Mas. H. H. NICHOLS. Your hens will lay more when fed Tborley Food. Hogs, when fed Tborley Food will eat and be satisfied, lie down and be happy. Measure and note the Increased flow of milk from a few cows fed on Tbor­ ley Food for a month. Ilollday Hints. One pound Quality and Quantity plug tobacco for 30 cents a pound; 10 pounds good tea dust for 90 cents. Fancy Library Lamps only #2 25 to 6.00; Deoorated Chamber Seta 92 25 to #5 00. Gold Band and Lustre tea aud dinner *ets; Bisque figures and vases; im­ ported Fancy Glassware, Water sets, Coin Trays. Shaving, Mush and Milk. Tele a Tele sets. Mustache Cups and Saucers, Children s Toy Sets, Chairs, Tables etc., 10 cents to 25 cents. Elegantly decorated Cuspldores, Glass Crumb Trays. OlirCtse*, Al­ bums In leather and plush. Fancy Papetrie, Glove and Handkerchief boxes, Jewelry. Silk Mufflers, Handker­ chiefs, l ies, etc., ' " Inspect our larye stock carefully and buy If to your Interest. Yours Truly, - BOITSL*TT * SIPRRCL. A WELL kuowu citizen of Wetberd* yllle, Md., Mr. W, R. Graves, writes: "I suffer sometimes with acute rheum­ atism and your Salvation OU (Ives me Instantaneous relief, and I recom­ mend It as a auie oure for this terri­ ble disease.1' AH wool Trice* iic at Hairs Sand*. AkOMTOUItt. [NOTICE.--Persona ta Algoaqala and TICIB- Ity, knowing iheaseive* Indebted for ttie PUA.IKDICAI.KK can learn of tke amount by eSitiagon John Helm, who ta authorised to receive money and reeeipt for the same, In our name, Those wteMag to auoaerlbe ean leave their names at hiaj store. Call on Mm and get a aample oo py.] EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :-5lr. and Mrs. Frank Thredgold and children visited one day last week with Frank's folks in Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Cbapell spent a part of last week with friends in Chi­ cago. « A. Dalg la having % big run on grinding at bis mill this splendid weather, Mrs. Geo. Marshall, of Elgin, Is visit­ ing here with friends. Mrs, Pbebe Smith and Frank 8«ltb and wife of Nunda were calleriVln town on Sunday. Gene Andrews had a brother from Woodstock spend Sunday here with him. Our school inarms were well repre­ sented at the tbe teacher's meeting at Nunda, on Saturday last. Miss. Monroe, of Ridgefield, visited here with her Aunt, Mrs. Hench, last week. Mrs. Josephine Ada nek Is visiting with relatives and friends In Cbl- oago. There were tweoty*eix numbers sold at tbe Leap Year party oo Friday eve- uing last. The ladies had the hall very the Canadian lynx, or bob-cat Before Ultlly trlmmed W|lh evergreens, flow I could make readv for an attack or find , a , , ers and flags, and they danced all night, till brbad day light--and went home with the boys in the morning. Tbe young ladies deberve great credit for tbe manner In which they conducted their party, nnd It will be a place of shelter, the boughs ahead oi me parted, and with a yell the lynx, foi such it proved to be, sprang straight foi my shoulders, and would have strucl me full in the chest had I not retained presence of mind to drop on one kne< and thus receive the whole weight ol . . ^ the animal on my heels. We botti™ owning l0D* w * remembered by turned, but the cat was just a little bit!a" present, quicker, and, catching my arm in hisj Mr. and Mrs. Whorrale, of Roberts, open jaws, rolled me over on my back,Illinois, spent Saturday and Sunday and at the same time settled his clawsbere W|th their son, Ed Whorrale. well into my hunting jacket With the E. Whorrale has two brothers here arm that was free I struggled desper- ately to reach my hunting knife, that I'topplng with him. might the sooner end the struggle, There will be a Christmas tree at which was beginning to severely tell on the Congregational Church on Christ- my strength. At last my arm was fret mas Eve, which will make tbe little from his jaws; he had dropped it ir one8 h order to use his teeth to better effect oi „ , ' _ . „ , ^ my throat, and had nearly accomplUhe. ®randa»a Phillips got a fall on last this when from under the bushes I aav ™r»day morning, which Injured her a black, shaggy mass fly through th| quite severely. Tbe Sewing Sooiety of the Congre* national Church will meet at Mrs. E, A. Ford's on Wednesday of next week. air and fasten itself on the back of cat, who rolled over and prepared f< another struggle, which I ended plunging my knife to his heart, and th saving my dog, for it was my watch friend, from a struggle that must i: evitably end in a victory for the bob-cal Mixed nuts 15o per pound at Hall's, I slept that night with a lynx for a pi( Nunda. low and a dog for a foot-board, and war' Basket tea, a novelty at Uo awakened next morning by trappf who had come in search of me, not ft' s~u« thw basin. By the Agricultural Board. * ANNUAL MEETING. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the McHenry County Agricultural Board, held at Woodstock, MonJay afternoon. Deo. 3d, 1863. President Thomas MoD.Richards presiding. After calling the meeting to order President Ricliarda delivered his annual address, at the conclusion of which the secretary *and treasurer read their reports. On motion a vote of thanks was ten­ dered the officers one and alKfor their work the past year. \ It was also voted to reoovtwpnd ic the Incomlug Executive Committee to increase the salary of the treasurer to 950 per annum. The Chair stated that tbe next busi­ ness would be the eleotlon of officers and appointed E. E. Thomas and Fred Hatch as tellers: The final report was |s follows: Fred Hatch . President Andrew Bourne............ ....Vice " 0 F. Dtlke •« " A. S. Wright Seeretry A. F. Field Treasurer M. W, Lake General Superintendent KXCCCL'LVFI COMMITTBB. John FTadsell .K'.ley Elias (xiass Aldon .laniel Sheldon ...Seneca Wm. Overton.. .t..... ... .....Richmond ...McHenry Edwin Thompson.. A Thompson D. W. Ronton ... David Bentiey.. . it. W. Forrest..... E. II. Seward.... . 0 E.Cook Mark Hlckox. .... Win. Glass W, T. Hamilton A%inquln Marengo Chemung Hart land Coral Huntley Dorr .. Hebron Nunda A Dike Greenwood Frank Martin Dunham J. W. Lawaon Burton No further business appearing the meeting adjourned. \ a. a. Wwm wv, see. CURE OF PNEUMONIA. HESS ROAD, NIAGARA CO., N, T. March 24th, 1MI, About a year ago I was taken * • severe pain In both lungs. 1 was Ural attacked with a violent chill, then • dreadful pain and then a cough ac­ companied by coBsidererable fever. It looked very much like an attaek of pneumonia. A friend of mine pro< cured five AUcock's Porous Plasters. One he put unier each arm, one under each shoulder blade, and one on my cliest close around my throat. In a few hours the cough oeased, tbe pain gradually abated, and 1 broke out lo a profuse perspiration. I fell Into a profound sleep, and th^ next day was almost wel!. I wore tbe plasters eight days afterwards, and have never bad any trouble slnoe. WILLIAM SAWTIB. WHEN old Judge Jowler was turked tn bis little bed by Mrs. Mouser be could'nt sleep a wink until tbe ex­ cellent woman had brought a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, \ Then be crossed his little hands and sank Into sweet repose. • CONSUMPTION CURED WITH GRAPES. Thla fell destroyer has brought a blight to many a home circle. Tbere is oue remedial agent that will assist nature In throwing off this terrible disease, viz: Speer's Port Wine. It has been used by hundreds with won derful success; bss checked the pro* gress of disease and brought thous ands back to health. Its property 16 to make new blood. For sale by all druggists. Good ticking taenia atJHairs, per to 78c •1,19 pound at C. F. HalPa, Nunda. Silk handkerchiefs from 25c at Hall's, Nunda, Fur trimming 33c, 60o, 75c to at C. F. Hall's, Nunda. Swan's down at 50c at C. F. Hall'r. Nunda. Midnight yarn In all shades at 0, (?. fairs, Nunda, 90 cents. See those fancy clocks from tt.50 up at Hall's Nunda. Men's unlaundrled shirts 50c at Hall's, Nunda. Toboggans . at £25 qpnts| at Hall's, Nunda. . ** I.ook at those fine knit tickets for ladies for only 91.«9 at C, F. Hall's, Nunda, Men s Sootoh grey shirts tio at Hairs, Nunda. All wool red flannel for Ito at Hairs, Nunda. Horse blankets 93a at Nuada, 0, r. Hall's, e*g<j> t 120.00. PARTICULAR NOTIOIB. All persons knowing themselves In* debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without further delay, as my books must he closed. He mem* ber this Is the last call and If yoa wUli to save trouble, attend to this at onoe. Delays are dangerous. „ II. V.SHarABD Mnllenrr, Dec. 10th. 188*. Call In and get measured for a nobby pants at 97. Don't pay 90 and 910. Your choloe out of 200 samplos. Also have your ciothos altered, fitted and cleaned, as he cao uot be beat In doing a nlsa Jo|b 1. LAWLPS, Tailor. Bangs if Ladles, use the Blssell's Frizzing Iron to ourl four bangs; they|save time aud trouble. To be fouad at J. A. Story's drug store. Every farmer can afford to feed l horley Food to his dairy cows or fattening stock as i» «iy will produce enough more from the same quantity of •titer feed to pay a haodsame profit on lbs Investment. Beat t<V' hiking powder for Mo st •all's, Nunda, When you want a good drLnk.iyry thai U9 tsa at Hall a. Nunda. T1 ' Hal Wor the South! « .i llixiie aoekera who wish to go South, I van s« ll round trip tickets trom Chi- to Montgomery. Alabama, for For further particulars apply 10, WM. STorrBL. McHenry, 111. Fancy Goods. ; The Willing Worker's 8oele<pSilll display aad put on e«le Friday, and Haturday of this waek. at Miss Julia A. Storey's drug store, numerous articles of Fancy Goods suitable for holiday presents, Call and see them. FOR SALE. A farm of 80 acres of laud, with good house, «ood out-buildings, and good well of water. The abave premises are situated in tbe town of Antiocb. Lake County. lll„ three miles east of Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. For further information Inquire of D. F. Smiley. Woodstock, or John Hen drlcks, Spring Grove, III. 17tf Geo. W. Basley, the druggist, desires to inform his patrons that he ie agent for Chamberlain's •'ough -Remedy, tbe best, and most reliable medicine for coughs, colds and croup. No one suf­ fering from a throat or lung trouble can use it without benefit. It will cure a severe cold in less time than any other medicine or treatment; It is tbe only known remedy that will pre­ vent oronp. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. 8ales of Real Estate, Stock. Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to oo the most reasonable terms. Orders by mall vill receive prompt attention. Address F. K. GRASSES. f Past McHenry* lit. tteferai Department LODOI DIRECTOR V. MASOKHJ.-»A. P. and A. M, meet at Xaaonht Hall on every lat and 9d Wednesday eren. Oirs of each month. MODBKH WOODMBJC or AMJ5J»»CJ» Meet at Masonic Hall every *d and 4th Thursday even, tags of each month. Neighbor* cordially in vlted. Mrs. Martba R>we Is quite seriously ,IU Many ere hoping it# rain to refill their clste^ns^ V Newell .Manor wu In Chicago last week. 4 y Ben Whitman -left this (dace for Indiana on. Tuesday evening of last week. H.J. Vinoelette has moved bis jew­ elry goods Into a part of his residence.^ - MISB Emma Cbesbro was the guest of Mrs C. F. Prouty for a few days. Aleck Glass and family will spend tbe winter in tbe south. Sam Cropper shipped a carload of oattie from this statlin on Wedneaday night. C. M. Wilkinson, of Harvard, whiled away Saturday and Sunday In town. Mrs. J. N. Mason is now considered; out of danger and Is slowly recovering from a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Judson and Mrs. Giddings visited friends at Harvard and Sharon last week. A traveling photographer has tiken views of several farm residences tn this section tbe past week. Lyman Pierce's farm Is still to rent on account of a failure to come to a satisfactory agreement with hla ex­ pected tenant. H Will Ehle Is selling beef by the pound or quarter. It Is of the fineat quality and prices much beneath mar­ ket prices. Mrs. Minnie Hauver and mother, Mrs, Dauchy? from Blgfoot,' called on friends tn town the first ot the week. Remember the lecture to be deliv­ ered bv Rev, Andrews, at the Preaby- terlaa church, on Tuesday evening of next week. Admission twenty-five and fifteen cents. The stores as usual are filled with Christmas novelties,^from the most beautiful and oostly artlole to^pbe cheapest trinket. D. L. Rowe is spending a few weeks lo Chicago. From there he will go to Iowa to visit relattves at Vloton, Traer, and Other plaoes. Duncan McKenzle has shipped a large quantity of poultry to Chicago, and New York within the past few weeks He pay a the highest market prices. Petltlous are already In circulation for the appointment of Poat Master. A few are reaching for It, many would like to reach for it, but who will grasp It time alone will tell. Invitations have been Issued to all the leading families in this vicinity to visit the Childrens Art Exhibition at the studio of Miss Delia Crewe, to be open every day and evening except Wednesday, from Dec. 6:h. to Dec, 20., The church ^falr will be held at Rowe's Hall on Tbnradiy evening of this week. An, interesting literary program will be rendered, supper will be served at all hours and It Is hoped there will be a large attendanoe, as tbe ladies have labored diligently for the suocess of the undertaking. At tbe last meetlog of the Hebron Literary Sooiety the following officers were Installed: George Conn, Presi­ dent, Vernon Sherburne Vice Presi­ dent. Minnie Stone, Secretary. Gertie Grafton. Treasurer. Charles Prouty, Marshall. Mable King, Crltlo. Tbe attendance on Wednesday was unu­ sually large, the main feature of the interesting program being the Speech delivered by Archie Mason on 'The Future of tbe Democratic Party." The subject was handled in a manner which portrayed carefnl thought and sound reasoning. The arguments in­ troduced were founded on solid facta. According to Archie's theory the Re­ publican party owes Its present power and victory to the vast army of young men who cast their first ballot on Nov. 6, last. . Toboggans from 16c to tljBO at gvansons'. All new and stylish. I \ C" .-J Friends, Washerwomen, H< keepers, Lend me your ears, and hear me' for my cause. | The Soap I come to speak abefttt lis the Great Sailta ClaiXS. *fis good for every purpose, For which a soap is needed. And joy will brifig to everyone . Who has wise counsel heeded ̂ rAnd spent a nickel, just prove tJk' What wonders it will do, To lighten labor, save expense / And make thingsbrightand new.-* •' ̂ Extract from Prof. Strnfme* Ucturtm ---- SANTA CLAUS SOAP is the best hi the mvket tor scrubbing, &c. For sale by all grocers at 5c. a cake. M* K« FAIRBANK ft CO., Manufacturers^ Chicago, BL Go to Althofi Bro*. for Fine Shoes, Tbe finest stock In town. Is Consumption Inourablo. Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor­ ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with abecess of the lungs, and friends and physicians pronouaced me an In­ curable consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, am now on my third bottle and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Deoatur, Ohio, says: "Had It not been for Dr. KlngtS New Discovery for Consump­ tion 1 would have died of lung troubles. *v;.as given up by doctera. Am now In tbe best of health " Try it. Sample bottles free at G. W. Bes- ley|t4£4]g store. To Bent, A targe dairy or stock farm consist­ ing of 401) acres situated one and one- half miles west of RIngwood belong­ ing to the estat of the late R H. Carr. This farm has been completely fitted and worked as two farms--haviog a complete set of convenient dwellings, barns, stables, silo, hog house, wind­ mill. etc., for each farm. Also an Ice­ house in good repair. Is well adapted for one large dairy or stock farm or two smaller ones, and will be let for a term of years together or separate for a cash rent. _ _ For terms apply to Mrs. R. H. Carr 00 the premises. Tbe dry cold >veather of tbe early winter months is productive of a great deal of croup among children. Moth­ er* should be on the lookout for it, and be prepared to arrest it as soon as tbe first symptoms appear. True croup never comes without a warning; a day or two belure tbe attack tbe child will appear hoarse, and that symptom is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, If Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy is given as ioou as this cough or hoarseness appears, all danger aid anxiety may !>e avoided; It has never failed, even In the most severe cases. Tbere Is no danger In giving the rem­ edy for It ooutalns no injurious sub- Owns. |Sr nit bf Q» f, 8ml Try Besley's.Iron Tonic Bitters. For Coughs and Colds Take Story's Tar and Wild Cherry.w .Ladiesand Misses Cloaks at Perry A Owen's. Prioes lower than anybodys. Golden Maohlne Oil at J. A. Story's Drugstore. When you desire a pleasant physio try St. Patrick's Pills. Cheviq^s--the most stylish dress- Soods out, 49 oeate at Fitzslmmons A lenderson's. If your hogs 'Thuaips or do Tborley Food. cough, have the Business Notice*** A choice line of Box Paper* st Besley's, West Side. *.W:j not thrive, feedj call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry A Owen's store. Extra goodj ginghams and prints only 4} cents a yard at Syanson's.0 If your chickens are troubled with cholera or roup use Tborley Food. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy WHEAT WANTED, The highest market price la oash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc- leafy. R, BIHOP. Perfumery, all tbe latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant and last tng at Storys. FOR SALE, House and Lot In this village. In Sood repair. Good outbuildings and rst class water supply. For further particulars apply at this office. Heavy winter wraps only 91.50 at FItaitmmons A Henderson's. All wool Tricots 20 cents at Flti- slmmons A Henderson's. Wbsn Baby waa tfek, ws gavs hsr Osslorla, When Shteww a Child, abeertod forOaatoria, When aho became Mtn, ate fhu« to Oaatoria, *hsns»whtdOhMw,sheiafsthsmOsi>oH» Call In and see tbe beat sewing ma­ chine In the U.8,of America for tfct least money. _____ !• Xa.wt.ora. Machine Oil, best quality, 60 oents per gallou, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. Cut-steel ornaments for dress-mak­ ing only 15c, at Fitaslmmoi " derson's. If yon want to see tbe of Fine Shoes at the lowest at Althofi Bros, M. P.--A New Discovery. Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowels should never he toted on by irritants like common pills, bran, eto., by a new method. Sampl^a free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. Tricots, Dress Flannels and Under­ wear for tbe next ten days. Don't fall to aupply yourself from this sale. JOHN EVANSON A Co. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale bis farm, consisting of 135 acres, situated 2} miles from Greenwood and 3 miles trom Ringwood. Good House and Barn and plenty of water on tbe premises. Is a No 1 Dairy farm. Will be sold on reasonable terms For further particulars Inquire of tbe undersigned, on the premises. J. B. Hofthl Dated Oot astb, 1888 l».lm. Oar Holiday Locals. Twenty-five styles Mufflers,. 26c to •2.00. Embroidered Linen Hsndkeroblefs 20 cents. Silk handkerchiefs, 50 cents, up. Hoods and Toboggans 25c to 91.00, In evaporated fruits we carry Necta­ rines, California Peaohes. Turkish Prunes, California Apricots, Silver Prunes and Snow Apples. Our stock of groceries alwaya war­ ranted f«##b. STOVFBL a BLAKS. Eleetric Bitters. This remedy Is becoming so,well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same old song of praise A purer medicine doe» not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all dlseasna of tbe liver and kid neys, will remove pimples, bolls, salt rheum and other affections caused by Impure blood.--Will drive malaria out of the blood and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers.--For cure ol headache**, constipation and indigos tion try Electric Bitters--entire satis­ faction guaranteed Or money refunded. Price 50c and #100 per bottle at G. W. Besley's drug store. Something Everybody Wanta Juat Now. Is warm winter goods, and having the comfort of our patrons at heart we bave laid In a large line of Ladles' Underwear, Ladles' Wool Hose, Misses Wool HoBe, Children's Wool Hose. LadleV Rubbers, Children's Rubbers, Ladies' Arctics. Men's Underwear, Felt Boots, Men's Rubbers. Alaskas and Arctics, Wool Lined Coats, Wool Lined Vesta, Pants and Vests to match. Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, Blankets. Nuts, Dress Goods, Glngbam, eto.. In endless variety. ' W 8TOFFKL St BLAKS. BOW CAN PARENTS Allow their children to cough and strain and oough and calmy say: "Ob! It Is only a little cold," aud keep giv­ ing them cheap and dangerous medi­ cines, until they are down with lung fever or consumption, when they can be so easily relieved by Beggs' Cherry Cough 8yrup? It has no superior, and few equals. For sale by J. A. Story iaad John Humphrey, Druggiefa. SMOKI the "Empire Cuban," the best Five Cent Cigar in the oaitlt, a ^'Zr®B^enccs for sale. Apply fee Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, DL ^ Besley's Worm Syrup for children has no.equal. All kinds Ladles' and Gent's Pocket booka and bags at Besley's Drag store west side. < 1* yon want a first class Photograph,1;; 11 Oil Tj_ IS A«m« Jk Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe'a for Mlllla* ^ ery and Dress Making. the news to Hannah," that 4 - the best place to buy Ladles Via"0- * j Shoes Is at Altboff Bros. ^ Besley's Death to Rata Is sure and ' i certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. ^ Plum-bsngo-lne, the fineat Wagon fe Grease ever need, a new thing, at ^ Besley's, , Candles, a fine aasortment just re­ ceived at Story's Drug Store. Cigars and Tobacco, all the popnlitr brands are found in our stock. J. A, Story's. The oholoest brands of Cigars tn town, at Bealey's Drag Store, WeH side. W(i test krtlola '.i THE Peerless Dyes, tbe best artlole on tbo market and warranted. =Ai Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colors. In "t-» limited quantities. Mixed paint by thl pall or gallon at Story's Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the finest tbing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. NEVER fall to read ths advsrtlst* ment and locals of Bonslett A Stoflel as they are changed from week to week* --_____ Toilet articles, such as are usually found in a first class, well regulated pharmacy can be bad at Story's Drnsr Store. * - #: . Boy's knee panta at 25a. Boy's coed suits, 92,00. Wool, double knit eepv 35c. Scotch, knit fancy gloves 32c. Overalls 45c. Socks, from 3 cents to 40c. Men's doe shoes, 91.S5. Plow shoes, 91.00. Boy's double tapped boots, 92.25, ** s.< „,V K.LAWI** Dropped Dead. • ^yslologlffts estimate that the heart does 5.000,000 pouuds of work each day. No wonder people dcop dead with worn out hearts. This eould be prevented by I>r, Miles' new and great discovery, the New Cure. Always cammeuces when you first begin to get short of breath, bave weak, faint or smothering spells, pain or tenderness In side. etc. Sold at. Geo. W. Besley'e Drug Store. -i Go to Mrs. C. A. Hu(son's for Fab and Winter Millinery Good. FBUIT and Vegetables of all kiads aft Althofi Bros. Market. COUGH! and COUGH! and COUQHftsC What In the world Is the reason yea will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inlerlor medicine* when Beggs' Cherry Cough Myrup ViU positively relieve yout- cough at OOOOF This is no advertising scheme, but ta actual fact, ahd we guarantee it. For sale by J. A. Story, Mcllnrirv, and J. Humphrey, Waueonda, DrngglatX Tbe Immense sale of Cbamberlata'a Cough Remedy has been produoed to « great extent, by people, who have been cured by It telling their fHonda and neigh bora of its good qualities and urging them to try It. The moat ao* vere cold will soon yield to Its sooth­ ing e fleets, For sale by G. W. Besley. Buoklen'e Arnica 8al««. The best Salve in the world for mfeL orulses, sores, ulcers, gait rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptiaus, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfeet satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price SB oertayPer box. For sale hy&.W« WHAT ON EARTH Is the .reason people will not, cast not, or do not see auy difference la cheap nostrums pnt up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties aft enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputatioa and one that Is giving universal satin- taction at equal price? No medleiae in the world is giviug such alleled aatlsfaction for purifying blood as Bergs' Blood Purifier dt Blood Maker, and every battle {haft does not do its work will ooal yea nothing. For sale by J. A. Story^ McHenrv and John Humphrey* Waife aantfat Draifflattk ^ V"i> J ! .W Mi

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