hnpQfiUKM Legion win tv City Halt on Satur- two o'clock, I of the W. q. T. u. win SocUble at the nsi- r«f Mrs W. A. Orlsty Wednesday Dee. I9lk. Kef re thoie tits will *d. Allan cordially iovltedE, tcecjoy the fun, aod aia,io it good " jrHe ladles of the W. 6. T U. will pet with M-». A. H. Colby On INiorsday at half-past two o'clock r, K. MBI. J, B. FKRHT, President. MM. T.J. WALSH, Secretary, Dr, Turner, In bis Second Annual lie port of the N. If, State Inebriate Aesylum, states that out of 1,406 casea •-» *f dellraat trecaeaa which have cooi® wdmr h^vbwrvatiot}, mo bad an Ine- 11-' b##|i|«§^9r*rijndpareiit or both. &• ' that It ,tbe history of eftoh pntient's ancestors were known, tt would be found that eight out of tog were free users of alcoholic drinks. The tame fa true of narcotized por tal* and grandparents. If the father"! Mood be talc ted with tobceoo or opium, the eMid nocesearily inherits a i«T6 for tbe same. He may overcome Iboagh probably there will always re main a hankering for the foul stuff, Mid as we see in society, the majority of boys will fall into the habit of their rents, and aelf denial becomes a unden duty. If fathers would have tbelraons and daughters grow up tem perate aod virtuous men and women, tbey must themselves live temperate * Md virtuous lives. if! There la no stronger scriptural anatb* «maaagainst theft and adultery than against Hie crime of the drunkard. •Nort&iewa, nor covetous, nor drunk- *v4*« aor revilers nor extortioners^ «b»U Inherit the kingdom of heaven.** When men commit such actt they are Sincere, The drunkard la a criminal , wall as the thief; deliberately taeaklog a law of God and man, In- directly M others may be responsible far the d4$d, he is infinitely more a ' ' „al*Mr'1a (hat respect, than any one '^se can possibly be. He raises the gl&se to bis lips fully aware of Its In evitable efiecta; knowing too that It owy lead hku ioto crime, and that it certainly will lead him and his into !#rre?r asd tsars aad wretchedness. Js not a baby to be coddled, but a tie be punished.--Christian Y SMITH. Government has made our city happy. lime pre&mtCity "S • ( : Two new Fire Engines, a new Street Spriukler, ft new Park House, a new City Hall and a Cooler. Who, gays wo a^e uot rapid ly ^ ^ i^-> - ~v - " A :?«• \ x* < VS.."" T.*L, 5L> 4 „ V •<> "f " • 'C:' -?* .. '* * 4. " * i • . * And we xsk yon to remember that we are putting in one of tfie largest new stocks of all kinds of iioods this Fall that has ever been ,J 5 '• brought to MeHearyi , We lure to close out a large line of Robes *v and Blan kefs, <>J • *•'" " ' ' ' ' And sell them to you «4 Wholesale afford to l>uy until you have looked ours ovgt ices. You cannot ITou know we keep , - -A ,>?" , f aoiw emof) -as»* p«« tatvqo -Itrtl wt99 *<t T«0 TMtBof w *<"*•* »nq*i»»ai#o«i«ott •I tnqt ti«<uood oqj jo aaud out t»i*>a oq i»aau;» isaq oqi »sqj Sajmnuw £q *«ntijuvo J»AO J|»O»S .UIO JF«NAO( Xq •*«*!* spoof *UIINF|; IQ ESSL P«'JT "TTAM jo pae >»Z;« tjuoi , 5 li**e*ea an* eaw 's)002 too^ ontt^sj pn^l ^ ^ L ^ ^ t>V " . ' . j - - V r*.*1 (> t , ' ^ t r , *V • ' ,Kj. i j f * 4 ^ - f .Mai- ^ 1 ino XJX •poj9p?»ttoo Xiiivtib 'viHrai MofJd tvom \Mt «#d»q« »iqnuitjp *t«m ai eaooo HaaanH aaaNVO *1 g rieuA\ >aoa p| JOM eq) »M intisn s\' "fiinao og JOJ epunod oi 'panod aod sinsjoi ^lao l lSTiti poo8 ;.ii«d J9d on'fll oi 91'SS *00 £# "HtaJiasm paa iooa u« Xab^m .ajwl Mad K C® 03 H 'fll 8S \L'ziP»3 I'W l°OM l!"»*0l isou»i AS no no mam 1H'Ai spaiaa 1 MOI (I apootf AU« 49A0 AJJVi) JOU |1|A O* S# UUVAV XUC UO J38J UJ pUC *3J3 'Baquj| BJ95J -a«ta 'tu;qi«io 'sjAsqg *t9qan|j •sja^aep «8flW>to fo ®W«lu»oj aijab «» J»o aQ S33RIJ NMOO AVM And we wif»h to say our new stock, is the very finest we ever have opened and cheaper than .you have ever bought before. Always on hand. ; • ,»-.ft f'K The best we can possibly buy. - L i . $ ? r .. 5 • -r: i. y, ] \ /uv. ^Uiiv •* • '*• - ^ - • V V • * U •) iton f pCMTtap u«, Ijpjioas <u»iJ»JW«pooJj i;« « OTT spooSI OAOQV JOJ WOOJ O^VUT OX *Xnq 09 AMIS OQT ' aofoqa isoq pu« tsiy eanaas pa« Xijiso u«o AND KICKING TOO. ' ing down ' ̂ A* ^^ •* ^ Just look over our line and compare prices. Extra heavy all wool Rod Underwear.. Jt .SB I Man's Aretlos. flrat noalUr . Kxtra heavy all wool UHy Underwear../ lift f Men'. \UttM. flm v"llty... Ladles' red woolen ex, flne U Oder wear.. 1.00 I LMles' Aietles. Irct ottaBtv Children's red woolen Ua«ler#ear.......Oe 4p } OTBM« •"* • ;-r% is m > s . . . . -C £ In Hush, Leather, Morocco Md Cotobination, |i* endless va riety. - ... / f"1 • . . • SHAWLS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, OVES, MITT£!f@» HATS, OAFS, FELT BOOTS* And » complete line of Footwear. Pricm always the lowest. '- is- ' -y . ' - rouBS **? tjubm,'|3|SH. - v>{. 4. _ .;s| 8T0FFEL A BLAKE. •jo ?tnoi0 nnj V •B9Ainnn9,i pttB enaj pioj) 'laanoittns Xontfj 'ejanfnn T>w» ej9iq»i05(pHBH iihs 'eaxoa £*>0 puw a«i|O0 'eumqiv 'emiajqaif) papwoq-iqo*) 'gjapiou Joddi|8 'B9S«O qu»oQ 'BA«jx 'SJOS SBVIO 'oa^M pung Piof) P«B a.ijeti | 'VJOIBBO 's?9s "saqsia 'saag SuiAnqs pu« j0|iox'sjmia 'saaopulsno "8»nw "sdno '89S«A 'ejiojoo ikan ui '0i>"9t o? Ui'll uioa.| BIOS jjquiuqo p»J«JO'j90 Xau«j 'iduin-i AJDoqi'i •edui«'i n®H "CO'St oj oGJi 'fii ls Ajuo JO.| sdanri g«iSu«n »a«aa|a :xlA 'eaowj aj»m uo iusn9Jd v 9.i« i«qi soji.ut i« 'Aiunoo siqi uj uMoqs joao spoojf 9Aoqv |o laemiaossc OAIS U9dx9ui leoui 'a»aa.i«i aqi ^aa.w eiqil 9AI939J in^. 9AV • jfaotuaiu m 90B(d « Xq^jioM l>a« ««j < * * h OM door aogtii of the Farsitore Mere I Shoes tnanufact a fit Uuarant Y JLLlNOlSk* >\ 3t«nd of tbe'best REPAIRING ^ramptlv attended to. INVISIBLE PATCBSB nrFine Snoesand Boots a specialty. Oall fodseeme. ; M,a.OTD„«tt,18i«OT>8m,th' V* J. Barhhm. J. J. Barman. Wholeiale andBetaft DKALEBS nr McHENRY ILLINOIS , Having teased the briek building one aoor (WlttntM post office, we have opened a resell jStora, where, at nil times can be found IWW|»nof onr own manufacture, together jjriw epoklng and chewing tobacco of the.. 3RPI8 A SPECIALTY, ^ We have a very Urge assortment aad soma Very handsome patterns. CALL AND SEE US. „ ' BABBIAV BBOG. MeBenry, November ISth, 1888. •mw\ SBOOT3 AND SHOES:! We are leaders for good goods and low prices.... We hop4 to see you, pell you, and erive you the worth of every cent you leave with us. Our place is the home of the celebrate^ ^ >r . '<* "A ">«** • i^roadnead Dress. G-oo And their output this Fall is larger than ever. \ \ . fctvA . 3 <KjYwurm tm XHr4ir« c\~y< - V f - i t> 5<- < * XJi , ' • W *' * ' '% V1 * 1Jr '*tf ' sfe-f - 4 l i» NfwFlannels, •New Winter Drese Goode, ' New Undervyear, V-l ; W/' •> >* %! vCian now t>e obtained at-- ' ,ii-} '• ' • 'i"-.tetfc " ' ' mt&usntmnfr* * ,-v' •_ -S«^v'-v' WA rUU. LINE IN ALL DEPABTMENT 8. wr We have marked the prices on these goods to the lowest living limits, and will not be un dersold Also a lull line of ROBES, ETC., AT BOTTOM PKICES, ic. \V If you wantchoiee Groceries. Canned G oods, or anyUtifglQ department, call at Althoff Bros, and get their prices. • pi- in fe xJi* - ^ W - ^ West McHenry fSJf DEALER UST^n^- 8HELP 9 Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware ' i t easd A?anoH pool« JOf qoi«9s IUA diq«pne|jj[ -10 toadsu 'Xsotinos *aioisno joJ9)t«tn « s« *3ao£J9A9 'sABpjiPrf S,\ T »«* '94»«| ̂ UOO8 |1} ̂SUJ^I #9JJ |>AF #«MI.844HP WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Have a Larger Stock of ' •,' * y ,* " - •; M w- r : Ootnelet* Then ever shown in that Town befort» lag oi - T«5P, Tpilet Sets, Albums, Books, etc. --On which they will makef --Also theft* stock of : tv.»-'j4:v •/» Wtit -» tr t ' i , i MoHEN RYf ^ - ILLINOIS. 15ALEB f *1#. i'X. 1 " v;) -- -- m M E D I C I N E S , • FULL LINK >) vn«Mt*vww| mj w ai*iHM| (•onstantly on hajnd. Also a large line of .jPatent |Aedicinee( Article^ -4^-AND COMPLETE STOCK . jf: A STATIO^AEY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. • ' v , . ' - 1 . Fli^^iciaiis Prescriptions ""•1 * •• ' ! Carefully and ftccuratey compounded ]by a Registered Pharraa-t cist. ¥#ur patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. 8TORY. NEW irsr MjoHEA'ltY, ILLINOIS. Having purchased the Hardware Business of H. V. Sliepard, would inform the Buying Public that he has just put in a full new Stock of / GASOLENE STOVES, The Peniiisuiar and Reliable, The best Stove on the Market and cheap. heldatemd4 "M 0Ur Galvanize(i Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make onrs elves, tbiil {#ft WUh Tracki' hangings, Floor Hook.and Palleys, "tie- Scrgen Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow Pail« a new thing. ^ Haiah's Barb Wir«, AT BOTTOM; PKICES IOBBENQ AND RIPAIBIN6 Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of pubac patronage .respectfully solicited. ^ ^ amrmM, ,t.. J&*,: kL,.,* 'k Vil*/.i JLf.V. 1.-.'/, Is.,'?,,-.4 3 4.^.*. h s--• ^.S> 51 i' pe9tint|»eWcrii Vurchaaed for Cash* all' of which will be sdld as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods. A: FUIiIi Mill OF STOT1S • y'-;"'fy"v,"','&A|U4AWD AND OTHER KIND^ • For both Coal and Wood, of the best make®* always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I have also secured the services of E. WE* em best Tinners in McHenry County, and all ^ , . , ; CaU wid dW pri«<i before purchasing elsewh#^ Spectal mducements lor Cash B uy- ers in sums from $5 up. 1 / * ;r » f -i'-* ' . ; f A. COLDINC BROTHERS! (••Hi ghost Market Price paid fbr ̂ a.irm Prodnoe* m . WM^ M ? t tNK¥ --DEALEB IN*-*-* Drags aad MedicineSt PAINT8V OILS# Toilet ArticleA, f 4V* ^ : %tT' "'••ri$i }\-<t •M .•4^ -PURE-- WIII.ES AMD I<I4T70^|I, #OR MEDICAL USE. V ^ Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. ^ Thebest brands of Cigars ani Smo&ing and Cheviug Tobacco > always on hand. , v*",v i, ih, v&V- ' ' 3 PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTlQiNS, ! Cwefully Compounded, Give me a cull. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. C. w. BI8LEY. If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber fro&t Near tine I>ej>pt« V Xllinoiii ' Our stock of Lumber, of aff kinds, is the most complete of any and we |re prep^ijg public T Ths But Qulttr sf Lna^ • --AT THE ^ " >»-«"«- *| LOWEST LIVING PRICES-" \»' « ,« Si JOBBX2TQ AUD RBPAIRl^Q Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction. Guaranteed. A share of, public patronage respectfully' solicited. 7 McHenty.JB,. Octobn tot, 1SW. i'. - MCOB BON8LKTT. Casiip, Door and WMow Frames-Ready Maie-always en Hal Also the Best Brands of BarbWirea -We shall keep our stock complete at all times and span no poimi to accommodate all wh t may favor us with their patronai ' • - k ' :4 v.4^" ' % / \ i - * f ' i. < i ' i ....t4>! A., x j| **.*».*