tf̂ nrr Vttiktlw. WEDNE8D AY, Railroad Time i "T5fiB* «flKi Jane Wife, tralne will |M HeHtujr ItluioB dally, »» follows: "'?*> V OOINQ SOUTH. ILake (KMTI Passenger.... 7:28 k. * Uk«Oh«TI Sipnu -.8:22 •» Lake Genera rtelcht. 2 -.00 r.« Lake 8:26 •• £ -t- • ooisro iroRTtf,': Lake Genera Freight...., 8-11 i. x Lake 3enera Passenger.*... »:« Lake Jeneva EipreB#............. ,4:68 P. if l*ake Q«nm Pumm 6:61 " , t Lake Gcnm Puunctr fe- '• f . Dally except Sunday. h\ ^ B. BUSS, Agent. r MoHenry," K"; MASONIC. . MOUBWKT LODGE, KO. 158 A. F, and A. 1L-- Regular Communications the sooond and «•: ;• • fy;t fourtii Mondays la oacb mouth., 5__ j-j* J. VAN St-TKH,*W. M. * 4 MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. ' V. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Lut Tuesday evening of each month. • -' f: •, Neighbors cor Itally invfted- mtli7 J i IO IC!(j>Ul WU 4UI I : ARK you and yoar best girl goinK Tuesday evening, t© the Riverside House on the evening^ of Januarf 1st? Of course you are. Ms. SLADB will preach a sermon next Sunday morning that Will be appropriate to Christmas. pas REMEMBER the Crazy Sociable, at Mrs. W. A. Cristy'a, this Wednesday % '. evening. A11 are cordially Invited. •f" Irf-.jl 1 . 1 " . 1 1 / ;I HOLIDAY Goods, In endless varlet.v from five cents to 910.00, at <-J. A* , Story's. Call and see. K' F ODB Public School will olort on Fri day of this week for a two weeks vacation, commencing again on Mon day January 7th. Wi understand there it to be exer- clses in both the Universallst and Methodist Churches, on Monday evening next, Christmas Eve. \ present our readers this week • with a handsome Holiday Supplement .and ask them to read, it carefully, ad* vertisements and all. p, Don't buy your Holiday Prescats QQtii yon have examined ?be fine stock | at Bee ley's. Ton can there And both '$ the useful aad ornamental. PfiSSOJttL W. A. Caisrsr made a trip to Etoui City, Mo., last week. FRANK CWLBY. of Lake Gsaev*, was 00 our street* one d ly last week. JACOB HETZKL spent a part* of LAST Week with irleuds In Chicago. Miss HATTIR MEAD returned last week from her visit to Vinton, Iowa, "Bote" Howe, of Chicago, has been calling on friends here the past week, & . V. SHEPARD and family are visiting with friends In Chicago this week. MRs. Sum Is vUltlng with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Wlllard. at Nunda. REV. E. W. WRIGHT, of Crystal Lake, made our eaactutn a pleasant call Saturday last, v : DR. OSBORNE'S "family *»*f® »r* rive 1 and he has taken possession of the M, E. parsonage as a residence. LINN H. YOUNG, principal of our public school, will spend l)ls vacation visiting his parents at Stur- gis, Michigan. HUTSOB, Who lives opposite Hosier Wattles, southwest of this vil lage, aad who is about 84 years of age. Is reported quite sick at this writing, COL. GEO. C. ROGERS, a former resi de nt of W*nkegftOi has been assigned to duty ks a special examiner, by the Commissioner or Pensions. His terri tory embraces certain counties in northern Illinois and southern Wiscon sin, with headquarters at Waukegan. The Colonel is well and favorably known in this county. J|3E Chicago Opera House, which 1 wiifcftj|m$ged by Ireltit week, will be r open %aiipiio the public on Monday ^evening next. Manager Henderson was equal to the occasion. _ SAYS an exchange: When you boll 1 a cabbage, tie a bit of dry bread In a t bag and put It in the kettle. French 2 cooks say that all the unpleasant odor ^ that makes the hou»e smell Ilka an old ; drain is absorbed. 1 THE dancing public should' not forget the Annual New Year's Party to be held at the Riverside House, in ; this village, 00 the evening of January : 1st. Smith A Anderson's Orchestra V'?** will furnish the music and no one oan fail to bave a good time. THE Ring wood Sunday School will have a Christmas Tree and Christmas Concert at the M, E. Church on Mon day evening, •>. December 24th, 1S88. An interesting programme will be given aad *U ftt# cordially invited to a t t e n d . J * ' * ' „ ' ? ^ ' BY OBOBB OF SUPT. , V.IIXBI CAMP at W. A. JMl«adjourned meeting of Valley Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, will be held at the Parker House, on Friday evening next, Pec. 21st. The Initiation of candidates"and nominal tlon of officers will be the business of the evening. Every member is earnestly requested to be present. pss OBDBB. SV ATTENTION IS called to the ne w ad vertisements of John Evanson ^Oo., Geo. W, Besley, Barbi&n Bros.. Perry A Owen, Stevens St Miller, Fitzsim- mons & Henderson, all of this village, aad J. W. Crlsty A Son, Rlngwood, to be found la this paper,1 OCB merchants, one and ail are dis playing a fine line of goods for the holiday trade, and by judicious adver* tisiag are receiving their reward by a large trade. If you are looking for holiday goods of aay kind you can find them with our merchants. Call and be convinced. 'lB speaking of a would-be candidate for a Post Office in this county the Harvard Herald says: He has performed valiant service for the Republican party in his locality aad Is deserving of the appointment. Brother Walsh, did you mean that as a Joke* THB Harvard Herald celebrated Its first birthday last week, and we can but congratulate Brother Walsh on bis success. He has made a clean, newsy sheet, and brought it up te a standard that Is an honor to himself and jour nalism In McHenry county. We wish him unbouaded.sucoess for many yean jo come. . AN exehange say! that the iifctho dlst minister at the village of Ross* villa. In Verm 1 liIon county, refuses tu preach any longer to his congregation until the members, who are mostly Republicans, return to the Democrats the money they won from tbem on eleetlon. Our exchange does not say bow much the preacher lost. WB would call the especial atten tion of oar readers to the prospectus of the later Ocean for 1889 which can be found in this issue. It is one el the stanncbst Republican papers la the North-west, and did more than any other paper In the United States towards the election of Harrison and Morton. Read th« prospectus and if you want a city paper we take pleas ure In recommending the Inter Ocean as Brst-class in every particular. AN exchange says the right thing In the right place when it remarks "Those who do not know the worth of ntoney can never appreciate thl mis ery they often cause when the? do not pay their obligations promptly to those who are needy. One dollar promptly paid, will. In a day's time oanoel many an obligation, make many a heart glad, and do much good It Is not business to say 'call again, when you have the money ready to pay a legitimate bill. Prompt pay makes better tints. Misers are curses upon our land.* Toboggans from 16a to fijso at |lvansQn«\ 4U new and stylish. GOBLINS ANbOtANTS. BT F ALU BR COX. "*B Snahtto Cfcrbtmn Pwnst." Christmas Is at hand, and iw» #S Palmer o«x. with another of hi* iultn- itable "Queer People1" books, hut this book iiutii iii« aiiien in tiie weirdne#* of its wit. dealing as It does with gay goblins, grim giants, comical clowns, merry uttouarchs and all sorts of.queer people. IIv long odds this is the jolllest Christmas book we have yet seen. Hon. D. N. Richardson says: "If you don't get a supply of it Into my ward soon the neighbssrs' children will tear my h:;i;se down." Critics of all elaesrs commend It. Major General O O. Howard says: "It is singularly happy, and will be popular among old and voung." The eminent novelist, Geo. W. Cable, says: "His pnges are ever welcome visitors In a house with children In It,* while the elegant Amelia Rivers writes "one does not bave to wish one's self a child again co enjoy such books, because one feels a child still after reading them" Gen. Lew Wallace pronounces it "An ex quisite Christmas present for the little oaed of a household," while Mrs. Lew Wallace declares, "Many a child will dance with delight over this charming Christmas gift. From an avalanche of such commen dations one more should be added, ftobert J. BurdeUe, the noted burner 1st, exclaims, " Happy and gifted in deed is Pakaer Cox, who c»*i take a pencil in one hand and a pen in the other and draw plotures and write poems for all sorts of people, from the ages of Ave to fifty.* Iu all of which praises we heartily concur. It is a daisy. The three new beauties by Palmer Cox are Paws and Claws, (#1.00) Wings and Stings. (75cts.) <Jiant6. Goblins, Ac. ($1.00) either of which are for sale by all booksellers or will be mailed on receipt of price by th«* publishers. Messrs. Hubbard Bros,, 723 CUe&OUl Street, Phi'.a. =ag A REGULAR Communication of McHenry Lodge No 158, A. F. and A. M,, will be held on Monday evening next. Dec. 24th. at 7 o'clock sharp, for the election of officers for the ensuing year. We are aware that this is Chrlstmas.Eve.. but if members will boon hand promptly at 7 o'clock all busiheas can be finished In time for the entertainments elsewhere, ' " PER ORDER OF THK T(F . M. DIED .--At Tlie residence of her son-in-law, John Myers, near Johns burg, on Tuesday, Decern Iter llih, 1SK3, Mis, Matgtret ingallc, aged 88 years. Mrs. Ingalls came to this country from Germany In 1842; aod With the exceptlou of » few^esn in Cook County has lived near the place where she dled^ She was a lady highly re- s pec tea oy all who kne/^ her. Her funeral was beld from the Johosburgb Church on fhursday and her remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of relatives and friends. THE following pathetic line Was penned before the editor of this paper had had a long sickness: "Wood taken on subscription." It was to be a novel founded on (acts, but joa revising the title and looking overj our exchanges, we found there was nothing novel about it, neither were1 there any facts in it( for wo had not taken a stick io that way. Then we wk>te It: "Wood will be Taken on Subscription." We would nofvouch for tb^) tacts lo this case and we changed it to "Wood Would be Taken on Subscription." THE Scientific American, published by Munn A Co., New York, during more than forty years, Is beyoud all question, the leading paper relating to science,.mechanics, and Inventions published ^n this continent. Each weekly Issue presents the latest scien tific topics in an interesting and relia ble maoner, accompanied with engrav ings prepared expressly to demon strate the subjects. The Scientific Am• erican is inviiuab.e to every person desiring to keep posted on the iuven- doos and discoveries of the day. CHRISTMAS! CtiRIal.'MA9!! Plushes 60 aud 75 cents. Silk Rucn- ing 15 cents. Gent's bordered band- kercbiefs, Kid and Cashmere gloves stamped uoods„ Black and Brown Hoods, Gent's flue white Shirts, Culls Collars and Cuff Buttons, new baud aouie Dress Goods with suitable trim, mlng, faucy toys and other suitable presents at tbe Ladles' Salesroom. Santa Claus Headquarters at 0,;'W. Besley's, West aide. » Chalk Club. •* the Riverside fWJttte on Tbursd iy evening at 8:30. to organize. All gentlemen who have proposed their names for membership s*e re quested to be present. COXXTTTBB ,;New Year's Party; inhere will be a New Year's at the Riverside House. Tuesday, evening, January 1st, 1889. Music by Smith A Andetsen's Orchestra, of Janesville, Wis. Tickets Including supper and care of horses §2. |No pafas will be spared to make It pleasant for *11* - - * A, OA.LKINS, Proprietor. New Year's Party. '> < At the McHenry House. In this vil lage, on Tuesday evening January 1st. 1889.. Music by Smith's Quintette Or* chestra. Tickets, including supper, •1.00, All are cordially invited. JOHN THR«.AW. Proprietor. Ladles Embroidered Uiudkercblefs 'or 15 cents, at Fiusitpmons A Hender son's. • Another Murder. Our usually quiet village was tbe scene of pandemonium yesterday by the shocking news that another trag edy had been committed In our midst. HI PRICE was slain in a struggle witht|I. R. RIGHT, at Ibe well knowlft Clothing Store of E. Lawlus. Just as we go to press we're unable to get.full particulars, but we understand the prisoner says he did the aot because 4he time demanded It, aad has no fear of conviction, on the ground that 'Bight wrongs no man." Gentlemen of the jury, please rise. In tb« meaa time call at bis store, opposite River side House, examine bis large stock and oouylnce yourselves tbat be was Right. __________________ Ribbons In all sbades Fitzsimmoue A WRKBY, CLAY PIGEON AND • GLASS" BALL SHOOT. There will be a Turkey Glass Ball aod Clay Pigeon shoot at' Yolo. ill. on Monday. Dec 24th. 18SS Sports man should bear thU in mind as there will be lots of fun for all who attend ^ I. A. BARSUB, Proprietor. - Ili a horse and cattle lotion, Salva tion Oil has proven Itself to be an In fallible remedy. It has received tbe hearty Indorsements of many old and well*knowo horsemen. Price 35 cents a bottle. Wbpn you desire a pleasant physic try 9t. Patrick's Pills they oan always be relied upon, and do not nauseate the stomach nor gripe the bowels Foe sale by O. W. Besley, sbades very cheap, at Hendersoa's. , Taxes! Taxes!! The undersigned, Collectors of tbe Town of McHenry, will commence ,fS* celving taxes January 10th, 1889, and can be found at the following .places on the day bamed: / Mondays, at the store Of Lay A Adams, Johnsburgh. Wednesdays at the stor| .. <rf J. W, Crlsty A Son, Rlngwood. • '• Thursdays, at the store of Perry A Owen, in tbe village ol McHenry. ^aiurdaye at the store of Stevens A Miller In West McHenry. , ' Wil! be at the above places from 9 A. M. to 4 p. M. each day. Call aod pay your tax*s at as early a day aa possible, |HATT HstMBB, Collector, One thousand pounds California Loose Muscatel RtUius, strictly first- class, only 7 cents a pound.. Ten butts Quantity aad Quality plug tobacco 30c per pound. Five barrels extra Honey Table Syrup, very choice and heavy body, only 35c per gallon. One gross Japanese all-silk hsadker- chief?. Targe size, for -ladles or gents, only 29o well worth 66c, In cream aad tolors. Six Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, o- ly 5c for lot. Extra good heavy scarlet twilled Flannel only 21c. Ten pounds wholesome Taa Dust only 90a, All kinds new dried aad canned fruits in stock. To learn, means to inspect our grand Holiday Outlay aud read our adver tisements weekly, and remember--tbe best cannot be sold for tbe price of tbe poorest. Yours Truly, WIURT ASTHMA. Something new and very stylish in Plush Toboggans, the latest for-lafliea' and children's wear, 75c to $350 A pretty hat for 01, a very pretty one for $2, and a good one for 93. We also have a good stock of ladies' fur nishing goods. Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Pur Trimming, Laces and Embroider ies aud ail kinds of fancy goods as cheap as can be be bought in the county. We continue doing dress making, and keep a full llue of dress trimmings, buttous, linings, etc, in fact every thing that belongs to that line of work at a very reasonable pribe, MRS. O. A. HUTSOX. . We <t-Side, near the depot, Christmas Cards, Perfume Caskets, Dolls, Cbildrens Tea Sets, and other articles In endless variety, at Besley's, West Side. For tbe fioest Hoe of Christmas Had New Year's Slippers, go to Stone A Hart's, corner Miin Street and Public square, Woodstock. Call and see them. . Persons troubled with chronic di arrhoea or subject to bowel eomplalnt in any form, should try Chambedaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Many chronic oases that had resisted all ether treatment have been oortd bar ilt. For tale by G, W. Qftsley. , ~;S . The "Crystal Slipper." No ench enccest as that achieved by the "Crystal Slipper" aL the Chicago Opera Home Itst summer- w** »«ver known In the. West. The play was takeu by tbe management of the Chi cago Opera Hons* to tii« E iit, 10 Bos ton and l'nliadeiphia, and It wa> pre sented last :Momiay night at the Hear theatre. New York City, Tbe same success has' atten led tbe performance of the .jleee in those cities that at tended its ru<i here; thi audiences have only buwu limited by thesfzsof tbe theatre. New York has always glven'the West its spectacular pieces, uow the West is reciprucatlng. It would be impossible to {five the readers extracts trom ail the papers of those cities, to show the enthusiasm with which tbe piece has been greeted# but we.might take the more Important ones, simply to illustrate the opinion ot the different c.ties. "The dear eld story,"aaid the Boston Herald, "of childhood's happy days has been re tained, but its scenes have been Inter polated, amplified and Idealized to a bewildering extent, and the result is a show that dellgli is the senses and entertaln>* all. It presents a series of gorgeous stage pageants rivaling In wealth and color^in originality of design and beauty of tableaux any similar production of recent years. * * * There are half a dozen or more sets which show the richej of the scene painter's>rt in the highest devel opement, and in every scene there has been-the mogt lavish outlay to com plete and perfect all its details; * * In tbe costumes the imagination of the designer has apparently run riot, and such an array of odd concalts, strange combinations of color and eccentrici ties In shape and arrangemeut has seldom been seen." The Philadelphia Press-says: '-]t Is a brilliant speota;le, full of jfuu and frolic, and Was received by a qrowded bouse with enthusiasm. The" chief elements of the piece are bustle and rattle from the momeut the curtain rises upon the dismal abode of 'She' until the fioal transformation scene is hidden from sight there is one uneod- iug rush and hurrah, a march is suc ceeded by a chorus and that by a comic duett, then a dazzling ballet fills the stage until one wonders where ail tbe periormers come from. There Is plenty of iaugbter, some well se lected music, a*nam «f young women gaily attired, and set in seenery.ptten artistic and always telling. 1'bese are ail factors that go to make a great success.'* In New York the eutire Press were equally emphatic. , The piece could run a year iu New York but arrangements had been made long ago to briug it back to the Chicago Opera H>use where it will be seen In January. This will be its last appear ance In this city. 1 Biaak Leslie^ Sasttoy Jta£**lae. , The January numbar of this maga zine, coming out before ^e holidays, very prbperfy * devotes some of its pages to Christmas scenes, stories and poems. Beginning with a beautiful poem by O. A. Davil^ entitled Under the Mistletoe, A. D. 1187, we bave dis cussions on the significance of Christ mas, Christmas Custom* and Festivi ties, Christmas Street Music, and Christmas at Mount Yernoq, a poem by Etta W. Pierce. Tnere Is also au article From Bethlehem to Calvary, with four full page pictures of actual scenes in tbe Holy Laud from recent photographs, a very Interesting arti cle ou tbe Legend of the Holy Grail, aod a oaustic one ou the firm of Push and Pull by Dr. Talinsge. In addition to this special holiday reading, there are other good articles. The Last ol the Pines, by W. H. Ballou, is well written and Illustrated, and Darwin, is an Interesting sketch of the career of that famous man. Pompeii, by Marc F, Valette, takes us back eighteen centuries, and Ouly a Heap of Rub- olsb, by Adelia Beard, Is essentially of to-day. The serial story, Gene vieve, Is continued, and there are two short st >rles, besides mauy short arti cles, bright poems aad beautiful pict ures. This number Is tb i fiiet ol a uew volume, and affords a favorable time to Subscribe tor the uiagaBlne. Wings aud otiiigs. This is the airy, stinging title of another sprightly and amusing book uy Palmer Cox. It Is one of the Queer People series, and similar to its com panion "Paws and Claws," of which we told you recently, 'This is one .ol tbe fuonlest aud brightest hooks lor youngsters we bave ever seen. Toe illustrations are splendid and will make the boys ^and girls roar with laughter. Tbe ilpstoa Budget says: As a holiday book nothlug could be more appropriate, since nothing couid confer greater pleasure upon the little ones.*' The National Repub'ican says - Every page is a picture and all tbe text music, a fouutain of fun never ceasing. It will make youiig eyes laze." It will certainly be wonder fully popular, It is published by Messrs. Hubbard Bros., of PuilaXel- phia, Chicago and Kansas ^Jity whom persons desiring a copy or anN agency should apply. ^ Sanitary Bureau, Mow York. 1 Dr. Cyrus Edson of the New York Health Department prescribes Speer's Port Grape Wine lo his practice as the purest and most reliable wine to be nad, and his opinion is endorsed by bis ass >ciates as will be seen trom the following: YORK, Ujaedibat 9/J8&7.' Tbe 9peer, N. J. Wine bo. GENTLEMEN: Having used your Port Wiue to a large extent in my family in cases of sickness and found it to be a'.l that was recommended of it by my f imily physicUc, I desire to purjuase it by the doz^a bottles. Respectfully yours, JAMBS BBTAN. Sanitary Inspector Health department, New York OHy, Druggists keep it, Silk Handkerchiefs 20 oeatR, FltcsliBQioM A HeBderaoa*|« ALCONOUIN. ("NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin ity, knowing themselves indebted for tbe PI.AI»I>K*I.KR RUN loam of IHO amount by nailing on John Helm, who Is authorized to receive money and receipt for tne aame, in nur name. Those wishing to suoscribe can leavn tneir name* at his; store. Call on him *n<i get a sample copy J EDITOR PLAINDEALEK:--Mrs. L. Wen- holz has be.en sufiering the past Week with neuralagta in the face. Mrs. Wakefield, of Ridgefield, was the guest of her daughter,uMrs. Wo, Jencks, last week. Mrs. Lang lass, of Elgto, wttb ber sister, Mrs. Reynolds, of Obto, were the guests of Mrs. W. Phillips and Mrs. C. E. Chapefl a part of last week. At C. E. Chapelt's auction sale of a car load of milch cows 60 Monday ol this week, covs sold at an avers .e of •37 per bead. The Algonquin Enterprise Club will give a social party on Monday eve ning, Dec 24th, at Plngry's Hall, and all are cordially invited to attend. Tickets including supper, #1.25. Music by Sear's oreaestra. Mrs. E. A. Ford his been quite sick for the past few days. . ; M t% • •; JaaiQS .tuaii^tiii • quite sick again, :v/.v' ,, There will be a real live Santa Claus at the Congretlonal Church on Christ mas eve. Mrs. Dr. Kay. of Huntley, Is visiting here with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Mor ton. ; Where Is JoSephinel Has she eloped? '•»- It is reported that H. B. Throop Is reoelTlng large quantities of fur by expreai. RINCWOOO. EDITOB PLAIN* DEALER-- : We are having a very pleasant time In our little village this winter. There Is little sickaess and all appear to be en joying themselves. There have been two grooery stores established here during the past few weeks, and seem to be doing a fair business. Our school ts fuller than usual this winter0. There are fourteen or fifteen outside scholars, young ladles aod gentlemen from different parts of the county. Prof. W. S. Nlckle, of Chicago, will soon close a very interesting and profitable Singing School, which be has conducted here during the past three mouths. He proposes to close wlwa grand concert on Wednesday evening Dae. 26 i'he Professor will brll^g out some friends from the city, who will add much to the entertain ment. They deserve a good house and we hope they will get it. Ad mission 25 cents. Children 15 cents. Doors open at 7 P. M. Concert com mencing at 8 sharp. There will be a Christmas tree at the M. E. Church, Monday evening. A very fine program me is being pre pared. Carl Fay and wife, of Soloa, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. 4 1 The locisble at Kiehif d Law8on>s last Thursday e? en Ing was a very en joyable occasloa and was enJ»yed by all. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nlckle spent Sundsy with WM. N'.otle of this village. Mrs. E Hopper la {sufiering from In flammatory rheumatism. Her many 1 rlends bops for her speedy re00very, Evartsort's Bargain List. Men's Underwear, good quality, 45c per suit. , v Men's Overooats from $2,004^ Bed Blankets 85o per pair. ' - ; Large size Autograph AlbaaM 10c. Toilet Soaps, large cikes 5c, Bread Toasters 5c. Corn poppers 10a Vases 5,10 and 30c. Picture B<)oks aod Scrap BiOkS 10c Child's Toboggans 10a Four Handkerchief's 5a Extra good Waterprjrfi 37c, Plenty of others, f * • Jomc EVAN SON A Co. lil i: Tbe three wise m< f of Gotham ^ Would not hai been so wise, Had they not sougl for knowledge^ And used their and eyes fit getting infoi rnation Of every sort and feln ̂ nstead of going ̂ the world Like men both deaf and bl be as wise as th ĵv If you but choose to buy * The Soatp that's callecf the SANTA CLAUS-- j Its good effects to try, . ̂ ̂ ̂ Because 'twill help you through your work At such a rapid rate, . ̂ |pa|p)u'̂ have time to master all you cart to tmdMkte Ail Grocers seU SANTA CLAUS SOAP, by N. K. FAIR BANK & CO., CHICAQO* CLAUS •M f : NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without further delay, as my books must be closed. Remem* ber this Is the last call and If yoa wish to save trouble, attend to this at once. Delays are dangerous. B, V . SHBTAKa McHenry, Deo. 10th. 1838^ Stone A Hart, corner Main Street and the Public Square, Woodstock nave the largest stock of Bjots, Shoes and Rubber Goods to be found in tbe county. DJ not fail to call on them when lo want of auythlng in their line. Bangs <!. s •- Ladies, use the Bissell's Frizzing Iron to curl your bangs; they|save time and trouble. To be found at J. A. Story's drug store. G" to Althotf Bro*. for Fine Shoes. I'he finest stock in town. Is Consumption ineurablo. Read the following: Mr.C. H. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with abscess of the lungs, and friends *nd physicians pronou iced me an in curable consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, am now on my third bottje and able to oversee tbe work on* my (arm. It is the tlnest medicine ever macle." Jesse Middlewart, Dacatur, Ohio, says:,, fc*Had it not been for Dr King.s New Discovery for Consump tion I would bave died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in the best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at G. W. Bes ley's drug store. . * To Bent^ ^ A large dairy or stock farm consist ing of 40D acres situated one and one- hair milcB west of Rlngwood belong ing to the estat of the late R H. Carr. This farm has been completely fitted and worked as two farms--haviug a complete set of convenient dwellings, barns, stables, silo, hog bouse, wind mill, etc., for each farm. Also an ice house in good repair. Is well adapted for one Urge dairy or stock farm or two smaller ones, and will be let for a term of yearatogether or separate tor I a cash rent. For terms apply lo Mrs. Hr IL Carr OB the premises. Try Besley's^Iron Tonic Bitters. For Coughs and Colds TakS 8tory*S "Tar and Wild Cherry." Ladles and Misses Cloaks at Perry A Owen's. Prices lower than anybodys. Golden Machine Oil at J. A. Story's Drugstore. " When yon desire a pleasant physic try St. Patrick's Pills. Cheviots--the most stylish dross- goods out, 48 oeats at Fltsdmmons A Henderson's. If your hogs Thujops or do Thorley Food* cough, have tbe not thrlvo, feed Extra good ginghams and prints only 4} cents a yard at Rvanson's.j If your chickens are troubled with oholera or roup use Thorley Food. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy 1 WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo* 1»nry. it, BIHOP. Perfumery, all the latest popular odors, always fresh, fragvaat aad latt lagatStorys. v-: ; FOR SALE, House and Lot In this village, in good repair. Good outbuildings and first nlass water supply. For further particulars apply at this offloe. f Heavy winter wraps only 01 JO at Fitsiimmons& Henderson's. AU wool Tricots 20 cents at Fits- Simmons A Henderson's. , fine Plush Albtifets at See those Basley's, _________ If lo want of anything in the line of foot-wear, do not fall to examine the immense stock at the old reliable Boob and Shoe House, corner Main Street and the Public Square, Wood stock, Stone & Hart, proprietors. Their stock is complete in every par ticular, and their prices the lowest. M. P.--A New Disoovsry. Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowels should never be acted on by irritants like common pilli*. utr&u, etc., by a new method. Samples free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. ' Call in and get measured for a nobby pants at #7. Don't pay 99 and $10. Your choice out of 200 samples, Also have your clothes altered, fitted and cleaned, as he oan not be beat lr. doing a nice job. E. LAWLUS, Tailor. FARM FOR SALE. undersigned offers for *ale his fsrm,consisting of 135 acres, situated 2J miles from Greeuwood and 3 miles trom Ring wood. Good House and Barn and plenty of water 00 tbe premises. Is a No 1 Dairy farm. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars inquire of tbe undersigned, on the premises. j. E. itorraa. Dated Oct 88th, 18SS IMat. Oar Holiday Locals.- Twenty-five styles Mufflsrs, SBo to •100. Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs 20 cents. Silk handkerchiefs, 50 cents, up. Hoods and Toboggans 25c to $1.00. In evaporated fruits wti carry Necta rines, California Peaohes, Turkish Prunes, Calitoroia Apricots, Silver Prunes and Snow Apples. Our stock of groceries always war ranted fresh. - I storm M n&AiB- Christmas Cards from 5 cents up, at Fitssimmoos & Henderson's. " Several years ago Chamberlain A Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, commenced the manufacture of a cough remedy, believing it to be the most reliable preparation yet produced for coughs. co<ds and croup, tbat the public appre ciate true merit, and in time It was Certain to become popular. Their most sanguine hopes have been more than realized. Over three hundred thousand bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now sold each year and it is recognized as the best made, wherever It is kuown. It will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. For sale by O. W. Besley. ________ Something Everybody Wants Just Now. Is warm Wiuter goods, and having tbe comfort of our patrons at heart we bave laid in a large line of Ladies' Underwear, Ladies' Wool Hose, Misses Wool Hose, Children's Wool Hose, Ladies' Rubbers, Children's Rubbers, Ladles' Arctics. Men's Underwear, Felt Boots, Men's Rubbers. Alaskas and Arctics, Wool Lined Coats, Wool Lined Vests, Pants and Vests to match. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Blankets. Nuts, Dres$ Goods, Olngham, eta, lo endless variety. STonrsi, B BbAK*. HOW CAN PARENTS Allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmy says "Ob it is only a little cold," aud keep giv ing them cheap aud dangerous medi cines, until they are down with luug fever or consumption, when they can be so easily relieved by Bsggs' Cbe rry Cough Syrup? It has no superior, and few equals. For sale by J. A. Story 1 aad John Humphrey, Druggist's. Business Notices. A choice Hoe of Box Paper, at Besley's, West Side. £ SMOKE the "Empire Cuban,* .. best Five Cent Cigar in the market. „ City residences for sale, Apply Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, IU. ' Besley's Worm Syrup for ohlldron has no equal. All kinds Ladles' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store west side, ' • '•'iP I» you want a first class Photograph, ft call on L. E. Bennett, over Perry A S Owen's store. Go to'Mrs. E. w. Howe's forHmis-l ery and Dress Making. "Carry the news to Hannah," that the best place to buy Ladies Finev Shoes is at Aitboff Bros. Besley's Death to Rats is sure and certain. Don't be troubled with these pests longer. Plura-ba-go-lsfe, the flufctt llragOB* Grease ever used, a new thing, at Candies, a fine a*ii^&«Bfti• last re^* ceived at Story's Drug oivrv. Cigars and Tobacco, all the popular brands are found la our stock. Story's. , • • The chotoest brand? of O, town, at Besley's Drug Sto Side. Call la and see the best sewln-. chine in the U. S, of America to; least money. E* LAWMfa, Machine Oil, best quality, 50 ceaftt; p West^Sld0' M Besleja DruX fesore, ~ Cut-steel ornaments for dress-mak- Ing^oniy 15a at Fitsaimmons & If you want to see the of Fine Shoap at the lowest at Aitboff wos. THE Peerless Dyes, the best _ on the market and warranted^ Geo. W. Besley's West Sida Paints, all kinds and colors, in, ttfr* limited quantities. Mixed paiQt b#ttie pail or gallon at Story's Besley's Extract of Jamaica 0ta«O#« the finest thlog on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. ' 31 NEVER fall to read tha advertise* « ment and looala of Bonslett A Stoffal "' A3 they are cbauged from week to week, Toilet articles, sucti as are usually found In a first class, well regulated pharmacy oan be had at iitorri Drug Store. \ . .•/ v.v^ Boy's knW pants at 25a. ' Boy's 1 suits, f2.0j\ Wool, double knit capi% "^'4 3 5 c . S c o t c h \ k n l t f a u c y g l o v o s 5 5 1 Overalls 45c. ^Socks, from 3 ceuts tO 40c. Men's fine\ shoes, 91.85. Plow": shoes. #1.00. Boy's double tappetf '"'I boots, f2J5. - . ^ Droppecl":beacl. Physiologists estimate that heart does 5,000,000 pounds of' each day. No wonder people dead with worn out hearts. This be prevented by Dr, Miles' mw aad great discovery, the New Cure. Always cammeuces when you first begfa to get short of breath, bave weak, faint or < smothering spells, pain we tenderness In side. etc. Sold at. Geo. W. Besley's Drug Store. f Go to Mrs. C. A. Hutson's for Fair snd Winter Millinery Good. • „> FRUIT and Vegetables ofall kinds at Altbofi Bros.Marken. COUGH! and COUGH! and COUOHlIf » • ' What io the jfeorld is tbe reason yod will" cough and keep coughing aad, wV,""<% still keep trying interior nted|ala«B^ ^ when Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup Witt positively relieve your cough at ©ooa^t-^aj This is no advertising scheme, but an t actual fact, and we guarantee it. For vf , sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and J. Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggist's, i ' r The immense sale of Cbaraberlaia>^ * ? M Cough Remedy has been produced tfi • ^ a great extent, by people, who .IMMPO * been cured by it telling their fnM^ttk' and neighbors of its good quailtiea lilMi urging them to try it. Tbe moil Oa*i vere cold will soon yield to its sootib- Ing effects, For sale by G.W. Besley. ,L h- Buckien's Arnica Ssiva The best Salve iu tbe wot Id for eats, oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblains, eorns. and all skiu eruutiaus, and pea- tively cures piles, or no pay required. it is guaranteed to give perfect nth- faction, or money refunded. Price SB certa per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. WHAT ON EARTH is the reason people will aot, Caai aot, or do not see auy difference Is cheap nostrums put up by Cueap Jola houses or irresponsible parties ai enormous profits, rather than take a medieine of world withs reputatlOB and one that Is giving universal satta- factiou at eq'ial pric.»? No medUriaa in the world is giving such uaparv alleled satisfaction lor purifying tho blood as Baigs* Blood PurtSar A Blood Maker, and every battle that does not do its work will cost |M , aothing. For sale by J. A, StasVk McHenry and John HnokphfStft Hi oanda, Druggist's- * i'.» ./•- .'f-- ;