Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1889, p. 4

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aj'H'T.ii'i ji'll rr • n Ti T JAN 9. 1889. Bdltor. >T^T> May he fern ad on 'EK.i. «»•&£ Hew*ps at paper Advertl _ : dtrett), where advertising NEW YORK. sded that Hon. Cbaa. B- B« county, who BO gal- Republlcan minority in , Mil probably be chosen H<b »n of the 8tata Senate, the Elgin Board of Trade Batter dropped to 87c and pounds being told at tbe 18.810 pounds at the latter in ore not anxious to at Total sales 91,115. •Tiie State T^glslatura meet* lo« 'IF, at SprlngAfld. Tbe Nbr Speaker, of tho awKe will [sharp. bat tbe prospect* are that Asa Matthews will bo chosen. Cailum wil£ bftnnemlnated bgr the Be­ ta. If General Loir. Irhnd of presl- really intended to »nt elate of politics i la bis new play, "Com- Ibed in January Har CMs, hot the minutes stretch boar* la plague of treat Ban's doors, and on their |t bang I Senator Edmonds, fa preeent- from tbe Wonan's Re- of Salt Lake city, remon- Igmlnst any action of Congress 10 tbe admission of Utah as a toofc occasion to state that there •mcb danger of any such action la--Ion. Ail food citizens ran say, amen, to this sentiment, issdditlon, we will take tbe 11b- the hope that no Will ever be taken until ^ aball have been "really and igl the chtldfen say, abolished itrtltory. 39"Adam Forepaogh, cne sbowuiis, ted bis famous big elephant to the Philadelphia Zoo on morning. At about noon beast was served with an Christmas dinner at his new ft, He ate a barrel of cabbage, bushels of potatoes, which be 4 under bis fees and then mixed bay, forming a sandwich loved healthy elepants; a peck of on- twenty-five loaves of bread, of carrots and half a bushel of He washed this down with water and then need 900 y to pick bis teeth. i war with Hayti baa culml- Prnldent Legitime, of tbe government has [concluded flttl tt is best to do about as TJncle #aa aaya wten ho means business, has f« rendered tho United States r, Haytlaa Republic. Admiral WMt down there, and at the |aiK0athof the oannon. Legitime the fSnewly made president came down out | of the tree. The owner of the steamer twa commenced suit against the Hay- Moaawhlle Hlppolyte and his follow- •n continue to devastate the northern llftttt of the Island. 1 MTTbe Associated Democratic <duba of the United States, In a circu­ lar recently Issued, deolared that they will fight the next campaign on the i as the last, namely the tariff, be called good grit, the history of reoent events, one 3:$*fftrticular, November 6th, doesn't It a little like poor judgment f overyone has heard the little pfaty of the bull and the red flag. > as of it. The New York has tbe young men of the Dem > Globe out into tbe woodshed ids to lay down a few funds Inolples of pelltics. It goads In tbe usual after election i condemns blm to tbe lgno> ' a defeat on a free-trade basis, i tt calls upon tho party to wipe i fiUMtrade dust ont of their eyes them to the neoeseity of re ; tbe issue of 1888. But no ; Democrats will light it out itollne. That's right; stick to i will wake up to tbe fact that quite heavy dropped about §|*tk»aio. There are none so as these who won't see VatBltty Among Swlnegi,^,,^ Bowe, liviii* in HefefOfi, re- id about a balf'pailful of into his swill barrel, not ring that tt was an experiment !>was almost sore to prove disas- after feeding hts hogs ttlxtore. a large number of suddenly sick, and distmaa, as though they had poison. Some ran around froth ytiwplr month like mad creatures I* few boure eight of Mr. Bowe §ad bast hogs were dead tt did not succeed in getting the brlne-swlll, were quite or two but finally recov tbat several years ago Mr. if that town lost twenty ,• tbat Inroad their toes up pork-brine mixed with _ stars should make a note IJtMp that kind of mixture i their swlno.--Harvard In- Ight in tbe | world la. a " it in a fomor lily Goagb Syrup (•fe»ids,tfU women can Tho HtUa work entitled "Trasts,* written by Wm. W. Cook of tbo New York Bar. is well worth study by all thinking citizen*. , For many years the Intelligent free press of this country have been expos­ ing the dangers to $hOw*ss of the people, resulting from tbj» prevalence of monopolies, and Corporations, call­ ed into exlstenoe to create monopoly. Extensive agitation among citizens has been the result, and some legis­ lative acts have boon enacted, which have somewhat ohecked the greed of monopolists, but tbe evil"has not been abolished and still grows. The citi­ zens recognise this fact, yet hardly know whatimeasurea to take to stop tho growing evil. Within the last few years a new form of combination has sprung into •Xlatofco*, called M Trusts," which are tnoroaslng in strength and' number so rapidly that they have called forth tbo essay which is named above. The author defines so clearly the meaning and object of the organiza­ tion called a "Trust," that we copy his words as follows: A "Trust" Is a combination of many competing concerns under one man­ agement, whieh thereby reduces the cost, regulates the amount of produc­ tion. and increases the price for which the article is sold. It is either a mo­ nopoly or au endeavor to establish a monopoly. * * Its ergani z at I on is Intricate, secret and subtile. * * It is a product of the highest order of business talent and executive ability. It is at oooe a monument of American genius and a symbol of American rapacity," The author, Mr. Cook, then ex plains the details of the organiza­ tion of "Trusts^" shows how they evade the restrictive laws whlbh gov­ ern corporations and exposes the dan­ gers resulting to the mass of citizens from their existence. That "Trusts" are contrary to public policy, be clearly proves Hfor there can bo no denial of the fact that a 'Trust' Is organized to do away with compe­ tition. Without that result, It Is a failure; with It a success. The par­ ties combine to control the market and to control it without any competl* tton," Tbo law baa been called on for decis­ ion on this point, and has affirmed that a "Trust is a combination in re­ straint of trade, and that as such, It is illegal and void." Tbe author quotes numerous decisions in support of this general one, all tending to show tbat tnese uuuiuluakivuS «» outside of the pale and protection of the law. Also defines very clearly tbe obligations and legal position of the shareholders in trusts, and clearly establishes the fact tbat they are selfish combinations for unlawful gain. The rapid multiplication of trusts Is then spoken of and tbe fact that; "the fabulous profits which flaw from an ab­ solute 'Trust' have dazzled the minds and set on fire tbe imagination of men." The sugar trust la mentioned, and the fact that from that comblaa- tion, a profit of over thirty millions oi dollars a year, in addition to the old profits, Is the estimated gain to the manufacturers in this one case* And the fact that these trusts are secret enables the members to argue within the secrecy of their conclave that the public is at their mercy. Altogether, an astounding i picture of the mon­ strous evil thai has almost silently been developed by tbe formation of Trusts" is presented, and one that the mass of citizens hardly as yet re alize. But their existence Is now a fact, and It will require steady firm action on the part of the people, to overthrow them. For a "Trust relies upon its capital. Its secreey, its unsrupulous tal ent, its fearlessness, and its concen­ trated power." to defy opposition and carry out its rapacious purposes. Such is the formidable shape that tbe greatest monopolies, like tbe Stan dard Oil Company, and maay others have now assumed; greater in power and scope than any tbe world ever saw before; that the author thinks it time for tbe people to begin to resist them •oaces the strongest means to that oad in a free competition of tbe pro ducers of all countries. Tbe trusts are absorbing and holding all producers in our own nation, but be thinks cannot hold those of all nations. He thinks la this free all-world competition, tbe Trusts must find their victor. They are now unnaturally enriching their own members at home, by their almost universal prevalence. The few are be­ ing enriched at tbe expense of the consumers, the mass of tbe people, But a competition open to all producers of all nations, can, and must break down these unnatural monopolies. And this can only be secured by tbe efforts of the mass of tbe people, through the agency of a free and untrammelled press. Such are bis arguments, and they arc, strongly presented. Tbey should bo read by all inter­ ested in the future of the American people. Whether tbe best means to avoid the dangerous power of "Trusts' tbat arc now encroaching on the rights "of the mass ef American citizens, are those advocated by Mr.» Cook, Is a question for every one to determine for himself. There is no question In any intelligent citizen's mind that "Trusts" are a threatening evil, as they exist at present, and tbat action should be taken at once to limit their power and check their further developemeut. For under their pree ent form they are developing a prlvl? legad class who accumulate enormous wealth from their privileges; a result not in accordance with tbe principles which constitutes a Democracy. Leg lslatioa should secure equal opportuni ties, to aU not to a privl leged few, and it is the duty of the voters and thinkers of this American Nation to see tbat the legislators they choose are men who will act up to these patdMlc senti­ ments. to. > > <'vm-NnXM** c*nT«nti*a. The farmers and tile makers of tbla state will be interested in the follow­ ing interesting programme of tbo eleventh annual meeting of the Illi­ nois Tile Maker's Association, which will be held in the state house at Springfield, January 21-2*2, 1889. Tho meeting promises to be of un­ usual Interest to tile makers as wall as farmers who are using such large and increased quantities of tile each succeeding year bolt forfliadlaBd farm drainage. * / ̂ PBOQKAMKB.' - TUSflDAT JAW. 21,110 O'OIXXJK, Oallto order, . V Address of Weloome,' Governor Joseph Fifer. Roil Call. Reports of members ai to the Interest in Drainage in their respective localities, and suggestions for tbe advancement of the tile makeis business, AFTERNOON SMSSIOH. President's Address. • * %*•?*. " Report of Secretary and TreasutfclU' • Appointment of Committees, . t - . < Business. Resolutions, ete. i "How to Increase the Demand for Tile," M, Oamun, editor of the Brick and Tile Ga­ zette, Ottawa, Illinois, "How to Avoid Mistakes in Tile Drainage," E.I. Oanteeh, Bloomington, III. Question Box. Vv .. EVEwiwQ eustoir. t 1 "Comparative Results Ot>tatn&! 'i)t the Farmer in the use of Tile," D. O. Loy, Monti- cello, III. "Best Methods of Making Tile," U. 9. Stoll, Lexington, III. * "•How to Increase the Demand for TUe," J. F„ Spaulding, Uibsoa City, III. WEDNESDAY .TAN. '22, lOO'CI/O^K, A, M, "Profits in Manufacture and Sale of Tile," Alex McBain, Bardolph, 111. Qaestion.iRox, answered by J. J. W. JBill- ingsley, Injlianapolis, Ind. * AFTERNOOH S£BSH>». ? V "Tile Drainage in Hard pan SoilS,** George W. Morrew, Champaign, 111. a 'Koad Drainage," tteorge Stare, Sibley i-e-v ' i'AOgtt * * K-ft?y That's the common exclamation of those suffering witli rheumatism <a; ltidBey troubles, either disease Paine's Celery Compound will sorely effect a cure, and gttM wBB no logger be * In ( ^ But we don'fc like to keep old stack. We Keep old friends by keepings new stock, and all the old goods * mst8o& "*v-" • any cause to complain of "poor backs." iog confirm our claims for that grand did « Two weeks ago I could not sleep was constipated and kidneys did not act, back. Since I took Paine's Celery and I can sleep like a child." Zenas " Having been troubled with rheumatism to get around, and was very often con have used nearly all medicines imaginable, tage. V Having seen Paine's Celery Com * as a boy." Frank Caroli, Eureka, Nevada. Hundreds of testimonials Hke the ioneir- remedy, Paines's Celery Compound: more than an hour at a time any night," and had a good deal of pain in the - ; Compound the pain has left my back,; < ̂ Sanders, West Windsor, Vermont. * p for five years, I was almost unable' ̂̂ fined to my bed for weeks at a time. 1/ ̂ besides outside advices, but to no ad van- ' pound advertised, I gave it a trial. I have t̂̂ Price >$r.oo. Six for $5.00. • Means and III. general busi-Reports of Committees, ness. Election of Officers. For further particulars address the Secretary, G, C. Stoll,, Lexington, or the President, E. It, Pike, Cbcnoa, Illinois. Railroads will sell excursion tick* ets to all who] desire to attend the convention. Parties attending the above meeting and passing over two or more railways en route to the con­ vention, should procure reoeipts at each starting point for the full fare paid going over each line, as separate return tickets are issued far each com­ pany. $ K > ' ' New , - 5 " ? r 5 ' And in older to properly take care of them we ;fl®ast first make room. We do not expert you to buy ;/, these good-* as a matter of accommodation to us, just; to help us out. We know it is worth return favors* : jto be thus accommodated and ase wiping to ^ayf i SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SEND FOR 8-PAGE TESTIMONIAL PAPER. WiXLS, RICH#RDSON & CO, Proprietor* ' BURLINGTON, VERMOHT. V PERRY * •t^ ' ^ ••wew*Jgm~g-iso wbrthy yottr • „ closest study and purchase. Tjbe goods we are anx4|! 4 ious to dispose of on very low figures, are goods that would have to be packed and stored for another season. These will be our main feature. But toj; , make variety we shall add from every line carry* viz: " * , • r ;• ' f i THE Christmas Wide Awake Is os bright and beautiful that Santa Claus || may be suspected to have written and illustrated it himself; at any rate seme of tbe private doings of Santa's house­ hold have got into the magazine. Goody Santa Claus by Katherlne Bates, with its dozen jolly pictures is r«gu!»f 2reside chronicle of Father Christmas and his folks. Margaret Sydney opens her new Peppers aerial in this number. Tbe peppers Midway, tbe irrepressible irresistible Pbronsie, coming to meet us in the opening sen­ tence. This story will run through the year. J. T. Trowbridge, in his story, Adventures of David Crane and David Vane opens the door on a typi­ cal New England farmhouse family, where every member is a distinct character. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (Mrs, Herbert Ward) coutributes one of her best Short stories, Tbe Toodle- iralte Prize. John Strange Winter^ the author of Booties' Baby, has a. good story with a sweet lesson, en­ titled Yum Yum: A Pug. Mrs. Gen. Fremont has a remarkable account of How tbe Good News Came Out of the West,1 and in short it is full of, good things from beginning to end. Only *2.40 a year. Dr Latbrop Co., Bos­ ton, Mass. Cloaks, Ovncoati, ClothkgiV '/:' ^-. . "A - Shawls, Blankits, flannels, Yarns, ' Gloves; Mittens, Robes, Underwear, CtcC i * ' .• v ^Whatever we have left of above, or any other warn^ goods, will be now sold until closedv out entirely . im­ possible, . ?! OVERCOAT ̂ t-w: «•' ..--J- Grasp the opportunity!" (Jail on « /.U WP. 1 ' Buy by daylight only, raid when the seller ^l^hind his promises, ; 5 - v . r ; - • • - • • THE Woodstock correspcodcot of the Harvard Herald, says:'Of the many sudden deaths ^noue waa more sudden or startling than that of Miss Sadie Lemmers, Monday evening, December 31st. She was in attendance at tbe Sunday school, Sunday in the best of humor, and was elected as iibrarlan for tbe ensuing year, having filled that place honorably for the past year. Monday evening aha waa enjoying tbe skating when death entered and abe fell to the floor his victim. She was a young i&dy of great ability, who won tbe affection and kindness of all her friends. She was greatly eateamed by all and a host of friends niourn with the bereaved ones in this, their honr ef affliction.1' Croup ls a terror to young mothers, especially during the winter months as it is then raost prevalent. It cae alwas be prevented If properly treated as soon as tbe first symptoms appear Hoarseness is the first^symptom; this Is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy is freely given as soon as these symptoms appear, it will invariably prevent tbe attack. There is no dan­ ger in giving the remedy as it con- taini no injurious substance. For sale jbf G. W• Besley. . ; . • FOR SALE. A farm of 90 acres of land, bouse, good out-buihlings, and good well of water. The above premises are situated In tbe town of Antioch. Lake County, 111„ three miles east of Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. For further Information Inquire of< D. F. Smiley. Woodstock, or John Hen drlcks, Spring Grove, 111. 17tf F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on |he most reasonable terms. Orders by mall will reoelve prompt ittaaUflSi Address F. K. GRANOBB, r-fH:- West McHeory, 111, ^ <s' v* ; tW ' '""u ^ifonqnla, IlUaota. have marked the above goods (wn way below COMPETITION. !e sure and see us before buyii^r. G0UDIN6 --BR0T WAUOONDA, ILLINOIS.' Tife ^i^ather has been remarkably fine thus far. but theOOLD will surely come and it stands every one in hand to be prepared for it, and how be^er prepared than to secure the ORE AT- BARGAINS •V'/- ;tl iMK w i"iigwir; PERRY & OWEN, BANKERS. W •M" NoV being offered at our store in all kinds of Heavy Goods. We mean business and will give you Lower Prices on this class of goods than over before offered in Lake County* * „ * - * " ,0UB STOC^t & ' Was never m^re complete than d prices before purchasing elsewficire . Special iaducemen ts for Cash Buy- •ers in sums from $5 up. GOLDINC BROTH ER8. Igheait MarlisecPriee paid for Farm Produce. v ' > ^ ' J, Before placing any Insurance call on ua We have the best companies in the world, rr- ^ \ \ , a - i ' / k v . ; V t i l " u +* V J. ,HM' ^ • "*.***> \ " r»-3;- Tv*>' iitfefeliilil' ' Stef 8QI0V STOrfU, Agent for so do not fall to get an estimate on your Lumber Irom-; W11*8 CODiNT, i Continental of N.I Fire, X.fghtnin(r and Tornado Insurance placed safely and with despatch in either of above companies. Policies corrected, changes and transfers made. Gallon or address Simon Stofiel. We«t M«Henry, Illinois. West Blood vs. Nerves, y Great mistakes have been made In tbe world, by supposing many nervous troubles were due to bad blood. This headache, tits, dizziness, sleeplessness, etc. are always due to weakness or Irri­ tation of the -nerves of the brain: dys­ pepsia, pain, wind, etc. to weakness of tbe nerves of the stomach: weak lunca Is caused by weakness of the parts: bllllousness, constipation, etc. to w«ak> ness of the nervesc of the liver or bowels: pains. Irregularity, sterility, to derangement of tbe uterine nerves. For all weakness, Dr. MUaa' great nerve and brain food anrpaases all other reasdles. Trial bottlae free at H*0ej's .Pan* , v>,. • /• ' iiMMmM? Near tl&o Depot. Illinois, Our stock of Lumber, ef «t!1 kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public " V Ik* Beat Qutty «f Loabtr, LOWEST LIVING --AT THE-- PRICES. Casinp, Door and finiow Frames-Ready Maie-always ob Hart. Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no paint to accommodate all who may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER COMPAHT. mum?** i I xm-~ V * ' ^ * „*S~ ' „ > ' . 4.. * » ' x - s. ' i' u -- - /> : , | Y r . CATARRH, CttarriMl OmIimm imI Hay Fnw. A NSW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware ffcai these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasite its tlie lining membrane of the nose and ens- tachlan tubes. Microscopic research, lio'W" ever, has proved this to be a fact and the result is that a simple remedy has beentor- tnulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deMiiep and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple appUcagons niade at home by the patient onoe In two weeks. N. 3.--For catarrhal discharges pecuUar to females (whites) this remedy Is a specific, A pamphlet explaining this new faeatment Is sent on recMpt^rften cento. by A. H. DIXON & SON, 9M WestHug St, TorsMito, Canada.--iScient^tc American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully. EA3UL1SS SPUfi WIB1 " IS THE C0MIN6 FENCE v 3 ̂ AGENTS WANTED! ii To canvas for one of tbe largest, oldest established. BEST KNOWN KUKSKB1ES •m lhe rtountrv. Most liberal terms Un. equaled belittles. OEN1TA, NVBSBBT, Established lliS- m __ _ Vt ft T. SMITH, Oeneva* If. Y. When you desire a pleasant physio try St. Patrick's Pills they can always be relied upon, and do not nauseate the stomach nor gripe the bowels. Fer sale by G. W. Bpsley. Ladles Embroidered Handkerchiefs for 16 cents, at Fltzslmmona & Header* ». -3 : It is ninnh more easllv seen by Stock tban ordinary barb wire, there being more than *wice the visible surlace presented to tbe eyes of stock by this wire than by the twisted barb wire, thereby obviating much of the danger of stock running agaiast this fence. Sboula such a thing by any means occur the contact would be harmless. Have been using it the past year ana am sattefle i that it will turn stock ae well as any barb wire, and, I would be glad to sell every pound of barb wire that I have (tot on my place at one-half price In foot judging from the damage that I have had done to stock in the lain three years, I think I would be tbe gainer It 1 should give it away aud replace it with 8»ur Wire. l)o von want a ffn«e that Is stronger than »ny imriUtwigted bart wire, giving tbe fait strength of two wires and yet wil! go tea to.fifteen |Mr cent, farther for same number of pounds than any of the tour point barb wires? Do yon want a fence tbat yon and year neighbor can agree upon tor llae fencing and thus save litigation? Do yea want a fence that ha^ been proven bv many users to have ah the merits we have stated? If so you wilt find it for sale at B Gilberts, West McHenry, or at my farm, \% miles WMt of McHenry, on Woodstock road. ( SAMUEL 8HERMAN. -sCitoageat for Big Giant Feed Mill wfefefcl! grinds Corn, cob and all. ^ M. P.-A Naw Diioowrjr Weakened and deranged llTarit atomachs and bowels should ssisr be acted on by irritants like oommon pills, bran, etc., by a new method. Samples free aft Geo. :8WW« - •»-.» Dro|

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