Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1889, p. 1

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< r , n-' ** - " \ • •- . 'i '•: Wmmmm KMwWwtWHil 1 .'. .•&'-' >AA'•'"•• ',•••' '-• -' * r * •. if. < ' i '. *v*,.• . * V * - - " - - < • * ' , _ • , * - -j "V:.. : ;; *C, " ' . , ;' --. . .i:;->.':t;.V--.s ;v.,;v:"f: I" .r n ' i-fiv-f •'« • , A <4 h -* I *r~* V. v 1u>-r "V * £ -iy '> Ufa - feci'. :v;>; * Wi':r e»&> ^**:v A5-; Bed but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Aw*." VOL. 14. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1889. Fbblimbd Xrs': •' WiuMfnsoATU^V;" >•#*. V AN SJLiYIS^^C * - XDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. \ Ottc« 111 Bishop's Block.; v tiftMjjia P*Mt';r,*t" Ow«w,«|.;r t't: ' - :#.#•; ̂ ; • i ~. . . .^K i"? • '• 'A4v* If; Tsaic* or suBioaiPTioN. OjM T«ar (In A.t vsace) -- |LW Ifaot Paid within Throe Months....... .. S.S0 ^Bhsc-riptions received for tlirM or nix •Mths hi (be same proportion. m * & KatM of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising m the PunmiiLK, and endeavor to state them m plainly that they will be readily an. lor* teed. They are.*" follows: 1 loch one year 500 9Inchesone year "4* •, * WW *1 Ioehosone year ;'•> <*"" 1500 SColumn one year • * - » ' * •.>•** so 00 Oolumn ene year- - - • . 6000 Column ene year - . -. - •. 100 00 ,* #ne lnoh means the aeinraamt of one ach down the column, single column width. 7early advertisers, at the above rates, hare tbe privilege of changing as often as they shooie, without extra oharge. "•k* $ • Rlrular advertisers (meaning those having Itanalng cards) will be entitled to insertion jtt local notices at the rate of (5 cents per line •ach week. All others will be charged 10 sent* per line thp first week, an* 6 cents per lino fsr each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at tho rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and I osuts per lino for subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.00 fer two weeks, *2.00 for three woeka, and so on. The P&AiNDRAT.mi will be liberal in giving •dttorial notices, bat, as a business rulo, it will require a suitable fee fro in everybody seeking the use of its columns for peounlary gain. BUSINESS CARDS- O.H. PKOERS, M, D- "5 r»HT9IOlAN AND STJTWEON, MOHOBTT. * I. Ills. Oflloe at Residence. O.J.HOWARD, M. D. rMtTHIOIA^ AND 9TJ8GBON, McHenry, 1 • 111. once at Residence, one door west B. Church. WSf.; OS BORNE, JJ«. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURG ROM. Offloeat the Parker House. West McHenry. Calls prgmp.iy attended to day and night. < BAHBIAN BROS. CIQAB Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, m Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. Livery Stable. iiti «3 S. WIUHTMAN, Proprietor. First M, class rigs, with or without drivers famished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done oa short notice. NEAR THE DEPOT\ f£8T McHENBY, ILL (Npi «pen t»r the aeoMMaodatieo rvWoa l^t-Clasa Saloon and Restanrant, i<lr« ho will at all times keep tho beat brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. • •'/ • v> Also Agent Tor FRANZ FALH?8 SILWAUKSK Li&ER BEES. Boer in I^argo or Small Kegs or Bott1®* *}" ways on hand, ohoaper than any other, quaU- |j eonslderod. - litters by maillpromptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOB HOR8K$,v . 4 " <MN»U ftnd see as. f ' Robert SohtoMtab •. Wwl IteflenrT. IH» . • : p A. Englon'a IJLOON AND bistaurant. Illinois Fini Eentueky Liquors, French Bitters, -McHenry]Lager -AND- I BUSINESS "CARDS. PaPL brown, Attorner at l VW . u. s. Express co.*» Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH, TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor tn ChanS L eery, Nunda, 111. ASA W • SMITH, A TTORNEY AT LAW and «olMMrJ|te A Chancery.--Woodstock, IlL JOSLYN * CASEY. Attorneys at law, woodstoo* tin. All business will receive proinnt atten­ tion. C. P. 'Barnes. D. T. Smileib BARNES St SMILEY, Attornevs. Solicitors and Counselors. Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Hon. T, D. Murphy. 7.4lAtmtey MURPHY * LUMLBY. Attorneys at law, and solicitors in Chanoerv, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Office in'the rear of Park House, flrst floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. 49*A Fall Assortment of Goods in his line United States far Clitin Agency OF H- COWLIN, Woodstock, Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against tho United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Wtdowftj Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reoiv. WH, H COW LI A Oflce at Resldenoo, Madison St., Woods toe*, Illinois. Attention Horserpen! MoHknrt, III., April 1st, 1838, I would respectfully invite the Public to oalland examine m 7 stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No bttSi. nets done on Sunday. N. 8. COLBY M'HBNKY ILL E. R- AUSTIN, Livery, Boarding ai Sail Stable, At Parker House Barn. FIRST CLASS RIGS, with or without Drivers, Furnished at Reasonable Rstes. Bus and Hacks run ti> and fr >m all Trains.-- Orders for Baggage Prowptty Attended tok West McHenry, III. Quintette Orchestra, *McHENRY; ILL. Are prepared-; to furnish First Class Mueic to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Rebt. Madden. Clarionet, C. Curtis, Cornet. L, Oiren, Trombone. E, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communication* to Jerry Smith, McHenry. SI for 13 Weeks/ The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in tho United Stales for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters agents and olubs. Sample copies mailed froe Address all orders to BICHABD K. FOX, ̂ Fkavklih 8QPABKt New York 1 ATTENTION I Farmery and Dairymen. It will pay those lookingjfor " CHOICE COWS - Fresh milkers or springers, to eKiT premises before purchasing. I can furnish such by the car load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRXTM, CH1HURO. Farm about.four miles northwest of Harvard. Illinois. ' JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker Sc Jeweler, MeHENRY. ILLINOIS. AriN® stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew-. elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watches. Give mo a call. V JOHN P. SMITH. Iijiny quantity from a Snitz Glass to SCO barrels. AT VTHOELSA-liE OR RETAIL B««riH battles, kegs or ca«e aa •teapastbe ckmpest. We bay none bat the bestud ieU Ebeasenable Prices. Call and see me and I will iwe «#u well. ANTONY Bipp||. 1888. ' c. G- ANDREWS. GENERAL AUCT10NEEH. SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Toole and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most B1AS0NA5L3 TKBtfS.' nilUIOfTO, v ; Spring Grove, 111 Spring irove.Aeut Ith. l'WS, Praetioi Painter DECOKATER. HEBRON, ILL. % Decoratiiigy Paper-Hanging, CALdlJUNIN&t Q&AININQ. *c Don* m short notice and satisfaction goaran- ;tood. Oall on or address^ H. FISH. v jsarn SToniL, - I Phoenix of Brooklyn, Agent ibr Continental of H. Y. : ; •' 'i •( National of Hartford •r: ¥ue.' fefi#lning and Tornado Insurance placed safe I v and with despatch in either ol above companies. Policies corrected, changes and transfers made. Call on ov address Simon StolFeL 'WkUt McHenry, Illinois. WIMt. STOFFELJ ^ --Agunt for--, , FIRE, | LICHTNINC, And A4&idcnUl Ilntaranoo. iVAIso Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama, an.l Oaiiforuia Lau<l s. Call on or address f'M. STOFFEL, McHenry, til. J. M. CILLELAND, --Dealer injaUl Kind* of-- 8A80 WOOS LUXBSB, EITHER BY CAR LOAD OR RBTABL. WO 370 SOUTH WATER ST.. - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. SQUARE TIMBER A SPECIALTY. WESTERN LANDS. " J. O. McGregor A| Co., of^Elgtn, IlllooiS, have tor sale in the Great Pipestone Co, Minn. 50.000 Aeres of Land. Which they offer la t Low Prices land iBasy Terms. Aee bills diving date of onr noxt Kxourslon. and for Full particulars apply to ,7 J|VANSLYKE. MiHenry,; IIU -m CEMENTING, IETG. Tho nndersigned is prepared to do all loitt in tho line of Digging Wcl!a, Repairing Pumps, Cementing: Wells, or will put in XT eCT On short notice and warrant satisfaction, la short will do all work in this lino. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap M any other man. references furnished if desired, tf you want a Well Dug, a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, give me a call. MTOrders by mail promptly attended to. PoatoHice, JonnBbwrr;. • . L. BANTES, Johnsburgh, IlL, Kay 28th, 1MB. RAILWAY, finetrattt the Centers oft Population ifl ^, IlMs, Iowa, r.. Miooesota, Dakota, : t . J -- ttm IvWtH eervlco Is" carefully arranged to meetlrequirementsot local travel, as well as to furnish tbe moat attractive routes for through travel between iinportant| Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din- tngand place sleopin* cars is without rival. Its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial ttaveler, tho tourist and the oeekers after new homes in the golden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnished 17 BERNARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, Uk Z 1 L W H I T M A N * ' r:- ' * Ghn* Manager* - k.-; JI a WICKBpt,' Traffic Mw*ag*r. " j ' J t P , W I L S O N , . mmrat fruienffer Aar.nU LOANS *ADE0N fabm land and in amount \ city property^ I. W. RAN8TKAD, Borden Illk. Elgin, 1U. ifyfc „ BUEEDE89 OF MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn, Btd M4 * Angsi And Jersey Cattle. bijjbi«$ jfftrzs West McHenry* III. Onr Morgan Stock is all pur* bred, aim Originated from tho best Morgan sto ik in tho United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at tho head )f our Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan iiorses in tbe country, and can show more and 'tetter all purpose colts than any other horse in the West. . Wo Invite the inspection of onr stoek by hsrsemen and all lovers ot lino animals, a few fall blood Morgan Colts and yonng iiorses for sale, Alao one matched team, fall ••lood;-. in Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn •vliich Wis are crossing with the Red Polled ingus and therefore instead of sawing off -the 10ms «ve are breeding them off and with ?ood success. A few Heifers and Bulla, both pure bred Short Horns and tho cross above mentioned for sale. _ • J. R. ftaylor A 8one» Went MnHnnrv. Hi.. Feb, 87th. J8S&. 11>U-3m esi in -^7 EV A'lfTTT • g1 L^AfliUS. 80LDHBS' UPABTmn. Edited !by WM. M. COWLIll, -WOODSTOCK, BM»---- "To care far him who ha* borne the battle, and for hit xaitlow and orphans.Lincoln. "Friendship, Charily, Loyally-- iTorthy *ont of Patriot FlUhers. "* A. R. Directory; OfS v'Him *O#t »a ML * "Meets the First and Third Saturday evenings of each month. L. E. BsmruTT, Com. woods took rosT, no MA Meets flrst and third Monday ovonlngt of eftoh month. « W. H, Momoa. Oom. mrm»A post, mo w, Moots the second and fourth iTnoodaf 0T«nl«c»0f each month. ^ ' v M - F . S t X a w O t t * B , O a M . 'J* UXTUDNIT.Ion, !' Itoets the sooona analtourtb Mondayovon Ingsot each month. - • C. W. OUTRANK. Com. Makknoo post, ITo. Mi, Moots every Second and Vonrtfe Friday evenings of each month. I. B. Mobbis. Oom. WAUOOKOA rOST, NO. MB. Foot moots every second and fourth Batur* <lay evening InG. A. R. Halt, Main St. Wakkbn E. Powass, Own, 4 for the Mooted MERCHANT TAILOR- Now is .tho time to got yonr Clothes made to order, for o* w. THE MEKCHANT TAILOR, Of Nunda, is now wlthX. La wins ami thev are now ready to do anything m the Tailoring line at very low prices C F. Tornow invitet> hlsfricn<is from Crystal T.akeand vicinity, and also the people of McHcnry and vicinity, to call and inapect th^ goods and get prices. Prices are as low here as anywhere according to the goods. Op] y E. LAWLliS, ite fUversido House, McHenry, 111. W. NICHOLS,^JR.. -;. v - • • • »̂W' 0o.n V^jctite. JEWELER kM ENGRAVER, * RICHMOND ILLINOIS, All work in my lino noatly and~promptly done. Fine watch repairing a specialty. F0^ ^ONSUMPf ' It has permanently cured thousands of cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Coiiqjh, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE for CONSUMPTION Immediately. By Druggists, 25 cents. W4^TED To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stoek. Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once stating ago. wmwrtiku. * HOWLAKD. „ ; ̂ Bocbosier. K. Y. Parker's SPAVIN CURE IS mnCHTAlED as aa application to horses far tbe cure of Bpavln, Bhra. •Mttlsm, Splint, Raviailu Joints, and all severs Lomo- ness, also for track uss whsa zwinced. Price «l.eO por Md^ Boldbydrnegista. BtroagtssM- menials oa appUeatlon. fm Mm W. BAKU, v ̂ •olemptMor, Ansa, *. U. VradonppUsa bT/iA. •.nans tie Co. , Betrolt, Xloh. 1 Petsr Tan Bchaack * Bona, Ghtosgo, I1L| Keys* Bra's * 00., tt, ImDa, Xa Silk Handkerchiefs SO centl, 1 FUsaiuinQQi A HenaertOB'i, * it KeroaeDei lhe beat qualitySlc(y> Pruf stare. Alone thoilkixmisk Use. MlssSwoot Is a candid*!* pension oflSoo at Chloago to Mrs. Mulligan. Tho body of Gooeral John A. Logan has been mo?ed to tho new Logan Cbapel ai tbo National Soldier* Home Cemetery, Waahlngton. Mm. Margaret I. Saodes hat been appointed an aid upoo tbe stai of tbe National president, W. R. 0. Thav Democratic G, A. B. . ' Which came with suoh a whoop) -'V •Nf w seems to be quito W. A. ft, : , t f %ith<n ye famous sonp. *" l'~~ "" --H)pringflel& Union. / *"> Tb* twenty-flrit WIscflttMtftt rata* funds for Its proposed memorial building at Waupaca, by stock sub­ scription. E. B, Woloott Post No. l, Milwauke* IV isconsin, has a membership in'good standing of '2t4. During tbe past year •12§ has been paid eut for relief. Post No. 4, Berlin, Wisconsin, has a .membership of 70. slue* its organiza­ tion, twenty odd years age, tbe high eat number reactied by tbe muster-to rolls was 184. Hans Howell Pott, No. <38, .depart­ ment of of New Tork, was mustered Oct. 37. Tbls is tb* baby post of New York and starts it* existeuoe with 30 charter mem bora. The attempted disruptlea ol the QraLd Army of the Kepublio has dashed In the pan and the danger la •ver. Tbe veterans who have clang togetbor through battle and through peace will hold tbeir raaks unbroken till death olaims the last man. It was just a small mistake. Adju­ tant Gen. Koontz did not lotead to withdraw from the Q. A. ft, and form a new Urand Army of his own, bat ho just wisbed to form a Democratic Urand Army Club. We are so thank­ ful tbe strain is lifted. Comrades K*entz and Painter might gain important information in arrange ing for tbeir new organization, by opening up a correspondence with «ooae of the Des Moines bright lights, vbo hare bad some experienoe in matters of this kind, Tbere has been nothing dope *0 fer ibis session of Congress in ref*renu* to the pension laws. Whether tbe general pension laws will be re-mod­ eled. according to tbe reoommendatioe of Grorer, is a matter yet lor the fu­ ture to deyelope. > Beaten by a Dead Tank**. . Wben General MeClellan was before Richmond and gr«at bavoc bed boon made in bis right wing by General Jackfton's forces, another battalion of Confederates came up, in the rear, one soldier, a oountryjmao, noticed upon tbe feet of a dead Union soldier a very fine pair of shoes. It occurred to blm that he would like amazingly well to exchange bis own strong cowhide shoes for tbe finely fitting ones of the dead man. Facetiously observing. Old tellow, I don't reckon you'i mind tbe exchange," be transferred them to his own leet. i be marob continued, sod before long the soles of the shoes began to drop off, and tbe Confederate soldier upon lifting them up, found to bis dismay ttat they wore made of pasteboard. One *f bis comrades exolaimed, Well, if you let a dead Tankee cheat you like that, what In all creation would a live one do with you." The Reason Why. . It is disheartening to any one who has tbe good of tbe Grand Army of the Republic at heart, to observe that bere and there a post becomes disheart eoed throws up its charter. We have studied i^to the reason of this with much interest, and present one or two that seems to us fatal and at the same (isae remediable, Tbe main cause of suspensions In most. If not all posts la non-payment of does. Ui.der the ralee end regu­ lations a member six months in ar­ rears is not entitled to a vote in the post and if one year behind he must be auapended. The oemmander ia left no diecretion ta the matter. The laofttffe it clear and explicit. And se It hap­ pens, that through^ carelessness, thoughtlessness and sometimes wilfull negleet one member after another stands suspended on tbe rolls, and in w*ak posts it Is not long before the required ten members to keep op the organization are net l*ft. Of course if tbe membership were so disposed, e remission of the dnea of these delinquents might be voted and their standing k*pt good In that way; but those who have prompt lv paid and kept out of arreara, wl!l seldom feel disposed to donate to com­ rades who are just as able to pay any, and quite often more so. Every poet has a creator or less number of members wh& are really too poor to pay dues, and w> think In ill posts the dues of such members has b«en habitual!? remitted. That Is no more than just for no old soldier should be deprived of the benefits of a membership in the Grand Army of the Repubile because of his poverty; nor should the same cause deprive his widow and orphan ohildren of that aid and support whloh the good standing of the husband and father In the order makes their due. But the greater part of those lus- pended for the non-payment of dues are amply able to keep up the pittance of 60 oents per quarter which is all that most posts impose. One of the wealth­ iest men in McHenry county, a mem­ ber of Richmond post, whos* charter was surrendered for reasons abov* re­ cited, never vlalted the post dor paid any dues. The quartermaster has al­ ways been prompt to notify members of their arrearages, so that no on* could plaad Ignorance as an excuse for • their non-payment end their subse­ quent suspension. * ' The blstory of Richmond postjls tbe history of nine-tenths of the posts tbst surrender their charters. To remedy these evils and keep the organization intact should have en­ gaged the attention of the National Encampment years ago, for they have ever been present from the first found­ ing of the order. Some changes in tbe rules and regulations ought to be de­ vised to remedy tbe fatal end. Unless it is done the order is bound to slowly disintegrate end rail to pieces. In oar vexation at theatate of aflaTrs we might urge that a men who doss net have Interest enough in bis post to keep up bis du*s does not deserve tw be so honored as to have bis name en­ rolled In that glorious organization which binds together in fraternal bonds three uundred thousand ol tae most intelligent and most patrlotle 01 the saviours of the union. But tbe same spirit would lead the missionary te abandon tbe heathen to his eanul- balism and his idols, aod the preacher (if tbe Gospel to let a alnlul world march stright on unwarned in tbe road to moral ruin. We must take men as we find them, and those who happen to be more intelligent mod more ener­ getic than their weaker brethren and comrades, should assume tbs leader­ ship end adapt the circumstances to the case. The question Is a pressing and a present oue--can the National En­ campment original* any obangea la the laws and rules governing the or­ der, that will prevant the too frequent disorganization of posts? We present this matter to:the attention of the lead ers of tbe G. •. R. for tbeir earnest consideration. [We heartily endorse every word of the above which we take pleasure in reproducing In full, end which we found In a recent issue ef the Rich mond Gazette, from that prince ol writers, Comrade S. F. Bennett. Com rades read it j every word is tru* and timaly spoken. Ed. Soldies's Depart­ ment,] Tha Union Soldier. The ex-Union soldiers and the sens •f tbe soldier are able to wield a tre mendous power in the nation j>olltl- cally. We do not pretend to say that tbey are a majority ol the legal vo­ ters of the states that did not go into the rebellion, but we do say that they are a respectable minority, and there is no doubt that they hold tbe balance of power, as between the two great political parties of tbis,cbuntry* ' As time rolls 00 ?e*r after year, the men who wore the bine and stood shoulder to shoulder during the dark days ef tho rebellion, are oomlug closer and closer together, and to-day they are standing on the same plat­ form demanding at the bands ef tbe government, equal and exact justice to tbe men wbo took their lives in their bands and went forth to battle for the unity of thestetds, and the security of the flag. The union soldier may differ widely en many points. Tbey differ In their religious beliefs {differ in tbe finan­ cial policies of tLe country; differ In their politioal opinions, But wben it comes to their loyalty to country and flag, they are all on tbe same platform No man who wore tbe blue and done bis whole duty In putting down tuo rebelled, will ever, with out his pro­ test, hear his country assailed, or re­ main unconcerned when an Insult Is offered to the flag of our country. The ex-Union soldier, to day, stands as a unite in reference to these important potnta, An4 the aoldien are a nelt, too In demanding the enactment just and equitable pension laws, tfe will mete out exact justice to ail wore the bine. The time Is also fa*t appr when tbe men who saved this < will stand without regard te fort political affiliations, fttkr the as party that will de justice dler of '61 to '65. Ife j saved this country are and closer together and far distant, when they « the justice o( themselves. an<£ :JS# widows and orphans of tbeir liMh rades ln-arms, as they stood lr<M to '6S In one solid phalanx fer ^ vatlon of the country. Ail minor ferenoos are giving away, and the old veterans are growing closer closer together as tbe years roll'a and the Grand Army of tbe is tbe grandest organization on fane of tke earth. It || the only ganlzatlon in exlsteaee, whose atlon stone r*sts upon loyaltj^ flag and country. The only tlon that will not admit a member its ranks wbo Is not loyal to bis cot try, No man on whom the tH|lt treason rests, can become a mail of the G. A. R. Only those can whose unsullied record of a life proves them the deadly eafefty of treason. If the affairs of this oenntrjK are administered by Grand Ar»f m&i the constitution and tbe laws, tb^ country and tbe flag, will be safe In their bands, we care not by what party name they are known, because the members of the Grand Army are all loyal. " fk» a*as stTiwna p.. The Sons of Veterans are cogMa|||o the front in good shape. They #* young men just coming upon the stage of action. Tbey have read the lrine!? of the rebellion, and have heard tfce stories their fathers have told, and from their earliest recollection to the present, tbey have been taught the lessons of patriotism from those who know what it cost to proscrva the Union and the flag. Aid we find those sons 01 patriotic sires, ready and wil­ ling to defend the union of states, aud to protect from i destruction, the flag of our wl|A their Mvea. -Xhe^Uaton flag will jalways be ssfe Iiauds. Their order is growing and th* les­ sons *f tru* patriotism, by it are be? log taught to tbe young men of tb* Nation so that when tbe responsibili­ ties of the government fall upon their shoulders, there will be no need of any anxiety about the perpetuity of tho Union. Their oountry and the flag have seemed to grow up with them, until tbey seem to be a part of tbelt very existence. We hope to see the dons of Veterans grow and prosper until the whole land is*t«lled with tiit^ sentlmenst they express, and the. pa­ triotism tbey profsss. Tbe motto an& watchword of the boys Is "Loyalty to oountry and flag." And no mss emt belong to th* order, who is not loyal to th* principles for which his father, fought, and fer which many ef them died. Go oh boys and fUl the wholt land wHh loyalty. Conaumption Curotf..^.! An old physician, retired from prac­ tice, having placed iu his bands by &n East India missionary tbe formula at a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy aod permanent cure of oea^ sumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma aod all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical care for nervoak debility and all nervous complaints; after paving tested its wonderful cur­ ative powers in thousands of cases, has felt It bis duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuatedhy this motive and a desire to relieve human sufforlng. I will send charge, to all who desire It, this 1 In English, French or German, full directions for using. mail by addressing with stamp Ing this paper, W. A. Noyes, 1' er's Block, Rochester, N. Y. uao-eow-ljr Electric Bittern. This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing tbe same old song of praise A p.rrer medlclnctdoea not exist aud it is guaranteed to do aR that Is claimed. Electrie Bitter* wUt cure all diseases of the liver aod kid­ neys, will remove pimples, boils, sell rheum and other affections caused impure blood.--Will drive malaria out of tue blood and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers.--For cure of' headache#, constipation aud indigee# tion try Electric Bitters--entire satis# taction guaranteed or money refunded* Price 50c and $100 per bottle at Besiey's drug store. ' « Blood vs. Nerves. Great mistakes have been made la tbe world, by supposing many nervous troubles were due to bad blood. This headache, tits, dizzinets, sleeplessness, em. are always duo to weakness or irri­ tation of the nerves of the brain: djrs* pepsia, pain, wind, etc. to weakness of tbe nerves of the stomach: weak lunge Is caused by weakness of the parts: billloosness, constipation, etc. to weak* ness of tbe nerves of the liver or bowels: pains, Irregularity, sterility* to derangement of tbe uterine aarve*. For ell weakness, Dr. Miles' great nerve and brain food surpasses til, other remdles. Trial bottles free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. M, Po«ANew Weakened and de stomachs and bowel* shoe] noted on by irritants ilka pills, bran, eto.v by a new 8emplee {t«fc «4 , 8to*e. Ml

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