Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1889, p. 8

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.i§tmt*T(k*MT Motfces under the above head Ladiesof the W.O. T. O. tiimi no part or credit for iyal Tempsrance Legion will ai«4il ii lb* mw City Hill on Frl- 4tj *ft«raecs at four o'clock, • " T«wip«r*a«*t ^ JNttfltyltftoia youof wtmea tav« the «*us« of teupertBce lo heart without reservation. Their anion naatam 4,»0i paylag members, end thejr •rgatiUed during the year 178 ' loeAi eneietlee. Shige Ku»! da, a young Japanese women who bat been doing aoocessfnl temperance wort among ber own peo­ ple, Is to be sent to the United States to study the movement as it la oper­ ated here. Omaha ought to do better byrell^- lon; against her 101 churches she po*> Mtts 255 saloons. Kilfarney, Ireland, with a popula­ tion of 6,6®#, supportB 84 drink shops besides hotels. Mr. Qalne, member of parliament, who is In India at wotfc for total ab- etineoca, has formed % society of 200 native gentlemen In the capital ot Qoverat. K!w FranolsK.WIllard la authority for tbe£at&tii}g that the white ribbons wl)l ladorsa and support any political GO! :GOI That is jusl, what the enterprising business man always says to 'hat is the goods on his shelves, and that is just what ILLINOIS, Are saying to theirs so loud that the surrounding eotintry is going to have it humming in their ears aU the time, ;i£hey want to tell you that they mean 1889. • f • .•*? Ki f ,< A 1880. i ... •,'* jv r; m{ party that declare for prohibition. ! ' ~ • „ f-* » «<»>.•£ b jsKiRRY SOUTH* ! f ' ' Soot and Shoe Maker, -McHENRY ILLINOIS-- S.'V-- One door Pontlt of the Firnttnre Stores f c- • Bnra't Bleok, W/ Boots end Shoes manafketnred of the best jT_ material and a fit Guaranteed. !>' REPAIRING |F attended to. Invisible Patch** for Pine shoes«nil Boots a specialty. Oall iif cad see me. It >. Jerry Smith* m ' McHenry, Dee. 4th, 188^. • : * £*•* ir>X. Barbiam. J. J.SarUaa BARBIAN BROS. f A 'vv"V Wholesale and Retail Buuu or •• FINE CIGARS, MCHENEY ILLINOIS. 1V„. <> leased the brick building lone door C\f South of the post office, vre ti&ve opened a - »£ail store, where, at all times can be found •• « fine clean of oar own manufacture, together £ with tswkiu and chewing tobacco of the f - tatt teanda. PIPES A SPECIALTY, We have a very large assortment aadt some ••ry handsomef patterns. DrjessGoods, IShaAarls, .-15 1 \': T ,x Underwear, Groceries, v i -4 " > S". - Must be sold to make room for new goods. Examine, hold up*to 1he light, taste, sample, satisfy yourself th it tljer ^ootls are all tl*e finest and then ask the price. . '*7 7" 7 '* . 'BB' -ASIONiSuED! Says so, and they mean business y ^ "**- U rf 4 -a. * " <" • ' a , 4 J t l . • ^ , v vlL 1 « S*l, * t < Have commenced the new year with a fall line of staple goods usually kept in a General Store, Comprising a fine assortment of r"Y*! ^ ** ' 'V V7',^'s * •% v-i.'At!'. • ^"i.c,»'T* I-.'."*'" ' X* ^v-- *Jr i- • BOOTS AITD SHOES, $ k'SM* T?«|rW > . ** : t \ V Vt' k v ' • •"!, «b«% '• •» - Hats and Gaps, Gloves and Mittens ̂^ ^ . GOLDING WAUCONDA, ILLINOS. The weather has been remirkably fiae thus far. but the COLE) will surely come and it stands every one in hand to be prepared for it, afed how beuer prepared than to secure the GREAT BAB. >;r' '• - * .- Kow being offered at ou^ store in all kinds of HeavyQoocfo. we mean business and will £five you Lower Prices on this class of goods than ever before offered in Lake County. , ,ou» STOCK: ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE Was never more complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Special inducements for Cash Buy­ ers in sums from $5 up «p, COLDINC BROTHERS. ^hest Utarket Price paid for Farm Produce. '* CALL AND SEE US. BARKAV Bsult , Nevember ISth, 1888. If so do not fail to .get an estimate on your Lumber froik '.lJLJ RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. Nearlthe Depot, %Mi •« foil line of Olotba, of the latest styles t patterns always on hand. SINGLE GARMENTS, & r OR FULL SUITS, 1^*-' ibde on short notice and! a lilt [guaranteed. S*; Prom onr experience and practical know 1- vdcvof the bnsloeas we are confident we can ;# »lease the most fastidious, and respectfally l'i/-> invite all in want of Clothing of any kind to are me a call. " •ood• lrA" |:, , - C. J. BRILL. Hjfrhmond. October l&th, 18W. ?{' j? 5" 4 AGENTS WANTED ! To canvas for one of the largest, oldest established. BEST XVOWH NTJBSEBIEao m the conn try. Most liberal terms. Un- iKi SIK1?1 eilETA BUB8SHT, Sstfialished 1846 W. & T. SMITH, Geneva, R. Y. WSh-: SABML1SS SPVS WIS! IS THE COMING FENCE. oV stock of Lumber, of all kinds, is the most complete of any | and we arc prepared to public The lest Qusity cf LumUr, --AT THE-- } 1 LOWEST LIVING PRICES- ^ ljiir J JiUVlUI W111IUM, iixuulUlUg., Casing, Door aiiWMow Frames-Reafly Made-always ei Hani Also the Best Brands of Barb Wive. " fie shall keep our stock complete at all times and spa*e B* Bainf with" ' W toaccommodate all who may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER COMPA1TT. O. H. GRANGER, Manager. W. W** West McHenry, f "?ove easilrv 8een fcy Stock than %•> * U il£, iSire' t^'ere being more than StU iyiS^rliL.11? leu-8nr'ace Presented to the P'K lhi8 wire than by the twisted %• 'r thereby obviating much of the tUtSi^Ll^h run,nin^ against this fence. ; 25S&y?8 by.any means occor the ft \* «??v^ woulrt be harmtes8. Have Vjeen ueinsr I* tka psst year and am satisfied that it will k ' - *nrmstoekae well as any barb wire, ami I WMlo beto sell every pound of barb Wtxetbail nave got en my place at one-half m. --^VKALtiK* ^ -v'-W" SiltLF '-OMlil.'.-.ft •mvC-'f. rioa In tact judging from the damage that tsave had done to stock in the last three three gainer it 1 years, I tfctnk I would be the •fcoala |iM it away and replace it with 8pur iat Is stronger than ;- . , rire« giving the full <etre*gth of two wires and yet will go ton *o fifteen per cent, dtartber for same number ,fnsdi than any at ttte tour peint barb wires? ' 1% ̂ 3>o you want a jehce that yo* and voar weighbor can affree upon tor Itae wnolnc and • thus save Utigation? 'WWi _ Do you want a fence that lias been proven f many users to hare all the merits we have Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Ware GASOLENE STOVES The Petlinsuliir and Reliable^ The best Stove on the Market and cheap. and see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tun kg, that we make ours elves, that .WlV hold a barrel. , w The phurch Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hoeksand Pulleys, tlel best in the market. Oall and see It. Scx«ea Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow Pailt thin8- _ . _ _ •' ; ^ Itjrmany users to hare all Hie merits we have wui uud it lOi „ enry, or at my farm, W allies Wesi will uud it for sal® at B. Gilberts, 1 . - Wesi'i r, on Woodstock toad. ATT BOTTOM: phiceh . AND Will be done on short notice and .Satisfaction. Guaranteed. A SAMUEL SHERMAN. 1 specialty of Gutter Factory work, A share of public patronage • " I redptjcUuliv acikited ^a»»->«e«t for »ig Gla»» 76fi4 WWc*| f J ^ P. 8T£VfiN8( §ri»4<.0 -,coba«d »U. WsZ~- V-> A>* ' Is.» * '* '.A* , K'.'i ET0«» ETC.--« . *•"" i, . ' » * +*' " W* large,stoclc 5st ^ v /1 % - ">, .A *• *'Jk?. t Constantly on hand* Also a full stock of the best brands of •! r u * ' ' ' f >kv,^SV4 *r tijiiit i MEN'S •' 'w X " !*k"' S\, • -» fV "' , r/.% M&ik :ir>r,s ^ '4 t v «' u X j 'Iw*. " fs >*"-> 4£ " ifh » ' ' '"ai" • ~%J i 'f-r'H r: , > : ; •'fi, <# . < s„' r ^ 9 ,v^-; ^ • *«J., .r* 1 •* ' , '• ' : .i £**>«« y,« t " T « , i , v \ ar\}' .• 1-;T ̂ We have marked the above goods down way below COMPETITION. Be sure and see us before buying. PERRY & OWE! ' ' • . V' Canned Goods and Wooden Ware in stock. Highest Market Price paid for Gutter and Eggs. We will be glad to show yon our Goods and Prices g®".- f t riTISIMMOrta ft HENDERSON. Opposite T^ost Office, West McHenry, Dec. 18th, 1888. Mi JULILA A. ST0BY, (One Door West of Riverside House*) ' ----DEALER IN-- v'V.- •i"'"'.' '* DRUGS, MEDI G INES, -A PULL LINE OP---- " Drags, Chemleats, Bys Staffs, ?^nti, 0ili and Colon. Constantly on hand. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, COMPLETE STOCK OP- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. P hy®icians Prescriptions 'r* Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist, Your patronage is respectfully solicited. • > * JULIA A. STORY. NEW DEPARTURE. TN McHEiVjElY, ILMNOIS. Having purchased the Hardware Business of H. Y. Shepard, )uld inform the Birring Public that he has just put in a full new Stock of ,... r, .- Purchased for Cash, all of which will be sold-as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods. ^ A FITIEJL HNI OF S^OTKS • GARLAND AMD OTHEB EDUW. J' - ' . For both Coal and Wood, ef the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail tp call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done. GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. JOBBING AND REPAIRING! Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A shim* of piihlin patronage respectfully solicited. ; ? - ^ . x. 'm 4ACOB BON8LKTT. " ienry.M,, October M, • » " m imm,, PERRY & OWEN. BANKERS. Before placing any Insurance call on us. We hav$ the beat companies in the world. - r * • ' U< ... - , err7 & Owen W'i": AND KICKING TOO. M : No t against fine weather, or. our neighbors, we are simplv, kick i n g d o w n ^ ^ .V . • % te1 £ J ust look oyer our line and compare prices, .1 Extra heavy ;all wool Red Underwear...! .88 | Men's Arctics, first quality .. • •••ft 1.4* Extra heavy all wool Gray Underwear... LIB Men's Alaskas, first vualitr ...w. LO* Ladies'red woolen ex, fine Underwear.. 1.00(1 Ladies'Arctics, Irst quality...., ......*. l.t» Children's red woolen Uaderwear 28c up I , . • ^ --^T* Mufflers, Shopping Bags, Wallets* In Plush, Leather, Morocco and Combination, in endless ^ riety. : - v • w- , SHAWLS, BLANKETS, 1UILTS, GLOVES. UIT1ENS, HATS, CAPS. FELT BOOTS. 9 r !"r ̂Tff ̂ And a complete line of Footwealr. prices always the lowest. \ . . . . ^ ^ } YOURS FOB TRADJBk , i • " * V " A . ' ; STOFFEL & £&&&*• i V -r*". -DEALER • r̂ w. * • Drugs and Medicines, " PAINTS, OILt, « ^ Toilet Articles, Sawd'- ' 7 ^ . ' ' ! F O B M B D I O A I * ^ ^ ' * > f A AlSo lfettfcd Ale and Porter for Medical use. -" • • » Thebest brands of Cigars an I Smofcing and Che wing Tjbaw^r 7"= alwa^soc hand. ^PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. -j McHenry, December 28th, 1$)7« A W> BE8LEVK

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