Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1889, p. 5

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:-:\y WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6, 1888, Railroad Time Tabid* from wit on at trains will pass follows: Taking effect Jane 10th, He Henry Station daily, a ooiara SOUTH. - | Lake Geneva Passenger.........*; * t Lake Geneva Express •...-- .8:8 t Lake Geneva Freight.............. 3:00 F. M Lake Geneva FsMenger„..« . 3:98 " OOINO XOBXIl. ILake Geneva Freight......... Lake Geneva Paenenger,...*-. . ,--.t:K * Lake Geneva Lake Geneva PaM6nwr„i.........<:5l t Daily except Sunday. . B. BVBB, Agent, Meilenry, 111 MASONIO. MCHENRY LODGE, NA 153 A. F, and A. ML-- Regular Communications the second ana fourth Mondays in each month. HENRT COLBT, W. M. MODBHX WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every ISecond atid Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cot llally invited. BAND Concert and danft Side Ha!!, Friday evening. at Rlveri I GEORGE O., 2:26, the fastest (tall I on In Lake or McHenry countle?. CALL aud see the Valentines and Birthday Cards at. J. A. Story'8. • J. W.CBISTT A SON, Ring wood, bate * new advertisement this week. Kead tt. READ the programiue of the Band Concert to be found In another place in tbil paper. • BEAR in miad the Sunday School concert at the Uulyersalist Church next bunday evening. , # THE report of our Public School is unavoidably crowded out this week, but will appear in our next. IN our notice of the aale of IB, Car­ penter's house last week we should have said North of the Universaiist Church Instead of South. THE Universaiist Sunday School, Fas3ii.@d by the church choir, will give a concert next Sunday evening. Exer­ cises commence at 7 o'qjock. THRE will be a Washington Birth ;day Party at the Parker House, on the 23d instant. Music Smith's Orchestra. Tickets will be issued in a few days. LOST, on Monday evening between MoSenry and Nuoda a ladies gray mutt. The finder will please leave the same at the office of Dr. •. S. Cbilds, In this village. - B. ROBINSON, at bis rooms over the Post Office, is prepared to File Saws Jba short notice and guarantee satis­ faction. Bring along your Saws and have them sharpened. THE sudden change in thi'weather on Monday ufght, froze up the channel and the Ice inetr' WOTHT obliged to lay off on Tuesday. They expect to finish here In %beut three days.. SLADE'S subject next Sunday morning will be "Everlasting Punish* tnent, and the Life Eternal," from the IText "These shall go away into ever- fasting punishment, but the righteous Into life eternal." Math. 26:46, - GEORGE W, OWEN has a big offer to dispose of a one-half interest in 6George O," or to rent him tor one year, by parties In Indiana. But the owner had sooner keep him here un­ less-he gets a big price. ttiMEMRER the Band Concert and dance, at Riverside Hall, on Friday 'evening of this week. The programme Is a good one and even If you don't dance go to the entertainment and give the boys a lift. THE McHenry House Hall, which we faotleed a tew weeks ago as being en­ larged and improved, is now all finished and le one of the finesHn thif section. It will be used for the first time since the ohange on the evening cofthej4th. • WE would call particular attention to the ariv*<"ite*r*!eQ$ to be found ID Another oolumn, of the raffle of the young trotting horse, "Ell M." Here Is a good chance to get -a fine young fcorae for two dollars. Real tbe ad- \ • yertlsement. $ . -- L- ALL kinds of material tor infants . I;wardrobes. Certain chains 15 cents. I* Gent's fine wool hosiery. Silks, all v. Ahades; special bargains in black. More / ,<bf tbe IS cents double width bleached ,Sheeting. Ladies' wool ulsters and khite underwear, at Ladies' Sales* y . rooms. • 'The pupils ot the higher department >f the Public School will present a rLowell programme in their room, Fri­ day afternoon. The exercises will con- slst of a biography of Lowell, and reel tations and reading* selected from his Works. AU are mostcordiaily invited. Exercises will uommence at half-past two. THE Lse County limes thus illus­ trates an important point to business men: "The Importance of publishing ft dissolution notioe in any case of a ehange of firm, says an exchange, le snown by a case recently decided in Erie. N'Y. A note was giveu for 12 500 with the name of a former member of the firm signed to it. This Was discounted at a tfank and tbe ..tnsker of tbe note appropriated tbe proceeds to his own use. Bulog unable to collect when it was due the bank #ued the firm for the amount. They ifeowed that bis connection with tbe firm had ceased before he made tbe jiote, but as they bad not published the dissolution notice previous to that time as required by law, judgment was tendered against theti. This is a tether common matter ic business sod Is a for mailt, •fariooked." • PRKsos a i.- MRS. C. B. CURTIS, of Elgin, Was vis­ iting with friends hero ine week. FRANK BUHR, arrived home the South a tew days since. C. N. CULVER, of Richmond, our streets on Monday. * < • .- f* E. CARPENTER and wlf*; visited Elgin on Friday last. ED. WARNER, of Dundee, was calling on friends here last weak, HON.CHAS. FT. TRTON, of Hebron, made our sanctum a Short call ap Mou- 4ay. MRS. SLATER, visited with her dangh tee, Mrs, Chas. WtUard, at Nunda, last week. Miss MABEL WILLARD, of Nunda, was visiting with H. V. Sheppard and wife last week. HON. F. K. GRANGER, wife and daughter, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Milwaukee, Wig, AWM. MCDGBTT has traded his farm poutb east of thl^vUlage, for an Iowa farm and will move there about March ^st^. He is located near Brltt. Iowa /WM. STOPFBL took in a young lady hoarder at his residence on Monday morning. Weight ten pounds. Will Is the happiest man Inside the corpo- ation. : THE Willing' Workers Society connected with the Universaiist Church, will meet with Mrs. A Calkins, on Thursday afternoon, of this week,"Feb. 7th. Has W. A. CRISTT, President, MRS. O. X. OWE*, Secretary. Wednesday evening, Feb. 13th, at the residence of Mr. G. W. Besley, will be held au Auction of choice and valuable goods. The evenings enter­ tainment will be a novelty in itself and no one should fall to attend. The services of the efficient and experi­ enced Auctioneer, F. X. Granger, has been secured. A MISTAKE appeared In the pro­ ceedings of the board of Supervisors Iktely publlshad, which has caused con­ siderable coon moot, and it is no more than justice to th« Board that it be corrected. In their bill of Poor House Expenses, appeared an item of "61 be J spreads, $317," and some appeared to think that $7 each was rather an ex­ travagant priee to pay for bed spread*. But on looking this matter up It was found tbas the item shoqld have read/ *Iron Bedsteads? The Sentinel and Democrat set up the proceedings from tbe manuscript and made tbe mistake, and the other papers in the county by copying were innocently drawn into the error. DIED.--At tho residence of his son Jacob liler, east of this village, January 24th, 1889, Adam Miller, aged 9S years. Deceased wa9 born in Germany, and was one of the oldest settlers in Mc- Henry county. He had lived in this county 47 years, He was the father of Mrs. P. Hauperlsch, Mrs. Schaid, Mrs Young, Mrs. Stephes and Jaoob iller. IT'S just the same iu every newspa­ per office. We notice by a recent dis­ patch that thecity editor of the Phil adelphia Ledger lost hU sixteen thous­ and dollar home by fire, and his em­ ployer. Mr. Childs, generously gave him another. This specics Of ©p?n handed liberality pervades every de partmeut of the newspaper business. For instance: Our office devil lost half an hour the other day and we gave bim thirty minutes extra woik and a piece of our mind. This office is not to be outdone in little acts of kind ness by the Philadelphia Ledger. /GRAND Band Concert and daDce*mt Riverside Hill, McIIency--IflL Friday ^evening, February 8tbv~ PROGRAMME. Opening Overture by the Band, • Duett (Oornetami Alto.) ...U.M. CurtisanU F.Wells. Seng ami Uhoru*..-. T J. Walsh, O. N. Owen, E. Oaen Satf W. D. Wentworth. • Vocal Solo ...Mies Maggie Osborne Guitar Solo A. Jacobi icUottische 4. Hand Brass Q u a r t e t t e . , , W e l l s , C, M. Cur- tin, L. Owell aud W. D. Wentworth. Kecitation .Mils Ella McLean Baritone Solo L. H. Owen Quickstep Band Professor G. U. Leighton, will entertain the audience with his'mutiicalspecialties;playing upon twelve <iifferent instruments. The entertainment of the evening will close with the pleasing and popu­ lar farce entitled, THE SIAMESE TWINS. Admission 25 cents; children 16 cents. Dance tickets, 50 cetots. Smith's Orchestra will furnish mush% . ---- THE advantages of iow feeilings for dwellings, on account of their being more readily ventilated than dwellings .hat are high ceiled, are now very gen­ erally admited by builders and sani­ tarians. The view taken of this mat- from the standpoint of health is, briefly, that the leakage of air whicb is always going on, keeps all parts of the afr in motion in sueh rooms, while, if the ceiling is higher, only the lower park of the air is moved; and an in­ verted lake of hot and fool air is left floating in the space above the win­ dow tops. Again it is urged against low ceilings that they possess the advantages of enabling rooms to be warmed with a less expeoditare of neat and less cost of fuel* WHILE at Richmond a few days Since we called at the Photograph Gallery of Our old firiStd. C. H. Hanchett. and found him finely located and doing a sf lendid business, aa lie is sure to do where b$s work is known, and we dn hot exsgerate when we say be has few equals and no superiors as an Artist. , If there are any who doubt this ieo tWc*«n call at bis Gallery and see tbe samples there shown when his doubts will vanish. He has also associ­ ated with bim Mr. A. E. Elliott, who will show you as fine a Crayon as can be made anywh -re. We therefore say tofxur readers in fcfaet vicinity if you want a Photograph or a Crayon Por­ trait call at Hanchett's. He is' sure to please you as no poor pictures are allowed to leave uls Gsllery. PRIZE MASQUERADE DANCE. There will be a Prize Masquerade (Danes at the McHenry House, in the Village ofr Mclienry, on ibureday evening, Feb. 14th. MuMc Smith's OrchKHir*. Tickets 50cedts. All are cordially fnvited. JOHN THALEN, Proprietor. WANTED, a situation in a General Store. Have h*d Five years experi­ ence. Can furnish the best of" Refer­ ences. For further particulars Inquire at this office, P, S. Speaks both Eaglisfatfand Ger­ man. " If you #ant to buy Gloves and Mit­ tens cheap, go to Althoff Bros. fUesUinc la town. FOLLOWING Thatcher, Primrose & West at the Chicago Opera House, and oommenSing, Monday, February Utb, #111 be seen the litest Eastern Star, Miss Julia Marlowe. Miss Marlowe has but lately mad^ her adveut into the theatrical world, but has jumped immediately into a piase that others, after striviug for years have been una­ ble to attain, her engagement in tbe East having been thoroughly charac­ terise! by an immediate recognition from lovers of the drama. In New York she opened to business of less than one hundred dollars, which im mediately jumped to phenomlnal fig ures, and for the balance of the en gagement there of four weeks, people were turned away at every perform anoe, Tbe engagement in Chicago will be brief. "Natural Gas," the prince of farce-oomedies. Is on tbe way, and will shortly appear In Chi cago.. Of course It will play at the theatre wh?re Its first success was made--the Chicago Opera House, New features new songs, and an addition to its humdurous qualities, if such a thing were possible, are promised, and there Is uo doubt that it will assume more than its former popularity upon its advent at the Chioago Opera House MAN born of woman is of but few days and full of seriousness. For little while the breezes flit gently about his pathway, till like the cy­ clone, he hurriedly foideih bis tent about him aad stesleth Into the whence from which tbere^is no whith­ er. And then there ft his helpmeet, woman, who even in childhood helped bim meet"at her father's front gate, Yea, she is the orowning work of the Creator. When he had put the uni verse through all tbe seven degrees and sat down to contemplate the achieve­ ment he was pleased wltii his handi work, and as if moved with some heaveoiy impulse he kissed bis crea­ tion and that kiss was women. As tbe butterfly is to the catterpilar in beauty and Instinct, so Is fragile creature to 8toUdMnau: In her baby years she lisps gently her many wants and Is s full m^nber of the democracy of child hood. But chsnges come with the fleeting seasons and we see the school girl with a limited circle about .her which is now and then revised* but never greatly extended. And then the sweetheart with ribbons and gay at tire and wreaths of smiles, and some­ times tears quickly dried by returning gladness. Next a happy bride expec­ tant of ail the joys the world aflords, and later a matron with many caree. buUf the world be tru^.ot more ca­ resses. Such might belbe brief story of a life, but too orten the world Is far from true and in the playground of joys, sorrows are wout to dwell The lines of beauty give place to lines of care and the eventide gloaming through which the lovers strolled with hearts as light as fairy thoughts be* comes the season for unhappy retro­ spection. But fold at last the hands that were tireless In the work of love and consign to heaven as tbe richest prayer ot earth tbe life that has borne fruit in withering afflictions. . V FARMER'S INSTITUTE. X. i The Second Anaual Institute of McHenry County will be beid at Wood stock on the 13th and 14th of the pres­ ent month. The one held one year ago the present winter, was consid­ ered, In regard to the readings and dis cussions, and general exercises, Includ­ ing "Drainage;" MStook Raising; and diflerent kinds ot feed and raising and culture of tbe sam». Also, dehorning of cattle, with general instructions, as very instructive, profitable and enter­ taining by all in atteedaaoe, and as this is especially intended for the benefit of the farming interest, and farmers In general. It is hepefull that the farming community wilt avail themselves of this opportunity and show their full appreciation of the ef­ forts put forth by their general atten­ dance and taking a part in whatever subjects may be brought up. J. B STOVE. Richmond, Feb. 4th, 1889. TAXES! TAXES! The undersigned, collector of the Town of McHenry, will commence re­ ceiving taxes January 10th, 1889. and can be found at the following places on the day named: Mondays, at the store of Lay A Adams, Johnsburgh. Wednesdays at the store of J. W, Cristy & Son, Ringwood. Thursdays, at the store of Perry ft Owen, in the village ot McHenry. Saturdays at the store of Stevens & Miller In West McHenry. Will be at the above places from 9 A. M to 4 p. M. each day. Call and pay your taxis at as early a day as possible, MATT HEIMEB, Collector, NUNDA TAXES. - The undersigned. Collector of Taxes for the Town of Nunda. will be at the store of Fitzaimmons & Henderson, In the village of .McHenry, on Wednes­ day of eacn week until March lat., for tbe purpose of receiving Taxes. Those interested will take due notice. C. E. ROWLBT, Collector. FOR RENT. The J. D Fox estate of 221} acres, situated 2} miles west of Gray'a Lake Station. Especially adapted for cews or stock, also good grain farm. Cash rent. For particulars see or address, T " MinQVftUMia,m YotokBU Hebron Department LODGE WRfeOTORT. ftA.soWfa--A. F. a»»'! A. M. meet at Itisoaia Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even­ ings of each month. MODRRN Wooo*airor AMEPTCA.--Meet at Masonic itall every Stt and 4th Thursday even, ings of each monttu Neighbor! cordially in- vlted. Severe col.Is are prevalent just now. Miss Anna Archibald isthome from Elgin. Miss Minnie Hodgo went to Rook- ford Friday night for a>hort visit. The next dance given by the club will be a maaqftefada. Heary Mungcr. from Klchmond. was a pleasant ciiler in town oti Thnrs^ay. Brown and i'routy snipped two c$r loads of hogs from tltU statiotf on' Thursday night. Mrs. Charles Seaman, from |Argyle, made a pleasaat visit to the home of George Seaman recently. The Grand W. P. of the S'onstftf Temperance, addressed the people at the M. E' church Sunday evening. The old bear had no trouble to see his shadow on Saturday last. Miss Ollie Kane, from Harvard, spent the latter p&rfc of the week with frieuis in town. * Mrs, James Mason returned the first of last week from a visit to her daugh­ ter at Harvard. Ltdies wishing cutting and fitting doao should call on Mrs. GronSe. She is a first class dressmaker and sure to suit. The Masonio brothers attended to business,, night and day last week JN.ILKeeler, of Rookford, delivered several iastruetlve lectures for their benefit. The revival meetings still continue The success of getting converts has not been very satisfactory thus far. E. O. Rowe took a short vacatioq the last of the week, and in company with Charles Brown visited Chicago and took in "Tbe Crystal Slipper," *Mrs. Hopkins', youngest child, Mrs Fish's baby and May ilodge have been seriously sickuhe past week with con gestlon of theXlungs. Miss Julia King has a handsome rug on exhibition nt Frauk R-Jwe'a store for which tickets are for sale at fl.teen cents each, Can aiitf see It and pur­ chase a ticket. vf The last loads of loo which finished filling the ice houses belonging to Milo Munger aud J. P. Wickham, were drawn from the mill •poud on Friday (otenoon. A large number of men abd teams bad been at work for two days previous, making two trips daily, 'iuViiatious are issued to a Urge number of (rieuds to be present at the marriage ceremony ot Miss Nellie Eble to Harlan Wilson,on Wednesday of this week, at the home of Mr; aud Charles Eule. "M. W, Merry and Frank Rowe have each received a large assortment ot wall paper for the jfall trade." das the present winter bsea so suamery that even odr level headed pedagogue is compelled t«» believe that the calen­ der has beeu changed end tor endf The Geneva Lane Dramatic Club presented tbe sensational drama "Aurora Floyd," to a fair audience at Rowe'a Hall on Satuaday evening The parts generally were well ren­ dered and the Orchestra of six pieces entertained the crowd with some ot their choicest selections, but what caused the absurd situation St the close of tbe programme? Was it tbe stupidity of a Hebron audience, or lack Of duty on tbe part of (he managers or did the last few words of the star actress east a spell on tbe assemblage and ffroduse that we-want-more-look which was plainly depicted on each countenance? It Is our honest belief that, that gapping crowd would still be sitting; In Rowe's Hall, but for tbe happy thought of a lady who at last kindly came to the rescue with the astonishing snnouncemeot "That Is ill." Tbe train on the Kenosha Division bore emblems ot mourning on Satur­ day, in memory of tbe haed brakes­ man, whose death occurred that morning, from Injuries received from a fall a week ago. As be was in tbe act of stepping from one car to an­ other, the moving traln broke apart and he was thrown .beueath and Into a culvert. Richmond Department. ITKK8 GATHBRBD BT "JAY DEB." Now comes Montana to tbedoor Wnere Union dwells, and boldly knocks, And offers new, as once before, A Democratic ballot box. ' U "Please lot me in," she cries. And it's very cold out herel A voiee within replies "We would ^ But a'int Dakota with youdtar,*:^;'^1 An interval, anu th«D another rap^ Dakota as -please let mo, Union I*l1* 'HH" wait until Montana takes a nap,*1 A voice replies, -and then we'll slip the pin." Dakota says Montana never steepe, White both make ugly free*, weep and pout; i fcach opponent within his vigil keeps And whispers hopes and faarato those with out, ZWbwM. FOR SALE. I tier for sale my House and two lots, situated in the village of Mc­ Henry. It is pleasantly located. Is In good repair, with good Well and Cistern. Also good barn and other outhouses. Will be s )ld on reasonable terms. f Apply ou premises, to . ' JOHN KLEIFGEN M^tBftAry, Feb. 1st. 1889. SETTLEMENT NOTICE. Having sold out and being about to move away I would hereby request all persons indebted to me to call and settle the same without delay, as my books must be all settled up on or before Mareh 1st. Tim mean* business and delays are dangerous. g McHenry, Feb. 4ih, 1889. FOR SALE OR REN& My farm of 160 acres, situated one mile from R'ngwood eheese factory, and 3| milef west of MeHenry. Good buildings, plenty of wat°r and a first- class wind mill. AU under a good state of cultivation. Will be sold on reason­ able term* or rented for a term of years. Apply to ^ O. GRIMOLBT, West McHenry, III. Altliofi Bros, are offering all their heavy Clothing so cheap tha* you cannot afford to steal it. Call sad see. VALENTINES. * A fine selection of Valentine and Birthday Cards at J. A. Story'sDrug Store. "A mouth sgo 1 was happy," Is the declaration of Bryan W. Proctor tbe poet. So were lots of other folks, who are now telling people In decided nasal tones, "got a toad in my head." But there is happiness yet to be se­ cured; a bottle of Dr, Bull's Cough iSyrap wlUooreany ooogh orosML Squire Footeis better. dayh° W F * S'mMU wtlh Mr*» Oorell to * rank Cole, of Spring Grove, la on the tick liQt. o ^Jamea Overton pMd tfsrfer Hove«nt»r bat The Y, I,. S. of King's Daughters met with Mis. Haythorne, JTrank Try on, of So Hebron, will have a sale McCennel ft MeGaw have Sited their lee houses, Our local ice men harvested their winters' crop last week. Oheess makers Monger and Batcher Wlefc- ham. of Hebron drew their lee from Rich­ mond . Collector Will Sherman eanbe found every °™? •«« " Mail Agent p. K. Allen made an extra ma to Milwaukee laat Saturday night. I.«ML" A.1P* G<*Jr'the g6neral aK«nt for Wal- hfLhT' 11,6 carri»S« manufacturers, has been home. Messrs H. j. Christian, H. W. Alien and itui^;ygwood, wero aain town A large gang of men are employed in filllnc the large ice houses at the head of the upper lake. ••When you think the world eannot get along without you pull a hair from year tcalp and see if it makes you bald headed," "Earl Wilkes," and -Maud V.," the) colts owned by Geo. Eldredge, attract mach atten­ tion as they are driven around town doable by their owner. Editor Van dlyke, ef the PLMITOEAL**, made one of his periodical visits to Rich* mona last Saturday. He always reeeives a cordial greeting.from his many friends. A fine crayon portrait of G. H. Rowe, from Hauchett's gallery, attraots much at­ tention and provokes many favorable remarks lhe picture can be seen at Mr. Howes' barber shop, The/koonkrgiy,: «G. Wi Eldredge cen. templates building a canning factory in the spring," Mr. Eldredge puts a large amount ot cash into the farmers pockets every year, and we hope his contemplated pUn of a can-' ning taotory will take a substantial forai. According to both our iucai papers there is considerable grumbling at the acoool tax be. lug high. We beg tbe indulgence of our read­ ers while we present a few ligures taken from United States reports for 1836. School Uouse vs. Saloon. Ia Illinois in 188# •10,iso.ajs weie expended for public schools and tu>,<30.400 for intoxicating liquors, being «3 09 per capita for schools, against $12.41 per capitafor liquor. Tax payers think ot this when inclined to grumble over your aeseol tax. All indications point to an exciting and profltable season in racing circles, Richmond is the leading town for trotting in this vicin ity and the names of such well known breed ers and drivers as Waters, McKesson. Eldredge, Johonnott, Heck, Boston, Manor! Earing, bole, Wray, Reynolds, McGaw and others are known to horsemen far and near. Keep your eyes open for the dates of the three grand stake races of 1889, which will be close and exciting or all indications will foil In spits ot the bad weather of the morning a large crowd had assembled at Frank Cole's last Thursday, and at 1 p, *. the sale of short horn cattle belonging to Messrs. Cole and Hatch was begun, Col. J. G. Wilson, of Bur lington, being the auctioneer. There is no need of saying tliat the cattle were excellent as these well known breeders take pride in having only the best stock in their herds. Twenty-two cows and heifers were sold at an average of $70 per head and six yeung bulls brought an average of about $60 per bead We give betow a few of the highest prtoes paid and who by: John 8. Reynolds, Genoa Junction, Wis., "Blythedale Champion Rose 10th" and calf. $121. FredOollison, Richmond, 'Blythedale Sharon Rose 5th," $100. Jack Lawson, Spring Grove, "Blythedale Cham- pion Rose 12th," and calf, $93. Ed. Brooks. Burlington, Wis-, "Gazelle of Burton" and calf, *81, J, E. Wesson, Greenwood, "Blythe- dale Champion Rose's 5th and 11th," .each $80, Other cattle were sold to parties from Milll burn, South Hebron, Richmond, Spring Grove, Dundee and Ringwood, III., and Fox River. Slade's Corners, and Wllmot, Wis. It was, without doubt, the most important sate of stock ever held in McHenry County. VT To Omc\- is the best Cqap? HfvjandyofjixxJ honstKH^rs WHO HWT IHEDITJAY CftJlO ; |"̂ \V/IL Household burbftt#a tj fun^agct If jwir Groe®r ' jtfhe will get crafted fk MKfAIRBMKW. CH/CAGO. mm Business Notices Try Besley's^Iron Tonic Bitters. For Coughs and Colds Take 'Story's Tar and Wild Cherry." Golden Machine Oil at /. A. Story's Drugstore. ' ,v WJie°yoad,l8lre a pleasant! physio try St. Patrick's Pills. Go to Mrs. C. A. Hatson's for Fair and Winter Millinery Good. If your hogs Thumps or do Thorley Food. if yonr ohickens cholera or roup use oougb, have tho not thrive, feed Go to Mrs. E.W. Howe's for IOUIB- ery and Dress Making. Candles, a fine assortment oelv e d a t S t o r y ' s D r u g S t o r e . • ' p Cigars and Tobaoco. all the popnltr brands are found in our stock. J. A. --1 Story'«- Call In and see the best sewing ma­ chine in tho U. 8, of America for ft* least money. • B* IiAWMIlt l- If yon want to see tbe finest stoek are troubled with i of Fine Shoes at tbe lowest prices, call Thorley Food. 1 at Althofi Bros. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in oash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R, BISHOP. Perfumery, all the latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant and last ing at Storys. _________ FOR SALE:--House and lot la village >f McHenry, Apply to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry. 111. » STOFFEL & BLAKE'S LOCALS.' GOod new spring style prints toy . • Good apron ginghams 5o. Fancy ginghaus 9-10-11 cents. r , • Nib's tea, guarauteftdLjUa, Roat .IAII 'ft -Best Jap tea 50c. Mayflower tea 40c, ' Jelly, per pound, (fck r?4 Evaporated Apples, Currants, Apri­ cots, Peaches, Nectarines, Turkish Prunes ail the way from 10 to 22 coots. Good smoking tobacoo 20c. Felt Boots, Hats Caps, Mittens and full line of tbe celebrated John Fos ter Ladies and Mens' shoes always on hand. STOFFEL FT BLAKB. Felt Boots and Rubbers at very bottom figures, at Althofi Bros. A few very One Lap Robes at Bod Rock prices, at Althofi Bros. SPRING GROVE. MoHeary Co, I11N Jf nuary 22nd, 1889." NOTICE. Having through infirmity retired from business at Spring Grovfe, I beg respectively to inform my patrons and tbe public generally that I have sold my store and entire stock of goods to Mr. Robert Esh, of English Prairie, who will hereafter carry on tbe busl* ness I baye conducted for tbe past 30 years. To those who have so kindly favored me with their esteemed patronage, I return my siucere thanks aed beg to confidently recommend my successor to them and al! others as a practical and capable businees man. ready to serve equally the interests of alt and guarantee satisfaction; therefore in­ vite you to extend bim your future support as accorded to me in the past. All my accounts being now due I hereby notify (hose who are Indebted to me to call at my house in Spring Grove to settle as early as possible. Respectfully Yours. ROBKKT TWBBD, SMI. WheWyoa desire a pleasant physic try St. Patrick's Pills they can always be relied upon, and do not nauseate the stomaph nor gripe For sale by G. W. Besley. Five hundred pair ladies, misses and child's Hose just arrived} 10 cents per pair at EVANSON'S. FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN. Tue Riverside Hotel in this village. This well known house la now offered for sale on such terms as will net the purchaser at present rate of rental over 10 tier oent on the investment. For further particulars c&U vu or,, ad- JAMBS B. PBBBT, MeHenry. lit.' * FOR SALE. A farm of 248 acres, situated 3} miles south-west of McHenry, Is es­ pecially adapted for stock and will carry 75 head of cews. Good soring water runs right to the barn. Price 93000 per acre. Terms one-third cash, balance on time to. snlt pur* chaser. Apply to, j?;• A. CRISTT, West McHcnry,KU. r «gv ff.) ' v ^ FARM FOR SALE. t offer for sale my farm, consisting of the following. 80 acres one mile south of Spring Grove and 80 acres two miles southeast of Spring Grove. On one 80 there is a good new house, barn and other out buildings. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on tbe premises of MATHIAS WAGNER. FOR SALE. ,A farm containing SO a$f«B of choloe land and under good cultiva­ tion. 10 acres of hay land, and the bal lance plow land. Fruit, four good wells, two comfortable houses, good barn, granary, eto. For particulars inquire at tbe farm, situated in tbe town of Grant, Lake Co., Ill,, eo«-half mile north of the old Goodale Corners, or address, N. N.WLHMB. Fort Hill, lit. January 29th, 1886. Don't Mention It. good prunes for J 1 Twenty-six pounds fl;4o per lb. Thirteen pounds good bladkberrles for 81; 8c per ib. Fifteen pounds rice for 91; 7c per lb. Four gallon kog extra honey table Syrup 81.30; 35o per gal. Buy tbe only standard plug--Plank Road. Men's good Arcties only 81.38, All sizes Candee hip or sporting boots. Great bargains In gloves and mlt< tens. Walt for oar new stock of Clothing Hats, Shoes. Dress-goods, Wallpaper, Carpets, ete. Mexican Coflee always pieases. Santa Claus and Labor Saving soap. Our pride; the Candee rubber goods. Carpet warp; all colors. Rookford make. See our Felt Boots before buying. Remember our Insurance business is conducted on the square. -iRiurs as Ever, BOKSLBTT A norm, w \*?> - '* J ' * ii1 ,<>A' • *,i When Baby was sick, we gave her CasSoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Mias, she clung to Castoria, Wheaahe had Children, ghq gave thsmCartoria, ' . .. M, P.--A NEW DISCOVERY. Weakened and deranged livers, stomachs and bowela should never be acted on by Irritants like common )ills. bran, etc., b.v a new method. Samples free at Geo. Besley's Drug Store. Several years ago Chamberlain & Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, commenced the manufacture of a cough remedy, believing It to be the most reliable preparation yet produced for coughs, cojds and croup, that the public appre­ ciate true merit, and in time it was certain to become popular. Their most sanguine hopes have been more than realized. Over three hundred thousand bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now sold each year and it is recognised as the best made, wherever It Is known. It will cure a severe cold lb less time than any other treatfltt*!^ w* Beslejf. > * THE Peerless Dyes, tho best artlclo on the market and warranted* At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. Paints, all kinds and colore. In un­ limited quantities. Mixed patat by the pall or gallon at Story*s Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, the finest thing on the market, at the West Side Drug Store. Kid Gloves, black and colored* heavy embroidered backs for only 75 esets at EVANSONJS. - Kegs of fine Syrup, 81 at EVANSOII*S, PLYMOUTH ROOK OHICKENS. ' A few fine Plymouth Rock Cockerels, Pure Bred, for sale. Inquire of B. A. STEVENS, Spring Grove. COWS FOR SALE. The aadersigued h*t* for sale Ktghs ' Choice Cows, coming In from first of March to first of April, ^ . A. AMEt, One and a half miles southeaH Of /.J Mudgetts Cheese Factory. > * * Bangs I Ladles, use the BissellV Frizzing S:'%" Iron to curl your bangs; tbey^save time and trouble. To be found at J. A. ' Story's drug store. , Persons troubled wtth chronie dl- arrhoea or subject to buwel oocnplaint A In any lorn*, should try Cbambetlaln's % Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Many chrome cases that had resisted all other treatment h<ve been cured by 51?# it. For sale by G. W. Besley. tBTA rare opportunity is presented for some euterprislng townsman to represent a nursery tirca that warrant* stock to ba delivered in prime coudl- "VI tion, so that a large, honorable and permanent trade can be halit up. Very 1 liberal terms to tbe right man. Ad« ; dress, Samuel E. Whituey, Rochester, ^ Boy's knee pant* at 35o. Boy's good . suits, 82 00. Wool, double knit caps, ; '0 3oc. Scotch, knit fancy gloves 3£o, * C Overalls 45o. Socks, from 3 cents to "' 40c. Men's fine shoes, 81.85. Plow . .1 shoes, fl.00. Boy's double tapped boots, #2.2d. •• E. LAWtOOfc . ,4^ DROPPED DEAD. ^'#l|slolugl8t8 estimate that"vtfie"^ heart does 5,000,000 pounds of work ' ^ each day. No wonder people drop dead%ith worn out hearts. This could ,\5 be prevented by Dr, Miles' new and great discovery, the New Cure. Alwaye cammeuces when you first begin to get short of breath, have weak, f aint or smothering spells, pain or tenderness in side. etc. Sold at. Geo. W. Beaiey V Drug Store. % COUGH! and COUGH! and COUGHIIt What In the world is tbe reason you will cough and keep coughing aed Still keep trying interior medicines when Beggs' Cherry Cough feyrup will positively relieve your cough at oacef This is uo advertising scheme, but an actnal fact, and we guarantee it. For sale by J. A. Story, McHeury, and J. Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggist's, The Immense sale of Chamberlain** Cough Remedy has been produced M a great extent, by people, who have been cured by It telling their friends and neighbors of its good qualities and urging them to try it. Tue most so- - vere cold will soon yield to its sooth­ ing eflects, For sale by G. W. Besle J ,«/ FOR SAL& "pi A farm of 80 acres of^and, wlUkgo«d house, &ood out-buildings, and. good well of water. The above premisflie are situated in tbe town of Antloch. Lake County, 111,, three miles east of Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. For further information inquire of D. F. Smiley. Woodstock, or John ilea- drlcks, Spring Grove, 111. I?if WHAT ON EARTH Is the reasoa people will not, cam not, or do not see auy diflerenoe la cheap nostrums put up by Cheap JohA bouses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather thau take a medicine of world wide reputation and one that Is giving univ&rsai satio- laction at equal price? No aieiHcino in the world is giving such uupar­ allel J satisfaction for purity ing the blood as Baggs' Blood Purider A Blood Maker, and every bjttlu that does not do its wo;k will coeS yoa uothiug. For sale by J. A. Story, Mcileury aud John HumpUre*, llfeii»» conda. Druggist's. : F. K. GRANCCIty '• General Auctioneer. • Sales of Real Estate, Stock, FarmliM^ Tools, Household Furniture, aad Gaoda of all kinds attended to on the most reasonable terms. Orders by mail will receive- prompt attention. Address ' » . ®ls »r»Jy » •sy^V, ' e- • _ • A ' ' " J " ' - ' - - " V : : . ; ' v : - > V J ; , ' . ^ r 4 y - v . - . - . / ^ ; . . . ^ ^ : ' • JiLn.*sgM 11, 4$^' 4

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