Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1889, p. 8

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»SK~<f,3 1 , ̂ < >f5W &s4i.W£ J».W"-!K ,. yry» f <\t 'i1^ *r*" • • ••;<•"• .'*: ,^w.R • •• T- ',-'^ T. U. BSMRTMBHT. e!es aad Noiteea tMer the abor® head -- " hr the tidies of the W. O. T. U. ' claim* no part or credit tor f The Loyal Temperance L«gli>ti will meet ai the new City Hall on Frl- afwrnooD at four o'clock. s|i " i* fi '%5 • ifc^' Ttteir Business Booming. ProBablv no one thinjf has caused •veil • general revival or business at G. W Resley'e drug store as their giv­ ing away to their customers of »o maav free trial bottles of Dr. King's jSfbW M|Bo?ery'for Consumption. Their trade Ivsimply enormous Id this very valuable article from the fact that It cores aad never fAlls. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. Ton can test Its merits before buying by gettine a trial bottle free. large size fl. Every bottle warranted. sffe? HOW CAN PARENTS „„4>wth«ir children to congb tad it rain and cough and calmy Pay: "Ob! it Is only a little cold." and keep giv­ ing them cheap and dangerous medi­ cines, until they are down with lung fever or consumption, when they can be so easily relieved by Beggs,' Cherry Cough Syrup? It has no superior, and fevwqu&le. For sale by J. A. Story and John Humphrey. Druggist's. Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger, tbe finest thing on the market, at tbe West Side Drug Store. Pain's, all kinds and colore. M, Un­ limited quantities. Mixed pal it by tbe pail or gallon at Story's V .. * "• ti v .••U- • * ^ ^ ^ ^ ' J *v &• m w ' ' • • *,?< ' '• * At prices tbat will sell them/ Sixteen and one-half Iks choice New Orleans Sugar for $1.00. .'• JS JERRY SMITH. * • fer' Boot and Shoe Maker, OH door tooth of the Farntture Store Bleck, ^ --McHENRY ILLINOIS- Sootsand Shoes mar.nfaetured of the best Material and a fit tiuanuuccd. REPAIRING Promptly attended to. INVISIBLE PATCHES for Fine Shoes and Boots a specialty. Call awl see me, Jerry Smith. HcHenry. Deo. 4th, 1838. ' V 3. Barbiaa. J- J- Barbian BARBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail i, DEALEBS IN "FINE CIGARS, McHENRY ILLINOIS. Having leased the brick building lone door Souiii ot'the post vwC6, ™c h--vs opened retail store, where, at all times can be found floe cigars of our own manufacture, together with smokiag and chewing tobacco of the. test brands, JFIS A SFSCIAITY, We have a very large assortment.and| some vmj handsome^ patterue, s„: ^ •#" CALL AND SEE US. BARB1AH BEOS. MeHanry, Korember 13th, 1888. - RICHMOND, ILLimlS. •_ ,"';g Fit teen poundsExtra 0. Sugar for $1 00. Bed Blankot withouC regard to their cosi. Fourteen pounds standard A sugar, $1.00. Horse Blanket* and Robes • • , / a , -H Thirteen and one-half pounds standard Granulated Sugar, $1.00, Always remember we have the beat line of < Style quality and price considered. We have, a complete stock of Felt Boots, Rubber Overs, Bats and Cap, QIOTW and Mittm. . -?•; • *. " • ? *• '-"7'• ^ ^ _l • 1* " *. j" 1, • ."-ij ' • V' * /f 1 *J * 1 f ~ T r t . } f -- ; • r - "i{"r ' \v .v -iy< Wue.'Wi i"' S *. ^ V,=v..->; -i V-; r- i " v't .iT'h»- ' 'A; '*rJy * ^ ^ Have commenced the new year with -a fall line of staple good* usually kept in^ a General , Comprising ^ fine aasoitnw^f DRY & FANCY GOODS, aridMittens, iS; We also have a large stock of Rea<ty Made * " h - - • Constantly on hand. Also a full stock oi the best brands of *= k MVf FLERS, ETC., And we shall slaughter prices on them from the above date. We want to see you one and all, at all times, and will make it our study to treat you well. v Yaurs aa Ever, That is just what the enterprising bjusiness man always- says to he goods on his shelves, and that is just what McHENRY, ILLINOIS, Sr"'v;, >}"• <v I' $h S**" A tnii line of Ciotias, of the latest styles aa* patterns always on band. ANGLE GARMENTS, OR FULL SUITS, Made on short notice and a fit guaranteed, Wrom otsr experience and *practieal knowl­ edge of rhe business we are confident we can Slaase tbe most fastidious, and respectfully ivite all in want of Clothing of any kind to gve me a^aii. Prieea as low as the same quality of goods qaa bavarchaaod anywhere. • t . C. J. BRILL. KWimond, October 15th, 1S?8. AGENTS WANTED ! To canvas for one of the largest, oldest established. BEST KNOWN NURSERIES in the country. Most liberal terms. Un- eqnaled faciiuies. GENEVA NURSEBY. Established 1846- W.&T.3 ttlTH. Geneva, N. T. HABHLSSS 8PVB W^Bl IS THE COWING FENCEr Are saying to theirs so loud that the surrounding country is going to have it humming in their ears all the time. They want to tell you that they mea^/ c Dress Goods, Underwear, Shawls, Groceries, Must be sold to make room for new goods. Examine, hold up to the light, taste, sample, satisfy yoipself that the good? are all the finest and then ask the price. \ ^A YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED! Says so, and they mean business. Xtli much morei easily seen by Stock than Ordinary barb wire, tnere being more tban twice the •IBSOle surface presented to the eyes of stock by this wire than by the twisted barb wire, thereby obviating much of the danger of stock running againBt this fence. Bboula such a thing by any means occur the contact would be harmless. Have been uainic it the past year and am eatisne 1 that it will turn stock an well as any barb wire, ind I woatd be glad to sell every pound of barb Wire that I have gpt on my place at ene-lialf flee In fact, judging from the damage that Have had done to stock in the last three ears, I think 1 would be the gainer it 1 'ould give it away and replace It with Spar Do yon want a fence tbat is stronger than a»y bard.twisted barb wire, giving the full Strength of two wires and yet will go ten to fifteen per cent, farther lor same number Of poands than any of the four point barb «rls«a? mm WAUCONDA, ILL1NO 8. The weather has been remarkably fine thus far. but the COLD will surely come and it stands every one in hand to be prepared for it, and how be^er prepared than to secure the GREAT Do you want a fence tbat you and your aeijgbbor can agree upon tor line fencing and thai save litigation? Do you want a fence tbat bag been proven br many users to have all the merits we have atated? If so you will find it for sale at B. Gilberts, Test McHenry, or at my farm, \% miles West iHoHenry, on Woodstock road. » SAMUEL SHERMAN. AL«> agent for Big Glaat reed Mill which :j|£iad.Oca, wband- all. ,;, RGAINS Sow ben^g offered at our store in all) kinds Of Heavy Goodt. j We mean business and will give you Lower Prices o$ this class of goods than ever before offered in Lake County. OTJR STOCK OB*--4-- General Merchandise Was never more complete than now. Call and get our Pricts before purchasing elsewhere. Special iaducements for Cash Buy­ ers in sums from $5 up COLDINC BROTHERS. JIT Highest Market Price paid for Farm ProduQ ̂ Canned Goods and Wooden Waro in stock. highest Market: Price paid for Butter ind Eggs. / ^ » 1 5. \ * r. MEN'S SUITS ,V-» " \ *:• J.' • : •»- r ^ , i / y Vi,, '* ' iij ... ' -iaV J- * ' ' " * ' ' ** f*£ in r. n Y f.* ^ y-~i& j* ^ } ^ BOY'S OVERCOATS, jfi" v.»: m f V. We have marked the above goods down way below COMPETITION. before buying. PERKY & OWEN PERRY & OWEN. BANKERS. FiTZSIMMONS & HENDERSON. Opposite Post Office, West McHenry, Dec. 18th, 1888. (One Door West of Riverside House,) ifcHENltf,]. - TI^X^irVOI». DEAL'SB IN- DRUGS, MEDICI NES, TULL LINE OF- Drugs, Cktaieala, 9y* Stuis, Feuats, Oils and Colon. Constantly on band Also a large line of Patent Medicinea, Toilet Articlea, '----^AND COMPLETE STOCK OF^ STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Fhysicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by 'a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited JULIA A. STORY. NEW DEPARTURE. TIV McHEiNRY, ILWNOIS. JACOB BONSLETT, Having purchased the Hardware Business of H V Shepard, would inform the Buying Public that he has just put in a full new Stock of Purchased for Cash, all of which will bo sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. For both Coal and Wood, of the best makes, always ©n hand In ahort I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county Da not*fail to call when in want of anything in my line and see what can be done GLASS OF Alt SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. JOBBING AND REPAIRING Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction guaranteed. A McHenry, Ill.t October 1st, 1888* JACOB BdNSLBTT* any Insurance call We have the best companies the world. West 5* "5' v „ nry, -syDEALER IN SHELF AND v Stoves, Tin, Copper Sheet-Iron Ware The Peninsular and Reliables The best Stove on the Market and cheap. Hi • Come and see oar Galvanized Iron K«roeena Tanks, tbat we make oura elvee, ttaai'ifHl " bold a barret. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pnlleys, U • best in the market. Call and see It. / Screen Doors. Tbe celebrated^-floatilg Minnow Pail* a new thing. - Haish's Barb Wire, 9 AT BOTTOM PRICES. W ill be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A g^i specialty of Rutter Factory work. A share of public patronage » ; respectfully solicited. W. P. BTBVENi. .mm DEALER IN- and lledicises, PAINTS, OILS, AND LTQUOBSj FOR MEDICAL USE. ^ *,f Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. « The best brands ot Cigars an! Smofcing and Chewing Tebrap always on hand. I PHYSICIAN'S PEESGRIPTIONS^ Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. llcHenry, December 28th, 1887* f"" ^ v k*. (\.i '«. *$t -.WM-vJ

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