pvv,. f ** K!>NESDAY, FEB 80. 1889. •J. VJLlS 8LYKB, Editor. IS PAPER StJM BEOd p° BIjL A 00.'S Newspaper Advertising imsnmce fHreet), where advertising &#XNEW YORK-**d« jMT Butter ruled quiet Monday or the Ei«In Board of trade, the regular quotation being 30 cents. F; §ar It U >ald seriously, by tho®* #*are«t the auguH person ot hit ex cellency, Orover Cleveland, that he Is norglng presidential aspirations for 1891. This is what wo wou Id term ting hens on porcelain egge., ' ¥&" And here is another pretty •*kow do you do." This time It is * Portugese little ship thnt grabs an American whaler. „ When we react1 that lowly condition that Portugest VfUtare to express their c«ntem^t for Mi it l» time to emigrftte to Alaska, itST. Representative Southworth h»f '%ftro4oced in the Legislature at. ittoeudoient to th^law^or the protec tion of fish la the waters of this State. |q which amendment we find, the v fol lowing: Provided, It shall be lawful to catcb minnows for bait by nets with oaeshe* #©t less thaa two inches square, , /Now we always knew that Soutb- Vliorth was a great fisherman, but we had no'idea that he used such big bait Oard must think tbat our lawmakers at Springfield are all suckers. tV the delegates chosen at Spring- #»ld laat week to the conventlen oi the National Republican League to b* Ipldat Baltimore on the 28th inst., •era as follows, DTLBOATKS. ' Hon, A.J. Lester, Springfield. ii' James W, Patterson, Joliet. ?• ! " Chas G. Jones. Greenup. r Dr. Chae. It. McAllister, Chicago. ALTERNATES. ® Hoi. A W. Fiers, Joliet. >•; ** -A4» W. Smith, Woodstock. ^ G. W. Patton, Pontiac. s - «• ». D. Peacock, Chicago. The convention was well attended , *Bd demonstrated the "fact that the ^Republicans of Illinois are not sleep- logon their late victory, so glorlouslj Won in both state and Nation. It also f|emonstrates the fact that the League throughout the itate have been an ln- •: portant element of success, and tba J they have came to stay aud make tbens •elves beard in future campaigns^, |gf Senator Bogardus will Intro vduce in the Illinois senate a count; option bill, which it 1b claimed will bt the mest perfect measure of that kind ever Introduced la the state, It is said to have been carefully prepared by Judge Sample, of Pax ton, and it will frobably be a substitute for all tht : temperance legislation sought at tht iiands of the present assembly. It 1* based on the Michigan law and yet hair been arranged to cover the defects it that law aa shown by |he supreme court In its decision as to Its constitu tionality. The bill is so formulateo •s to allow for township prablbitioi i If a county votes against prohibition under the Bogardus law, any township • •caa establish a prohibition district «nd if Chicago does not want absolute . prohibition, any ward on the petitou of a stipulated number of votens cat* tave the question of prohibition sub mitted to all the voters ef that ward i. a special election. FOURTH CLASS POST-OrFICB8. Qeneral Uarrlson wll not Count* nawee tht Beherae to flit them with Mugwump*, A special from InJian* to'the Obi cago Tribune says: "A local paper publishes this evening the subsance of »n Interview Which the honorable W.' G Sayre, ex-epeakcr of the Indiana general assembly, had with Qeneral Harrison a few days age at Indianapo lis oh the subject of fourth-class post- offices and the application of the civil wrvice reform law to the ousted Re publican postal clerks who desire to bej reinstated. Mr. Sayre found that Mr. Harrison Is well posted on the plat< have present Incumbents of fourth class pest-offices resign before the 4th of March tn order that weak kneed Republicans may succeed them. Gen. Harrison declared that such a proceed ing would not bfe countenanced or allowed under any circumstances md intimated strongly that the Rebubltcaus who occupied such ppointments would be the first to walk the plank, He alse coincided in Mr. Sayre's view of the extension of the operation fit the civil service law to the railway mall service, which th* latter characterized as outrageous, and urged that it should be suspended so as to permit the relnstatment of Re nublicau mail clerks on their records without examination. The president elect stated tbat this was a line o' policy that he bad already mapped out."' '• A Very Poor Plea. p, No more wretehed plea can be made It to behalf of the Democratic party "than jr.; that the red-handed slayers of C^ay if ten were in no way encouraged by the " men who lead and dominate that H; -party. The blood of hundreds of vie I" Kims are on their skirts, andwtfo cai> fv*.' name the political assuefffwho ever eufiered imprisonmentor death for his ( crime? On the othe/hand the namet ,, of those who have been^rewarded with ofSces In the South for outrages com " mitted against Republicans would fill many pages. The Federal service re ceived many accessions from this 5 / " classjinder the present ad ninistrarlon | . «nd It Is a sad commentary on tbe as " aurances tbat are being made as to . punishing Clayton's assassins that one p>' -of the division chiefs of tbe Interior Department distinguished himself po yfi" ilticaily as one of a band of out-throats P ' that murdered a friend of Clayton1! ^ two or three years ago. On to Oklahoma. ITever was there any greater exotfo- m^nt over the opening of any ountry than there Is now over the opening of Oklahoma, a large tract of land in the Indian Territory. Those desiring to know all the particulars of that cov eted country should send one dollar to the Oklahoma Colonization Co., Nel son Building, Kansas City, M.q, . &ead Sttelr advertisement. ! Fot California. Itf addition to first-class round trip tickets to California and Pacific Coast points which are on sale dallv, the Chicago and North-Western Railway Company has arranged a series of per sonally conducted one way second class excursions to California. Persot s joining these excursion parties will be provided free of charge with com pletely furnished berths, including >t attretses, curtains blankets, pillows, *tc.. in new tourist sleeping cirs which will be run through without change frotn Chicago to San Francisco and Los Angeles, In charge of experienced conductors and porters the entire dis tance. The cost of a second class tick et covers every necessary expense ex cept meals. For tickets and full inform ati on" regard Ing rates and dates on which excursions will start, aoply to igts of th» Chicago <fc North-Western Railway. ' That tbe United States senate will be Republican throughout Presi dent Harrison's administration seems ertain at this distance. For tbe first two years the Republican majority will be two as now assured, hot taking Into account the,, probable admission of new states, On the fourth of March. 1891, tbe terms of twenty-five senator? expire, twelve Democrats and thirteen Republicans. The Democrats are all from tbe southern states except two. Payne, of Ohio and Voorhees of In diania. A republican gain in Oblo Is probable. Tbe states represented by RepubMcaas In which «the Democrats will pretend to hope for gains are Call forniC.ltevada and New Tork. As to New York li^vill only be pretense as only ODce si nee the war has the legis' ature failed of a Republican majority when a senator was to be elected. Ne vada and California have elected Dem ocratic senators^but never when serious efiert was made to secure a Republican legislature, Senator Jones and Stan- tord whose terms expire In 1891, will doubtless tee that the matter Is not forgotten. Tbe senate after March 4th, 1891, Is likelyHobe more strohgly Republican than forieveral years. <1 49* In commenting upon the bill to prevent the formation of trusts which is now pending in tbe legislature, the Chicago Dally News says: Mr. Merritt's bill No. 118, for an act to prohibit the restriction.of trade^by the formation ot trusts and trust com pantes should be kept befor tbe public ' to tbe end that pressure may be brought upon the General Assembly for it enactment. It makes it unlawful for any person company or corporation to enter into Or carry out any agreement restricting the manufacture or production of auy Wilde, fixing the standard or figure by Which its price to the public shall be In any way oentrolled, regulated or established. It provides against the consolidation ' of corporations and enacts that a vio lation by a corporation of the law in this regard shall work a forfeiture ot the charter of the company, and % ter mination of its corporate exist- aoce. la fact, it Is just, such an aet as most people interested in the formation ot trusts will not care to see on the stat ute book. The bill, if passed, will in- orease the business ot tne state's at torney's office in more than one county Of the state. It will preparft the way the indictment and conviction pf tWOTfi thnn one ofiender. ; iFbis view ef (the case Is tbe one tftkeo by tbe majority of tbe rural papulation, but as tbe bill in question Is yery strict there is little hope that It will passot this sesslfMi of the -Leg- ftlfttitf*. •!>' ' Letter from Iowa. Vinton, Iowa, Feb. lltb, 1889. Editor Plaindealhr:--I hays been thinking of wrltiag to you for some time, and giving you a little descrip tion of tbe town and country, which it is our fate to reside in at present. We nave a very nice town and the sur- ouading country is very hard to beat for farming purposes, and the climate this winter has been beautiful, but of course this is an exception here as weil is with you. The coldest was 5° be low zero, and tbat only for a few times. Living is as che&p here as any where I know of. fe€i a little higher than in Illinois, bard coal, #9.50, soft coal, 94.50 and plenty of it. Farmers are complaining somewhat about the price of stock, for this is a great stock country and as good stock on an aver- ige as I saw in any country. A great many stock men are here to hoy. One man to-day Is shipping about 300 head to Nebraska to fee&.aad other parties from Illinois ace doing tbe same. This is also a great point for shipping houses. Now I will leave tbat subject and give you my idea* on tbe prohibition question. You all know my views as to temperance, I am just ^as strong temperance as eyer, and I don't know but more so, but this prohibition busi ness Is a faroe at present. Now I will tell you my reasons for thinking so As you know I have always lived In Illinois, where we have always bad license and I passed last whiter in tbe 4outh where they run the saloons wide jpea, and no licenses, and I must say for prohibition, that I never saw town of this size where there was more drunkenness. I was perfectly sur prised to see so many young men, yes boys, that use it and ^rpm their ac tions, very freely. Ther# are no sa loons in town that I know ef, but it woree, for they buy It by the bottle and get out to one side and get full great deal quicker than they would it was not unlawful. At Cedar Rapids and other large places they are run ning their saloons w^de open, and tak ing tbe consequences and making their boast#about it. And for big poker games you don't have to go to the sunny South to get It. I think there will have to be a national action on the matter before it amounts to much One state alone can't regulate it, bn we will wait and hope for tbe best. Well, Van, I take a great many papers, but the Plaikdealkr la tbe one that brings me the news that in terests me tbe most., (unless |t jg tbe Wauconda Slarf) I notice all your en tertainments and Imagine myself there among you occisionaily. lipping we may meet you ail again The Inauguration. ^ The Chicago & North-Western Railway Company offers its patrons a splendid opportunity to visit Wash Dgton in March a^d participate In tbe tnposlng cetemonies incident to tbe nauguration of President Harrison. For that occasion tickets will be sold from all princioleytattoos at the low rate of one fare for the round trip. For full information regard-ng rates, dates of sale, etc\. apply to Agents Chicago A North-Western Railway. Consumption Cured. An old physician,^retired from prac tice, having pin cod in his hands bv an East India luissionaiy tbe formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the peedy and permanent cure of con sumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and ail throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical care for nervous debility and all nervous complaiuts; after having tested its wonderful cur ative powers in thousands of cases tias felt it his duty to make it known to bis suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe n Eoglish, French or German, with full directions for using. Sent by mail by addressiug with stamp, nam ing this paper, W. A. Noyes. 149 Pow er's Block, Rochester, N. Y. u-».eow-ly slVileti you como in to over our immensu week) as usual tl^e some <imo looking REIVED THM AUCTION SALE. •'Y The undersigned will gell at publlo Auction on the Pat Murray Farm. 2% miles Sooth of McHenry, on Friday, February 22d, 1889, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. sharp, the following property Twenty-four cows new milch and springers, 3 heifeirs, coming two years old, 6 heifers, coming one year old, 2 steers, coming two years old, 1 yearling bull, I hiy horse, 1 span work horses, 19 choice stmts, 7 brood sows, 3 stirring plows, 1 break ing plow, 1 pulverizer, 1 water tank, large quantity of siraw^and a q uantity of seed bar ley. i Term8 6f SalbV-All sums of ten dollars and under cash, Oyer that sum a credit ;of ten months on approved notes at 7 per cent, interest Two per cent of for caah. Sale ab solute and without reserve. H. SXYDER F. K. Ghaxgkr, Auctioneer. Dress the Hair With Ayer's Hair Vigor. Its cleanli ness, beneficial effects on the scalp, and lasting perfume commend it for uni- vers'al toilet use It keeps the hair soft and silken, preserves its color, prevents it from falling, and, if the hair has become weak or thin, promotes a new growth. "To restore the original color of my hair, which had turned prematurely gray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with en tire success. I cheerfully testify to the Efficacy of this preparation."--Mrs. P. H. David son, Alexandria, La. " I was afflicted some three years with scalp disease. My hair was falling out and what remained turned gray. I was induced to try Ayer's Hair Vigor, and in a few weeks the disease in my scalp disappeared and my hair resumed its original color." -- (Rev.) S. S. Sims, Pastor U. B. Church, St. JBernice, Ind. " A few years ago I suffered the entire loss of my hair from the effects of_tetter. I hoped that after a time nature would repair tbe loss, but I waited in vain. Many remedies were suggested, none, however, with such proof of merit as Ayer's Hair Vigor, ana I began to use it. The result was all I could have desired. A growth of hair soon came out all over my head, and grew to be as soft and * heavy as I ever had, and' of a natural color, and firmly get."--J. H. Pratt, Spofford, Texas. • Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowellt M v,\j,. Sold by Druggista and Perfumers, in the future'I will close. w. H.FOBD. brief instruction* core free the finest line of works of b T&(J£ at ctlu,, J itPjisMm NUNDA TAXES. The undersigned. Collector of Taxes for the Towrf of Nunda. will be at the store of Fitzslmmons & Henderson. in the village of McHenry. on Wednes day of eacu^week until March 1st., for the purpose of receiving Caxes. Those interested will take due notice. C^E. Rowlct, Collector. CATHARTIC PILLS ABB WHIPS, To the liver and bowels, but fclve no ftrength. The more you take the more you need, Miles' Pills, (M. P.) positively strengthen. The longer taken th« less reduired. Samples free at Beslej's drug store, V •' •-w i. I ^ . . . 4 . k ' j f e f / i a . } , 1 mSL ,*aLj S>LL CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fiver A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence or living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how ever. has proved this to be a fact and the result is that a simple remedy has been for mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications math; at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.--For catarrhal discharges peculiarto females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A.\ H. Dixon & Son, 304 West King St, Toronto, Canada.--Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should , read the above carefully. SOU Nening.Hathlucl |To at once establish trade in *11 parts, by placing our machines, ind goods where tbe people can §ee ihesn, we wfl! tend free to otse Krsoc in each localitjrtthe very at eewhigr-roachine mudo Sre the world, with ail the attachments Wo will also send free* complete line of our costly and ralaemert mpleti. In return we ask that^oa show what we sepil, to those/wa > may call at your home, end after % i months all shall become your owe pern. This erand machine is rnade after the Singer patents, which hav* run out; Before patents utitsold forfcttB. with the attachments, end now seite for •SO. Best, strongest, most 1 machine in the world. AH is No capital required. Plain, ise who writo to us et once can i est gewingvmachrae in tbe world, end the h art ever shown together tn America, lux MO, AnpuUi Maine gP ^ Custom made goods stand at tho head f.»r fit, dura bility and reasonable price. We have a*i size* for men women and children, and ojir warrantee goes with every pair. Fot genttemelfi^ fine wear we have HAND SEWED KANGAROO, . Hand? velt, Sondan, Cordovan, Tampico Goat. CWt. etc., $2,00 to $6 00., Made on the Dewest last. See them. ' " • . , Warrants us to a«?T\in offer to our trade the cele brated Cioofoot & Libby custom made Shoesr' which we h ire Specially made tor our trade, and we fully warrant every p iir t<£ ttini out rep^eeeateil time of purchase. ° M ~ - v LADIES fSHOULD /v NOT ' /MISS '/ To see above firms fioe Kid Shoes made ©n the most fashionable lasti with patent leather tip* and "Last but not in disgrace do we offer tho famed Rochester Fine Shoes, For Ladies and Misses, • * Only made by the old and reliable firm of Phelan & Yorkey . Inspections ; means to buy. Do Hot torget that our assortment^ the famous* diamond DYES D. NEIDHAM'8 *ONe lie-Ilf DearbornStroet, 0H10A.«H> lid Cltier Htssns And flBlfi AH tflUB Caree tAirh, cancer, Rheum&tlsm, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Conetlpatlon.Fi and all WhooDin d for olr» J Is always complete, both in si^es and qualities. All their-£oods have the double thick ball. From Beloit, Wis;, we have received our Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Pants, etc. for years, without cause to change houses or any danger o* losing any of our /trade ou this account. Our new stock of BeJoit goods is now in and prices are sdme lower tut qualities some higher. Good Mue deuim overall, 65c to 95c. All wool, fancy, well cut matched pan's and vests/ only $4.00» Do not fail to look us over soon. Trunks, valises, bags. Odr stock is new with goou variety. Keep your eye on this paper and our advertisement for the com ing weeks as y^e do not blow about goods until tli'ey are on our shelves and marled. Clothing, Goods; Groceries. REMEMBER THE Old Stand -AT THE RIVERSIDE, Where genuine Bargains are in store for yotrv w, 20 & pail Jelly .70 4 gallons best Svrup, 1.30 25 bars Golden Crown Soap, 1.00 May Flower Tea, per fb. .40 6 in. PTw <"ase Lace, per yd. .05 3 " Oriental Lace. 05 12 in. «« .25 Jjatest stylos Buttons, metal, cents up. In <kGEORGE O." No. 9701. Record, 2:20 Will be limited to Twonty Mares fur the spring season. He has left tho best Colts ever raised in this county. CEO. W. OWEN, Prop. McHenry. February 5th, 1880. if HE MOST'Ce^t PLE TE Ma p of Oklahoma ISSUED JUST published We have % full line of John Fos'ter's, always warranted. Also some special lines Men's Shoes, All solid, $1.6bt <Ca}f, warrant ed, $1.90. Ladies', from $1.50 to 4.50. Beloit We carry a full line of RALLS. And the4>eSt lo look at our buy. Call and Showin'g corijectly, its location, streams, timber lunil, etc., with a copy of the bill just pnsse'l the lower house ot Pongress. a full an complete Kuide to thai coiintiy, with full information as to the land laws goVerning its fettlment, mailed on receipt of ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Parties sending for maps, who desire any special information in regard to Oklahoma or contemplated towns or cities in that new Terviioiy, will receive the same upon appli cation. a me nber of our Colonization Co. has been in wnt.Ladjacent to this •ountry for many .yrars.junl jfiil answer tree of charge all ques Hons pertaining to Oklahoma territory. Send money by registered lettei, postoffice money order or postal note, to Oklahoma Colonization Co., Nelson Building, Kansas City, Mo« RAFFLE! On account of other business which requires ajiofmv time umt attention, the Bay Trotting Uelding, Valued at #1.500, will be rnfllcd for at SPICES' HALL, GENOA I UNCTION. WISCONSIN. March 1st, 1889. Tickets Two jirs. . In tho county, stock meafhs to see for yourself. Scvpii luuxlred ami fifty is tlmlini'"trer of ticekta to be >oM . If 1 cannot sent, hut mini ber the money will be refunded, send hioiicv by registered letieur^st offlc.e order or Am- ertoan Kx press o^er. Addre-s,' E l i E . M a n o r , Genoa Junction, Wis. Lefer by permission, to Water? Stock arm Patterson Bros <fc Co., Union Hock Yardr, Chicago, /«., and the *Q8(ma 'er. ^ «ar. ANY ONE CAN DYE A Dress, or a Coat, ) Anv Color Ribbons, Feathers, I Yarns, Rags, etc. i FOR TEN CENTS and in many other ways SAVE Money, and make things look like NEW, by using QIAMOND DYES. The work is easy, simple, quick; the colors the BKSt and FASTEST known. A«k for DIAMOND DYES and take no other. For Gilding or Eronzing Fancy Articles USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents. A Portfolio of beautiful baby pic tures trom life, irinted on nne plate paper by putent photo I>roees$ sent free to Mother ot anv Babv bom within a year. Kv'eiy Slot her wants these pictures ; send at once. Give Babe's name and age. WtLLS, RICHARDSON & CO., BURLINGTON, VTR "^'Cleanse ^ the System;'[-x'-'-h With that most rellabla < ^ medicine-- Palne's Celery ; ^ Compound. It purifies the -. 1 blood, cures Constipation, and regulates the liver and kidneys,effectually cleans ing tbe system ot all waste. and dead matters. Paine"** H0S. Celery Compound combines true nerve tonic and strengthing qualities, reviving the energies and spirits. " I have been troubled for some years with a complication of difficulties. After trying va rious remedies, and not finding- relief, I tried Palne's Celery Compound. Before taking- one lull bottle the long troublesome symptoms be gan to subside, and I can truly say now, that I feel like a new man. Digestion has Improved, and I have gained ten pounds in weight since I have commenced taking the Compound." Honkstcs Stkaknb, Felchvllltj, Tt, $1.00. Six for $r,.oo. At Druggists. Wells, Kichakdsox * Co., Burlington. YT * At 1 o'clock P. M. This iiorse was 5 ^ ears nla iRSt Julv, sirod i)y Allien UoktMni!h, 733, durn liny I'.airie mare, half sister to Oh:irlcy t'oril, 2: l(i"%. Eij M. M«inls 15" V hands \vpi/i,s 1375 poumU.; he took .-econd uionoy at WoodBtocl; and Miireiijto. III.,ami won Hie 3 111 unite r*.-,- ut KiUhorit, W Ifis' S^ptcnitier, he got a roronl df 2:40, a ml cun aimw b ti er than h 2.»J0 gait. iiei» jjoricctly touu<i iu every v 25 pound pail best Apple Jelly % ° $1.00. 15 " best Evap. blackberries, 1.00. 11 '* " " Peaches, 1.0C, 5*gal. pail extra Honey 8yrup, 1.50. These are just a sample of our many bargains , are chock fuil of them. Come and See> Us. We W.Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD, ILL. *j»P' UU1UL11 OIIT TIE ou FOB Pricps ground to a razor edgie. It will piiy to invest a few dollara now even if you do not need the goods 'til next winter;' some t hings you may call it * The Half Price Sale, / If you wish, Stadias Overcoats, Yarns, Heavy Underwear, Flannels, Also a few extra good, heavy, gray, all wool suits, ctieap enough at $15, price now has been cut to 8.50. A few overcoats at $1.75, 3 .50, 4.50, 5 00, worth double, Ladies extra high button Over shoes, a lew pair left at $1,25, former price 1 75. Ladies finest^ quality sell acting Overshoes, worth $1.25, this week* price, 80c, Extra good quality FeltJioots and Overs, ground down to $2 15, 3 1-2 yards best Kocklord Flannels, (shrunk), $1. Fur Caps for men, a few left at most any reasonable offer. Ladies and Misses Toboggan Caps from 10ci to 25c each, ^old hundreds for four timea thalt tigure. A few Waterloo and Kockford Shawls left when price js ho object. Ladies warm lined Shoes $1 per pair, which we thought cheap enough at 1.50 before. Also please don't forget that we have a complete line of Ladies Dongola Kid Button Shoe. For $2.50 per pair and we warrant the shoe to be the best in the world tor the money. We want you to try a pair* New spring styles Embroidery, pure linen Laces, Towels, Napkins, Table Linen, now on sale at bargains, Our spring styles ot ROCKFORD Are also in, will you please 1 >ok them over? Price from $2,25 Up. The Kockford $3 Ohoe is a corker. As good a thing as we can say for iiroceries is this. They are here, plenty of theui and jou needn't wuste a thought on prices or Quality. Will tell you more about them next weels perhaps. John Evanson & Co, , BLL > West ^ " & you want the best Garden you f have ever had, you must sow • MAULE'S SEEDS. _ There is no question but that Maule's Garden Beeds are unsurpassed. Their present popularity in every county in the United States proves it, for I now have customers at more than 31.000 post- office: . When once sown, others are not wanted a* •ny price. My new catalogue for 1889 is pro- ncuntai the most original, beautifully illustrated and readable Seed Catalogue ever published. It contain* tanong other thintw, cash prizes for premium vegetables, etc., to'the amount of $3,500. You should not think of purchasing any seeds thlt spring before sending for it. It is mailed free to all enclosing stamp for return postage. Address WM, HENRY MAUXE, 1111 Filbert St PHILADELPHIA, PA. Administrator^ Notice. lASTArKof Kdmond Knox deceased. The' Cli undersigned having beenuppointed Ad. minisirator of the esute ol Edmond Knox, deceased, late of the county .of5 Ale Henry and State of Illinois, hereby® gives notice that he » ill appear before tbt^: Oounty Jaurt <>f Mrtlenrv county, at ttiQw Court (louse in Woodatoek. ut the April term, on ^he tirst Monday in April next, at which- .. time til persons having claims agAiiut said*-.',-. estate -tre notiiied anil reijue.sted tnattend for '. the (lurpose ot having thu sikrne adjusted * persons indebted to said estate are requested, , matte immediate payment to the under-^;^ |K.|J wgned. Dated this 23r(May of January A. D. 18S9. ; < H. J SUTTON, Administrator. . Call lit an<i get uieaatired for a pante at $7. D^n't paj #9 and #10.^ * Your obblo« oat of 300 samples. Also v bave your clothes altered, flttert and V • c l e a i M B i i . h m h v o a u n o t b e b e a t I d o > o f f * ' * a aloe Job. > X. Lawlub, Tailor,