ary 'Plantarier. f, WEDNESDAY, FEB. •i Railroad TIme Table. „* • ,t Taking effoot June loth, trains will pass McHenry Station daily, us follows: ' SOMA BOUT#,* t Lake OanevaPassenger..7:»>A.* U l e G e a m E x p r e s s -- . 8 : J 2 Lake Qeneva Freight.... «,**»«*». >:30 F. « Lake Genera Passenger............ «:» & 'ooixo fWBln.- • f Lake Geneva Freight.,/i...U>..,...H'il A. * { Lake Geneva Passenger...............Srijo " , t Lake ieneca Expross ......... .4:55P. U t Lake Geneva PaBsensrer ,,....6:51 • inilv except Suuday. • • • • ' B. BUS#, Agent. McHenrv, 111 MASONIC. UCREKKR LODGE, NO. 153 A. F, and A. M.-- •Regular Communications the second and Ttourth Mondays in each month. HENRY COLBT, W. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEBIC A. •ijj Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second «*nd Laat Tuesday evening of each month. :f fi{eighbor8 cor lially inviterl- '*>T; HAVE you left your lias for tbe 221 Dane*. order for the MR. SLADK'S subject next Sunday • JjiOaorDlng will be t-Mind Cure." • BRAD the new advertisement of viptoffel A Blake, to be found in another ' FFOLUWO. ' $ REMEMBER the Dance at the Parker fllouse, on Fridayevealng of this week. ;4he 22d. ^ A REGULAR convocation of ^Lodge, McHenry No. 158. A. F. & A. M. on Monday evening next, the 86thP -- Work on the M. M. degree. * REMEMBER the regular meeting of Valley Camp, M. W. A., which will be held on Tuesday evening of next week, the 26th. Importaat business. •. FRANK CALKINS has as fine a bred l^lastlft as oan be found In the state, fie has recently disposed of a litter of fine pups at fancy prices. . THE 87th Annual Exposition of the 5$le lienry County Agricultural Board ^fvlll be held on tlie 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th %t September uext. FAS. S. WALSH, of Elgin, has.sold tils house and lot in this village, te A. Miller, who will take possession of the jame March 1st. Consideration, 9450. THE McHenry Dramatic Club are {Diligently rehearsing for the Comedy of "The Herolo Dutchman of '76." We •hall try and give the exact date next week. ALL persons who leave their, namer at Alithoff Bros, storef or. at Besley's drug store can have a Bus call for Iheui on the night of the 22nd Party at the Parker House. Bear this in mind., R. C. MEAD has furc.ished us a very Interesting account of his trip to Dixon, 111., where he at teWed ~t1Ve Lee County Farmers Institute, which Ij/ un&vbidably crowded out this week, »ut will appear in our next. B. ROBINSON, at bis rooms over the cjPost Office, is prepared to File Saws fn short notice and guarantee satis faction. Bring your saws along and iiave them sharpened. Also grinds jind sharpens Shears. .. WE inadvertantly omitted to notice last week the appointment by Judge Kellum of Hon. M. L Joslyn as Master In Chancery for this county, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the lamented A. B. Coon. THE Willing Workers Society connected with the Universallst Church, will meet with Mrs. R. Bishop, on Thursday afternoon, ol this week, Feb. 21st. MRS. W. A. CBISTT, President, 7 MKS. O. N. OWBN, secretary. Kilt and Plain Suit*i from Hi wo to five years cf age. Boy's Caps, Gent's fine-wool Hose. Boy's Cellars, 40 cents. Ladles' Linen Collars, 8 cents. New fancy German prints alj. solors. Dress silks, trimmings, Ind ilk Remnants. Thread two cents, at toadies' iSalesrooms. ; TAX payers bear ia mind that the lose for paying taxes expires March st, and no extension will be granted, •fc, E. Rowley, Collector for the Town jp! Nuada, will be at the store of Fitz- Damons & Henderson, in this village, Jbn WednesJay next, the 27th, for the last time. Those Interested should '^>ear this in mind. t A GANG .of swindlers are perambulat |ng the country taking orders for en larging photographs. They collect two .dollars In advance from each customer Signing d I He root names to each order. CTltey were working in the vicinity ol Aurora last week, where officers found ,»ut their game, made, them return the money they bad collected and quit the ^town. ", V - • <4 t ON the morning of April 30th, 1889 1t has been arranged that the churcu 'bells shall ring all overt the country to celebrate the event of one hundred years ago, when the church bells throughout the thirteen state* rang out to call the people together to pray for the (success and prosperity _®f the country under General w asli ington, that day inaugurated Presi dent of the Unite 1 S^a'.es. - FOLLOWING Gillott's 'She' at the Chicago g^pera House will come 'Natu -rai wbich opens for a two week1* .'engagement commencing. Sunday "^February 24th. ' New special ies, new features of all kinds, new people, hew nsusic and everything calculated to im prove the piece has been added since it was last seen here. Ail the salient ' ipoints that made the piece such a go -^during its previous engagement have Vbeen retained aiid Dianely and Glr- turd are fuialer than ever. PERSONAL- Miss DOKLESCA. GRANGER is reported galte sick at this writing, PROP. LINN. H, YOUNG was LA Chi cago on Saturday last. MOBT ROGERS, of Lake Geneva, was ?n our streets,po Saturday last. ^ ' MRS. J. VAN SLYKE is on tbe tick list, t-ti ts week. MRS. n. S. GREGORY spent a few days in Chicago last week. * " R. WAITE and son. Earl, spent Sun day wltb their friends in this viliege. EARC SLATER, of Nunda, visited with hie sister, Mrs. H. V/Shepard, a few days last week, v c. II. OSTHANDER and Wife? visited at Austin- and Sterling, III;, the past week. JOHN WKNTWORTH and wife of Chicago, spent a few days with friends in this village last week. REV.FATHER O'NEIL attended the funeral of James B. Gavin, in Chicago^ on Friday last. JACK MCCABE, of WHuconda, wis shaking hands with friends bar* «n Friday. . ' JOHN NKwrow and wife, of fvanbo*. Lake Ccuuty, spent Sunday wfth friends in this village^ MRS. FRANK CALKINS and Mrs. A. Calkins, visited with friends in Elgin on Friday and Saturday last. ' Tnos. MCGHEE, of the Water's Stock Farm, was on our street on Monday of this week. MRS ORMUS BISHOP started to-day, Wednesday, for Kearney, Neb., where she will visit with friends for the next few months. GEO. GAGE and wife, expect te Vineland. New Jersey, In abour two weeks, wtere they will be the guests of Joh^Gage and wife. They will probably be gone three or four months. M. F. WAESH. edisor of the Harvard Herald^ made oar sanctum a very pleasant call on Mondav. Brother Walsh is publishing a good paper and is deserving of the very liberal pat ronage he Is receiving. WE notice by the Chioago papers that Clarence. A. Knight and Paul Brown returned home on Saturday last from a trip through Mississippi and Louisiana, in company with Mr. D. C. rioley and City Treasurer C. Herman Plants. few mo /HON. ' /go to V BOKSLETT & STOFFEL, on the West ;*lde, will receive to-day. Wednesday, 4800 fine first class Suit* for all age* 'which they will s«ll at prices raoglng from 83.50 to 8*25 00. There wld be all tlzes and styles. Also at the same time they will put In a larje stock of new Boots and Shoes to which they in vite the attention of the buying pub lic. Call at their store and examine r.heee suits. You are sure to find something to suit you and at a bar gain. IT OUR Public ^cTSMTTl" progressing inely under the direction of Prof Sfounglnnd his corps of able assistants iud we believe we <txtgger*te vhen we say Molleary lias the besi ohool she has enjoyed In insny yesr^ fProf. Youug as'a teacher has few • quale and no superiors In thU part of the state, his whole <oul being In the work, and the rspld progress being made by the pupils of his department can be plainly seen by all. M'cHenry was certainly fortunate in being able te secure his services, and we trun we mav be able to retain them for a long _ttme to come. THE Elgin News of February 11th says: "The Home factory,owned and operated by Frederick A. Patrick, and located about a mile east of Marengo, was totally destroyed by dre, which was discovered at 12:10 o'clock. It is not known how It started. The Marengo chemical engiae was hauled to the scene but it was of no avail. The factory was worth some #3,009 and was insured for $1,500.i There was on,, haud and destroyed about 8500 worth of butter and from 81,000 to $1,5<>0 worth of cheese, upon which the Insur ance was 8600. Mr. Patrick is one of , the prominent members of the Elgin board of trade." AT the annual meeting ol the Lake County Agricultural Society which occurred at Liberty viHe, February 6th the fdllowing officers were elected: John Austin, Jr.. Libejrtyville, Presi dent; J, C.Coe, Ravin la, let Vice- President; J. A. Mason, Vernon, 2nd Vice-President; W. M. Heath, Liberty ville, Secretary ; A. W. Waldo, Liber- tyville, James Murray, Wauconda, Walter White. Avon, George Wright. Libertyville, and E. Cook, Fremont, hoard of directors. The date tor the fair was fixed for September 11-12-13- 14, and the trotting purses amounting to seven hundred and fifty dollars, were arranged as follows: Second day Gent's driving race, #50. Free-for-all stallion race, 8125. Thitd day. pacing race, $125. Fourth day, 2:40 race, 8150. Free-for-all* $175. TMK Poplar Grove North Star says: "Three kids of tender years, not a thousand miles from here, started on skunk hunt the/os^er day, and suo*" caeded in cipturing eleven of thlfee beautiful little anlui lis aad 500 cubic feet of odor, while three more escaped. The nes^t day w*s devoted/to prepar ing the fur and ms,aufacturing skunk'a oil. Any one having ekunk-oll barrels for sale would do well to call around, we believe the annount of oil on hand is iimnens". The episode was to have been kept dark, but our le- >orter says he smelled it--that ia the way he got onto it." "IF the h^art of man Is depressed with cares, the mist is dispelled when the bottle appears." Not a bottle of spirits, oh no! but a small vial of that Invaluable compound I^JOWO to clvila- (satlon av Dr. Bill's Cough Syru^. < Death of James B. Gavin. Mr. James B. Gavin, for ov^r twenty yeats associated with the rhllllnery house of Gage Bros. A Co« Chicago, died at his residence. No. 38 College Place, in that city. Wednesday last. The deceased bat suffered from Brigbt's disease for nearly one year, and his friends bad hopes of his recov ery. One day last week he was down town, took a se fere cold which aggra vated his other troubles aad ended iu death. Mr, Gavin was much beloved for his many good qualities, an hOQest conscientious man anl a truly good N^bristlan. He was a brother to the late Miss Emily Gavin, and leaves a wife and one child. His funererl took place OT Friday of last week at 10 n'clock from his late resldenc to St James Catholic Church, thence to Cal vary Cemetery. He was a son t>l Michal Gavin, of this village. ' Fnisk LMIIS^I SUNDAY ^OB MARCH. Just now Africa is a prime subject of interest, and Emma Raymond Pit man's article on slavery and missions on the East Coast of Africa will tell |^lte reader much about that part of the dark Continent Which is foremost in the mind. The Mohamedan women of India are described by S. F. Norrls, and P. J. Poppofl contributes a" valua ble article on Prejvalski's adventures in Central Asia. The article by Mary ritcomb on the Ways and Words of American Lawyers is both amusiog and Instructive, and the artfcle/on Lady Brasny. with Its numerous lllus- trattons will be read with much inter est by those who remember, and ad mire that brilliant woman. Oscanyon our former minister to Turkey, tells about Jk.aarchy In Turkey, and Dr. Tal lage preaches a brilliant sermon on Sin as a Taskmaster. The serial story Genviev, is continued, and Fanuie Ay- mar Matthews contributes a tender short story, Dorothy's Wedding. The usual departments are full of Interest and Mr. Messiter,(er{anlst of Trinity Church, New York, has a vigorous hymn-tune to Dean Plum trees' Rejoice ye Pure In heart. There are many short articles and poems and some beautiful full-page illustrations. ~ -- ! -- my. v AkCONOUIN. BBITOR PLAIN DEALER Yr. WIT Toby, of Aurora, has been visiting tie re with rdlativef, and friends the past week. a;. C. E. Chapell started started north wfFrlday of last week to buy milch «»ws. J \ Mr. Wooley, a nephew of Mrs. H, B. %ii>bard. of Wisconsin, spent a few days here last week. There wlil be a church sociable at W. P. Benson's on Wednesday evening February 27th. Refreshments will be served during the eveuiog. E. Sinnett and family visited friends in B&rrington on Thursday last. Miss Florence Allen, of Cary, was the guest of Miss Bertha Dodd last week. There weroi communion services held at the Episcopal Church Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlsky, of Cary, were callers in town oe Monday last. The ladies' sewing society of the Congregational Church will meet at the res?deuce of Mrs. W. H. Jlncks, on tVednosday of next week. Miss Maggie Miller, pf Redwood Falls, Minnesota, has been visiting relatives here during the past week Mrs, S. A. French, of Chioago, was tlie guest of Mrs. H. Phillips over Sun Jay. The la lies of tbe Episcopal Church will give a Butterfly Sociable at the dome oi Henry Keyes, on Wednesday evening of this week. H. B. Throop officiated at a real- estate sale in Chicago, on Saturday DIED, February 17tb, 1889, Mrs. At- bert Suctiy, who lived east ot town. Mrs. Suchy has been a widow for about ten years and she leaves a family oi eleven children to mourn her loss. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums of 81,000 and upwards on Real Estate Security. Inquire at this office. NOTICE. L. Bonslett will fill bis warehouse 'bis week with Oats, Bran. Middlings and all kinds of feed, and will sell at the lowest market price for cash. Call and see him before purchasing else where. •L. BOMSLSTT, SOCIAL DANCE. Tliere will be « Social Daoce at Heimer s Hall, McHenry, III. on /Mon day evening, March 4th, 1889. Music Smith's Quintette Orchestra. Tickets 50 cents. All are cordially lnvl|»d. JOHN HSIMER. Propneser. • FOR SALE. The undersigned oflers for sale a house and goed garden, situated in the village of Ring wood. House contains ten rooms, good well and cistern, barn and other out-houses. Plenty of small fruit on the premises. Will sell on reasonable terms and on time if de sired. Possession given on or before May 1st. For further particulars in quire of WESLBT LADD, Rlngwood. III. 'in. | L.- FOR SALE. My House and two lots. Good well and cistern, apple, cherry, butternut and sugar maple treesS Raspber ries and strawberries in abundance, MRS. H. S. GRSOOBT. CALL IN. Choice broken rice only 4c. Good Blackberries* 8c; W pounds for *i. ... * Clean ^wholesome tea-dust, 40c per pound. Choice fine-cut tobacco 25c per lb. Try the celebrated "Sweet Lotns tobacco. Extra H >ney Table Syrup only 35c per gallon. • , Look over our bulk garden seeds. Good prunes 4 $ and 6c per pound Inspect our large new stock of Shoes. We will bay our new stock of cloth ing hats and wall paper this week. Good hntton shoes for ladles only •i a». • BOHSUITT A Stoma, • ------ % Fell Boots aad Rubbers at vary bottom figures, a* Althoft Bras. Hebron Department A LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOSW.--A. P. am! A, M. meet at Misonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday e*en- u^s of each month. MOPKRH WOODXKK OF AW»P*OA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every S<l and 4Ui Tharsday even- tags of each month. Neig&Sors cordially in- v'l ted. The revival meetings closed oA Tuesday evening of last week. Miss Bell Fenner is learning the dressmakers tratje. Munger's dividend for December Dtlk was 81,25 per hufeir<M. Morton MUler is our newPostmas- ter under the Democratic administra tion." J " . , "Doc'f Prooty lost a horse last week from Inflimmatlon of the lung*. John Steward has purchased I. W. Websters bouse and loV on -Maple Avenue. '*• ^ We are gi*d "to note the Improved condition of our respected townsman G. B. Stone, Whose life at one time «as hopelessly despaired of. Theron A. Rowe Is attending to business affairs and visiting with relatives at Logansport, Indiana. Ira B. Phillips has been doctoring two very sick horses the past week. The recovery of one was quite doubt ful. • dog, the school, and the postoOce have been the exolti&g topics of con versation for a week past. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kosh are spending a few weeks with relatives in this vicinity. They drove out from Chioago. Two ambitious youug washing macbino agents are doing the Wash ington Sunflower Avenue, this week. Where is Newell? He will be • ex pected to follow with his "Laundry Queen*" Mr. and Mrs»01in Rowe, from Traer. Iowa, are expected on Wednesday to en^oy a few weeks visit with relatives in this place. Lyman Pieroe's Auction was one Orp tbe largest of tbe season hundred on people being present. The sale amounted to about 83570. v John A. Rotnour has rented jj\nry Munger's place uear RichmondP%r. Munger will work at liis old busluess, cheese making again. E. B. Strattoo started ^last week for a visit to his old homa at Bennington, Vermont, leaving his affairs at home ia charge of Charles Sime during hli tbsenee. a There will be a ' donation at Union Hall on Friday evening of this wtek, for the benefit of Rev. W. A. Cross, It is hoped there will be a large £attend- ance. A number of the young people gave Geo. W. Conn, Jr. a surprise party at uis pleasant borne on Friday eyei*iug. ill report a merry time. Remember the Masquerade Party at Rowe's Hall, on Friday evening, Feb, i2d. Musle by Smith & Anderson's lanes ville Orchestra, of four pieces. Tickets, 81. Supper at Earle's Hotel Marr4«4rM unctioo, oe W«d needay evening, Feb. 13th, 1889. by Rev. Harbaugh. Mr. Ross Sili and Miss Nellie Andrews. We ofler sincere con gratulations and best wishes. Rowe's Hall will b> tbe place for naaeks and exquisite mt^ic on Frldaj evening, and Uuion Hall £h« place for a generous heart and a boujtilul sup per. Be careful not to make a mistake and get into the wrong pew. They say a post mortem ( P) examina tion was held over the body of a live dog the other day. The dog was chained in a barn and starved for a week then fed a quantity of oil and Anally chloroformed and cut into pleets, the heart taken out that its pulsations might be discerned, and other partsequally examined. Whether the dissected organs were carefully re placed, the parts glued together and tbe dog revived we (have net learned positively. Richmond Department. RINCWOOO. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Miss Cyn thia Converse, who has been sick for the past week, is recovering. R. Lawson and daughter. Millie, vis ited friends in Elgin on Saturday. Tbe paople of Ringwood and vicin ity will be glad to know that arrange^ menta have been made so that the fast train,going to Chicago at 8:15 A.M. and returning at 5 p. M„ will hereafter stop at tble station regularly. Passen gers can now le#ve here nearly an bour later in the morning, arriving In tbe city at tbe same time as Ifefore. and can get home early in the evening. L. C. Andrus, who has beei^/olerking at Z. H. Osmun's, Nunda, is to return to Ringwood witb Crlsty A Son. Lee's majy friends here welcome him back. Wm, Langbam was transacting bus innss in Elgin last week. J, Repass, of Geneva Lake, is in structing the Band here. Arrangements ^are being'made for a grand 'Concert to be given Tuesday evening, February 26th, at Band Hall. The entertainment Is tor* consist'ol Plantation and War Songs sang by a colored chorus of 30 voices. Smith's Orchestra will furnish the accompany- ment for this entertainment. A num ber of readings and recitations will be given during the evening,' and the entertainment will close wi.h the laughable sketch, "S'posen a Case." Proceeds to be used for Street Lamps. This is sometblag that Is greatly need ed here. Let everyone turn out and ecjoy a fiae entertainment and help along a good cause. Admission. 20 cents. Children under ten, 15 cents. Doors opeo at 7, curtain rises aa 8 Old soldiers are especially Invited to te attend. PAINS in tlie back are frequently caused by a sudden wrenching of the spine. A few application of Salva tion Oil will give permanent relief. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. For sale by druggists. ^ Kerosena, tfea best quality, at Story's Drac ITEMS OA TIT BRED BT "J AT DKK." -- ' , • i • . ----g "(Mi never borrow trouble, „ /• ; My friend where'er yon go, ' ? I"ot life 14 but a bubble y And it ain* worth while yon kift#.™ , "Ah, well I'll let to morrow ; . °Take care of itself, I vow, Aad the only thing I'll borrow, Z« a dollar from you, now," » , --BoMOn Budget. : ' ( * r-'i. nv - . Dance March 4tii. Have you paid your taxes ? ^ Washington's birthday neStt Fri day. Next week Friday 'J*! V.' will change o vners. Everybody took ^ Slelghride last week. , • W, Motley has rented Frank Wrsy's farm. Clarence Deunlson has a sale, next week.-' ' > Cowtare selling very low^ at the, sales. Charles Eldredga^f ̂ hleagp,^ spent Sunday here. A nice party at the Culver Pause danoe Friday night. Jesse Allen Is expected home from the North soon with milch cows, Mrs P. K. Wright returned home from a two weeks visit in Chicago, SS*t Thursday. J, B. Stone attended the Farmer's Institute, at Woodstock, last Wednes day and Thursday. * John Holiau, of this village. Is (^de mand as an auction clerk, col. Wilson says "he can't be beat," There was a good attendance at Rev, H. W. Harbaugh's donation last Thurs day night. A splendid time is re ported by all. John Sanborn and his sons have re cently purchased a running mare and will undoubtedly enter her in the rades this summer. Rev. Johonnott will move to Hebron soon. He has taken the agenoy for a washing machine and will spend the summer canvassing. [ Rsv. W. A. Cross, of the Methodilst Church, will be given a donation at Hebron, Friday night, It will also be s celebration of his birthday. Henry Rice, formerly of Wilmot, now one of the general merchants of Asbton, Iowa, has been visiting with his brother in this village. •^Edgar Barnard, proprietor of the Nortbrup Feed Mill, bad the flesh com pletely torn from ehe tinger <fey catch- j«g It in a gear. Geo. H. Rows, the barber, has sold out to his brother John, who will con tinue the business at the old stand. Nominations for the, stake races closed last Friday night and without doubt the most exciting races ever seen in town will occur this summer. Mr. Edson Hodge, of Richmond, and a Miss WilooXiOf Randall, were mar ried at Kenosha last Thursday. They will reside on Mr. Hodge's farm In Judge Giimore's many friends hope to be able to greet him as 'Goyernor' soon, His services last fail entitle him to recognition surely. Farmers that held ttieir hogs bop Ing for better prices have "got 1 a ft.* this time. Our buyers only offer $4 and are not anxious to buy even at that price. Water's Stock Farm, during its short existence, has gained a place In the front rank of institutions of that kind. Mr. Waters recently shipped three fine young horses to Ohio and has a number of colts that will be tracked this Sum mer. Last Wednesday Mr. Rots Sill and Miss Nellie Andrews were united in the holy bonds of matrimony; Revt Barbaugh officiating. Miss Andrews is tho daughter oj Mr. aad Mr.Stepheo Andrews, a young lady well and favor ably known to many of our readers es peel ally the younger portion. As the Hebron correspondent fof the Gazette she has m*de hosts of friends by her pithy, Interesting communications Anything of a literay nature Is attract ive to iijer, consequently at the forma tion m thn "Knowledge Seekers," a literary society, on Hebron Prairie, she became one of the leaders, and te her perseverance and tact much of tbe sticcefcs of tbe meetings has been due. Mr. Sill is one of our steady, reliable young men and. has tbe reputation of beiug one of tbe best butter makers In this vicinity. After learning bis trade in tbe Richmond factory, be weut to Lombard, 111., where be had charge oi a large creamery for about IT year, leaving to come and >ake charge of tbe Hebron Prairie factory last Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Sill will reside in rooms recently fiaished in the,, upper part of the factory building. Your correspondent tenders hearty congratulations and well wishes. FOR SALE. A farm containing 87} acres of choice land aud under good cultiva tion, ten acres of hay land, ten acres of timber and; the balance plow land Fruit, four good wells, two comfortable houses, good barn, granary, etc. For particulars, inquire at tbe farm, situated in tbe town of Grant, Lake Co., Ill,, one-half mile north of tbe old Goodale Corners, or address, * v. W. Wn»KS. Fort Hill, 111. January 29th,18S6. There Is 00 dauger in giving Cham- berlaiu's Cough Remedy to childreo, as it contaios no injurious substauce;- besides itHis unequalled for colds and croup. Children like it. For sale b? G. W. Besiey. ' I have«used St. Patrick's Pills" says Mr. J. Reynolds, ot Mayfield. Ky. ' and pronounce tIn*ra superior to any 1 have ever used. 1 do not hesitate to recona mend tbem, knowing them to be relia ble." They are thorough yet gentle in their actiou aqd leave (he system in splendid condition. As a cathartic, or for disorders ot the liver, St. Patrick's Pills fiaye*no equal. For sale by G. W. Besiey. _______ A few very fine Lap Kobes afc |Nd Rook prices, at Althol Bras. Mistress How ; Mi | And dres ftktmJgtliei All Groc6rs sell SANTA CLAUS SOA&. Made by IV K* FAIRBANK & CO., Chicago. _ ^ Try Bestey's^Iron Tonic Bitters. For Coughs and Colds Take Story's Tar and Wild Cherry." «•; Oolden Machine Oil at Jl̂ L. slory's Drug Store. When yon desire a pleasant physic trjlSt. Patrick's Pills. \ If you want to buy Gloves and Mit tens cheap, go to Althoff Bros ./"The finest line In town. / If your hogs "Thumps or do Thorley Fopd. cough, \ia^e the not thrivev feed If your chickens are troubled wltb eholera qt roup use Thorley Food. FOR SAjrfB^House and lot In village jf McHenry, Apply to W. A. Crlsty, Weat McHenry, 111. Bang* I * . Ladies, use the Biesell's Frizzing Iron to curl your bangs; theyjsave time and trouble. To be found at J. A. Story's drug store. /• Croup can always be prevented by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse, it is pleasant and safe to take and per fectly reliable. Price 50 cents per bot tle. For sale by G. W. Besiey. FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN. The Riverside Hotel in this, village. This well known house is now offered for sale on such termsas will net the purchaser at present rate of rental over 10 >>er cent on the Investment. For further particulars call on or -ad dress, « JAMBS B. PKHRT, McHenry. III. ^ FOR SALE. A farm of 246 acres, situated 3) miles south-west of McHenry. Is es pecially adapted for stock and will carry 75 head of cows. Good spring water runs right to the barn. Price 93000 per acre. Terms one-third cash, balance on time to suit pur chaser, Apply to, W. A. CKISTY, West McHenry. LLL. FARM FOR SALE. x , I offer for sale my farm, consisting of the following. SO acres one mile south of Spring Grove and 80 acres two miles southeast of Spring Grove. On one 80 there is a good new bouse, barn and other out buildings. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on tbe premises of % MATHIAS WAONEB. FOR SALE. I ofler for sale my House and two 'ots. situated in the village of Mc Henry. It Is pleasantly located, Is in goed repair, with good Well and Cistern. Also good barn and other outhouses. Will be ? >ld on reasonable terms. Apply on premises, to JOHN KLKIKSEN McHenry^ Feb. 1st. 1889. FOR SALE OR RENT. My farm of 160 acres, situated one mile from R<ngwood cheese factory, and 3$ miles west of McHenry. Good buildings, plenty of water and a fir»t- class wind mill. All under a good state of cultivation. Will be sold on reason able terms or rented for a term of years. Apply to O. GBIHOLBT, West McHenry, III. FOR RENT. The J. D Fox estate of 221£ acres, situated 2} miles west of Gray's Lab* Htatlon. Especially adapted for cows or stock, also good grain farm. Cash rent, For particulars see or address. DIGHTON GBAKOER, Volo, III. When Baby was alck, we gave hsr OBBIOHB, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Xin, she clung to Caatoria, Wbaa shs hsrt aiildwa.sncgavelhcmOcctoriB Buckten'ft Arnica Salve. The best Salve in tbe wot Id for outs, oruiees, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and al|skiu eruptians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or mooey refunded. Price 2f erts per box. For sale by G. W Besiey. The following from tbe pen of Mr. L. P. Bardwell. editor of tbe Marion Pilots Iowa, will, we believe be of^in- terest to many of our readers. He says- '"With pleasure I certify the real mer its of Chatnberlalr s Cough Remedy I have used it in my family for years and have always sound it most excel lent, and especlallv for colds,croup and sore throat. It Is safe and effective. For sale by G, W. Besiey. Electric Bittera. This remedy is becoming so wpll known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same old song of praise A purer medlciue does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters wil» cure all diseases of the liver and kid oeys, will remove pimples, bolls, #alt rheum and other affections caused1 (by impure blood.--Will drive malaria out of tbe blood and prevent as w;eli as cure all malarial fevers.--For cure of headaches, constipation and indigos lion try Electric Bitters--enii'e suis- faction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50o aod 8100 per bottle at W. Beslej's drug score. Business Notices* Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Millla^ ery and Dress Making. , „ Candies, a fine assortment just R8|i oelved at Story's Drug Store. - Cigars and Tobacco, all tbe potralafc^II brands are found In our stock. J. A. Story's. _____ s- Call in and aee the best sewing ma chine in tbe U. S, of America for tbe least money. . '• K' LAWLOS. • If you want to see tbe finest aioek of Fine Shoes at tbe lowest prloes, call at Althoff Bros. .. THE Peerless Dyes, the best article on tbe market aud warranted. At Geo. W. Besley's West Side. COWS FOR 8 A LB. ' Tbe undersigned has for sale Etgfeft ^ Choice Cows, coming In from first ot March to first of April. A. AMES. One and a half miles southeast <»t Mudgett's Cheese Factory. Perfumery, all tbe latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant ana last ing at Storys. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is fa mous, for it^rompt and effectual cure ot coughs and colds. Tbe most severe cold may be looVned and relieved Sy t a few doses of ttus valuable remedy. For sale by G. W.\Bes!ey. f^A rare opportunity is presented for some enterpri represent a nursery stock to be deltvere ing townsman to firm that warrant* din prime condi tion, so that a latge. honQf&bte and permanent trade catTbe bau$ii>. Very liberal terms to the r^ght ^o^o. Ad dress, Samuel E. Whitney, liochesier. \ N,Y, Boy's knee pants at 25c. Boy's good 8uits, 82 00. Wool, double knit cap?, 35c. Scotch, knit fancy gloves 32c. Overall^ 45c. Socks, from 3 cents to 40c. Men's fine shoes, $1>85. Plow shoes, 81.00. Boy's double tapped boots, 82.25.. ; °- l K. LAwwra, ^ Persons troubled wlthVrheumatism should try Chamberlains Pain Baim* ' One application will ease the pain,and ' its continuous use has cured manj|>|| cases of cbrouic aod intlamatory rheu- ^ matism ttiat had resisted other reme dies and oven the treatment oi the best physicians. Price 50 cents per '•••'. bottle. For sale by G. W, Besiey, y LpOK ^O YOUR HEART. Mw, Charles Greenwood, of Indian- apolls, bad what the doctors called, asthma, but she get little relief until she took Dr. Milcs! New Cure, which soon made ber long winded, stopped the pain In che6t swelling of ankles, * coutch, palpitation eto. Sold at Bo*- * ley's. COUGH! and COUGH I and COUGH!!! What In the world is the, reason you will oough and keep coughing aud still keep trying interior medieinee when Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup will positively relieve your cough at oaee? This is uo advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. For «ale by J. A. Story, McHenry, aad * J. Humphrey, Waueouda, Drngglat,'a.. FOR SALE. * A farm of 80 acres of'land, with good house, good out-buildings, and good well of water. The above premises are situated in the town of Antiocb, * Lake County, 111,, tbree miles east of ' Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. For further information inquire of D. F. Smiley. Woodstock, or Jonu Hen dricks, Spring Grove, III. 17tf WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will aot, cas ft aot, or do not see any difference fo ' cheap nostrums put up by Cheup John nouses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputation and one that is giving universal satis faction at equal price ? No medicine t in tbe world is giviug such unpar alleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as Bergs' Blood Purifier ft Blood Maker, and every b?ttls that does not do Its work will cost you nothing. For eale by J. A. Story* MeHenry aud John. Humphrey, Wa»* conda, Druggist's. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales ot Real Estate, Stock. Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds atteuded to on the most reasonable terms. Order# by mail wiU receive prompt attention. Address F. K. GRANGER, Weet McHenry, Itt» V EFFECTS OF MODERN L1FS. Eminent authorities unanimously agree that the high pressure methods ot human lite are rapidly tanking as a race of nervous invalids--subject to all manner of nervous affectations^ head-- \ciie. insanity, dizziness, neuralgia, baekache, bysteria, nervous troubles of the heart, 8tomache, kidneys, brain ete Ladles aud gentlemen who are troub le d tiuia, or who are compelled to keep late hours, do tmicit tuentai or physi cal work, or worry or fret about bust* ness or domestic troubles, should re in ember that no other remedy la the world will so spedil* cure these diseases, remove worry and the bioea. induce tranquil sleep, relieve pain aad ouild up the brain ana nervous sys tem as Dr. Miles great, discovery the Restorative Nervine. It coatalas ao opium or morpiue. Trial tHttttea (n» at Besley's drug stora, W | ife j. . * />" V' • .4sitr," ... J'l î yja"b 'k'iuj A 4i V' A