Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1889, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, FEB 27, 1888. .1. VA.2NT 8LYKE, Editor. TO D A 13T? T> May be found on LAo Jt Al Vj IV tllo at GEO. P, SI.I, & CO.'S New ittatMn (19 Spru ee Stree t), STS-iPSNEW YORK- er Advertising ere advertising A gentile victory la the munic- Ipsl election In Ogden. Utah, for tbe Brat tiai6 lu the history of that city If • cheering alf o of the waning power ot the Mormons. Perhaps Utah will be a State after all one the»e of days tOT" On the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday tbe butter market was dull, most manufacturers refusing to sell at declining prices. Nine thousand pounds of of butter sold at 38 and 29 oeota tbe former being declared the market price. At tbe 4cb of March draws jA£' nearer tbe proportions of the great parade at Washington grow larger. P .* ' Applications for placet in the line lyi ' have been received from fifteen tbous- *' and troops and twenty thousand mem- | bera of civil organizations, and fifteen ; thousand more applications are ex. p' , pected making a total of fifty>thouk* 11^, -and men. * SGf"Th» Cleveland adTtolnistratlo* S* ^ , jpromtm to ge ©ut of pow|ir the mest - ?• generally disliked and tne most odious ty of administrations excepting that of ^Buchanan. Tbe Edgertoa broil, the ^ ' fearooao weakness and numberless •"£< * tether squabbles of all characters, all .1^' combine to tear off from this adminis- tration whatever of a cloak of assumed Z, t dignity it had thrown over Its shoal- ft; am. A New Tork dispatch says that Chaplain Leech ef the New Tork §4t- iBtale Senate prayed in the senate on* morning last week for the suppression +,'.»/ of frauds at elections and the buying up of voters. The Republican Senator? $V . «11 responded "amen;" but Senators "j^T, Orady and Murphy, on behalf of tbe £\.> Democratic party, publidy protested |:'f' - against tbe chaplain's attaek on De- ;4', „. tnocraey; and asked that he be |L not again permitted to pray in tbe senate chamber. A large sized guffaw pt from all over the state greets the naive P * admission of the Democratic eena- tv? tori from Gotham. Senators at Washington, on the Democratic side, having tried begging and log-rolling as an inducement tc their Republican colleagues to confirm some of tbe numerous nominations now pending before that body, and having failed in both, have now begnp an attempt to bulldoze the Re publi­ cans. Senator Harris has been selected ; to make a daily motion to go into ex­ ecutive session for the purpose of act­ ing on some of those nominations. So , far tbe motion has been voted down with great regularity by the Republi­ cans, and so it is likely to be to tbe •nd of the chapter, In refusing to inJlttitP any more Democratic officials on along suffering people, the Repub ; liean Senators believe themselves to be backed by, a large majority of tbe citizens of this country. S9» Mr. Cleveland tried hard to provide for two of his friends under the new administration when he nomi­ nated Assistant Secretary of tbe Treae ury Thompson to be Civil Service Commissioner, in place of Mr. Edgar ton. removedj^and AsiUtant Postmas­ ter General Stevenson to be associate justice of ^he Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. It was yery cleverly arranged and but fer certain little unforseen circumstances might have succeeded. Here was the little seheme as arranged for Mr Thompson: The removal of Mr Ed gerton leaves only one Civil Service Commissioner and he is a Republican- The law says that not more than two members of tbe Commission shall , belong to oae party, which makes it necessary for one of the vacancies now existing to be filled by a Democrat Why net Thompson? The answer to that question Is that the Senate will not confirm him, and the reasons are, first, because of bis South Carolina record as a bulldozer of tbe worst sort; second tbe vigorous opposition of the Senators from Indiana. As for Stevenson, his political record in the post office department is such that no Republican Senator would vote to»cc firm him, so that Mr. Cleveland Ifails once mere to accomplish bis purpose 1ST Litchfield was wonderfully ex­ cited Saturday over an occarrence that « for a time waa so inexplicable as to border on the supernatural. Some drillers were at work boring for gas 4When down to a depth of 300 feet their drill caught, then dropped sey eral feet. The drill was brought to the sarface when it wa? found to be covered with blood. The amazed drillers had peered iato the bole from which the drill had been drawn when they distinctly heard a rambling ••and followed presently by an awful •olee, deep, sepulchral, which said "You have killed somebody down here," The horror-stricken men fled as though they had found the yawning •ntranee to Sheol. They spread tt* news and the town was turned upside down in an hour. Hundreds went to tbe well and gazed open mouthed at the bloody drill and the mysterious •avlty It bad made, but not until late tu the evening was the mystery Solved by tbe presentation ef a bill for #50 from the Litchfield Coal Co. •'for one mule killed by drill.'1 The explanation was simple. Tbe coal oetapanv's mine extended an arm under the gas company's territory and "eld Torn," their best mule, hud been In the way of the drill when ft bad pierced tbe reOf and had been bor<m io neptm- IBB COUNTY FIRMER'S IN8TJDTUTR. Editor Plaihdealrr:--Upon our arrival at Dixon we were taken to tbe Nacbusa House, which was head-quar* t*rs for vlsltorsHfrom abroad. There we met Prof. l*erlaas, of Chicago Vet­ erinary College, Hon. S. G. Paddock, ef Princeton, UK. Prof. 8. N. Fellows, of Manchester. Iowa, Judge Wilcox, of Elgin, Frank X. Stevens, Dakota aad many others. « We were taken in band bf E. W. Smith and C. H. Hugbeft, president ami secretary of the Institute, two as straightforward business men as yon often fiud and who know bow to treat Invited guests, as the following will show. After enjoying th^J##*£*o()©ti and evening session of the Institute en Wednesday, which was wet! attended tnd enjoyed by all, we held a kin 1 of informal discussion In the evening, among ourselves, at the Nachusa House, which was broken in upon by our genial friends, our guides. Smith and Hughes, with orders to be in mov­ ing condition at 8 o'clock sharp, in the morning. Promptly on time we were taken to the street, where awaiting us we found a commodious Bus into which we packed ourselves and were driven across the bridge, and down to the new shoe factory, where we were welcomed by the overseer add «hown through the buildlug from the engine room to the finishing rdom, md I must say we were agreeably sur­ prised at the rapidity and correctness ji tbe work. Here let me say that this :s the Bame company that came to UcHenry a couple years ago anU could not even get a looation given them. They then went to Dixon where they were received with open arms and open pocket-books, aad now Dixon has 'be largest shoe factory in the world, with a capacity of 2.500 pairs per day, Vre now making 2,100 pairs per day. 'mployiug 300 hands. Wages average #1 50 for men and 91.00 for girls per day. After spending all'tbe time allowed us, we were driven through town to the Operea House where the morning session was held. After dinner we were >rdered out and this time to ge with W, B. Paige, manager of tbe Anglo- Swiss Condensed Milk Factory; Were driven to that establishment andshown through the grounds aodi buildings. This factory is not yet completed but will be ready for business June 1st. The Artesian at this factory, just com­ pleted, flows at tbe rattkof 400 gallons This is the largest condensed milk fac­ tory In the world. The Normal school and business colleges, tbe Plow fac tory, the large graded school buildings are all evidences af thrift and enter­ prise. \. The afternoon aad evening ̂ sessions were very Interesting and Instructive, and all seemed well eatisfied with the proceedings. As I could net gain any­ thing by taking the morning train 1 called upon our old townsman, E. Ed­ wards, who formerly lived at Ring-? wood. Ed. is growing old but his wife is as young as she was ten ^ears ago. One thing I did not see, neither a drnnken man or a loafer while In Dixon. Everybody can iiind employ­ ment; the manufactories are what giro employment to wage-earners, and make a home market for all they farm­ ers raise, and fill up our tenant bouses, adds to our population and makes, things move generally. j All la all we bad a very enjpyable time and consider ourselves jCell paid fer tbe time spent in attej*dlng that institute. HTChsJtBAD. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, FOR MARCH. The approaching inauguration of President Harrison, and tbe opening of tbe new regime at Washington, sCt^es universal interest to Dr. Ferdi­ nand C. Ingleiiart's article on the Na­ tion's New Leadership, which opens tbe March number of this' popular magazine. Tbe lives and character of president-elect Harrison and vice- president-elect, and their wives, are sketched in vigorous, picturesque an f intimate style; while tbe accoufpanlng portraits and other Illustrations give a permanent, as well as a timely, in­ terest to this contribution. The table of con tents of this number of tbe mag azine is as rich as ever, literature and art vying with one another is its at­ tractive pages. Among the principle illustrated articles are Mary Titcomb't charming Glimpses of the Scottish^ Lochs; Mr. W. Hosea Ballon's Pensa cola; a comprehensive review of Ships and Ship-building, from tbe time of tbe Ptolemies down to tbe new United States war-steamer, Maine; a fisoiaat- Ing picture of the every-day life, dress &nd toilet of a Lady in Ancient Egypt, by Helen Mary Tlrard; a curious ac count of tbe Fleet Marriages, by A. C. Ewald; and crisp blograbical sketches of twQ European celebrities of widely diflerent character. Von Molkte, of Germany, and Lord Randolph Church­ ill, ot England. Fiction comes to the front in the beginning of a new serial itory, An Artificial fate, by Professor Clarence M. Beutelle. Illustrated poems, essays, scientific articles and fine-art Illustrations appropriately £il out this number of the Monarch of tbe Monthlies. Yotmo ladles on the eve of mar* rlage, now give "spinster dieners" at which female friends only are enter* tained. They are allowed to talk of every thing and never fail to mention the numerous ouratlve benefits of Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup that cures ail coughs, colds, bronchitiSj croup juitf sore throat. ^ RESTORATIVE WINE- If you are weak and suffering from general debility, you should use 8peers P^rt Grape Wine; it will purify jour brood, restc^digestlon and make yeu feel like a younger person, in fact It makes you new blood. Speers vine yards are on brownstOne shale rock soil containing Iron. There are over two miles of carriage drives under grape arbors in his vineyards. For sale by drag gists. There Is no danger In giving Cham? berlain'a Cough Remedy to children, is it contains no injurious substance: bestdeB it is unequalled for colds and croup.. Children like It. Wmx aale by •G. W. Besley. " *.¥•> For California In addition to first-class round trip' tickets'to California and Pacific Ooaat points which are oil sale daifc*- tne Chicago and North-Weatern Railway Comnany has arranged tt series of per­ sonally conducted one way second class excursions to California. Persons joining these excursion parties will bo provided free of charge with com­ pletely furnished berths, Including* a,attresses, curtains blankets, pillow*,; etc.. In new tourist sleeping cars which- will be run through witjiout change!" from Chicago to San Francisco snefc Los Angeles, In charge of experienced conductors and porters tbe entire dis­ tance. Tbe ^oet of a second class tick­ et covers every necessary expense ex­ cept meals. For tickets and full inform atlon regarding rates and dates on which excursions will start, anply to agts of th" Chicago & North-Western Railway. RIGHT TH1SWAY ".W- 5: msmm ^If •- " i "S EVERYBODY! Wlto to nwnt atrxne largest and best selected stock of ,VJi^ • 1\ * ' m THE- Consumption Cured. An old pti} «ician, retired from tlce, having disced in his bands by an formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of con­ sumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and ali throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure tor nervous debility and all nervous complaints; after having tested its wonder!ul cur­ ative powers in thousands of cases, ban felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive &mL a desire to relieve human 8uff$»nnfcOl will send free of charge, ij/f ill wlioyle&ire it. this recipe in English, French or German, with full directions fon using, Sent by mail bp addressing With stamp, nam­ ing this paper, W. aL Noyes, 149 Pow> er's Block, Rochesteiv^J. x. H-20-eow*ly CATHARTIC PILLS ARE WHIPS. To tbe liver and bowels', but give no strength. The more^you take the more you need, Mills' Pills, (M P,) positively strengthen. The longer taken the less redulred. Samples free at Besley's drug store. NEW YORK HOUSE. 239 tc 243 E, Randolph St. „ Between Franklin and Market Streets, CHICAGO. Best Accommodation to Trdvetirs and Boarders, • , E. G. K0EPPE, Prop. tl.80 PUB DAY, GOOD SAMPLE ROOM. SPRINGT Merchandise Bought for cash borrowed in Rinsfwood, and as We cannot fix tfie weather, right price. We can and do fix si rontempMtie the idea of committing matrimony should not fail to try on ou| handsome and large variety of choice Clothioff, suitable for. : - Matrimonial , m. i Purposes. RIVERSIDE. . ;*-•* - / ' . Where genuine BargUijiis tire in store for you, ' 20 lb pail Jelly . .70 4 gallons best '$??«$£ , , .1*30 25 b:ii\s Guidon Crown Soap, 1.00 May Flower Tea, per ft*. .40f 6 in. P'I'w Oase La^% p^®d» 0-i ^ " Oriental Lace. ^ 05 12 in. " •*«. Latest styles Button^ 5 cents up, 25 ::metal. In vM'3^ v r.,5 ~y: • have a line of Foster's, always warranted.; Also fl^me eyeeial linea \ High-Pressure Living characterizes these modern days. The result is a fearful increase of Brain and Heart Diseases -- General De­ bility, Insomnia, Paralysis, and In­ sanity. Chloral and Morphia augment the evil. The medicine best adapted to do permanent good is Ayer's Sar- Baparilla. It purifies, enriches, and vital&es the blood, and thus strengthens every function and faculty of the body. " I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for yearSr I have found it invaluable as A Cure ' for Nervous Debility caused by active liver and a low state of the bio -- Henry Bacon, Xenia, Ohio. ",For some time I have been troubled •with heart disease. I never found any- thing- to help me until I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I have only used this medicinal six months, but it has re-, lieved me trpm my trouble, and enabled me to resume work." --J. P. Carzanett, Perry, 111. \ . "I have been a practicing physician for over half a century, and during that time I have never found So powerful and reliable an alterative and blood- purifier as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." --Dr. M. Maxstart,LLouisville, Ky. • Ayer's Sarsapatjjla, FBBFABKD BT Dr. 4. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six botUM, $5. Worth f&a bottle. 4 button cutaways, silk bound, $17 to 25; silk bound sack and one^button walking Suits, from $13.25 to 22; silk mixed Pants for $5.75, worth 7.50; menV good heavy lull onits, $4.40 5.00 6.25, 7 50 to 22,00, no shoddy or jobs; children's two piece suits, $2.25, 4.00, 4.50 to 6.00, see them; boys good heavy Suits, 3.25, 4.40, 5.00. 5.25, 6.00 to L2.00, all sizes; good gny.mixed spring Overco'its, fancy iaced, all sizes, $8.75 to 14.00; men's all wool, matched, fancy* stripe Pants and Vests, $4.00 for the two. We court compaiison (i£« she is not over 36) with any louse as to quality, quantity and 3rice, and deal in only standard wares. To try to look at them is to buy. vty e want every lady to exaoaioe Aur Dress Goods, 1', ^4, / ' ,A ^ T' * < With match side bands and trimming. Silk warp and all wool Henriettas, very newest shades, mahogany brown, pea­ cock bluej wood brown, uidet blue, black, etc., all 46 inches wide, To see tb.ern is to like them. 4-4 half wool Dress Goods, in all colors, at 25 cents are rare bargains. WOULD YOU KNOW 11 the meaning of life In this world FB tsi «n 9 4-S-* A Am. and the nature of the life to come, TI1FI OF All these two books translated I lIUIl ItLHU from the Latin of £manuel Bwedenborgi THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE. Extra cloth. Derol 8vo. Pp.337. Price, TZ cents, post-paid. _ ' TJ& Divine Providence is the government oj the. XoreTa Ihvtne Love and Hrwto."-^pealiiR para* graph. * AND ITS WONDERS AND THINGS HEARD AND SKEN. Extra cloth. Demi 8vo. Pp.453. With full In- uex and Index of Scripture passages auoted* Price, 72 cents, post-paid. Address W. H. ALDEN, *• £• Cor. 28d ui Chestnut 8t«., Philadelfhis, Pa. A full catalogue of Swedenborg's and related wOfks sent free to any address, on application. inquiry will be cheerfully answered, free qf coit gruiui. HEAVEN FBOM THI HELL "GEORGE O/' No. 9701. R«oordf 2t2e. Will be limited to Twenty. Mares for tbe spring season. He has left the best Ootts ever raised in this county. GEO. W. OWEN, Prop. McHenry. February sth, 1880. SCIENTIFICAMERICAN Is the olde«t and most popular scientific nud (nechanlcal paper published and has the largest Circulat ion of any paper of its class in the world. «ul!y Illustrated. Best class of Wood Engrav­ ings. Published weekly. Send for specimen Price a year. Four inont lits' trial, II. *iUNN & CO., Publishers, 3('>1 Broadway, N.Y. ARCHITECTS ^ BUILDERO W\ Edition of Scientific American. O ,. A great success. Bach issue contains colored lithographic plates of country and city residen­ ces or public buildings. Numerous engraving* and full plani? and opeciflcations for the use of such as contemplate bull dinn. Price $2.50 a year, 86cts. a copy. MUNN & CO., X'l ltl.i.smtliii. maybe secur­ ed by apply- ii)K to MUNN & Co., yr h <> have had over 40 years' experience and have mode over 100,000 applications for American and 1'or- • elgn patents. Send for Handbook. COfHS t>0ii<ience strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS.' In case your mark is not registered In the Pat­ ent Office, apply to Mi nn & Co.. and procur* immediate protection. Bend for Handbook. COi*Y 1M(;HTM for books, charts, map*. etc., quickly procured. Address HUMN ft CO., Patent Solicitors. Omci: m BaoasWXY.JI. X, SiQBES Are rate novelties but we Have them in stock. fcJatines, Scotch Ginghams, Calicos, 3 1-2/to 14 cents, new styles^ New/ Shirt­ ings, new .,, Domestics/ Carpet Warps, < ^tgj&t i*aper. We re­ fer with pride to our past success in Shoe deals, as the well known C. II. Fargo & Cq. custom made BOOT; AND SHOES * Men's Shoes All solid, $1.60, Calf, warrant­ ed, $1.90. Ladies', from $1.50 to of Beloit OVERALLS. And the 4.00 best 3.50 and £ ' : , . ' In the county. To look at our stock means to buy. Call and see tor yourse^ .s I'-iA;: ". H ^ f; '- M* IBrlj^adier-General W, Shattered nerreu, ttred brain, impure blood, debilitated system, all 'are the natural out­ come in the Spring. A medicine most be used, and nothing equals Talne's Celery Com­ pound. We let others praise us--you cannot help believing a disin­ terested party. L. Greenleaf, Burliiig-^ _ writes: '.'I have used Palne's Celery • --.'."i11!""®"!, on several occasions, and always *!Ui Deneflt. Last spring, being very much run Jlrwn :m<I dotsltttated, I commenced taking it. 'sff0 t"'i ties made me feel like a new man. As " ton,c ,?nd epttng medicine I do not taow of its equal." I have used ̂ two JMtUes c€ your _ iitr" " WatMt^^gfcoia, Celery compound, aad It has lstactlon aBsi^aiqpettzer juad h&od portlier. .r' U :JPaine'o Celery Gompoun<t is prescribed by phystcians, refc«nmended bjr druggists, endorsed bj minlkMS, pnlaed users, and guaranteed by the manufacturers, as a spring medicine which will do all that Is claimed for it. Use tt this spring, and see how quickly it tones you up. Purifies the Blood. • Full accounts of wonderful cures made w Palne's Celery Compound after other medicines and the best physicians had failed, sent tree. There's nothing like it. $1.00. Six for $6.00. Druggists. j Wblls, Richardson A Co., Burlington, Vt| 1 IT IS EASY TO DYE WITH DIAMOND DYES n.s "Vv-"iT. " < ,v-jWg.JL -.*1 "Vv';: , i •• >,«> V ^ % if "*»*•" 1 ̂ ' &8§: */V 'Vj f . . V p • 4 if' > • ' :V i ^ >5 v., >V"' •>-' (A. * ; •f>, -f'H- it c an be One Dollari-^'r^ J. W. CBISTY& SOV, ftlNCWOOD,1t.t * "4 / ' $fr: S'" ' | S THE MOST OOMPLETS ; ? ^ Map of Oklahoma EVER ISSUED JUST PUBLISHED Showing correctly, its location, streams, timber land, etc., with a copy of tbe bill just passed the lower house of Congress. a®full an complete guide to that country, with full information as to the land laws governing its settlment, mailed on receipt of ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Parties sending for maps, who desire any special information in regard to Oklahoma or ronteinplated '.owns or cities in that new- Territory, will receive the same upon appli- cation. A me >iber of our Colonization Oo. lias been in and adjacent to this country for many years.and will answer tree of charge all ques lions pertaining to Oklahoma territory. Send money by registered letter, postoffice money order <p-pp^tal note, to Oklahoma'Colonization Co., NfiLSON I5D1LDINO, Kansas Cityf Mo. v* J. Ba^bian- J- J. Barbian- BARBIAN BROS. Stand next to the Pedagogue for elegance quality and price. Gent's custom made shoe, in lace button and congress, trom $1.1)0-, to 6.00. Children'b good kid ©r: poat button shoe, 1 to 7 ior 50 cents. New Wall Paper, Matched borders, from 6c to 40c per roll* Latest ideas ill shades. Our Wholesale and Ketail I>KAI.KRS IN » FINE CIGARS, McHJENEY ILLINOIS\ ' 17 pounds New Orleans Sugar for #1, 30 pounds nice Prunes for $1, and X8 pounds clean whole Rice for $1, we will \ : 'V • Sell bigger Bargain# 4han ever. Fruit of the Loom Bleached Sheeting at 9 cents; Pepperel R* Sheeting at 7 cents, by the yard or piece. The best $hoe in America at $2 per pair, in Kid or Goat.' 1 EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. v;.- :.i!S • . We will sell you better Clothes than any of them in Men's and Boy's fine goods, and at lower prices. A big bargain w vv * ^ ' :/ xxt • ^ - At 8 cents per amt equal 11 not better than Elgin * CJorn. . „ . PERKY & OWEN, PERRY * OWEN. BANKERS. Are always of The purest best the market aff ̂ rds/ v,. % 49 pound pa I In J<»v. dm# rent flavor® Uoo<i Orokeit Ru e. 4r. wb jle.. ... 4uimlnr.l Fine < ;»l .>nlv. ..... " ..j.-•.<>- Ten, l»ui»t, lOo, whole icsiVj»» Kor garden and lU id -j. ee uMiu as in time our Rioel; it; u K ' Egj ptiun Kvumreen Swe stjCorf ,»,C. „>; •stoweilM •> « Mammoth •• • «« o «v«Sr« K'ancy Ouis, etc. ' EVER tOUB&. BONSLETT & SfOF Maying leased the brink building one door Kouthofthe post ofllce we have opened a retail Ktore, *here, at all time? can be found fine cigars of our own mmufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of tfce best brands. mm A SPEGIAOT, We have a y«ry largo a«N>rtnient and | some very handsomej patterns. CALL AND i»EE US. • BAaifTAN OBO". McDonry, Not eral er 13 th, 1388. SOil RcTving»Mac1iiu*1 wo at once • t a b U " trade in all part^, placing our machiaesj. w ' poods where the people can eee thi-m, \vc will send tree to one 'person in each locality,the very iM-st sewing-machine made in thf irorld,with all the attachments. Wo will alto send free a complete line of our costly and %-Aluablc aft samples. In return wo ask that you show what we send, to those who •may call at your home, and after S& mths all shsll become your own npertv. This jnand machine i | ido a her the Singer patents, Jiioh have mn out: fore patents mo out it sold lor3$19*£, with tho ntiarhmon?5, and 11 jw sells for Hest, etrongest, most uie- L machine in the world. Alt ia _ jfree. No capital required. Plain, brief Instructions given. Those who write to us at once can se­ cure free the best sewing-machine in the world, and the line of works of high art erer shown together in America. U£ ac CO., Bos 1M| AntMta, Maim* • Before placing any Insurance call on us. We have the best companies in the w Ferry <& Owen. CATARRH, Catarrhal Daafnest and Majr Fmr. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally avuixe these diseases are contagious, or are due to the presence of Silk Handkerebiefa 20 cent#, Fltulmmons 4b HenderBou'i, ** that that they wiv living parasites in the 'lining meuibraiie of the nose and eus­ tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how- Her liaa proved this to be a fact and the rault is t?iat a simple remedy has been for- mulate<l whereby catarrh, c;i t arrl lal d»>afness and hav fever are permanently, cured in from one to three simple applications made at home bv the patient once in two weeks. N B.-Fof catarrhal discharm: peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a sp(*cific. A pamphlet explaining tins new treatment is sent on receipt ten cctit^s by A, H* Dixon & 9os, 804 Wast King St, Toronto, Canada.--Scientific American. Administrator's Notice. |7*STa I K (»1 tUirtoml Ivnox Uecttttsuil. The Ci uii'icrbigiica Having beenupimiuted Atl- luiiilsirittur me eataie ux Kdinuud Km>i, ileceiti-eii, late ot me comity of aiciiunry uuu huno ut' Illinois, hereby gives tttiilce inat he v>ili appeur Hct'oru lltti Outiaiy ^ourl ot Mciieuij county, at tbe Court .joube in VVooiidiuck, at Hio April term , ou .tie ur«i Mouuay in April ne^i, ul tvliu-.h lano tu pet.^uua Having claims a^uiuti muu ubuite iix uoliUbiI ami rtqucBiuil luulluuti tor t i l e , - u l p i > » « j j l u a v i u g l i l t : O i t t u e n U j i i a l v U A i t liertes iiweijicu lu aaiu eauttu are requvBteU ij Miake iuiuic>u<i.c |<uyuicui ui tae uuder- t.gueti. ^«ved iliUSSra day of January A. 1>. ' atiTlOd, AamiuiaUaWr.; It. J. Call in and gel uteatsuted for a oobtojr pante at #7. Dou'i $9 and #iU. Y uur ctioicti out ot 2(Kf Alto have your clothes altered, Sited and cleaned, a* ho oab not be beat 1' doing a nice job. ' J t ' . mm ,.la£ ... ' " 'h J *,i \*mt : I

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