Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1889, p. 5

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®rc«jc v AW1? -T,' * > * * *r-;p ^j* "*,Tg5t$*|WK * /^"' !»"?; ,a-,c; WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 1889. •f? Railroad Time TabSe. ¥:: Taking effect June 10th, trains will pass McHenry Station daily, as folio we: . GOING SOOTH. | Lake Usnera Passenger. .... 7:8® a- * I Lake Geneva Express. •»»v»i8:f? fl>Lake Geneva Freight ........ L:W P. II Lake GenevaPassenger..'..,.....». •:» QOIHO north. i • 4 Lifthe Geneva Freight........;.kV,.J9-11 A. M a,«.9:56 •* .. .4:55P. If ...6:51 " .Lake 3enova Passenger. Lake ienera Express.., Lake Gen«va Passenger... v,. D*Uy WMpt Sunday.. . . .'-i-V^' B. Buss, Agent. McHenrv, III MASONIC. tlOHBHKT LiODOK, No. 158 A. F, and A. it.-- gnlar Communications the second anil irth Mondays in each month. IIENBT COtBT, W. M. I MODERN' WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second • tad Last Tuesday evening of each month. . Vv Ifleighbors cor lially Invitea- ,; i. ' .. -- REMEMBER the Comedy Company at Riverside Hall on Friday evening. /'THERE were seventy-nine couples (at the 22nd party at the Parker Bouse. THE thermometer marked 16 de< grees below zero ioo Saturday moro* inglast, the coldest of the season, A GREAT many changes of residence are taking place in this Tillage this Bering. Moving seems to be the or* dsr ot the day. J|lfR. SLADE'S subject next Sunday #111 be what has been called "The Christian Creed." Text, 1 Tim. 2 Chapter, 1 to 6 varies.^ . B. CARPENTER and family mora to JEjgin this week, < * GEO. MCOMBER. of Chicago, has been calling <m friends hem the part few days. % E. E. TAYLOR and wife, of Hebron, have beeti visiting with frieads In this village, this week. GEO. YAGER AND wife, of South Evtnston, attended the 22nd party here on Friday evening last. Miss ELLA SPAULDING has been on the sick list for tbe put week but la now reported better. Miss KATE HILL, of Fox Lak«, and her sister. Nellie, have been visiting with friends here the past Jew days. MI«s MABLE FORD started for Braid wood Tuesday morning. where she will visit (tew weeks, v r%. LAMPHERE will move from Wau- londa to this villige this week. He Spill occupy the house vacated by E. Carpenter. FKANK PATTERSON, of tbe Arm of Patterson Bros. & Co.. Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was visiting with E. M. Owen and wife over Sunday. CHAS, •. BURRS, of Hoxie, Kansas, accompanied by his mother, Mm. Dr. Beers, passed through here for Lake Geneva, on Friday last, 10 :̂ BE prepared for a Chicken-Pie Fes* tlval, to be held in tbe City Hall soon. • fine programme has been arranged, Which will be published next week. IF you have not already done >0, se- ! ear* a ticket for7 the raffle for "Eli M." ' fiie onty chance you will ever have to 'secure a 2:40borse for 92. Tbe ralli* takes place Friday next, March 1st. t'r {- £1 OWING to the enormous sucoess of ^"'Jtiss Julia Mario* at tbe Chicago Opera House the other week tbe mau- |gement have arranged for a return --Visit on tbe 11th of Marcu. ' WE learu that a man namedVen Netta will deliver a Tetnperancaj ijeoture at the .vi. E. Church Inthl village on Saturday eveniag next! March 2nd. Admission free. All ari ivited. JOHN GILLILAN. an old and wall known resident of Algonquin for many years, died at his home st Lincoln, Neb., last week, and hid remains were brought to Algonquin for" Interment on Tuesday. THE last entertainment of, the McHenry Lecture Association will be held at the City Hall Friday evening March 8th. The entertainment will consist of singing, music and reading. Programme next week. Season tick­ ets good for one admission, single j|ad- misston 15 cents. ALL wool Cashmere, 60 eenia^ Blaok Gloves, 25 ceent. Hadies wool Hose, large size. Warren's Hose ^Supporters, Corsets, Ribbons, Laces, new black Silks, Trimmings, etc. Mrs. Cresoa, a lady of much experience In cutting and fitting dresteB, tea gowns, wraps, etc., Will be found at the Ladies' Sales­ room. /THE Harvard herald aaji: "Tbe frill age of McHenrv is sadly afflicted. The measles, mumps and diptheria is prevailing there to a great extent.' Nov Bro. Walsh you are way oB. Two ' cases of measles and one of mumps comprises this "sad affliction" you speak of. Not one case of diptheria hag been known here in a year. Your informant is undoubtedly "somewhat .of a liar himself." THE ladies of the Unlversallst soci-1 «ty will bold a, sociable at tbe resi­ dence of Amos Whiting, south-west of J this village, on Friday evening next. Refreshments will be served. All are invited. _ "GEO. W. OWEN bad £he misfortune 1 to leae one of bis team Of ponies last! week. She slipped and fell on tbe ice | while playing in the yard, and Injured j herself so badly that death resulted a j f«w days after, B. ROBINSON, at bis rooms oyer tbe | Post Office, is prepared to File Saws •n short uotice and guarantee satla-lather column, of the Ne^r York House, faction. Bring your saws along aod I 239 and 243 East Randolph street Chi- THERE will be a grand Inaugural Reception and Ball at tba Opera House, Woodstock, en Monday even­ ing next, Mareb 4th, The committee who have the arrangement^ in charge are endeavoring to make it an event that will be remembered with pleasure by people of McHenry county for years to come, and all who attend are sure to have a pleasant time. - , i WE would call the attention of oar readers to tbe card to be found In an- have them sharpened, and sharpens Shears. READ tb« new advertisements of Perry & Owen, Boaslett A atofiel, Also grinds cago, C. E. Koeppe, Proprietor. This j house is located In the business part •it tbe city and affords good accommo­ dations to travelers or boarders. Read W.'Grisly ft SOD, Rt̂ '- 'beif"d <« cUTtl«.to wood, KQd Now Tork House, Oblcgo, ° or ou8e * c* ' 111., all to be foundWanother place in lils paper. -SCENE first. Pa making rapid strides for the doctor. Scene second, With -the osedicioe in bis pocket anxiously looking around for the patient, wbe had escaped during^ his abscence. Third, Patient fouad handliog an in­ verted suitz. Tableau. THERE wiil oe au Oyster Supper, under tbe auspices of the Good Tem­ plars Lodge, of this village, at tbe City Hall, on Wednesday evening, March 13tb. A fine literary pro­ gramme will be prepared and an en­ joyable time is expected, fcuferr nsre&f ter. MANY people seem to think that a newspeper shoiihl have a page or two oflrcalnews whether anything hap­ pens or not. Poor deluded mortals! Local editors cannot make people break their necks, commit suicide or do any of those exciting things that furnish material from whleh to weave asensationl paragraph. Giving do­ mestic new6 where there isnonejs like making clam soup out of dahdnllon greens. AN exchange says that If HASTINGS A Hue's Comedy Com­ pany are advertised to give one of (heir popular entertalumento, at Rlv- More par- ! ^raide Hall, in this village, on Friday < evening of this week, March 1st, at I which time they will present the new * - - ^ • society drama, "A Husband's Lesson," thy accident house plants become froat, tnd lhe jBl)ghabie farce, -Ma, Look at bitten, they may bo restoied by im- | |m>n tlit»> company have with them nerslog them immediately ^hile they ;he c#lebrated impersonator, ^ arestifl, and keeping them thus for an tVlr George Mlltimore and Mr. fcourot so in a darkened rooi*, or | rj0ul8 Elimund8i the comic Negro Hdacing them in the cellar for a night, .^hetcb and Daace artist, and others. ^ lwo< - i There will be fun from beginning to THE St. P^ul GLobe of recent date end. Doo't fall to attend. 4{al quite an item concerning Will S. Dennis, formerly of Waukegan, now the meet successful tobacconist in St. iPaul. It spoke of bim as just having toturnod from Havaea, where he vlsted the leading plantations to recaive direct the most select brands of cigars tftgularljr. Will's sales amount to fully It quarter of a million dollars, and still Increasing, 5 / 'ELLA WHEELER WILCOX SAY*;*'-,}!I were asked to define the meaning of a successful man, I should say tbe man If ho has made a happy home for bis Wife and children. No matter what )n has done in the way ot achieving wealth or honor if he has done that he Is a grand success^ If lie has not done *^iat, and it Is bU owu fault, though be • 1$ the bighest in the land be is a must jpltlable failure. FEBRUARY 1st the uew game law " ̂ rent iuto efieot tn Illinois. The law • forbids tbe shooting, handling or sel- ;|lng of any game, except water fowl, such as ducks, geese or brants, and on the 1st of May tbe privilege of bunt* ing these ceases for the season. The law provides a fino of not less than 920 ^ or more than 940 for jeach bird found in your possession, or •hot by you, or upon nou-paymeut It is always best to pay tbe printer, There are many ups and downs in life, •ind many changes in a few years. Tou may waat the assistance of your county paper sometims and regret very much that you did not treat tbe printer fairly.' How would tbls look in print as a recommendation to a county office f "Mr. B. the new candi­ date for office, gave us a call yesterday and solicited our support. We looked over our dead-beat list and found that be took our paper three year and then told tbe post uaster to send It back. He has never settled that old ,score. A man that cheats the printer eannot have our support for any position bow ever humble. Tbe only favor we would be pleased to do bim would be to write bis obituary." LET quality, not qitntlty. be the tost of a medicine. Ayer's Sarsapa* riiU Is tbe concentrated extrpdt qf tbe best aad purest ingredients^ Medleal mati everywhere recommend It as the best and most economical blood medU cine in the world. - Washington: One GOOD news from application well rubbed in of.Salvation Oil cured me of rheumatism in tbe having been arm, of two months standing. I never intend to be without It. H. B CRA- , HER, iu m % Washing ton, Id. Q. tsi \"-i' AN exchange truly aays that if we were to put a two Hoe loeal in tbe most obscure part of the' paper atate- ing that a certain business man charged more for his goods or kept a* laferior quality than his competitors, that maa would htre a bull-headed slugger to came arouad aod kill us the next morning, But if we were to a*k that same man for an advertisement of his wares be would sav: "No I don't believe In advertlaeiog; ne one reads tbe papera." "PAT as yeu ga" is a geod motto. Not all men have the means to live up to It. "Pay when you can should be their maxim. The man who always pays whenever be gels anything to pay with; wbo, whea he cannot pay in full pays what he can. Is a good busi­ ness man and helps to make business lively. 1?be man who owes five dollars and pays one dollar not only reduces his!debt one dollar, but be puts a dol­ lar into circulation and it is likely to get back to bim sometims, aad meaa- whlle it passes from band to hand, helping everyone as it goes. If you cannot pay ail you owe do not he afraid of making a small payment on account. ON Sunday night last, at the Chicago Opera House, that« greatest of farcial comedies, 'Natural Gas,' was presented The house, of course, was packed to the doors and people havb been turned away, unable to obtain aflmls- sion ever since. At every succeeding visit of tbe piece to Chicago, it has been found that there has been a com­ plete revolution In tbe Important bus- inees and In the music of tbe piece, aad every tlmi it has been an Improve ment over tbe proceeding representa­ tion. The aim of the management Is to give continuous novelty, and that Is tbe reason that the Donnelly aad Glrard business has in point of popu­ larity outrun every other farcial cia> edy in the country; Among the new faces seen here in the piece are Miss Lena Mervllle, Mr. Mark Sullivan, Miss Mamie Sherwpod and Miss Leah Raymond. 'Natural Gas* will be giveu until tbe 9th of March, and this will be its last performance in this city this season. IK memory of little Henry, son of W. O. and Jennie Keller, who died February 11th, 1S89. ' Neath the snaw sweet Honry sleeping, Midst the flowers we love so well, How we miss the little treasurei None but loving hettrt* can tell. His prattle sweeter than summer flowers AnU those lovely deep brown eyes Round with beauteous teatures falling Falling soft as Summer skies. Little Henry was our darling, / e The Jay and pjt of all our homes As through happy rapture smilinjf'riT'" - liut the Saviour called him hom$ ilaa he lived to gather iiowers A ',*. v Krom the wild wood and rhn <!e!|,' „ ~ M vking life ail (o*e and pleasure For father, mother who loved iua |w«l), ; By the sweet perfume of rosea When their hour of blossom's o'er, Like tbe little stranded snow drop, our darling passed r© the golden shore. Like the iittle pure white daisy* y /• in the morning of their pride Like the snowy angels fall our leveljr one; He died. A* Jesus says, suffer little children to come unto me and forbid ths a not; for of suoh Is the Kingdom of Heaven A MISSION OF SUNDAY FAPRK9. What a Ged-send to a large class of people are Sunday newspapers. Large ample sheets, generously filled with column after column of reading mat­ ter. Just 'the thing for the purpose for which they are intended, and accomplishing that purpose satisfastorily. Sunday afternooon is to a large class of people a tedious time. Men who are busy through the week, need tbe rest of Sunday, and enjoy It, and yet ofteu many of its hours become tedious aod wearisome. They are accustomed to maoy hours of daily business, and activity, aod are held to their work by the pressure of tasks that must be ac­ complished. But en Sunday, custom, and physical necessity, gives them a rest. And this rest, this freedom from tbe steady presure of work, flads them uuable to find any employment that will cause time to pass endurably. It would be toe great a breach of conventional propriety for them to go at any ordinary work and pass tbe hours away, and It seems too indolent to sit and do nothing, but think, and to sleep Is deemed by seme critics only an exhibition of laziness. So they are at their wits and for means of passing tbe hours without offending tbe prejudioes of any one, and in a state of mental unquiet. Now cetncs In the good function of tbe great blanket-sheet Issues of the city Sunday papers. They are full to overflowing with reading matter, and tbe man or woman who has one is never at a loss how to spend Sunday afternoon. With one of these vast printed, expansive masses before him, he can comply with.all tbe demaads of propriety, and still kill time. For there is jnst enough news, dished up sensationally .id them, to keep the reader from really enjoying aound *leep. Just e tough piquancy and sug­ gested pruriency to keep the mental faculties allrt, and an abundance of tluency of words lacking ideas, to en­ able bim te doze along th/ough tbe dreary hours. And besides with tbe paper io his bands be ga(ns a little rep­ utation for reading that ennobles him in the minds of his fellows. As to what is read there is no Ques­ tion. No one is ever expeeted te%lve any account of tbe mental result! jit this class of reading. It fs supposed to bp of that deep spiritual character, consonant with tbe day, aad its proper spiritual thoughts. And all parties thus are satisfied, thanks to tbe Dun- day papers, and Sunday Is voted a suc­ cess as a d#y of rest, and spiritual growth. Se we find these great blanket issues do serve a grand and banifioent fuac- tion la tbe life of the people, and have a value imperfectly realised by many of their readers, V • W. A,N. Algoaqeia, Feittuary aiifca. 188B. Paints, all kinds and colors, la un­ limited quantltlea. Mi$od pal at bj the pail or gallon at Story's Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MAWWTC.--A. F. and A. H. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and St| Wednesday even- to of each tuonlh. MODERN WOODMRW OF A*«P*OA.--Meet ** Masonic Hall every Sd and 4th Thursday even- tners ot each mitttlh. Neighbors cordially In­ vited. The time for paying taxes IS grow­ ing short. 5 John Stewart's s%le amounted to about #2,800. Report say 3 that J. W. Webster will move to Kenosha. Henry Earle will not remain In the hotel another year. ^ Joseph Sylvester will move Into Jonatbon Brown's tenant bouse. Prof. 'V llson went to Chicago on Friday returning on Saturday even- Jog. Mr*. Spooner will have an au Hon tbls week Thursday. Lym tn Pierce has uiovsd into his house in town. School was closed on Friday to Oele- brate Washington's birthday. E. O, Leech will move this week Into rooms at H.J. Vlnoelette's Eugene Swa.i went to Chicago tbe first of tbe week, John Van Hoozan attended to busi­ ness In town on Monday^ About twenty families will change places of re8ldeno« in this vicinity this week. On aeoount of sioknesi Tberon A. Rowe has postponed his visit to ludl- ana for a time. WillRiwe has moved on tbe Gee. dearnaa farm, rented by E. F. Hewes, aod will work at farming thia Sum­ mer. Xewell Manor is spsndlng a few we< ks In Iowa. Be Vill also visit his sister in Missouri. Charles Chapman wlff work C.1F. Prouty's farm next year! Bsal Fiaoh will work for J. F, Brown. Ira Phillips lost both of his horses that wore sick with ssaas unknown disease. ( George Conn Jr, went to Chicago the first of the week where he will at­ tend school. He will also study the art ot typewriting. Pr»f. Lion. H. Young, from McHenry, attended tbe masquerade Friday evening. Linn has a best of jrriends in this piase. There was a large attendance at the donation Friday eveaing, given for the benefit of Re?. Cross, i'he re­ ceipts were 944.20. Mi. and Mrs. F. R»we and B, ^tratton will go to Chicago on Tues­ day where tbey will in iet Mr. Strat­ um on his return home from the East and spend a few days In the great city. The people of Richmond have got the rigs on their "peerless poet" and the reins are held by the most promi- uent citizens, who, with Mgm check drawn tigbt may sncs^ed l^^ieting this violous animal. > Henry Fish has lately iiaisbsd paint­ ing a sign for Dr. Turner, wbioh Is one of bis best eff orts. He has been doing some fine work for Mr. Nichols and others. Mr. Fish has worked at bis trade for a number of years, and as a painter,graiuei, decorator ani paper- daoger has lew equals In this part of >.be country. Thirty-four couples attended the masquerade Friday night, although tne thermometer stood many degrees oelow zero. About fifty persons were en masque, and the costumes ranged irom elegant to the most ridiculous, Many of tbe disguises were perfect, tbe music was grand and the supper at Earle's, was as usual, of the; very best. Tbe teachers and pupils of the pub­ lic sobiol will give an entertanment and an exhibition at Rowe's Hail on Friday evening ef tbls week, tbe pro­ ceeds of which will ba used for the benefit of the scbool. The programme prepared as follows, wlti ba both in­ teresting and entertaining to all. Dialogue Declamation Soag Kecitatioa Dialogue...... song Recitation. Dialogue song Kecitatloa song Grace B<>ugtitonaad Mabel King Recitation Julia Mhowdy Daet *ln#ie Modge and ilenha Brigham Rccitatlon Stel'a Baughton Dialogue Lodging for Two Hong Mable Householder aud Jencie saowdry a*die Hodge .. ...Opening Speed Annie fish ......'.Geo Wicitham Four Uoys .?•* Lily Taylor .... .Haunted House ......Minute Hodge ....... ..Mary Mituij ....Kisa iu tne Dark ..... -- Annie siine Flora Wickhttm SOUTH HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Louis Vogel Issufiering from tha efiacts of a,, se­ verely sprained ancle. Clyde Tryon is again able to attend school. Quite a pnmber of the farmers of South Hebron attended the Institute at Woodstock tbe 13tb aad 14tb. Miss Emma Walters visited with her brother Fred and family a^few days last week. Miss Minnie Fisher entertained quite a number of bur young friends on Saturday evening Iaat. Mrs. Fred Tryon visited realatives at Woodstock on Thursday and Friday last. The delegates that were elected from the 1. O. G. T. of Greenwood all attended the district Ledge at Antlocb Wednesday and Thursday. They were Mr. and Mrs. B. Marbel, Nellie Trow, Mrs. t4. D. Baldwin. A, W. Lumley aud Mr. JoJ) ToleS. Mrs. Chester Burgette nee Luelia Tryon Is visiting arouad these parts tbls week. ~ Henry Walters is on the,, sick list. Dr. Bill, of Genoa Junction is in atten­ dance. " On account of the storm Friday eve ing the scholars from the Stone's corners Scbool, did not get down to onr spelling school a3 was expected. Besley's Extract of Jamaica Ginger* the finest thing on the markeWJtt the West Sid* Drug Store. ALGONOUIN. (NOTics.--Persons ia Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing themselvei indebted for the PLAINJJKALER can learn of the amount by eaHins on John Helta, who is authorized to receive money and receipt for tae same, la pnr name. Those wishing to suoseribe caa leave their names at his Store. Call on him and get a sample copy.] EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--J. W. Ada- mek, of Elgin, was here on Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral of hlf aunt, Mrs. Suchy. Wm, and Belle Rattary returned home from their visit to Scotland oa Friday of last week. They report a very rough passage on their return, trip, Mrs. Gene Andrews has a brother visiting with ber, from Woodstock. H. B, Hubbard received a telegram on Saturday evening last, announcing the death ot John Gillilan, at bis heme In Lincoln, Neb. The remains will be brought here and Interred In the com-- etery on tus hill on Tuesday of this week. John KaUhan, ef Chicago, is her# visiting with'relat1vS9 aud friends. J. Van Slyke, of the PLAIN-DEALER, was a caller in town oe Monday of this week. The Chandler firm, that .was aold at- Anctlon on Monday of this week, was sold to a Mr, Hathaway, of Elgin, for •05 per acre, J. W. Kee, of Chicago, was la town on Monday of thUjweek. .• D. W. Thomas started several teams to drawing wood down the river, from bis wood lot above Cary, on Monday of this week. D. W, Thomas shipped aoarload of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week, Little Vera Chapell visited with friends la Chicago last week. Guy Morton, of Dundee, was the guest of George Morton last Saturday. .Earnest Benson was home from Belolt last week, returning again this week Mrs. E, A. Ford is oalling on her many frisnds again. The ladles of the Episcopal Church will havs a Crazy Sociable at Mrs. Ed. Morton's on Wednesday evening of next week. This Is the last week that the Tax Collector will have his books ope n to reoelve taxes, se take warning and call on him before Saturday night of „ tbls week. The following pupils in the upper room of our Public School, have neither been absent nor tardy tbe last month: Chas. Adamek, Chas. Benthusen, Genie Brisk, Sherman Chapell. Leon Helm, Joseph M*ttas and Josopti Leyk. Old Woman, SO high ? To sweep the cobwebs from the sly. On such miasSSn of because The sun, moon and stars need Santa Claus. 5*. is the best on EARTH for • flVE(ENTS acakc, v jood hou8d(w^^. .\ll̂ oeigrocer? sttl HK-fcimNntCcL, CHIC/IM. makejt • ws# ' . ? ! - 3 MOXEY TO LOAN. In sums of #1,00] aod up?*rd« on Real Estate Security, injure at this o"* NOTICE. L.Bonslett will fill bis warehouse bis week with Oats, Bran, Middlings and all kluds of feed, and will sell at the lowest market price tor cash. Call aud see Wm before purchasing else­ where. u Erasure*, 4 .;>V, HO^IAL DANCE. There will be a Social Dance at Hnimors Hall, McHenry, III. on Men- day evening, Marcti 4th, 1889, Music Smith's Quintette Orchestra. Tickets 30 cents. All are cordially invited. , , , JOHW HHIMEI^ Proprietor. • W • " FURS A LB. tJ) The «fl4erti?ned offers a house and good garden, situated in the village of Kingwood. Housa contains cen rooms, good wall and cistern, bsru tnd other out-housas. Plenty of small fruit on the premises. Will SJII on reasonable terms and en time if de­ sired. Possesion given oa or before May l3t. For further particulars in* quire of ' Waster LADD, Klngwood,jIll. 82-t-f FOR SALE. A farm containing 87J acres of choice land and under goo.l cultiva­ tion, ten acres of hay land, tee acres of timber aod the balance plow land. Fruit, four good wells, two comfortable houses, good barn, granary, etc. Fer particulars, inquire at tbe farm, situated In the town of Grant, Lake Co., Ill,, ene-half mile north of the old Goodale Corners, or address, St. N. warns. Fort Hiii, 111. January 29th, 1586. ZERO AND PROFITS ABE VERY LOW. Men's heavy suits 14.40,5.00,3.35, 7.60 to (22.00 Boy's heavy suits 13.50, 4.50, 5.00, 0.25 to 12,00. Fancy, all wool pants and vests for •4.00. Fancy silk and wool mixed pants for •5,75. A dandy gray mixed Spring over- coat •8.75. * Good gray serviceable pants for •190. Silk bound* wedding suits In saoks, button cutaway, ana 4 button cuta­ way suits from 913,25 to 122.00 and up­ wards. Consult our clothing and your purses for well paying advice, BOHSLBTT A STOVFBI., Felt Boots and Rubbers at very bottom figures, at Althofl Bros. A few very fine Lap Robes at Rock prices, at Althofl Bros. Bed tr Xlf J •",* . {ifif- Kerosene, tbe. beat-quality, at Story's Drug store. ______ HOW CAN PAREN TS Allow their children to oeugb and strain and cough and c*lmy says l,Obl it Is only a little cold," and keep giv­ ing them cheap and dangerous medi­ cines, until they are down with lung fever or consumption, when they can be so easily relieved by Begg.s' Cherry Cough Syrup? It has no superior, and few equals. For sale by J. A. Story and John Humphrey. Druggist's. On to Oklahoma. NeverVas there anvgreater excite- ideo|jt>ver the openinjwf any oontry than there Is now over tbe opening of OkUhoma. a large tract of land in tbe Indian Territory. Those desiring to know all the particulars of that cov­ eted oountry should send one dollar to the Oklahoma Colonisation Co„ Nel­ son Building, Kansas City, JMo» thsir sdvertlsementi Jtfr" * For Coughs and Colds 'Take Story's "Tar and Wild. Cherry." Golden Maohine Qil at J. A. Story's Drugstore. _____ When you dsslre a pleasant physio try St. Petriok's Pills. ' If you want to buy Glovas and Mlt* tens cheap, go to Althoff B«6a. The finest line in town. If your hogs "Thumps or "do Thorley Food. cough, have the not thrive, feed If your ohlckens are troubled With cholera or roup use Thorley Food. FOR SALE:--House and lot in village of MoHenry, Apply to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry, 111. Bangs*! dies, uss the BisssU's liaising iron to curl your bangs; tbeyjsave time and trouble. To be found at J. A. Story's drug store. if Group oan always be prevented by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse, it is pleasant and safe to take and per­ fectly reliable. Price 50 cents per bot­ tle, For sale by G. W. Besley. FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN. The Riverside Hotel in this village. This well known hou^e Is now offered for sale on such terror as will net the purchaser at present rate of rental over 10 per oent oh the investment. For further particulars call on or ad- dresgj; „----JFCFABS B. PBBBT, M3Henry. III. FOR SALE. A farm of 248 acres, situated 3} miles south-west of McHenry, is es­ pecially adapted for stock and will carry 75 head of oews. Good spring water runs the barn. Price 130.00 per acre. Terms one-third cash, balance on time to suit pur­ chaser, Apply to, ̂ , W* A Oaisxr, West McHoary, 111. , , FOR SALE. I oiler for sale my House and two ots. si lusted in the village of Mc­ Henry. It Is pleasantly located, Is In £ood repair, with good Well and Jistern. Also good ham and other outhou&es. Will be ? <ld on reasonable terms. Apply on premises, to JOHN KLEIFGBN McHenry, Feb. lsr 1889. FOR SALE OIT RENT. My farm of 160 acres, situated one mile from R> tig wood cheese factory, and 3} miles west of Mclleury. Good buildings, plenty of water and a fir*t- class wind mill. All under a good state of Cultivation. Will be sold on reason- ible,terms or rented for a term of rears. Apply to O. GBIMOLBT, West McHemry, ill. FOR REN T. The J. D Fox estate of 22l£ acres, situated 2} miles west of Gray's Lske Station. Especially adapted for cows or stock, also good grain farm. Cash •ent. For particulars see or address, DIQHTOK GKANOER, Volo, 111. '•I hava used St. Patrick's Pills" says Mr. J. Reynolds, of Mayfield. Ky. '-and pronounce them superior to any 1 have ever used. I do not hesitate to recom­ mend them, knowing them to be relia­ ble." They are thorough yet gentle in their actiou and leavs the system in splendid condition. As a cathartic, or for disorders of tbe liver, St. Patrick's Pills have no equal. For sale by G W. Besley. WheoBaby was sick, we gave bar Castoria, When she WM a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became MIM, aha clang to Castoria, Wbsaahe had Cbildresmna gars them Ca»t<iria Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the woild for outs, orulses, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped bauds,chilblains, oorus. and all skin eruptians, and poa- tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 2f erts per box. For sale by.G. W Besley. Tbe following from the pen of Mr.^ 1M,, , ^ J ^ ,-- LI P. Bardwell. editor of the Mariori* ^ kinds attended to OQ the Pilot, Iowa, will, we believe be of In­ terest to many of our readers. He says- "Wltb pleasure I certify the real mer its of Chamberlalf.s Cough Remedy. 1 have used it in my family for years and have always iound it most excel­ lent, and especially for colds,croup and «ore throat. It Is safe and effective. For sale by G, W. Besley. Electric Bitters. Tbls remedy is becoming so we!! known and so popular a& to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the sa&e old song of praise A purer medicine doe? not exist and it is guaranteed to do all chat Is claimed. Electric Bitters wilt cure all diseases of tbe liver and kid neys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.--Will drive malaria out of the blood and prevent as well as cure all malariai fevers.--For cure of headaches, constipation and indiges­ tion try Electric Biuers--entire sttls- faction guaranteed or money refuuded. Price 50c and4100 per hottio at O. W. Besley's drug store. Business Notices. |J Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for MllXtft^ •ry and Dress Making. Candles, a fine assortment just re­ ceived at Story's Drag Store. Cigars and Tobacco, all the pobuiar brands are found in our stock. J. Jt*X; Story's. ' Csll in and lee the best sewing ma­ chine in the U. 8, of America for the least money. K* If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at tbe lowest prices, call at Althoff Bros, THB Peerless Dyes, the host article -:-g on the market and warranted , At . % Goo. W. Besley's West Side. ;ff^-.*4 COWS FOR SALE. ^ '? 'If ̂ The undersigned has for sale Eight Choice Cows, coming in from first of ' ^1 March to first of April. , ^ ^ A. AMES. • "•] One and a half miles southeast Of : « Mudgett's Cheese Factory. * ------ Perfumery, all the latest popular odors, always fresh, fragrant and last lng at Storys. " Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is fa» ' I nous, for its prompt aod effectual cm% ot coughs and colds. Tne moat severe cold may be loosened and relieved by a few doses of this valuable' xemedy. For sale by G. W. Besley, ^ ( ^ •OTA rare opportunity is preseo&tik for some enterprising townsman to\ ^ represent a nursery firm that warrants stock to be delivered iu prime condl- }%jj$ tlon, so that a large, honorable and ^ permauent trade can be bailt up. Very liberal terms to the right man. Ad* ;l-| dress, Samuel E. W hitney,. Rochester, ' Boy's knee pants at 25o. Boy's good suits, 92 Oo. Wool, double knit caps, .-1 35c. Scotch, knit fancy gloves 32c,- 4?| Overalls 45c. Socks, from 3 cents to 40c. Men's fine shoes, 91,85. Plow/^ II shoes, il.oo, Bofs' double ' 'lisjif ^ hoots, f2.25. B. I.4WLU# Persons troubled with rtHuimatiaps « should try Chamberlains Pain- Balsa > One application will ease the pafts,»nd its continuous use has cured toany cases of chronic aud intlamatory &ei». • - i uiatism that bad resisted other remo» dies and even tbe treatment ot the A best physicians. Price SO cents per bottle. For sale by G. W. Besley. ' ,1 LOOK TO YOUR HEART. | Mrs, Charles Greenwood, ef Indian- apoiis, had what the doctors called, ^ asthma, but she get little relief until she took Dr, Miles' New Cure, which -"j soon made her long winded, stopped * J the pain in ohest swelling of »nkie». cough, palpitation eta Sold at ' \k ley's. ' COUG^Ijand COUGH! and COUGH III J, Wbat In the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying interior medicioea. when Begga' Cherry Cough »ynip will positively relieve your cough at o icef This is no advertising scheme, hut an actual fact, and we guarantee it. For *ale by J. A. Story, McHenry, as| J. Humphrey, Wauo^uda, Drnggist%» . fo^ SALE. -'Vf A farm of 80 acres ofoand, wi tb good house, 6ood out-buiidldgs, and good well of water. Thb atlove premisoa are situated in the 'Wn of Antioch, Lake County, I11H three miles east of Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. Fer further information inquire of D. F. Smiley. Woodstock, or John Hen­ dricks, Spring Grove, 111. n |?if WHAT ON EARTH " .Istbe reason people will not, cae not, or do not see uuy difference In cheap nostrums pat up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputation. and one that Is giving universal satie~ taction at equal price ? No medicio#' in the world Is givlug such unpar­ alleled satisfaction for purifying 'Vr blood as Bergs' Blood Purifier A Blood Maker, and every bottle that does not do its work will cost yon nothing. For sale by J. A. StorjL McHenry and John Humphrey, Walk conda, Druggist's. F. K. GRANGER, V General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farmia* Tools, household Furniture, and Good! reasonable tetms, 4, Orders by mall will receive prolan! ATTENTION,,: ^ADDRESS • „ ' F. K. GKANOKB, s ^®*t McHeory, 111^ EFFECTS OF MODERN LIFE^ ^ Emlnect authorities imanimomfej Hgret that the high pressure methods ot hum-in life are rapidly m*kiog us a race of nervous luvailds--subject *0 all manner of nervous affectatious, head-- c'.e. iusauity, dizziness, neuralgia, backache, hysteria, nervous troubles a£ the heart, stoumcu**, kidueys, brain etc Ladies and geutlemtr> who are troub* led thus, or wbo are compelled to keep late hours, do much uuuuat or physl* cal work, or worry or fret about busIM ness or domestic troubles, should rf*' member that no other remedy lis lhe world will so spediiy cure the** diseases, remove worry au 1 the bluett induce tranquil sleep, relieve pmim and build up the braiu aud uervuus IJS> teiu a si Dr. Miles great discovery III Restorative Nerviue.' It ooatalas opium er aorplne. Trial i at Besley's drug stoi% M • - 4 * - fa ̂ A i

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