Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1889, p. 8

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C. T. y. DKPAHTMCNT. otlces under* the a bore head the Ladies of -he W. Q, T. U. Uimi no part or credit for Temperance Legion will iMet ti tbe new City Ball oo Fr!»; eftenieon at feu r o'clock, Somebody aska me hew I make 10 •iucb money, and I say ao hltn: "My fWeadlwork bard and upend little; I ptaocarefully. What yon emoke and •drink paji nay ttxes, What time you Um buiicta my feace and sblnfiec i& bouses. m r-m h* " C J t • * < '• i"*"- r : \ . • I f i r : $ s - 1 * . ' * ' ' " / WboM Boy*? A Saloon can no more run without i than a flouring mill or a saw mill without question is, whose >ys or mine--«ur bov* Or our tfV^pftors ? Will you giro youil taadorsons. or mast soaao other ian give her husband or son that the mill of rule may grind oaf How1 long will Christian people sleep over things? , Br. J, G,Helland talking to tbe assoa " fled boatmen of Alexandria Bay made :/ f •;-v: tbe following speech: '"I neither drink trine nor give it to my guests. Strong- drink Is the curse of the country aod tho ago. Sixty thousand men in America ovary year He down in the; (rave ®f tho drunkard. Drink haa< murdered my bast friends and I hate" It. It burdens mo with taxes and F denounce It as a. nuisance, on which; •very honest man should put his heel. I do not ask you to put your heel on the drunkard, but to make the spirit of your guild ao strict and pure that no paa of your number will dare to trifle With your opiates and sentiment* on the subject,. • --: WINTER SHAWLS, At prices that will sell them. Hilttm W*4 ©n^-halfltw efeoice New Orleans Sugar for ^1.00» ~ » . r W> Mi .- .v.", "v- • Fifteen pounds Extra C. Sugar for $100. Bed Blanket without regard to their coin. Fourteen ppwada standard A sugar, *1.00. Horse Blankets and Robes . , ^ V ' ! •$< , >•;->* v * , " • \£t> f v JERRY SMITH. Boot and ShoelMakeiv One doer Sooth of the Furniture l8U>re< Jtowe's Bl*ck, --McIlENRY ILLINOIS-- ts and Shoes manufactured of the^beat ~ and a fit Uuaranteed. REPAIRING = ptly attended to. INVISIBLE PATCHES e Shoes and Boots a specialty. Call aee me. . . v' V5 1' : Thirteen and one-half pounds standard Granulated Sugar, $1.00, Alwayaremember we have the beat line . ' : •' A : . , - ,1- i •" ' H; Style qualityand price considered. We of Administrator's Notice. .TATE of Edmonil Knox deceased. un.isrsignsd «i;iv;r«g i>esna,|'>i>0iat0!l Ad- istrator of the estate ot Edmond _ ix, deceased, late of the county of cllemv and State of Illinois, hereby ¥©8 notice that he will appear before the nty Court of McHenry county, at the . rt 'House in Woodstock, at the April term, <n> the first Monday in April next, at which time ill persona having"claims aprainf t said estate are notified and requested toattend for the pnrpose of having the same adjusted. Ail penena indebted to said estatetare requested pt make immediate payment to the under- thisSSrd day of January A. U. 1889. B. J. SOTTOH, Administrator. O. J. BHILZt, RICHMOND. ILLINOIS* JUfoli line of Cloths, of tho lateat£atyles «»di '• , patterna always on hand. lONGLfi GARMENTS, OR FULL. SUITS, -- e on ahort notice and a lit guaranteed^ i our experience and practical knowl- i of the bnsiness we are confident we can ae the most fastidious, and respectfully wita all ia want pf Clothing ot aay bad to ft-" : 4*e me a ealL ^ Prices as i»w as the same quality of goods raroaaaed i be par i anywhere. C. J. BRILL. S'?fV • ^iebmond, October 16th, 1S88. - ______ AGENTS WANTED R To canvas for one of the largest, oldest established, SEBT KNOWN NU&SEBIEf in the country. Most liberal terms. Uni equaled facilities. GENEVA NURSEBY, Kat^ahsbed 1846. f w. & T. SMITH, Geneva, H. Y. SABMLSSS m& WHS IS THE COMING FENCE. It i« much mora easily seen by 'M'ick than ytdinarv barb wire, there being more than; twice the visiole surtace presented to the of stock by this wire than by the twisted wire, thereby obviating much of the gor of stock running against this fence, ulasuch a thing hy any means occur the tact would be harmless. Have been using i the past year and am satistle 1 that it will rafn ateck as well as any barb wire, and I Weold be glad to sell every pound of barb K[ure that I have got on my place at one-half Prtce In fact judging from the damage that I have had done to stock in the last three years, I think I would be the gainer it 1 Should give it away and replace it with Spur Wire. Oo yoa want a fence that is atronger than My hard-twisted barb wire, giving the full Strength of two wires and yet will go ten to fifteen per cent, farther for same number tlf pounds than any of the four point barb Wires? Do JOB want a fence that you and vonr Ikeighfeor can agree upon tor line fencing and thus save litigation? Oo you want a fence that has been proven Hv many user* to have all the merits we have •t&ted? If ao yon will find it for sale a|B. Gilberts, »: West McHenry, or at my farm, ljf miles West , {ft MeHenry, on Woodstock road. ;C;'" , : SAMUEL, SHERMAN." Alae atent for Big Glaet Feed Hill which Mtha«l jpSJU"" f "• * L" A.#'-;.-., . f I * , • T*; Felt Boots, Rubber Overs, * •' A«- •>,V - * ' ' Hats and Cap*, BIOTM sad MitWnt, MUf FLEBS, ETC., And we shall slaughter prices on them from the above date. We want to see you one<and all, at all times, and will make it our study to treat you well. • Yours as Ever, ivkws dk iiix.XiBa GO! GOf K/; GO! That is just what the enterprising business man always says to the goods on his shelves, ahd that is just what &LTMQFF BROTHERS McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Arc Bftyln ̂ to theirs so loud that the surroundin„ ^ going to have it humming in their ears all the time. They want to tell you that they mean Dress Goods, Underwear, Shawls, Groceries, . Must be sold to make room for new goods. Examine, liold up to the light, taste, sample, satisfy yourself that the goods are all the finest and then ask the price. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED P* Says so, and they mean business. v- J. Barbiaa* J- J- Barbian. BARBIAN BROS. ' Wholesale and Retail DKALEK6 IX FINE CIGARS, MoBENlir ILLINOIS. the most complki Having leased the brick building (one door Houthot the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the best brands. FIFES A SPECIALTY, We have a very large assortmcut|;ind| some Very handsome; patterna. , CALL AND 8EE US. BAKB1AK BK08. McHeary, November 13th, 1888. FOB SALE. A farm contafnlag 87} acres ef choice land and under good cultiva­ tion. ten acres of hay laad, tea acres of timber and the balance plow land. Fruit, . four good wells, two comfortable bouses, good barn, granary, etc. Fer particulars, inquire at the farm, situated in tbe town of Grant, Lake Co., Ill,, eno-half mile north ef the old Goodale Corners, or address, ^ » _ .. v. n. wans. _ _ ? F«rt 'MiMKf SMk^ WUfctj, • Map of Oklahoma EVER ISSUED l' •c«*. • C JUST PUBLISHED Wlowing correctly, its location, streams, timber land, etc., with a copy of the bill just l>asse'l the lower house of Oongresa. a full an complete guide to that country, with full information as to the land laws governing It# aettlment, mailed on receiptof ONLY ONE DOLLAR. . Partiea sending for mapa, who desire sny special information in regard to Oklahoma or contemplated towns or cities in that new lerritory, will receive the same upon appli­ cation. A me. nber of our Colonization Co. has oeen in and adjacent to this country for many years,and will answer tree of charge all quea lions pertaining to Oklahoma territory. Send money by registered letiei, post office money order or postal note, to •r '• - ' • ••• , ^ • i , • , ,i a PERRY W < OWEN. •t,« -jy- ^ \ , ' ; v ir-":^> > s ^ ^ Jl' . ^ ^ M lu' MB-: e sides i n g -*t^po^B^F^^«W'OrtentraBhgrt• tat M, 30'"potimJs pa nice Prunes tor $1, and 18 pounds clean whofe Rice . . . . - $], we will Sell bigger Bargains than ever. Fruit of the Zioom Blenched Sheeting at 9 cents; Pepperel R. ^ Sheeting at 7 cents, by the yard <»r piece, OQ Shoe in America -it $2 per pair, in Kid or wmmenced the usually kept in a General Store, Comprising a fine • **-; * • >% & FANCY GOODS,-? . * % ? i , it ~Yx\* « ^ ,1 ' i EVERY 1'AIR WARRANTED. - ' W e A v i U s e l l y o u h e t t e r C l o t h e s t h a n a n y o f t h e m pi ' 4 III?Men's and Boy's fine goods, and at lower prices. ry* ^ '. f .. •-./i" tLj list Yjt PH At 8 cents per can, equal it not bitter thun Elgin £ • ;r; Hats and Gaps, Gloves and Mil PlllY m:/ '©WIN. S3S? mk @r imoMT, MO Finu 19 Aialpfti B AMtf rne » PERRY & OWEN. BANKERS. Before placing any Insurance call on us. We have the best companies i n t h e w o r l d . . " . . . Ferry & Owen. " ETC% ETC e * „ ' . Cdttstetttly on hand* igheat Markett Canned Gooda, and Wooddn Waro ill stoefcr. Price paid for Butter and Eggsi We will be glad to show yoa our Goods and Pricegi F1TZ8IMMONS * HENDERSON. >- Opppsite Post Office, West McHenry, Dec 18th, 1888» A* WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. ^e weather has been tetharkaWy fitle thus for. MF the COLD will surely come and it stands every one in hand to be prepared for it, and how be^er prepared than to secure the Now being offered at our store in all kinds of HeavyGoods. We mean business and will give you Lower Prices on this class of goods than ever before offered in Lake County, ' < * --OUR STOCK OF General Merchandise s ' . • Was never #^e ««®pleto than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Special inducements for Cash Buy­ ers in sums from $5 up, < , COLDINC BROTHERS. Highest Market Price paid for Farm Produ ce. NEW DEPARTURE. TN McHENBY, ILLINOIS. JACOB BONSLETT. Having purchased the Hardware Business of 0. V* Shepard, would inform the Buying Public tliat he Jias just put in a full new S t o c k o f ' ' - i . • " T ' Oklahoma ColonizatiQii Co.* * MBLSOW Bottm*®, Kansas City, Mo. ens, tus beRiqiiwiij, ti Biorji Esrossss, ̂ Drug siore» j*&Liz£ Wit,."J'A'f.a. I: i'r Aj.-'r Purchased for Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods L VUUCi' LIU OF STOVES, GARLAND AND Ol'HHR lOKBS. For both Coal and Wood, of the besi nlakes, al ways on hand. • In short I will keep everything in the.Ha rdwstro jioe, to be foumt in McHenry county. Do not fail to call .when jn want <Jf anything in my line and see what can be done „ , GLA.S3 OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. JOBBING AJSIZ B.BPAIRIJS G Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A share of public patronage respectfully sqlicited. McHenry, UI„ Ootober 1st, 1888-; ' ' » i >X *> DEALER IN--^ & - • -f :A K / ; SHELF ANI*n Stoves, Tia, Copper Sheet-Iron War«i The Penin»iila.x* and Reliable, The best Stove on the Market and cheap. " Oome and see oar Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ours elres, that iwtt - hold a barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hoeks and Pollers, ! best in the market. Gall and see It. Screen Doors. Jhe celebrated floatilg Minnow Pail, a new thins:. ^ ° - - - -- - Haish's Barb Wire, --AT BOTTOM: PRICES. JOBBING llfl BEl*AlBINe Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. w. f; jmsvExs, H EllflYt .. ^DEALER Ilti . if**]!!),#• iand Uedicine8| PAINTS, OILS. j Toilet Articles, *'ir ' - 1 P C B E -- - WINES ' ANir FOB MEDICAL USE, - Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. | The best brands ot Cigars and Smofcing and alwavson hand. " PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION^ Carefully Compounded, Give me a^c&l|. McHenry, -December 28th, 1887; BESLET.

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