Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1889, p. 1

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ft* -a * V ^ ' • *- ; v *T't .'•-' » . „ < • " • * »> - . f . .. v 1, ' • - . > 44 Fledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear 8hall Awe," -6 .** •> 1 •, 'V'ii VOL. H. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1889. ' NO. 34. I®';. T">' J|eJ[6iFf ^iaifiiealep. ( PTJBI.!8HED KTCBT WEDJTR8DAT BT V AJJi® LYKE ,<£•£ BCHTOH A^O IPROPEIBTOR. * i#s>K$s OUcte ill Bishop's Block,? .; --0FPO8IT8 PB*RT 4 Otra*! • termh * or sciB^oai PTitiH. Om rear (In Advaaee) ...-- •j-J® .» L'» If Sot Paid within Three Months......,., «.00 * -» - Sn&soripttosA received ,«J?or thrcMI- /Wf six ». - |nentha ia tha tame proportion. "« " ™ V Kates ol Advertislrfg. I'r.'J}-; We annennee Hboral ratea for advertising • In tba, and en.ieavor to state - sihe* m plainly that they will fos readllj nn- '.^erstosd. They are *a follow*: • \v:l Inch «ne year - » * '®0« ,.^v., -2 Inches ore year Sf|8 Inches one year - •* * Column one year i' % Column one year- • 00 * - • $5 06 „ . so oo . *«00 >, Celumn one year - - * if, k - 1M00 . ®ne inch mentis the" "maaiifrement of one ach dtvn the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have frivileRe ef changing as often as they ' ^jtheese, witheut extra charge. ! Regular advertisers (meaning those having ^ Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion Of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line r -|ach week. All others will be charged 10 -'•* ^fsents per Mne the first week, and 5 cents per Ji«e far eaetv^ubsequent week. *• Transient advertisements will be charged " •/••'it the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil ' fype. 8*me a9 thi8 is 80t in) the t5r8t ls8ue« an<1 •.v-C%2» cents per line for subsequent issues. This, / ®mn inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one 4- week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three ' j,, ^wetks, and so on. ' ? h ' , • T h e Plaikdralbb will be liberal in giving f* .jM. tonal notices, but, as a business rule, it ,' '.frul require a suitable fee from everybody - *aek)«g the use of its oolumns forpeouniary •:tyk '-J® BUSINESS CARDS. O. H., FEGERS, M, D- _.A.N AVD SURG Office at Re-sidence. x)(lTSIOiA.N AND SURGBOM, McHenry, 1 Ills. p O. J. HOWARD, ML D. S%-MirHIOlAN ANTD StTRGEON, McHenry, ill 111 Office at Residence, one door West ,j»f M. E. Church. V.; W«, OSBORVE, M. J>. AND 8URGKO.<. Oftee at the Parker House. West McHenry. ^ ,iii>ronip«ly attended to day and night. Calls 3 BARB I AN BROS. k' '-.rtlGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or- .'I'Jfly ders solicited. Shop, 1 a Old " '* -;?«n Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside lOdM. Livery Stable* E. WI«««MA«, Propn«tor^ #lrsl Class rigsi with or without artvcra -ornfshed at reasonable rates. All kinds dene en short notice. Teaming of NEAR THE DEPOT. IfEST MoHENBY, I- Keeps oaen tor th« V, Public a First-Olass Saloon stud Rsstsmr^nt ( ^ s - . > jrhnre he will at all times keep the V" brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars » ?v<, ->M h* found in the market. the best . Liquors and 0i( found / Alee Agent For FALK^ MILWAUKEE LiGER Beer in Large or Small Kegs or , iffcys en hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. / Orders by nunl promptly attended to. GOOD &TABL1NG FOR HOB8S9. 4VOall and see as. „ Robert 8ohlo»8lo- W«st McHenry. III. BUSINESS CARDS. I Paul browv, 4 TffOBNBY AT LAW. U. 3. Express Oo.'S fV building, 87 ami 89 Washington S(. CHICAGO, ILL; ' M.K.ELLSWORTH, " ATTORNEY at Law, and Soliaitor im Chan­cery, Nunda, III. A ASA W SMITH, TTORSfEY AT LAW and Solieitor Chancery.--Woodstoek, I1L JO«LYN Jt OASEY. ATTORHEYS AT LAW, Woodstock 1U. All basiness will receive prompt lUteii* tlon. C, P. Bane* • D.T.mOey. BARlTE^ i SMtLEY, ATTORNEYS, Solicitors and Counselors. Colleettona a specialty. . WOODSTOCK, lLLIMOtS. Eton. T.D. Murphy. MURPHY Attorneys at Chanoerv, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Office in the rear ef Park House, first floor. j F.A LwmUjf & LfMLEY. LAW, and Solioltors In A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO- One HundreiiTwcnty-Five State St Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. jHPA Fail Assortment of Goods in his line United Stales ffar Claim Apcy OF WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock, IlllflOtSa Prosecutes all classss and kinde of nlaifns against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H COW UK Office at Residence, Madison St., Woods toe «, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! McHenry, III , April 1st, 1898. f would resnectfully invite the Public to call and examine m 7 stock of Horees before making arrangements elsewhere. No busi. nets dene on Sunday. N. 8. COLBY M'HBNRT Itl. E. R- AUSTIN, Livery, Boartini and Sale Stable. At Parker House Barn. FIRST CLASS RIGS, With or without Drivers, Furnished at Reasonable Rates. Bus an<t Ha<*,ks run tu and fr»» all Trains.-- for Bapgage Promptly AWen«ted to. est MoHenry, III. Quintette Orchestra, McHENRY, ILL. Are prepared| to furnish First Class Musle to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, SmHh, 1st Violin. Robt. Madden. Clarionet, 0. Curtis, Cornet. L, Owen, Trombone, E, Ingalls, Basse and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, McHenry. 81 for 13 Weeks. The POTjICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the 3taies tor three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR Lfb^tai discount allowed to postmasters agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free • Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUAB! York SDN* 8T0FFEL, £ (PhcBnix of Brooklyn, r] Continental of N. Y. (National of Hartford Fir*. Lightning and Tornado Insurance placed safe! v and with despatch in either of above companies. Policies conected, changes and transfers made. Call on or address Simon Stoflfel. WestMcHeary, Illinois. J. M. CILLILAND, --Dealer in ainmmd* of-- HABO WOOD VWBZB, SJT.H.KUl BT CAR LOAD OR RETAIL* JTO »0 SOUTH WATER CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. SQUARE TIMBER A SPECIALTY. WESTERN LANDS. J. Q. McGregor, ft C*., •fi'Elgin.ltllllnels, have fer sale in the Great Pipestone Co, Minn. 60.000 Aon «f Lui Which they offer at Low Prices and Eaay Term*. See bills giving date of our next Excursion, and for full particulars apply to J. VAN SLYKB. MsHenry, III. ILL DIGGING, Pomp Rtpaiiiog, CEMENTING, ETC. tht undersigned is prepared to do all Job* ia the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing. Wells, or will put In XTe-or Puupi On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In abort will do all work in this line. Can furnish yon a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as eheap at any other man. Good references furnished If desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, give me a call. •VOrdera by mail promptly Poat Ofloe, JonnslmrKh, ill. attended to. L. 8ANTES. I1L, May ttth, 1805, Johnsour -BREEDERS OL- MORGAN HORSHSS, Short Horn, Sid M«d Asgsi, And Jersey Cattl* Sillsida Taran, West wicrtenry, III. Onr Morgan Stock ia all pur* bred, igi: United States. Torgan stnex •• «• pun wwi iriginated from the heat Morgan atosk lath* SALOON iHQ SESTADRiNT. MeHENRY, ILLINOIS. AlrtEXTIpl Farmers and Daii It will pay those lookin^Jfor CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at premises before purchas'ng. I can formal ?uch by the car load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, OH BM U NO. Atm about four milea northwest of Harvard, Illinois. • iifford Morgan, who atanda at the head is one oi the best bred Morgan auntry, and can show more and colts than any other horie JOHN P. SMITH, Matchmaker £z Jeweler, McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A TINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew* •irv Aiurnvh on hand. Special attention watohes. Give me given te jrewairing fine a call. JOHN P- SMITH. 0. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL .Jlge Kentucky Liquors j*.,..- French Bitters, ?; ItcHsnry Lager Beer, --AND-- J. ScitzIiliailiffi Battle Beer, ! li any quantity from m Snitz f\ Ol*8S to 5C0 barrels. AT WHOELSA.LE OR RETAIL Be«r in battles, kegs or case as , tlMftf Mtk« cheapest. 4-: . ' * W« buy none but the best aid Mil at Reasonable Prices. ?• Call and see me and I will use f««weU. ANTONY ENQELN. ! SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Took and Goods of all kinds attended I to on the most SBAS0M1U C. C. Andrews, 8prine Crove, 111 8pflng-9TOve, Sept. 8th, 1888. # m* m > 11.11-Sai iu J^ractioal Painter AND DECOBATER. HEBROM, ILL. t Decorating, Paper-Hanginji CALCIMINING% QHAININQ, Ac D*M on short notice and satisfaction |WM- Oall en or address^. Q. FISH. A few full torsea for 1 4oo0s. In Cattle we have the full . , vbich we are crossing with the Bed Po, %ngus and therefore instead of sawmj off •ems ^e are breeding them off and "" f*od eaeeeaa, A few Heifera and Bulla, both pure bri )hort Horns and the croaa above mentioned Imp liiA. J. R. taylor * Son*. West MoHenrr. nu. Feb, 87th. 18K. • ••? v srAgpnttfor-* _ IFIRE, « LIGHTNING, And Accidental Inaur .nee. Also Iowa. Minucsota, Nebraska, Alabama, and Caiiforuia Latids. C&U on or addresa WM.BTOFFEL. McHenry. til. «CH]CAG0^ WESTERN RAILWAY. . . P»iv»«ratM the Centers of Population In IfflBiB, Iofa, SOLDUBS' S1PABTM1RT. Edited by WM, H, COWLIN, J WOODSTOCK, ILL. ' "7b cart for Aim who ha* berne the battle, and fmr hit widow and orphan*."--Lincolw, "Friendship, Charily. LoyaUy-- Worthy son* of Patriot muhert." Dakota, Nebraska aii fjgiai. tts tratn service Is carefully arranged to meet requirements of Ioch! tr*vel, as well aa to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trad* Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din. ingand place sleeping cars is without rival. ita road-bed is perfection, of stone ballaat- ed steel. The Northwestern Is the favorite route far the commercial tiaveier, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. . Detailed information ohe£rfully furnished by BERNARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, lll> WHITMAN, CMt. Manager, • C. WICK,BR, Traffic Manager, WILSON, «r Agent. T A A \TC madion farm land and L 0 , S 3 i i t b o r r o w e r s . J. W. BANBTKAD, Borden Blk, Elgin, 111. B. LAWLTJS. •' iturrnn ' Now is the time to get your Clothes made to order, for ;;i|i#;TOBNOw, • /. THB MERCHANT TAILOR, Of Nunda, is now with E. T.awlns and ther are now readv to do anything in the Tailoring line at very low prices C F. Tornow inviie>- hls friends from Crystal Lake and vicinity, and alsn the people of McHenry and vicinity, to call and inspect the goods and get prices. Prices are as low hare as anywhere according te the goods. Em LAWLUS, Opposite Riverside House, McHenry, III, L W. NICHOLS, JR., Oain / S O D A Best intheWor WAITED To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock, 8teadv eaiployment guaranteed. Salary ana expenses paid. Apply at once stating agi » HOWL AX D, BocbesMr.KsIk Silk H&ndker«biefs 90 oents IlUsiauaoM * Htntoorffc ..^y* •*:; hort no R AND umm, OND ILLINOIS. e neatly and promptly iring a specialty lone. FO«\ NSUMP1" G A. R, Directory. k'hbitkt post ko. MS. aMeetsthe First and Third Saturday evenlnga efeaoh month. L. E. BS»NBTT, Ooh». WOODSTOCK VOST, WO 108. .. Meet* first and third Monday evenings of. each month. W. H, Moifsoa, Com. OTTHDA VOST, WO 1M, Meets the eecond and fourth ,Tueaday evenings of each month. M- F. Kllswobth, Com. HAWTABD FOat, WO 90S. SMeeta the second and fourth Monday eyen inga of each month. 0. W. Owthawk, Ooaa. MAxawao Post, Na 109, * Meets every Seoond and Fourth Friday eveninga of each month. E, B. Mokris, Com. wauoohda.»ost; ho. 868. Peat meets every aecond and fourth .Satur­ day evening in G. A. B. Hall, Main sv. ABTHUB COOKB, Oom, nanently cured thousands Dronouncea by doctors hope- have premonitory symp- Ich as Cough, Difficulty of lig, Ac., don't delay, but use CURE for CONSUMPTION fttely. By Druggists. 25 cento. Parker's SPAVIN CURE as tn«SKime.E» aa an application to tioraaafev the cue of Byavin, Ilhen- mrtaa, 8pllnt, Mavlcilsr Joints, and all severe lame­ ness, also tor track we wbw rwtaoed. . Price ll.OO nr kettle.^ Soldby<traaS4ta. MmacMI' monlala on application, f ^ K. W. lAUBtv^; Bele Proprietor, Aran, M, K Ttadeanpplledby/aAB.lx fcCM)eee!t, EMli Fatar X kihaaph m Bam, Chleagok I tayaKaM * Oo„M, ui^l Altboff Bros, for Flno 8hi6oa. it stock in iwnu Along the Bkirmlah Line. Maks your fraternity arsii sonMthlog by patronizing yeur comrades whsa- ••er you oan, A Grand Army Post has bean organ­ ized at HenderaonTile, N. C, with thirty-two charter members. Gen, Geo. A. Gutter Pott, Ne. 40, re­ ports the largest anoant expended la cbarity, 91,468, Sixteen thousand one hundred and forty eight dollars were expended la charity during the past year. The annual encampment of tbe de­ partment ef New Mexieo -vlll be bald at Kingston, New Mexico, about AprMlst. - The sixth anaual ooaTentien of tbe Uoparment of Oonnectlcutt, W. R. G. was held at New Britain, Ceaa,, Jan, 30tb. IUlnols Is entitled to one represent' atlye-at-large and thirty-one repre­ sentatives in the twenty-third annual encampment to he held in August next. Massachusetts has, a Orand Army membership twenty thousand strong, There was expended for relief durlnit tbe year ending Dec. 31st, 1888, •48.319. General A. P. Hevey was chosea president of a sew veteran society which is known as tbe Sooletyof Vicks ourg, aad which is composed of vet­ erans of that oampaign. Colorado has over seven thousand live hundred eld soldiers, three thous­ and fire huudred of whom belong to the Graed Army. The department encampment el Colorado and Wyoming will be held a (ireely, Col, March" 13th. Sixteen thousand pensioners, names were dropped from the rolls during tbe past year oa aooount of death. Six thousand comrades answer the final roll-call eaoh year. And the rate is rapidly increasing though the num aer ef surviving soldiers is yearly be coming less. There are eighty-two National cem­ eteries scattered through the country; 3-24,000 soldiers lie buried In their uoDfloes: of these graves, 14,900 are, yet marked by that tad word "un­ known." We aotlee that tba Grant Monument Association still exists. The latest re- pert of the treasurer shows that 9130,- 343.57 have been collected. That would aeem te be an amount of money that if expended judiciously, would procure a monument worthy of tbe dead hero and that would he a credit to the givers and an everlasting honor to the dead hero. ^ A National home for the disabled veterans of the confederate army at Austin, rexas.has been established, and an appeal has been made to the people of the North to contribute to Its en­ largement and support. When the South has done what it can the peopje of the North should cive as generously as possible. * ^ The New York |fVe«s aeks: "How about that tomb for Grant ?K It is a pertinent qnestloa for New Yorkers to ask themselves. They were loud in their promises before General Grant's burial place was selected, but while nearly every other prominent city lu tbe|land has since erected, monuments to commemorate the' glory of the grand old hero,'Ne# York seems to have forgotten that she has an obliga­ tion to meet and • promise to ful­ fill. General Rosser In a speech at Balti­ more declared that It is still a fact that a Southern gentleman can wblp a "puritanicaB Yankee" every time, and he announced that be U prepared to convince p® r old decrepit, blood- thirsty Sberman that this declaration is absolutely true. Now what does Beeser mean? Does be mean that he can whip old Teoumseh in a personal enoounterf Bosser Is a young: maa and a.big man, but we believe Sher­ man can whip him as eaay aa ^tf^daa whipped hit army yaara 1(0, . Eneamptmeat Votes. Those who attended the^ encampment from McHenry county were Comrades Wm, Avery, Geo, Eckert, A. 8^ Wright G. S. SoutUworth and M. P. Ellis- worth. Comrade A. D. Beade <li a model assistant adjutant general, and next to the department commader won the admiration of the comrades. Chief of Staff H. P. Thompson did not seem to have any particular duty te perform but gave the occasion a certain dignity which his comrades so appreciate that he is mentioned for the place of department commander in the near future. Comrade James A. Sexton I« a stal­ wart commander in every respeot. His pleasant ofi-handed meaner as tbe presiding officer of the encampment, won the admiration of all tbe com­ rades. 'Is'nt he a dandy.' 'He's a hustler,' 'Weuld'nt he make old Bls- mark hunt his hole,' and many other complimentary remarks were to be heard when he made a ruling or an­ nounced a decisloa. At no previous encampment has the business been dis­ posed of so rapidly and wltb as much pleasant feeling among those attend­ ing as at this encampment* The Hew Commander. General James S, Martin, the new department commander, Is a Virgin- lan by birth aud Is 63 old. Be was born in Soott oounty. Virginia ia 1826; came to Illinois in 1846, settling in Marioa county, where he has sinoe re- aided. When war was declared with Mexico Martia enlisted ia the 1st 1111- uois regiment, and he served threugb tbe war with General Logan. Logaa was a lieutenant and Martin was a sergeant major. After the war he was eleoted county clerk of Marlon county, and held eeveral offlees in tuat oounty, la 1861 be raised the liltb Illinois In- tautry, six compaays of which were raised in his ewu oounty. He was elected uolouei .and served with dis­ tinction through the war and at tbe battle ef Atlauta was made Brigadier General and took command of the eec­ ond brigade, second dlvlson, 15th aimy corps and was through Sherman's jlam- paign to the sea. The report of A. D, Keade, Assistant Adjutant General, department.^ MM»- aeis, G. A. B. Is of Interest to every veteran. Tbe follewiag is a condensed report: , fee. Slat. .... 96,6 Member* la goed atanding MS7, Peats .8» Gama from all aonroea first quarter 1888, 1,480 «• •• aecond - 1,2X5 '• •• third " l,29v " " tourth •• 1,2*1 Total. <r 5.246 Loaaee from all aonroea flrat quarter'S3, l,l«i •« «« aecond «' L09S " " third «« B47 « «• ' tourth " 1,034 Total 4,138 Recapitulation for the year ahowe: In good standing Deo Slat, 1888 20.836 Gain by muster-in ..2,990 liain by trtiudfec. 474 ii»in by reinstatement l,48tf orain from deliuqaent reporta 3u# Total..' 30,082 Losses by death 384 i.Kssiii} uOuurable uiaoharg....l7e L.os8es by irauster 707 Louses by 3iit>pension 2,630 Losmos by disbeaorable discharge 7 Lossses by delinquent reports. ...340 M* Met gain, meitberahip 1,108 Net gain, posts 18 Total membersaip In g»e«l atanding Deo Slat, 1888 30,904 Total memberabip in good atanding Feb 12th, 1889 81,005 Contributions were made to tbe various monument funds by posts in this state as follows: Grant monument fund I ^2763 'CSgfto monument fond. Waahiagton. 205 96 Logan monument fund, Ohioage 1,178 63 "The South qoes not ask and will not acoept the aid from the general^ government so grudgingly tendered by General Sherman." Tbe above, with more of the same tenor following appeared in our columns last week, and should have been credited, to some paper published South, we t#live the Memphis Appeal, It was printed as if eetiling frm the editor of tbe Soldier's Department. Net caring to be consid­ ered the author of the article is our reason for making tbe above state­ ment, ^ The oomrades of Kansas propose to to have a law passed to prevent tbe wearing or using of the Grand Army badge unless they are legally entitled to do so. The following lis a copy of the bill now before the legislature of Kansas, Section I. Any person who shall wilfully wear the badge of the Grand Army of tbe Republlo, or who shall use or wear the same to obtain aid or asslstanosi withln the state, unless he shall be entitled to wear or nse the sa ne under tbe roles and regulations of tbe department of Kansas, sb'all be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be imprisoaed for a term not exccedina: thirty days or a fine not exeeding #25 or by both such fine and imprlsonmeat. Illinois stood fourth in the list great soldier oommeawealths daring the war for the iJhlon. She sent two hundred and flrty-nlne thousand one hundred and forty sevea volunteers to tbe Union army, and at every addi­ tional moetlag of the Grand Army of the Republic has increasing laterest. Th® ranks are thinning because death takes a larger number of the veterans each succeeding year. But the feeling *1 comradeship grows stronger aad there is a firmer toueb of elbows with ovary anaual meeting. The last year saw the greatest gathering of voter* ans in the history of this country, and It also, saw tbe most determined si- tempt to break up tbe G, A. B. organi­ zation ever made. The attempt lb Ill­ inois was worse than failure because those who encouraged revolt on par­ tisan grounds ar® victims of the r*sac*r t!?s tfcr.t cs: lu ag»lu»» ibpm. iue meeting at Springfield tells a story of strength and harmony.--Inf^r Absent SsnAsi, Some curious cases of absent mind- ednese occur in ail communities and at times wltb most all persons. A gentle­ man living ia this city was asked by bis wife If he would salt tba padding as she was busy. Like a good husband be proceeded to the salt box, toak a handfull of salt, weal to the stove and put the salt Into the ash pail which sat by the stove and spit a good quan­ tity of tobacco juice into the pudding. The proof of this pudding would ha In . chewing tobacco. . * There is another gentleman la towa who Is so absent minded that bis sel­ dom thinks to kiss his own wife, bat ha never misses an opportunity to kfaa some ether man's wife. * A lady had a bad attaek of this la a1 store and pieked up and carried off a valuable package, and did not remem­ ber to bring It back until visited by the proprietor with the mild remiader that she had better do so. One of our very nicest young aiea asked a young lady to accompany bar home from church. On their way they had 10 pass a corner where the gentler uian turned to go to his borne, and dropping the lady's arm he said good night in a tone that was dlstaat and freezing and went on his way alone. The next morning he awoke with a 8'art aud the realization of what ho bad done. Se visited the lady and at­ tempted explanations, but there la a deep wide obasm between them, frosea over, but aot quite thlek enough to crosses. J The night that the livery stables ouraed, ween the fire alarm sounded, a man in tbe third ward rushed into his woodshed caught a basket Instead of a pail and ran all the way to the fir* cryiag "get out" instead of Are. JHitw* cases all transpired here, bat* bere Is oue, vouched for by our fore­ man, that happened in Belolt. A very absent alluded man when retiring one i.igbt, put bis lamp into the bed and climbed up on the mantel shelf and jlew himseif out.--Lake Geneva Newt, §SF i'he other eveutug a faithiol and steady old Swede who occupies a place in the packing room of Marshall Kield A Co.'e wholesale establishment where be has been for years past, dur- iuk a North Side stroll, dropped ia at a barracks of tbe Salvation Army. Ho did not quite understand tbe proceed- iugs, but be enjayed singing and paid strict attention to what was going oa. Dnring an Interval la tbe services bo was approached by a uniformed ottoer of the army, who tapped blai on th * shoulder aud said familiarly: "My irleud would you not like to go to work for Jesus?" "New, I gaze nod, *ald the old swede as he rubbad bis oiilu, "1 haf got a ehob at Marshall Fielt,and 1 gaze I verk for laiapt fftt awhile."--Chicago Herald. ;si An Accommodating EoteK. A Nebraska hotel advertiMS a «g^ cloae cellar as oaa at^ Ita attractions, This is the oard. S&IDKQNDUt BOUSa, RORHAD© Bill. Proprietor Hot anclcold air in every room. JSlegaut cemetery in conuectloa, ftp* This is the only bouse in the city provided with a oycleae cellar for convenience of guests. Flume leading from each room to eellar, - Guests oaa drop to lower floor la a quarter ot a minute. No requirements as to aoa- tume la tbe descent, Stop at the slidunder and while guests of the other hotels are climbing the golden stairs, you will be scootiag down the floaa to absolute safety. i A s k y o u r s e l f t h e "Am I prepared to dief* We are getting good and tired of tbe never-eudiug gabble of papain published ia small two»for-a-eeat towns, wbioh eonvinco the people of the country that Chicago is already la the bands of the revolutionists. A Chi­ cago man in tbe provinces is asked tha very first thing about the auarcblsts, as a Hind oo would be catechised about snakes. It is getting tiresome read­ ing these flings in papers printed with horseshoe nails and it hurts Chicago's name. She Is full.v capable ef attend­ ing to her own business, without tha advioe of the Buflalo JEZrpress, the HicksviUo Banner of Freedom, Peoria Transcript, tbe Pscateoiea Paliaiktm of Liberty, or the Bung town Waaler Clarion arid Bugle.--Chicago News, 0/F A very bright tLree-joswil# girl la a Cambridge kiudergartoa waa selected to "show off' • tbe merit of the school, even for asro babes, to a party ef visiters, aad was asked to count* Sbe reflected credit oa her hoae by doing it u fol- lows--One, two, three, four, Ave. six, seven, eight, nine, too. Jack, ^Maa* t: -M&c* L< A..._>!'ri,Mlt, J

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