Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1889, p. 4

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-r 'IMrfltSDAT. MAKOU «. A#;!,'!#, -aasr, 1889. J^iafSI-YKia. Editor. T> A PI?!? May be found on iAL £ilv file at OKO. P. A OO.'S Newspaper Advertising >Spruce Street), where advertising W u NEW YORK- J9~bntttr OQ the Elgin Boar.1 of Tradt on Monday WM active and In food ismaad. Eighteen thousand poanii found r«*dv sale at 2S cents. b' ffiPThe anouncemcnt of the die CO vary of a French patent antedating 1 by severe! years the Wash burn-Mo* u wire feaoe patent !o this country, is ereetlef great excitement among the wire feaoe tn»a. A RepersetitatlTe has been seat toflTrance to ff«t a cer­ tified oopy of the patent, end if it le as the Iron Monger has reported !t, it will be a grand victory for the fence men, end will cut them loose entirely from the monopoly so loo*'held by Washburn and Moon. WHL'.±^_LL: .SSI! •?'BBC MP* Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana, was duly Inaugurated as President of the Uoited States, on Monday, and ap­ pelated the following: «w his Cabinet, who ware promptly ooafifmed by the Senate: JAmts G. BLAINE, of Maine, Secreta­ ry of 8tate. WILLIAM WINDOM, of Minnesota, Score tary of the Treasury. REDFIKLD PROCTOR, of Vermont, - Secretary of War. J BENJAMIN F. TRVCY, of New York, i Secretary of the Navy. JOHN W. NOBLE, of Missouri, Secre­ tary of the Interior. JOHN WANAMAKER, rof Pennsylva­ nia, Postmaster-General, W. H. H, MILLER, of Indiana, Attor­ ney General, JXREMIAH RUSK, of Wisconsin, Sec- rota&*f Agriculture, A Washlnghten correspondent •ays: "Cleveland has on many occa­ sions since he was in offloe shown that he has been controlled by superstition. Only once has he stepped over the spot oa which Garfieid fell. Never, it it said, did he leave the White House by the front door during the long inter­ vals when.the badges ef oflcial mourn log ware draped about the eolumns in the front of (he Exeeutiye Mansion. Os» •!! thsss cecBatons, which have been quite numerous--Sheridan, Ar thnr, Wal te and the rest--the Presi­ dent always left the White House from the Potomac side, and,it probably Ss a fact that no resident of Washington baa aver seen him leave the White i on foot or walk about the city, who are the nearest to Cleve­ land say that he is superstitious, and that he has always been haunted with ifao dread of aome new Gultean." ae~A special telegram from Spring ioldte tbo Chicago Inter Ocean. M4cr date of March 1st. says: wThe •oa. Elijah M, Haines hss not been able to attend the sessions of the House with any regularity, and had he re- gar^ the Instructions of his physieian he would not have been there at all He has been troubled with nervous dyspepsia for years, and his indefati­ gable work has so exhausted his nervous system that his physician has commanded him to take a rest aid get away from Springfield, where he shall aot ba under the strain of following the work of the House, even when confined to his room. Mr, Hainee baifiaally consented to obey the In­ spections of his physiciaa and the wishes of his daughter, who has beau h!« seastaat cssapaaisa and nurse since ho came here. He and hie daughter will leave the capital to­ morrow for their homo In Waukegan, where ho will remain for a week or ten days, and everybody here hopes that the quiet and rest may return tbe "Sage of Lake" to a state of health that will enable him to take part In the sessioas of the future." Wtat Prohibition hag dou tmr Iowa. Bnrliogton Hawkeye:--Iow& is far­ ing bard in the east, and who can won der at It? Not many careful business men or capitalists care to settle or in vest In a state where taxes are from 3 to 6 per cent, when they can find other states where taxes are less than half that amonat. Business men and capi­ tal are not searching for a goody- good? state, ran by the most approved Sunday-school rules, to locate or Invest In. They want to see thrift, eater prise* growth, reasonably low taxes* and a .liberal minded people. They look to Iowa in vain for either of ttus Inducements. PIVOTAL STATUS. Is view of the fact that the t*0 Dakotas. Washington and Montana are admitted Into tbe union? the New York daily Graphic has been figuring oat where the balance of political power will lie in a presidential election. It says that for sixteen years New York's vote has been considered pivotal, and necessary to success, although in 1876 the election was carried by the republicans without ter. Tbe electorlal vote on the admission of these new states will be 414, if the Dakotas are given three congressmen, which Is due under the present appor­ tionment. At. present it is 401. of which General Flarrlson r«c«lved 933 and Mr. Cleveland 1|>8. If New York had cast its vote difi«r«titiv the r# turns would have been r«pnbl lean 197, democratic 204. With 13 new votes to complicate the situation. It will b« readily seen that these new north­ western states will hoM the balance of political powerlif New York should go democratic. The Dakotas are solidly republioaa, Montana and Washington went republican last fall,'and are in line to remain republican for all time. Tbe new settlers are mostly republi - cans and the change In the federal patronage and general policy towards the territories will aid in that result. If Indiana, with her fifteen electorlal votes, should be considered doubtful under an Indiana president, then New York would again he the pivot around which the political world would re­ volve four years hence. But Indiana has now a strong 'republican tendency and cannot fairly be classed as doubtful. The new states are be im­ portant political factors. Congressional Parmer's Inst it ate. Held under the auspices of the State Beard of Agriculture, for the fifth Con­ gressional district, at the court booso* at Geneva, Thursday and Friday, March 14 lo. The programme will be: Thursday; morning session, 10 o'clock, organize- tlon; appointment of committees on business resolutions and permanent or­ ganization; prayer, Rev, Hardin; ad­ dress of welcome, C. E. Mann, of Ge­ neva; response, Hon. E. C. Lewis of Deer Park, vice-president of the State Board of Agriculture, eighth district; afternoon session,2 o'clock; Manures, their composition management and application; Hon. D. B. Giiham, Upper Alton, vice-president State Board of Agriculture for the eighteenth district Ensilage, E. G. Oatman, Dundee; Cheese, its manufacture in Northers Illinois, S. K. Bartholemew, Marengo. Evening session. Music; Horticultural Art, by Jonathan Perl&m, of Chleago; Nobility of Man, Selim H. Peabody, regent Illinois Uni­ versity, Friday morning session. Good and Bad Points of the Factory System, L. Potter, La Fox; Progress­ ive Agriculture. G. E. Morrow, M. A., Champaign, proffessor of Agriculture, University of Illinois; Raising of the Calf, E, E, Garfield, La Fox. Afternoon session.„ Timber; Hon, M, Conrad, Chicago;Tiling, D. Haegar, Chkoago. With discussions on each subject. Committee on arrangements--C. E. Mann, Mrs. J. H.Green, P. T. Barthol emew. J, H. Whits, L. M. Poller and •i. B, Moon. Reception Committee--Mrs. H. H. Blackman, Mrs, J. D. Harrey, Henry Warford, Mrs. P. D. Hoyt, Harry Brown, Mrs. H. L. Bennett. *!>• Ag« of Profanity. MWa are emphatically in the age of profanity." says ths Chicago National. "and it seems to us we are on the top­ most current, One cannot go on the strsets without having his ears ofiead- od with ths vilest words, and rever- •nee shocked by ths most profane use of sacred names. Nor does it come from the old or middle-aged alone, for ll Is a fact that the yennger portion ol the oemmualty are most proficient in the use of degrading language. Boys bave an Idea that It is smart to swear; but there never was a greater mistake la the world. Men, even those that swear themsslves, are disgusted with I profanity In young men; because they know that of all bad habits this cling* ths most closely, and Increases with jroara. It Is the most lnsldeus of habits growing on one so invisibly that ; almost before one Is aware he becomes asecpiplisbsd cursor." Low necked dresses are going to be very popular with the lovely yeung dndlaes, because If tbey should catcb cold wear lag them, baye'nt they got ECONOMY. Pooty soon sfdsr der firs a man met me on der shtreet, und be did said: "Carl's dot's besser we bractice a lee die economy, aind it?,1 '•Tab," I say. "Yell, yoest across dor road wo can got a bully plate of soup und a glass of beer for five ceut." "Ish dot so? Veil* let us dook It in." So we went ofsr to dsr place, und der Dutchman gives us two plates of soup und tswi glass lager. Mine friend took bis spoon ,ub und commenced to shtir dot soup. Yell BOW, you see dot soup vas alvays hefy after such a fire like we hjtd got. Und mine frlead lifted der shpoon der soup out, und saw sometings on der end ol der sphoon dot vas lookin yoost der same like an old cotton sock. 'Here, dutohy, here's an old cotton sock in dis soup," said my friend. 'Yell, vat you dinks?* said dutchy 'you dink you got a silk shtockin for fivo osats, dond it?"--Carl Pretzel. Fof California. In addition to first-class rouml trTtt tickets to California and Pacific CoasV points which are on sal« daily, tner Ohicago and North-Western Railway; Company has arranged a series of per-, ponallv conducted owe way second alatsti excursions to California. Perso* $ joining these excursion parties will be provided free of charge with COKII pletely furnished berth?, including;; ir attresses, curtains blankets, pillow*^ «jtc.. in new tourist sleeping cars whicht? will be run through without chang«^ from Chicago to Han Francisco ami. Los Angeles, In charge of experienced conductors and porters the entire dis­ tance. The cost of a second class tick-t? ot covers every necessary expense PX cept meals. For tickets and full inform: ation regarding rates and dates on. which excursions will start, apply t<> agts of tb« Chicago & North-Wafers Railway. ______ f i,: - Consumption Cured. . An old physician, retired from prac­ tice, having traced his hands by an E»st India missionary tbe formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the epeedy and permanent cure of con-* humpiioii, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints; after having tested its wondertui cur­ ative powers in thousands of cases, has felt It bis duty to make it known to his sutlerlng fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in English, French or German, with full directions for using. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, nam* ing thl6 paper, W. A.Noyes. 149 Pof®. er's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 14-20-«ow-ly - >; iw * vv -v./- \c THIS WAY! AND ETEEiiami CATHARTIC PILLS ABE WHIPS, To tbe liver and bowels, hut give no streugth. The more you take tbe more you need, Miles' Pills, (M.P.) positively strengthen. Ths longer taken the less reduired. ' Samples free at Besley's drug store* It you want the best Garden yon have ever had, you must sow MAULE'S SEEDS. There is no question but that Maule's Garden Seeds are unsurpassed. Their present popularity in every county in the United States proves it, for I now nave customers at more than 31,000 post- office Whan once sown, others are not wanted at any price. My new catalogue for 1889 fa pro* Twunced the most original, beautifully illustrated and readable Seed Catalogue eitr published. It contains among other things, cash prizes for premium vegetables, etc., to the amount of $3,500. You should not think of purchasing any seeds this Spring before sending fcr it It is mailed free to all endowing siump for return postage.* Address WM. HEWRY MAWLE, 1711 Filbert St PHILADELPHIA, PA. ^GEORGE O." No. 970I, Record, 2:26 Will be limited to Twenty, Marea for tbe spring season. He has left tbe best Colts ever raised in this county. GEO; W. OWEN, Prop. McHenry. February 6tb, 1880. „ • REMEMBER THE Old Stand -AT THE- RIVERSIDE. Where genuine Bargains are in utore for you. 20 ft pail Jelly $ ,70 4 gallons best Svrnp, 1.30 25 bars (drolden Crowu Soap, 1.00 May Flower Tea, per ib. .40 " in, P'l'w Case Lace, per yd. .05 " Oriental Lace. .05 12 in. •« «« .25 Latest styles Button?, metal, cents up. In 4 NEW LEASE @F LIFE. Tbe aged and weak have declared after using Speer's Port. Wines that they felt as though they had a new lease of life by haying their systems renovated by this pure strengthening wine made by Alfred Speer, of Passaic. N.J. The lfoa in tbe soil in which tbe vine grows gives tbe blood making qualities to the wine. For sale by druggists. OB to Oklahoma. Never was there any greater excite­ ment oyer the opening of any country than there is now ofer the opening of Oklahoma, a large traot of land in the Indian Territory, Those desiring te know all the particulars of that coy- eted country should send one dollar to the Oklahoma Colonization Co.. Nel­ son Building, Kansas City, Mo. Read their advertisement. AVOID appearances:--A worthy gea tleman, having an unusually red [aose, was long suspected of tippling on the sly, by those not acquainted with his strictly temperate habits. His unfort unate disfigurement was readily cured by the use of Ayer's Barsaparilla. Croup can always be prevented fcy giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse It is pleasant and safe t® take and per '•ctiy re lis bis.- Pries SO eeuia porbot- Pr. Ball's Cough Syrup to cure them.'tie. Voir sale" by "(J. W. Besley. We have % full line of John Foster's, always warranted. Also some special lines Men's Shoes, All solid, $1.60, Calf, warrant­ ed, $1,90. Ladies', from $1.50 to 4.50. We carry a full liae of Beloit OVERALLS. *• * *£ V "•••;* v.,.- And the best $3.00. 3.50 and 4.00 Wbrt wsinfn look at the k>r<r«>#ta»4 «U 8|«ek t»l (UMET01SI You can readily understand when, we say wo have an abun­ dance, Ample, numerous, exten­ sive and comprehensive stock of every sort ot |^£chandise in line and that ^ Mercnandise. wm- THE BEST. That w« must constantly be hustling for trade. We are the family purveyors of this and the surrounding vicilaity und Prices swing low at all times here. ^ (KKOCEKIFJS, Of tho HIjflicHt Quality* 3 ft Cans Tomatoes So 2 " ^ Corn 10 2 " Peas ' 30 2 " Blackberries 10 3^ " Peaches 1C Fine English Currant* # New Blackberries 8 Choice Evaporated Apples 8 " Turkish Prunes 8 California Peaches J 8" Fancy Prunes, Apricots, French Prunes, etc. 16 pounds me^m br'n Sugar*! 1.00 • f Codfish Fine Cut Tobacco Plug ««• Smoking--" Tea Dust 1 whole leaf Tea. 1 finer " 1 Dates 25 cents Figs ' 25 cents Salt White Fish, salt Herring, salt Mackerel, Salmon, full cream Cheese. 20 pounds of Jelly, only 68 cents. Cart, loads of new Spring i'IAH 4 Dress Goods, Arriving This Week. In the county. To look at our stock means to buy. Call and see for yourself. . ! ® ctrfoi i, iiiatrp ULUIIUI a iiiaLu. Sateens, Prints, Ginghams* Tickings, Denims, Table Dam­ asks, Table Oil Cloths, Sheetings Towels, Corg^is, Butt$p§, Gloves. '^3' . . Hundreds styles of pairs - Spring Have you seen them? One has told another what we are doing and these things are spreading far and wide,' Our doings and your response are necessary for mutual benefit. Gomel /'IV-: -- r. Ringwood, und as we own not fix tiie weat^x, we can and do fix a right J>ri«pi]:' :' Those Who silently contemplate . the idea of committing matrimony should not fail to try on out handsome and large variety of choice Clothing, suitable tor. s., Matrimonial Purposes. 4 button cutaways; silk bound", $17 to 25; silk bound snck and one button walking Suits, from $13.25 to 22; s»lk mixed Pants for: $5.75, worth 7.50; men'.* good heavy tull duits. $4.40 5.00 6.25, 7 50 to 22,00, no shoddy or jobs; children's two piece suits, $2.25, 4*00, 4.50 to 6.00, see them; boys good heavy Suits, $3.25, 4.40, 5.00. 5.25, 6.00 to 12.00, all sizes; good gray mixed spring Overcoats, fancy laced, all sizes, $H.75 to 14,00; men's all wool, matched, fincy stripe Pants and Vests, $4.00 for the two. We court compaiison (if she is not over 36) with any house as to quality, quantity and price, and deal in only standard wares. To try to look at them is to buy. We want every lady to examine our - „ Dress 0odttS, With match side bands and trimming. Silk warp and all wool Henriettas, very newest shades, mahogany brown, pea­ cock blue, wood brown, uadet blue, bla^nk, etc., all 46 inches wide. To see them is to like them.--4-4 half wool Dress Goods, in all colors, at 25 cents are rare bargains. HOBSS Are rare novelties but we have them in stock, Satines, Scotch Gingham8> Calicoes, 3 1-2 to 14 cents, new styles. New Shirt­ ings, new . Domestics, Carpet Warps, O'arpet Paper. We re­ fer with pride to our past success in Shoe deals, as the well known C. H. Fargo & Co. custom made BOOTS AND SHOES, Stand next to the Pedagogue for elegance quality and price. Gent's custom made shoe, in lace button and congress, from $1.90 to 6.00. Children's good kid or goat button shoe, 1 to 7 lor 50 cents. New Wall Paper, Matched borders, from 6c to 40c per roll. Latest ideas in shades. Our ) Groceries, Ace always of the purest best the market affords. and 20 pound palls Jelly, different flavors....# ,70 Good broton liice, 4c. whole «7 Standard Fine Uutonly 25 Ten Lmat, 10c, whole leaf Japan ' ,20 For garden and lie id Sredsste ue in time our stoek is U K * Eg) ptian KvergreepSweet Corn.... -<towell8 " " •« Mammoth " .«» .... jrauc^QiMR, etc. 1.40 2.16 2.65 EVEB YOURS, jJohn Evanson & Co. i BONSLETT & STOFFEL. • Thene twin diseases cause untold suffering. I JDtoctors admit that they are difficult to cure- (V so do their patients. Palne's Celery compound has per- i ff % if If manently cured the worst w// // cases of rheumatism aad neuralgia--so say those who have used It "Having been troubled with rheumatism at the knee and foot for five years, I was almost, unable to get around, and was very often confined to my bed for weeks at a time. I used only one bot­ tle of Palne's Celery Com­ pound, and was perfectly cured. I can now Jump around, and feel as lively as a boy." PRANK CAROLI, Eureka, Nevada, 11.00. Six for $5.00. Druggists. ^ Mammoth testimonial paper free. WKIXS, RICHARDSON & Co.,Props.,Burlington.Vt. . AJjj - • Palne's Celery FOR SALE NO USJSTO OWNIR, hM been a Soft. two yean 1 haveg^. send to me. ^rthepasttwo fered with neuralgia ot the heart, doctor doctor falling to cure me. I have now talMK nearly four oottlee of the Com free from the complaint. I feet to you, " lee of the Compound, and lplalnt 1 feel very grat^S CBAS. H. LEWIS, Central Village, ct. SNAMOND DYES implaln .H. LJTW Paine's Celery Compounds "I have been greatly afflicted wltti acute rheumatism, and could and no rellaf-untUX' used Palne's Celery Compound. After wliMr six bottles of this medicine I am now cored of.. rheumatic troubles." ^ : HAMCKL HCTCHINSON, So. Cornish, N. Effects Lasting Cures. Palne's Celery Compound has performed many v other cures as marvelous as these,--copies oC letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take, does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entlr#» ly vegetable; a child can take It. What's tU§ use of suffering longer with rheumatism dp neuralgia? ~ --SF,:. 1 than mny othtr Dytt. OS Mr* Living upon laetated fbod are HedUhtL" ttJUHti BappV) gaily. B U lheqwikd.*> "i i-L,'% '< ^ f. t ^ ' -- - -v • , ' * « f ** ^ >c ? h ' , f . . • • ' - - .-V ... l- .uk A E " . ' " f f f - ' I f " M • - C-i , J ' ̂ J •» it's R Splendid assortment ̂ ex* i tremely low prices, for Cash. J. W. Cristy & Son. RINGWOOD, ILL- ' ii J *, JTOIA A. STOB1,, (line Door West of Riverside House,) ̂ . H V S McHENItY, . . TLU?iOia -DEALER IS MIWIY • DRUGS, ME D I G X N £S, A FULL LINK OF -- Drags, Chamie&ls, Dyi Staii, Peuats. Oik ud Colon. • ' . • -- y r r r - , v Constantly on hand Also a large line of "* Patent Medicines, Toilet Articled -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF-- '•'vi i m STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES! FhyisiciaTis JPresor»if>tionjH Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is .respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY. Every Household Should have Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It saves thousands of lives annually, and is peculiarly efficacious in Croup, Whooping Cough, and Sore Throat. " After an extensive practice of nearly one-third of a century, Ayer's Cherry, Pectoral is my cure for recent colils ana coughs. I prescribe it, and believe it to he the very best expectorant now offered to the people."--Dr. John Q. Levis, Druggist, West Bridgewater, Pa. " Some years ago Ayer's Cherry Pec­ toral cured me of asthma after the best medical skill had failed to give me re; lief. A few weeks since, being again a little troubled with the disease, I was promptly Relieved By the same remedy. I gladly otter tMs testimony for the benefit of all similarly afflicted."--P. H. Hasslw, Editor j&rgvM, Table liock, Nebr. " For children afflicted with colds, coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not know of any remedy which will give more speedy relief thau Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I* have found it, also, invalu­ able in cases of whooping cough.' ~ Ann Lovejoy, 1251 Washington street, Boston, Mass. "Ayer's' Cherry Pectoral has proved remarkably effective in croup and If invaluable as a family medicine. -- D. M. Bryant, Chicopeo Falls, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Moral, PBEFABED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer tc Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by kll Druggists. Prlcc f 1*lx bottle*, $6. _ MEW YOR^C HOUSE. 239 tc 243 E. Randolph St. Between Franklin an| MaVket Streets, CHICAGO. Beat Accommodation to travelers and Boarders. E. G. KOEPPE, Prop. H4IFE&DAT, GOOD SAMPLE ROOM. WOULD YOO mm • • the meaning of lli'c in tltis world 1 nod tin; niiturAoi <li« lile t» ciinie, Tury nr«n 'iu's<' two iM><>k» trai<NiHt4«i I IlLR ItLHaJ front tlis Latin of iOiiianiMt Swedenborg: THE DIVINE PROVIDENCr. Extra cloth. Demi 8vo. Pp. 337. Price, 72 cento, post-paid. " The Divine Provident« i» the government of (Ae Lord'8 Divine Love and Wisdom."--Opening pa<* graph. HEAVEN WONDERSAND HELL FBOM THINGS HEARD AND SEEN. Extra cloth. Demi 8vo. Pp. 453. With full la* dex and Index of Scripture passages quoted. Price, 72 cents, post-paid. Address W. K. ATDRN, N. E. Cor. Md and Chestnut St»., Pliil«j.l|>lil», fi, A full catalogue of Swedenborg's and relatfltf works sent free to any address, on application. . Any inquiry will be cheerfully answered, free <4 cotk i S'* % -I • " ' *- „ A' IlCaiJB T?;EATHEXT. Puffwi-R lire not p<T.i'i-all,v ((iseiws ait* coiiti'.^ious, or that due to the presence of living parasites ill*" " UIP nienibinnc of the nose ami ' « V •;aohkui tubes. JUiotoscojiic rcscarcii, ; -ver, has proved this to be a fact and tha ;Vsi5lt is tnat a simple remwiy has been to%. .rnilatcd whereby eatarrli, caliirhal deafne^ xiid hay fever are permanently cured inr .tt otn one to three simple applications maif at home by the patient once in two weekS X. B.--For catarrhal discharges peculiar tb iVaiales (whites) this remedy is a specific), \ pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. 1 UXON &'Sox, :>04 West King St., Toronto, Canada.--Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles read the above carefully. m A few very floe Lap Robes at B«d Rook prices, at Altbofi Broe. OALESMEJ U WAITED If To canvrsss for the sale of Nursery 8tocfc*l k,',! 8teady employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once stating agar* Ketex to tlys paper. v ^ ' 8NK£>L * HOWL AN" D, jiW- '4| Boche.wr.AT. iJ& Silk HaadkerGblefs 20 oentl, FlVsslmtDODs it Hendersot^l,

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