Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1889, p. 5

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4 , APRIL 3, 1889. RallroadTlme Table. m-;-y< fi^ ^ }NI:mk, tmtM wili JAM 'McHenry a^ttn'toHy^M Wtoti: a4MMMVTB. | Uk« U»itmftHmC«r mm uon»»M-»M«m|»i 7:80 A._lt Uk«0«MTa Sxpnsa , Uto fitttm frMAt.... .••'• J-JJ*;. Uk« G«HT» Paeaeacer. *» «OIXO iroBTB. If*** eeaavaFreUrht. bake 3ea«*aT _ _ _ .Tasaaagar.... Ukt mm Kxprau.... I FATA 0<1L*TK PTLMMTT. .. t D*tly except Sunday. ,.k......»'Il A. * . . 9'M - ....... .4:66 P. M .6:51 '• MAION1C. y.LBNNIR Lonoa,Jf*MB A. r,AND A.M.-- Bafalar (MuiwtaittoM the aecond and fo«rtti Monday* ia each moat*. H*w*rGotBr, W. M. MODKBN WOQDMKN OF AMKKTOA. Mwtft Packer Hoase Hall, every Second find Last Tsewl<f ereaing of each month. Kelfhbors cor Ually invltea- Do not forget to go and #ee "The Heroic Dutchman of '76/' at Riverside Hall, to-morrow, Thursday, night. THERE will be an Easter Party at THE McHenry House, April 22d. More par­ ticulars next week. rJj - Special bargain Bale in Ladies Muslin Underwear, Saturday April 6th, at John Evansoii & Co. R. A. HOWAKD, of the West Side Mar- bet has hired for the season an experi enced book-keeper and butch«r from Ridoefield. DOT Heroic Dutchmah make lots of fun, don't it, at Riverside Hall to-morrow Thursday night. Its better dot -you go and hear him, eh ? .• LOOK out for the new advertisement of Stevens & Miller next week. In the mean time call and examine their fine stoek of Goods. AT the M. E. Church, on Sunday morn­ ing next, Rev. Mr. Brill will discourse from the subject, "How the Devil ob­ tained his knowledge of men." J. E. CBISTY has been appointed Post­ master at Ringwood, in place of Miss. Ingalls. Mr. Cristy is the first, we believe, in the county, to draw the lucky number. . JJONFIBES are the style, house cleaning in order; we notice a few hammocks out in the front yards; horseradish gives one an appetite, and the town is booming. D. H. KENNEDY has sold his Barber Shop, in this village, to John Bishop, who will take possession of the same to­ day, Wednesday. We understand • Ken­ nedy will go to Chicago. MB. SLADK'S Subject next Sunday morn­ ing will be "Walking Worthy our Voca­ tion" and in the evening "The heavens declaring the glory of God and the fir- ?>'. * '* READ the new advertisements of Fitz- simmons & Henderson, and John Evan­ son & Co., West McHenry, M. V. B. Spaulding, Ringwood, and C. H. Han- chett, Richmond, 111., to "be found in lother place in this paper. x A YOUNG child of Mrs. John Winkels, aged about one and a half years, died on Monday morning last and was bur- ried on Tuesday.- Mrs. Winkels has the sy mpathy of the entire community in her great affliction. ^ " B. ROBINSON, at his rooms over the st Office, is prepared to file saws on >tice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring your saws along and have them sharpened. Also grinds and sharpens •hears. - EVERY man, woman and child, who wishes to enjoy a good hearty laugh, should go to the Riverside Hall on Thurs­ day and Friday evenings. TheDramatic Association have spared no pains to bring out this play in a manner to please all. Be sure to go and see them. AN exchange says an ingenious chickei raiser has devised a way for preventinf chickens from scratching up his gardeni He crosses the long-legged Brahmas witlij short-legged Bantams, and the result it a new breed of fowls with one long le and one short leg. When they rais^ either leg to scratch they lose their bal] ance and come to grief. After a few d« moralising attempts they desist. As will be seen by an advertisement in another column, C. H. Hancliett, Photo­ grapher of Richmond, is offering from now until June 1st, twelve Cabinets and a 16x20 Photo Crayon Portrait for $5. This is a remarkable offer. Mr." Hancliett is one of the best Artists in this part of the State and Mr. Elliott, who does the Crayon work, has no superior in that line. mhiri PEB , Jon. PBKOYHKY, of Chicago, wag Calling on Mends here last week. Mas. C. B. CURTIS, of .Elgin, was visit­ ing with friends here last week. . Miss ETTA ROSENBERGEH visited with friends in Elgin last week, MRS. R. STEBBINS spent a few days in Richmond last week. ' ~ HENRY COLBY wfll move with his family to Lake Geneva, Wis., next week. Miss Mollie Swadish, of Chicago, isVk&t- mg with friends in this village this week. GEO. G. SMITH was on the sick list last week, but is now able to be around again. MR. NEEDHAM, wife and daughter, of Chicago were the guests of H. V.Shepard and family on Saturday. Mas. DR. H. T. BROWN, of Chicago, spent & few days with friends hero last week. . /; GEO. GAOE and wife started for Vine- land, N. J., last week, for a visit of three or four month ̂ FRANK SHEPARD, who is attending School at Beloit, spent a short vacation among friend here ' '.Am. Nnnda last week. . . GOTTLEIB BOLEY has been sick and confined to the house for the past week, but his friends hope $o see him around again soon. « THEO. MTTELI.E^MAISKER, General Agent and correspondent for Brandeck- er's Chicago Catholic Weekly, made our sanctum a pleasant call this morning. He is working in the interest of theabove named paper in this village and vicinity. ' ' v' ' ' THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church, will meet with Miss Julia A. Story, Thurs­ day of this-week. Mas. w. A. ORISTY, Frealdeat, MRS. O. N. OWEN, Secretary.' THE Medical Times says that nothing yet has been discovered in the way of a remedy for diptheria that compares with alcohol. It should be diluted with equal parts of water and given in small and repeated doses as soon as possible after the disease makes its appearance. This is a remedy that everyone should remem­ ber. It is simple, readily' possessed, cheap and reliable. No matter where you go you will al­ ways find those who obstruct your path­ way, always those who belittle your en- deavor, who ridicule your efforts to suc­ cess; who prove great stumbling blocks to progress, who are continually predict­ ing your failure, who lie about, you who discourage any effort you may make, and who rejoice over your failure, those who are envious, cruel and jealous. .You can't] escape these people, they are in every coH ner, in every city and town.' Knowing this, there is but one way ,to do, and that is to thrive and hustle. Dim--At his home, near Volo, Lake County, March 27th 1889, .1 OHN STOFFEL. N., in the 69th year of his age. n Stoffel, Sen. father of Simon, William and John Stoffel, Jr., of. this vil­ lage, passed peacefully away, Wednesday, March 27th, at 2:30 p. M., at his home near Volo, surrounded by his family and intimate friends, with the consciousness of being at peace with God, and all men on earth. Deceased was born near Koblents, Germany, December 81,1827, and qame to America in 1847, and soon after bought his present farm near Volo, where he, with his family, has resided ever since, highly respected by all, a true and upright christian to his end. Mr. Stoffel leaves a widow and ten children, nine sons and one (laughter, to mourn his loss, and miss him as a-kind father from their infancy to the time when all must return to dust. His re- hmins were "followed to their last resting place in the Johnsburgh Catholic Ceme­ tery, on Saturday, by a vqst concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, from near and far, to thus pay their last sad respect to his memory. v " " V# ntUHES Manda Van Amy Owan B A Olaaa in German. Mas. FRAUK SLATER, a lady highly ed­ ucated in both German and French, pro­ poses to start a class in German in this village, provided a sufficient; number of scholars can be • obtained. Her terms will be f 5 for twenty-six lessons, two les­ son a week. She has secured rooms at the Riverside House and will commence as soon as a sufficient number of names are obtained. " Persons desiring to learn German will find this arare opportunity. Mrs. Slater is a native of Germany and is amply qualified to teach the language correctly. Those wishing to join this class will leave their names at this office, at once, so that arrangements can be made to com­ mence at as early a date as possible. TOWN XEETINGh Town Meeting in McHenry on Tuesday f" was but little different than in former years, two tickets being m Ithe field and the usual amount of earnest, energetic work being done on both sides. A Demo­ cratic and Peoples' Caucus were called, MARRIED, at Todd Seminary for boys,, on Monday, March 4th, *jt889, Edwarc Haffner, of Harvard, and Miss Anm Barrel 1, of this city, the Rev. R. K. Tod< officiating. ̂ The , Bride is the eldes1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Darrell, o this city, and is a genial, affable youn, lady, "possessed of a liiige" coleri^'S! friends, while the groom i» one of Har­ vard's most popular young men,--indus trious $nd honest. They will make their future 'home at Roufcfbrd.--Wwidatock Democrat. : Now is the time to clean up your yards and prepare for the hot summer. The warm days of the past few weeks make us all think that spring has come, and that the debris of last year will soon begin to make itself heard through the nostrils of the community. It is not pleasant and wholly unnecessary. If each owner of a house or lot will go to work at once and cleanse the cellar thoroughly, carrying out everything which ought to be out, put gome fresh lime in its place, then gather up all the Stuff outside and make a bonfire of the whole, our town will be much more pleas ant than if this is neglected an<| v$re will starve out a lot of doctors. .'?[ but the Democrats finally changed thei|$ into a Citizens' Ticket. Therefore, oa Tuesday morning, there was presented to the voters the Peoples Ticket, headed by F. K. Granger; for Supervisor, and the Citizens' Ticket, headed by Win. Stoffel, for the same office. The balance of the two tickets'were the same, with tlge excep­ tion of Collector and one Constable. Four hundred and thirty-four votes were polled and resulted in the election of F. K. Granger for Supervisor by 59 major­ ity, and Wm. Schreiner, Collector, by 105 majority, these being the two offices on which the contest seemed to center. The Peoples' Ticket was elected entire with the exception of one Constable. The following is the ticket elected en* tire: Supervisor--F. K. Grai Town Clerk--F. G. May Cora Wilson Florence (tearlea Charles Norilqnist Mhud Colby.. Ida Annas.. 0 George Gilbert Maggie Bonalett-. Joanna Dotwrtf Kate Lough I In Berntce Kimball. Report. JKTMENT. oe Wood bunt..84 win Granger M •race 8te*eBa^-5^ <W»....U '*y Gilbert i»tiie Knox su fhomfts Walsh SO fi«Uy VVentworth...78 ..§S»Jasu|jU Bus* 76 GRADE ..90 Joseph Wheeler... 88 .m ttalpti Child* ..U ..87 James Perry........81 ..87 Louie Bishop... 81 ..88 John Bonslett 7# uney Turner 74 (famed of those neither- tanly nor aUacnt: Mauue Van slyke, Ohartes >ortiquUt, Joseph Ituas, George Gilbert, James Perry, Maggie Bonalett, Ralpa Otiil'ls, Ouey Turner, Ber- nice KiiubaU and Loonle Bishop, ... Result of Unal examlnatien in History. Maude Van Slyke, 96, Wayu« Wbodburn ML LIMN H. YOU NO, Principal. IUTSttMBDIATE OEPAHTMEST. • GRADE. Allie 9mith..... Agnes Perry... fttnnie Osborne ..ttlLuttie Lincoln 84 ....77 Peter Weber Pete Rotherinel....s* Stella JNorUquiut ...P6 Amos Turner tW Willie Woodbiirn..S/ MaOella Wheeler 88 John Busa . . ...MiOertie Oolby. ...HtfLyle Howe .. BOtU.DC. Louts Block Lee Meyers. Willie Oolby.. Wilson. fua "81 81 7# Harry Wight man... 7« SUgar Bishop Berniea Parry. |owe uiites".. c OB&OK .» Jennie Milne. .77 ...69 »*»!/» W^ainre 90 Wiiie Laugnlin .. ..)W|Anu* Swudish .. Lois Whiting....--87j8<lith Ourtia....77 George Gillia SijOelo Knox ....7t Mtiiu Qumn 71 Names of those neither timly nor Jtbcent: Willie. Oolby. tlarrie Oolby, Agnes Perry. Delo K*os, Lois Whiting, MABY WIMTWOETH. Teachejr. . PJUUAKr DKPAilTUEJ*T, 4/ ' AOBADSf. • Mary MeKinley .. . »t|Kth«l Smith i. 't&M Clay tan W iUon II Lluie Simon.... ....rti Willie Bifitiep Si.'fitKiiny Auringar ...US' lienry P»u>raaing..<jU B GRAUK. GuyOoloy Harold Oettiy ...80 Wattle Woo<t^oru .ih»|tJ«orge Howe ...w Albert Houy. 77 O UKAOB. - Tommy MlIM .. . .StiJohnny Knox M Harry Fay ..90 Harry Kenedy 88 JEddte -%imon ...--k9|Willie Uoere 88 Mary Frtube........9s|vfiniield Woodtwnt87 Oharlie Block..8i ' s ogradc. Grace. Tiiylor WiJosephine Eoglen..S7 Jobny itichler #0 Willie McKiuler .. 88 Josie Unglen 9(t|^l»ud ll*i>k4U8 80 West tall W ooiburn 8t Slsik'H. GAOK, Teaaiar» Agnas Oolby.... ...3» Harry Kidreilge. ...8S Walter Bealey 82 Oharlea Biaokman .8. :t.- i WE saw this morning the handsomest Bird Cage that was ever brought to our notice. It was made of Mahogany with Brass Wires, and was the handy work of Master Otis Parker, son at F. A. Parker, of this village. It certainly is a fine piece of workmanship, and does honor to his He is selling num- • will be drawn for at the Parker House Parlors on Tuesday next, P. M. All are invited. WE learn that Wm. M. Jackson, % for­ mer highly respected resident of McHenry County, died at the homeof his daughter, at Minneapolis, Minn., on Sunday last, March 31st, aged 76 years. His remains were brought to Union, this county, where funeral services were held on Tues­ day. Mr. Jackson became a resident of this county nearly fifty years ago, and continued to reside here until a few years since. He was one of our oldest residents •ad was honored, and respected by all who knew him. . Come to Evanson's Special Bale, Satur- ' April 6th. It will paj you. THE McHenry Dramatic Club will hring out the beautiful Comedy in Five Aeta§, entitled '"The Heroic Dutchman of Seventy-Six," on Thursday aW Friday evenings of next weuk, .\|>ril 4th and 5th, with the following cast of characters; Col Brown 4* M. Van s|yk« Major Jonea L. H Welch lliirry Walters L. H. Owen Oapt Lile ..."v"', D. H. Kennedy lTreti( the Heroic Dntehman). .W. I) Went worth San, (a Colored Servant) 0 Qoing Tom i - * , , >H. R. Pitry Sentinel » • ' May Brown...Miss Maude Van Slyke Kate ltrowa...,,v Miss Amy Owan Is will be one of the most interesting and amusing entertainments ever held in this village, and no one should fail to at tend.R emember the dates, April 4th and. 5th, Thursday and Friday eveningK of next week. - vr< AMONG the most foolish of habits com­ mon to-day is that of rushing over rail road or street crossings. Probably nine Read the advertisement ia anofchstff^ppopfe out of ten will hurry or run across a track ahead of an approaching train or cross a street ahead of a vehicle, rather than wait the necessary five or ten seconds to letifc pass in frontof them. The #mount of nerve force expanded in the repetition of this performance a num­ ber of times each day is considerable, and more than counterbalances the time saved by the hastening. The effect upon one's vigor is not noticeable, but it must be of a wearing nature. Don't do it again. You will live just as long, if not longer, and will accomplish more ^ach day through the energy conserved. ^ v EASTER PARTY. _ kt the McHenry House, McH^whr, 111 Monday evening, April 22d, 1880. Music, Smith's Orchestra. AU are cordially Jon* THSLAIT, Proprietor. IF your cough keeps you awake and restless at night, take Ayer's Cherry Pec toral and obtain immediate relief. The remedy allays inflammation, heals the pulmonary organs, induces sleep and re­ stores health. The saritoer you begin the better. I. B. A Msessor--J ohn H uema n u. Collector--William Schreiner. For Justices of the Peace--James Perry and Benjamin Gilbert. For Constables--Charles T. ESldredge and Henry E. Wightman. For Commissioner of Highway's--Alien LP, Colby. HERE is a curious calculation. Open a book at random and select a word in .the first ten lines, and within the tenth word from the end of the last line. Mark the word, now double the number of the page and multiply the product by 5. Then add 20. Then add the number of the line. Then add 5. Multiply the sum by 10. Add the number of the word in the line. From this sum subtract 250 and .the re­ mainder will indicate in the unit column the number of the line, and the remain­ ing figures the number of the page. NEXT Mbnday, the 8th of April, the subscription sale of seats will begin at the^ Chicago Opera House for the short season of Grand Opera, which will begin at that theatre on April 22nd, The en­ tire strength of the New York Metropol­ itan Opera House Company, includiug the principals and orchestra, will be brought OH, and a series *of German works will be produced, which will make the event on of the most importance to the lovers of music that has ever occurred in the Western country. During the first week the entire Wagner cycle of operas will be given. "The Rhinegold," ".Sieg­ fried," '-Walkyre" and "Gotterdame- rung," which are based upon the German legend of "The Neibelungen Ring.'1 The production will be a fac simile of those which produced such a world-wide sensa- tiofiat Beyrouth, and in addition td these works the first week will' include "Tauhauser," and "The Meistersiuger." TJie strength of company is as follows : Tenors.--Herr Max Albany, Herr Paul KaBsch, Herr Ferdinand Yager, Herr Al­ bert Mittehauser and Herr Wilhelm Sedtemayer. v " Baritones.-- Herr J0«^h Beckand Han- Alois (irieinaur. Bassos.--Herr Amie Gi^cher, Herr Lud- wig Modlinger, Herr Carl Mueler and Herr Eugene Weiss: Sopranos and Contraltos.--Fran Bau- man Triloff, Frau Augusta Serde-Krauss, Fraulein Felicie Kaoshka, Fraulien Sophie Traubman, Fraulein Ina Klein, Fraulein Louise Meischenger and Frau­ lein Lillie Kalisch-Lehman. Conductor and Director of Music.-- Herr Anton Seid. Stage Manager--Mr. Theodore Habel- mau. * All thfe best and handiest plows from fl2, up to $17 at £. M. Owen & SOB'S. John Varcoe, book-keeper for the San Jose, Cala., Times, was troubled with a severe cold, and especially at night had bad coughing* spells. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy completely cured him. Sold'by G- W. Besley. The finest line of' Brushes in town At Drugstore. INBT Dir|3iox. - ; A OLTAUK. Aashcl Stevens IS Lonnie Howard....76 Ohfrles Nickl«s....74 Howry McDonald ..?• B tiKAOB. .swjiuy Wilson 79 " G e o H t n l e y . . . , , . . . 7 i . Me we I la Colby. ..',^1* Lettie sterns 70 wW C OK ADS, Herman Felts 9S Frank Thurlwell. ..84 Harry Jahn : Oliver Hantey Jahn Schreiner r Blachmsn wsi lb 9»Gi kn....8<HS Frank Giltiert 9^ Willie Feitc Myrtle slinipins--89 John KIM use. FreU Fell* .. til lie Koltz .. Minnie Itoasman 74 . . .82 ...76 ...69 Nanes of those neither tardy nor absent: Herman Felts. Amos Wolff, Willie Felts, Obaries Blackman. Willie OiMtmn, John KrauM awl Henry Karaliolz. HOWAKD PHRHT, Teatfhar. ALGONQUIN. EOITOB PLAINDKAXEII:--James Philp and his daughter Annie, i-eturned home from their Western trip on Monday of last week. They report having a very pleasant time. Thomas and Thro9»p's Auction Sale of a carload of milch opws, on Tuesday of last week, was-a faaure. But they suc­ ceeded in disponing; of them at private sale. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell are visiting with friends in Chicago this week. , Our Public School commenced on Mon. | 'fday oi-tWs week. afti#4. «iwk» v«rraticm. The funeral services of Mrs. Maria Thomas waa held at the Congregational Church, in this village, on Thursday of last week* Mrs. Thomas died at Elgin. The remains were interred in our ceme­ tery. Mrs. Thomas was a former resi­ dent of Algonquin. Died, March. 29th, 1889, of Pneumonia, Sherwood Throop, aged 5 months and 29 days, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Throop. The funeral services were held at the Congregational Church on Sunday at 1 o'clock p. M. The services were coii ducted by Rev. James Gaston, of Har­ vard, assisted by Rev. Hench. <The remains were interred in pur cemetery on the hill. The afflicted ones have the sympathy of their many friends in this, their hour of sorrow. Born, March 30th, 1889, to' the wife .of Fred Duensing, a daughter. Dan Duffy, of Crystal Lake, was in* town on Saturday last. He was brim full of town politics. The Ladies Sewing Society of the Con- m Hebron LODGB DIRECTORS'. MASONIC.--A. F. and a. M, meot at Hall on every 1st and W Wednesday even* ittrfs of each month. MODERN WOODMEN O* AMBP^CA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every M and 4th Thursday evan- ings of each month. Neighbor* cordially In­ vited. gregatioiial ("hureli will meet with Mrs. E. Bigelow on Wednesday of next week. Mrs. John Johnson has been quite sick with a bad cold for the past week. Uncle Tom McKay has not been quite so well the past week. ° Miss Ida Morton visited friends st Elgin last week. * •; j K Miss Bertha Dodd visited with friends at Elgin last week, - ^ Miss Cora Baksh, "of'Elgin, was the guest of Miss Ida Morton over Sunday. Mr. Balch, with son and daughter, of Elgin, were the guests of Mr. ana Mrs. W. Phillips over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Owen, of McHenry, were the guests of Mr., and Mrs, C. E. Chapell on Saturday and Sunday last. A Card.--To the many kind friends aud neighbors who have aided us during the sickness and after the death of our dar­ ling little son. We would hereby thank them for their aid and sympathy, and may you be abundantly blessed for your khtdmss to us. MH AND WR». H. B T^BBOOR, SOUTH M^BRON."' EIHTOB PLAINIIEAUIITH TAUY Fisher, who has been attending* school at Jen­ nings Seminary, Aurora, is home on a vacation. Miss Emma Walters visited relatives at Woodstock last Saturday. Nearly all the chidren in the neighbor­ hood, and some of the older ones, have got the whooping cough. < Miss Kittie Cross, of Richmond,6 closed her term of Singing School at Tryon'a Corners Wednesday evening last. C. Fred Tryon, who is an agent for the little Air Gun, was home the but part of last week. * Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fosdick, of Chicago, are visiting with Hunt Bros. J. S. Brown is treating his hQuse to a new coat of paint. When it is complete*] it will be the prettiest residence on the street. The work is being done by Nicholas Baker, who is a first^^ass Kaiil- ter and Paj>er Hanger, NURSERY STOCK. 1 At Ringwood I have on my grounds a good line of the most hardy varieties of Apples, Cherrys, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Currants, Gooseberries, Strawberries etc. Also a good line of Shade and Ornamen­ tal ^ ̂ prices. Comeand seems. ;i 4. V. BOOKSTAND, Prop. Ringwoott PL Seeders aad Drills afc & M. Qwqa & School closed on Friday for a Weeks vacation. Mrs. Dauchy intends to remain in town for some time. E. E. Taylor received fl3;33 from the Metropolitan Accident Association. Misses Minnie and Bessie Stone went to Chicago on Saturday, morning, for a short visit. Vernon Sherburne had good success as teacher in the intermediate room, and the little time he was there has won the respect aud good will of the pupils. Those wishing to take a course of lessons in German should notify Mrs Frank Slater at once. Terms, $5.00 for twenty-six lessons. Mrs. Maggie Si vers, from Lake Comity, visited with friends in town the past week. H. J. Yincclette sold his span of ponies to a man at Burlington, for f90. Miss Gronzo, from Elkhom, -has been spending a few weeks with her brother Gus. Hebron seems to be putting forth her best efforts to ruin the Metropolitan Ac­ cident Association. * Our village will loose its jeweler. H. J. Yincelette intends to move to Harvard this week. Ed. Taylor had one foot badly bruised while repairing a windmill for P. Howe a few days ago. . A few from this place who are interest­ ed in the Riggg tried will attend Court again this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Seaman went to Badax, Wis., on Thursday, to celebrate the ninety-second birthdajr >of Mrs. Sea­ man's mother. Thirty-one couple attended the dance on Friday eveuing. Several were present from Richmond. Henry Noyes, from Owatonna, Minn., called on friends in town the first of last week. Dr. J. M. Mansfield, from ChiUecothe, Missouri, has been in town for a few days. He was called here to attend Alphonso Tyler. Messrs. Blodgett and Stearnes will move their Harness and Shoe Shop to Main street, into the old Drug Store. Peter Rowe hns been laid up for several days from a disjointed thumb, caused by the kick of a cow. He received #15 from the Metropolitan Association. Smith aud Anderson's Orchestra have been engaged to furnish music for a May Party at Howe's Hall, on the evening of May 21th. John Gates had his fingers severely cut in a feed mill a few days since, so he has been unable to work. Mr, Gates also is insured against accidents. An audience failed to assemble on Thursday to listen to Mrs. Belle Stephen­ son, and therefore missed a rare enter­ tainment, But this is not strange, for Hebron has been "showed" to death the past winter. Will Ehle Was through town on Friday, with his meat cart. He intends to make a trip in this direction twice a week throughout the summer. Will furnish the best of meats and will 'certainly se­ cure a good share of the patronage. B. C. Martin will leave Munger's fac­ tory this week and move to Michigan. Fred Barigan will occupy the place of head cheese maker, and Chris. Brill is ex- pwTSff homefrom Denmark to resume his old position as butter maker. Mr. Stearnes' people own a pet dove which seems to be endowed with more than common intelligence. When the family moved from Alden to our village the doVe was brought also, but for sev­ eral days it drooped and had every symptom of a severe attack of homesick­ ness, and out of pity it was carried back to its former home, but the following day it reappeared here entirely recovered and at once happily and contentedly adopted Hebron as its home. The following nominations were made at the caucus on Saturday, for the sev­ eral .. town offices. Supervisor, G. W. Conn; Town Clerk, M.S. Goodsell: As­ sessor, M. S. Goodsell; Collector, H. D- Walling; Justices of the Peace, J. S. Drown and N. A. Chandler; Constables, H. I). Walling and H. B. Begun; School Trustee, E. M. Swan. Layar figs, 10 cents per pound Ai AL- thoff Bros. # ^Beslfgr's liverwort Kidn<^ CWwt try Seeders,, Seeders, Son's. at E. ||. Owen A; . The celebrated Gorham, Buckeye, Mon­ itor, Van Brunt, Eureka and others at E. M. Owen & Son's. Go to W. P. Stevens, on the West Side, and get his prices on the Gesley two and three wheeled Sulky Plow. EASTER DYBfik "'Qb to J. A. Story's for % jftne assort­ ment of Easter Dyes* The finest quality af Mixed Paints, ready for use, to be found in the county, at Besley's, West Side. CABBAGE! CABBAGE 1 One hundred head of very fine Cabbage for sale. AXDKEW Kim yr JjASTER CARDS. A fine assortment to be f6ond a* J. A. Story's. CLOVER SEED. Mammoth Clover Seed, warranted to be such. For sale by, - > " F. K. QBANQEB. Yott cannot fail to find what you want in the line of Crockery at J. W. Cristy & Son's, Ringwood, and their prices cannot be beaten. Curtain Netting at 18 cents per yard. Something good and substantial in Win­ dow Shades. Wall Paper now ready and prices correct at John Evanson & Co's. THE Flying Dutchman is one of the best plows on the market* Call at W. P. Stevens', on the West Side, examine and learn the psice. Remember that "George O.," the best stock getter in Illinois, will , serve 20 of our best mares at $50. Mares not get- ing in foal will have auothe season free of charge, His colts are not beaten. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan in sums of from $500 to $1,500, on good security. Inquire at this office. BUCKLEX S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required./"It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap ifos- truins, put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world­ wide reputation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine in the world is giving such unparalleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as Begg's Blood Purifier &, Blood Maker, and every bottle that does not do its work will cost you nothing. For sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, John Humph­ rey, Wauconda, druggists. NEW SPRING MILLINERY. We wish to inform the Ladies of McHenry and surrounding country that we have just received our Spring stock of Millinery Goods, to which we invite their careful inspection, confident that we can please them in style, quality and price. After having visited all the great Spring Openings oi Millinery Goods in the city we have selected our stock with the greatest care and with especial refer­ ence to the wants of our customers. All new and fresh. No old shelf worn goods. We also have a full line of Fancy Goods consisting of Ladies' Wraps, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Linen Towels ana Table Cloths, etc., which we are offering at very low prices. We visit the city one day every week and will take orders-for any goods not kept in stock. We respectfully request those wishing anything in our line to call, examine goods and learn prices before purchasing. Store in Schnorr's Block, West Mc­ Henry. MRS, J. H. SrADLDTHO AMD DACOHTSll. HELP TO MOTHERS NURSING. Mothers who have the care and draught of nursing infants need the aid of strength­ ening tonic to make up the nourishment required for the growth of the child. Ale, porter, and loger beer have often been recommended. Of late, since physicians have become aware that the Port Wine iroduced by Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. ., Is strictly pure, they have prescribed it instead of ale or porter, as being more blood making. This wine is principally sought for by mothers who have nursing infants at the breast, the best supplying medium to be found. The wine makes good blood. Druggists generally keep it and sell it for a dollar abottj,©^ SHELLED COBN. For sale at the lowest market rates. Also ground feed at $10.00 por ton! At the J\>x River Valley Mills. ~ It will benefit you in purse and peace of mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. To try is to prove the above.1 Our Spring styles of Hats for Men and Boys are ready for your inspection. We have the best one dollar Shirt' you ever saw in this town. John Evanson & Co. MARBLES, GAMES AND TOYS. A full line of Marbles just opened, Bowlers, Falsies, painted and polished, China, Agates, and fancy Glass Marbles of all sizes. Also, Dominoes, Checkers, Authors, etc., at astonishingly low prices at J. A.»tory's Drug Store, Lamps, Lanterns, OQ C&ns, etc.. etc., at J. A. Story's. Sick Feeders, Graduated Medicine Glasses, aud all the requisites of a sick room, can be found constantly in stock at J. A. Story's. WOOD AND FENCE" POSTS FOR SALE. One hundred to five hundred cords good vroorf at $2.50 per cord. A good Burr aud White Oak posts at $6 per hundred, at my place, 3 mile south of McHenry. JOHN FLC'SKY. BARGAINS IN PIPES. We keep the finest assortment of Pipes to be found in McHenry County, and are offering them at great bargains. Call and see them, they are neat, nobby and cheap. „ ^ _ BAKBIAN BROS. Sfttt door to the Pofet Office, MoHenry. HOUSE CLEANING ITEMS. Try the wonderful Bowkers plant food. Spring Rye, Fancy Oats, Seed Corn of all kinds. Garden and field Seeds, all new and true to name. 10 pounds good Tea Dust for 90Qcents per pound 10 centw. Genuine Early Ohio seed Potatoes only 60 cents. Over 100 styles of Wall Paper from 4 1-2 to 25 cents per roll. Exclusive patterns trimmed free and with care 4 1-2 inch borders 3 cents 9 1-2 to 10 inch borders 4 to 5 cents 10 1-2 inch borders 7 to 8 cents per yard. Good Smoking Tobacco 15 ceartB 20 cents to 50 cents per pound. ' Choice sound Prunes 4c 5c 6c to 12c per pound. BQKM.KTT * STOnn, CARPETS! CARPETS!! Justen Bros, will receive, April !*t»; a fine line of samples of the latest styles and Eatterns of Carpets, from the cheapest temp to the finest Brussels, to which they invite the attention of the buying public. We are satisfied we can sell you a good carpet cheaper than you can buy it else­ where. We also have a large stock of Furni­ ture, all kinds, from a Kitchen Chair to the finest Parlor Sets, which will be sold as low as the lowest. „ ^ „ „ JUSTE» BROS. West McHenry, March 20th, IS80, ^ , -DiunSMrxfl When you desire a pleasant St. Patrick's Pills. ' H your hogs cough, have the "thumps"^ or do not thrive* feed Thorley Food. H your chickens are troubled irttlii&di® era or roup use Thorley Food. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's few and Dress Making. If you want to see the finest, stock erf Fine Shoes at the lowest prices call at Althoff Bros. u The Peerless Dyes, the best article on the market and warranted. At George W. Besley's, West Side. J Call and examine the new line of Spring Dress Goods, Ginghams, etc., ait Althoff Bros. r f . i . ">,• ) Rockford, John Foster's and Beloit Shoes. Pricps run from $2.00 up; lor sale by JOHN EVANSON & Co. Don't fail to read what John Evanson & Co. tell you through the medium of this paper from week to week. They present facts. The finest Mne of Boots and Shoes tot Gent's wear to be found in town. Also, in ladies foot-wear, a fine assortment, at Althoff Bros. T. W. Burr, merchant, Delma, Tex., has used, sold and heard what people have said of Chamberlain's Pain BMm. He says: "It cannot be equaled." It ? cures sprains, soreness of the musefee, aches and pains. 'Sold by G. W. Besley. Mr. A. T. Fields, one of %the leading merchants of Colfax, Iowa* says that ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough preparation he ever used and rec­ ommends it. to all without hesitation. Sold by G. W. Besley. A person is seldom sfck when their bow­ els are regular and never well when they are irregular. Bear this in mind and keep your bowels regular by an occasion­ al dose ol' St. Patrick's Pills. Sold by G. W. Besley. When a pwson tells you they never had such a cold in their life take their word', for it and advise theni to take Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy and cure it. For : coughs, colds and hoarseness it has no; equal. Sold by G. W. Besley. . * CATHARTIC PILLS ARE WHIPS. To the liver and bowels, but give no strength. The more you take, the more;* you ueed. Miles' Pills, (M. P.) positively strenghthen. The longer taken the less • •HI Samples free at Besley's Drugj WATCHES JEWELRY, ETC. J. P. Smith has now on hand of the finest stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., ever brought to this town, to which he invites the attention of the public. If you want a good watch, Gold or Silver, a Chain, Ring, Pin, or in fact anv thing in the Jewelry line you can find it at his store, of the best quality and at the lowest living price. Call and examine hjs||oods before you buy. V;r, , .J. P. SMITH. ... -Wast of Riverside llouge, McHenry. MRS. C. A. HUTS0N. Has just returned from the city with the finest stock of Spring Millinery that can be found in the county. Stylish trimmed pattern Hats at a very reasona­ ble price. Have secured a firet class trimmer with much experience. I visit the city every week to buy goods, in order to keep the best styles. We also do Dress Making in a first class manner, do my own cutting and fitting and guar­ antee sjitisfaction. Nothing imported. We only work from New York and Chicago styles. Also have on hand a fine line of fancy goods." Corsets Ladies firnishing goods, Dress Trimmings. Linings, and every thing in that line. Give us a call. MR*. C- A. HtTTSOX. West Side, near the Depot. Try Besley's Troches, for Coughs and A** ;; .5-...' ,;|P0B SALE. , - The v&tiiame Woodland, sitiuitoff dn the East Side of For River, opposite the Sutton farm, will be sold in ten acrs lots on reasonable terms. For further par­ ticulars enquire at the PuAlNDKALKlt Office or at the Wheflfe* form. required. Store. Mr. E. B. Etheridge, merchant Hal* s > '4 ville, Texas, says: "Chamberlain's Cough 3| Remedy is a most excellent preparation. ^ It is just what should be given to chil-"' ' dren when they take cold.. Pleasant to take and not expensive." Sold by G. Besley. *1^ Rich food, and lack of exercise, dur- - ing the winter months, causes the sys- r, tem to become torpid and the blood iiri- ^ pure. A dose or two of St. Patrick's % Pills will cleanse and invigorate the ^ system, purify the blood and do mpre y ;£| good than a dollar bottle of Mood ifier. Sold by G. W. Besley. 'J LOOK TO YOUR HEART. Mrs. Charles Greenwood, of Indianapo- ^ Ms, had what the doctors called asthma, but she got little relief until she took Dr."p?t§| Miles' New Cure, which soon made her - ^ long winded, stopped the pain in chest, " • ^ swelling of ankles, cough, palpitation, « etc. Sold at Besley's. ^ ^ FOB. SALE AT A tiREAT BARGAIN. Riverside Hotel in this vilUage. This well known house is now offered for A sale on such terms as will net the pur- • chaser at present rate of rental over 10' per cent on the investment. For further particulars call on, or address, > /; ;** jambs B. PaHKv, MCHanry.liL FOR SALE. offer for sale my house and two lots, situated in the village of McHenry. It is' ' / pleasantly located, is in good' repair, . •ifith good well and cistern. Also good J barn and other out houses. Will be sold ' * on reasonable terms. Apply on premises to. Joan KuenroML -s McHenry* Feb 1st, 1888. ?., 6g FOR SALE. 3% A farm of eighty acres of land, with - "V1 good house, good out-buildings, and «. J'?ij good well of water. The above premises . g wre situated in the town of Antioch, Lake 1S County, 111., three miles east of Spring ' Grove. Terms reasonable. For further information inquire of D. F. Smiley, Woodstock, or John Hendricks, Spring Grove, 111. •< - IT tf COUGH! and COUGH!! and C0DGHIM What in the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing on and . still keep trying inferior medicines when Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact and we guarntee it. For sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and J. Humphrey, Wauconda. UNDERWEAR! We have secured at a very low figure, a few dozen Ladies Muslin Underwear at the following price®: Chemise, fine em­ broider*^, 78, 85, 90, 95. NightDresses, 50, 05, 78, 1.20, 1.30. Ladies Balbrig- gan Vests at 50c, of unusal fine quality and finish. Also a few dozen Ladies' Silk' Mitts at 25c, reguiar value* 73e. , Con/- and look us OYer, it will pay you. JOHN KVAJUOV *0P. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a house and good garden, situated in the village of Ringwood. House contains ten rooms: good well and cistern. Barn and other out-houses. Plenty of small fruit on the premises. Will ewll on reasonable terme and on time if desired. Possession will be given on or before May 1st.' For furtfetf wu-ticuku'u inquire of, ' ' 'tMUfLAWIb V' KUfewood, IU. • -- • » • * * ' THEIR BUSINESS BOOMING. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of business at G. W. Besley's drug store as their giving away to their customers free trial bottles oflhv Kings's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in t.hi* very valuable article from the fact it cures and never fails. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test its merits before buying, by getting a trial bottle free. Large bottles |L Every bottle warranted. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need nosfieeial men­ tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same old song of praise. A purer medicine doas not exist and it is guaran­ teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affectations caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria out of the blood and prevent as well at* ure all malarial fevers. Fur cure of headache, constipation or indigestion try Eleetrictric Bittern--entire satisfac­ tion guaranteed or money NiuiMtod. 50 cents aud $1.00 per bottlfc afc VV. ltetile,}"« Drug Store* •

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