Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1889, p. 8

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€•> mo f -u - J - • %*,*"* *rw^Mte.-vv *•* 9*1* . „ . . . . . . .. , . . .^ « - • : - ,- * t. . , , HANLT BROTHERS. *? •.•: undor the Above head iii of the W (1 T. TI iter ehisi no part or endit for BKKEDERS Of * AND GRADE HORSES. ^AtWff H 't The ladies of the W. C. T, U. will meet will mwt with Mrs. W. A. Cristy, Thursday afternoon at half-past two . fiVlfifk MM.J.B.PRKTiPmMlRt. M«s. T. J. WALSH. Secretary, Dor-Laws. : - ; v « *vttnMi«>r the poor d^ ̂alfrr fa onr cities and villagm, not merely from cniel boys, bnt by la ws and ordinances which require all stray cure who are un­ muzzled to be killed. A correspondent, whose pot dog was a victim of such a la w, take" part with the "doggies," and barks at the dog-killers thus: "If a cat may look on a king, a poor dog may drop a word to those in author­ ity. Please, sir, why am I chained ? Why am I muzzled? Why is a death- writ issued against me? I am not mad, most noble fathers. I am only a poor dog: but I can put my paw on my heart and declare that 1 have always tried to do the best I knew how. And can folks With souls say that, I wonder? Because one dog- bhen a man, makes him crazy, aiul he dies, why must all dogs be hunted down and muzzled or murdered? '"Now there are men, with their two hps and souls, who make folks crazy, and cause them to die awful deaths, too, --fowling, raving, and cursing. Why don't you xnuKzle them, your honors? fhey don't bite, to be sure; but they sell and give drink that maddens. What is the moral difference between delirium tremens and hydrophodia. 1 should like to know? Which is there the most of? Are not the effects about alike, and the symptoms pretty much so ? Don't they both hate water like poison? Well, your honors why don't you muzzle the liquor- wllers? Why do they go at large, mak­ ing a business of driving men mad, carry- death, disease, arid torment into tliousands of families, spreading ruin and want *unbng little children, grown-up men.* and among strong young men, and ; Itoaking many a poor dog blush for his Waster? Please, your honors, consis­ tency is a jewel--a very big one."--J. M. tjoit, in Telescojte. D. NHDMAM« SONS 119-11* Daarbeti Street* omoiM We have the following stallion* m aervie* JbrttoMMonof 1880. , von ucm:' >; Young Harabfetonbun Stallion. Foaled June nt, 18X5 stands 15 If hands high, weight lluo pounds. Is bright bay. black points, Has nne style and good action. As a representa­ tive for getting good roadsters Is hard to beat. "Von Leer" was aired by George O (9761), by Lakeland Abdullah, Ml. First dam by Patehen, by Autocrat. Second dan Deity, by Gtfford Morgan. , CHANCBLLOR, Having recently purchased a very flae imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor, 41. tor our own use, will breed a limited number of Mareeoutside. Chancellor Jr. is 8 vears oid this spring; is a Oherry Bay with blsrk ; han points; |«^ hands high and weighs about 1,700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, fine action, mild disposition. He was sired by Chancellor, (Will), he by Drew Prince of Wales, (B78)0 Dam bv Lofty, (460); grand dam by Duke of Weil ington, (1513); great gram8 dam by Sir Willi* T> Wallace, (884;. He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform Oolte, of great Mits, fine iorui. strong aoit rnggail. CHAMPION, The Perr.heon Morgan Hone. He 'fiat proven himself a line stock getter far general purposes, and cannot be beaten in the Nurlh- west. Parties who intend breeding the coin, ing ieaeon, will And it to thoir advantage tc call and tee our stock and get onr terms which will be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be wall cared for, at ewaer's risk, at moderate ratea. • Call and Me us. BROS, aott HANLY Yeimj Trotting StaNton M amrlmaL BbewnatMrn, Dripauta,Hi HexUch«.Coi»»np«doa Jlls p«nr, ̂ ._ fo,. m JERRY SMITH. ' Boot and Shoe Maker, v _____ Oae door South, iof|the|}Fui7iitnre iStore I'Sows's Block, : --McHENRY ILLINOIS ̂ .J'JL'- ' Boots and Shoes manufactured of^theCbeat Material and a tit Uaaranteed. REPAIRING attended to. INVISIBLE PATCHES T Fine Shoes and Boots a specialty* Call < jfmd see me. ^erry Smiths McHenry, Deo. Uh, RICHMOND. ILLINOIS* . A fnli line of Cloths, of the latest styles H • v*D(l P*tt®nw always on hand. SINGLE GABMEPiTB, .OR FULL SUITS, Made on short notice aad a fit guaranteed, "OAKWOOD"in colons a dark Chestnut with black spot on left hip. Stands 15)4 hands high, weighs 1050 pounds. Foaled September 2a, 1885. He is nice styled, good solid smooth limbs, good feet, well formed bodv, and promises to be fast. Shows great action for the handling he has had. "Oakwood" was sired by George O. No. 9701), he by Lakeland Abdallah (351) own brother to Haro'd the sire of Maud 8. (Queen of the turf) 2-06\"; Noontide, 2:203s; Mattie Graham, 2:21J£; McCurdy's Hainbletonian, 2.-26.Vg; Dec.ians,2 .2T>5; Hermes, 2:T,XGood Morning, 2:28V; Temple, 2:90, and others. Aleo sire of 19 in 39 list. Lakeland Abdallah by Rysdykes Hamble- tonian Sire of forty 2:30 performers. Also sire of fifty-one daughters with 2:20 perform­ ers. One hundred and two sons that have sired 2;3to horses, be by Abdallah, by Mam- bnno, by Imp Messenger; Dam, the Chas, Kent Mare, by Imp. Belliounder, etc Lakeland Ahdaiiah's Dam w»« Enchantress by Abdallah, by Mainbritio, etc , as above. George O.'a Dam. fanny B„ pacer, 2:37, fey Autocrat, bv Geo M, Patehen, (record 2:23^} by Cassuis M. Clay, by Henry Olay, by An­ drew Jackson, by liaahaw. etc. Dam of Fanny B. by the Rowland Horse, by the Baley Horse and he by Justin Morgan. "OakwoodsV* dam Kittie Curtis, T»y Pat Searies, by Autocrat, by Geo. M. Patcben. Kittie Curtis' Dam was the Lee Mare, she (S. T. B.) by Old Creeper, 1664, by Peek Hone. Dam by Young Bullrush. T Eli MS, $15 GASB. Accidents and escapes at owner's flsk. Mares sot proving in foal will get a return season free. All mares left in my charge will be well cared for at tl.00 per week, to pasture fer this oeaaoa ef iMBi. JTor farther particu­ lars eali at Turner's Stables. „ , , MeBonry, I1L Mia, i REMEMBEt THS Old Stand Every week we are getting GOODS. in and colors in Ribbons, Trim- :;«#T TH1- From onr experience and practical knowl­ edge of the bnsiness we are confident we can please the most fastidions, and reapeetfnlly favlteall in want of OMkii|«i aay kind to gve me a calL Prices as low as the same quality ot goods Baa be parchased anywhere. C. J. BKILL. lUehmoad, October 16th, 18m. SPUS 18 TIK COMING FENCE. RIVERSIDE. Where genuine Bargains are in store for you, * 20 lb pail Jelly ( ,f© 4 gallons best Svrup, " 1.30 25 bars Golden Crown Soap, 1,00 May Flower Tea, per ft. .40 6 in. P'l'w Case Lace, per yd. .05 3 " Oriental Lace. .05 12in; " , «« .25 Latest styles Buttons, metal, 5 oents up. In We have a lull line of John Foster's, always warranted. Also some special lines Men's Shoes, ^lt is much more easily Been by Stock ttaaa *2™,X barb wire, tnere being more than twice the visi&he surface presented to the e*st°ck by this wire than by the twisted •WP wire, thereby obviating much of the <>f ?toc^ running against this fence. gaouMi such a thing by any means occur the Sf would be harm leee. Have been using 11 the psst year and am aatiefied that it wifi well as any barb wire, and I to ^'1 every pound of barb wine mat lhare got on my place at one-half io/aS^t judging from the damage that i -- ---- __ rrvvn.s.i."! OVERATJiS itfbeala give it away and replace it with Spur JkjL JLJaLUI^/« All solid, $1.60, Calf, warrant­ ed, $] .90. Ladies', from $1.50 to 4.50. We carry a full line of Beloit Do you nil a fence that is stronger than •oy hartl-twisted barb wire, cirlak the fall fetrsagtk of two wires and yet wil' go ten •' of ̂ Sondsth M a n 8 * ® e n u m b e ' i* 4 point barb De you want a fence that yon and your Mlgbbor can agree upon lor line feneing and tfcna eave litigation? " -»oyea want a fcnee that has been proven |r«aar to have aU the merits we have JS m you will find it for sale at B. GllberU. < SAMUEL SHERMAN. And the best 4.00 $3.00, 3.50 and Afttfie Dres^ Uoods, ming^ etc. i Thirty-eiffht iwrfc StittfttgS in Electric, Gobelin Blue and Brown, only 17 cents. Fifty-four inch Dress flannel, alt wool, 50 cjonts. Double width Tricots in French grey and brown, 25 cents. I Henriettas, in a variety ot shades, Sateens, Ginghams, etc. We have the finest assortment of Bibbons in the county, which we will sell at '* LOWEST PRICE Embroideries* and Swiss. k Nainsook White goods for Children's Dresses. : Linen Lace in all widths; lace skirtings in black and cream. Linen collars for 5 cents. Handkerchiefs for 1 cent and up. „ fbll and examine our stock before buying. L O O K ! At our price list on groceries. 3 21b cans corn 3 lb can peaches 2 lb 44 Blackberries 2 lb Blueberries 3 lb <( Apples 25c 10c 8c 8c 8c aaits agent for Big Corn, eobane Giant Feed Mill which all. s WAJ%TJEH> »ery Stock. . . _ Salary aad 1 Ijaid. Apply M oaoe tUting ace. p** per. t>MKLL 4 HOWL AND, Soebeetert -- -- f •* In the county. To look at onr stock means to buy. see for yourself. « m t 1 ^ Good Japan Tea, 20f 25 and 30 cents. Fifty cent tea we are selling at 35 oents. Look at o«ir;i;"i John Telling Shoe. B&t wearing shoe in the world in fancy tie and plain. A full line of children's school shoes. Also a new lot Hats Caps, Lap R^bee, Piffifnn; HlntKinrv opill UUIUUiUL • - ' f , We want every Man and Boy to see our Fine Spring Clothing. It will cost you nothing to call and look it over. We have some very attrac1 live styles, and our low and medium price goods, as well as our best, are rfect fitting and of the best makes, e guarantee Prices the Lowest̂ invite the Ladies to call and see our new Carpets. We can sell you 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper than those who sell by sample. You can (see just what you are buying and don't have to wait two or three weeks for it. OTina HfdE? PERRY & ©WESU •I! BANKERS. !DII* Before placing any Insurance call on us. We in the world. 4: -- " WAUCONOA, ILLINOIS. A)» uow better than ever prepared to ofllfer you GREAT In all kinds of Goods.jJgWemeftn business and will is^Yo you I«ow- er Prices than ever before offered in Lake County. OUR STOCK OF. General Merchandise than now. Call and* jm our' Prices Special inducements for Cash Buy- Wssnewft* before purchasing elsewhere. era in sums from $5 up GOLDINC BROTHERS. 'Highest Market Price paid for Farm Produce. /iade. onl C&jicsgoE McHeiiry DEAL ER IN * ^ ^ i , '** i' in. * 'V* X ' - * W \ - Stovesi Tin, Copperland Shcot-lron War*. And in addition has putin a full stock Of . , ̂ ̂ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ̂ Including th& Moline Plows, Gestoy Stilfcy Plows, Orvis Plow., Stoddard Seeders, Disk Harrows, Drags, and in short everything it the Farming Tool line, which will be sold at Bottom Figmsg* * . X J -̂%'•' ; .'s Barb Wive, AT BOTTOM PRICES. fOBBlNa AHU B1PA1BINO Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage W. JP, STEVENS, T, respectfully solicited. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ; OI They're All Right I ; , } ;' r And havejust received a large stock oft To which th^y invite ^our especial attention, They have coi&» mencedthis year with increasing trader They have Business on Bnsiness Principles and have succeeded* - " Ou Frici to All. Thi But sf ETirrthino, **A clean and attractive store motto. Give us your trade and we will try and our new stock of Dress Qoods. » and everybody welcome,"--Is o|i; ir^t it«. > Call and 'sfi v. JULIA A. STOBT, (One Door West of Riverside House,) McHENRY, . ILLINOIS. •: .J1.-1 n"' . DEALER ' • ?yV .̂' '?• • -pro 2« DRUGS^ MEDICiNE^, -A PULL LINE op- Ladies' Jackets, etc., etc. Highest Market Price paid fos BUTTE AID IMS, Chu&ltxls, By# Stuffli, Points, Ola aad Colon. Constantly on hand AISQ a large line of JAedicines, Toilet Articlfs, --AMD COMPLBTB STOCK OTV--* . DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. STATIONARY j U , = ; Fhyfidoiaiw JPresci-iptioms Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Your natranRira is reaDectfullv solicited. Pharma- ^ - v$": If' JULIA A» STORY. McBeury, March 12th, 1889 -MmS' WIST M HIIVBY. •M^DBALSR and PAINTS, OILS. ̂ Toilet ArticleB, • • ? : ... „ . f U B E -- - v • ' • * '.-...V • "•••' • ' " S$%r tV'.'V ^ I * • . ' ill ir v't .v jyĵ r " WIHBS AlfB lilQlIORSf PGR MEDICAL UB®. r * Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use, " The best brands oiGigara an! Smoaing and Chewing Toeaoop ' always on hand. ' f; PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, * ^li^ftilW Compounded, Give me a «all. . •; 5 C. W. Hf fll KYi McHeary, December 23th. 1S87 » - : v>v' ' 1 , t v - •M r ^ - - ^ W' V;

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