Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1889, p. 8

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Miffi .. •_ ~ y ' ' , * s f 5 . ajpfek-»6t .'ft®55;; *' 'V -T-<t .. . j* ~ f ^ t. \* * '%\ JP . i,^»S j2£! V, A ^ ̂ -V ' ^ ^ J ' ̂ $5 ' • - • -- i t. " ppe ,.>Mitk)B» B»«ftr the m»ve he»4 , . J ! h r C l M L w l i M o f t h e W . O . T . V. litor olattt* BO part or «ndit ft* Irk is a counterfeit, olive-tree in It is called the wild olive, er. It is in all points like »tree, except that it yields no Alas! How many wild olivet* are ! in the church! When I see a • man in a large spaw in Christ's unir- efiard, and absorbing a vast deal lifjlfrfpaihlight and soil, and yielding no ipli fHiit, I HRV, "Ah! There m an ole- 'WkurV^Bon-es. - v.;:. TheG«t«of Hall. y •• •• The eup of wine S This is the magician y\4" *"h° changes men into brutes. The eup of wine! You will find in its if > depths ail debauchery. j5'* . The cup of wine! We have met it 1||* everywhere in our gloomy midnight fef> _ explorations. it sparkles on the salvers which the |fc" girls of the wine-shops carry. It glitters |v •• on the tables of concert-saloons. It sparkles under the jets of illuminated fjf" gardens. It reddens the face of its pa- trons, it inflames the eyes of its votaries. %•', It stupefies, it brutalizes, it depraves f>|- whoever plunges his lips therein. l'ou think that I exaggerate? Ask the JE&' watchman. They will repeat to you all ff - that I have said to you in this dark i#!*', night. Almost all the men who go to jf"* disgraceful deaths are led there by drunk- ||" , enness. The cup of wine kills their intel- ? ' ,**• Jigenee, kills their energy, kills their con­ fer i' wience, kills their soul, kills their heart, H ' and ail is said. if/' Young man, if the wine cup has taken H *" , possession of thee, all is done. All vices if. lurk at the foot of the glass. Drunken- f"f ' " ness is not the only one. When the vul- £j.. < tare has planted his cla ws in a human f\ K- * breast, he is immediately surrounded by ' 4 ,•'/ a crowd of vultures. At the first blow of his beak they are there. Impurity, idle- i "i ness, beggary, fury, adjectness--all the J' ' brutaliaei-s, not lacking one. There all preparations are made to oj>en for you tlu? two leaves of the gates of hell.--Our Union. D.NKCDHAMI'S SONS 116-11F Dearborn Street, CHICAGO Cancer, catarrh. eomatism, D eadaehe, i nation. Datura, and Send for en* paper AMKHMt Extraorttinary! yy:'\ /*# OABlMETl^ls And ^ Portrait for $5.00, It. HANCHE1̂ : RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. t WW from t hi* date to June 1st. 1889, give IS Cabinet Photon ami % 16x30 P«ra»neBt Photo Crayon Portrait ' » I - #0* S8.00, people of McHenry County. Our work is first class in everv respect, samples of whi 'li can be seen atour Oallerv. Uememher thl* offer oulj' holds good until J une 1st, l.*S9, w> avail yourselves of this raro opportunity to secure! line pictures nt a nominal cost, Call an-Jseeour woik ami satisfy y<uirnelt tli'at tliis the, greatest offer ever Hiade in this ciBiiRty,,--' , t," U JET. HANCIIETT, Photo Arm. A. K. ELLIOT. Crayon Artist. of Gotham .«•• VI/ Would not have f % , , been so wise, v Had they not sought for knowledge, 5?* V And used their ears, t -jj-i and eyes , ,4f- In getting infor- < mation Of eveiy sort and kind, j, Instead of going through • the world * \] Like men both deaf and blind. x ^ "And you can be as wise as they, ^ ... , If you but choose to buy The Soap that's called the Santa Clause, j. -.1^ J iili Its good effects to try. ^ Because 'twill help you through your work At such a rapid rate, That you'll have time to master all you care to undertake, Y*: ^ All Grocers sell SANTA CLAUS SOAP. 1L V. ,fi SPAULDiNS, lling^vooclf HUnoiSi -Dealt* in JERRY SMITH. Boot and Shoe Maker, One door Pouth; |ol|theOFarnitnre Htore Howe's Block, I --McHENRY ILLINOIS- ' Boots and Shoes manufactured eC the 1 eat Material and a fit Uuaranteed. REPAIRING KPrpaptlj attended to. INVISIBLE PATCHES iter Fine Snoes and Boots a specialty. Oali and see me. Jerry 8 in ithi McHenry. Dee. 4th, 1888. ' O. J. BHIZiL, RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. , A fall line of Cloths, of the latest styles lyV : Wd patterns always on hand. I 1 SINGLE GARMENTS, ; OR FULL SUITS, 1 MWle oa short notice and a fit guaranteed. W C From oar experience and practical knowl- f S" . edge of r.he business we are confident we can C" H-:; i please the most fastidious, and respectfully invite all la want of Clothing of any kind to greme •- • ft' *' >• Prices as lowaa the same qaiHty 0t foods ., eaa be purchased anywhere. • C . J . B R I L L . Family Groceries, !> Canned Goods, etc. My Goods are all new and Afresh and will be sold as low us the samo qnality of Goods oan t>c bought any where. The Best Brands of Floor. K«fLtC^8tant)y«»Band. MKAT MARKET. 1 also have in connection a Meat Market, Where can always be found Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats, etc. Early in the season 1 Shall run a Delivery Wagon and supply Cus­ tomers with Iresh Meats regularly on stated days. (Jill and see me and I am sure T can please you both in quality and price of all articles, in my tiae, M. V. B SPAULDINC. Ringwocd, April 1st, ]^S9. < t ^ -- ii. • 7 s f i ^ r - ? } ' • ' • # h' •:? '4&m /J * * ' k ' A Our PricessbouM win. Why not give us. pTo meritf •:! ' - •I?,' * v ^ - . . McHenryi West %•* x£v c *, '«<? ̂ S #'v»- - We have a stock if these goods we are proud of and our prices on same will interest you. L't- * m ..v. d. .... > ,* % •S>- ' j' V * vN"f '4 i1 •k - •'.-S.sfW m RINGWOOD, JACOB MLL, DfTALBR llade by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO#, CH1CAQO. "If, *. J. Barbtao. ^ Barbiam. BARBIAN BROS. o ^VTiolesale and Retail i'tc DKALEH8 IK ; FINE ^CIGARS, ; McHENRY ILLINoM • i xtTf Having leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the best brands. P Hkhmood, October 15th, 18P8. fV.'< BABMLXSS SPUa Wip « - IS THE C0MIN6 FENCE. It 1» much more easily seen tiy Stock than Ordinary barb wire, there being more than ;:"^>'iJN®e the vlslole surface presented to the Sf? oi 8to®i£ '•»>' this wire than by the twisted Barb wire, thereby obviating "much of the Sanger of stock running against this fence. Should such a thing by any means occur the •ontact would be harmless. Have been using <S >ke psst year and am satisiied that it will tm* stock as well as^any barb wire, and I WotiM be glad to self every pound of barb wire that I have got on my place at one-half trie® In fact judging from the damage that have had done to stock in the, last three ye&r% 1 think I would be the gainer it 1 should give it away and replace It with Spur tto yoti want a fence that Is stronger than any hard-twisted barb wire, giving the full •*,r®',K'h of two wires and yet will go ten to tit teen per cent, tartherfor same number than tiny of tliu four point barb _,P®. 7®u * leace that yon and yonr neighbor can agree upon lor line fencing and (bus save litigation? Doflrou want a fence that has been vroven atated?V U8era 10 ^*Te 11,1 the meriu we have If sojou will find it lor sale at B Gilberts, f**t McHenry, or at my farm, \% miles West ^mcHenrj', on, Woodstock rosui, , SAMUEL SHERMAN. 'jJStSOt&SL PIPES L SPECIALTY. We have a very large assortment and none |gp^uUom«| pattwvas. f "7 CALL AND SEE ' „ BABBIAV BB06. McBenry, November 13th, 1888. O ^ ® S 1*8 s-WB* B1 S-" 8 a O S® o o ^ o . • o „ • EL CD Si O 2 ti CD » WS?" S- CD ® 02 ?0 Yurchased for Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goods , # * FUX.I* OF SfOTBS* GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. 3all and see our Gasolene Stoves. GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY 0W EAVO. v;;' , In the Market,,at Bottom JOSSINQ AND REFAIRl̂ Q Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction guaranteed. 4i share ot publfc patronage respectfully solicited. . " LEADING ri & In RRcHenry Cb. Call for them,' CHICA SO all Kinds of Goods. Wemean business and will give yon Low* er Prices thau ever before offered in-Lake County. S P B Fitzsimmons & Henderson, West McHenryj 'i^lf. Cristy & Son, King wood# f * " > J Dlsolution Notice^ Tltecopartnership heretofore esisting on- <ier the linn name of Smith, Son & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, H. Snyder having sold his interest to Geo. G. Smith, and the business of the late firm will be continued at the old stand under the Arm name of Smith & Son. H. c SMITH, ^ GEO. G. SMITH, _ ^ H. SNYDER. W«at McUeary, }Un March 23rd, 18*#. W4lBiTED IS Corporation Election. The Annual Village Election for the village of McHenry, will he held at the Olty liall. In said village, 011 Tuesday, the 16th day & April, 1889. At which time the following officers will be 616Ct6uI < ONE PRESIDENT, who shall hold his office for the term of one year. THREE TRUSTEES, who shall hold oftce for the term of two years. ONE VILLAGE CLERK. The polls of said election will be open be tween 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning and re. ma*n open until 7 o'clock in the evening of that day, _ _ , , J. VAN SLYKE. Village Clerk. MoHenry. III., March 20th, 1886. cw E> 2. S T E V E N S Wflftarass tor the sale of Nursery stock, y employment guarantee*!. Salary and uws paid. Ayply at once stating age. 40 #P*8Nl£,Ii & HOWL AND, Rochester. K. T. Potato**, from Michigan. Early " >auty of Hebron and Peachblow. eente per buahel, at John Evau- I GENTS WANTED! II To canvas for one of the largest, oldest flestablished. BEST KNOWN NUBSEEIXs «»tn the country. Most liberal terms. Un- equale<l facilities. GENEVA NUESEBT. EstbaUehed 1846. W. &T. SMITH, Geneva* N. Y. Mh The finest line of Whitewash aad Paint lirunheK in town at Ue«ley'» Went Bide Drug Store. ^ , f " ^ » "t i j j i y ^" i." <»+ ̂ • V & 'twill 1 ; I •' ' ^ d- il'teli lu. j A MUjLEEI K: ••> ^ West McHenry McHenry ii HI., October 1st. JACOB BONSUETTa f GfOLDING BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, . ILLINOIS. Are now better than ever prepared to GREAT STOCK General Merchandise • r _ -«•( : • ' s. i ^ ^ fa» * . :u 4*e% than now. Call atid get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere, Special iaducements for Cash Buy- era in sums from $5 lip COLDINC BROTHERS. Market Price p îd for Farm Produce. JtJMA. A. STOBTT, if m One Door West of Riverside Housip 9 - tp • Mil- • M.. - ILLINOIS. DRUGS, MEDICINES", --^lEFULL LINK OP- Bnp. Chmletls, Dy« Staffii, PeuaU, Oil* Constantly on hand Also a large line cf Patent Medicines, Toilet Aijicie#, West McHenry •v.:- / } " ' -• !. t/l >«. ! , ---DKALER IN--«•: /jkMXD HARDWARE, J .V Stoves, Tin* JBoppar land Sheet-Iron Ware* .kf€T'Sttaddit:on has putin a full stock ot ^ V * AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Including the Moline Plaws, Oesloy SulKy Plows, Orvis Plows, Stoddard Seeders, Disb: Harrows, Draws, and in short everything in the Farming Tool line, which -will be sold at Bottom Figuren.' •HaisiL'a Barb Wira,. BOTTOM PRICES. iia- i JfOBBIIfO AND BEPAXBIN6 Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work* A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. ! W. P. TEVENS. |PAT# THE MATTER WITH ^ O! They're All Right J Apd hayiymt received a lar^e st^ck ot • " C< - 1 bpring . .A , . M . , •"v. ,' To which they inVite your especial attention, They have com­ menced this year with increasing trade. They have tried to do Business on Business Principles and have succeeded. -*, • ^ i Om Frie* to AS. ? Th» But of Ivttjio&ag ••A' clean and attractive sto¥#'1 £nd evcrylwdy welcome,"--U ou^ motto. ' , VV- ..v-J| Give us your trade and we will try and merit it. Call and see « our new stock of Dress Goodie ' " ;•#**/'* CZyll ,<"-V Mc Heufy, March 12th, 1889 - » ' WIST M IEKEYt ---DEALER IK ' rugs ud Uedtiass, 9AINT8, OILS. STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. '.|j' - Fhyisiciaikii Preaoription^l] , vi '• \ f i r . * . Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharraa- . r , sf *y ^ -t, * # y^iQirwKSi . FOB MED CAt. USB.: *• ' v ^-A-v ' •' %" '•'U * AI«fe'W»tW#S At® and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars ai|l Smosing and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, ;|l Carelully Compounded, Give me a call. ^ BESLElik McHenrv. Doceniber 28th. 1882

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