Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1889, p. 5

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,, * fi WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1889. Railroad Time TaWaf j&i*' • # Taking e«#ct Jane Mth, train* vlll pass ^Mcllenry Station daily, *8 follows: ooiiro SOUTH. _ jt Lake Geneva Paeseriger ..7»0 A. * | Lake Geneva Kxprese -»:23 | I^ake Oenera Freight £# Uk* Q«D«ts Passenger. SOIS9 HO«Tli« V •' | Lake Geneva Freight M t Lake Geneva Passenger.-.. f 'FP Lake ienera Express--......... M ; f<ake Geneva Paaaenver. -6:01 $ Dally except Sunday. ' . B. Bess, Agent. Molten ry. 111 MASONIC. I Mo'Iawmr LODGE, NO. 158 A. T , an<l A- M. Regular Communications the aeeond ' fourtb Mondays in each month. IlKNKY COLBT, W. M and !>' < MODERN WOODMEN OV AMEBIC A. iMeet »t Parker Home Hall, every Second - ami Last Tuesday evening* of each month. ' •" Neighbors cor lially Invited. VJ'V THE Annual Statement of the Treas­ urer of the Board of Highway Commis­ sioners of the Town of Nunda will be published in our next paper. I I:; ON account of the sickness of Mr. Cowliti, our Soldiers Department is / Emitted this week, but will f occupy its linual place next week. ° , V MR. BLADE'S Subject" next Sunday ; morning will be appropriate to Easter, *iEind in the evening there will be an Easter. ; Concert by the Sunday School. THE Universalis Sunday School will f give an Easter Concert on next Sunday f Evening. All are invited. Exercises \begining at 7:30 o'clock. THERE will be given, under the auspices of the Good Templars of this village, a Literary and Musical Entertainment, on Friday evening, May 3d. Further notice will be given. LOST, in this village or immediate vicinity, a Pocket Book, containing $25 in money, a Note for f30, and other small papers. The finder will receive a liberal Reward by leaving the same at this office. You will miss a rich treat if you fail to hear "Hans von Smash" in his struggle to learn the ways of Americans. Given at Band Hall, Ringwood, April 20th, in connection with the Drama, **&a& in the Street." B. ROBINSON, at his rooms over the -Post Office, is prepared to file saws on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring your saws along and have them sharpened. Also grinds and sharpens .shears. ; • GAUZE and Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets and Misses Waists, Kid and Fabric Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ruchings, Collars, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Table Linen, Swiss Dress Goods and Trimmings, Lace Curtains and Lam- berquins, at the Ladies Sales room. A MAPLE sugar trust is the last one talked of. Maple sugar is . an article that is usually taken on trust. That is, you trust that it is not more than half treacle--unless it comes from "Vair- mont," which always insures its pristine purity, and no mistake. / T H E following new Post Masters have / been appointed in this vicinity since our last; Frank Rowe, Hebron; C. C. Chunn, Algonquin; Miss Mamie Thomas, Nunda; E. A. Golding, Wauconda; C. A. Murray, Waukegan; Alex Rice, Gr^^jfjtake; J. Buck, Carpentersville. WE would call the special attention of the dancing public to the notice of the Easter Party, which is to be held at the McHenry House, in this village, on Monday evening next, April 22d. With the Hall lately enlarged and refitted in fine style those who trip the light fan­ tastic cannot fail to have a good time. /THE Ringwood Dramatic club have a tew farce, "Hans von Smash,".one of the lest comic farces known, which they will play in connection with the Drama, "Out in the Street," at Band Hall, Ringwood, jn Saturday evening. Am-il 20th It will pay all lovers of fun and plays to attend. They promise an evening of rare sport. VY the Evening Call, of Englewood, 111., ve learn that the firm of Darrow & Colby, [dealers in Hardware, and manufacturers 1 of Furnaces, has been dessolved and is succeeded by the firm of Fred T. Colby & Co., which means Fred T. Colby and C. M. Wright. They, are both McHenry boys, and their many friends here wish the new Arm unbounded success. V8&80VA&. JAS.S. WALSH, of Elgin, spent A few days here this week. > /HENRY COLBY moved with his family |o Lake Geneva last week. JOHN I). NBH, of Lake Geneva, was a caller this morning. MRS. WILL CUTTERKDGE, of Lake Geneva, is visiting with friends in thin village this week. L. W. NICHOLS and wife, of Richmond, were calling on friends here to-day Wednesday. MRS. LEWIS DIMMKL, of Woodstock, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barbian, in this village. AN eleven pound bOy arrived at the 'ome of Ed Sutton, a nine pound girl at he home of Gene Wheeler, a ten pound boy at Frank Jeckels, and a girl at Mrs. John Winkels, since our last, issue. Who s our population is not increasing? THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church, will meet with Miss Julia A. Story, Thurs­ day of this week. Una. w. A. CKISTT, President, MBS. O. N. Owvir, secretary. --^IcHenxy Corporation Election. ' fThe Election on Tuesday for officers for 'this Corporation was one of the most quiet ever held in this village. The re­ sult was the election of the following named by a clear majority of 87 votes: President--J. Van Slyke.. I'msfeas-rGeo. G. Sijiith,- John J. Miller, Almon C. Granger. \€k OITK crtizens were shocked and pained on Monday morning to learn of the death of Mrs. T. J. Clifton, which occur­ red at the residence of her son-in-law, C. \. Walsh, in this village. She had been sick the past two weeks with Typhoid Pneumonia, but no one supposed that she was dangerous, and therefore the announcement of her death was a shock to all. Her funeral will be held this Wed­ nesday afternoon from the Universalist Vjhurch. I We shall publish an obituary next week. OWING to the crowded state of our columns with advertising, we are obliged to cfirtail our reading matter somewhat this week, but shall next week commence issuing a supplement, so that we shall not be obliged to encroach on the space of our readers in the future. Live men have learned the value of the PLAIN- DEALER'S columns as an advertising medium, and as can be seen by a glance at our crowded columns, are taking every inch of spare room. . As we will not encroach on the space of our readers we shall enlarge our space next week to-ac­ commodate all. WE are pleased to announce that Miss iBennett, of New York, who comes to us fhighly recommended, Ijaving sold goods , ten years in a general store, will take charge of our McHenry business. This will enable us to enlarge our stock and keep pace with our increasing trade. New goods received every week at the Ladies ^ Sales room. WE have/received an advertisement from the Woodstock, Breeding Stables Reader & Forth, Proprietors, too late for this week, but which will appear in our next. Their celebrated Imported French Coach Horse, "General," will be J. Bonslett's Stable, in this village, every Tuesday afternoon, where farmers and others are requested to call and see him. Look out for their advertisement next week. "How long," asks a siibseribar, J'dcmi undisputed possession of an umbrell confer a rightful title to its ownership ?' There is an eastern legend to the effect that the last hours of Methuselah were embittered by the recollection of having borrowed one 950 years previously and kept it all that time without making any effort to And the owner. Better take back the one you retain in y out** guilty possession, "Subscriber," and seek not by legal technicalities or fine span theo­ ries of right and wrong to quiet the up braiding of an uneasy conscience. Clerk--C. A. Walshi Jl: AT the village Election, in ftlefimond, on Tuesday, the following were elected, there being but one ticket in the field: President--L. W. Hotfe, Trustees-- H. L/ Chevillon, Thou. Bowers, Geo. Osmond. < Clerk--L. W. Nichols. Police Magistrate--J. V; Aldrfch. ONLY seven times in the past century has Easter Sunday been later than this year, April 21. The earliest on record in the century was in 1845, when it occur­ red on March 23. The latest in the cen­ tury was in the year 1813, when Easter came on April 29. In 1866 and 1878 it occurred on April 21 making with 1889 three times in the century that it has fixed itself at this date. In the year 1900 it comes on April 15. The earliest date of Easter Sunday in the twentieth century will be in the year 1940, on March 6. Ash Wednesday is always 46 days before Easter. Next year Easter comes on April 15. AN agricultural paper says: "Every paper in the United States ought to occasionally keep the fact before its readers that burnt corn is a sure cure for hog cholera. The best way is to take a pile of corn and effectually scorch and give the effected hogs free access to it. This remedy was discovered by E. E. Doke at the time his distillery was burnt in Lewiston, together with a lot of stored corn, which was so badly injured as to he unfit for use. It was greedily eaten by the hogs, several of which were dying daily. After the sec­ ond day not a hog was lost, and the disease entirely disappeared. The rem­ edy has been tried in a number of cases since and has never failed." THE world is really better than many people with poor digestions would have us believe. Many noble deeds are daily proving this, so far as the American people are concerned. If a calamity overtakes a community, and the worldly possessions of the inhabitants are swept away by flood, or destroyed by fire, a sympathetic chord is at once struck in the heart of every country, and contribu­ tions are made with lavish hands. Our people love law and order; they love fairness and justice; and if at times it might seem that these sentiments were crushed or deadened, it is because ottir people are perhaps too much a hurrying race of ambitious mortals so intent upon battling for a goodly share of worldly goods, that they need a calamity to call them from this carelessness regarding the well-being of their neighbors. THE Quarterly Meeting of the II. E. Church for McHenry and Ringwood will be held next Saturday and Sunday the 20th and 21st inst. The following is the order of services. Saturday Preaching 10; 30 by Rev. P. R. Van Horn. Satur­ day pr^aelthig-. Suuu&y Morning 10:00 Love Feast. Preaching by Presiding Elder at 10:30 with the Sac­ rament of the Lord's Supper. In the Evening Easter Concert services under the management of the Sunday School. To all the exercises and services the pub lie are most cordialy Invited. A. J. BRILL. Paster M. E. Church, McHeniy and Ringwood. Wall Paper and Borders, new style, cheapest at Perry & Owen's, and trim' mud free of THE Waukegan Patriot has the follow­ ing to say in relation to the new Post­ master .in that city: "Murray has got the postoffioe" was an interesting bit of news that flew around town very fast last Wednesday morningv It proved to be true, as on Thursday President Har­ rison had appointed Clarence A. Murray as Postmaster at Waukegan to succeed James Moran, Jj\, reigned. The ap­ pointment was no surprise to those on the inside, as the race had narrowed down to Messrs. Murray and Flagg, and Murray had the most influence as it proved and captured' the plum. Our next postmaster was in a happy frame of mind that day as might be imagined and was the recipient of congratulations by the wholesale from his friends. In the evening the band boys came out and serenaded Mr. Murray at the Waukegan House, a lArge crowd being also present. The appointment is a satisfactory one and comes to Clarence as a recognition of the work he has done in the past cam­ paigns for his party. He is widely known as the jolly landlord of the Wau­ kegan House, and as Postmaster ought to shine in the same genial way lor the whole town. •> EASTER PARTY. • At the McHenry House, McHenryy lll. Monday evening, April 22d, 1889. Music, Smith's Orchestra, All are cordially invited. . Tickets, including Sapper nd corn of Hom^fl.25. f| JOHN Titst.AW, PrepriH^ ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER :--Dr. P. L. Mc- Kinnie, head physician of the Modern Woodmen of America, will give a Public Lecture for the benefit of Algonquin Camp, No. 490, at the Congregational Church, on Monday evening, April 29th. Those who miss this lecture will miss a great treat. The Doctor is a man of rare ability and he has few equals as a public speaker. So come one, come all and hear a good lecture. D. W. Thomas spent Sunday at Free- Eort, IU., and while there he sold one of is yearling stallions, sired by Fit* Roy. Consideration, $300. Mrs. Kennedy, of Hinsdale, spent Sun­ day here' the guest of the family of V. N. Ford, returning home on Monday with her son and daughter. Algonquin is to have a change in Post- Masters soon. C. C. Chunn has been ap­ pointed in place of J. W. Adamek. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter gave a party on Friday evening last in honor of their daughter Grace. Miss Ora Chandler, of Elgin, has been visiting her many friends here during the past week. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Con­ gregational Church will meet with Mrs. F. liartells, on Wednesday of next week. John Penny and family, of Elgin, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ford on Sunday last. Mrs. Andrews, of Woodstock, is visit­ ing here with her son, Gene Andrews. Dr. Ray, of Huntley, has rented a house of Esq. Pliilp, formerly occupied by H. J. Brink, and will locate here this week. Mrs. Martin, of Carpentersville, 1 visiting here with Mrs. F- Bartells Fhiday of last week. Miss Ida Philp, Philp, of .Nunda, spent., Sunday here with relatives and friends. Mrs. G. E. Dodd and her daughter Bertha, spent Saturday last in Elgin. H. B. Hubbard is improving the looks of his place on Main street by having a fine picket fence erected around it. H. Keyes is doing the work. Crist Frank is getting his fine residence on Main street well under way. He is going to have-a fine home when hegets it completed. Geo. Harvey, of St. Charles, was a call­ er in town on Saturday last. Mr. S. S. Chapell returned home from Chicago on Saturday evening last with his son, C. E. Chapell, where he has been spending the winter with his son George. There were a number from here attend­ ed the entertainment given by the Sons of Veterans, at Nunda, on Saturday evening last. was on 48 STA^D LAMPS GIVEN AWi^f 5 Extra superior all Wool Carpets 72| cents per yard. ; ; Fancy check, extra heavy hemp 25 cents per yard. Ciscoette, Hanleys, and Honest Abe flour only f 1.30. Curtain Poles, 3 styles of wood, only 25 cents each. New Scrim Cloth, late design from 7e to 20 cents. Bowkers Plant Food will suprise you. 36 inch one half wool Henrietta, all shades only 25 cents. Great Drives in Ladies' and 'Misses Jackets. Boys serviceable Knee Pants from 65c to f 1.30. Inspect our elegant Lace Curtains. FOR SALE. Two Span Pony's good drivers and good kina disposition. One Horse Colt 3 years Old strong and *Bay Color. 4 Bull Calves, l full blood Short Horn and 3 grades will be one year old in fall and are vigorous and thirty. One Nickel trimmed hand made light Harness with Collars New. GEO. H. HARRISON, Ringwood. Buy a new Suit for Easter at Perry A Owen's. CLOTHING SALE. This week at Perry & Owen's. ______ • Buy your Easter Ribbons atEvansou's special Sale Saturday April 20th. May Baskets at Evanson's. RIBBONS. We announce for our special Sale Sat­ urday April 20th an elegant arrival of latest styles Ribbons on which special bargain priee will Swing low for that day. Come over. It will pay you. JOHN kriimoN A Go PIANO TUNING. Mr. Oscar J. Wigell will make regular trips to McHenry. every three viz; January, April, July, October. Leave orders at O. W. Owen's store. PASTURING FOR YOUNG STOCK. The undersigned can accommodate a limited number of young cattle with first class pasturing. Good living water running through the pasture. Ajpply to P. H. CONWAY. On the Titos. Lumleyfarm. West of Ringwood. All the best and handiest plows from f 12, up to $17 at E. M. Owen & Son's. Try Besley's Horse and Cattle Food. There is. notMiijg like |t. LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONIC.--A. P. and A, M. meet at Maaontc Hall on every 1st aa<t #4 Wednesday even, of each month. MODERN WOOBMW OF AMKP'OA.--Meet at Maaonic Hall every 2d and 4tl» Thursday even­ ings of each month. Noighbor« cordially in- vtted. Dr. E. O. Gratton was In Chicago last week. - . • - C. A. Stone has a quantity of fine Seed Corn for sale. ' Miss Rett Van Hoown, from Green­ wood, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. F. Rowe. Mrs. Frank Slater has the promise of a large class in German at this place. Mr. A. Tyler is reported somewhat im­ proved under the treatment of Dr. Chase, of Chemung. The Knights from this place will at­ tend Easter Services at Woodstock, on Sunday. Miss Jennie Dennison, from Richmond, has reorganised the Sunday School at Stone's corners with a largo attendance. It is said that a wedding Belle will soon be heard to chime the glad refrain "I will.",.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Torrence were up from Genoa last week. The two Franks are always welcome. Miss Bessie Stone returned Saturday night from her visit to Elgin and Chicago. v Sehool meeting will be held bn Satur­ day afternoon of this week'for the pur­ pose of electing one director. Mr Tyler has sold his farm to the Ryan Brothers, reserving at a rent of $100, a year a life lease of five acres and the house he now occupies. Chris Brill has decided to 'remain in Denmark instead of returning to Hebron as WHS his intention. I. V. Webster hew accepted a position as Depot agent at Genoa Junction and will move there soon. John Stewart has raised his fine resi­ dence onto a higher foundation and will also build to it, making it more con­ venient for his family. Miss Minnie Stone was indisposed for a few days of last week. Miss Helen Damon took her place in the school room on Friday. . Three families have moved from this place to Genoa this spring and in each instance Hebron's loss is Genoa's gain. The funeral services of Mrs. Maria Clary were held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Clary on Wednesday of last week. Daily papers announce the appoint­ ment of Frank Rowe as Hebron s post­ master under the Republican adminis­ tration A young minister from Chicago pi-eached a trial sermon to the Presbyte­ rian people on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cropper have the sympathy of many 'friends in this vicinity on the loss of their only child. The little form was laid to rest on Saturday last. Charles Prouty Jr. has been laid up for a few days with a very painful swelling on his hand. Earl Taylor oc­ cupied his place in the cheese factory. ^ Sanford Rotnour went to Michigan last week where he will spend six months on his timber claim. Miss Libbie Rot­ nour will join her father in a few weeks as she also has a claim located there. "Better late than never" to honor, by mentioning the arrival of the bright little stranger at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newell Manor recently. He is a young republican in principles and his name should be Benjamin Harrison. Under the supervision of Mis. W. C. Hyde, its future landlady, the Hotel is undergoing a thorough renovating.' It will be newly furnished throughout and made more convenient and attractive in every way. Hervey Stewart en tered upon his duties on Friday as Depot Agent and Tele­ graph Ojierator at this station, Hervey spent some time with Mr. Webster where he acquired a thorough knowledge of the business and we- wish him success in the undertaking. Mr. Frank Beardsley, of Linn, and Miss Mary Bombard, of Alden, were united in marriage on Wednesday last. These young people attended the Hebrou school a few years ago, and have many friends in this vicinity who wish them a life of happiness. It is supposed by many that our com­ modious school building was built for educational purposes, for the benefit of the tax payers of the district, but it ap­ pears that two of the board of directors think otherwise, as Mrs. Frank Slater was refused admittance for two evenings a week to instruct her class in German. Mrs. Slater is a refined and educated lady and recently left without support has adopted this course to earn a living, and it seems strange that here in her home the use of a school room should be denied, her when at Genoa and Richmond she was heartily accorded these privi­ leges, and also at McHenry if she had so desired. The class is composed of a num­ ber of the pupils of the day school and others who reside in the district, and the opportunity offered is a rare on? to ob­ tain a knowledge of the German lan­ guage. Buy your Dress Goods now of Perry & Owen. Ginghams, New Carpets, at bottom prices at Perry & Owen's. Confirmation Suits, cheap at Perry & Owen's. Evanson's White Shirt at one dollar is a "Whirlwind." "The Whirlwind" is the namfjof Evan­ son's special bargain Shirt. >4 MRS. C. A. HUTSOJ# Has just received another new lot of Hats and Bonnets for ladies' and child­ ren, in all the latest styles. Now is the time to select a nice one for Easter. We are prepared to sell Millinery Goods cheaper than any other place in the county. Call and examine our stock and we will guarantee to satisfy you in both style and price. Yours Very Truly. MB". 0. A. UtfTSON', ~ • Went SkIp, near the DepAt. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS can be found at the old stand, ready to do Dressmaking, Cutting and Fitting, on short notiop.-- The Ladies are respectfully invited to call. ^ Twenty-five Bars Golden Crown Soap, $1.00. Four pounds Elegant Tea, $1.00. ^ Fourteen Cans good Corn, $1.00. * Three pounds good Fine Cut Tobacco, $1.00. Five pounds Good Smoking Tobacco, $1.00. ' Splendid Congress Shoe, $1.60. ̂rfc German Kangaroo shoe, $4.00. ? ^ ' : Calf Shoe "warranted," $2.0Q. Elegant dado Shade with fixtures, 40c five pounds Coffee, $1.00. Mayflower Tea per pound, 40 cents. Business Notices. Layer figs, 10 cents per ponnd at Al- tlioff Bros. Beskgr's Liverwort Kidiwy Cow. Try it, Seeders, Seeders, at Son's. * Ei'lM. 0*Wti ft The celebrated Gorham, Buckeye, Mon­ itor, Van Brunt, Eureka and others at E. M. Owen & Son's. * Go to W. P. Stevens, on the West Side, and get his prices on the GeSley two and ttop** wheeled Sulky Plow. ' - EASTER DYB8. . .* / GfO to J. A. Story's for a flue asSOrt- ment of Easter Dyes* The finest quality af Mixed Paints, ready for use, to be found in the county, at Besley's, West Side. CABBAGE1 CARBAGE I One hundred head of very fine Cabbage AHDSSW KBBKS -VASTER CARDS.. A fine assortment to be fonnd ai J. A. Story's.- . CLOVER SEED. \ Mammoth (lover. Seed., warranted to besiich. For sale by, p. K. GRANOKB. You cannot tail to find what you want in t he line of Crockery at J. W'. Cristy & Son's, llingwood, and their prices cannot be beateu. Business Notteet. When you desire a pleasant physic, try St. Patrick's Pills. If your hogs cough, have the "thumps" or do not thrive, feed Thorley Food. If your chickens are troubled with chol­ era or roup use Thorley Food. . Curtain Netting at 18 cents per yard. Something good and substantial in Win­ dow Shades. Wall Paper now ready and prices correct, at John Evanson & Co's. THE Flying Dutchman is one of the best plows on the market. Call at W. P. Stevens', on the West Side, examine and learn the psice. Remember that "George O.," the best stock getter in Illinois, will serve 20 of our best mares at $50. Mares not get- ing in foal will have anothe season free of charge, His colts are not beaten* MONEY TO LOAN. 1 J Money to Loan in sums of from to $1,500, on good security. Inquire at this office. SHELLED CORN. For sale at the lowest market rates. Also ground feed at $16.00 ppr ton. At the Fox River Valley Mills. B BISHOP. It will benefit you in purse and peace of mind to buy your boote and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. To try is to prove the above. Our Spring styles of Hats for Men and Boys an? ready for your inspection. We have the best one dollar Shirt you ever saw in this town. John Evanson & Co. , MARBLES, GAMES AND T01S. A full line of Marbles just Opened, Bowlers, Falsies, pain ted and polished, China, Agates, and fancy Glass Marbles of all sizes. Also, Dominoes, Checkers, Authors, etc., at astouishingly low prices at J. A. Story's Drug Store. Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Caufe, etc.. etc., at J. A. Story's. # Sick Feeders, Graduated Medicine Glasses, and all the requisites of a sick room, can be found constantly in stock at J. A. Story's. WOOD AND FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. One hundred to five hundred cords of good wood at $2.50 per cord. Also good Burr aud White Oak posts at $6 per hundred, at my place, 3 mile south qf McHenry. _________ JOHN FLUSKV. BARGAINS IN PIPES. We keep the finest assortment, of Pipes to be found in McHenry County, and are offering- them at great bargains. Call >uid see them, they are neat, nobby and cheap. lURBtAW BROS. Next door to the Post Office, McHenry. . A GOOD REASON WHY Washington claim agents prate in every circular or letter sent to the unsus­ pecting that they charge "no tee unless suceesnful." Of course they don't, be­ cause they dare not--the law does not allow it. How magnanimous they are, to be sure. WM. H, COWMH. CARPETS! CARPETS!! Jnsten Brps. will receive, April ],8t, a fine line of samples of the latest styles and patterns of Carets, from the cheajiest Hemp to the finest Brussels, to which they invite the attention of the buying public. We an; satisfied we can sell you a good carpet cheai»er than you can buy it else­ where. We also have a large stock of Furni­ ture, all kinds, from a Kitchen Chair to the finest Parlor Sets, which will be sold as low as the lowest. JUSTBW BROT. West McHenry, March 90th, I860, Parasols, Newest Styles juSt arrived at Evanson's • WATCHES JEWELRY, ETC. 3. P. Smith has now on hand one of the finest stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., ever brought to this town, to which he invites the attention of the public. If you want a good watch, Gold or Silver, a Chain, Ring, Pin, or in fact any thing in the Jewelry line you can find it at his store, of the best quality and at the lowest living price. Call and examine his goods before you buy. J. P. SMITH. West of Riverside House, McHenry. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria, When she waa a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When she became Miss, she dung to Caatoria, Whrn r*t•MpitaMi Hartnrta. YOU CANNOT AFFORD. At this season of the year to be with­ out a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, colic, . diarrhoea and all inflammation of the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dangerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of Rcirgs' Diarrhoea will da more good in a case of this kind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and John Humphrey, Wauconda, Drug­ gists. Seeders and Drills at E. M. Owen & Son's. • • Try Besfcy's Troches, for Coughs and Colds.: .-.'V i|" 1' . FOR SALE ^ The valuable Wood land, situated on the East Side of For River, opposite the •Sutton farm, will be sold in ten acrs lots on reasonable terms. For further par­ ticulars enquire at the PLAINOSALEB Office or at the Wheeler farm. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's tor Millinery and Dress Making. Come to the Hosiery Sale at Evanson's on Sautrday. .If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices at Althoff Bros. The Peerless Dyes, the best article on the market and warranted. At George W. Besley's, West Side. Call and examine the new line of Spring Dress Goods, Ginghams, etc., at Althoff Bros. Don't fail to read what John Evanson & Co. tell you through the medium of this paper from week to week. They present facts. , : The finest line of Boots and Shoes for Gent's wear to be found in town. Also, in ladies footrwear, a fine assortment, at Althoff Bros. T. W. Burr, merchant, Delma, Tex., has used, sold and heard what people have said of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: "It cannot be equaled." It cures sprains, soreness of the muscles, aches and pains. Sold by G. W. Besley. Mr. A. T. Fields, one of the leading merchants of Colfax, Iowa, says that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough preparation he ever used and rec ommends it to all without hesitation. Sold by G. W. Besley. A ]>erson is seldom sick when their bow­ els are regular aud never well when they are irregular. Bear this in mind and keep your bowels regular by an occasion­ al dose of St. Patrick's Pills. Sold by G< W. Besley. When a person tells you they never hail such a cold in their life take their word for it and advise them to take Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy and cure it. For coughs, colds and hoarseness it has no equal. Sold by G. W. Besley. CATHARTIC PILLS ARE WHIPS To the liver and bowels, but give no strength. The more you take, the mora you need. Miles' Pills, (M. P.) positively strenghthen. The longer taken the lesrt required. Samples free at Besley's Drug Store. Mr. E. B. Etheridge, merchant Hal- ville, Texas, says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a most excellent preparation. It is just what should be given to chil dren when they take cold. Pleasant to take and not expensive.". Sold by G. W. Besley. • Rich f<k>d, and lack of exercise, dur­ ing the winter months, causes the sys« tem to become torpid and the blood im­ pure. A dose or two of St. Patrick's rills will cleanse aud invigorate the system, purify the blood and do more good than a dollar bottle of blood pur­ ifier. Sold by G. W. Besley. LOOK TO YOUR HEART. Mrs. Charles Greenwood, of Indianapo­ lis, had what the doctors called asthma, but she got little relief until she took Dr. Miles' New Cure, which soon made her long winded, stopped the pain in chest, .swelling of ankles, cough, palpitation, etc. Sold at Besley's. FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN. The Riverside Hotel in this villlage. This well known honse is now offered for, sale on such terms as will net the pur­ chaser at present rate of rental over l(k per cent on the investment. For further particulars call on, or address, JAMBS B. PBBBT, McHenry, m. FOR SALE. _ I offer for sale my house aud two lots, situated in the village of McHenry. It is pleasantly located, is in good repair, with good well and cistern. Also good barn and other out houses. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on premises to, _ JOHK KLKITOKW. McHenry, Feb 1st, 1868, FOR SALE. , A farm of eighty acres good house, good out-buildings, and good well of water. The above premises are situated in the town of Antioch, Lake County, 111., three miles east of Spring Grove. Terms reasonable. For'fart her information inquire of D. F. Smiley, Woodstock, or John Hendricks, Sprii Grove, 111. 17 WHY IS IT. That people linger along always com­ plaining abont that continual tired fed ing? One bottle of Beggs' Blood Puri­ fier and Blood Maker will entirely remove this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate digestion. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and John Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggists. THE PRIDE OF WOMAN. - • A clear pearly and transparent skin is always a sign of pure blood, and all per­ sons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood is out of order. A few doses of Beggs' Blood Purifier & Blood Maker will remove the cause and the skiu will become clear and transparent. Try it and if satisfaction is not given it will cost you nothing. It is fully warranted. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry and John Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggists. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a house and good garden, situated in the village of .Ringwood. House contains ten rooms; good well and cistern. Barn and other out-houses. Plenty of small fruit on the premises. Will sail on reasonable terrne and on time if desired. Possession will be given on or before May 1st. For further particulars inquire of, WIK.IT LAOS, Ringwood, III. tt-t-f THEIR BUSINESS BOOMING. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of business at G. W. Besley's drug store as their giving away to their customers free trial bottles of Dr. Kings's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact it cures and never fails. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test its merits before buying, by getting a trial bottle free. Large bottles $1. E v e r y b o t t l e w a r r a n t e d . - -- ~ ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men­ tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same old song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran­ teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affectations caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria out of the blood and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation or indigestion try Eleetrictrie Bitters--entire satisfac­ tion guaranteed or iuouey refunded, rice 50 cents and $1.00 par bottle at B L»l'U£ StU$V* J 4 ft' : 'fmm . <3' . BUT SENSE. rv-k'>Jd V, We like to keep old frienda, but don't like to keep old stock ftt any price, and offer honest, re­ liable winter goods to close, at prices and terms that cannot fail to please even the rno>t particu­ lar and careful purchasers . We have just received an elegant v»~ riety itf • . . Dress Goods Cfifi&Jiting in part ot the well Known Broad head Suitings at 25c, in all the new and service*-, ble shadings on the market. - k - 5 - - ' " silk nitihlfe All Wool : Henriettas • J#,: -If' • ... .Vtf- In all the new and most popu­ lar shades, 46 inches wide &t 95 ««nSE;: - - - ^ iW : " ' wt* > W MQMIE r . - * Fancy Holds. V t f . - ••si* y-'57, Vl - r\-v> • r * . » < - 'vjA 41 Suiting*, f t X t : i V1 ¥ * • 4-1-* % 7-1 -**4 ] Very choioe new stocky of. Spring Prints. Satteens, ixing- j hams and Domestics, from 31*1 ',|£i cents up. "Tft v: Gr, •"* " < ** J, * For old or young. Wedding Suits a specialty. Styles in keep­ ing with the times. Men's Suits 4.40, 5.00, 6.25 to 22.00. No shoddy, no jobs but $1X00 worth of Choice Clothing added to our stock in last two weeks. - ' ^ 5 * jr.4' J Boot and Shoes. We ftgain secured some rare ' trades on the well liked C. H. Fargo & Co. custom made goods which we offer to the trade with | our tu'l guarantee, on closest ^ possible margins to sustain life. The Ladies will find a lull nssort- ? ment of the Phelan & Yorkey Rochester made Fine Shoes in the latest stylet, and on various lasts. - » Wall With lUtebwt Border*, IHa ta tmatfttt# assortment, from to 23c per roll. Window Sliaties, Curtain Poles, I.aoe Curtains, Statl* Fixtures, and pulls. All paper careful! trim* mod free. We all eat ; -f New and stylish, both Hemp^ ^ h a l f - w o o l a n d a l l - w o o l I n g r a i n , I at prices to please all. , ̂ GROCEIRES, Anil our health prescribes only the psnu clean "noil fresh for its. Our ttoek always contains alt the soosl vljtues. i«(i auuiier&(ioos now common. GARDEN A FIKLD SEEDft. Ofthe moat reliable 2p«w*n eoostaatljr ba»<t I* frrewt variety, *»ar IStwrthy, Otevsfe Sweet an«l Ensilage C. ru. Stofk Lawn Grass, Bhie Grass, Wula Mm Clydesdale. Black 'fa-tartan ami White JuMM Seed Gate, with a fall assaruiwuu of ttamai Seeda AU kinds of riour coastaatly aad delivered fr*e. .M Call OK

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