Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1889, p. 5

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SOLIttEBS ATTENTION. Win . H . <30*riin, of Woodstock is the » light man||frytp to see or write to if yoaJMkv«4M^e&itn agaiqst Uncle Sara, fie m jamtmtA. JkmamAm, beware of fate Md'pSw leading dfeolars or let­ ters whfett may rcnrft yon from foreign pension Attorney*. They don't know anythingaboiit your particular caae as theyinforra yoo they do. When such statements are made you may rest ae- sured-fhe parties making them are frauds t»I U»e worst kind. w*. B. Cowua, * ft EFFECTS OF MODERN LIFE. 4 Eminent authorities unanimously agree : that the high pressure methods of human life are rapidly making us a nation of : nervous invalids--subject to all manner oj,nervous affectations, headache, insani­ ty, dizziness, neuralgia, backache, hys- ;* teria, nervous trouble of the heart, stom- l ache, kidneys, brain, etc. Ladies and gentlemen who are troubled thus, or who are compelled to keep late hours, do ; much mental or physical work, or worry or fret about business or domestic troub­ les, should remember that that no other • remedy in the world will so speedily cure these diseases, remove wory or the blues, induce tranquil sleep, relieve pain, ami ? build the brain *mf nervous system as i>r. Miles' great discovery the Restorative ] Nervine. It contains no opium or mor- t phine. Trial bottles free at Bosley's s Drugstore. '• :$IELP TO MOTHERS NURSING. ; Mothers who have the care and draught l of Htorsmg infants need the aid of strength- : ening tonic to make up the nourishment I required for the growth of thechild. Ale, I porter, and loger beer have often been I recommended. Of late, since physicians i have become aware that the Port. Wine j; produced by Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. : J., is strictly pure, they have prescribed 5 it instead of ale or porter, as being more ; blood making. This wine is principally j sought for by mothers who have nursing infants at the breast, the best supplying ' medium to be found. The wine makes good blood. Druggists generally keep it; : and sell it for a dollar a bottle.--Enquirer. THEIR BUSINESS BOOMING. Probably no one thing has caused such \ agwueral revival of business at G. W. * Besley's drug store as their giving away i to their customers free trial bottles of Dr. ; Kings's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact it ; cures and never fails. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can ^ test its merits before buying, by getting • a trial bottle free. Large bottles' $1; Every bottle warranted. ' 5. ELECTRIC BITTERS. I This remedy is becoming so well known ; and so popular as to need no speeial men­ tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same old song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran­ teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affectations caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria out of the blood and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of, headache, constipation or indigestion try Electrictric Bitters--entire satisfac­ tion guaranteed or money refunded, price 50 cents and f 1.00 per bottle at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. We are Host Dead. Tie Commissioner of Pensions esti­ mates that the average of the men on the pension-roll is 50 years; the average death-age of the pensioners 56 years; the average death-age of their widows 61 years; the average death-age of their fathers 79 years; mothers, 75 years.-- Coffee Cooler. •mm- C*v. -> , .^jTJ K , -'5 11 & " m yen appreciate true btwimw Who DOES NOT adhere to them will not have the confidence of hi* patron8; You may cite all the causes to the contrary, but he wh i succeed must do it on that basis* Thus it is'for your interest to deal wifcti those who will deal1: Honestly with you--give you dollar for dollar, pound for pounu and" never misrepresent or deceive you. The [practice of deception and misrepresentation is almost unlimited in the various necessaries of J'vln? a1n" dress, and your money therefore should be placed with the dealer whom you feel confident is willing to give you the most lor the least in highest standard of Merd»aQdis4| ^ HOES! Of Reliable rrect •v#;7T*fv- Crashes. DYES iftes®, » l Any Color Rmbons, rumens, V p0R Yarns, top. etc. j TEN CENTS " r wan SJ Hkw, SAVE Money, and make . by using DIAMOND b saajr.sjmplc, quick; die Mid in nujrtuw things look mmi DYES. The colors the BESTaod PASTES t known. Ajk for DIAMOND DYES maA taka no othar. Pw Gildlnf or Broncinc Fucy Articles USE DIAMOND FAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bnmie, Coppw. Only »o Cents. Baby Portraits. A Portfolio Of beautiful baby pie torn ftom life, Minted on fine plate paper by patent photo pnenLHot free to Mother ot any Baby bom within a year. Every Mother wants these pictures; send at once. Give Baby's name and age. EILS, 1IICNARBSSN * «•» •UMUNOTOM, VT. the System * ' wa that most reliable IPPMS •Paine's Celery It putts* the blood, com OtmsUpaUon, andregniates the Mm-and &WneyiM>®ecinaBy cleans- teg the systcsa of aU wane and dead _ Paine's Celery Compound tru® nerve tontc and streofftbtnff qualities, reviving1 the energies antlf^rfta. I have been troublwl for some vpsjn wttii • complication of difficulties. After rtous remedies, and not finding relief! I trted Compound. Before one full bottle the lonp troublesome symptoms toe- to subside, and I can tnily sav now, that I T v a new.,nfm- ^Itfstlon has Improved, ana I have gained ten pounds In weight slnael have commenced taklnp the Compound •' HOKESTUS STEARNS, FelclivUle, VT. 2- yi-QO- 81x for $5.00. AtDrogslsta. Wkua, RICHARDSO* ft oa, Burlington, Yfc urreiiable maaes and correct prices. Table Damask*, White Goods, Dress StufFa, HOSIERY i HOSIERY! Cents to „ j?} H D I R ® 'iiiV kind. 15 cents t^ $1.00. Summer Cornets for those who wish that Lace Curtains at $1.95. perhaps worth a trifle more. Bed 8pread« at &> oeats, (higher prices if you so desire.) . Justreceived a new invoice at less figure than usual* Price will be $100 per pair, retailers regular price is $1.50. * 500 bushel* choice Wisconsin Potatoes, (Rose and Burbank,) at 35 cents per bushel. Our •4 YAMJAPLE LOT OF CHOICE WINE. "^dnie firae wnoe we stopped at Passaic, N. J., and were really surprised to see the amount of Mr. Speer's stock of grape wine on hand; it is almost fabulous. Four storehouses are filled and tiers upon tiers, of casks, up and down stairs, and in some cases huge vats, through which to walk. It is a vast quantity of wine. None is sold until it has acquired the age of four years, and the buildings, 1,2,3, and 4, are of the flret, second, third, and fourth years vintage. Our Druggists have supplies of the oldest of the aboye wine direct from Mr. Speer.-- Paterson Gmrdtm. WHY IS IT. Tiiat people linger along always com plaining about that continual tired feel­ ing? One bottle of Beggs' Blood Puri­ fier and Blood Maker will entirely remove this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate digestion. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and John Humphrey, Wftnconda, Druggists. THE PRIDE OF WOMAN. ; A cle I pearly and tra nsparent skin Is alway f sign of pure blood, and all per­ sons abled with dark, greasy, yellow or blc *tied skin can rest assured that their blood is out of order. A few doses of Begge' Blood Purifier & Blood Maker will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and transparent. Try it and if satisfaction is not given it will cost vou nothing. It is fully warranted. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry and John Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggists. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a house and good garden, situated in the village of Ringwood. House contains ten rooms; good well and cistern. Barn and other out-houses. Plenty of small fruit on the premises. Will sail on reasonable terme and on time if desired. Possession will be given on or before May 1st. For further particulars inquire of, WBSLKT LiDO, King woo*!, III. M-t-f !| CONSUMPTION CURED. old physician, retired from prac­ tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary, .the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and all throat and lung diseases, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility, and all nervous complaints; after having tested its wonderfull curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to | make it known to his suffering fellows. 1 Actuated by this motive and a desire to [relieve human suffering, I will send free [of charge to all who desire it, this receipt I in English, French or German, with full (directions for using. Sent by mail by kldi-easing with stamp, naming this pa­ ir, \V. A. Noyes, 149 Power's Block, N.Y. • ll*> etvly F. K. CR ANCCR, General Auctioneer; Bales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Household Furniture, and Goods f all kinds attended to on the mostreas- ale terms. [Orders by mail will reooive prompt at- itiou. Address. ' " WMMIk 1Efery\vee% we are <»e{t!n£ in NEW SPRING GOODS. All the shades and colore in Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trim­ mings. etc. Thirty-eight inch Saitings in Electric, Gobelin Blue and Brown, only 17 cents. Fifty-four inch Dross Flannel, all wool, 50 cents. Double width Tricots in French grey and brown, 25 cents. ^ Henriettas in a variety of shades, Sateens, Ginghams etc. We have the finest assortment of Bibbons in the county, which we will soil ike LOWEST PBICE Embroideries*! and Swiss. White goods ft* Children's *jr : urday, May 4,1889, We announce M the great HAT SALE, are Caih Dealers only. • ^ ̂ v _.-vv WOODSTOCK STABLES, READER A FORTH, Props* Sl,u! in McHenry Coiuily, ,CMCh; ^ercheron and CiyUo«ilaTe stations, fcr public service, for 1889. .TAc Importc I French Coach 'GENERAL." th® sUbles of th* Rlverahle McHenry, every Tuesitav aftecttopn, vice^ who rtesire ran obtain hU aer- '""brown bay, hands ' e'Kh8 1'400 »<o«n<i8. Fokled.April 13th, * Got bv ,i»o »p«n»«p. i!?" N®,1ar' <&>'-> dam Madeline, fni?«. I? a flne« c'*»n e«t head, large shouHoU l J e#,'f V" 8et' shape B».-k ceSn/i S, 8n 8,0'unf- short, e*. ceptionally strong in the loinn. nuuerftil quarters, Groad an<1 deep breast, well t>one<l clean flat legs and best of feet: elesant atrle SomPfln°n;?uret,,.ree<1cr Wo espct td sec 5.J?n^col»°f his get this Sniinp. h Stallions of France have been ^iTh ?h. tT°vernment patronage and rertiflra?o' „ T hav® lhe «»vernmeiit M '"JPe-dufr, With tiovcrmnent ouimn and Mayor^ Seal. 9 deader & Forth hve also ttte fo! t?ieir ftim^« fVOwa,1'i1 Horses at ineir at.inice in Woodstock^ wher^ wim <IA aire can obtain their services. EXCELSIOR.--1600. accorded with Pedigree in the Pen-heron Stud Book of America. RATON.--6136--(7730) *tn?S.e'1fwllth pedigree in the Percb«n»n Stud Books of t lance And America. CL YDESDALE STALLION iCINC OF THE WEST. welK7.W?oyundrd8 W ha0d9 hiK" and >.. ».i6 aim t0 keeP Public 9ervire nothing ive breed»ry be6t ln<llTW0,l,8of tbelr respeot. We shall be pleased to show our horses at any ttmp, and extend n cordial invitation to ail to coine and examine our stock, in the old Pratt House StaUles, South of the Public Sqnare, Woodstock, and judge of their merits for themselves. Evanson Jplease remember we READEB A FOR™i Woodstock. HANLY BROTHERS. vy-X- v • John West MoHeary, Hi| Co, i' i* 5L&: -BBGBUBB8 0»-- Roadsters, Draft AND GRADE H0&SES. • t̂ SSSSStSV ̂ VON LRKff. TOVNK Hainbletonian Stallion. roaied Jn»® •t, 1885 SUindH 15^ hands high, weight )JI» Is briglit bay. blaclt points, 1 VTear<» prepared to show you a complete line ot Seasonable Goods We have the largest aud mos t complete line of f J Ladies' anil Missai JIVKE THE NONC QCHUIMC WITHOUT1 MMN tar Wa. ATXB * SOAE make the ramoos Horse Brand J t In town. We also keep in stoek,*J.>hn Foster, Redpath and the world tenowned RufTalo Boots & Shoes, And at ]>rires that will a»ton- i?h >«»». A'full uad fomplete line of Jnmeslowu &*test fihudes *and sly lee in plain and stripe und cheaper than ever. Al«o full line of litest COLLARS, TIES, 'l&bbons. Ginghams, Prints, Trunks, Valises, Shopping Bags, ponnds Has WOODSTOCK, ILÎ INOIS. Linen Lace in all widths; lace skirtings in black and cream Linen collars for 5 cents. Handkerchiefs for 1 coot and up. rfell and examin* «wpi before buying. f K At our price list on groceries 3 21b cans corn a lb can peaches 3Hb *' Blackberries Blueberriip Apples 1 - : Sib 31b u 25c 10c 8c 8c 8c 25 and Good Japan Tea, 30 cents. Fifty cent tea we are selling at 35 cents. at our! John Telling Shoe. Btst wearing shoe in. the world in fancy tie and plain. A full line ol ahildren's school shoes. Also a new lot ei I Hats Caps, LapRobai, Waai UeUenr*' finest quality at Mixed Paints, lor use, to be found ui fcbe eeipUyi* J; ,; Ladies' Jackets, etc., etc. for Wilis ̂ AHUMdS. fl Pitssimmons & Henderson licit Invites the attention o{%h» Ladiee to her line line of Fancy Goods, Embroideries, etc* ^Llso Toilet Preparations of all kinds, Mrs. Ayer*s Recamier Sarea- Saril la, a remedy for scrofulous iseases, rheumatism, etc., is the best on eaith. Try it. For sale by Mrs. Sherwood. Mrs. oherwood has a large atook of Harriet Hub nard Ayer's celebrated Vita Nouva. • The Seven Sutherland Sisters hair grower and scalp cleaner afc Mrs. Sherwoods. Try it. A full line of Mrs. Hubbard Ayer's celebrated toilet prepriations can Mrs. G-. L. Sherwood's. ^ Dr. Price's Ked and Black Lin­ iment at Mrs. Sherwood's. Recamier Cream, Recamier Powder, Recamier Balm Recamier Soap, at Mrs Sherwood's. Try them. . The Harriet Hubbard Ayer Remedies at Mrs. Sherwood's. . Dr. Price's and Stomach- Sherwood's. Heart Regulator Powders at Mrs. We invite the Ladies to call when in Woodstock, we can show you something that will please you. as we are sure £rp">' Samples of Embroideries and Fancy Work sent upon applica- ress MR8. C. L. SHERWOOD, Woodstock, SPRING AND SUMMER Styles in Clothing, line style and (food actfon. As a represcnta live for getting good roadsters Is hard to BEST, WOOI-IRE U. (97CI), by Lakeland Abdnllah, 8(t. Vint dam by Pateben, by Autocrat. Second dam Doily, by Gilford Morgan. CHANCELLOR, Jit. Having recently purchased a very fln* imported Clydesdale stallion, Chancellor, Jr. for our own use, will breed a limited number of Mares outside Chancellor Jr. is 8 years old this spring; is a Oberry Bay with black points; K»V hands high and weighs about 1,700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, line action, mild disposition. He was sired by Chancellor, (llUOj, he by Drew Prince of Wales, (67S), Dam by Lofty, (460); grand dam l>y Duke of Well­ ington, (I51M); great grand dam by Sir Willt» n Wallace, (t®i;. II® combines in bis breeding the best ulood Scotland ever had, ami has proven hie ability to get uniform Colts, of groat ai*e, line form, strong and rugged. CHAMPION, JR. The Percheon Morgan Horse. He has proven himself a fine stock getter for general purposes, and cannot bo beaten in the North­ west. Parties who intend breeding the coin­ ing ceason, will And it to their advantage to call and tee our stock and get oar terms which will be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be well cared for, at oweer's risk, at moderate ratea. Call and see us. HANLY BROS. 85 U. Young Trotting Stallion 'OAK WOOD" in color is a dark Chestnut with black spot on left hip. Stands 15)4 hands high. weighs 1050 pounds.^ Foaled September 2<l, 1885- le is -JUST OPENED AT* R. nEAincAia'a Wauconda Clothing Store, Anticipating ft large Spring and Summer Trade, my stock all the latest styles IB oes I have added to Clothing, Boots an Hats, Caps, Gents STYLES AND PRICES. V/X t: §m TBM NEWHOMEJwcasfrJWP:-^« at Mrs. Madman'^. Wauconda. now included in my htodk. of Millinery, nd Sui _ Hats made and trimmed to ord«rfc Xiffatertst^eBingS^riog and Summer Hats and Trimmings an .ire styled, cood solid smooth limbs, good feet, well formed body, and promises to be fast. Show* great action for the handling be has had. "Oakwood" was sired by George O. No 97011, he by Lakeland Aluiallnh (391; own brother to Harold the sire of Maud S. (Quetn of the turf) 2-08?»; Noontide, 2:20^; Mattie Graham, 2:2!^; McCurdy's Hambletonian, 2.26,V; Deciana, 2.27X; Hermes, 2:27>tf; Goo«l Morning, 2.2»S>i'; Temple, 2:30, and others. Alc-o sire of 19 in 39 list. Lakeland Abdallali by Rysdykes Hamble­ tonian Hire of forty 2:30 performers. Also sire of fifty-one daughters with 2:20 perform­ ers. One hundred and two sons that have sired 2,;k> horses, be by Abdallali, by Mam- brino, by Imp Messenger; Dam, the Chas. Kent Mare, by Imp. Bel I founder, etc Lakeland Abd&Hah's Dam was Enchantress by AtaialSah, by Mambrino, etc , as above. George O.'a Dam. fanny B., pacer, 2.27, by Autocrat, by Geo M, Patchen, (record 2:2>Uj) by Caseins M. Clay, by llenry Clay, by AFT drew Jackson, by itasliaw. etc. Dam of Fanny B. bv th© Rowland Horse, by the Baley Hor-e and he by Justin Morgan. "Oakwooda's" dam Kittle Curtis, by Pat Searles, by Autocrat, by Geo. M. Patchen. Kiltie Curtis' Dam was the Lee Mare, she (S. T. B.) by Old Creeper, 1661. by Peck Horse. Dam by Young Bullrush. TERMS, fi5 CASH. Accidents and escapes at owner's risk Mares not proving in foal will get a return season free. Ali mares left in uav charge will be well cared tor at 11.00 per week, to pasture for this season of 18W. For further particu­ lars eall at Turner's Stables. ' MeHenry^IlL: Paper, •i*V "I don't want a flour sieve, hi a carriage lap duster that wool let the dust through. Sliew sue a % Duster." 5A LapOmters 5/A Ironsides Sheet 5a Clipper Fly Neb > >«aal«»XM*hsr «t BaKMel 106 other styles of H<»w fi^siai Fly Nets, at prices to suit erexrbody. fir Si H r - 4 • *- t-?- • i. j «fl 1 ?: AU MfTfj F riats c' Eurifrlori.y than ccfnbincj. 'ine-Sav • Thresher othsrjt'"--v • I * \ E\ Vi_.:;Y TbjrcErherman 41s,# ^ Farmer is wi|i» i i, tasrvelous wwrk. ^ ̂ N E W OT or.Iy Supenor f w k!nd# of Grain, but the only cessful h nd crt f all Scedsl- NTIRE Thre^hin ; Eipenscs. (often j to 5 amer. > i i.ti monnt)r made by extra Grain Saved.- OKKMANSHIP, Material^ and Finish beycudallcwm^ parison. ¥• •- 4&V Caiinetf Good?, and li CD selection o| Fruits. Always Fresh. Shirts, Jackets, Overalls, Pants, VesU. Clothing by sam­ ple, Carpets by sample. Cloth­ ing and "arpets at least 15 per cent cheaper than any other store in town. Call and see for yourself. GENTS WANTED! i To canvas for one of ihe largest, oldest [established. BEST SHOWN MUESEBlKg Lin the country Most lllx>ral terms. ITn- equaled facilities. OEIfEVA HUE8EBT, Estbalished 1846 W.&T.SMITB, Geneva, N.Y. DiHolution Notice* The co p.-mo era hip heretofore e^i•tinc un­ der the Aim name ot fmith, Son A Co., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, It bnviler having sold ins interest to Geo. G. Smith, and the business of the late firm Mill be c9ntinned at tbe-oUi uw^Mf the firm name of Smith West McHenry, lit TF H SMITH, GKO. O. SMITH, B. SNYDBK. March 21rd, 18^9. CATARRH, Catarrhal Daainiss and Hay Fmr. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not gewrally nwaro that tliese diseases are conuigious, or that tliey an* due to the presence or living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eus­ tachian tutws. Microscopic research, how­ ever, lias prove.I this to be a tact and the result is that a simple remedy has been for­ mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hav fever are permanently cured in from oiie to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.--For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. U. DIXON & SON, 304 West King St, Toronto, Canada.--Scientific American. Sufferers from eatanhal I MMEBUQT. read the stove < WOULD YOU KNOW • I th* meaning of llf« la this world and the nature of the Hie to come, TIIFI QFM thefie two books tmnslated IIIUI HUUI from the Latin of Kmanuel Bwedenbor(t THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE. Extra cloth. Demi 8vo. Pp. 837. Price, 72 cents, post-paid. _ ' TteDMne Providence U the government <tf the LordC$ Dmne Late and WwUm.'1--Opening par* HjUVEJUSS^N. HELL >mOM THINGS BEABB ANI> SEEN. Extra cloth. DemlSvo. Pp.453. With full In- 25? Index of Scripture passages quoted. Price, 72 cents, postpaid. Address W. H. ALDEK, *. X. 0M. M ami Cksstant Ms., PhUadslpM»» FA. . catalogue of Swedenborg's and relat^l VIBRM-OS^ NMAN best jobs and make the. »Mt' . Money. . ' , ' ' NCOMPARABLE for Simplie- n D R" A T O EYOND aH rivalry for (ect Cleaning, Work, Perfect for Saving |BQUIRES no attachmenta or rebuilding to change fim> Grain to Seeds. ABROAD and ample Warranty given on all our macbmeqM FRACTION BnginM PrnUnl- ed In Material, Safety, Pww*t . •nd Durability. kUR Pamphlet giving hll formation, sent Free. It Uttl - about this great fH, REVOLUTION in ThNshinr" Machinery. Send for pam-^4^|p phlet. Address MCCHESNEYS. CHICAGO'S POPULI ANO KNTMPRISINO MNTAL WW. "The first to dr|«rt from htsh pric« t- '-.-nr of •««!« |» living best qualitv tui i • reasonaM*' * • H ' rv"Ot. ; tar DBS. M'CUGSNEV."--Chicaao Setw. SSsTNth, Btif ami FIms! $•!,$•• L«*re orters for t.irh in the mnrntug aa>l yoo csa '* the HIW <1«T - OoM tillinc^ at taif • •PPTKTR.MTV FOB SIMSIEB MK1 oS^nd. Toai! within 100 miles of Chtcanoj <»r «M» wyy,;..; gsidAADthebt'stfullSL£ :• •.•thinsertedIII» ,fs. <UIUMC., DR3 MftHCSNiY *EFTV» as ' '."-Vu % • • » ' (i- m&i If you want the best ffaitlsa have ever had, joe aim. sow MULE'S SE "After a varied experience with many MX'allot I cathartic remedies, 1 am oon- viiH'fHl that Ayer's Pills give the most satisfactory result®. I rely exclusively on these Pills for the cure of liver and stomach complaints."--John B. Bell, Sr., Abilene, Texas. UNDERWEAR 1 We h*ve secured at a veiy low figure, a fevr ao*en Ladies Muslin Underwear at the following prices: Chemise, line em­ broidered, 78, 85, 90, 95. Xi&ht Drese^es, 50, 65, 78, 1.20, 1.30. Ladies Balbrig- gan Vests at 50c, of unusal fine quality and finish. Also a few dozen Ladies' Silk Mitte at 25c, reguiar value, 75c. Coino and look ns over, it will pay you. UOHM E r AKSOK A Oo. Seed Potatoes,' from Michigan. Early Rose, Beauty of Hebron and Peachblow. Priet* 50 cents per bushel, at John Evan- 7% f \£$^ c v ' t ; a **1^ There is no question bat that 8eeds are imsunwssedL Their p In every county in the United 8h I now have ensMmm at mace office Whsa eaee any price. My new noutu'eti the watt ortginall readabte Sf«d Catalogue erer amoiift other things, cash prises for vegetables, etc.. to the amount of _ You tfcouM not tMak si , SpHaabsiare seaWag tart. cfflcjufiiiig stamp for return postage. »erg at nm aat^w] WC3NW» Jar m iffinal, taaattfWIi mubwiti to Alt 1711 FUbort St. An Editor's Trlbum Thersn P. Keator, editor #f ths Vwt Wavne, Ind , Gwxite^ wrftes: "F«r tb« past five years have alwajrs used Dr. King's N«w Discovery, for eoagbe »f meet MTIN obaraeter, as well as FOR tboM of a milder type. It mw ltMi to eflset a speedy cure. The frtsndi to whom I ham reoommended It iMlktf itin the same bifh terms. H« be«n cured by It •fetery cd^fli 1 bad for Urt yoart. I considor only reliable and sure «uro for Colds, etc.** Call at Henry Brag Store and (et a J^e« Trial 1M|« slat WJH? - k ^ vf!' •tim

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