Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1889, p. 8

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•T-rilT IkRTIVIV&ll 1 • : under the *bove head Idiot of tlieW.C. T. II. , (NUTi or Temperance Legion Wfll Ptb« new City Halt on Friday >n at 4 o'clock. The Brewer's Dog, A gentleman, while taking an evening the ron<l near Gran to wu, saw met) supporting a third, who ap- "" to be unable to walk. at is the matter?" < Wh v," was the reply, "that poor man mtm been bitten by the brewer'"s dog, -"Indeed!" paid he, feeling rather con-, itemed about the disaster. "Yes, sir; he is not the fi®st, by a ^°°d ..ttian.v, that he has done mi^hief to- ^ ^7': • "Whv is not that dogniade way with . "Ah, sir, he ought to have been made §k r vay with long ago ? but it, want* w?oh|- l^on to do it. It is atrdng j'. •' that's the brewer's dog i" ' A drunkard's Dream. MA poor drunkard who kept his wife , find child in a state bordering on atarva- ' t-ion, though he earned quite sufficient to ittve given them all they required, one yight had a dream, and next morning when seated at their meagre breakfast lie iold it to his wife and boy. He said, <\ thought I saw four ra^Avalking along ,;t v lie floor. At first they only seemed rats; "< but soon I noticed that one was a big, i ̂ i^folump, fat rat; two were thin and . ; gtarved-iooking; white' the fourth came *, • * • Along going from side to side, and it was blind. I wonder, if there is any meaning : |n dreams, what that one can mean. #()h, father,' interrupted the little boy, - A' know what it means. The big, fat rat : rthe big, fat rumseller across the road ; ,1 "V 'ilhe two lean ones are my mother and me; "\itiad the blind one is yourself.' Whether ' > v th»t was the true interpretation of the ;tftpwuin or not, the boy's definition of it ilid his father good. He saw that he had -been blind indeed to give his hard-earned * ^irioney to the fattening of the rumseller , ncross the way, at the expense of his own v. •" "Wife and child; and he solved he would be » , 7 *0 foolish no louger, but with God's help, jkeep from the intoxicating cup, which itC^tealptli brains, purse, home, manhood, land the immortal soul of the drunkard. pHe came to Christ asking Him to keep Shim, and He has done so ever since." JERRY SMITH. } * *ort jsd ShM wif ; Om door Math of the FurnUWt Store Ifowe'. Block, -McHENBY ILLINOIS- Boots and Shoes manufactured of" the best Material and a fit Guaranteed. REPAIRING fipromptly attended to. IhvisiblePatchks 7 .V for Fine Shoes and Boots a specialty. 0*11 Smith. "Try flyer's Pills and ae*me. IfcKenry, Dee. 4th, J.0ny 0 . J . RICHMOND ILLINOIS. For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Goat. Stephen Lansing, of Yonkers, N. J., says: " Recommended as a cure tor chronic Costiveness, Ayer's Pills have relieved sue from that trouble and also from Gout. If every victim of thia dis­ ease would lieed only three words of •mine, I could banish Gout from the land., These words would Jse--' Try Ayer's Pills.'" " By the use of Ayer's Pills alone, I cured myself peramnently of rheuma­ tism which had troubled me several months. These Pills are at onoe harmless and effectual, and, I believe, would firove a specific in all cases of incipient R h e u m a t i s m . No medicine could have served m® in better stead." -- C. C. Rock, Cornel, Avoyelles Parish, La. C. F. Hopkins, Nevada City, writes: "I have used Ayer's Pills for sixteen years, and I think they are the best I*illa IB the world. AVe keep a box of them In the house all the time. They have cared me of sick headache and neuralgia. Since taking Ayer's Pills, I have been free from these complaints." , r "I have derived great benefit from Aver's Pills. Five years ago I was taken so ill with rheumatism that I was unable to do any work. -I took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cured. Since that time I am never without a box of those pills."--Peter Christensen, Sherwood, "Wis. f»~. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, PK&rABKD BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowall, Mass. gold by all Dealers in Medic in**. 'X AMiei CABINETS, And a Portrait for $5.00. gJI. HANCHETT, PHOTOGRAPHER. RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. Win from this date to June lst,"13S», glv» 12 Cabinet Photos ana a 16x40 i>eraMkMM»fj Photo Crayon Portrait K FOR #BOO, H the ffreatest offer ever made to the people of McHenry County. Our work i« first class in every respect, samples of whun can be ?een at our <;a!le'ry. ltemeraber this offer only holds good until June 1st, so avail yourselves of this rare opportuaity to secure fine pictures at ii nominal cost, Call an I see our woik ami satiety yourself that this istlie greatest offer ever made in thia coaatyi v iX H. HA XCHETT, Photo ArtiU. A. 2R, ELLIOT. Crayon Artist. , % slSc* mm '"'t- MM iff "ft OS*, Wonum, AND SUMMER jjj. Clans J U S P O r E N K D i 'V ARXH Wauconda Clothing Stdfe, Anti ipntinsr a lar^o Sprinir and Summer Trutle. I have added iiiy stock all the litest styles in Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Greats Funiighijigs. ALL STYLES AND PTLICE|. IW-AQSNT POM THE NMW H&ME S£WJN& MAVWNE ' rlnw Opening ot Millinery, at Mrs. Wauconda. Tho latest styles in Spring and Summer Hats and Trimmings are now included in my btock. Hats made and trimmed to order. JACOB OPl'OSUCE IUSUOP'S MILL, & V. $ SPAULMQ, fK1ngwoodf Illinois, inChwtoe-- A fali line of Cloths, of the latest styles and patterns always on hand. ANGLE GARMENTS, OR FULL SUITS, on eiu>rt notice a&tl a fit guaranteed. i oar experience and practical knowl­ edge of the bnsiness we are confident we can Mease the most fastidious, and respeetfalljr invtte alt in want of Clothing of any kmd to give me a caiL Prices as low as the same quality of goods eaa be purchased anywhere. C. J> BRILL. BiefasMMd, October 15th, ttH. Famfly" Groceries, Canned Goods,ete. My Goo<la are all new and freah and will be sold as low as the same quality of Goods can be bought any where. Tht Best Brands of Fiouf, Ooostantty on Band. % S&8U1SS 8FUB WIBl tS'THElCOWNG FENCE MEAT MARKET. 1 also have in connection a Meat Market Where can always be fouml Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats, etc. Early in the seaeon 1 shall run a Delivery Wagon and supply Cus tomers with lresh Meats regularly on stated days. ' (Jill and see me and I am sure I ran please Sou UoUUfl. quality and price of all articles mjrlia*. M. V. B SPAULDIKC; Blngwocd, April 1st, 1889. K. J. Barbian. J- J. Barbiaa mnebamrlMMf eeen by Stock than ordinary fiarb wire, there being more than twice the Visible aurtace presented to the eyes of sMek by this wire than by the twisted barb wire, tttereby obviating much of the danger of stock running against this fence. Should such a.thing by any means occur the oontact would be harm teas. Have been using it the past year and am satitsiie'i that it will tnrn stork as well as any barb wire, and I won Id be glad to sell every ]>ound of barb wire that I have got on my place at one-half friee la fact judging from the damage that have had done to stock in the last three years, I think I would be the gainer if 1 sbouUl give it away and replace it with Spur Do you want a fence tbat is stronger than •ay hard-twisted barb wire, giving the full Strength of two wires and yet will go ten to fifteen per cent, farther for same number of fmrads than any of the four point barb wlrfe? Ifc» you want a fence that you and your •eigabor can agree upon tor line fencing and thai save Utigation? Do yen want a fence that has been proven bf nMwy users to have all the merits we have - 5 > yon will find it for sale at B. Gilberts, eet MeHenry, or at my farm, ljtf miles West McHenry, on Woodstock road. SAMUEL SHERMAN. so agent for Bi ~ Corn, cob an> Giant Feed Mill which all iM BARBIAN BROS. 1 i. Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN PINE CIGARS, McHESIlY ILLINOIS. %a.Tlii|fleased the brick building ?«ne floor South ot'the post oftice. we have opened a retail store, where^at all times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the b*»t brands. PIPES A SPECIALTY, We have a very large assortment and some •ery handsome patterns. CAJiL AND SEE US. BABBIAX MeHenry, November 13th, 1888. LEADING |5 OE.>'T CIGAR inMcHerryCo. Call for them. O e+ t?1 H , tj ' ^ 0 0 t b 3 l 1 ? g - W 5 ' P § B S-« g,^05 t U g o S <» - • •" -ttBAT.EB Purchased for Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish First Class Goo<|^ ^ « «5S A FUX^ UHM OF STOVES. GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. - GLASS 07 ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HANS. M' o CD U1 c-t O fc- c+ ® kmJl Ct* V a » O P <J CD p p pi o & ct» cr- CD In tlie Market, at Bottom Prices. JOBBING AITS 00 CO CD ® % I3- Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A {share ot publie patronage respectfully solicited. JACOB BONSLETT. McHenry, HI., October 1st, 1888. s GOLDINGr BROTHERS WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are now better than ever prepared to offer you GREAT In all kinds of Goods. Wemean business and will give you Low ipr Prices than ever before offered in Lake County. --r-QUB STOCK OF- General Merchandise Was never more complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Special inducements for Cash Buy | ers in sums from $1 up, COLDINC BROTHERS. Itf'HiKhoit Market I*rioe paidior Farm Produce. 0 JVLU A. STOBT, (One Door West of Riverside Houa^p WA.ISTEB J i,vass for the sale of Nursery stock. Bployment gnarenteed. Salary and i paid. Apply at once stating age. **8 STILL A HOWL AN I). Bocbester. H. T. A N T E D ! sale of Nursery Stock, a specialties, SALARY H paid to success fat men. ry. Write for terms, fctfwper.) Mmr--ryma*. EaJt Park, 'I ac^; ••-km?. S T E V E N S & MoHENItY, . - TLU>OIS. ^.fDEALEB W-~--, • • .1^3 4 J:f D R U G S , - M E D I C I N E S -----4 FULL LINE OF -- Ongi, Chmic&ls, Djt Stu&, Faiati, Oils and Colon. /[II good tiousel(e«.y« •« f tylgooisrocers self it, and, _/IK.&!EWNK.%CQ„ CHICAGO, make it MeHenry, -DEALER IN «'+r v'it • "r --! Stove9f Tin, Copper land '.Sheet-Iron ^Tara. AnO ill addition has put in a full stock ol ii-m Mi AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, R * Including the Moline Plows, Gestoy Sulsy Plows, Orvis Stoddard Seeders, Disk Harrows; Drags, and in short everything i|i the Farming TooL line, which will be sold at Bottom Figures. §m J " Kaish's Barb Wive, -̂AT BOTTOM 'PRICES. AND KMF'AIKIIf© Will be done on shor|; notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed, A of tfutter Factory work. A share of public patronage 'r;.' W. JP. HMVBNSIS specialt IP ' Factory work. ^ ' r " " . . . \f.~~r • WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ALTHOFF -BROTHERS Ol They're All Eight I ' "• • havejust received a large stock of „ ' W i ' To which they invite your especial attention, menced this year with increasing trade. They They have com- have tried to do Business on Business Principles and have succeeded- OM Fries to TIM Best of frtrythiag. "A clean and attractive store and everybody welcome,"--!* oor . motto. . • J"': ',<0 Give us your trade and we will try and merit 1$. Call and see , our new stock of Dress Goods. - McHeury, March 12th, 1889. Constantly on hand Also a large line Fitzsimmons & Henderson, West McHenry; J. W". Cristy & Son, Ring wood. The finest line o! Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side 'Drugstore. West Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, . c :::kf;V'« • • g»#| , AND COMPLETE STOCK STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. Fhy«icia^» JE*reseriptioii% Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- <**k , iiT^fully solicited. ; ' \ * , a',. "-vWy IVTKF ITVSNMWb \ t ---WSALBB ra-^-1" . Drugs and Uedicines, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, PURE I-I " • W I N K S S . " A N # ' " L I Q F O R S j FOB M£B1CAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Poster for Medical use; The best brands of Cigars and Smo&ing and alwayson hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, > Cawfnliy Compounded, Give me § call. •" t - v. W. BESLEft HcQ«or;i '/• \yArx :*• , ; ^ ^ " vL tu

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