Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1889, p. 6

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ilOHERN LIFE. ! unaninfiously agree methods of human IPSilring us a nation of abject to all maim >i)8, headache, inwurt- laetxralgia, backache,, h.v#» i trouble of the heart, etoiil- brain, etc. Ladies and i are troubled thus; or who to keep late hours, do i or physical work, or worry business or domestic troub- J fWnembor that that no other i the world will so sj>eedil.v cure remove wory or the blu •ftaqujl nlwp, relieve pain, an i brajii and nervous system as reafc discovery the Restorative contains no opium or mor- Trial bottles free at Besleye f Store. HELP TO MOTHERS NURSING. ^ ^tethers who have the care and draught of attrsing infants new! the aid of strength* ettinfit .tonic to make up the nourishment yetronrd for the growth of the child. Ale, porter, and loger beer have often been jpeeomiiiended. Of late, since physicians have become aware that the Port n in® Srodurt-'d bv Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. is strictly pure, they have prescribed, it. instejwl of ale or porter, as being more Mood making. This wine is principally sought for by mothers who have nursing iafauts at the breast, the best supplying medium to be found. The wine makes good blood. Druggists generally keep hi, and sell it for a dollar a bottle.--Enquirer. THEIR BUSINESS BOOMING. * Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of business at G. W. Besfey's drug store as their giving away to tirar customers free trial bottles of Dr. i's Mew Discovery for Consumption, rade is simply enormous in this vwyTftiuftble article from the fact it cures and never fails. Coughs, coldt^ asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat andlnng diseases quickly cured. You can test its merits before buying, by getting a trial bottle free. Large bottles fL rjjiottle warranted. SLECTRIC BITTERS. ^ is becoming so well known 5pnlar as to need no specinl men-' tioa)*"!lll who have used Electric Bittern bimt the same old song of praise. A pun* medicine does not exist and it is guaran­ teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affectations caused l»y impure blood. Will drive malaria ©ut of the blood and prevent as vet as •v Cure all malarial fevers. For cure ot & headache, constipation or indigestion tiy Eieetrietric Bitters--entire satisfac­ tion guaranteed or money refunded, lot 50 cents and |1.00 per bottle at i>W. Besley s Drug Store. MARBLES, GAMES AND Tti&S. A full line of Marbles just Opened, Bowlers, Falsies, painted and polished, China, Agates, and fancy Glass Marbles of all sices. Also, Dominoes, Checkers, Authors, etc., at astonishingly low pricfis at J. A. Story's Drug Store. ALABASTINE. "JfSijyilLl It makes a smooth, handsome wall in any delicate tints desired. After it has dried it may be washed with sponge and water sufficient to remove crack or leadpencil marks; while kalsomine will ; with a drop of clear water, and the i be removed. The colors permanent. _ Try it always nse it. Kept : Store. NEW RICHA , v;: ""IV £ TotM%nMri «rn msm > - ^ ft new and clean assortment of <o noue in the county and at prices you to investigate bofore m iking I am now prepared Agricultural Implements s am confident wjll yOM'gUjrchasea, * J !- • ' • « > " - 7 % . . . , " . ' MM If Mm - GO Sverytrtfek we are getting in Inew spring goods. All the shades and colors in Drees Goods, Ribbon*, Trim- 6tC. , Thirty-eight incl Electric, Gobelin 1m* me we gwe her O^wlB, t Cbfld, she cried forCsstoria, , she clung to Csatoria, When a person tells yon they never had fBch a cold in their Hfe take their word f4§oritand advise them to take Chamber- lain'fl Cough Remedy and cure it. For coughs, colds and hoarseness it has no equal. Sold by G. W. Besley. WHY IS IT. ' That people linger along always com- * plaining about that continual tired feei­ ng? One bottle of Beggs' Blood Puri- icrand Blood Maker will entirely remove this feeling. give them a good appetite atod regulate digestion. For Sale by J. A. Storv. McHenry, and John Humphrey, r. Wanconda, Druggists. : , THE PRIDE OF WOMAN. : . A Clear pearly and transparent dun is always a sign of pure blood, and all per­ sons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow v Or Wotched skin can rest assured that their blood is out of order. A few doses ofBeggs" Blood Purifier & Blood Maker move the cause and the skin wiH ae clear and transparent. Try it [ satisfaction is not given it will i you nothing. It is fully warranted. • bale by J. A. Story, MeHenry and John Humphrey, Wauconda, Druggists. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a house ad good garden, situated in the village Bingwood. House -contains ten l; good well and cistern. Barn and fbut-houses. Plenty of small fruit |tfee premises. Will sail on reasonable > and on time if desired. Possession pven on or before May 1st. For •rticufcyw inquire of, " V W*SLBT LADD, Klagwool, III. "k- * in 82-t-f £ CONSUMPTION CURED, old physician, retired from prae­ vium had placed in his hanos by India missionary, the formula of vegetable remedy for the speedy ment cure of consumption, _ catarrh, asthma and all d lung diseases, also a positive cure for nervous debility, and I complaints; after having wonderfull curative powers in cases, has felt it his duty to Ti to his suffering fellows, this motive and a desire to suffering, I will send free all who desire it, this receipt French or German, with full w«g- Sent by mail by With stamp, naming this pa- Sk Noyes, 149 Power's Block, Iff. Y. • _______ 14 20 oow-ly GRANGER, Auctioneer. i, Stock, Farming [ Furniture, and Goods Intended to on the mostreas- suail **$reeoive prompt at- Address. a bUWHIfc > ; MT«*« in 25 inch Saitings in Blue and Brown, only 17 cents. Filty-four inch Dress Flannel, all wool, 50 cents. ? Double width Tricots ; Trench grey ao4 brown, cents. *//'• Henriettas in •! • %arie^r Sateens, Ginghams etc We bare the finest assortment! of Ribbons in the county, which we will sell at the LOWEST PRICE Embroideries, k Nainsook and Swiss. t, White goods for '• Breves. Linen Lace in all widths; lace skirtings in black and crei»m. Linen collars for 5 cents, iandkerchiefe for 1 cent mid "P- f!all and examine oar stock before buying. L O O K ! ^ " 7 At our price list on groceries* 3 2lb cans corn 3 lb can peaches 2 lb 4* Blackberries 2 lb r* Blueberries 3 lb 4< Apples Good Japan Tea, 20, 25 and 30 cents. Fifty cent tea we Are selling at 35 cents. ',$§* • laeok at ottr ^ f' '• ' • John Telling Shoe. Best wearing shoe in the world in fancy tie and plain. A full line ot children's school shoes, _ A lso a new lot ©t Hats Caps, Lap If yon iwmt to nwn "the best* behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unex­ celled. Do you want a wagon? It so examine the ttkppp before you buy. • ' ^ \ 4? J Always on hand, Farm Trucks with broad tires. , >4 ,; - Coin Planteis, iJorn Cultivators, Check R(iwei*s. Vlows, Har­ rows, etc. EXAMINE the Force Drop Corn Planter, the ou'y perfect planter made. The advantage^ of straight rows -ire us follows: No corn will be plowed up or covered in cultivating; better corn can be raised, as it can be kept cleuier; one man can tend one-third more corn, besides doing tetter work. . With these advantages the price of a Force Drop Planter can be more than saved on a fwld of 100 acres. Wood and Iron Pumps, platform cpriug Wagons, combination Wagons, fine Carriages, all kinds, that will Ixar close inspection, manufactured by tte Watertown Spring Wagon Co., of VVatertown N. Y., who carry a three years stock., enabling them to season well their goods before placing them on the market. Much has been said relatiye to the price <>f Binding Twine this season. Having just receivec a car load ot standard grades, 1 would respectfully ask those who are in need of twine to give me a call, examine goods and learn prices before making their purchases* Prices and goods of all kinds guaranteed. Also on hand a tew twn 1 Truljr - ' ^ RICHARD Bl WOODSTOCK, UJiJNom Kt^hiug Silk*. Wuh Invites the attention of the Ladles to her fine line of Fanoy Uocxls 'and Embroidery water- lala. Also Toilet Preparations of all kinds. All the latest materials for Embroidery. Bach as Silk Roue, Linen Hope, Arraaone. Ohemilte, Smyrnasenc, itibimsene, Filo Vloda Btnbroitlery Silks, Wash Ropo Silks, etc., kept constantly on hand, Mrs. dherwood ha^ aj atook of Harriet Hub »ardv Ayer's celebrated ViU Nouva. The Seven -Sutherland1 hair grower and scalp cleaner at. Sherwoods. Try it. A full line of Mrs. Harriet Hubbard Ayer'n celebrated toilet preprrations can be found at Mrs, Gv L. Sherwood's* ^ Dr. Price's Red and Blick Lin­ iment at Mrs. Sherwood's. • Mr*. Ayer'i# Reeiimter lis parilLt, a remedy for scrofulous diseases, rheumatism, etc., is the best on eai th Try it% For sale by Mrs. dherwood. • Kecumier Cream, Recamier Powder, Uecttmier Balm Recamier hoap, at Mrs Sherwood's. Try them. • The Harriet Hubbard Ayor Remedies at virs. SherwoodV. Dr. Price's aud stomach dherwood's. Heart Regulator Powders at Mrs. We invite the Ladies to call when in Woo fstook, as w© are.sure we can show you something that will piiate , Samples of Embroideries and Fancy Work sent upon, applica­ tion. Address 5 \\ , MRS. G. L. SHERWOOD, Woodstock, III. • ^'2*4/ * • ; 0. NECDHAM'S SONS lie-ur DMrbornBtrsstk OHIOAM 111 Qmr Bl And Bbeumetlsro. sm, Df ,Cowm Ladies' Jackets, etc., etc. Highest Market Price paid .fo E. LAWLU0L --MERCHANT TAJLOR-* How la the time to get yo«r (Clothes made to order, for • O. W. TOaNOW.1 THI--- MERCHANT TAILOR, Of Kanda, is now with £. Lawlus and they are now ready to do any thing in the Tailoring Hm at very low prices O. Tornow tnviteb hie friends from Crystal Lake and vicinity, and also the people of MeHenry and vielaay, to call and inspect the goods anil get prices. Prices are aalow here as any where ticcordfnf t* «be quality af Mixed, Painte, to be fouttdi& itltt ^ounty^ ' BT7TTIB ASH IfldB. 7it«si9uaons & Henderson as,*. .•Ktt.*' Dress the Hair ^Wltb Ayw'a Hair Vigor. Its cleanli* new, beoefioial efleota on the scalp, and lasting pes'ome commend it for uni- TerMl toilet uie> It keeps the hair soft and silken, preeerrea its color, prevents it from tailing, and, if the hair has become weak or thhs, promotes a new growth. * "To restore the original color of my hair, which had turned prematurely Ky, I used Acer's Hair Vigor with en-i sacoeas. I cheerfully tesMfy to the Cfficacf ^ of thle preparation."--Mrs. P. H. DlTid- •on, Alexandria, La. t •* £ was afflicted some three years with scalp disease. My hair was tailing out ' and what remained turned gray. I was l&duoed to try Ayer's Hair V^or.^ttd In a few weeks the disease in dJj^>peared and my hair reeotned its 1 color."--(Rev.) 'jfLvJ}. U. B. Churchj St. Be^tiic^jX^ bw jearf'ago I suffered the en ... •Ihatei 3aiTlgon*- isadl a new It tmpronres j.T. Cor*- LAMD, Primus, S.C. Paine's Celery Oompeund is a umqw, tonie ud sppettier. vmgatjo quiek In its ixvjurtoos eaect, it pHSe 81* for «s,oo, WjBixs. BicatRnox 400., Buriingtoa. vt It cures Physicians Druggists. •morei i ago. The winter of i t»o^regiil«>iB<L 'j^y/iywr by thS & The Beat Spring Medicine. ^ uSalhwho^ tng medicine." ounm dyes StiarSiS®!ucnmF00B^^.as- " How 6a Fd t hactl^e." fME-Q* &<m hdoaUe informal or thfM(i<l Blanket will mal^7«(ar iaim« aodaat leas to keg^fNife, K STABLES, -lieADtB A FORTH, Props. ft&vefcho br st 8tu<l in McHtnry County"," of Kreneb,Coach, l'ercheron and (Jly<teadaie Stallions, fir public service, for 18t&. ^I0flmpor(e I French Coach Hitallion,, | 'GENERAL." . \1nfll be at the stables of the RivorsMo House. McHonry, every Tuesday afternoon, where those who desire can obtajn his ser­ vices. GKTiERAT/* is a brown bny, 1«M hands high, weighs 1,4U0 pounils. Foaled A)<ril 13th, J; imported, 1S8>>. Got by the Govern­ ment Stallion Nedar, (0512, dam Madeline. "General" has a fine, clean cut heail. large full eye, small ears well set, good shape neck shoulders d<iep and sloping, back short, ex­ ceptionally strong in th« loins, powerful quarters, broad and deep breau. well boned, bleu flat legs and best of feet; elegant style and aotlon; sure breeder We expect to see some lln - col s of hie get this f prtng. Ttie Coach Stallions of France have been developed under Government patronage and with this btallion we have the Government Certificate of breeidng, Wtlh Government Stamp and Mayor's Seal. Mesors Header & Forth lia»'e also the fol­ lowing Peroheron and Clydesdale Horses at their stables in Woodstock, wher<» who de­ sire ean obtain their •services. EXC E L8IOR.--1500. ltecordcd « iih Pedigree In tjhe Ptroheron 8tud Book of America. RATON.--6130**(773O.) Recorded with pedigree in the Percheron 3tud Books of Fiance and America. CLYDESDALE STALLION KING OF THE WEST, Dark Bay, ethnds 1ft hands high and weighs i7fc> pounds. We aim to keep tor PublicServW nothing but the ver^i itest mdividualsof their respect­ ive breeds We shall be pleased to show our horses at any time, and extend a cordial invitation Jo all to come and examine our stock, in the old Pratt House Stables, South of the l'ub'lc Pqiifcre, Woodstock, and judge of their merits for themselves. READER4* FORTH, Woodstock. 1 O F -- ( Roadsters, Draft AND GRADE HORSES. We have < he following stallions tn service for the season Of 1889. VON LEER. ffembletonian Stallion. y«6le»f4qwe St, 1885 stands MJtf bands high, weigtit lloO pounds Is bright Imy. black point», Has lae style and goodaetion. As a representa­ tive for getting good roadsters is hard to beat. "Von Leer" was sired by George O (9701), by Lakeland Abdallah, 351. First dam by Patchen, by Autocrat. Second dam Dolly, by GMford Morgan. r CHANCELLOR, JR. Having recently purchased a very fine imported Clydesdale Stallion, Ohancoilor, Jr . for our own use, will breed a limited number of Mares outside, Chancellor Jr. is 8 years old this spring; is a Cherry Bay with block points; 16X bands high and weighs about 1,700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, line action, n.iid disposition, Ue was sired by Chancellor, (18RJ), be by Drew Prinee of Wales, (673), nam by Lofty, (460); grand dam by Duke of Well­ ington, (IMS); greatgmn<f dam by sir Willia n Wallace, (894}. He combines in his breeding the beat blood bcotlaml ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform Colt*, of great size, fine form, strong and rugged. CHAMPION, JR. 9feS Peroheon Morgan Horse. He has proven himself a Ine stock getter fer general purposes, and cannot be beaten in the North­ west. Parties who intend' breeding the com Incieason, will And it to their advmtage to call and tee our stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be well cared JJtt, at oval's risk, at moderate rates. '• Call and see us. »«f. hanjuy paoa Young Trotting Stallion "OAKWOOD" in color is a dark Chestnut with black spot on left hip. Stands U)i hands high, weighs 10S0 pounds. Foaled September 3(1,1885 He is tiice sty led, good solid smooth limbs, good feet, well formed bodv, an«i promises to be fast. Shows great action for the handling be has had. 'Oakwood" wa6 sired by George O. No 9701), he by Lakeland Abdallah (861) own brother to Harold the sire of Maud S. (Queen of the turf) 2-08%; Xoonti<le, 2:20^; Mattle Graham, 2:2I»*; McCurdy's Hanibletonian, 2.20^; I)eciana,2.'27>i; Hermes, 2:27^; Goo«t Morning, 2:28)^; Temple, 2:30, and others. AUo sire of 19 in 39 list. Lakeland Abdallah by BysdykewiHamble- tonian Sire ot forty 2:80 performers. Also sire of fifty-one daughters with 2:20 perform­ ers. One hundred and two son* that have sired 2;30 horses, be by Abdallah, by Mara- brino, by Imp Messenger; Dam, the Chat. Kent Mare, by Imp. Ite H fo under, etc Lakeland Abdallah'* Dan was Enchantress by Abdallah, by Mambrino, etc , as above. George O.'a Dam. Canny B., pacer, 2.27, by Autocrat, by Geo M, Patchen, (record 2:2SJ<), by Cassius M. Clay, by Henry Clay, by An­ drew Jackson, by Bashaw, etc. Dam ot Fanny B. bv the Rowland Horse, b.v the Baley Hor-e and he by Justin Mori "OakwoodsV dam Klttie Curtis, Searies, by Autocrat, by Geo. M. Patchen. Kittle Curtis'Dam was the Lee Mare, #he (S. T. B.) by Old Creeper, 166*. by Peck HdMt Dam by Young Bullrush. #15 CASQii Ideate end escapes #t, owpc^ itbM not proving in foal wit) get-a reMm i free. All stares left in Vnv charge Vrtrf be well car^ Jftrat.jkltQe per week. to pasture for this season of j " -- --- lars itft'-at"; TKRMS Aeeidents snd Mares season, . - ,ff»Wh«(r. pa^u Turner** Staibieav ,{oi j;ii •= keadiWi'iA-'V ii ii OppositeKl^etrtdeHouse.McHenry, lit'1"' (MEN -:- WAMTET) HmT Pfo°.«» ft«.SalnVXS?! _ eeeed with our advantages and Fastor ! " A few loss ot my nair irom tife e hotted :t^ak titer «time ttatturtf Tithe Joes, > but 3: intSte#*iil f#nI "remedies n-itmr rngf ns>i|lj"'|l1rtrr:- prci^ fl* m«ftt as T^ewpult wy bea4 wtd 9«W te be s0^so«t «M Ii Avert had, and of .ia nitturaii *v fLjemtk . 's Mair V tvkrAXXD ar . t Dr. J7c. Ayer & Co., towi^'iM Bold by Digggtsts and fcrfiaDSWbJ -i h mom 5JA 5/A 5/A 5/A Ex#* 30 other styles al body. If yoa can'lfptts dealer, write us ARE THfe MONK aCNtMNC WtT940 MaaaM tar wk ATSKS * Wo prepared to sKow you a com |il«?te ii do <«ft seasonn h r Goods. Wo have the and most eomplotc line of i ^LadioV and Missed In town. We also keep in stock, J >htt Foster, Kedputh tutd the world icq owned BufTato Boots & Shoes, I \ r And at priors thnt wiU agfoii. jsh you. A full aud line of Jamestown V Wrtt' fiiit wk we *><ot' -g^nyHiHy fee <1 fliiiftf diseases are coiitaidonf, of iiqe.oi. living pnnasitesiiu ̂ i twiMiceby catarrh, catarrltai deafness „ v,--,rOT v™»,..». J>edjlhtr ftihiplee (whites) this remesly.itea. ?t|v cuiwi III; none made. ['I ijliul 4i^( U- ' ; -4 ^ ;j£'40K: - -t, M * "-" V.- ' " '>!.*< ; S' J*j. £ v it' -SfCSii w. Caita^HL' Rlmdoaftml pi tii*°and stripe anil chwpor than over. Alfo I'uil line of litest 1 COLLARS, TIES, Trui ks, Valioes, Traveling Wall Paper, AH3 8330188, - • Chimed timid', and a choice select ian «>t Evaporated and Dried Fruits &IC06MRI1IS, Always Frosli. . .birtv, Jackets, OvcruUs, Pants, Vestn, (-lothing by sam­ ple, Carpets by simple. Cloth­ ing and 'viirpets at least 15 per cent cheaper than iinv other store into>yn,. Call a,utf see fo- yours>li; ; 1 ' I GENTS WANTED! T» canvnfor ore of the largest, eldest established. BBST KH0WH HUBSKBIEg in Hie -miiniry Most liberal terms. Un- eqnale-l f--i«M.cs. GENEVA XU&8EBT, E^tbHlished 1846. W* T • S itfIT a. Seneva. H. Y. Dlsolat ion Notice. Tin1 eoitartnership heretofore e.\isthig nit der the tliui lament Mtiiili, Sun ft Co.,- is this day di8sol\e<l l»v mutual conHeiii, II Snyilcr liavlliK s*o|il his iiiti-riy't t->Ueo ii. Smith, alio the itUHiticstf uf ilio late it mi w ill l>e coniiiiHe*t ;ti the «>ii| fiHinl ii in I cr iiiu linn name ot smith West M<-tli'iiry, 111 II (\SMITIti UKO. G t*M|W. II ftHYHIC*- <March 'Alrd, 18 S. WOULD YOU KNOW •I the meaning of life la this world • • and the nature of the ltf© to~*bme, TUri Drill these two book»,trsstlit»l' InLH HUli from the Latin of XCnuM^ael Bwedenborgi THE DIVINE Extra cloth. Denl6vdr . . • n. i .Wv B.- AUMlar<" H *AWc, HfiiU lil il l guwtef "4i?idir«, .ymwhIS eaqpeiimce • wfcb " i^oiedieiiv i ami hsow* > PIBtei: givei >tb»a mftrt- jatisfactory raulta.. .Ii reS.v ^tsWJ^MWM^ fthew l'.Ul« Jor thfi eiire ^01 mw - ^We luiye Bwujred broid^rdi, f8, $«]%<), 95: W), ls 7H, 1.S$,,1VS0. 1 ffr* sot; dfttetwM1 'tehd ftliitxh. >Ateo it fe# <Io»n . _ , ittseit 5l}iK^^l"w^!»liar;,v^J^lf,•, Toe.* i4 kiuk iisiuvor, it •" " V.I \vmd. # w p6#at>ifi &&'3 'iyi AiiujjfJ'; , fttffn . . . . „ 0 cents [jerlinsHW, lit the Threshing Machines >Mthen to use were we class known as the " Eadlsss Apron" style. Then: it Nichols & Shepardj of Creek, Mich, .inventedjatid began to develop an entirely new and novel style of Grain Threish^f and Separator, which they Ve ry appro­ priately named tlie It was a revolution in-'Ihresfe- ing Machines, and from a small beginning of five machitt^'Jiil 1858 they soon reached a^pjrp- duct of x,ooo yearly. : ,t » ; .Their Vibrator drove the'"©!^- less Apron" machine out fnauf- ket, and all other makers topied it as closely as they dared, T#- day all Threshing Machines bf any reputation or merit use'tfee principles of the old Vibrator. Nichols & Shepard haveV con­ tinued in the business witihoitt- change of name, location '̂ %r management; and during wthe past three years have brought out and developed another n&w Threshing Machine for grain and seeds, as superior to all existing machines as their former was |o the 'Endless Apron.' They name this new and improved Thresher and predict as great a revolution in the trade, and as complete success over all rivals as they had thirty-one years ago. If yon are interested ss a Fanner ©r Thredfc- •rman, write for particulars, wkidi tikgr jmdfree. Adarea NICHOLS ft SHEPARD. BATTLE CRBBK, MICH, ll'ibill CHICAGO'S AND MTMF.I.1MO DBNTAb RIRM. • The But to dopart from fclgh pHce.1. fWrpr • •ItIiis bc«t «aall» and skill at roM»0»We1rt««, 4«M«e Ufa- UrD^ irCH«tolCY. -<*<oa« ^<^v, IHi.-Ki IS. TmMI, B«l wrf Hs^Uli IS, Urn lbs SPPS1 'ft. tor t«th in tt# ncialMt . OoW HIUBI* ati»|f UM 0NITT _ all within 100 _ f«M sad u>» imit ftiu m i**a DRS. "" •VOr. Wandolph I TEETH WITHDCI da Mjrott w*at tix0 imm €httdmiyxm\ niii&ap# ?a\ 3.1» w-t" fcTRT IThere to no question but that .MejtfeteiOMBlan. cta^tb-tlMieknt **99, riiujii AoJblltorsTrUKkt#. 1'heroti P. Ke«tNit,«4it«p#f V/iiynetlttd, Gfatette, «*f«te»l _ flipi£.^ PJw»vnry, « LJ'/i»i W|IL • " ' " O f & ftll ejy 'cur reeonY we. Itf tlW si me 'Ii ich' it- rj $il ettrprt tijMYoTe'te'r# tint- fiV(»" "ycaVif; "1 iViii;* 11. •rtlMbfetfod »ore cu dap Moj*** "CaW ot Ben iB^yee4Midje»ta JFfte $r{ ^wUwi^kWLiu"- 1 >.>< •' ii**. fV* >.r -S' .

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