Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1889, p. 7

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PERSONAL. SMITH COLBY, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1889 ct;: > Railroad Time Table. u-' _ tiring ««Mt Jane 1Mb, train* will pass Ic Henry tuition d^ljr, as follows.: aomo SOUTH.% 4 - f Ltk« OsneTkPassenger....,.....••7:30 A. it I Lake Geneva Express Lake Geneva freight '• * t Lake Geneva Passenger «:» QOtVO ROBin. [iUke OeneTt Freight ........••II A. M •Lake Seneva Passenger ...... .#:M " ! Lake GenevaKxpress .4-®*-* ( UKA Gen<nra Passenrer-- 6:51 4 Dally except Sunday. -^iv c'. . r B. BusB, Agent. » McHenry. 111 « MASONIC. MOHIVRT LODGE, Na 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second ana fltarth Mondays in each month. HENRY COLBY, W. M. ^ MODKRN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at the new Olty Hall, every Second «ad Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbor* covUally invited. ft^W. A. CRIBTY is building a carriage on the east side of his barn. READ all the new advertisements la an- *•ttfcher column. understand that Decoration Day *- "fipll be observed in Ringwood, but have ,aot learned the program. A E. LAWLUS is making arrangements to / put a new front in his store, which will I greatly improve its appearance. .'<• JOHN I. STOKV is building a new fence 111 front of bis residence, which much im­ proves its appearance. V,, WE learn that another colt-, lour years . ©Id, sired by Colby's Young Green Moun- •- tain, was sold last week for $900. v MONEY TO LOAN on farm land, on time •lid in ainouts to suit borrowers. Inquire it this office for further particulars. » G THE following new postmasters have /lately been appointed in this county: I W. B. Fitch, Crystal Lake; J. Van Slyke, 1 McHenry. • • ;: THE Forresters are making prepara­ tions for a grand basket picnic to be held jib the 4th of July. Inter. Further particulars • MR. BLADE'S subject next Sunday morn­ ing will be "A Talk on Mr. Bellany's v great Book setting forth a new order of >Jk>ciety." > V BAY OWEN sold a colt coming two years, old, on Saturday last to Dr. Hinman, of Dundee, for $150. He was sired by Col- s'Yonng Green Mountain Morgan. ( ^ THE Annual lie-Union of the 15th Illi­ nois Infantry Regiment will be held at Marengo on Friday of this week, May 24. 'An interesting time is promised. . JJT JOHN SIMES, an old resident, who lived / north of Yolo, in Lake county, died on S Monday evening last. He had been sick Yfor some time. ' ' EASTERN papers say that swallows are getting scarce in Iowa, but they do not explain whether or not the decrease in their number is to be attributed to the Operation of the prohibitory law. MARRIED, " ftt the M. E. Parsonage, 1 Woodstock, on Wednesday, May 15th, 1889, by Rev. Henry Lea, Wm. Watts and Miss Nora Waterman, both of the Jtown of Burton. THERE will be a grand opening $ance ^ «t Rogers' new Hall, Antioch. III., Friday V evening,' May 31st. Music by Slocum's ... |?ull Orchestra, 10 pieces. Tickets, in- * 'tending supper, $1.75 { A THE farmer is busy planting corn, and- Hie grass hopper is sitting on the fence £ Railing' to himself, while the potato bug b coming to the surface with thegrowing Vine. Paris green will soon find a ready ^arket. . ; , B. ROBINSON, at his rooms over the TPost Office, is prepared to .file saws on ehort notice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring your saws along and have them sharpened. Also grinds and sharpens fhears. EMBROIDERED skirting flannel and baby blankets. Cream dress bunting 10 cents; black ordandie 12% cents. Our 10 r jQent lawns and seersuckers going fast at !.V-J[c. French Satine 25c. White and gingham aprons at price of material, at Vfhe Ladies' Salesroom. . /%E learn that the Wauconda Trot- jfing Association is a certainty.,. $800 rhave already been signed and the ba! P. K. ALLEN, of Richmond, was on ourj «»«' ^ mised without doubt" Wan streets on Monday. condaafever does anything by halves and] Miss NONA GUERRINO was visiting with Miss Mattie Smith last week. GEO. MCOMBEB, of Chicago, Htm calling on friends here Saturday and Sunday. JOHN NEWMAN and wife, of Lake coun­ ty, were visiting with friends here Sunday. Jos. HEIMEK, of Chicago, accompanied by a friend, was calling on friends here one day last week. FRANK PATTERSON, of Chicago, and Hi B. Throop, of Algonquin, were the guests of E. M. Owen on Sunday. FRANK TORRENCE, of Genoa Junction, was shaking hands with friends here the first of the week. V FRED COLBY and wife, OfEnglewood, visited with their parents in this village over Sunday. MRS. C. A. WALSH, who lias been very sick, has so far recovered as to be able to ride out daily. HERMAN BOLEY, of Woodstock, was visiting with his brother, Gdttleib Boley, in this village, on Sunday . Miss LIZZIE STRAIN, of Richmond, was the guest of Miss Cora McOmber, -in this village, on Thursday. /L. H. OWEN goes to Chicago to-day,' r where he has ac&epted. a position in a ^eal estate office. Miss LENA BUCK went to Chicago on Saturday last where she expects to re­ main during the summer. Miss FLORENCE BENNETT, superintend­ ent. of the Ladies' Salesroom, in this vil­ lage, visited with friends in Chicago over Sunday*. REGULAR Communication of McHenry Lodge No. 158, A. F. and A. M., on Mon­ day evening next, May 27th. REGULAR meeting of Valley Camp, Modera Woodmen of America, at the City Hall, on Tuesday evening next, May 28th. E. M. OWEN had the misfortune to lose a fina pair of twin colts on Monday morning, from his thoroughbred brood qiate. READ the card of the Culver House, Richmond, in another column. It is a first class hotel in every particular, and "the boys all stop there." MARRIED, at,, the Catholic Church in this village, on Wednesday, May 15th, 1889, by Rev. Father O'Neil, E. R. Austin, and Miss Anna Thornton, both of this village. Y the Chicago papers we learn that Hiss Anna Nordqu^t, of this village, and lias. B^frd, of Chicago, were married in that city last week. Miss Nordqulst is the daughter of Henry Nordqu|st, of this pillage. f FOR the many kind words, and con­ gratulations from our bretheren of the press on our recent appointment afl P. M. of this village, we-ret-w^-thanks. when you go to Congress, or Ihe Peniten­ tiary we'll return the compliment. • WHILE afeents are traveling about over the country selling dry goods, groceries etc., to the farmers, our patrons should read the advertisement in the PLAIN- DEALER and patronize our home mer­ chants where they will secure good goods at reasonable prices. THE prevalence of scrofulous taint in the blood is much more universal than fpany are aware. Indeed, but few persons l|re free from it. Fortunately, however, ! We have in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the most ttotent remedy ever discovered for this /s|errible afflction. • THE law with reference to Sunday bi\se ;^all or other amusements is as follows "Whoever shall'be guilty of any noise, rout or amusement on the first day of t fhe week called Sunday, whereby the |l^v..r!ieac© of any private family may be dis- V % _. turbed, shall be fined not exceeding$25." t A TRAMP called at the residence of a ^i^^arnwr residing near town recently, and > Hsked for something to eat. The woman H>f the house said she was notaccustomcd to feediug tramps* but she gave him a p.! piece of bread saying that she did so "for s? ' 'food's sake." Then, retorted the tramp: > .* <'Put on a little butter for ("hrist's sake. In their new piece, "The City Direc- >ry," which willl shortly be presented at %he Chicago Opera Ilrmse, Messrs. Don- THE brick yard, owned by the Elgfn Brick and Tile Company, and under the supervision of that "boss" brick-maker, Isaac Wentwortli, is now running in full blast. Mr. Wentworth informs us that they expect some new machinery in a few' days, when they will be prepared to offer J^xe best brick made-in the State. PERSONS who have a superstitions dread of Friday, will not be pleased to learn that this is a year of Fridays. It came in on Friday and will go out on Friday, and will have fifty-three of the ill-omened days. There are four months of this year that have five Fridays each, changes of the moon occur five times on Friday, and the longest and shortest days of the year each falls .on Friday. A YOUNG man by the name of George Gates was arrested on Tuesday morning by Marshal Turner, charged with com­ mitting a vile assault on a little girl nine years old. Gates came into town about three weeks ago as a tramp, and being a printer was employed until last Saturday night at this office, boarding at the Mc­ Henry House. He was taken before Esquire Perry on Tuesday morning, waived examination and sent to Wood­ stock jail, in default of $1000 bail, where he no doubt he will receive the full pen­ alty of the law in punishment for his heinous crime. 5 r ^ -belly & Girard will sing their latest topic- |^|bl song, "I got it." Alice Harrison will _ tomment on current events in her ballad, |£tt"Near It." The piece will be fulT of allu- pions to Chicago affairs. ^ MEMORIAL DAY will be observed in ^ /McHeniy in ah informal manner. Evfery / body is invited to meet at City Hall with J flowers at 2. P. M. ^^^RHEU they will pro­ ceed to the Cemetary and strew the flowers. Let the present be the time when all who h ave friends burned there Join us and remember the loved ones who ie before. Mr. Richard Barker, who will stage "Bluebeard Junior," at the Chicago Op­ era House, has been stage manager for Gilbert & Sullivan's since the appearance of "Pinafore." For a number of years he was stage manager of the Gatty thea­ tre, London, and has also occupied the same position at the Alhambra and at Drury Lane theatre. Mr. Barker is now in New York supervising the construction of the costumes which are being made in that city, and on the arri^l of the cos­ tumes which are being made in London will leave for Chicago. Rehearsals of the piece it is expected will begin about the 27th iust. "The City Directory," by Paul M. Pot­ ter, wliich Messrs Donnelly & Girard will present on May 20th at the Chicago Op­ era House illustrates the worries that beset th<* Smith's in every large city. Young Roland Stone comes from Kala- maaoo to marry the daughter of Mr. John Smith, of New York. He loses Mr. Smith's address and has to call on every Smith in town before he learns, that the Smith he has been, seeking is the Smith with whom, under an assumed name, he has been traveling since the commence­ ment of his journey. The fun turns on the visit paid by Smith and Stone to one of the beer (gardens of the to wo. Fir* in McHeftry. During the thunder storm on Wed day right and Thursday morning the barn belonging to the; Rivei Hotel in this village, was struck by lig ning, set on fire, and it was totally o sumed, together with its contents, appears the lightning struck the nor Wst corner, and although1 it was discoiv fered almost immediately so-rapidly (In the fire spread it was found impossible get out but one or two articles whief were nearest the door. The heavy raiii which fell during the night was all that [saved the buildings opposite, and in fact jthe hotel itself, for had everything been ry it would have been difficult to cope ith the fiery demon with the facilities at [hand. Unfortunately there was no in- (surance on either building or contents. Mr. Calkins' loss on contents, consisting of hay, grain, tools and household furni­ ture packed away, was about $^00. The loss Of the barn is estimated at ^500. About the heaviest loss was by Mr. A. Tyler, of Chicago. He had just complet­ ed^ steam "Catamaran," to put upon the river, which had l>een temporare­ stored in sections, in the barn. They succeeded in getting out the tfoats and engine, which were near the door, but tlie deck and upper part was burned. This probably was one of the most elaborate pieces of workmanship of the kind ever seen in this section, nearly four months' time having been consumed; in its manu­ facture, and Mr. Tyler's loss is probably rom $400 to $000. ur citizens responded promptly to the dread cry of fire, and worked with a will to save the adjoining property .ft ire Mure of making it a success. WE have on our list quite a number oi subscribers in Kansas, Nebraska ami Minnesota, who are badly behind in their subscription. We have sent them bi|lw to which no attention is paid. We toe say to all such that if not paid a t once their papers will be stopped and the bills sent for collection. We are n$trunning this paper for our health. .> J; / ARRANGEMENTS for the June Races at Gage's Driving Park, June 11th, are pr^- zpressing favorably and all can look for­ ward to an interesting time <jn that occasionAThe programme is not fully prfeparecf/but will be published in full next week. In the mean time make your arrangements to visit McHenry on the 11th of June. j - S WOODSTOCK can boast of one of the best Hotels in McHenry County, kept by Wm. H. Routnour. He is a born hotef man, and whether in Court time,' Fair time, pr any other day, you will receiv courteous treatment and find on h table the best the market affords. W take pleasure in recommending th Waverly House to all who visit Woodi stock. Readthe card in another column. GOSSIP is always a personal confession of either malice or imbecility, and the^ young should not only shun it, but sh'ould, with the most careful watchful­ ness, guard themselves against every intention to indulge in it. It is a low 'piaBW,nrOT-am6 tue ^ _ business and its influence is pestilential, of forgetfulness, and you'll be eUrpHsedrj Churches are split in pieces by it. In «ome day when you do happen to think many cases it degenerates into a chronic |of them, to find that they^ have healed $ disease which is practically incurable. »y the first intention without a scar, jon't tell people when you are hurt; ion't tell everybody how keenly yon feel a slight when, perhaps, there was 10 slight intended. Don't get yourself }snubbed by people who never see you, land who don't know yon and never /'MRS. L. D. LINCOLN'S Ice Cream Parlor, on the West Side, can now supply all with the best of Cream, either by the ,dish or quart.! Mrs. Lincoln has an cn^atfiri«rrat1ftion for making the finest; think of youT~ And if yon really are hit, IceCream, and all who try it once are | and hit hard, it belittles"your manhood sure to go again. She keeps a full stock I and drives away human sympathy when of Bakers Supplies, canned goods, and! y°u ^ UP y0,ar vo}ce ai^ orL £ all kinds of fruits in their season. Call I streeb»- Keep quiet about it. Dont on her, one door west of Stevens' Hard­ ware Store. ALGONQUIN. OR PLAINDEALER.--'Thomas & p shipped a car-load of stock to o on Friday of last week lie Chapell and Ed Chandler came m Chicago on Friday last on their and remained over to t W city on Monday morning. Patterson, of Chicago, was.the 111. B. Throop on Saturday and " fest. ene Andrews spent a part of la^st ting with relatives and friends at ck. damek, of Elgin, spent Sunday his folks. .Mrs. F. Tomiski, of Cary, was ot their daughter, Mrs. Geo. E. Sunday last. . W. T. Hamilton and wife, of Nunda, were visiting with friends here on Sunday la*t.. The Algonquin and Cary base ball clubs played an interesting game of ball here on Saturday afternoon last. The gajne was called at the end Of the sixth isning on account of rain. The Algon­ quin club Won by superior playing both in the field and* aft the bat. The game was umpired by C. W. Hart, which gav« perfect sa^efactiOn. Th® following is the score: " ; • - . 1 . Sininsfs--1 Algm -0 Carp -2 fi *s" 0 »-» • »~7 THE Sycamore Republican says Congressman Hopkins wrote to a Syca­ more Republican asking that he name a Republican in the village of Claire whoj j whine; don't yell. One day, at the in­ vestment of Visksburg--it was on the memorable 22d of May-- during a lull in ,, J the desultory skirmishing that preceded T the assault, while I was lying close to the surface ot the great round globe which we inhabit and wishing I could get a little closer to it, we heard a tremendous howling and shrieking, and ticto was made, and he was obliged to would be a suitable person to fill the - „ , office of postmaster there. An investigai n/tL came a blue jacked skirmisher on the trot, holding one hand up in the other, report to Mr. Hopkins that the onlyj an<j the hand he was holding up had no man who was a Republican at that sta-jj thumb on it. It hurt like the mischief, 4-1 ̂ -v ir* A A'n MaWA WA*9 tioh was a woman. office. . Well give her th Do not despair. The most dangeroui moment in a man's or woman's life is when they are tempted to despair. Then; it is that the tempter whispers in the ear,| "Go and commit crime, take vengeance on those who you think have been youij enemies. If you haven't the courage, to do this*put an end to your miserable existent* by yjMHi own band.1' -.Nevcji stop for one ntoment in the battle of lifei "Laugh and the world laughs with youl weep and you weep alone" is a greate^ truth than that, "The righteous shu not be forsaken, nor shall his seed be bread." We have seen the righteous for-^ saken, but we have never seen a world ready to weep with those who weep. If hope after hope be burned in the hell through which you are passing, build another and another on their dead ashes. Hide your pain and disapointments from the world and your friends, will increase and when you die your euemies will be compelled to say you died game. A CITY girl writes: "It is a fond dream of mine to become a farmer's wife and meander with him down life's pathway." Oh, yes, that is a nice thing, but when your husband meanders off and leaves you without wood, and you have to me­ ander up and down the lane pulling splinters off the fence to cook dinner, and when you meander around in the wet clover in search of cows until your shoes are the color of the setting sun and each stocking absorbs a pint of water; an when you have to meander out'aeros something like twenty acres of plowed ground with a club to drive the hogs out of the buckwheat, and tear your dress on a wire fence; when you meander back to the house and find that the billy goat has butted your child until his head re­ sembles a yellow pumpkin, and find the old hen and sixteen chickens in the par­ lor, the cats in the cupboard and the dogs in the milk, you '11 then realize, dear girl, that this meandering is not what it tis cracked up to be.--Ex. THE Value of certain kinds of news is well set forth in the following critical communication to an exchange: "Dear Sir--1 hereby offer my resignation as a subscriber to your paper, it being a pam- flet of such small konserkence as not to benefit my famly by takin it. What you need in your shete is branes and some one to ruasle around and write eddy tor- ials on the live toppiks of the day. No menshion has been made in your shete of me butcharin' a poland china pigweighi^ 369 pounds, or of the gaps inthechickins out this way. YOH steujusly ignore tne fact that tater bugs is eating things, up out here, and don't say noth'in about hi simpsons durham bull caf breakin its legs fallin doWn a well, or of grandma sipes havin a sore leg. Tow inportant weddings here have been utterly ignored by your columns, and a tow colum obichuwary writ by me on the deth of grandpa Henry, was left out by your shete, to say nothing of a affabetical poem beginnin with A is for Andy and Ark, writ by my daughter. This is why your shete is so unpopler here. If you don't want any eddytorials from this place and aint goin to put no news in your shete, we don't want said shete Yours in haste, Hiram Doaks. P. S.--If you print that obitchuwary in your next issoo I may sighn again for yourshete. Men's wear will have special* attention at£vanaon'S| Saturday, Ma^2^t^ I have zic doubt, bit it was onl^ a thumb after all, and how the fellow was howling about it. He was a brave man or he wouldn't have been where he could bay*} lost thai;, flwnib, But you would think it tlie only thumo in the whole United States army and that no one else on the skirmish line had So the soldiers The same clubs will play at Cary on Saturday the 25th, if nothing unusual happens to prevent. C. C. Chunn took possession of the Al­ gonquin post office on Saturday evening last. 1ft has a very fine set of new box­ es. They were matte at Lake Geneva. 1 nele Robert Kee is having the roof of the wing of his house raised to the height of the main part, and otherwise remodel­ ing th*1 house, which will much improve the looks of his place. Crist. Frank is doing the work. Mrs. Henry Hubbard, of Wayne, spent Sunday here, the guest of S. Seeber. . We have our arrangements about com- pleted for Memorial Day. But the ques­ tion arises, what will we do for flowers? It will be.too late this year for the early flowers, and too early for the late ones. James McKay, of Laramie City, Col., and Andrew McKay of Chicago are here with their father, Thos. McKay who is very low. Mrs. John Johnston vieited with 'friends in Chicago last week. i Mrs. G. S. Southworth, of Woodstock, spent Friday of last week with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Hench and children left on Monday morning of „ this week for a two weeks'vacation. • .. Miss Nellie Wandrack returned home on Saturday evening last, front Lockport, where she has been visiting with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Fred Threadgold. Dr. Kelley departed on Monday morn­ ing of this week for Kansas City. Miss Ines Carr, Misses Ruth and Belle Klinck, si»ent Sunday here with their been hit that morning. saw only the funny side of the picture, 1 grandfather, J. S. Klinck. and a perfect chorus of howls, in voci- Frank Penderga&s, of Elgin visited Sat- ferous imitation of the man's own wails .went shrieking •|jfcjNgP'Hhe sarcastic line of IKe mea"Wro,#Sro waiting their turn to face death. In a minute another soldier came walking back from the skirmish line. He was walking slowly aud steadily, never a moan fell from his compressed lips, though they were whiter than his bronzed faoe, and he held his hand against his breast. TJ>f KNR ICJ 1 |nrday and Sunday last here with Harry iMprton. George Prickett, of Nunda, spent Sat' urday here the guest of George Helm. A PHYSICIAN in the Aiuericau Magazine tinelv. says the practice of beginning breakfast with oat meal has caused more dyspep­ sia than any other single habit that he recalls--"It places a layer of sticky, pasty carbonaceous food against a mem­ brane that is already torpid enough and needs sharp stimulants of fruit or droughts of water to start gastric secre­ tions, instead of a glossy mass like the meal, that all day long works Ml Until it has been gotten rid of." /THIS section was visited by a violent piail storm on Thursday afternoon last, hailstones being picked up after the storm was over that measured from 4% to 6J£ inches in circumference. Fortunately there was no wind at the time and the damage was not so great as it otherwise would have been. The skylight at the photograph gallery was broken aud we hear of considerable glass being broken in different parts of the'village. South­ east of this village the storm was still ore severe. .&• IT will soon be time fof those trouble­ some little pests, red ants, to make their appearance, and perhaps the following will be timely. It is given by a lady whose housekeeping experiences are of many years standing. Get five cents worth of camphor gum and tie up in 3 or 4 packages aud put one in the sugar box (it won't affect the sugar) and the others on the shelves, or any place where the ants are troublesome, and you will never have any trouble as long as the camphor lasts, which will be two or three months. When it has disappeared, get more. It is certainly simple and well worth trying. WE have read a good many stories about Jersey cows, but the following from the Sycamore Republican "takes the cake:" "What Sheriff Holcomb dosen't know about Jersey cows isn't worth knowing, and it is this thorough knowledge and his reputation for truth­ fulness that have enabled him to become wealthy from dealing in that breed of cattle. He has now, however, a cow that is truly a most wonderful animal. She gives daily 31 quarts of milk, he says. The milk is placed in one of the large old-fashioned dish-pans over night: in the morning the Sheriff lays over the accumulated cream a pattern, and with dexterous use of shears, produces in a few minutes a durable, beautiful cream- colored gentleman's vest. Orde.s left at the jail for summer vests will receive prompt attention. < • MEERSCHAUM PIPES. * Genuine Meerschaum 1 Pipes, both straight and bent, at about half price, at Barbian Bros., next door to the post office. They have the finest assortment in the county. BINDING TWINE, ^^re^prices, at E. SOUTH HEBRON EDITOR PLAINDEALER : -- An aSmnd- mce of rain has fallen in this section the past week and everything is growing Business Notices. Layer figs, 10 cents per pound at AJ- thoff Bros. Headquarters for Screen DoorH lor 1889, at W. p. Stevens, West Side. Besley's Liverwort Kidney Cure. Try it. Seeders, Seeders, at E. M., Owen 4 Son's. * Buy your Dress Goods and Ginghams, now of Perry & Owen. „ . T"vv New Carpets, at bottom prices at Perry & Owen s. Confirmation Suits, cheap at Perry ft Owen's. All the best and handiest plows from $12, up to $17 at E. M. Owen & Sou's. Try Besley's Horse wad Cattle Food. There is nothing like it. Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cans. etc.. etc.. at J. A. Story's. All sizes of Wire Screens and Window Screen Frames, at W. P. Stevens, West Side. Some of our most enterprising farmers have got their corn all planted. Wm. Hendrickson, Sr., contemplates a trip to Nebraska soon, where he will visit his daughter, Mrs. Ernest Perkins. Alison Lnmley. has lately, erected anew Eclipse ynndmill. Robert Clark is spending a few days with his friends of South Hebron. Mrs. Tinker, of Elgin, is visiting with relatives here. Miss Maude Trow visited with' Bertha Swan, of Hebron, Saturday and Sunday Wm. Burger drove up from Elgin on Friday last. FOR SALE. The east half of the South east quarter of Section 32, Township 40, Range 8, consisting of 80 acres. All meadow and plow land. It is situated on the high­ way leading from the Richard Lawson farm to the Keystone road, aud is a very desirable piece of land. Will be * sold reasonable and on easy terms. Apply to. *. Mks. R. H. Cabk. Kingwood, III.-- WANTED, CLOVER BLOSSOMS. We will pay CASH for Clover Blossoms delivered at the McHenry Driers, S. S. SHEPARD & SON. PASTURING FOR YOUNG STOCK. The undersigned can accommodate a limited number of young cattle with first- class pasturing. Good, water. Apply to "MRS. R. H. CARR, Ringwood* III. Special Shirt Sale at Evanson's this week Saturday. Straw Goods are plenty at Evanson's. Hats for Men and Boys at reduced prices at John Evanson & Co.'s "It is all light:" Is what Mr. Geo. C. Henry a Burlington, lowa, druggist says, of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Henry ought to know, as he has sold over 300 bottles of the remedy, during the past winter. Coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough are speedily cured by it. For sale by G. W. Besley. The value of a remedy should be esti­ mated by its curative properties. Accord­ ing to tliis standard, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best and most economical blood medicine in the market, because the most pure and cencentrated. Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle. Not a fit, but an expression of delight. "About a week ago," says a LoS Angeles, Cala., druggist, "a Chinaman came in with a lame shoulder. 1 sold, him a bot­ tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and guaranteed it would cure him. He came in again last night, and as soon as he got inside the door, began to swing his arms over his head like an Indian club swinger. I thought the blamed fool had a fit, but he finally stopped long enough to say; "Medicine velly fine, velly fine; alle same make me feel plenty good." Chamberlain's Pain Balm, is without an equal for sprains, rheumatism, aches, Sains or lame back. For sale by G. W. esley. Don't forget the fine Wisconsin pota­ toes at Evauaou's, ^rioe Call at W. P. Stevens, West Side, her fomy«tt buy your Screen Doors. ' CLOTHING SAL^I This week at Perry & Owen's. Wall Paper and Borders, new style, cheapest at Perry & Owen's, and trim­ med fi-ee of charge. ALWAYS TO BE HAD. A full line of first-class general merchan­ dise sold on close margins to one and all: for instance: Men's good heavy suits with suspenders for $4.40, $5, $0.25, $7, $8 to $25, for a dandy Prince Albert, or aiiy other man's suit. See our men's and youths'custom made iiue shoes from $1.50, $1.75, $1.90, $2, " .50 to $6 25. C. H. Fargo plow shoes and boots $1.50 to $2.50, fully warranted against reason­ able wear and time. Wall paper with matched borders to select from. Over 100 new samples rang­ ing from 9 cents to 50 cents per double roll, trimmed free. See our bargains in side band lace cur­ tains at $2 and $1.15; also three colors in 10-riug curtain poles at 25 cents each, complete, with brackets. , Egyptian Evergreen Sweet Corn $1.40, Stowells' Evergreen Sweet Corn, $1.90; Southern Hone Tooth Ensilage Com, only 85 cents; Pride of the North Seed Field Corn, $1.50. A full variety of garden and field seeds. Sver Yours, BONBLETT AS-REVRSU MB*. H. H. NICHOLS can be found at the old stand, ready to do Dress making, Cutting and Fitting, on short notice.-- The Ladies are respectfully invited to call. . It will benefit you in purse and peace of mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son, ItingWOod. To try is to prove the above. MRS. C. A. HUTSON. Has just received another new lot ot Hats and Bonnets for ladies' and child­ ren, in all the latest styles. Now is the time to select a nice one for Easter. We are prepared to sell Millinery Goods cheaper than any other place in the county. Call and examine our stock aud we will guarantee to satisfy you in both style and price. * Yours Very Truly. MRS. O. A. HUTStfir. West Side, near the Depot. WATCHES JEWELRY, ETC. " J. P. Pfmith has now hand one ot the finest stock of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, etc., ever brought to this town, to which .he invites the attention of the public. Ifyou want a good watch, Gold or Silver, a'Chain, Ring, Pin, or in fact any thing in the Jewelry line you can find it at his store, of the best quality and at the lowest living price. Call and examine his goods before you buy. J. P.8MITH. West of Riverside House, McHenry. NURSERY STOCK. At" Ringwood I have on my grounds a good line of the most hardy varieties of Apples, Cherrys, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Currants, Gooseberries, Strawberries etc. Also a good line of Shade and Ornamen­ tal Trees, all at bottom prices. Comeand see me. J. V. BUOKLAHD. Prop. <• 39-tt Ringwood Ilk ' Three days Is a very short time in which to cure a bad case of rheumatism; but it can be done, if the proper treat­ ment is adopted, as will be seen by the following from James Lambert, of. New Brunswick, Ills. "I was badly afflicted with rheumatism in the hips and legs, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It cured me in three days. I am all right to day; and would insist on every one who is afflicted with that terrible disease, to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm and get well at once." For sale by G. W. Besley. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. FORSALE. A FARM OF 350 ACRES IN TOWN OP BUT­ TON , MCHENRY COUNTY, III. Good buildings, 120 acres under plow, balance timber and meadow. Is one of the best farms in the county. Terms to suit purchaser. Write or call on Burton A. Stevens, Spring Grove, McHenry county, III. TO THE LADIES. Miss Ella Spaulding was in the city Monday and has returned with another full stock of Summer Millinery, of the latest styles, to which she invites your careful inspection, confident that she can please you both in quality aud price. Ladies' and Childrens' Straw Hats for 25 cents. Abetter grade for 75 cents and up­ wards. We have one of the finest lines of all kinds of Millinery Goods ever brought to this towp. Fashionable Dressmaking on short notice. Store in Schnorr's Block, West Mc­ Henry. V _ Miss BIAA SMDIDHO. West McHenry. May 7th, 18». t ! .C 3 s LOOK TO YOUR HEART. ' % Mrs. Charles Greenwood, of Indianapo-' lis, had what the doctors called asthma, but she got little relief until she took Dr. Miles' New Cure, which soon made her long winded, stopped the pain in chest, swelling of ankles, cough, palpitation, etc. Sold at Besley 's. FOR SALE ATA GREAT BARGAIN. The Riverside Hotel in this villtage. This -well known honse is now offered for sale on such terms as will net the pur­ chaser at present rate of rental over 10 per cent on the investment. For further particulars call on, or address, BndaeH^TotiMi, May Baskets at Evansoa'«. ̂ i ^ When you desire a pleasant physic. trr St. Patrick's PilK If your hogs cough, havethe "thumps ^ or do not thrive, feed Thorley Food. If your chickens are troubled with chol. era Or roup use Thorley Food. ;l| Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's for Millinery > and Dress Making. • . • • . | Seeders and Drills at E. If. Q Son's. % Try Besley's Trpches, for Coughs Colds. ______ v-. If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices call at Althoff Bros. ______ The Peerless Dyes, the best article on - the market and warranted. At George- W. Besley's, West Side. V Call and examine the new line of Spring Dress Goods, Ginghams, etc., at Althoff Bros. The finest line of Boots and Shoes lor 5 Gent's wear to be found in town. Also, in ladies foot-wear, a fine assortment* at Althoff Bros. " < We have the best makes of Barb Wire , and our prices are on the spot cash baste, very low. J* W. CMSTY ft Sow.fcingwoat. ; T. W. Burr, merchant, Delma, Teat.*'."/ lias used, sold antf heard what people have said of Chamberlain's Pain Baun. He says: "It cannot be equaled." It cures sprains, soreness of the muscles, aches and pains. Sold by G. W. Besley. Mr. A. T. Fields, one of the leading merchants of Colfax, Iowa, says that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough preparation he ever used and rec­ ommends it to all without hesitation Sold by G! W. Besley. CATHARTIC PILLS ARE WHlPife To the liver and bowels, but give mot strength. The more you take, the more you need. Miles' Pills, (M. P.) positively strenghthen. The longer token the less required. Samples free at Besley's Drag , Store. ; ' ; Mr. E. B. Etheridge, merchant HaU- ville, Texas, says': "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a most excellent preparation. It is just what should be given to chil­ dren when they take cold. Pleasant to* take and not expensive." Sold by G. W. >" Besley. THE Flying Dutchman is one of the bsst plows on the market. Call at W. J?,-,:.y Stevens', on the West Side, examine aftd learn the psice. Sick Feeders, Graduated Medicine ' Glasses, aud all the requisites of a siete . room, can be found constantly in stock at J. A. Story's, t • If any are owing us on the old score ipfcV}- would be very much pleased, stnd w^JS know you would be just as much so, to have the account squared up at once. J. W. OKI8TY & SOS. RingwnnO. ^ ; | SHELLED CORN. Fojsale at the lowest market rntoffc'-̂ Also ground feed at $16.00 por ton. i the Fox River Valley Mills. ' ( s. BOBW. PAINT! PAINT!! A full line of choice mixed Paints fcspt constantly on hand at J. A. Story^S Drug Store; also a full line of Carriage Paints, Top Dressing, Varnishes, Pure Lead, Linseed Oil, Brushes, etc, > PIANO TUNING. Mr. Oscar J. Wigett will make reg* trips to McHenry every three mo viz; January, April, July, Octo Leave orders at 0. W. Owen's store. BINDING TWINE. I have No. 1 Binding Twine, in aiiy quantity, which I can sell at not to ex­ ceed 16 cents per pound. C»ll and see McH--ry May B. law. -- \ Don't you forget that we sell for cash and don't invite any credit trade, for the reason that all prefer our way. Spotcash and no afterclaps. J. W. CBISTT A Soir, Ringwood. John Varcoe, book-keeper for the Ssar Jose, Cala., Times, was troubled with a severe cold, and especially at night h«4 bad coughing spells. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy completely cured him. Sold by G. W. Besley. , v SS5I It was maintained by the late Horace Greely, that "nothing succeeds like suc­ cess!" If this be true, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will always be popular, AS it never fails. It is intended, especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is undoubtedly the best and. most reliable medicine, in use for those diseases. It is decidedly a success. For sale by G. W. Besley. 7 -.^° CARPETS! CARPETS!J Justen Bros, will receive, April Ist, a fine line of samples of the latest styles and patterns of Carpets, from the cheapest Hemp to the finest Brussels, to which they invite the attention of the buying public* We are satisfied we can sell you a good - carpet cheaper than you can buy it else* where. We also have a large stock of Forni- ture, all kinds, from a Kitchen Chair the finest Parlor Sets, which will be sold «s low as the lowest. J ISTWR West McHenry, March aotb, 1S8&, A WORD TO THE WISE. Spring has come with its sudden extreme changes of temperature and now is the time that all should be prompt to securing some good tonic to strengthen the blood and stimulate the system. To be found at J. A. Story's, YOU CANNOT AFFORD. - At this season of the year to h?* frith- out a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflammation of the stomach bowels are exceedingly dangerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam will do more good in a case of this kind than any- other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry, and John Humphrey, Wauconda, Drug- jrists. * . - DONT USE A SCRUB BUU > When yon eaa get bett ^ General Purpose ----- By oalllng on ----- FEED HATCH, « Spring Grays, miosis. 11-mce tu an.

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