Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jul 1889, p. 5

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«nry-»Mioi Uu 0mm .1MA.M . .. 8:19 " at ...... l#r.« Ltke «toMva Ftawnger ,....4:* " ,9 UU UmtT|*»4»; l*48»«aMr,.t :3S M 'i": •ourotfoaru. ' i l*ke trafcfct » U A. M Lafc* 3ww> jpawagdr • :» ** : L*k« MMnlzprtti. j-BOr. M : «:W uruiATHnii lfaaas--Daily ttXMpt Sunday. liiuMiiMiriOnir- , MeaM-Slopa only to l«»av« PaM'gT* B. BU»E, AGENT. McHaarr. Ill MASONIC. IBoHumr LODOB, WA im A. r, UUT L M.*-" tegular OMMKraiaattoa* Ikt gaooad wd fttrtb MMKtojri la each aeatk. llBNRr OOtHV, W. M. , • III ) I . - - g l H B L J J i l l MOD BUN WOODMEN OF AMJEU1CA. , Mett M the new City Hall, inrt Second KU«t Tuesday eveging of neh moalfc. gfcbMm oo* llaHy invltea. VOLtniB FIFTEEN. "With this number the PI-AJNDKALER commences its fifteenth year, and cornea t*fore its many readers healthy, vigor­ ous and prosperous. We have no prom­ ises to make for the future, but can only point to the past, and now, as then, |$rive by hard work to make such im-. provementR from week to week as we know will be appreciated by our patrons. Many subscriptions expired with the last svmber and we hope our friends will be gMrotapt in their renewals, as all must Icnow that it takes money mid lots of it to run a paper the size of the PL.AIN- D&ALER. With these few remarks, we commence enfolding the pages of Volume IS. Y^'Isthishofr-* / him to-morrow. We are going t6 plant •« ;•> THIS section was visited by a heavy rain on Saturday night and Sunday last. ^ .MB. SLADK'B subject next Sunday irning will be "Is Christianity a Fail- READ the sew advertisement of Fits- •hnmons & Henderson, to be found in Another place in this paper. * MOKBY TO LOAN on farm land, on time Ind in amounts to suit borrowers. In­ cite at this office for further particulars. THERE is no doubt that a man can be Iputhful and still go fishing, but in order to accomplish the feat, he has to restrict himself to talking about something else. "• . THE picnic at Johnsburgh oh Monday, ::wtoa largely attended and all report a good time. It did not break up until in the evening. . j $JAS LANE, of Elgin, is the boss fisher- so far this season. He caught a ingof thirty-five fine Black Bass at >llum's Lake one day last week. )WINO to the crowded state of our ad­ vertising columns we are compelled to commence issuing a supplement again this week, in order to accommodate our •targe advertising patronage. . H. B. THROOP, of Algonquin, PASSED through here this morning, on his way to Richmond with his ttfb-year-old, which be has entered for the stake race on Sat- ttday. BEMEMBEB the Old Settlers of McHenry and Lake Counties will hold their Annual He-Union at Woodstock August 22d. 4 The Fosters will be issued in a few days, *S soon as the speakers are decidednpon. '; H; ROBINSON, at his rooms over the -{tost Office, is prepared to file saws on Short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Bring your saws along and fcave them sharpened. Also grinds and sharpens •hears. _______________ JIHAAC WENT WORTH has been having a Jferv handsome hood er*ete<} over the front door of his residence. ' It is posi- ively the handsomest thing of the kind [we ever saw. John Wentworth, Of Chi- i is t|pe architect and builder. rMAT MAY, of Johnsburg, has just pur Abased a new Separator, of the latest and j? most approved style, and will be pre- / pared to do threshing on short notice I aiid guarantee perfect satisfaction, both Xjn price and quality of work.^ Call and see him ancSTexamine his new machine A; before you engage your thrashing. BY the new game law passed last winter prairie chiekens can be killed from September 15, to November 1. The popular notion is that the prairiechicken season opens September 1, and sports­ men should be certain about the tame. By the same law the season for duck* and other water fowl is from Septembei 15 to April 15, which shortens theseasoij six weeks. THE men or women who give visit tf their vile suspicion against another, by Insinuations, or* by the toss of thei* heads and curl of their lips, convey thafib there is something wrong, are mor^l eowards and are to be shunned as an evil to society. Such people would smile at your face, and slap your back. They have all the bottled, venom of a spider, which they emit in small doses, to poison the minds of others against their fellow men.--fit. - V Lake Geneva HeraJtf says: foar-year-ol d-race, to take place at the ^atyojrth County Faif, this fall, wil gjp|Qu|rt£d}y 4?v^iqp pomp fgst trottf#^ seypraj owfiera of fast stqck are train­ ing their steppers for the contest. The four-year-old colt "Prince S.," who won the 3-year-old stake last faU at Wood­ stock and Elkhorn, in 2:46, has again come to the front; having won a six heat race on July 4th, at McHenry, against a field of aged horses, taking the 4tb, 5th and 6th heat and trotted in 2:34 on a half 6KO. CHAPEJU TfeWiBg E. W. fiiiiY of Bwmrd, is vwt tag with ftfendshere tI&*Siek, Miss FlXJKKNCK SEAlOJis te with friends at Evanstoa. "Mas. E. W. HOWE spent Sunday with her water, Mrs., Henry Colby, at Lake Geneva. ALBERT W. MCLEAN, of Kenosha, WKL, has been Spending a few diys here the past week. MRS. J AS. 8. WALsuaud children, of Elgin, is Y&tiag witli frinda here tlrii week. MRS. F. G. MAYKS and Mrs. John L. Howe started for the Dee Plaines camp meeting on Tuesday morning, BERT STEBIMNS and Mat Smith, of Wankegen, were calling on friends here on Sunday. JOHN WENTWORTH and Mend, Efiaon, of Chicago, spent Sunday in this village. CAPT. PARKER, of the Gray's Lake Enterprise, was a pleasant caller on Monday. JOHN M<<GEE and wife, of Woodstock, visited with Dr. C H. Fegers and wite, in this village, on Sunday last. . MRS. J. E. WIOHTMAN and daughter, Mrs. E.JTravis, of Chenoa, 111.,are oecupy ing the Wight̂ nan cottage at Pistaqua Bay. J. H. BURGER and wife, of Cfuy, V«E callers at this office on Monday. Ml*. Burger is engaged to teach the West Side school the coming year. ANDREW MAGNUS and Thomas Mc- Bride, members of the Elgin Brick and Tile Co., spent Sunday with Isaac Wen* worth, in this village. C. A. KNIGHT and family, of Chicago, and Mrs. I)r. Brown, of this village, art? occupying their cottage at Pistaqua Bay. ySfois ̂HENRY COLBY is reported as quite ^sick at her home, at Lake Geneva, Wis. Her many friends here hope for a speedy •(Recovery. WmT L. SMITH and wife started on Tuesday for a trip through Minnesota," their first point being St. Paul. They expect to be gone two or three weeks. CHAS. BYRD and wife, of Chicago, the latter formerly Miss Anna Nordquist, spent Sunday with friends in this village. Mrs. Byhl will remain here with her parents for a week or two. THE party who took the money from Burke's Meat Market on June 11th is known, and if he will return the same at once no questions will be asked, but if not he will be "prosecuted to the full extent of the law. A word to the wtee is sufficient. / NOAH PtKB mnst be dead. He promised the Senior when ' he left for Pishtaka that he would write if he lived to get /there. The simple solution to the co­ nundrum is that he is either dead or a--- prevaricator,--Chenoa Gazette. No, Noah is not dead. He if just now experimenting with a new kind of Pills, ^forwarded to him from Chenoa.) To build up a town people must stick together like brick-dust to a bar of'soap. There must be no wrangling or quarrel­ ing or jealousies among them. Property owners must offer inducements to secure business, must advertise iu local papers, and above all things must not expect to make a fortune in a year or two. A REGULAR meeting of Valley Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, will be held at the City Hall, on Tuesday even­ ing, July 80th, at 8 o'clock. Persona wishing to join can leave their namea with the Clerk, W. P. Stevens, with H. Ci Mead, or any member of the Camp. It is important that every member be present? At this meeting. Xoe Cream Festival* The Good Templars of McHenry will have an Ice Cream Festival on Wednes­ day evening, July 24th. If the weather is favorable it will be held in the public square, and if not, in the City Hall. All are cordially invited to attend. The price of ice cream and cake will be 10 cents. . GRACE A. STEVENS, R. S. WE had the pleasure a short time since of examining a book entitled theWihl Beasts, Birds and Reptils of the world, by P.T. Barnum, and we must say it is a very interesting work, and one that would be a valuable addition to every library. Mrs. Warhorst will be in this village this week canvassing for the same and we bespeak for her a careful examioatiipt of the wprfcwhen she eallq / IN the past week several disgraceful affairs have occurred on our streets, and we are told in some instances when sworn officers were standing by who did not at­ tempt to interfere or do their duty. If this is io, it is high time something was done. That peaceable citizens are al­ lowed to be attacked on our streets by thugs and would-be bullies, is a disgrace to our village, and if the officers of the law, town and village, are unable or un­ willing to do their duty, it is high time they step down and out and allow others to take their place who will do it. There are other violations of village ordinances which should receive immediate atten­ tion. If our village is to be run by thugs and their acts upheld by those to whom we should look for better things, tlg^ quicker we learn that fact the better. ' a>"- Richmond Driving Park. There will be three races at the mo ml Driving Park on Saturday next, July 20th, as follows: Trotting, 2:<J8 class; purse, flOO. Trotting, 3-minute class; purse, f-*>0 Two-yparq-old sttykp race, purse, #200; five starters. The purses will be divided as follows: 50, 25, 15, and 10 per cent, except Hie stake race, wKfeh *«il be 60, 25, and 15 per cMt>. Some excellent horses have been entered for the 2:88 class ahd the 3-minute class, and the two-years-old stake promises to be one of the closest races ever seen on that track.* An interesting day may be ex* and refined | than any < -the newspapers. They J |rt»d are a more proper of reaching the public I*Scheme ever invented. JOSEPH ZIMMERMAN a hraketaan on the Lake Geneva freight on the C. & N. W. R'y was overcome by the heat at Elgia Xofcday of last week. He sank into a coaisSpBBe state from which it was very difficult to arouse him. The doctors give up all hopes of his recovery. SAYS the Arizona Howkr: "Business men in this community who do not ad­ vertise in the Howler, frequently try to work us for a free "ad" by getting us to publish a description of the snakes they see when they have the delirium tremens. But we are on to the dodge. We tell them right here and now that we will puff nothing except a good cigar without cash down." THfe new law, making it illegal for any city or village to employ men for any work not citizens of the United States, or who have npt talten out first papers, went into effect-July 1. It behooves all interested to remember this, as men employed contrary to the law cannot be paid from public money and any money so paid can be recovered from thf offi­ cial who* pays itb on complaint of any citizen. ' • WE learn that it Is contemplated get­ ting up a Free-for-All Stallion Race on the McHenry" Driving Park, in which "George O.," "Star Hambletonian," "Sprague Pilot," "Umber," and "Brill­ iant," will take part. Should these noted horses come together it would make a race worth coming'a hundred miles to aee. We hope they may be suc­ cessful in making this arrangement. WE have it from good authority that the common house fly lays over one hundred eggs, and the time from the egg laying to maturity is only about two weeks. We give this item for the en­ couragement of dealers in fly paper, mosquito netting and wire screens, and let the fool who has more time than we have, go on calculating how many flies each individual tfy will raise to the square inch during the summer. FOR the benefit of the young people in this locality, and to stimulate the growth of that fragrant fruit, the onion, we give a description of a new game very popular out west, called the Onion Party. 'The ladies are divided in squads of six, and one of them takes a bite out of an onion, A young man is then led is ar.d told to guess the young lady taking the bite. If he guesses right he kisseH the other five; if he guesses wrong, he pays the forfeit by kissing the one who ate the onion. AN exchange says that recently a man secreted a jug of some liquid in a bin of oats. This man owns horse, which for 20 years has been remarkable for ite quiet and modest demeanor, Somehow that horse secured an entrance to the bin, pulled the eork^ with ife teeth. tipj>ed it over and ate the saturated oats. The animal then began to act silly, staggered around the barn, chewed a carriage top to pieces, kicked the bara door down and was found in a stupid condition under a /As the "little bare-foot" "season ap­ proaches, says an exchange, we are reminded that during the season we often hear of one who has stuck a rusty nail into his foot and lockjaw has resulted therefrom. All such wounds can be healed without any fatal consequences following them. The remedy is simple. It is only necessary to smoke the wound, or bruise that is inflamed, with burning wool, or woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke of WoOl will take the pain out of the' worst case of inflammation arising from a wound. AN exchange says that these are the days when it behooves every one to exer­ cise temperance in all things. Eat less, drink less, both of ice water and intoxi­ cants, for the former is about as bad as the latter, and don't allow yourself to become excited when you possibly can hfelp it. Prudence is the best safeguard against the dangers that threaten man's vitality in sweltering summer days. Im­ prudences which may seemingly be of little moment quickly turn into danger­ ous and often fatal ones. Each person should restrain himself in the matter of drink, even though he is compelled to mortify the flesh more than usual. I&r Mason's Monthly, for July, 1889: The following letter was set up from a photographic copy of the original which comes from one of the largest manufac­ turers of builders' mill work, moulding brackets, stair work, etc., in New Jersey. The writer claims more for the Plane than the makers themselves, although they guarantee it will pay lor itself in a very short time: OAUDBw, June 3JM, MSB. QAQK TOOL CO , VIMKLAHD. N. J. Gentlemen:--lout Self-setting Plane is being universally uoopted by our bench hands, and wc flnd that they do at least one-third more work and do it better, than with the old style plane, and we shall insist on its adoption, especially in hard wood work. Youra Reip^rtfully, WK H . WILKDII AOo* THERE was an expression of innocence at once "both childlike and bland" upon his manly countenance as he entered our sanctum early Monday morning. Drop­ ping into a chair he sadly and reflectively wiped the moisture from his face and then gently asked: "What is the most popular State since the Fourth?" We said we did not know, when he at once and with malioe aforethought, as we are prepared to prove, hurled the fol­ lowing with terrific force at our defence­ less head: "A state of inebriation, you fool!" And. with a fiendish laugh h* vanished down the sta rs just in advance of our heaviest volley of pet cuss words which we flung after him as soon as we recovered Ladies' mons & Hi - W i - i (1-silk mitts 19c at Fitiflim- >n's. solid black* <*ay 8c a « •irt-'t- ->"/* JTrowonrReg WA(jitlfi;;<.i». mmm The Pr&ident left this afternoon for Deer Park to join his family. For the remainder dt^nwrm weather he not intend toqfeMlrit mom than two a week in WawWIkm, devoting the to recreation antf the preparation of his first message to Congress, the extra session making it necessary to prepare the message a month earlier than usual. Walker Blaine has returned to Wash­ ington, Mid say s he will remain during the entire summer. He does not say-so in so many words but he intimates that his father, the Secretary, will not return before September unless something very important shall occur to make his pres­ ence here necessary. The sensation-loving newspaj^r cor­ respondents had a bad attack of summer madness this week, just because Commis­ sioner of Pensions Tanuer, the day after his retum from the West, ha<l a confer­ ence with Secretary Noble and Assistant Secretary Buseey, of the Interior Depart­ ment. It was announced in all the glory of double-leaded type and ware heads that Tanner had been "bounced." The only foundation in the world for the an­ nouncement i>eing the conference l>etweeu the three gentlemen named. Commis­ sioner Tanner and Assistant Secretary Bussey both assured your correspondent that there was not, nor had there been at any time .the slightest trouble between the Commissioner and the Seeretary^rimd that the conference mentioned was held at Mr. Tanner's request, in order to con­ sider certain departmental matters con­ nected with the opening of the fiscal year upon which there is a slight difference of opinion. The correspondents that sent the sensational matter Were doubtless envious of the notoriety Of the Sullivan- Kilraiu prize fight. Public Printer Palmer has appointed A. A. Collins, of the Distract of Columbia, chief clerk of the Government printing office. Mr. Collins has been an employe of the office from boyhood, and will, it is generally conceded, male a first-class chief clerk. Secretary Rusk wishes^ distinctly un­ derstood that he did not accept a blood- ed horse from a prominent citizen of Maryland, as was* reported. Of course this denial was entirely unnecessary as far as the people of Wisconsin and the other Northwestern States are con­ cerned. Those who know "Uncle Jerry" best, say they wo\ild jiot like to stand in the shoes of H man who attempted to make him a present while he was holding an official position. Mr. How.ird A. Taylor, editor and pro- proprietor of the Hudson, Wis., Star and 1 hnfis, has been appointed Commissioner of Railroads to succeed General Joseph E. Johnson, whose resignation has been accepted to take effect the 10th. Mr. Taylor was strongly backed for the place by Senators Spodjstcfl and L&wyer and Secretary Rusk. ? A good many changes lire quietly tak­ ing place in the departments here. , The weeding is being^rery carefully done, but it is tmly a question of will be thorough and complete. Secretary Tracy has issued orders to have the famous old battle ship "Consti­ tution," brought from Portsmouth, N. H., to this city, where die will be used as a receiving ship. This old ship has a history sufficient to stir the patriotic blood of the most phlegmatic. The official nnnouncfvinont is inflde that no more appointments are to be made in the Census luii-eau until kfter Septeui- ber 1st. • . . 4 Hon. Thomgis V. Cooper has been ap­ pointed Collector of Customs for the port of Philadelphia. i®»GB mi iSOSftC.--A. f. and A. M. meet at Masonic o&avery 1st and 3d Wednesday ©Ten- fV%pcb montfc. ISP'CA.--Meet at [Thursday even- Or* cordially in- WOODMBN OF'U „ _ Hall every M udtt Of each month. Bluebeard Jr. will enter upon its 7th week next-Sunday evening at the Chicago Opera House. To say that the piece is a success would be simply a reiteration. It is undoubtedly the most successful theat­ rical production of the kind ever wit­ nessed in any country, and bid% fair to play to crowded houses until it is with­ drawn to make way for other attractions already contracted for. On Thursday evening, the 18th, the 60th performance of the piece was given. The owuision was marked by a distribution of artis­ tic portfolio souvftnirs, and considerable demonstration on the part of the large audience present who greeted all the features with the most hearty applause. Some changes have been made in the piece lately, and in conformity with the policy of the management of the Chicago Opera House, others will follow in rapid succession. The characters of Orta Ga- zonda, and Orta Gazoof, which haxe at­ tained considerable popularity on ac­ count of their Hebrew eccentricities, will retire from die cast and these characters will be succeeded by a couple of police­ men of the Milesian persuasion. Some other changes are contemplated in the cast, notwithstanding its excellence, but simply to keep alive the spirit of interest which has been aroused. For the 3d edi­ tion, which will be witi^essed at the be­ ginning of the 9tli week, a very elaborate and costly,novelty is in preparation. It involves a heavy expenditure and much labor in its production. The matinees continue to be well patronized by the ladies and children, and at the evening performances the capacity of the house is tested. FOR SALE. Full Blood Greyhound Pups. Inquire of C. A. tyalsh, West McHenry, 111. . / FOR SALE, Tha Undersigned offera lor his house and 54 acre» of l^nd,. situated on the Woodnt-tHik road, live minutes walk from the McHenry Depot, junt outside the corporation. Good hottse. Two thirds of the land under cultivation and balance meadow and pasture. Is a very desira­ ble little farm and will be sold reasona­ ble. Title perfect. For further particu­ lars call on the premisss. . BOUT WKIOHT. Weat McHenry, June SStb, IR». Don't you forget that we sell for cash and don't invite any credit trade, for the reiison that all prefer our way. Spotcash and no afterclaps. J. W. CBI8TT 4 soy, Bingwood. Fine farifa linen 14c at Fitzsunmons tHenderaonfr. „> - •. K George Boughton will move to Green­ wood sron. Miss Dillingham has been engaged to teach the intermediate department in our school. The hay crop Is quite heavy la this section. \-r. When are we to hav* a genuine horse race? Hebrouites can go to Genoa and return twice a day now. Charlie Wilkinson from Harvard was in town Wednesday. A nephew of H. W. emd C. L. Mead is making them a visit. John Niver, from Harvard* is helping P. Rowe through harvesting. Earl Taylor hns been to Taylor's Ridge to visit his Uncle. From all appearances at present some barley will be cut this week. Aaron Rowe has suffered for about two weeks with two large carbunckles on his hand. . • An excursion train of seven coaches, loaded with pleasure seekers, passed this station Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Stewart have re­ turned to-their home in Nebraska, hav­ ing been Hltsent seven months. The damage to grain in this section from the invading insect is slight com­ pared with other parts of the county. The Royal Adelphias meet for the present at Union Hall every Monday evening. Henry Earle #itnesfced the game of ball at Kayes Park on Thursday. Hank is a genuine base ball euthusiast. The heavy showers of Friday and Sun­ day revived the parched earth but dampened a great amount of hay that was cut. Harvey Waitings new house is nearly ready for its occupants. Will Wire, our prospective teacher, and family. 1). L. Rowe went to Elgin on Friday for a visit to his Uncle's family returning thetirst of the week. Frank Manley has been engaged to teach the school in Eugene Swans dis­ trict for the fall and winter term. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spitzer, from Wood­ stock, visited with John Stewart's family in this village the latter part of the week. Examine the elegant lot of leather fly nets, for prices ranging from four to seven dollars per pair, at Frank ltowe's. Also a quantity of hand made twine nets at 2.50 per pair. The commissioners refusing to receive the gravel from Mrs. Pierce's gravel bed on account of its containing too many large rjtone it is now being drawn from the new read near E. is. Stratton's onto the road south of the village. The house and lot belonging to the heirs of Henry Rowe demeaned was sold on Wednesday to Charles Wilkinson, who at once transfered it to Norris A. Chan­ dler for the sum of $1550. A large crowd attended the Missionary meeting and lawn festival on Thursday and of course all spent a pleasant after­ noon and evening, for who could do otherwise under tlie hospitable roof of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Stone. Traveling men can always be accom­ modated in our village, for if the livery men all happen to be absent, one of our business men takes it upon himself to go to the barn and harness a team and another drives the man to his destina­ tion. • We live for each other. The lawsuit trial before justice Chan­ dler on Saturday, between pathmaster Nelson Gates and a man working for G. B. Stone, was decided. in favor of the latter and the town pays the costs. There has been considerable trouble iu that district this year over working out the rood tax and all arising from a little petty spite. It should not be the duty of the commissioners to appoint paymas­ ters for the several districts but each district should elect their own by vote as in former years. A Sullivan and Kilrain contest took place in town on Saturday and Kilrain fell beneath his opponent in about the seventy-fifth round and came ^orth with a badly brused limb. Instead of resin on their hands the article used was starch. We would like to give a graphic account of the scuttle by rounds but it is quite im­ possible to gain a correct report from the amazed seconds. It was all iu fun however but none the less surprising and the only reasonable excuse given for the frolic is that I)r. E. O. Gratton and E. O. Rowe are in training and intend to challenge the great John L. The person who took a good whip from E. B. Stratton's wagon on Satur­ day evening, leaving a worthless one in place, had letter make the exchange again and leave the right whip in the right place as there was a witness to the theft and unless the whip is returned his identity will be made known. A word to the wise is sufficient. • FOR SALE. One half mile from the village of Mc­ Henry, Seventeen acres of choice land, on which there is a house and barn. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. ' HAYING PRICES. Ciscoette flour, fully warranted, only f 1.15 per sack. Choice light colored fine cut tobacco only 25c per pound. Good wholesome rice, only 4c per pound. Clean, healthy Japan tea dust only 10c a pound. 1-gallon cans choice pie apples for 25c. No. 1 starch, 5c. DeLand's saleratus or soda only 5c. Try the Sul­ tana fruit cracker, the latest thing out. First class smoking tobacco 15c per pound, 20c j»er pound to 60c. Try the celebrated Herkimer county full cream cheese. Good prunes or dried apples for 5c per pound. Men's good, heavy, well- made working shirts only 50c. Same for boys at 40c. All-linen fronts fine un- laundried shirts only65c. Men's or boys' straw hat* only 5c each. Bonslett & STOFFEL. WORDS cannot express the grqtitwte which people feel for the benefit done them by the use of AyerV Sarsaparilla. Lpng-standing cases of rheumatism yield to this remedy, when all others fail to give relief. This medicine thoroughly expels the poison from the blood. Ladies' Oxford ties reduced to fl per pair at Fitzsimmons & Henderson's. A letter from S. P. Wardwell, Boston, says: -'lused Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure in June last for Huy Fever with great satisfaction, and find it the only thing I have seen which would allay, without irritation, the in­ flammation of the nostrils and throat. Its soothing and healing properties were marked and immediate." Large bottle jl. Clarke's Flux Soap is the latest and beet. Try it. 25 cents. Ask for them at Geo. W. Besley's drug store, West McHenry, III. EDITOK started nc milch cows. E. Ch<weU to buy Mannette shades with rollers 50c at --•«v • ••• - iSSK&s .LULdts*.: Miss Amelia Goodson, of Elgin, has been visiting friends here ttte past week. Albert Dodd and family, of Elgin, spent Sunday here with friends. Miss Nellie Hooker, of Elgin, is visiting here with Miss C. Sjieneer. Misses Emma and Lillie Axsmith. ot Chicago, is visiting here with their grandfather, Joseph Panba. Mr. and Mrs. A. Doig and Miss Kittie returned on Saturday last from their visit with friends at Joliet. One of Chas. Gehl's boys has been quite Sick with dyptheria, but is now on the mend. Dr. Ray is attending him. Miss Lillie Binnie, of Chicago, is mend­ ing her vacation here with her aunt, Mrs. E. A. Ford. The Y. P. S. C. E. held their monthly sociable on Friday evening last at Mr. Ekstrom's. Ice cream and cake was served and a pleasant time spent by them if it did rain. George Adams and bride started house­ keeping on Saturday last in James Philp's little cottage on Main Street. Mr. C. T, Rogers, of the Michigan Con densed Milk Co., was here on Monday of this week, talking with our dairymen about storting a factory here. We did not learn the jesnlts. Mrs. E, Bigelow has had her residence treated to a new coat of paint. Ed Mor­ ton did the job. At a meeting of Camp 490 M. W. A., of Algonquin, 111., the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopt­ ed : WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Being, the Arbiter of human events, to remove from earthly life, the wife of Neighbor C. W. Ray, the daughter of Neighbor Wm. Morton; - WHEREAS, The departed one had, be­ fore she entered into her rest, endeared herself to the community by her charac­ ter, as faithful wife, affectionate daugh­ ter, loving sister, and her genial Chris­ tian disposition; Resolv ed, That Algonquin Camp, 490. M. W. A., hereby extends to the bereaved husband, father and family of the de­ parted one, its most sincere sympathy in this the times&f their deep affliction. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu­ tions be engrossed in the minutes of Al­ gonquin Camp, No. 490, M. W. A., and the Clerk be instructed to furnish a copy to ea«h of the local newspapers for publi­ cation. JOHX JOHNSTON, Clerk. thoff] HI 1889, lor Screen Boors W. P. Stevens, West Side. , Besley's Liverwort Kidney Cure, it. , Try.Besley's Horse and Cattle There is nothing like it. Lamps, Lanterns, 09 Can% etew atJ. A. Story's. All sizes of Wire Screens and Window Screen Frames, at W/vI'. Stevens, West Side. m. Call at W. P. Stevens, West fore you buy your Screen Doors. When yon desire a pleaanat uhjrsie, wif-2 St. Patrick's Pills. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's lor and Dress Making. f 5jJ" Try Besley's Troches, for Colds. BINDING TWINE. At towest priees, at, E. M, Owen A Fine Toe Slippers for the 4tfe* only 1||R at Evanson's. , * •. Now is your time to get your Hay Racks at F. A. Hebard's shop, East 84$- Henry, south of Riverside House. THE Hying Dutchman is one of the bsft plows on the market. Call at W. P. Stevens', on the West Side, examine ai& l e a r n t h e p s i c e . ' " ' / TILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. For sale, two very desirable village lots in West McHenry. Centrally kx-ated. For farther particulars inquire afe Business Notlo«Bi ELEGANT Outing Shirts from 75c to $2.50 at John Evanson & Co., To save your horses, to save your cropSj fo save your money, buy the Mc- Cornnck at R. Bishop's. The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes iu town at Besley's West Side Drug Store. If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices call at Althoff Bros. % The finest line of Boots and Shoes for Gent's .wear to be found in town. Also, in ladies foot-wear, a fine assortment, at Althoff Bros. We have the best makes of Barb Wire and our prices are on the spot cash basis, very low. J. W. DBttTT a 8o«, Ringwood. It will benefit you in purse and peace of mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. To try is to prove the above. If any are owing us on the Old score we would be very much phased, and we know you would be just m mucin so, to have tiie account squared up at once. J. W. CRIST)- A SOK, ttingwood. Ten per cent off on table linen for the next four weeks at Fitzsimmons & Hen­ derson's. , • MRS. H. H. NICHOLS can be found at the old stand, ready to do Dressmaking, Cutting and Fitting, on short notice.-- The Ladies are respectfully invited to call. BINDING TWINE. I have No. 1 Binding Twiaer in any quantity, which I can sell at not to ex­ ceed 16 cents per pound. Call and see me. ' ** AlflHOJPa MeHaary May i, 1889. 4 REST EASY. V There is no occasion for people to be­ come alarmed when they have a sudden attack of bowel complaiut, if they are provided with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It promptly alleviates the most excruciat­ ing plain in the stomach or bowels:- It never fails. Sold by G. W. Besley. Ladies' fine goat, batten shoes f 1.25 at Fitzsimmons & Henderson's. PAINT 1 PAINT 11 A full line of choice mixed Paints kept constantly on hand at J. A. Story's Drugstore; also a full line of Carriage Paints, Top Dressing, Varnishes, Pure Lead, linseed Oil, Brushes, etc. PIANO TUNING. Mr. Oscar J. Wigell will make regular trips to McHenry every three months viz; January, April, July, Oetobdrv' Leave orders at 0. W. Owen's store. The universal verdict of the people who have used Clarke's Extract of Flax (Pa­ pillon) Skin Cure award it the first and highest place as a remedial- agent in all cases of skin diseases. Erysipelas, eczema, pimples, unsightly blotches, hu­ miliating eruptions, boils, carbuncles, tetter, etc., all yield to this wonderful preparation at once. Price fl for a large bottle at Geo. W. Besley's drug store, West McHenry, 111. Clarke's J Flax Soap is good for the skin. Try i*» Price 25 cents. . m* DR. B. MINCER. The old reliable Dr. B. Mincer will be at the Waverly House, Woodstock, tiro days only, July 19 and 20 1889. De­ fective vision from congenital or ac­ quired cause, successfully remedied, when in the skill of the optician to remedy. Mr, M. has devoted his life to his work and invites those who may have had trouble iu having the eyes fitted, or all in need of glasses, to investigate his method of adapting glasses to the human eye. Call on mm. Consultation, and examination free. Will also be at Richmond Saturday, July 27th, and Mclleury, Monday, July 29th, for one day only, Take your choice*, twine or wire. The McCormick^ with its simple knottier and interchangeable wire twister is king of the harvest. At R. Bishop's. \ v . Best Twine at Rock Bottom Prices at R. Bishop's. * MONEY IS NO OBJECT. The lives of your children are of price­ less value. Every child is subject to sud­ den attacks of bowel complaint during the summer months. It is always alarm­ ing and often fatal. The only rational^ plan is to be provided at all times with the safest and surest remedy, and promptly treat the disease in ite first stages and .before the vitality becomes exhausted. Unexpected delays so often occur in sending for a physician or medi­ cine, especially during the night or from a distance, that no one can afford to risk such uncertainties when life depends upon promptness, keep a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand for instant use. It is made for bowel complaint only and is un­ questionably the most reliable medicine ever brought into general us** The price is no object compared with its value MEERSCHAITM PIPES. Genuine Meerschaum Pipes, both straight and bent, at about half price, at Barbian BroB., next door to the post office. They have the finest assortment in the county. ' FISHING TACKLE. ", Do you want a fine fish-hook, lineMMMt^ pole? If so go to J. A. Story's, where you will find an assortment of Hooks, Lilies, Poles, Spoon-hooks, etc.^ etc. Call and examine. | ^ * BOOKS! BOO ESI - * ' A- 4 Only 35 cents. Call and see tlie bound books for Sale at J. A. Story's^ Dickens', Scott's, Long Fellow's, 1<amb*8f and many others, to be found for only 35 cents<per volume. Always the lowest prices on all kinds of goods : 45 inch flouncings, 59c. 4Sl|eh Hounciugs, 79c. 45 inch ftouncingp, we. Laces, 2c, 3c, 5c, 8cj 10c, 15c, 25c, 40c. Embroideries from le to 60c and 70c. Men's shoes, 1.00, 2.00 2.25# to 0.00. Tennis shoes, 75c. Ladies' shoes, 1.5QL 2.00, 2.50,3.00, 4.50. Groceries alwittw the freshest. STOKKKL 4 BLAKE. « ; FOR SALE. si A FABM or 850 ACRES IN TOWN of Bra- TON, MCHENRY COUNTY, IIX. Good buildings, 120 acres under plow, .balance timl>er and meadow. Is one at the best farms in the county. Terms to suit purchaser. Write or will on Barton A. Stevens, Spring Grove, McHenry county, m. _• /Iw *- GENTLEMEN, If yon wnnt the latest styles of > your pick out of 200 samples,amerehant tailor of Chicago has appointed E. Lawlus, tailor, to take measures. First class tailors in every respect. Prices of suits, $18 to f34. He has measured lor seven suits in two weeks. He will t*how you names of references. E. LA«LB% Tailor, opposite Riverside Hotel. Go and see Peny it Owen, for Ladies' Fine Kid Shoes, at re­ duced prices a« follows: #4.25 Kid &i<m* iior $3.90 3.50 " « 3.00 3.25 " « 2.75* 3.00 " " 2.50 They are all bargains. Gents' Owen's. Fine Ties at Perry & Latest Style Hats at Perry ft Owen's. Jim ^Finest Confectionery, Peanuts, Bananas, Oranges, Lemony and Cigars at Perry & Owen's. Ribbons--Largest stock and Lowest prices at Perry & Owen's. While Mr. T. J. Richey, tff,Altona, Ma, was traveling in Kansas, h«F. was totem violently ill with cholera morbus, fee called at a drug store to get some medi­ cine, and the druggist recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diar­ rhoea Remedy so highly he concluded to try it, the result was immediate relief, and a few doses cured him completely. It is made for bowel complaint and sow­ ing else. It never fails. Sold by G. W. Besley. - X As I am engaged in the sale Of Solid Goinfort bulky Plows in Lake, McHenry, and Cook Counties, I have condudidt to offer my Russell self-propelling Traction Engine for sale. The rig througho^ looks as well and is practically as goqlr as new, always been run steady with plenty of power and tising soft water and wood as fuel. It is scarcely worn or damaged at all. Will sell at a bargain and start the same as new. Can sell Russell, Rundey, Pitts, Gas, Scott, or any make you want at low figure aud start same myself. Agent Empire Binders and Mo were, Tiger Mowers and Rakes, Chal­ lenge and Aermotors, windmills with tilting towers for oiling from ground. Address, VKBDKR SUKTM, Wauconda, lilt JPNB AH1> m\* B1LL UF FARE. Boys' Cashmere Suits... Boys' Knee Pants..... Boys' Long Pants, Suits........... Boys' Shoes. Men's Summer Coats aud Veste. Men's Mole-skin Pants. Men's Fine Congress Gaiters...... Men's Heavy Congress Goiter*..... .1 60 iu V" • t JW 2 00 .133 .1 ...t 50 ..ISO

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