Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1889, p. 5

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When a person tells you they never had inch a cold in their life take their word • for it and advise them to takef Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy and cur® it. For coughs, colds and hoarseness it has no equal. Sold by G. W. Besley. CATHARTIC PILLS ARE WHIPS* To the liver and bowels, but give no strength. The more you take, the more you need. Miles' Pills, (M. P.) positively eghthen. The longer take n the less _ aired. Samples free at Besley 'a Drug Store. „ A WORD TO THE WISE. : » - Spring has come with its sudden and 'extreme changes of temperature and now is the time that all should be prompt in securing some good tonic to strengthen the blood and stimulate the system. To : be found at J. A. Story's. r WHY IS IT. That people linger along always com­ plaining about that continual tired feel­ ing? One bottle of Beggs' Blood Puri­ fier and Blood Maker will entirely remove ; this feeling, give them a good appetite id regulate digestion. For Sale by J. . Story, McHenry, and John Humphrey, I Waoconda, Druggists. , HOW CAN PARENTS : i.&i: Allow their children to cottjijfe and '•H strain and cough and calmly say: "Oh, ;J its only a little cold," and keep giving j: them cheap and dangerous medicines, I;*' until they are down with lung fever or " 1 consumption when they can be relieved so aily by Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup? I It has no superiors and few equals. For ' sale by Ji A. Story and John Humphrey, ; " druggists. ^ The universal verdict of the people who ave used Clarke's Extract of Flax (Pa-- lo) Skin Cure award it the first, and ;hest place as a remedial agent in all , cases of skirt diseases. Erysipelas, eczema, pimples, unsightly blotches, hu­ miliating eruptions, boils, carbuncles, tetter, etc., all yield to this wohderful preparation at once. Price $1 for a large bottle at Geo. W. Besley's drug store, •West McHenry, 111. Clarke's Flax Soap is good for the skin. Try it. Price 25 cents. • CLARKE'S EXTRACT OF FLAX COUGH CURE. It tea sure cure for Whooping Cough. It stops the whoop, and permits the child to catch its breath. It is entirely harmless. Good for any cough of child­ hood or old age. It heals the bronchi and lungs, and stops the cough. For Winter or Bronchial Cough this syrup is the best ever discovered. Only one size, large bottle. Price f 1.00, at G. W. Besley's Drug i Store. Clarke's Flax Soap makes the Skin smooth, soft and white. Prioe 25 cents. EFFECTS OF MODERN LIFE. ESmiennt authorities unanimously agree that the high pressure methods of human life are rapidly making us a nation of nervous invalids--subject to all manner of nervous affectations, headache, insai- ty» dizziness, neuralgia, backache, hys­ teria, nervous trouble of the heart, stom- ache, kidenys, brain, etc. Ladies and gwtlemeii who are troubled thus, or who are compelled to keep late hours, do much mental or physical work, or worry Or fret about business or domestic troub­ les, should remember that that no other remedy in the world will so speedily cure these diseases, remove wory or the blues, induce tranquil sleep, relieve pain, and build the brain and nervous system as Dr. Miles' great discovery the Restorative Uervine. It con tai s no opium or snor- bottles free sit li--ley's Shine. Trial Drug Store. Herbert Sperry, Tremont, 111., had Erysipelas in both less. Confined to the house six weeks. He says: "When I was able to get on my legs, I bad an itching sensation that nearly ran me crazy. I Scratched them raw to the bones. Tried everything without relief. I was tormented in this way for two year. I then found Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure at the Druj Store, used it, a d it has cared me soun< and well." Clarke's Flax Soap has no equal for Bath and Toilet. Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. For sale at G. W. Besley's Drugstore. - iBabp was aiek, M h«r (Moris, When was a Child, ihe cried forCaatorta, When sha became King, she clung to Cartorta, i ato tad OhUdreB, tf&e them Caatocla D. NKCDHAM'S SONS 116-11' Dearborn Street, CHICAGO 111 Clrnr .Mil eum. Cancer, CMarrh RbeunwtiAi, Dyspepsia, Stele Headache, Con8tlpation,Pliea, Whooping Cough, and an Send for dr­aper. whooping Coui Bt0M MEASES. cular. Mention j DR. B. MINCER, -THE- EMINENT OPTICIAN, OF DETROIT, Claims that Instruments for treating tile Bye, however good in the hanaa of one expert in their use, in the hands of the ignorant are worse than useless A man must be skilled in the treatment of the Eye and the applica­ tion of instruments in order to receive any benefit. If he is properly skilled he can fit the most difficult eye without instruments. Glaucs fitted with accuracy so as to preserve (be eyeaight--the delicate construction of the eye makes it necessary to use great care in •electing spectacles. B. Mincer lins made the eye his special study, and in hi® later years has paid his en­ tire attention to the adaption ot Spectacles to the same. Having a thorough experience In making and adapting Spectacles to the area, lie is ecabled to lit accurately in every cats of abnormal vision known as PRESAYOPIA, HYPERMATROPIA MYOPIA, A* well aa weak light, requiring various tinted glass. His improved spectacles ere of ft perfect construction, which assist and pre­ serve the sight, rendering frequent changes quite unnecessary. They coaler a brilliant- ness and distinctness ol eaae and comfort not genoially enjoyed by persons using »peota- cles. His lenses are ground on the most scientific --- ' clear as w principles, rendering the eye as chen in the full strength of yoctb. B. Mincer has some highly flattering tesU* monials of some of ihe lending oculists of tBe •tetess to his ability in fitting Spectacles. BEMEMB£E : Be uses no Instruments; He fits the eye the first time; He made the eye a study for over Sweat • fears; ** He uses pure crystal lenses. . '" He guarantees satisfaction; ' . He treats weak eyes successfully; He eaves eyes injured by using inferior glasses. He fits all kinds of glasses required by de- feetive glasses. He •nakea every variety or glasses. JVOrders can De left at postofiotud will receive prompt attention. jNo^charges for Woman, high? To sweep the cobwebs from the sky On such mission of cleanliness hasted because The sun, moon and ste*saee4U» Soap- Santa Clans. sqsip b the best on Fakth for S T1VE(|MTS a eak«, . jfyl good house!(tt.ytts ust«. * /{Hjao<(grocers sellit}an<Cl • MK.f*/RBANicfr Co., CHICAGO. BISHOP. -DEALER IK - ALL KIKD?- To the Fanners of McHenry County and^Vicinity : l a m n o w p r e p a r e d t o g b o w a n e w a n d c l e a l i * a s s o r t m e n t o t Agriculturallmpleiiients second to none in the county and at prices that I am confiOjB»% ^investigate before making •your purchases. WMff-ce SPRING MEDICINE YOU Paine's Celery Compound I'lfill Purifies the Bloody v 'r "fir"; Strengthens the Nerved * \t ^ Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels* v • dives Life and Vigor to every orgati. j "S nothing like it ng, being very much run down and I procured some of Paine's Celery "Last deblll _ Compound. The use of two bottles made me feel like a new man. As a general tonic and apring medicine, I do not khow its equal." W. L., Brigadier General V. N. G.. Buritngton, vt, $1.00. Six for (5.00. At Druggists. Use it Now! "Haying used your raine's Celery Compound! this spring. I can safely recommend It as most powerful and at the same time most} gentle regulator. It is a splendid nerve tonic,?; and since taking It I have felt like a new man.'*-*; K, K. Knorr, Watertown, Dakota, ^ Wells, Richardson K Co. Props. Burlington, Vfc. WAN The cfcyomPm value. EvtiqychMl attacks sutamer i ing and often fate). " plan is to be provided , , the safest and eurent TM-nmntlv + +*"» Hiannao »" Iffl ley'b Liverwort Kidney Cure. Try For our Immense new Fall Stoc bow arriving d«liy, which by far aa puses any of our previous efl •In variety and prices. Oar Try Besley's Horse and Cattle Food* Sere in nothing like it. t' Lanterns, Oil Cans, etc.. itory'a. as. All sizes of Wire Screens and Windotr afeen Frames, at W. P. Stevens, We* MUKW era * » ' » - » \ -V- . 'M. ' V- 4: If you want to own the beat, behold it here, finely finished well proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unex­ celled. Do you want a ivagon? It so examine the Bishop before you buy. Always on hand, £arm Tiucfcs with broad tires. W ood and Iron Pumps, platform epriDg % agons, combination Wagoi»£, fine Carriages, all kinds, that will bear close inspection, manufactured by tte Water town Spring Wagon Co., of W atertown Ho Y., who carry a three years stock, enabling them to season well their goods before placing them on the market. Hie McCormick Simple Knotter is the best knotteron e*rt||b> ' Xt ties more grain with less twitlib--and does it better-- thaii any other machine. But there is Utile fibre on the market for next year and prices are d«ily getting higher.^ The invincible. McCormick eJ&rs you Twine when Twine is cheap, Wire when twine is deauM ^Foi particulars call at Agricultural W arehouse of RICHARD BISHOP. Much has been said relative to the price of Binding Twine this season. Having just receivec a car load ot standard grades, 1 would respectfully ask those who are in need of twine to give me a call, examine goods and learn prices before making their purchases. Prices and goods of all kinds guaranteed. Also on hand a tew. U«n of good Giound Feed that I will close out at |J2 per ton lots. Call early and secure t he benefit. Verjr Truly Yourg, # RICHARD BI8HOP. JACOB BONSLETT, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S FLLL. McHEOTY, ILLINOIS. -DEALER IS. Purchased for Owli. all ol flitch %*flf tie sold as low as the market will admit and furnish first class good*. • FULL liimB OF STOTE!S( GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. Gall and see our Gasolene Stoves. SLABS OF ALL SIZES C0HSTABTLT OH HAND. I» the Market, at Bottom Price*. \ , St'V • 1 ^ " &» • P E R R Y & O W E N , Illinois. SUHTO.OQ0JI8. ©allntW. P. Stevens, West SSde, be» yon bay your Screen Doors. „ ,^;fy ' H When yon desire a pleasant physic, try t *' • 3. Patnck's Pills. * , MUST and SHALL be reduced toMrs-E*w- Howe's lor Millinery /V* low figures and pushing will do Dress Making. Oood, fast Lawns, 4c; best Batiste. I*- . . Bummer Underwear clear down Berth's Troches, for Coughs anft ^ * ARE OFFERINC rtment this Call stock. PERRY & OWEN. Dlinois. IAP DUSTERS fOBBZUQ " This is one of the 5/A Dusters. It is closely woven and handsomelyembroidered." Don't get stuck with Dusters which will let the dust through and spoil your clothes. 5/A Lap Distort mC!&3 5IK Ironsides Siwetgr^jS to SUM*. forruwraul Tuutin HU1 tlM 0o*t. 5A Clipper Fly Nets' , 'StpMttolMtlMr •» 100 other styles of 5/A Horse Sheets and Ply Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For sale by all dealers. If yon can't get them, write us. ~ 5/A *0R& BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE 8M LABCt Manufd by Wm. Atres & Sons. Phllada., wtoo make the famous Horse Brand Baker Blankets. BIZfWQQS JJESIY UBS RING WOOD ILL. The cows in tbia herd were taken from Ihe Chestnut farm Heril, the home of tiahrielle Champion No. 14IW, with a seven days' test of 17 pounds, S oz. A sister of Champion Magnet tt,4a0t and Alpheon's Belle, No. 27,191, with one days' test of S pounds, 8 ounces, and 33 pounds ,8 ounces in seven days. Champion Magnet, i No at the head of Chestnut. Farm Herd, ' is a son of Champion ot Ames ica, Ko. 1,567, who is i ire ot twenty cows with recOnis of 14 pound* and over. We have two tested daughters of Champion Magoet in Kingwood Herd : Marie C Magnet. No. 22.9C3, 15 ]K>uoas 8 ounces at 24 mouths; Alberta 1'ansy Magnet, No 20,749, 10 pounds. 8 ^ usees at 22 months. Alpheon Micawiwr, No. 99,71*3, a son of Alpbeon's Belle, by Cham­ pion Magnet at the head of this herd. These cows are toi-'>the special purpose of butter making, Any one in need of butter producers can tina none better than in this herd. There is no need of producing 250 pounds of milk for ten pounds of butter. Gabriel 1c Champloa 14.JU2 gave 9 pounds M ounces of butter to one hundred pouads of milk <U the time ot her lest. Don't imagine that the Jersey is a dainty feeder; in tact, tor the sixe of her body, she Is a gourmand. Milk will soon be tested at all creamery ea> tablishnients and paid for accordingly. The man who receives a check at the rate of Sjf pounds per hundred will be the kicker. If you wish to prepare for this call and see what we hare. A grandson of Champion Magnet through Loadstone, 13,612and Aiberut fansy Magnet Wee above) lor tale. Alio two grandsons of Alpheon's Bielle through Count We tlso have a high graue S-year old heifer for sale. Will be fresh soon. P. ». HARRISON. Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction ited, JA< Guaranteed. Sick Feeders, Graduated Medicine Glasses, and all the requisites of a sick room, can be found eonstantty in stock at J. A. Story's. 10,000 Agenta Wanted at once to sea the only ̂ tuUieniie, Vompiete cmd Graphic History of tlie Joktown Flood, Profusely Illustrated* With views of all sort* connected with the terrible s ;enes of that mighty inundation. 12mo. 400 pages. Price 11.60. Liberal terms. Thousands want it. Demani is immense. 8end quickly SO cents for outfit to Hubbard Brothers, Lakeside Building, Chicago, 111. price but not as low dowu in quail MB. as a half-dozen BUMS this ouraed with at present. We otter special terms lot /. .• ILY-N And sheets still in stock room for heavy Winter "hoi arTivlDz, Oor llock of brated. 1 BINDING TWINE. - ^lowest prices, at E. M. Owen & fton'i* Toe Slippers for the 4th, only T5e- Evanson's. 2pu't forgot to call for Yard Stni^c afe *uaonra. They are very handy to *e. , : - . ' f;. ^ies' Oxford ties reduced to |1 THE PIUDiT0F"W0MAN. tp make •** goods the cele- and inspect their Meflashi itt Woof FLAM If ELS In plain, plaids, stripes and suita­ ble combinations will be here this week, and merits the closcst attention of all purchasers of reliable goods. We are now headquarters for the celebrated JAMESTOWN DRESS GOODS, Comblnelng their latest novelties aa well as meritorious Suiting*. Our line of of silk finish, In staple and fancy shades. Is the test in town and all Mods warranted Those In @e represented. flret class r need of CLOTHING, Will find wm® special terms awaiting them here, as we have num­ erous single SUITS left, of a style to close oal .cheap. Our Boot and Shoe Stock For fall and winter arrived this week and Is from the favorably known house of C H. Fargo & Co., Chicago. 111., who make the best custom goods in their own mammoth factory in the olty. and authorize us to fully warrant every pair* We cannot now give description and prices until we have them marked and arranged, but watch us hfter the fair, as we carry goods from an ordinary pair of tramp kick­ ers to the very finest pair of French Kid Tipped Sboe«. All those In need of Cloak*, Shavls Omcotti, IfBdennu, «tc. Should remember as ss working for their Interest the hardest and with the best success. Our new goods In above line will he lo about Sept. 10, Talking about WALL PAPER, We get there with ooth feet, as our fall stock cannot be surpassed In variety of styles to suit the taereg of dlftereut people, from 10c to (1 per double roll, trimmed free, with ele­ gant Borders and Celling Papers to match, Look us over. Lace Cur­ tains and Window Shades, In good va- riety ftsd sC idw figures. Call and see a sample of qnr fa­ mous new unoolored Japan Teas, At 25c. 40c, 45c and 65c per pound. 5 or 10 pound lota less In proportion. Ciscoette and Hanly Flour ONLY SI.15. 7 bars good reliable Sosp, 36c; 1 lt> good Fine Cat, 26c; 3 cans standard Corn. 35c. Never forget to look as over wh>n pushed to buy goods. EVER YOURS, West McHenry A clear pearly and transparent skin is always a sign of pure blood, and all per­ sons troubled with dark, greany, yellow or blotched skin can rent assumi that their blood is out of order. A few dosee of Bepgs' lllood Purifier & Klood Maker will remove the cause and the skin Wfll become clear and transparent. Try it And if satisfaction is cot ^iven it * will cost you nothing. It is fully warranted. For Sale by J. A. Story, McHenry and John Humphrey, Wauconda. Druggists. FOR SALE. 5 The undersigned offers for ante a house <1 and good garden, situated in the village ^ of Kingwood. House contains ten 4 .rooms; good well and cistern. Barn and | other oi.t-houses. Plenty of small fruit " on the premises. Will sail on reasonable terme and on time if desired. Possession will be given ou or before May let. For further particulars inquire of, - WrSLFT t.A* ©, •V'%S KiUS*«MH. lit. ' • .*2 . SM-r i . WATCHES JEWELRY, El C. : tfj J. P. Smith has now on hand one of the finest stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., ever brought to this town, r to which he invites the attention of the public. If you want a good watch. Gold or Silver, a Chain, Ring, Pin, or in fact any thing in the Jewelry line you can find it at liis store, of the beet quality and at the lowest living price. Call and examine hie goods before you buy. J. P.Hvim. ~ 'vlj WwtofRlTmMr ROHM. KeflMrr • Every" >nsing Thresherman £ knows that the threshing machine that will work the most rapidly, | clean perfectly, and save all the gram will bring him the be$t jobs ana best prices* and so he will Write now to *;• at once investigate „ - our claim that The ̂ VIBRATOR beats anything heretofore iV made in * ; | all these and other points. ; The >J wide-awake Farmer , J will also get our circulars and 1. * satisfy himself whether he can afford^ to have his graiit ;'vc;i' wasted Ivy other threshers u , when he •> can make money by having his grain threshed with the New Vibrator*. Our pamphlet giving -J full information about Threshing Machinery •£ and - / Traction Enginesr 'J'>yZ sent on applicatiortf NICHOLS & SHEPARD B A T T L E C R E E K , M ' C H I G A N AGENTS WANTED ENTIRELY NEW BOOK. TO 8E1X AN The most won'terful ooKerH^n ot practical neat wilue and every-iluy «ue f«r the peoplti ever published on the *lol>o A nmrwl of • mmney saving nnrf money earning l«»r everjr one owning it ThounMnits of iL-.iutiful, hel|K . fill engmvin^s. sliowinR jus- limv inrtnerenv thinc. Noroiiiiii'lit'iin; iiiitniiii; like it in the nniveroe \v hen you stlvol th.~«t whirh is oif** Aue vttlue «*lef «r»- sure. Alt *tni*crely <le«i»» lag iKtyitiy etnplojrxtetU nM UmkiitK f«r soma* : thing thoioughly jirxt.elas* »t nn estraorUi. narily low price, ehould wnte f'«r ilescriptioa and terms on Ihe most reiriirk»l)le 8rh>evew meat in book-makinjt s>n<*e the w rl«t WifAn,- SCAMMEL ft CO.. Box 5 003. St Lotiia or fkiladclpkia AGENTS WANTED FOR THE BOOK. J0HNST0WK VALLEY OF DEATH. A thrilling account of the awfsi their appalling ruin. Giaphic '!<'!<cri»ttMI the destruction ot bouses, factories, eWttl towns nntl tnou^ands of lives; heart insr scenas, separation of loved ones; heroic deeds, narrow escapes from havoo by fire; plundering tbe bodies tlms; dreadful suffertng# of the >>urvtt the greatett c^lamitr of the times. B_ illustrated. Send thirl v rents in luaal outfit to save time; Terms UuernL POlilNII a MOMAKIN. fjski-3 . i '

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