Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1889, p. 8

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. '.V' .">••• ill i,i i* AUTMKNT v AND SUMMER L 1 F«f»i V'i, •«**. •* imMw and Motlce# nn<l«r th« *l»ov • aid .* nuwfceti by the lilies of the W. f . . U. nr.K.itiH Hie iMrtw » • Mun*.] k mo r*rt «r «n «§?• Pt v J Tli»> Loyal Tompwanpe Lrtfffon wfll not f wieet until the first Friday afternoon in itefcober, of which due notice will be given column. ^ Temperance is the prdper control of the #* uppetite. It implies the moderate «ae of l^ood things, and total abstinence from ffioieo^p. Alcohol and tobacco uro poi- ^Hons. • . • ; Trm Words from a On»t Xuu The following words were true when tittered, and always will be true. They wwre spoken by Lord Chesterfield in the House of Lords, more than one hundred ,v*ersago: * "Luxury, my lords, is to be taxed, but vice prohibited, let the difficulty in the law be what it will. Would you lay a <ai upon a breach of the ten command­ ments ? Would not such a tax be wicked and scandalous? Wonld it not imply an indulgence to those who could pay the tax? Vice, my lords, is not properly to lie taxed but to be suppressed. Luxury, or that which is..only pernicious by excess, »though not strictly unlawful, may be made more difficult. But the use of those things that are simply hurtful in t&eir own nature and in every degree, is to be prohibited. None, my lords, ever heard, in any nation, of a tax upon theft Or adultery, because a tax implies a li­ cense granted for the use of that which is taxed, to all who are willing to pay for it. Drunkenness, my lords, is univer­ sally and in all circumstances an evil, and therefore ought not to be taxed, but prohibited." •rmm, V" GERMAN anil Empire Salve, Is the very he«t medicine ever introduced Into the country. The following are the MMncR of a few of the many who nave been oared by this great medicine: >1. P. Mader, Geno*. Wis., cured of aathraa Of ten veers' standing. ©. c. Detgan, of the same place, cared of a Chronic sore limb. Mrs, J. J. Huff, Uichrtjonrt, III., cured of Whig trouble of six months' standing. •Irs. Hultmrt, Ximda 111., cured of asthma cat-«rrh of long standing. Mrs, AWetistein, Harvard, cured of internal tttmule of ten years' standing. , Mr, .Handeshall. of Harvard, cnrod of ca­ tarrh, scrofula, and varicose veins of five standing. Theodore Borrhold, of Harvard, eared of iprHlvsis of two veai s' standing. •This tiew medicine has cured bronchitis, •fN'ofula. abscespes, boils, burnR,catarrh, cts... %n t relieved asthma and consumption for all Who have used it. It is a sure and sate niedi- Ottie for all troubles and never fails to givet «atista<<tion TrvH under a full warrantee Price ot Empire ̂ alvehaltounce box,25cents; two ounce box, 75 cents, or three boxes for fl 50. Painkiller, one-ounce bottle, 25 rents; tyo ounce bottle, 50 cents Call on your ' \Wuggist for it, or »en<! to N. LENNARDS, Harvard. III. For sale by Geo. W. Iiosley, West Mcllenry, flliDOis. Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla (• pHrferable to any other for th^cure of Blood Diseases. Because no poisonous or deleterious ingredients enter into 'the composition of Ayer's Sarsanprilla. V --Ayer's Sarsai>af|p» ^ontaius only the purest and most effwtiva teHpjedial .properties. * --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prepared with extreme care, skill, and cleanliness. 4-- Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prescribed by leading physicians. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is for sale everywhere, and recommended by all first-class druggists. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine, and not a beverage yi disguise. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla never falls to effect a cure, when persistently used, according to directions. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con­ centrated extract, atfd therefore the mos^econpmieal Blood Medicine in the martast. -J**-Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had a suc­ cessful career of nearly half a century, and was never so popular as at present. -- Thousands of testimonials are on file from those benefited by the use of •* Ayer's Sarsaparilla^ PREPAltKD HX Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. |1; «ix bottlta, $$. Worth a bottto. \-r; Se'r ^ v-yv-" in Clothing, 1m ~*'y X * y> J? .JU^r-OPE'\?SD At- . •ym ii : Waucond a Clothing Store, I •- .-r V * t £ V- . -• ; ̂ j Antl livvtln-r *„ tofr* pm? ai-t 4»tm.n*r Tf<uiu, 1 have adM to |rny aif»ck ialebt ; ,1 ** DRALER -""V -.mA'4? t I /' >- Cpthitig, Boots ai Hats, Caps, Gents Fiirnishirigs. AIX STYLES ' AND Pi«IC.f5.i|| & HARDWARES fttovos Tin Coppor ShMt-lron Ware, ' '"v. w Aui m a*Htt.on h is put iti a full ste< k * V ^ ' AG11IGULT UjtiAL IBSFLEMEINtS-, i»l*v Plow.4. Onrw Plowtu . . toddard Seetlers, Diss Harrow, Dr^. and in short everything itf «fae farming fool line, which will bo a M at Bottom Figures. -- FOR THE NEW HOME SEW. NO MA€UI^E.^m . : • ; • , y*~V. : • , u . . 'a Barb Wirt, r*f:! 1 i#,H* i; ~ M. V. B. Ringwoo<t, Illinois, w ' --D*at*ri* (fcto- Family Groceries, CtnnediGoods, etc. Ttty Goo«l8 are all new and fresh and will sola aa low an the same qualily of Goods c*e be bought anywhere. Tha Bnt 3unds of Flour. O. J. HRTLIi, RICHMOND. ILLINOIS A foil line of Cloths, of the latest styles tied patterns always on hand. SINGLE GARMENTS, OR FULL SUITS, Jlsde on short notice sad a fti guaranteed. from our experience and practical knowl­ edge of '.he tasinesa we are confident we can . Mease the moat fastidious^, and respectfully jtovUeall in want of Olotatag of any kind to , uiu a call. t . Prices as low as ths same quality ot goods ^fMi bftfrarehased an/vlwre. C. j, BRILL. r Richmond, October 16th,*lSi®. HANLY BROTHERS. -rnnm of- I#"? Kept COust^tl^^m Hand. -afe. " MEAT MAKKET. Inlsohavein connection a Meat Market, here can always bo founil Fresh, Salt, and >inoked Meats, etc. Early in the season 1 i-rtiall run a Dehverv Wagon and supply Cus­ tomers with tresh Meats regularly on stated •lays. 0*11 and see nr.e and I am sure I can please y«u botb i^qual'.ty and price of all articles In my line. M. V.'B SPAU&.DING. Ringwood. April 1st, 1H89. v, J. Barb aa- J.iJ. Barb an BARBIAN BROS. Wholes ale and Betail DEALERS IN FINE GIGARS, ' '̂ mSJSNRY ILLINOIS. Having leased the brick building one door South ot the post office, we have opened a r*etail etore, where, at all times can be found* fine cigara of our own manufacture, together with smolciag and chewing tobacco of the beet brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment ani some I Tery hahdi tome patterns. CALL AND SEE US. sHeory, BASBIAHSnOB. McHenry; Soretnher 13tb, 1888. cureiv*- PltES, ^NS $&, ' Roadsters, Draft AHD .GRADE HORSES. : * We hare the following stallions in ssrvice far the season of 1889, VON LEEIt. Young Hausbletonian Stallion. Fo^edJune St, 1885. Stands 1534 hands high, weight. 1100 tiounds Is tright bay. black points, Has ,:«ne style and good.action. A»a seprescnta .live for getting good roadsteV* is hard to "Von Leer" w«s sired by &eor«re O. (9701), :.*y Lakeland Abdallah, 3&0. First dam by Mftlekeii, by Autocrat. Seeoad dam Dolly, by Otfford Morgan. t-- CHANCELLOR JR. Ilaving recently purchased a very fine imported Clyaesdale Stallion, Chancellor, Jr., ' for our own use, will breed a limited number , :*f Mares outside Chancellor Jr. is 8 years #i(l this spring; is.a Cherry Bav with blank • fjoints; 16% hands high and weighs about 1,700 f Jwunds; strong, clean limbs, line action, n ild disposition. He was sired by Chancellor CMiOj, be by Drew Prince of Wates, (6Ti), Ham fcv Lofty, (480); grand dam by Duke of Well, ington, (1&J3); great grand dam by sir Williaui %Vnllace, (8SM). He combines in his breeding tl*e best blood Scotland ever had, and ha!s j»roven his ability to get uniform Colts, • - line form, strong and ragged. CHAMPION JR. rerchcon Morgan Horse. He has torcven himself a fine stock getter for geu^eal jMirpjses, and cannot be beaten in the North- •jrest. Parties who intend breeding the com- Ing season, will find it to their advantage to "5pall and tee our stock and get our tcrma Which will be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be well eared .«wr,^towner's ruk. st moderate rate*. Call and see us. HANLY BROS, 6 I a > » u 0 > 0 > H 61 cd w CF n 4 wu m 53 & W H O o > C"1 H 'prtn^r ."Opening1'- of Milllncrv, at Mrs. MaimanV. Walloon (la. Ifhc latest st>]'ts in Spring-anil^ni'mer' Hats and Trimiiiiii^s are "«iow included in my ^tt>ofc. Uaul made and trimmed t« order. a1 "' 1 •* 1 n IJ i ii in • 111 --I I ||' i I -. i, " ! i - ' " N r '; MR3. ' SHSRWOOQi ! .' WOODSTOCK, - - - - - ILLINOIS. Invites thp ntteation "f the Ladies tahrrflne line of Fancy Goods and Embroidery siiatcr- lalp, Also Toilet- J'iei'Mrations ot all kinds. A1I the Intent in'itcriais for 'Embroidery, ^u«"b ns Silk Uope, Linen Rope, Arrasene, PhemiPe. 8mvrnaspiie. Kibhosnne,'Filo Fl«»» i£<(ibroblory Silks, Wash IStching Silks, VVaah Hope Silke, oii5., kfcpt constantly on hand. " Mrs. Sheiwood has a large Mrs AyerV Rooamier Sarpa- stock of riarriet. Hubbard A.ywirV pari I la, a remedy for - scrofulous, -celebrated Vita N.ouva, ^ diseases, rheumatism, etc., is th^ Wstoa earth. Try it. Ftir Sale The Seven Sutherland Sisters Mrs, Sherwood. hair grower and scalp clefiner at Mrs. Sherwootls. Try it. Recamier Cream, Recamier Powder, Kecamier Balm, Reca- A full lino of Mrs. flairiel mier Soap, Mrs. Sheiwood's Hubbard Ayer's celebrated toilet ^y^hem. preparations c in be fo(!$<£'At - ; Mrs, Sherwood's. "the Harnet Hubbard Ayer Remedies at Mrs. Sheiwood's. .^ ̂•M^s Red und B!'3$$u- ^ imeutiit Mrs. Sh^rwoo t's. 'Dr. Price's Heart Regulator ann Stomach Powders at Mrs, Sherwood's. invite the Lfidie« fco oaII when in Wood^took^ as we«re tor© .^CSUfihpw jOM soniothing that will ploase y(>u. Samples of Embroideries and Fancy, Work sent upon applica­ tion. Address MRS. G, L> SHEHW0DD, Woodstock, 111. '\,V4 AT BOTTOM JOBBING AZfD RflPAlUNIi: ill ho done on sh'ttt Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed A special»y of Gutter Factory work. A share of public natronao^ res»p«H!ttuHy solicited*'" J1'",' > STEVEN 8. > a WAUCONDA, TLLINOIS. Are now better than evfr prepared to offer you GREAT BARGAINS co w o H er Prices thau ever before offercd in Lake County. -OUR STOCK OF Tor sale by Ceo. W. Besley. JERRY SMITH. * • General Merchandise Was nevw more complete than now. Call and got our Prices before-purchasing elsewhere. Special inducements l'orv0ash Buy ers in sums from $ I up. COLDINC BROTHERS. HSflX i^ltost Market Price for Farm Produce* Boot and Shoe Maker, %• - tf. CHOLERA IN MICHIGAN. J Dr. F. D. Larke, o! Rogers City, Michi­ gan, Bays the epidemic of last year in il'rewque Isle County, in which so many fMH-Hons lost their lives, was choleric *lyHentery instead of cholera as first re- iitorted. He used Chamberlain's Colic Mlholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and sayn ut succeeded, where all other remedies Sailed. Not a single case was lost in which it was used. This Remedy is the inost reliable and most successful medi­ cine known for cqlic, cholera morbus, c dysentery, diarrhoea and bloody flnx 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by G. W. . ' JtariavM t- * ' ,. «y, • ; >• - > x u _ : KX j#. . ".X A*' -mL.: :• One door ^onttt ot the; IFurniture 8tor® .Howe's Block, --McIIENllT ILLINOIS- Roots and Sho-sMmi nufactured of the" boat tmaterlal and a lit (*u aranteed. REPAIRING Promptlv atten<ie'J U<o. iNvierBLF Vatchk* for Fiue Shoes and Rcota a specialty. Call uind seo mo. uin Jerry Smith* M<VHonry, Deo. 4th, li m. ' TOUA A. 8TOBY (One Door West of Riverside House,) f >fclIKN i «Y, -- DEALER IN PEAR THE DEPOT. West McHenry, ntinnisg iv.'swest 'Iftiwi Re liable Lumber of all kinclp, ilWays on hand, and for sale at prices as low or lower than good Lumber can be bought anywhere See us before buying as we are sure we can save you money, | IMVIUUlUgUI .Door and f imloi Frama-Ready MHlwais ob Said. 4 i Also the Best Brands ©f Barb Wire* ^ We shall keep our stock complete al all times and spare no pttivis to accoramodkte ai-l whom ty favor us with their patronage. :A:. /WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY. C. H, GRANGER, Manager. m i. Vv-' 5t-pp; , '.M T*. : 1 N . \ Fors^me time to the people of thin vicinity that w« proposed with tbelr Indulgent assistance to be the leading Merchants In our line. it t ii i • j r\ itf. «,;n t For u« to clulm that an article never hw been sold by us wblcb failed to Xp <ill Ivlllds OI GOOuft# W^ ID^n blWlOCSB ftucl will you Low* giyft gatlgfwo^lan. w^ I^iiow of ^ fadings not qulteap to.ibe mark. 11 , stlvtf'. PUT WE DO CLAIM. r Tt»«t In ev«ry.lnet*nc* of the kind presented to oor attention we luve ncted fHfr and square and that no one has gone away from our store eotnplala- iug of-ill treatment. J IS THIS SHALL CONTINUE To bA oar [lOltcy so long as we are la busla^lp; ife sollclt your trade on tbls understanding. - •** J. mmwooD. ILL £1 -it _ i n«jpfl » " 1 1 "W* GEO. LEAD INC & CENT OK^All ISTE In McHe r;ry Go. Call for them. „kli/ ^ c§> !SI Fit^Bimi ions0& illenderson, vVo«»t MeS enry; J,W. Cristy Ik • *Son, Hin^prood. ^ -J& vensP r u g sj Medicines, & W' • UcHenry. -A FULti LINK OF- Erags, Chemicals, Bye Stalls, Paints, Gila' and slots. Constantly on hand Afeo a Jorge line t»f • ' • ... - '/• v.*" " - Patent Medicines^ Toilet Artices, }. AND COMPLETE STOCK OF % STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDEJES Physicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Begisteced Pharma- bist* Your patronage is respectfully solicited. j HUfET* ----DIALER IN-- ZImgs. and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. Articles, •!•••: " PUBS ' ' : - : w o B MEDIGAL VU.- . '• Also "Botttcd Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands, ot Cigars an;! Smoking and Chewing Tobacco alwayson hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. '"""T Oa Wte' BESLfi^ffe • Me Henry» Deoember2SUi|188Jf , ,i , 5/A. f4 ^ ; JULIA A. 'W* ' > '•••U- I rk •I'&U'Tv V I A -r y* '• ^ J 7 *0W

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