Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1889, p. 8

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:nt. # Article* *ml N( ' • • f!nni«r»e<l by I # Hi the KUitor cUtl •« m **m«. I I n n<l«r tbtaliov _jKi«e of Vh« W. C II *0 part or «rc 1 MKl . V . frtr Tho I-oyal Temperance Legion will not Itieet until the first Frklay afternoon in . October, of which due notice will be given column. ' ', '* THE Ivadiw of the W.'C, T. U. will meet *ith Mrs. F. A. Iiebavd, Thursday af- Iflrnoon, at 2:30 o'clock. , MRU I>. E rtmcnRTT, fragment. MM. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. | ! The Deiuun of Drixlfc, Statistics said to be carefully compiled, fthovr that 60,000 l'ves are annually de- * »fcroyed by intemperance in the United States. One hundred thousand men and women are yearly Bent to prison in consequence cfatrong drink. . ^ Twenty thousand children are yearly Mat to the poor house for the same reason. Four hundred suicides and thn © hun­ dred murders are another of , the pearly ^ Ireits of intemperance, ^ ,/ J;/ Two hundred thousand orphans are fceqneathed each year to public and pri­ vate charity. Two huadred million dollars are yearly expended to produce this shocking «»o'int of crime and misery, and as much yijkjjbfaii tost from the same. "30 The Question. ? The question, to be determined con- csmiug the sale and use of intoxicating drinks, is not whether it is profitable; hut is it right? Is it right to nurse ap- jietites into existence that the wisest rannot control ? Is it right to bind men in chains that the strongest cannot Itreak? Can it be right for a man to de- Sire his living from that which debases the minds of his customers, and destroys tbe happiness of their homes; which makes wives afraid of their husbands; *£d children ashamed of their fathers; "which is the cause of nine-tenths of the 3>aupers and crime in our land; which ac­ complishes all this at once, and does it •without ceasing! Is it? Can it possibly |m right? GERMAN ftin-Klr asd Empire Sain, Is the very beat medicine ever introduced fMo the country. Tbe following are the v a®mes of a few of tbe many who nave been «nred by this great medi-jine: u. P. Mader, Genot, Wis., cared of asthma of ten years' standing. 13. C.'Detgan, of tbe same place, cured of a ' "•fcronlc sore li iih. Mrs, J. J. Huff, Richmond, III., cured of tan)? trouble of six mouths' standing. Mrs. Hulburt, Nuuda III., cared of asthma and catarrh of long standing. Mrs, Wettstcin, Harvard, cured of internal olo of tea vears' standing, fir, HandeahaU. of Harvard, cured of ca­ tarrh, scrofula, and varicose veins of five ymrn' standing. Theodore Borrbold, of Harvard, cured of paralysis of two yeais' standing. This new medicine has cured bronchitis, ewofula. abscesses, noils, burns,catarrh, et')., «a<l relieved asthma and consumption for all who have used it. It is a sure and sale medi- oiae for all tronbles and never fails to give «aiislaction. Try it under a full warrantee Price of Empire Halve haltoance box,25 cents; two ounce box, 75 cents, or three boxes for ~ inkiller, one-ounce bottle, 25 rents; ~ *pttle, 5u cents. Call on your H, or send to (MAUDS, Harvard. III. Geo. W. Bealey, West McHenry, O. J. BXULZs, RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. °* Oloths, of tbe latest stylos • •PI patterns always on iutnd. • flNGLE GARMESNT8, OR FULL SUITS, ^^le on short notice and a lit guaranteed. is- -JUT.?* ?!!'r "Pfence and practical knowl- «?5«-12 ,K e bn8lness we are confident we can 2.«f.«.ne<mo8t fa*illliou8! *n(1 respectfully J?lve me k calLan c,oth*nKot «"»y to "tjRPSUsassxsi""" C. J. BRILL. Richmond, October JftthJlSPS. £-'HAHLT wmsm ^ L f»--A ^oaclstera, Draft ; AND GRADE HORSES. Wng Btanio» » VON LEE It* K for getting gooa ro&detere is hard to "Von Leer" was sired by George O. (9701). l.akelttnd Abdallah, 351. First dam $atchen, by Autocrat* Second damDoTlv'. tjiffor.l Morgan. " CHANCELLOR JR. i Saving recently purchase«l a very fine •^Rnported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor, Jr , aror our own use, will breed a limited number «of Maree outside Chancellor Jr. is 8 years *Old this spring; is a Oberry Bay with black TPoints; 16% bands high and weighs about 1,700 ThetOld [Doctors Drew blotfd, modern doctors cleanse it; hence the increased demand for Altera­ tives. It is now well known that most diseases are due, not to over-abundance, but to impurity, of the Blood; and it is equally well attested that no blood medicine is. so efficacious as Ayer's 8srsaparilla. .•. >-) * " One of my children had a large sore break out on the leg. We applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sore would shortly heal. But it grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that an alterative medicine was necessary.^Ayer's Sarsaparills 8 R e c o m m e n d e d above all others, wo used it with mar­ velous results. The sore healed and health and strength rapidly returned." --J. J. Armstrong, Weimar, Texas. " I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla to be an admirable remedy for the cure of blood diseases. I prescribe it, and it does the work every time." -- E. L. Pater, M. D., Manhattan, Kansas. "We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best blood-purifier." -- W.'T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. " Ayer's medicines continue to be the standard remedies in spite of all com­ petition/'--T. W. Bichmond, Bear Lake, Mich. ̂ Ayer's "Sarsapariila, fry. ; rSETARBD B* i " Dr. J. Co Ayer & Co., Lowed, Mass. Vfttetftlj tl* twttlss, •«. Worth•• a bottls. ' » ? , A mm (ri"* S T E V E N S "S: \ >0 "-k •n i * SPR tNQ A NO SUMM ER; "> V WesiVMcHenry. M. V. B SPAULDING, Rlngwood, llllrtol»»_ ̂ --Denier in. CMm ' Family Groceries, Cannedjfioods, etc. Mv Goods are all new and fresh and will be sold as low as the same quality of Goods can be liougbt anywhere. The Salt Bt&ais of Flour. / Kept poiistantly; on Hand. MEAT MARKET. 1 also have in connection a Meat Market, where can always be found Fresh, Salt, and ft molted Meats, etc. Karly in the seaton I *hall run a Delivery Wagon and supply Cus­ tomers with lresh Meats regularly on stated days. CHI land see n.e and I am sure I can please you both In quality and price of aril articles I« my line. M. V. B SPAyUDINC. Ringwood, April 1st. WSflt ? V. J. Barbae. BARBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Be tail DEALERS IK TINE CIGAE McRENRY ILLINOIS. Wa-vinf leased the brick building'one door South ot'the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times cifn be found sine ciyars of our own manufacture, together witli smoking ami chewing tobacco of tlui best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment and some very handsome patterns. CALL AND SEE US* BAKBtAlfrntOt. " UeBenry, November 18th, 1888. CORES PILES, A For sale by Ceo. W. Besley. JERRY SMITH. Boot and Shoe Maker, Oni door Pouth of the| ITurnitare Store How o's Block, --MCIIENRY ILLINOIS-- -- t s and Sho^stmanufactured of the1 l>est matei *lal and a fit Guaranteed. REPAIRING -- _ s _ ^*I^,l1:'tJy*ttende I to. INVISIBLE PATCHES TSS?b HamWetonian StaIll0n • Foaled June f ? 8hoe# an<t Boots a specialty. Oall t, 1885. Stands 15X hands high, weight 1100 ounds. Is bright bay. black points, Has*' .!**«.».. o_>. style ftnd good action. A.S& repr«ecut&- McH enry.;Dec. 4th, 1888 Jerry Smith. LEADING jS CENT CIGAR j In MoHerry Go. Call for them. ir. Z r "vibuu nwui i,<UU pounds; strong, clean limbs, line action, mild Wis position. He was sired by Chancellor <M1«>, be by Drew Prince of Wales, (673), Dam oy Lefty, (460); grand dam by Duke of Well. Sngton, (1543); great grand dam by sir Willla n 'Wallace, (894). He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had, and has "proven his ability to get uniform Colts, o •m*** «*>. Una form, strong and ragged. !;f CHAMPION JR. The Percheon Morgan Horse. He has proven himself » fln^ftock getter for general yurpjsvs, and cannot be beaten in the Nortli- •jrest. Parties who intend breeding the com. ingseason, will iind it to their advantage to »«M* fee our stock and get our terms *whtob will be reasonable. Mares fnun a tilstanee will be well cared WiW ®Weer*s risk, at moderate rates. « Call and see as. Fitz8im.mons Henderson, ii'Soii k liing wood. 4|Wes$s McHenry. 4:;' t I 0 if H s J I , Ln crj H O wr< • • A ins 9 8 > fi > H 3 a c/> W O S T E V E N S & ^ MCLLER: auconda Clothing Store, ! Aiti I life}a f a iirsrj pritior iwliwd- uiy stock h|| iho l itest Htyks. lit %v>' •*;: -:x r >,t ; h *t\i * ?• •' ' J". ' ». H % p-t* ' '.n- ;; . , . in Clothing ^ .10-^r OI*BVfc«> A--?- Oothiiig, Boots and SB Hats, Caps, Gent3 Furnishing .̂ i * A I X S T Y J . E S A N D P l i l C B i t e fOlt THE NKW UOME S&WXO Spring Oponinir ot M.llinery, at'Mrs. Mai man' . Witueoixla rho latest,Ht>loi» in Spring and Sumnwr Hats and Trimmiiigs are tt«»r in my btoctc. Hats made and trimmed to older. •m MRS. SSEEWOOB, ^WOODSTOCK, - - - - ILLINOIS. Invites the attention of the T.adies to ber fine line of Fancy Goods and Embroidery Mater­ ial*, Also Toilet Preparation* ot all kinds. ' V - All the latest muerlals for Embroidery, such as Silk Hope, l.fnen Bope A'vrasene, Chemille. Smyrnnsrne, Riblwisene, Kilo Kioss Embroidery Silks, »vash Etching Silks, Wash Rope Silks, eto., kepi constantly on hand. Mrs. Sherwood has a !nr<»« Stock of Harriet- Hubbard Ayer's celebrated Vita Nouv^t, The Seven Sutherland Sistprs hair grower and scalp cleaner at Mrs. Sherwoods. Try it. Mrs AyerV l?ecamier Sarsa­ parilla, a ̂ remedy for scrofulous diseases, rheumatism, etc., is th* hestoii earth. Try it. F<»r sale V Mrs, herw>od. Recnmier Cream, Recamier Powder, liecamier Balm, Keca- ry^ilull line of Mrs. Hairiet mier Soap, at Mrs. Sbei wood's ffuBbard Ayer's celebrated toilet Trjrthem. preparations can be found «*t Mrs, Sherwood's, The Harriet Hubbard Ayer Remedies at Mrs. Sherwood's. " Dr. Price's Red and IMacU Lin­ iment at Mrs.Sherwool's. Dr. Price's Heart Regulator ann Stomach Powders at Mrs, 'Itv dherwood's, . the Ladies to call wh^n in W wecaii show you something that will please you. Samples ot Embroideries and Fancy Work: sent upon applica­ tion. Address UBS. G. L. SHEBW00D; Woodstock, 111. \fAUQ9NPA, ILLINOIS. Are nrt» Setter tbaa em pre{>w«d to affur you GREAT BAR,GAINS - * ' ^ *.. In nil kinds of Goods. We moan business and will gire yoa Low­ er Prices thau ever before otfered in Lake County. OUR STOCK OP-- General Merchandise Was never more complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Special inducements for C-ash Buy­ ers in sums from $ up. COLDINC BROTHERS. 9*Highost Blanket Price paid for Farm Froduop* &T (One Door West of Riverside House,) JUIilA A, f l^Y, Jkmm HETLVY & HARDWARE, Tin Co pper a* d Sheet-Iron y An lin mi hm ptit in a fnli st«« k ot . ^ : - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSi 'FV . , - > • « , ' • . \ . * p(oW8 ()rTj9 plowi(_ ^ v 'r •,eC i.8"*.' diii rowj, DriifM. and in short everything ia the 1?armitool luu, which will ba sold at Bottom Figures. " t r r 1-1" "A ̂ "•':t -1;; HCa.ish'a Barb Wive, - -DEALER p»^## 5 Me d i c i n e s * Dr u g s ^ A FULL LINE Drags, Chemicth, Dye 3ta&, Faints, Oils and Colors. Constant"y on hand ,/ ^lso a large linoif^ * Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, NP COMPLETE STOCK Ofe--- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES iPhysioiang JPrescriptional ,MM)A ^ I' •';r t ZML Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- Vrtlir VMlfl<AnnnA fa voonAAfrnllti n/\l iat-' oiuujr auu nuuuiaiBy compouniieu '».y » Your patronage is respectfully solicited, •JULIA A. STORY. #!! -BpTTOM . V JTOIIKIWII 'AND BKHPAIJBSINcji W i l l he done on shftt Notice and Satisfaction fruaranteed A specialty ot Hutter . fcactory work. A share ot public patronage respectfully nolicited* - • . w. J?. STEVENS. ' NEAR THE DEPOT. West McHenry, Illinois. «s ; &-v Rtliable Lumber of all kinds^; pways on hand, and for sale at; prices as low or lower than good : ^ Iiumber can be bought any wher# l~M, See us before buying as we are i*6 Wer eah ttive jou money. to Casiiip, Boor ana WindowFramas-ReadT Maie-Alfa\s ""M Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. 7 ' "" We shall keep our stock complete at all time^ and spare no paint'. accommodate all who may favor us with their patronage. :d ^f^riLBUB LUMBER COMPANY. O. II, GK-A.2NGEJJR, Mauaj^er. 3ESJ m _ Par soim time to th« people of th!« vicinity that w« proposed wtlh ttielf liianlgeQt assistauce to be the leading Merchants In our line* Would bf Folly • . . .v . • • ^ ^ For n» to claim that an articla never ha«l>een sold hv u« which failed to"'"'!1 «lv« ftatUfflctlon, becanse we know of a few caaea of rlpi, tears, wears, aud ' fad|Rg« not quite up to the mark. BUTJWE DO CLAIM. Thar In pvpry !nBt*nc< of thn klml pregflnt«d to oar attention we Ii^va acted fair ami »quare and that no one bas gwne away from our store complain­ ing ot 111 irt'&tQjent. THIS SHALL CONTINUE To b« our policy-40;long as we are ia business, ibis undcr«taiHllrg. v We solicit your trade on J. Cristy & Son, . Rimwaop. to, •3 GEO. W. BESI.KY. WEST MfHBlfBl| ----1-DKALKR IN--» i Drugs, and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles; ̂ - i ' PURE ' ' W I N K H A I D L I Q U O R S , FOB MEDICAL 1JSE. , v ?, Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. x •* The best bmnds of Cigars aal Smoaing and C4»r*Ht>sr TolMOOtf alwayson'hand. h , PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, ' Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 188T. s, a J , ' "••I .•i A- 1̂ 5 &1.' fe&i Ms ^ 'fi-ry y , j

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