Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Oct 1889, p. 8

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ftcd Motlees under the RIMT by the Indies of theW. ( ilor claims no part or erf I A »r» frfta I'l l the KPM -tSt «. " 'W^ ^ „.,i & V* -m ' ?i > ^ y\'t •**> *v ^ v-8** ^ •• --jfcv «•>' * ^V®'" iJSftfe "Wf\" "/! /,/ ,, / <; " h.v: "*fi • ' ' # •" 4 '" 4. ; v - " ' •' i"A" ; **H you wish for a clear mind, strong ttitisfilee, quiet nerves and long life, avoid ftil drinks but water,'* says a wise physi­ cian. We might adfil that money win be kept, in the pocket, and comfort brought to the home if nothing stronger than water ia chosen. $*V; '<- Prinlting- Up M< Only think how the drinkers of iutox?- catiug liquors drink up their money. Take a very moderate drinker as a sam­ ple. Supposing he drinks every day one gla#ft of ate at ten cents, and four glasses of Whisky at fifteen. That amounts to seventy cents a day, which amounts to H :90 a week. Multiply by four and you have |19.60 a month: which comes, you know, to |135.20 a year. Thus, if the man who bad carried on at this rate for ten years had all his liquor money back, Ills pocket would be inflated to the tuue $1352. This is only a small-beer calcu­ lation ; but think of the men who spend five times this amount on liquors, and remember that their name is legion. But think again. The drinker of in toxicating liquors is not only drinking ftp his money, but he is drinking down his health, his gGtf$d morals, his /good reputation, and all his good prospects for earthly life! Ah! this drinking of the "fire water" don't pay! RAYMOND Jt MUDGETT SMITT, Hancock On, IOWA U£A ESTATE DEALERS, Improved Farm*, and Wild Lamia tor Hie or trade. Also none forma to rent, •oadeaee aoiieitod. erenre, rumen Bank, of Britt. Iowa 8. RAY MO it n. WX. SlDDOl I4NTED! IJ-:1 I* ¥' \c. SALESMEN lo sell , Stock. \M Gaoiis Wai T1RST-OLASS, Permanent pleasant, profitable positions tor tne right man. Good salaries and expenses paid week ly Liberal inducements lo beginners. No previous experience necessary. Outfit free. WMte for Unas, giving age. CHARLES H. CHASE. Nurseryman, Rochester, N. T. Station thie paper. "Try Ayer's Pills" ffcr Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout, Stephen kansiag, of Yonkera, N. 1*., eaya: " Recommended as a cone for chronic Costiveness, Ayer's Fills have relieved me from that trouble and also from Gout. If every victim of this die- ease would heed only three words of mine, I could banish Gout from Uieland. These words would be--'Try Ayer's Pills.'" '<? "By the use of Ayer'a Pills alone. I cured myself permanently of rheuma­ tism which had troubled rue several months. These Tills wire at once harmless and effectnal, and. T believe, would prove a specific in all cases of incipient Rheumatism. No medicine could have served me la better stead." -- C. C. Bock, Corner, Avoyelles Parish, La. C. F. Hopkins, Nevada City, writes: •'I have used Ayer's Pills for sixteen Tears, and I think"they are the best Pilla in the world. We keep a box of them in the house all the time. They have cured me of sick headache and neuralgia. Since taking Ayer's Pills, I have been free from these complaints." " I have derived great benefit from' Aver's Pills. Five years apo I wa» taVea sc ill with rh?'isi?.UsK ;bat I « AS unable to do anv work. I took throe boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cured. Since that time I am never without a bos of these pilla."--Peter Chratensen, Sherwood, Wis. • Ayer's Cathartic Pills, tfUtFAUKP BT Dr. J. C. Ayr dt Co., Lowell, Mask WityalllMlantBMcdMak. 1L V. FI SPAULDING. Rlngwoodi Illinois, --Dealer In Choice-- GERMAN Pain-Kilter aid Empire Salve, Is the very beat medicine ever in trod need lata the eoantrv. The following are the names of a few of tbe many who have been oure<1 liv this great tnedi rine: M. P. "starter, Genm, Wis., cored of asthma n vears' standing. 0."Deigran, of the same place, cared of a nic sore li.ui>. J. J. Huff, Richmond, III, cared of trouble of six mouths' standing. Hulluirt, Nuuda III., eared of asthma cnvirrh of IOIIK standing. Iltn. Wetistcir., Harvard, cured of internal tvonole of ten vears' standing. Mr, Handeshal). of narvard, cared of ca­ tarrh, scrofula, and varicose veins of five years* standing. Theodore Borrhold, of Harvard, eared of paralysis of two yeais* standing. This new medicine has cured bronchitis, scrofala, abscesses, boils, burn?, catarrh, et •... and relieved asthma and consumption for all Who have used it. It is a sure and sate medi­ cine fOr all troubles and never fails to give jaitsiactiou. Try it under a full warrantee Price of Empire Salve hulfounre box, 25 cents; two ounce box, 75 cents, or three boxes for f 1 fo. Painkiller, one-ounce bottle, 25 cents; two ounce bottle, 5tf cents. Call on your •IroEKist for it, or send to N. LEMWARDS, Harvard. III. for sale by Geo. W, Besley, West McHenry. IltisoU. Family Groceries, CannedJGoods, etc. Mv Grxxls are ail oe# and freah and will be sold as lew as the samo qiuiliiy of Goods CM be boug&t anywhere. liw Bist Bwaii of Flour. Kept €ouatantly; on Hand. MEAT MARKET. I also have in connection a Meat Market, where can always be fotind Frpsli, Salt, and Smoked Meats, etc. Early in "the seaton shall run a Deliverv Wasro'n aud supply Cus tomera with Ireah ilea is regularly cm stated days. (Jill and see ice and I am sure X can please you both in quality and price of all articles in my line. * M. V. B SPAULDING*. Ring wood, April 1st, 18S9. *V J. Barban* J.iJ. Barbsa w I "MS C. J. RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. S>"; A fall line of Cloths, of the latest styles SAd patterns always on hand. WNOLB GABMENT8, OR FULL SUITS, a---' •• Hade on short notice and a fit guaranteed. From our experience and practical knowl­ edge of'he bnsiness we are confident we can Rlease the most fastidious, and respectfully ivlte all in want of Olotbing of any kind to give me a caiL Prices as low as the same quality of goods eaa be purchased anywhere. ( C. J. BRILL. Richmond, October 15th, .|W>. EANLY BROTHERS. Boadsters^ Draft A.ND QBADE H0K8ES. . fasve the following stallions in service the season of 188». VOH LEER. . .,JflanablGtonlan Stallion. Foaled June St, 1385, Stands 15& hands high, weight 1100 n^nnils. Is bright bay, black points, Has style and good action. A.8 a represent*- W*e^ for getting good roadsters Is hard to "Von Leer" was sired by George O. (9701) to lakeland AbdalUh, 35 1. First dam by iftni 1 Atltocr*u Second dam Dolly, by Morgan. CHANCELLOR Having recently JR. BARBIAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN FINE CIGARS, McHENRY ILLINOIS. Having leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found flue cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the b^st brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortmentlBBd some very handsome patterns. CALL AND SEE U3. BARBTAKLBBOB. McHenry, November 13th, IdSo, /i CTJRESU- CP MARK & rllm 25cfsN For sale by Ceo. W. Besley. JERRY SMITH. Bootand Shoe Maker, One door South Howe's Block, of tht|'.Furniture l9tore West --McHENRY ILLINOIS-- Boots and Sho^lmanufactured ;of th<|lest Uatenaland a lit (iuaranteed. REPAIRING Promptly attended to."iNVisTisr,* PATCHES -for Fine Shoes aud Boots a specialty. Gall and see nie. „ „ 1T1 i(t Jerry Smith. McHenry, Deo. 4th, 1888. j. M Having recently purchased a very fine Imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor Jr tor our own use, will breed a limited number of Mares outside Chancellor Jr. is 8 veara S2nVrir^h»gn',il8,f ^berTy Bll>' with bUcls points, lti\' hands high and weighs about 1 700 pounds; atrong clean limbs, flne action. mUd disposition. He was sired by Chancellor nS10>, he by Drew Prince of Wales, (Mi) nam W l.ofty, (460); grand dam by I)Uke of WelT ington, (1543); greatgran« dam by sir William Wallace, (Mb. He cemoiaes in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform' Ctolts, o *reat size, fine form, strong and rugged CHAMPION JR. '"•* .The Perobeon Morgan Horse. H* hu ^veven himself a Sne stock getter foreenpSS purposes, and cannot be beaten in the North West. Parties who intend breeding the com Ins season, will And it to their advantage to 2?I our et<Sk aaa Bel our which will be reasonable. • LEADING 55 CENT CIGAR In McHenry Go. Call for them. Mares from a distauoe will be well csrad mv,'at owner's risk, at moderate rates. Call and see us. . iff*' I t, &r> 1 •». 'Wkr MMfV. .- -,, r ti H >1 n i 4 '4 UlM * > 9 0 > H g Dd m cn •H O o > r< tr1 LT) w o •H SPRING AND SUMMER > rt w s' m mm • ' '# OPKVKl) A.J'- cr Wauconda• Ciothing Store, i.rttiu'f a iM-if» tu'l >«ra n«>p I'nulo, L Ivivo dilJwi to my sl<H k*hll the styles •.»».. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gent3 Furnishings. L STYLES AND PitlCBS. FALL STYLES, DRESS (rOODS, HATiS, SHOES. &«., &o. Now. Ready. Trading PleaMre _ TBS FBIC2S, ASS IBZ 00008," ARE THEIR OWN • SPOKESMSN H I? _ V'- :40i^r;|0# THE N/51V liQXte SkW X@ A[AVllINi3. iQl t*t Ht. 'Wauronda fW Vri S|>iin#r »u«l 8umninr Uats anil IVimmiii^ i«w iix ln<.k*<l in mv j-toefc. Hut?< ni;ide ami triiniiied to order. V. MRS. SHERWOOD, W O O D S T O C K , - . . . - I L L I N O I S . 4 larlte# th^ fltre.ition of thn I ndies t.< ><»r flne line of Fancy Goods and Embroidery mater­ ials, Aluo T»itet pi-en*rations ol ail kinds. AH *J)«» t«lo»-t in iii'ria's for Kinhroidcry, Fufh n» Silk Uojic, T.lncn fiope A^rasene, [ sHiyi iwtsrri"'. Kilo Pluss Kmbroidory Snks, ^ ash Etching Silk*, VVaoli lb>t>e Silks, tie., kej»i roastantly on hand. Mrs. Shetwood his a laroo stock of Harriet tfuhhard Ayer's oeletrated Vits: Nouva,, The Seven Sutherland Sisters htfir grower and scalp cleaner at Mrs. Sherwoods. "Try it. A full line of Mrs. Hairiet Hubbard Ayer's celebrated toilet preparations c*n l»e found at Mrs*, Sherwood's. Dr. Price's Red,and Black Liiir- iment at Mm, ShervvooTti. Mrs Aycr'» Kec;iniier Sawa- pniilla, a remedy for scrofulous diseases, rheumatism, etc., is tho­ ttest on e.ieth. Try it. For side :*y Alts, herwatid. Recamier Cream, Rccamier Powder, Keeamier Balm, Reca­ mier Swap, at Mrs. Sheiwood's Try them. The Harriet IIiiM»ard Ayer Remedies at Mrs. ShetWood's. • " Mv • . \ Dr. Price's Heart Re<rti!ator ann Stomach Powders at Mrs, •Sherwood's. We invite the Ladie< to call wlmn itr Wo >«lstook, as we are sure we cau show you something that will please you. Samples ot Embroideries and. Fancy Work sent upon applica­ tion. Address MRS. G. L. SHERWOOD, Woodstock, 111. GOLDING BROTHER! WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are now better than ever prepared to offer you' GREAT BAB, GAINS ' • In all kinds of Goods. We mcin business and will a^ive you Low- |er Prices than ever before offered in Lake County. OUR STOCK OF General Merchandise Was never more cumplete than now. Call and #et our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Special i idu^ements for Cash Buy­ ers in sums from $ up. COLDINC BROTHERS. 'Hlffhent MarkecPrlee paid for Farm Piroditoe* Is Ready Now. JUMA A. BTOBY (One Door West of Riverside Housef) MeHENItY, TLL^i'O -DEALER IN- 9MLCAG S T E V E N S DR U G S , . ME D I C I N E S , & MILLEB. ----A FULL Li^E OF Srnga, Cbtmicals, Ijt tafia, FaisU, Oils aai Ctlors. Constantly on hand Also a iarjy^e line < f Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- Fitzsimmons & Henderson, L"V7est McHenry; J. W. Cristy & [$ >Us Itingwood. ,., v;^ %>4 West MoHemy. STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRES Fhymicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma- dst. Your patronage is respectfully solicitedv i H-fi: 'IS? • A. SrORY. Dress Goods, 50 Different Styles I MODEST COLORS ALL* jc v Tricot, Flannols from 25c p«r yard ur> to the hlfhcdt. but bett«r v*ln« r#»-1- tn*inb*r. thRi) you ar« in th« hablt of seeing at the prices we name. W* 'h*v® ^ 'Plain Dreps Flanrifla iu all the load rug ehadan. TriinminK« to mateh. fTould f von buy a bluck silk warp //,jorlet£s that's worthy the oaioe, and you haye (leliyhifu stuff, l^hatevfr is jrood in the eilk shows--whatever Is good In the I wool shows--they help each other. Silk never so silky, nor woe) so aoft ^ KB wh*n tho two get together ln a -Henrietta. W* woiil touch a yard of lilk warp goods that w« don't know to b« right, soft but springy, lustrous Arm-- - only the b«-*r makes and the price is $1 25. Ar • you interested in Buttons? Ire give you 2 doz«n tor 10 cents, such as you uo^iallv pay from 15 to 25 cent's per d« z»>n for. Cloak Buttons, <S'(ee] Button* Gilt Buttons, Silver Buttons laige sizes, 10 cents per card, £iturday 28th. , ? Spieial Canton Humil Salt, Sttuday, Sipi 28, K&9. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. / " Such remarkably heavy stuffs U 12J cents per yard have never been offered In this town. Lower grades If you wish. Oa that day we sell plain heavr blue. *nkv blue." beautiful shades. I»regs, Pl»Ms In blue and black, red and black e'e , a<I will b« bunohed ln at 10 cents. We have set spart the* la«t half or tlte first week In October as particularly w^ll adaot^d f«r U N D E R Bargains, anduame the .3d, 4th and Sth of Ootober, whoa we Invite you to this TPe have too many Underwear, and must realize, us out. -Benee, don't fail to help Remnants On Sale Every Monday. John Evanson <fe Co. W. 3P". STBVBXffS, # West McHenry, •DEALEK IN- Axaro HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves Tin Copper ar d Sheet-Iron Ware. An! in add it on has put in a full steck ot AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Including the Moline-Plows, (T<?SIO3* Suluy Plows. Urvis Plows, Stoddard -ieeders, Diss Harrows, Drags, and in short everything in the Farming Tool line, which."will be sold at Bottom Figures, , Haish's Barb Wire, -- A.T BOTTOM PRICES. OTOBBINO AND BEPAIBIN9 Wil l he done on short Not ice and Sat i s fact ion Guaranteed . A specialty of Rutter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. w. p. SXEVEN8> NEAR THE DEPOT. West McHenry, Illinois. -fo" V- • •o mmm Reliable Lumber of all kinds, always on hand, and for sale at prices as low or low4r »ha» good 4 Lumber can he l>oug^ht anywhere See us before^lying as we are sure we can saye you money. Ca^iipjoorai Window Framas-Ready Ma38-Alfais in ffpi Also the Best Brands of Barb Wlrs^ j We shall k^ep our stock complete at all time? and spare no pains to accommodate all who may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBEB COMPANY* O. H, GRANGER* ,1'.* tM • .

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