JfaoMw. •ff&BSSm WEDNESDAY; OCT. 9, 1889. jr. VAiJf MLTKE, Etlltor. VfiTOn the Elgin Board of Trade Mon- 9,120 pounds of butter were sold at 9&X eenta, the total sales amounting to #2,302.80. tfiTThe public debt was reduced #13,- 085,094 during the month of September.' And yet the Democracy are crying ex travagance. Pierre has doubtless been selected *a the capital of South Dakotfe. The in habitants are overwhelmed with their good fortune, and are laughing, shouting crying and drinking in excess Heal estate has gone booming. tST"Sew York is getting white hot oV# the question of a site for the world's fair. Hie commissioners favor Central Park, bat popular feeling, as reflected in the newspapers, is strongly opposed. If the squabble lasts much longer the question will settle itself. Chicago is quietly rais ing money for the fair while her rival is raising nothing but wind. , r j. » IfiT'The latest estimate of " the lois tiff life in the Johnstown flood, made in con nection with the new directory which is just out, puts it at 8,500. The exact ftgurss can never be known, but the above is donbtlesss pretty near the truth. One gnat cause of the exaggerated estimates at the time was an extravagant estimate of the total population of the vafiey. But the truth is horrible enough even • this lapse of time. New, Stylish., Ladies', Misseft', ;:; i; And. Children's 111 1 Just received .and mi «alc Ranging jn price £fj $1.60 ̂ to All Sizw is Stock. •${ •* '<4 a> w c+ G> I# •H »-3 ESI CO I--' g o •m t&"On Tuesday of last week, October 1st, occurred the first election in the four new States, South and North Dakota, Washington and Montana. In each of these there was a sharp contest, which brought out a full vote. All, ex cept Montana, are strongly Republican, and the latter State is still claimed by both parties, with the chances favoring the Republicans. In South Dakota, P*rre was selected the capital by a large piaralitT. This will give this bright city oa the Missouri a wonderful boom. > President has not yet appoint ed a sucresBor to Commissioner Tanner. Early last week it was thought that Mr. Campbell* of Kansas, would get the place but some one suggested to the President the name of Ex-Governor Hartraoft, of Pennsylvania, and it is now believed that General Hartraufs can have the position If he wishes it, but his friends say it is not likely that he will accept it and he has forbidden the use of his name as a candi date. Secretary Noble is understood to be doing his best to get the appointment >. lor Mr. Campbell. Our immense stock of/ fashion able " OVERCOATS, Now ready for inspection and comparison. Prices from $1.(50 in Child's tou$30 in Meu's. STANDARD GARMENTS, INo Jot>s. Underwear In endless variety of qualities and sizes, in prices from 9c for children's good merino, to ladies' and gent's, worth $2 each. Ladies' fine, heavy Merino Vests, at 29c, 3bc and 47c, all special bargains. M I®* We Are glad that Uncle Jerry Rusk * Bas declared open and eternal hostility " to the English Sparrow. As Minister of . Agriculture, appointed to watch over 5 and protect the agricultural interests of the country, his announcement is worthy of record. From our window, with a feeling of indignation we see the impudent little rascals swarming over everything in town. They destroy no insects them selves and they are driving our native interesting and beautiful insect eating IHnd song birds out of the country. They multiply amazingly and it is a serious, question what shall be done with them /A well ordered, systematic war of exter mination should be waged against them " (ST The United States mint at Helena, , t Mont., has just turned out the largest ;„^pld brick in the world. In shape the V ferick is a section of a pyramid, the base being 18x18% inches, height 7% inches " *nd top surface 17x6 inches. Its weight 6,945 ounces, or about 500 pounds ( avoirdupois. The value is a trifle over ,'*< * $100,000. The bar is to be the center r ; ^ ; piece of a mineral monument which will „ be placed on exhibition at Minneapolis and New York. The display will consist of four bars of lead for the base of the monument, four bars of copper for the «econd course, four bars of silver for the - ' -#iird, on top of the whole to rest the J, • $100,000 gold bar, and the monument ' Drill be surrounded by pieces of quartz , #»d ore from all parts of Montana. ^ , IS?* The first girl who graduated and 'I spoke from the Hampton platform was ; ! : -• Yankton Sioux. She read an essay on ; the question, "Why are the Indians not •y Civilized?" and this is the way she an fwered it: If one boy is feeding a cat at the same p ' time another is whipping it, is the cat likely to stay and eat while one boy is f' - ' 'whipping, or is he more likely to run * < - to w ay from them both ? The white miw j- isionary was feeding the Indian at the Vaine time the other white man was £ O M' 03 t) GO O 2 Ui We have just received a com plete line of Fall Goods, Dress Goods, FLANNEL Blankets, f CHOICE GROCERIES. Giscoette Flour ONLY SI.10. See our advertisement locals next week. EVER YOURS, ana West McHenry fighting him, and the Indian lost faith in the missionary because he and the man %}&':. *vho fought him were of the same race ?'Vau<l80 would not accept the food of w-:v the Bible. fl ̂ pertinency of the illustration is as .t ' admirable as the truth of the explana- tion. No journalist or statesman could f f V*- v * have thrown more light upon the ques- tion in the same number of words. ft I®" The following is the law in relation P|{» ; to trespass of persons upon farm property for the purpose of hunting prairie $ J . chickens or other game: jg|\ I' , Sec. 11, 1st paragraph, of the *law U reads: That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hunt with dog, gun within the enclosed grounds or ); ,lands of another without first obtaining - from the owner, agent or occupant of ,,such enclosed lands or grounds his, her ?> '* or their permission BO to do. * ( Set;. 12, 2d paragraph. Any person or y%? persons violating section one of this act ® .%• shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and " "--p Oay be prosecuted in the name of the ' • People of the State of Illinois before any justice of the peace or by an indictment |% ; or information in any county where said - misdemeanor was committed, and in all I j such prosecutions the owners, or owner, •&'. • or person in possession shall not be rel / quired to prove title to the enclosures in I# j question. (3) Any |»erson violating Seo- * tion 1 of this act shall be fined in a sum of not less than three dollars nor more • Hunt nun titmilrgrfl ^nllnrx. THIS ADVEETISIMENT Say* that anything in the line of COAL Ac PKED Can be bought CHEAPER FOR CASH ,^.y CD P Our aimf 6ot to carry Ovbr any 'stock; and that we iuhst aiccompli«hi We do not expect to rex'lize any wh«ro near the wortlv of the jBfootis, but we are not after m >iiey. Our ohj«c^ i# to sell off our summer stock to make room tot lirge fall purchatssfe DOH'T WAIT, » lor iSarj^aiiis 94 i jirtit ai thiii do not occur olten, to your intertst to call at our store and inspect goods and prices. Your Golden Opportunity, DO NOT N las IT. I S . In Heorietta, ^reneh uitiriffs n Green, Rose, A full line of fancy & Blue. 'Cashmere und Latest shade« G w t y : O l d DSAI.SR in' ¥ Li Purchased f>r Cas:N all oI which will be Sukl low as the market '#ill admit and furnish tii st chiss goods. A FTOI4 IKfl OF ST©TES< GARLAND A^D OTHER ETNU9. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. ALA.SS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Tmm mmST Dress Buttons, Hairpins, Buckles, etc. A new lot of Atone dollar and ninety celits worth double the nione}. Mew Prints, (.Tin^hams, hirliug^, etc All of these we will se'l to vou at a reasonably small profit and at a closer margin than other dealers who sell shoddy lower prices and greater We have a full line ot goods at BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies' fine kid, patent tip, one dollar and ninety cent*. The celebrated TOE TH& MARK, childs school shoe, silk sewed, war ran ted. Oxford Ties repueed to one dollar. OUR <SR.OOKR.IUSf Are always ,he best, and the best is the cheapest ill the end. Elgin Con. Milk 15c 3 lb can Peaches, 10o 3 •* Tomatoes, 10c 2 4< Apples, «c 2 " ' oi-P, 10c, 3 cans for 2.5c 2 " Blueb's lOc, *• »• 25c 3 " lilack berries ^c DeLand's ^alaratus, 6c 20 ft»s Dried Peaches, $l.O0 Fine Prunes 5 Crood Japan Tea, 20c Fitzsimmons & Henderson West McHenry, ill. HARMLESS SPUR WIRE 1 Bl Clearing! »R0T lis week amiouncQ their Annual Mid-Summer .O to t ouie. and get it. SELL i<tlialSitXi JACOB B0NSLETT. IV ' OPPOSITE BISHOP'S . MILL. McHEiMlY, In the Market, >at Bottom Prices. JOBBING AND HEPAIRXlTa Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranted share of^public patronage rea^u^tfuliy solicited, JACOB BONSLETT. - - " v . . We have received a large in voice of Fail G-oods and are pre pared to show at prices lower than ever, Cashmeres, FLANNELS, Jamesto*n9, - Gtsghans, PRINTS, And in fact everything per taining to a complete Dry-Goods Depm-tment STRAW GOODS, At a saerifi e. The largest and finest line of FARMERS E. M. Owen & Son Havq sto< k of got the large t aud best \a the county, of different In this town, such as John Foster, Forbush & Browns, Kod- patlv Hrothers Goods without an equal. An all solid oil grain Child's Shoe, size K to 12, $1. a better one at $1.25; size I I to 2, $1 25, 1#50, 1.70. Ladies' satin oil or grain, *2, goat, or kid, $2. 2.50, 8.00, 3 25, to 5 00, (but no 3.50 shoo for 2.50, that is some thing we are unab-e to fjrd.) Also a full line ot Badger state W, A t#RISTY*S, Than any other place in town. Oar LmUt a tpecifdty. Wtwrh'tune at the Pickle Factory, in W itt. Ifcnry, <• <• ' JUL £ THE 1 h&t. ' V" T» Tt not a a onrler that people will insur* thrir hiiildlnirs wyainst lire, tlielr stock agnlimt l>einp hilled liv lightning, aiul mill ]« rulht tn udIiik wicked liarb wire to turn tlietr »iorli when it has nlreaily dftinngpd ihoir stock «u«l thuinne) veu more tbitn lire »ud llKhmiiM com • blnp<i. We now offer for sale for the nc*t three months in order to get ft intro>luc«<l, the Harmless Spur Wire, double painted, at (be extreme low price of 3 Cekitt per Pound. It will t'.rn ij^pek as well as any harrt twiated wicked barb wirt, and will roach seven rods farther per hundred pounds. Satisfaction guaranteed or it oner refund- en. For sale m li. GilVort'H. West McHenry 1 II! SAMUEL SHERMAN. PANTS, VESTS, ETC. Alv avs on hand. Look at our one twenty-five and one seventy- five knit shirts. Our two twenty- five Milton shirt will defy Ken tucky lightning. A fine line of fall Gloves in stock. GROCERIES, The be^t that money can povsi* bly buy. - Yours for trade, SteffelltMe. Special Low PRICES IN W'-V Want of UHDSBWSAB AMD SHOES. *5 jr* That is the gi-eat lever that keeps us all hustling, and just think or it. How could we succeed without it? How could a physician ! etfent a cure uuless the patient had confidence in him? How eould 1 ieronant s«il through the air and skies unless he hid confidence in i nis balloon? How could we expect to sell you your citable* and wearables unlo*s you have confidence in ut~, and that our is to secure vour close t confidence, to h<ve you great aim ^ w know and teel that" wo are worthy ot, confidence, and whethe^you want a paper of pins a pair ot shoes, a iK»und"of augar, or a g-u&ot flour, here is the ulacel in mind that we "f • J/lui.r i ONEY hich is, we believe, what you want. Sheetings at 4 1-2 5 1-2 and higher; Cotton Fl innels, '4 1-2, 7 1-2, 9, 10. 11, and higher- colored r<>tton Flannels, ch eka, biue and black and red and tdack' 10 cent«. 1 " . * U N ' D t l f B l R Bed Blankets, Roekford Shawls. The Stock Ik very Complete« We Invito , iiEfePECTFTLIT, John Evansoik & P E R R Y & McHenry, Illinois. i McUcj.ri '..X ̂ - . i ,mfsm m tko;4, such as the celebrated Norwegian, First & Bradley, J I. ( ase. Uock Island, Star (iraml l)ctour and Skaudia, of wood beam, steel beam, turf, turf and stubble, and breabi.-g plow* of ditlerent makes,. Oiir Sulky Plows, ICnock them ail out. If you think of buying a 8ulky Vlow see our stock before you huy We can surely please you. Every plow warranted. FEEDOUTTERS, i , W# handle «ueh celebrated cut- lersasthn Smalley, Slar, Free- man, Belle City and others. A full line of Buggies and Carts At way down, and we can^make it pay you to call on u» for any thiug iu our line. E. M. Owen & Son. We are receiving daily our fresh stock of Fall and Winter Goods, including New Dress Goods: New Winter Shawls, if (Ms, r New Underwear. .. • . - • -- -s* H«w Bate, Swts «a4 ShMs, Hew QoUking. New Gloves and Mitts, new Flan nels, etc. . We shall endeavor to have the lar gest stock of above goods in this section and as we buy all our goods for Cash, we will sell you at Bottom Prices. Please give us a call #ruj get our prices before buying. PERRY <55 OWEN. '•0. ' Me Henry, Illinois, T&-- MK ^ J .3?'" 1 -