Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1889, p. 4

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mm* WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16, 1889. Eklitor. PAPER M i tie at «EO. P. ft 0<K*8 Newspaper Advertising Spructe Street), where advertising u NEW YORK- Ntf*Butter on the Elgin Board of trade on Monday dropped 1%, cents and sellers generally held stocks. Only 9,000 pounds were sold at 24 cents. w I®" The Democrats call Mr. Wanamaker f*Holy John." But they can't fool him lit a matter of business, Loverne, Ala­ bama, tried it the other day by refusing to let a colored postmaster have business room, and "Holy John" discontinued the Office in a holy minute. ' 1 "t&'Much uneasiness was created in po­ litical circles at Washington, particularly1 among the Democrats, early last week by a report, that the veteran congressman, Samuel J. Randall, was dangerously ill. Later reports contradicted it and stated that Mr. Randall would be in Washing­ ton in a few weeks. The loss of Mr. Ran­ dall would be an irreparable oae to the Democrats in the House of RaprMeata- New, Stylish, Ladies', Misses?', And Children's CLOAKS! Just received and on sal* Ranging in price frcr* $1.60 to $45. t. "f^The local G. A. R. posts have taken . ••HI the question of removing the remains of General Grant from New York to Ar­ lington cemetery. Resolutions have been adopted in favor of the removal, and these resolutions are to be sent for in (torsment, to every post in the United States. I there is anything like unani-- mity among the G. A. R. people in favor! of the removal it is almost certain to be made. I®" Under the laws of Bulgaria, if a 5 s patent medicine is warranted to cure a certain disease and fails to do it, the manufacturer can be prosecuted and sent to prison. No cure for consumption can be found in that country.--Exchange. The law of Bulgaria is founded upon just principles, and should be endorsed by Americans. If there was ever a coun­ ty cursed with worthless patent medi­ cines which propose to cure everything, and are really good for nothing, that •ovntry is America. J®* According to the Commercial and Financial Chronicle of New York, the cotton crop for the current season--1888 and '89--is the largest ever produced in the South. It reaches six million nine hundred and thirty-five thousand bales. The crop of 1887-r88 was something over five million bales. The greatest crop known in the days of slavery was that of 1859-'60. It amounted to four million eight hundred and twenty-three thousand Wee. V.1 . J®T"Here is some conclusive testi­ mony," says the Portland (Me.) Press, "on the question of wages in England Its compared with wages in this country treasurer Walker, of the North Vassal- boro Woolen Mill, who recently visited Europe, says that he found a mill in England making precisely the same kind of cheviots which his Yassalboro mill is making, but that the foreign weavers (good workmen) received only $3.50 per wade, while his weavers herv of like effi­ ciency receive $9 per week." I®*From Racine comes the story of • the pranks of a "ghost," who bothers the ffatchraan at the Scottford factory by •Bttlng tJie machinery winning When the watchman is down stairs the machin­ ery up stairs will start, and when the watchman gets there the machinery will stop and that down stairs will start. Hie proprietor with additional watch­ men has not yet been able to fathom the mystery.* If there is no steam at that hour, the question is what moves the machinery? For a ghost story, it is a , little out of the common run. tflr Henry Ferguson, a wealthy colored lii&n in Texas, has completed arrange­ ments for taking a colony of several hun­ dred families of colored people to Mexico, where each head of a family will be pro- > Tided with nine acres of land and as much more as he can purchase by his own sav­ ings. This has brought the white plants M* of Texas to a realization that there is no danger of a race war in that State, and that the negro is very necessary ad­ dition to their popufotion. The white men of the South always open their , r . «rned.-Inter-Ocean. J®" Within a very short time, as things r going now, Chicago will have • , $10,000,000 subscribed for world's fair purposes. New York has one-third of million, with no good prospect of any tnore. Chicago is so well provided with rites of the has a Our immense stock 6t fashion­ able ' „ O¥EBC0AIS, "V- 'V 4 Now ready for inspection and comparison. Prices from $1.60 in Child's to $30 in Men's.9 STANDARD * '*ip \ \ . • v* ' « f % \r\ Fall Goods. •f "X N GO Wo ' lobs, Underwear la endless- variety of qualities and sizes, in prices from 9c for children's good merino, to ladies' and gent's, worth $2 e^ch. Ladies' fine, heavy Merino Yests, at 29c, 3#c 47c, all special bargains. Blankets, . • Gloves CHOICE ONLY $l.l& See our advertisement locals next week. EVEB YOURS, and West McHenry l provided that no discussion about them, it being under­ stood that a site can be selected at any ̂ time. New York is m a hopeless wrinkle ®yer the only site that appears to be at S ̂available, and there is grave doubt whether that can be secured. Under circumstances the chances that the exhibition will go to Chicago to New York are growing day- 1ST The church has been sharply criti­ cised, and no doubt justly, for giving its millions erf dollars annually to "save the heathen," when according to its own the- tilogy they would be saved anyhow, and Suffering its own worthy poor--its wid- pws, orphans, and its needy communi- Oftnts to miSeHor food, shelter, clothing, education. We have been unable for jears to justify foreign missionary con- tributions, except on the grounds that ', *ej help the heathen into a higher ideal ;«f life, and are not to save them from f|, JfSehenna. Besides, we very much ques­ tion the policy of sending money from home into those countries whieh have established Christian churches. As a de- upbuilding it can be justi- but not upon the grounds ol v';'" THISADVERTISEMENT Say* that anything** the Une of COAL Ac FEED 4kui b* bought CD XII c+ o wi H & V * SIGN J o'«g a ** H \ ' his week annouuce their Annutil Mid* Letters but Activity Our atmrijs' not" to. carry over any stock, and that we must liccomplishr ' ' VVe do not ex poet to roalize anywhere near the worth of the jfooug, but we are not after',mafeinjf m Oar object is off our summer stock to make room for Urge fall purchases, O & 'T. «« ^ <f Chances lor liargaius as rare as this do not occur often, nrnV it is ,|o your 'interest to call at our store and inspect goods and loarfi piicesi ^' < '• n *•< • • r t •- , , \ e o M' 5« o Sd XJl o a xn We have just received a com­ plete line of Fall Goods, , NOT In Henrietta, Cashmere and Frgnfh uitings. Latest shades in Green, Blue, Grey and Old Rose. A full line of fancy Dress Buttons, Hairpins, Buckles, etc. A new lot of * I Atone dollar and ninety cents, worth double the mone}. Mew Prints, Ginghams, hirlings, etc. AU Sf these we will se.M to >ou at a reasonably small profit and at a closer margin than other dealers who sell shoddy goods at lower prices and greater profits. We have a full line of BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies' fine kid, patent tip, one foliar and ninety cerits. The celebrated TOE THE MARK, childs school shoe, silk sewed, war­ ranted . Oxford Ties repuced to one dollar. !§: Uurchasiii f >r OasU ill! ol ^fiich will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnis first class goocta. ' GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS see ojir Gasoleng In tlie Market, at Bottom Prioos. JOBBING AlffD HEPAIRI2TQ Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranted A ®hare of public patronage respectfully solicited, ] *' ' % * v*'?:,. '-,4 /»V tf* ' • gf , >• » .. OUR IT TP €2 Are alway? ,he best, and the best is the cheapest in the end. Elgin Con. Milk 3 & can Peaches, 3 •* Tomatoes, 2 ** Apples, 15c 10c 10c 8c t-orn, 10c, 3 cans for 25c Blueb's 10c, ** «• 25c 3 " blackberries ^c DeLand's Salaratus, 6c 20 fcs Dried Peaches, $1.00 Fine Prunes. 5c Good Japan Tea, 20c Fitzsimmoss & HendersoQ West McHenry, 111. 'J':: ' HARMLESS SPUR WIRE I W, M CRISTY^S, ^ place in Z/its a specially. Warehouse at the JHckle itt Mclfe.nry. Car la It not a w onder that people will insnre their buildings ofrainst Are, their stock agatnut tielng kille<l l>y lightning, and slid persist In using wicked barb wire to tnrn Jheir slock when it has already damaged their stock themselves more than tire and lixhtnin* c bined. We now offer for sale for the next three months in order to get It introduced, the Harmless Spur Wire, double painted, at the extreme low price of 3 Cents per Pound. It will turn stock as well as any twisted wicked barb wire, and will r hundred pounds. nteed or money refund en rods farther per hundred pounds Satisfaction guaranteed or money r ininoiZ°g 81110 at B' <11,bert,|8•We9t McH«nry SAMUEL SHERMAN. OPPOSim BytSHOP^f |I(IILI|» jimT, IN, I3owl>lo last yoara tnuiuosa and making tbl» toe headquaileris, MWlS3^b ^-ootls and dollais worths uncommonly kr^f» and good. Push, enterprise, courtesy, contidenco are full partners, 'they-will hll turn in and worK. VVe will have the grandest dig- i play of uctivily ever f>hown in a store. Come and witness it. ^ driving daily. Our reasonably small profits moves them quick, 8«lk warp Henriettas at 95c to $125; all wool silk fiu- ished, 55c; bl^ck and eolored Plushes and Velvets at 60ct 75c and $1 25, in nil the loading shades. ' \ • • • is, 1 *< > f* - i t And 1 ricots, from 25c to 50ft, The whole stoctc is very com- X 1* • 11 a clearing sale of October 21. 1889 Boots and Shoes at big discounts-all the week. New and. OLASl OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND, : ' . B ' o r ' ' # o y « very reasonable figured See them. It ESP ECTFTI4-Y, » O' •** ^ Jolin Evanson & Go. We have received a large in­ voice of Fail Goods and are pre­ pared to show, at pxicea lower than ever, S FLANNELSi PRINTS, And in fact everything per­ taining to a complete Dry Goods Department STRAW GOODS, At a sacrifice. The largest and finest line of Boots illes. In this town, such as .John Foster, Forbush & Browns, Red- path Brothers Goods without an equal. An all solid oil grain Child's Shoe, size 8 to 12, $1. a better one at $1.25; si^e 11 to 2, $1.25, 1.50, 1,76. Ladies' satin oil or grain, *2, goat, or hid, $2. 2.50, 3.00, 3.25, to 5.00, (but no 3.50 shoe for 2.50, that is some­ thing we are "unable to find.) Also a full line ot Badger state McHenry^ Illinois. M- Have got the largest and best stock of !H GOODS I ' j;* _r^*.: We are receiving daily our new fresh stock of Fall ajad Winter Goods, including •r^sv.' •<"\ the county, of different mikes, such as tho celebrated Norwegian, First & Bradley, J I. Case. Rock Island, Star Grand Detour and Skandia. of wood beam, steel beam, turf, turf and stubbie, and breaki.-.g plow j of diilercnt makes. Our Dress Goods. WS all .out. Jf you -i think of buying a Sulky Plow our stock liefore ^you buy , UIU1UM«| PANTS, VESTS, ETC. Always on band. Look at our one twenty-five and one seventy- five knit shirts. Our two twenty- five Milton shirt will defy Ken­ tucky lightning. A fine line of fall Gloves in stock. aBOOlRlli; The be it that money can possi­ bly ^ buy. • Yours for trade, see We can surely please you. Every plow warranted. FEED CUTTERS TBI New G nels. etc. e handle such celebrated cu^ tersasthe iMnalley, Star, Free- • v. . , ies and Carts At prices way down, and we cam make it pay you to call on us for any thing in our lilw. *' We shall endeavor to have the lar­ gest stock of above goods in this section and as we buy all our goods •; for Cash, we will sell you at Bottom Prices. Please give us a call and get our prices •.-'v.-;.'; • ' /> E. M. Owen & Son, •r< • , 1

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