mm* WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16, 1889. Eklitor. PAPER M i tie at «EO. P. ft 0<K*8 Newspaper Advertising Spructe Street), where advertising u NEW YORK- Ntf*Butter on the Elgin Board of trade on Monday dropped 1%, cents and sellers generally held stocks. Only 9,000 pounds were sold at 24 cents. w I®" The Democrats call Mr. Wanamaker f*Holy John." But they can't fool him lit a matter of business, Loverne, Ala bama, tried it the other day by refusing to let a colored postmaster have business room, and "Holy John" discontinued the Office in a holy minute. ' 1 "t&'Much uneasiness was created in po litical circles at Washington, particularly1 among the Democrats, early last week by a report, that the veteran congressman, Samuel J. Randall, was dangerously ill. Later reports contradicted it and stated that Mr. Randall would be in Washing ton in a few weeks. The loss of Mr. Ran dall would be an irreparable oae to the Democrats in the House of RaprMeata- New, Stylish, Ladies', Misses?', And Children's CLOAKS! Just received and on sal* Ranging in price frcr* $1.60 to $45. t. "f^The local G. A. R. posts have taken . ••HI the question of removing the remains of General Grant from New York to Ar lington cemetery. Resolutions have been adopted in favor of the removal, and these resolutions are to be sent for in (torsment, to every post in the United States. I there is anything like unani-- mity among the G. A. R. people in favor! of the removal it is almost certain to be made. I®" Under the laws of Bulgaria, if a 5 s patent medicine is warranted to cure a certain disease and fails to do it, the manufacturer can be prosecuted and sent to prison. No cure for consumption can be found in that country.--Exchange. The law of Bulgaria is founded upon just principles, and should be endorsed by Americans. If there was ever a coun ty cursed with worthless patent medi cines which propose to cure everything, and are really good for nothing, that •ovntry is America. J®* According to the Commercial and Financial Chronicle of New York, the cotton crop for the current season--1888 and '89--is the largest ever produced in the South. It reaches six million nine hundred and thirty-five thousand bales. The crop of 1887-r88 was something over five million bales. The greatest crop known in the days of slavery was that of 1859-'60. It amounted to four million eight hundred and twenty-three thousand Wee. V.1 . J®T"Here is some conclusive testi mony," says the Portland (Me.) Press, "on the question of wages in England Its compared with wages in this country treasurer Walker, of the North Vassal- boro Woolen Mill, who recently visited Europe, says that he found a mill in England making precisely the same kind of cheviots which his Yassalboro mill is making, but that the foreign weavers (good workmen) received only $3.50 per wade, while his weavers herv of like effi ciency receive $9 per week." I®*From Racine comes the story of • the pranks of a "ghost," who bothers the ffatchraan at the Scottford factory by •Bttlng tJie machinery winning When the watchman is down stairs the machin ery up stairs will start, and when the watchman gets there the machinery will stop and that down stairs will start. Hie proprietor with additional watch men has not yet been able to fathom the mystery.* If there is no steam at that hour, the question is what moves the machinery? For a ghost story, it is a , little out of the common run. tflr Henry Ferguson, a wealthy colored lii&n in Texas, has completed arrange ments for taking a colony of several hun dred families of colored people to Mexico, where each head of a family will be pro- > Tided with nine acres of land and as much more as he can purchase by his own sav ings. This has brought the white plants M* of Texas to a realization that there is no danger of a race war in that State, and that the negro is very necessary ad dition to their popufotion. The white men of the South always open their , r . «rned.-Inter-Ocean. J®" Within a very short time, as things r going now, Chicago will have • , $10,000,000 subscribed for world's fair purposes. New York has one-third of million, with no good prospect of any tnore. Chicago is so well provided with rites of the has a Our immense stock 6t fashion able ' „ O¥EBC0AIS, "V- 'V 4 Now ready for inspection and comparison. Prices from $1.60 in Child's to $30 in Men's.9 STANDARD * '*ip \ \ . • v* ' « f % \r\ Fall Goods. •f "X N GO Wo ' lobs, Underwear la endless- variety of qualities and sizes, in prices from 9c for children's good merino, to ladies' and gent's, worth $2 e^ch. Ladies' fine, heavy Merino Yests, at 29c, 3#c 47c, all special bargains. Blankets, . • Gloves CHOICE ONLY $l.l& See our advertisement locals next week. EVEB YOURS, and West McHenry l provided that no discussion about them, it being under stood that a site can be selected at any ̂ time. New York is m a hopeless wrinkle ®yer the only site that appears to be at S ̂available, and there is grave doubt whether that can be secured. Under circumstances the chances that the exhibition will go to Chicago to New York are growing day- 1ST The church has been sharply criti cised, and no doubt justly, for giving its millions erf dollars annually to "save the heathen," when according to its own the- tilogy they would be saved anyhow, and Suffering its own worthy poor--its wid- pws, orphans, and its needy communi- Oftnts to miSeHor food, shelter, clothing, education. We have been unable for jears to justify foreign missionary con- tributions, except on the grounds that ', *ej help the heathen into a higher ideal ;«f life, and are not to save them from f|, JfSehenna. Besides, we very much ques tion the policy of sending money from home into those countries whieh have established Christian churches. As a de- upbuilding it can be justi- but not upon the grounds ol v';'" THISADVERTISEMENT Say* that anything** the Une of COAL Ac FEED 4kui b* bought CD XII c+ o wi H & V * SIGN J o'«g a ** H \ ' his week annouuce their Annutil Mid* Letters but Activity Our atmrijs' not" to. carry over any stock, and that we must liccomplishr ' ' VVe do not ex poet to roalize anywhere near the worth of the jfooug, but we are not after',mafeinjf m Oar object is off our summer stock to make room for Urge fall purchases, O & 'T. «« ^ <f Chances lor liargaius as rare as this do not occur often, nrnV it is ,|o your 'interest to call at our store and inspect goods and loarfi piicesi ^' < '• n *•< • • r t •- , , \ e o M' 5« o Sd XJl o a xn We have just received a com plete line of Fall Goods, , NOT In Henrietta, Cashmere and Frgnfh uitings. Latest shades in Green, Blue, Grey and Old Rose. A full line of fancy Dress Buttons, Hairpins, Buckles, etc. A new lot of * I Atone dollar and ninety cents, worth double the mone}. Mew Prints, Ginghams, hirlings, etc. AU Sf these we will se.M to >ou at a reasonably small profit and at a closer margin than other dealers who sell shoddy goods at lower prices and greater profits. We have a full line of BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies' fine kid, patent tip, one foliar and ninety cerits. The celebrated TOE THE MARK, childs school shoe, silk sewed, war ranted . Oxford Ties repuced to one dollar. !§: Uurchasiii f >r OasU ill! ol ^fiich will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnis first class goocta. ' GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS see ojir Gasoleng In tlie Market, at Bottom Prioos. JOBBING AlffD HEPAIRI2TQ Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranted A ®hare of public patronage respectfully solicited, ] *' ' % * v*'?:,. '-,4 /»V tf* ' • gf , >• » .. OUR IT TP €2 Are alway? ,he best, and the best is the cheapest in the end. Elgin Con. Milk 3 & can Peaches, 3 •* Tomatoes, 2 ** Apples, 15c 10c 10c 8c t-orn, 10c, 3 cans for 25c Blueb's 10c, ** «• 25c 3 " blackberries ^c DeLand's Salaratus, 6c 20 fcs Dried Peaches, $1.00 Fine Prunes. 5c Good Japan Tea, 20c Fitzsimmoss & HendersoQ West McHenry, 111. 'J':: ' HARMLESS SPUR WIRE I W, M CRISTY^S, ^ place in Z/its a specially. Warehouse at the JHckle itt Mclfe.nry. Car la It not a w onder that people will insnre their buildings ofrainst Are, their stock agatnut tielng kille<l l>y lightning, and slid persist In using wicked barb wire to tnrn Jheir slock when it has already damaged their stock themselves more than tire and lixhtnin* c bined. We now offer for sale for the next three months in order to get It introduced, the Harmless Spur Wire, double painted, at the extreme low price of 3 Cents per Pound. It will turn stock as well as any twisted wicked barb wire, and will r hundred pounds. nteed or money refund en rods farther per hundred pounds Satisfaction guaranteed or money r ininoiZ°g 81110 at B' <11,bert,|8•We9t McH«nry SAMUEL SHERMAN. OPPOSim BytSHOP^f |I(IILI|» jimT, IN, I3owl>lo last yoara tnuiuosa and making tbl» toe headquaileris, MWlS3^b ^-ootls and dollais worths uncommonly kr^f» and good. Push, enterprise, courtesy, contidenco are full partners, 'they-will hll turn in and worK. VVe will have the grandest dig- i play of uctivily ever f>hown in a store. Come and witness it. ^ driving daily. Our reasonably small profits moves them quick, 8«lk warp Henriettas at 95c to $125; all wool silk fiu- ished, 55c; bl^ck and eolored Plushes and Velvets at 60ct 75c and $1 25, in nil the loading shades. ' \ • • • is, 1 *< > f* - i t And 1 ricots, from 25c to 50ft, The whole stoctc is very com- X 1* • 11 a clearing sale of October 21. 1889 Boots and Shoes at big discounts-all the week. New and. OLASl OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND, : ' . B ' o r ' ' # o y « very reasonable figured See them. It ESP ECTFTI4-Y, » O' •** ^ Jolin Evanson & Go. We have received a large in voice of Fail Goods and are pre pared to show, at pxicea lower than ever, S FLANNELSi PRINTS, And in fact everything per taining to a complete Dry Goods Department STRAW GOODS, At a sacrifice. The largest and finest line of Boots illes. In this town, such as .John Foster, Forbush & Browns, Red- path Brothers Goods without an equal. An all solid oil grain Child's Shoe, size 8 to 12, $1. a better one at $1.25; si^e 11 to 2, $1.25, 1.50, 1,76. Ladies' satin oil or grain, *2, goat, or hid, $2. 2.50, 3.00, 3.25, to 5.00, (but no 3.50 shoe for 2.50, that is some thing we are "unable to find.) Also a full line ot Badger state McHenry^ Illinois. M- Have got the largest and best stock of !H GOODS I ' j;* _r^*.: We are receiving daily our new fresh stock of Fall ajad Winter Goods, including •r^sv.' •<"\ the county, of different mikes, such as tho celebrated Norwegian, First & Bradley, J I. Case. Rock Island, Star Grand Detour and Skandia. of wood beam, steel beam, turf, turf and stubbie, and breaki.-.g plow j of diilercnt makes. Our Dress Goods. WS all .out. Jf you -i think of buying a Sulky Plow our stock liefore ^you buy , UIU1UM«| PANTS, VESTS, ETC. Always on band. Look at our one twenty-five and one seventy- five knit shirts. Our two twenty- five Milton shirt will defy Ken tucky lightning. A fine line of fall Gloves in stock. aBOOlRlli; The be it that money can possi bly ^ buy. • Yours for trade, see We can surely please you. Every plow warranted. FEED CUTTERS TBI New G nels. etc. e handle such celebrated cu^ tersasthe iMnalley, Star, Free- • v. . , ies and Carts At prices way down, and we cam make it pay you to call on us for any thing in our lilw. *' We shall endeavor to have the lar gest stock of above goods in this section and as we buy all our goods •; for Cash, we will sell you at Bottom Prices. Please give us a call and get our prices •.-'v.-;.'; • ' /> E. M. Owen & Son, •r< • , 1