m OSS RSDAY, OCT. 28, 1889. p*. VJLJS 8LYKE, Editor. 3 iSP" Battel* on the Elgin Board of Trade If Monday, sold at 28 cents; total sales, |amountang to 22,440 pounds, covering !ifg,161. I®"* The Jury in the Cronin case, ia Chi cago, baa at last been secured and the i trial will immediately commence. That |tistice may be done and the cruel mar* defers receive their just ponishmentis the of all good citizens. 0r[t took just thirty-six hoirti to sell |pf' - , five hundred lots at f200 apiece an Au- f|vL rora and thus secure $100,000 for the stove works expenses. They are very small lots in the worst quarter of the It* </ town and the last payment must be made tx ̂v next March. Four-fifths, nearly, were .'J '̂ taken in single lots. This is a magnifi- $*' cent showing of united action and f'A public spiritedness. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. PntMdiW of the Annual SQtniMr Keetin*, 1889. The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry county met in annual session at the court house in Woodstock, on Tuesday, September 10,1881). Meeting called to order by the chair man, Sup. R. J. Beck. The following members answered to their names at roll call : Sups. Amory Barber, A. J. Shurtliff, L. Woodardj R. J Beck, E. M. Titcomb, W. H. Groesbeck, 1). H. Flavin, G. li. Richards, F. E. Stevens, John Weltzien, Luinan T. Hoy, Samuel E. Clark, G. W. Conn, A. R. Alex ander, Fred Hatch, F. K. Granger, John H. Gracy, W. P. Thompson. Sundry bills were referred to the com mittee on claims. The report of the receipts and expendi tures of Lester Barber, county superin- / 1-- tST Wisconsin has the honor of having Hie first lady lawyer who ever appeared before a supreme tribunal, legally, in the k;,„ United States. We hope to live to eee .̂ the day when lady lawyers will occupy as ; prominent a place at the bar as the me® [ do. If a woman should not be a lawyer ftjgfZ'i it is not because she is hot a proper per- son to appear in court, nor because she *' cannot talk. As to her pleading, we will 5#^"' put one pair of brown eyes against any iS ten bald headed gentlemen who ever 7" ̂ arose and said. "May it please the court. ;%•{Bat, seriously, we want to see them in >** our court rooms as lawyers with the hope IJfy that thereby said court rooms may be ̂; rendered decent places for respectable people to appear. We do not refer to all W': , court rooms, butto many.--Lake Geneva hf- : :• News. (0TIllioois is certainly getting away up in the breeding of horse flesh when she can take away honors from French in breeding French horses. The following is from Saturday's Herald: Advices by cable to L C. Lewis, secretary of the American horse show, from Thomas Sloan, agent for W. L. Ellwood, of the great horse farm at DeKalb, 111., stating that he has secured the following prizes at the Paris Exposition: On French coach horses: First prize on four-year- olds, second prize on four-year-olds, and second priie on three-year-olds. On Fercherons; First prize on three-year- olds, third prize on two-year-olds; also first prize on two and three-year-old m®. Those horses are now enroute to the great Chicago horse show, which opens in the Exposition building Oct. 30. These horses were all bred at DeKalb farm, and were sent from there to Paris. s;rg (&* James B. Perry, Esq., of this vil lage, having announced himself as a candidate for County Treasurer the com ing year is meeting with flattering en couragement throughout tW . The Sallowing is what the two Harvard papers have to say in relation thereto: James B. Perry of McHenry waa in Harvard Monday calling upon some of his friends in this village and vicinity. It will be remembered that Mr. Perry was prominant before the Republi can convention fast year as a caudidate for the Legislature from this legislative district. The choice of the convention waa, however, given in favor of Col. G. S. Southworth of Woodstock. Then came the pressure upon Mr. Perry--which was exceedingly urgent--to take the field as < 4-U ~ T «wr vuiuuiuaitc 21/1 LI1C LiT^lOia" ' tare. It was in that crisis that his sterl ing qualities of manhood--his fidelity to Republican principles--rose superior to political aspiration. He resolutely de clined to take a position, or make a move, that might give the Democratic minority a chance to elect two Represen tatives from this district. There were many good Republicans who honestly contended that if Perry would consent to run that we could elect the whole three Republican candidates. The specious figuring which they presented made it ap pear that way. But Perry was true to his faith, and firmly said--"no." In view of his manly decision then, the Re publicans of McHenry County propose next year to run Mr. Perry as our caudi date for County Treasurer. He has all the qualifications for that office, and he de serves it. Let these facts be borne in mind, preparatory for action next year. --Harvard Independent. James B. Perry, of McHenry, was here Monday interviewing prominent Republi can leaders in regard to his chances for the office of county treasurer. Mr. Perry was a candidate for the legislature two years ago, but was defeated in the con vention by Hon. G. S. South worth. The gentlemanly and straightforward man ner in which Mr. Perry conducted himself before and after the convention won for him friends in all parts of this county He is an excellent gentleman and would make an ideal county treasurer--a worthy successor to the present incum bent, Capt. Wm. H. Stewart--Harvard Herald. tendent of schools, was referred to the committee on education; also his quar terly report. The annual report of the county super intendent of schools of disbursements from the institute fund for expenses of in stitute was referred to the committee on education. Sup. Woodard moved that the Board adjourn until one o'clock p. m.; motion carried. TUESDAY, ONE O'CLOCK, P. M, Board met pursuant to ̂ adjournment. Members all present except Sup. Will- lame. Minutes of the forenoon session read and approved. County Superintendent of Schools Les ter Barber, addressed the Board upon the need of a school register for the sev eral school districts in the county. Sup. Granger moved that the county superintendent of schools reduce his re quests to writing and the same be re ferred to the committee on education to report at their earliest convenience; mo tion carried. Sup Granger moved that the Board tyl- journ until 4 o'clock p. m. FOUR t^'ciiOCK, P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present except Supervisor Williams. The several committees being ready to report, the chair ordered that the re; J ing of reports would be the next thing In order. The committee on roads and bridges, to whom was referred the road warrants, made the following report, which was a d o p t e d , t o - w i t : « , 4 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, Board of Supervisors. September term September 10,1889. jfg, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee to whom was referred the various road district warrants would beg leave to sub mit the following report on the matters before them: They have examined all warrants filed with the clerk, and find from the following towns as follows from town of Hebron, 18 warrants cor rect; town of Marengo, 10 warrants cor rect; town of Richmond, 6 warrants cor rect ; town of McHenry, 10 warrants cor rect. Your committee deprecate the lack of compliance with the law by the various road authorities of the county and would suggest the propriety of this Board taking some action requiring the various officers in charge of the road warrants being more punctual in return ing their warrants to the county clerk. Your committee would recommend that delinquents be requested to return the outstanding warrants as soon as October 15 next. AU of which is respectfully submitted. John Weltzein, ' F K Granger. tuLr, .juuuuiiiii>'H un following report, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County. / Board of Supervisors, September term, September 10,1889. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Sapervisors:--Your committee to whom was referred the amount of taxes to be raised the coming year would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That from the county treasurer's report to the com mittee the gross receipts from September 1, 1888, to September, 1889, including the balances on hand at the beginning of the present year, is as follows: $34,- 780.58. leave to pubmit the following report on? the matters before them: That we have investigated this claim, and as sufficient, and satisfactory evidence has not been produced before us as to the amount and justice of the assessment, and further that we believe that the proper time and place is and should be at the meeting of the town board of review of assessment for the adjustment or correction of such, assessments, wo do therefore recommend that no further action be taken in the m a t t e r . . . . , „ AI1 of which is respectfully submitted. A. R. Alexander, . : »" . A. J. Shurtleff, < J. H. Gracy, J ;U;, . F. E. Steven#. ' 7 TOs committee on claims made the fol lowing report, which on motion waa adopted, to->vit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,\8g McHenry County. / : Board of Supervisors, September term, September 10, A. D., 1889. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be di rected to issue orders ou the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Barber, sta unci bl'ks, as j»or Mil. Sept 2, lsM» .... • 81» V E Jones, special constable, .November election, MsSi, 2«l»v8 HG Ktalo. ditto ;j... A & work making -IS copies of Bpec'Uions for new lank awl pump L T Hov paiuts anil oils as per bill sept », •••••' J A Murnhv for 21 days «i)d 3 hour*, at f2 50 per ilav, paiiUim, arouml court house..;• 4 HO 4QC SCO 18 » Missen, Ladies' Children's more t hail iradn. * e dort't. Just reeeHed ami mi hhtw inging in price fro~ $1,60 to oflerinsF bargains in 58 25 Total... ...... f 10574 Your committee report that they have examined the report of Thomas McD Richards, purchasing agent, and the vouchers accompanying the same, and find the same correct, and report is here with submitted: To the honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry county, 111.: The under signed your purchasing agent, begs leave to submit the transactions of the agency from July 8,1889, to Sept. 10,1889: July 10. Bunker Bros, mrise by sheriff. Mftv i-i »o July 2 • 12. J.i8 Kelly, assigned loO Marron it rorils <!ry woo<I 11, J Vnn Slyke, I(.00 lsrjtc env, elf. 29, Jl l> Hoy & *on, nvlse by sheriff 3i>, Kankakee Hospital, Blip for Lena Sterver an«f John Leavitt.. Aug 3, S lloiliikins, bbl snow white oil. > 6, A KieM.SH 13-25 ions small range . * mai at«6ao ,.... «»TD ' ' i,-A F fleW, 16 71 ton* egg eoal, mt 55 109 45 91^,11 It Siu'tli. 89W'K 10 iiclH wood.. 7 50 S6, Brown, P & Uo, sftp co office*... 20 30 St, F M Bunker, m<Ue by therlff... 1525 Total #487 92 All of which will more fully appear by examining the bills, vouchers and mein orandum herewith submitted for exam ination. Submitted Sept. 10,1889. THOS. MCD RICHARDS, Pur Agt. All of Which is respectfully submitted. 1) H Flavin, John Weltzein, -' Geo B Richards, F E Stevens. .. ^^msiiided Next Week) 19 86 13 50 850 25 10 13 71 525 Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, MnHenry Gounly 83 In Probate Court of sai«l county, Kb tate of Uutli A. Thurlwell. To the heirs of said extate anil all parsons interested therein: Please take notice that I shall tile a linai report in said estate and aak said "'otirt to approve the same and declare said estate settled, on the llrst Monday of Oe eeniber, 1SS9, at which time you can appear beloie aaid court and object to said report if you see tit. J iMtC-* B. 1*EIUC.Y, Ex. McHenry, Oct. 17th, lf89. A merfbaitt <jeta th« sort of trade ho work* for* We are get» tin^our* iVhether it tnk«g one year or fore; libether it ,l||| twice <i. riiach a* t<K«lay» or twenty times, mre work to get it *8 quickly an possible; We have not the unreliable pood* of any* iuidv »t any We want a'l the trade that can be drawn ^eliablo <roo»|x at- fair prices. That will be >enoii<fh for us and |*an serve you w#I)>;au«l better than stores that waat to make moacnr; ' ' ' tJ ,v w© naer ̂ and Over Wear. -Mi s I Announoe CumpltrfenefM inboth < )ut* immoUie Bt&k of fashion able ' • . : J ' ' OIEROOAm Now ready for inspection and comparison. Pricck from' $1 1)0 in Cliild'a $30 ia Melipr|: iTANDAUD Jlo . - Fof Ladies' and Gents', cotton or wool as you prefer. - That we have ever offered si ilce we commenced trad a here. An early call will p.iy you while l he assort men t is, com plote. We have just' opened one of the best and largest stocks of Henriettas in Black or Colored ̂ "Velvets, Plushes, Underwear Mi "X ftt Ninety of q u and sizes, in prices trom 9c fot childien'n wood merino, to.ladies' and ^rent's, worth $2 Ladies' fine, heavy MerVncr Vests, at 29c, and 47c, all special bargains. * * (Mfe! * WANTED, Men to take orders for Nnrserv Stock, on Sftl- > ••• SALISiAH Of SKivtine who will work and follot^ Wjr In. struciions. Will furnish liandsotne outdt tree, and pay your Hilary or commission every week. Write for tevms'ai oneo. , O. GUAUAM, JMuraery man, Rochester, X, Y. pt 1888 $ 9.626 87 From town collectors.... .. 2l,i*i0 33 from r'lr'd, telephone And telg. 4,75:116 ' " 1.839 77 <dellnqaeot Ux.. Total. *4.780 54 10.000 (10 51K) 110 .....lfl,!»02 73 ..... 1,518 SO 3,(XK)00 84,9-21 53 9,85905 Expenditure*. Interest bearing orders... t.'.f Interest on orders. County orders Juror's certiflcates.... ....... Salaries, etc Total Balance on hand ......... Your committee recommend that the gum of f15,000 be raised by tax to pay contingent expenses of the county. All of which is respectfully submitted. Fred Hatch, ' ' Jf j H Gracy, • J Shurtliff, f ; A R Alexander, D H Flavin. The committee on town accounts pre sented the following report wlifcli mypp- tion was adopted, to-wit: , STATE OF ILLINOIS,\__ McHenry County, / « 1 ' "" Board of Supervisors, September term, A. D., 1889. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Sujiervisors:--Your committee to whom waw referred the matter of town accounts would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Indiana Who Will Vot«. The Indian as a political factor i» a feature of politics which is likely in the near feature to attract public attention. By recent act of Congress every Indian over 21 years of age who receives an al lotment of land in severalty becomes a Voter, clothed with every attribute that attaches to citizenship. The successful termination of the negotiations with the Sioux Indians by which they surrender a large part of their reservation in Dakota will, it is estimated, by the next year throw into the politics of the State the .Uncertain quantity of 4,937 voters. i This vote, thrown solidly, as it probably Will be in both State and national elec-; tions, is likely to become an important factor in that State. Negotiations now fa progress with other Indian tribes will soon make many thousands more Indian voters. : At the Interior Department it is thought that upward of 20,000 Indians *111 be entitled to vote next Presidential election. How the red man will conduct Mmself as a part and parcel of the nation jpd not as its ward wilt be watched with latereet by all who are interested ia the a e 0 © ' fi S 5 a V u "C . C E> u G U a k i E. H & PS % M4 H b Riley Marengo, no pr ot.. t 1700 ^^60 *6(» :: f 300 l'UO i'isoo Dunham .... • . • • ^^60 *6(» • 3fM> Chemung 85 15 15«X) Alden 4<I *0 Hart land 76 4(L0 ..... Seneca 'so 201) Coral. . 65 Grafton ........ 20 *400 "s«o Dorr • • » 6f 1250 8000 Greenwood. • • .. 6< 230 Hebron.... ... ... 30 Richmond. ......... "ioo . . . . "ioo McHenry saw . . . -WJ " 600 Nunda ... • • • •• "eo 62? " 600 Algonquin 50 700 Vil Crystal Lake... .... ... " M0 All of which is respectfully submitted. . j*am'l E Clark, • H Gracy, « . " • •' '• iF E Stevens,. • ' m.'t m M Titcomb^ W II Groesbeck. The committee on town lots made the following report, which on uwtimi WM adopted, to-wit: • ^ STATE OF ILLINOIS^-. ̂ McHenry County, J 1 Board of Supervisors', September term, A.I). 1889. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Tour committee to whom was referred the claim of Mrs. Kate Clark, of Chicago, for personal property assessed to her in the town of Chemung, action upon which was post- poned from the July meeting, wpuld bejg have.received * i«8« in voice of Fail Goods an<? are pre pared to show at prices lower than ever, Cashmeres, FLANNELS, JuM3tD*ns, - Gloghuai, PRINTS, in fact evefythiosr fer taining to a complete Dry Goods tm'ent STRAW GOODS, At a sacrifice. The largest and finest line of 1 Ir. this town,*such as John Foster, Forbush & Browns, Red path Brothers. Goods without an equal. An all solid oil grain Child's Shoe, size 8 to 12, $1. better one at $1.25; size 11 to 2, $1.25, 1.50, 1,76. Ladies' satin oil or grain, $2, goat or kid, $2. 2.50, 3.00, 3.25, to 5.00, (but no 3.50 shoe for 2,50, that is some thing we are unable to find.) Also a full line ot Badger state PANTS, VESTS, ETC. Always on hand. Look at our one twenty-five and OIH» seventy- five knit shirts. Our two twenty- five Milton shirt will dety Ken tucky lightning. A fine line of fall Gloves in stock. CwKO€) E HI MSf The beit that money can pot»si< blj buy. ' ' Yours for trade, ^ DRESS Blankets, Ever brought to this comity. Xew styles and fine goods. 100 c^ice ; \ , OVERCOATS Put rm our ahe lves wi th in the last week and we know we have <fot to sell >'o.u right or be losf^s ourselves. lome in and look us over. • We have studied the wants of this public and can tiutktully wiy'.to you that we can give, you tiie wortb of y. ur money in th© Hiiielefc enumerated below: ' Boots and Shoes, • • ; - f ? Ca^, J." ' - - f - - r - ' . . I4s»t w K,i ' - At GOo to $ 1.25^ , s; Buttons and trimmings to ma&li. ticulur attention is invited to.cnir " b ' ,r* - - > ite'- HOICE i x- ONLY $1.10. •M 8«e •• %wl locals next weekis ; , * mver ttrnm, % West McHenry, OYeralls, UNDERWEAR, « GLOVSS MD SilHSHS, iwels, Blankets, Ilsn Jil Cloths & Pa-ttsiBS, GLOVE v For Lndics oud Gents, ftx>m.a common evet^r "day goat srlov« J*» it* fiiu.st kid «rlove or silk»mitt. Depend upon it we can save you money. Mens Flannel Overshirts, Cardigan Jackets, new stylish " H - O V E R C O JkS S , For Men or Boys, also at Cfirreot sppcial low prices on all kinds ot prices. f-r--' Kt;!1 BOOTS Amu SHOES, Evfery day this weetev Odds and ends lor less than we paid for them. Ladies'next* - ^Orop-itt.. ^ Jdozon 6ilK Met k, 8carls ut 30 cents each.; A , •; . X« ESP EOTFTL14T* •f •! / ' V r p. * f $1 Evanson & Co * 0 m P E R R Y , & CJIIOIGE *%'e again ask you to call on u*. W e have filled our store lull of new goods arid you miy se«* something that will just pleaee you in style and make up, something different trom what yon have seen elsewhere. YOURS AS EVER» E VEN S THIS ADVERTISEMENT that anything in thcttm of ooiti Ac rlT'JEED 0m be HEAPER FOR CASH """"' SMt'f'.;^e is. * j - W, CRISTY'S, Than any other place in tow#, €pr Lot* a specialty. Warehouse at (he Pickle Factory* in IVeet McHenry. REMEAU3ER & MILLER. HARMLESS SPUR WIRE! m. JILJ. <.... ,Z. *'knS&llit ^ Hti ... - Is It nota womler thnt people will in^nrfi their Inn Id rtigs Hkwnst lire, their utoeb against t»«inK killml by lijthiniojt, Hnd #tld pi'rslat 111 UAIIIR <vl.-,ke.i iMirit wire 10 turn thuir siock wlien it hits Hlremty their Kiock ami thom«c>lvc's more Uuin lire and liKtitniu* coin- btnen. ^ Wo now offer for sale for the next three months in order to pet it introduced, the UaraWesa Spur Wire, Uonlilo painted, at the extreme low prioe of 3 Cents per Pound. It will (urn stock as well as any hnrdf ttviftted wicked i>arb wire, nuit will reitclt seven ro*l« farther per hun<lred pounds. j Satisfaction Kii.irHnleeii or mouev refunds eel. For sale at JB. Gilbert's, West McHenry Illinois. SAMUEL SHERMAN. r«|t McHenry 1839L - V * * h .v i •:**" lS*- are receiving daily our new fresh stock of Fall and Winter Goods# including New Dress Goods f~ t fr< r « Shawls, Vr •#+£ ^ T ' i - ** ' "a* ' * i'W Jp" r'« ' few late, lew Soots mi Sloes, Row Ctatiog. y r ; y - " " , v > \ J , New Gloves and Mitta, new Flan nels. etc. < i C We shall endeavor to have the lar gest stock of above goods in this section and as we buy all our goods for Cash, we will sell you at Bottom Prices. Please give us a call and get our prices before buying. s. McHenry, Illinois, • • m£{ - • 4 - • V , V-' 1,1 - . ^ / '•' vl:• %I. ^ x