Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1889, p. 4

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s«v 4 Hi", VAN SI/STICIEU Editor. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30, 1889. ,y be found on »t OKO. P. paper Advertising where advertising PAPERS k ©Ok'8 Newspaper A< S&roM 8tro»l), where jMlvertletni ^toNEW YORK BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. VrooMdia** of th« Annual S«pt*ml>«r Meeting-, 1880. ^ * OOHCMTIHSD. ' "iSmmliwe on finance t& Was ^ referred the dog license bonds of the sev- ' ieral supervisors, reported as follows: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee, to whom was referred the several dog ; jtnw-- bonds of the several supervisors, report all correct and recommend their approval. - - * "ully submitted^. Fms Hutch, ij, J H Gracy, A J Shurtleff, A P Alexander, * -• , D H Flavin. •w& • The committee on poor farm made the following report, which on motion was g; Udopted, to-wit: P'f'r The committee on poor farm would beg 'leave to submit the following report: L-"\ "Committee met at poor farm July 31. ;»X After careful consideration it was decided \ to ceil the second and third floors of the Chouse overhead, and instructed Sup. 5. • ^ ' tiranger to purchase material and hire > ' Jielp to put on same under supervision of % i , is*. S. ilobb. ifv) Committee met at poor house August 28th, for the purpose of ascertaining the *S , cost per week for the board of the in- ' mat*** of the county Souse. The follow- 5V; ing bills were audited and approved: M D Hoy & Son, mrtse , . Bunker Bros, mclse .. ./ " AB Murphy, specs I J f , . A k W r u l i t , d r u g s a n d a « d . , S K W Allen, cutting . C t Thorn, shoes an>i rep..... A Sherman, rep......... „ I" M Bunker, potntoe# ' *B f Ellsworth, rep <*•;/' 'Whltson Bros, hardware.... J Daeyvblmting twine... Mi?.-'- 'W D Hail, lumber * O Klngalev, meat 'Blinker Bros, m-lse h i > K H Rictimomi, harness rep. if" E A Murphy & Co, clotning. ••.I ;; , Harvard Holier Mills, floor ... .. .... •f> / . W R Austin, rep for machine. ^ • T»r K V AaderBun, med attendance - A J rtliurtleff, lumber for ceiling » NS Kobi>, cash paid out... mm- pan " •• en salary.. Supplies oa hand March 27th IS 65 115 73 100 48 10 WOO »7» 5 25 »60 6 75 7 40 «7« 44 46 18 G4 SI 05 $ 90 4K6S tS2n 6 in *0 00 417 04 9 70 463 19 18159 Total.. $1516 98 *!-<yr $ Of the foregoing amount f950.28 was +, -*for running expenses. The following ^ amounts were deducted before the board of each pauper was computed: Board of J H White 'Board of Mr* I^awsoa. Mupplies on hand w. ...... 115 00 . ... «*50 . ... 5739 Total.... 9 24189 ; Whole number weeks' board of paupers 'from March 27 to August 28, 978: aver­ age cost per week, 73 cents. The follow­ ing sums were sent to the towns and per­ sons liable for the same: i'Rilev. Marengo.... Dan ram .... Alden IQtiemui ^Chemung Bart land Bmeea.. <lOor*l Gmfton ..#37 13D«rr ....'. .. 7755 " 'pooner.... ... SI29Greenwood .... . 4S9SHebroh MiUMcilenry ....... 7792Nnnda. .$33 56 .. 20 34 .. J5 8H .. 15 79 ..6194 81 11 MSSAIgonqnln 177 63 37 WJa» White 115 00 16 TDK B Kichard* 69 50 :1SR Afiof which is respectfully submitted. G W Conn, , L Woodard, f. * ft + D H ilavin, , F K Granger. le committee on education made the following report on the annual report jand report of institute fund of the county superintendent of schools, which on mo­ tion was adopted, to-wit: j Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the JjBoard of SupervisorsBelow please find istatement of the receipts and disburse- m«its for the year ending August 31st, r•1889: S' 1899. To bal from last year $ 37 02 Jan 15, To school fnndSiato Auditor..:. 6802 75 i; To fines. 1ft O fabor, J P 6 15 *Fsb ftass, A y? V;:-: i.g, Si's AUjT S35 sd To balance on hand .. To ex tees ft* p&r Treas vonotoof. SKfii !"! Sept 1, ToM. • " Mb* 61 S3 26 00 142 00 14 00 65 00 ..$ 30832 By F H Hall, lnatltaM Anna I Davis, •« O F Barbour, " S M Grimes, " O W Hart, . M ;r>„ Miso rentj 9wy lw^ B a l a n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-00 4«»fl0 45 00 2500 25 Oil 4130 Total. $ 30832 Respectfully submitted. LBS- Slept 1, OCtt expenses A . T V y g , ! N E B l a k e . I P . . K B Thomas. J P ii W Mead, J P . N BBlaks, J P.. It J Beck, J P... 27 65 23 60 30* 15*8 80 06 75 30 .«a»iiao ESTKIl BARREL tSpiapit. STATE OP.ILLINOIS,\m. ' McHenry County, f > -* Mr. Cliairman and Gentlemen of tho Board of Supervisors: Your committee on education would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before thorn: That we have examined the annual re- jK>rt of I^ester Barber, Co. Supt. of Schools, compared said report with book and accompanying vouchers,, and find the same correct. Yo«r committee would therefore recommend the adoption of his report. Your committee have also examined Superintendent's report of institute fund find the same correct and recommend the adoption^of said report. All of which is respectfully submitted. G B Richards,' W H Groesbeck, Y ^ SanvlE Clark, • ' --V.* " A Barber, L T Hoy. The following resolution was offered by Snp Granger: Resolved, That Supt N . S. Robb be in­ structed to notify the father of J. H. White to remove said J. II. White from the poor house at once. Resolution adopted. Also ^ Resolved, That the price for keeping J. H. White at the poor house be, and it is hereby fixed at the sum of ten dollars per week from the present date, and that the county collect the said amount from the legal representatives of the,, said White so long as said White may remain in the poor house hereafter. Which on motion was adopted. The committee on education made further report on the quarterly report of the county superintendent of schools, which on motion was adopted, to-A it: STATE OF ILLINOIS,IGG t McHenry County. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on education would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters be­ fore them: That we have examined the quarterly report of County Supt. of schools of time spent from June 29, 1889, to August -51. 1889; that we have approved said report and recommend that the bills therein, amounting to $240, be allowed.- Account as follows: / 24 days visitina schools ...... . .J MM ()0 24 days expenses visiting scbooU 24 («' 11 days examinations .... 44 00 5 days teachers' Institute 2ft(X) Udaysofiico work.... 5H00 Total 240 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. G B Richards, W H Groesbeck, Samuel p] Clark, A Barber, L T Hoy. following communication from county superintendent of schools was read to the Board, and the committee on education made the following report on same, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: At a recent meeting of the teachers of our county an organization was effected and a plan adopted for our general meet­ ing the coming year. Said plan contem­ plates the holding of live meetings; one to be held at Woodstock, one at Mc­ Henry, one at Hebron, one atNunda and one at Marengo. The program committee was advised to secure some prominent or leading edu­ cator to address the teachers and patrons at such meetings. This will necessarily incur some expense probably not to exceed f 10 per meeting. We therefore pray your honorable body to make this appropriation for the pur­ pose set forth, assuring you that it shall be spent for the good of our public schools to the best of our judgment. LESTER BARUER, Special Com. Woodstock, September 9,1889. STATE OF ILLINOIS,! McHenry County, Is9 Mr. Cffairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Sopttt. By ox'tiueaf | Oct 7, By stamps 225 postal cards printing postal oards........ 800 letter heads .. HOT 22, By stamps ,fMr . $*. stationery Doe 1, Kepts to treasurer 24, Stamps and stationery M» School ex qaes 1$^ Jan 4, BystasopB Postal Cards Printingpcarda ...... ' *. Copybsof t. Envelopes 2^*. SUmps.. - 'Will S. P cards «, Kx on blanks and dft . t, Walsh pnb ex tt, Ex a test tJ, Stamps Apr M. Stamps and P cards... Printing P cards . Letter heads Wagner School ex qasst.... Ex on quest Stamps Ex on school repts Kx on State Supta blks Stamps Ex on two pkgs school laws' circ to treas X»7 •. 25, iMT «. M -tjkng Printing p cards...... Stamps on school manuals Stamps Blauke ..... Questions, etc htamps .. iEnveiopes *-- No. 14, Wagner.....* a>ut twp treas.. pom . Pub notices ex . Rebate, A W Young . . ! JBalance 100 1 50 2 25 75 2 00 130 56 155 1 M 320 * 300 225 76 200 200 400 95 60 200 250 3 42 6«0 75 200 2 75 25 3 U0 80 55 228 50 2 AO 1 25 50 170 100 125 400 2 50 200 1 00 •S04 8S 142 63 '4 30 70 00 *8 68 Total go 'Further, I would report that I have ex fUAined the books, accounts and vouch era of the several twp treasurers, and with the exception of a few clerical errors in one or two instances, I find them cor­ rect and the school fund apparently safe­ ly secured. < Our teachers' institute, which was held in Woodstock August 19th to 24th was the best attended of any yet held in the county. Eighty-three per cent of our teachers were present and nearly all of them the entire week. It is gratifying to note that our school officers, teachers and patrons are as a general rule, working more and more in Harmony with each other to make our schoolH what we all desire them to be. Eewpectiully submitted, LKHTKR BARBER, Co. Supt. Schools. Woodstock, Sept. 10,1889. STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County. / WOODSTOCK, Sept. 10,1889 To itoe Honorable Board of Supervisors As required by law, I herewith present' m.v annual report of disbursements, from the Institute fund, for expenses of the teachers' institute, held at Woodstock, 1880, as per vouchers submitted here­ with; , «42Sft I w 79 447 «0 2 !U IN) 4-1 114 I!) 115 22 35» 70 8W 8.1 15!) (>5 KS5 00 several towns of thft county for support­ ing the poor for year ending March 81st, 1889,to-wit: * ;• : \K III ley. 139 42' >1 lircusfo Dunham...« <;h«mung..!» A. .V... Allien liartlsnd.. 8»*ne<?«.... Coral Grnfton ... Dorr tjreenwood, Hebron .. ... Richmond ... Uurtiiii -- McHenry..;v' NunOa Algonquin .. Lesterjiarbort County Superintendent of Stthtx>]s appearetl before the Hoard and asked for instructions in rela tion to re­ funding to the town of Hartland a cer- ta-iu amount- of school money, town of Hartland claiming ail error in the distri­ bution for year 1888. Sup. Flavin moved that the matter be' referred to the committee on education to inquire into all the facts in the matter and report, at the December meeting of this Hoard. Motion carried. Sup. Uichards moved that the special, committees, members of the Hoard of Supervisors and clerk be allowed their usual per diem and mileage. Motion car­ ried. Sup.Granger moved that the Board do now adjourn, to meet at the call of the clerk. Motion carried. / v i, ;. . ' * . R. J./'BBOK, ChoirmiUt. Attest--WM. AVERY, Clerk. T : P E R R Y O W E N w, Ladies'. And Children's iCD Your committee on education to whom was referred the accompanying communi­ cation of Lester Barber, County Superin­ tendent, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Would recommend that the sum of fifty dollars (f 50) he appropriated from the county treasury for purposes named in said communication. Said appropria­ tion to be paid on order of county super­ intendent. Your committee would further recommend that the county superintend­ ent be instructed to report to this Board at its September meeting the manner of expending said appropriation. . All of which is respectfully submitted. G Ii Richards, Samuel E Clark, W H Groesbeck, A Barber, L T Hoy. The committee on public buildings made the following report in the matter of water facilities for the county, which, on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,! McHenry County, J Mr. Committee to whom was referred the matter of water facilities forthecouu- ty, would beg leave to submit the follow ing report on the matters before them: We have secured plans and sp<*;ifica tions for the work, as uecided upon by the full committee, and after submitting the same to several firms for bids on the work, finally awarded the contract to Fairbanks, Morse & Co., of Chicago, for the sum of |960. Said contract calls for the furnishing of a deep well engine, a boiler for fjirnishing the steam power, a tank for the storage of water, to be erected on the vacant space in rear of the jail, to l>e made frost proof and fully guaranteed. The contract calls for everything to make the job complete, with the excep­ tion of a small amount of pipe required to connect tank with jail and sewer. The committee would ask the Board to instruct the clerk to draw an order on the treasurer in favor of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., for the amount of their bill when approved by the committee. The committee would also ask instruc­ tions as to which kind of a building shall be erected over said pump and boiler. All of which ia respectfully submitted. L T Hoy, EM Titcomb, L Woodard, G H Conn, W T Thompson. The following resolution was offered by the committee Jon" public grounds and buildings, which on motion was adopted to-wit: Resolv0d, That the Committee on pute uc buildings and- grounds be instructed to erect, over pump and boiler, when completed, a brick building with metal roof, said building to be made frost proof and of sufficient size to serve the purpose of engine and boiler house. The following will show the costs of the •\ ; *v: '•:;i •-.-r! &s s .0 P C+d tifs! ^ H ' ' y : Q-P O pf g fcJ- CD AW - i ' »• mtp, bargain* ia5 :>w Just Rtuging ia \ 4 - received rtllll prico tVo ^ on Half*. $J.60 to A GOOD COUGH SYRUP. There is nothing parents should be to careful about as selecting a cough syrup. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup costs no^ more than the cheap and inferior nos­ trums thrown OH the market. The be.sti» is none too good. Be sure and get Beggs"' Cherry Cough Syrup. We keep itj on» at all times. G. W. Besley, Druggist. A letter from S. P. Wardwell, Boston, says: "lused Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure in June last for Hay Fever with great satisfaction, and find it the only thing I have seen which, would allay, without irritation, the inr flammat.ion of the nostrils and throat. Its soothing and healing properties were marked and immediate." Large bottle $1. Clarke's Flax Soap is the latest and best. Try it. 25 cents. Ask for them at Geo. W. Besley's drug store, West McHenry, III. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. For sale, two very desirable village lots in West McHenry. Centrally located. For further particulars inquire at this oflice. All Sizes ia Stock. P - t-%* & % able msc stock of fashwm- W. To solicit for our well-Vnnwn Kiireery. Gooil wqtfott paid wfitikly, cleady etivptoymor All puarnntecil true-io nHme." our sjjeciHlty is lissrdy stock for ilie Mnrth and' Northwest. Wrtto'lor terms before tenitiry, taken, staiine CIIA»K ISROTHKKR' COMPANY. Chicago, III; OVERCOATS, Now ready for inepwtioii WKI comparison. Priced from $ I 00 •ii (Jlnld's to $30 in Mea'ss iTANDARD STATU nr ffvt.INOW, Mrlletir*ifflP Jk, H/lf 'El m 88 In I'l-oliine Court of Mill county. £». ^ *** ~•*: 'WviWj'* tatc of;Ruth A. Thurl well. To tho iieirs ot «HI<1 «>Ktnte- anil nil person# int»>r«'8ie(l therein: IMea«c lake notice that (.< shall li!« a final report in sal<l tstnio untl ask satil court to nnprov« I he sam<»,an<l i|<-clare sanl oslate -eltluil. on the llrst Mou<ln>* of l>e^ ? cemher, 1HS9, which tlm^ you can appear bclore mid court and ohjeot lb sa d report if : -- Wrklkdf you See lit. J.AMKS B. l 'liltftV.Ex. ^ WcHenry, Oct. 17ih, 1>69. CD P C D p - g o e»- 9 o QS 2 a«<3 & & m o <*-<§ B'g^ ,m ja cp ® Q g<§ 0 0 S g o p §- o s ̂ {3-D p P .Kj 3 & ** V'. m' That we have ew offered HI ace we commenced tnide beijf, Au eurlj call will paj you wli|i the aisortment id complete. W e hAve jo^t opened one of the best aud largest stocks of : , i ;-v o Slter to'thiseottnty. New styles aud fine goods. 100 choice OVERCOATS Put on our shelves within the last week aftd we knew we have ffot to sell you right or he losers ourselves. Come in and look us over. We have studied the wants of this public and can tiutktully say to you that we can give you tbe worth bf y. ur money in O K * ^ S enumerated below: V "4>r V - - 1' • , -« Boots £nd Shoes, <n ACBHTS wmm. LOOAt OK TR*VKMtQ. LIUBR«TPAT. Permanonl work. STOCK WAltUAN TED. Elcpant Outfit FREE. Kxperience not re»' quired. Couplet# instructiuim to insur#(: auccosf. JAS. E. WHITNEY, Nurseryman, Rochester, N* J'. tr ct- O P CD © M CD Eali tad Ca r. . '#$*>•*• i^'c «. -A"-; "js* •ft g Mb Unn In endless variety of qualities; and sizes, in prices froni 9c for childien's orootl merino, to ladies': and gent's, worth $2 each. Ladies' fine, heavy Vferjno Vests, at 2i)c, 386 and 47c, a special bargains. : Of Ciscoette Flour at 1^1 Eaoh. Any Cut Bfice made on any elaits of floods we handle. " Overallsr which We have received a large in- voice of Fail Goods and are pre­ pared to show at prices loweiC than ever, Cashmeres, FLANNELS, Jaaestoras, - Qlnghams, PRINTS, And in fact everything per­ taining to a complete Dry Gtodn Depni'tment STRAW COOOS9 At a sacrifice. The largest and finest line of ' »XEMSii FLANKELS Blankets, OUR STOCK Comprises a full line of Seasonable Goods and to- jfetlier with ouic prices deserve yonr inspectioA, INDERWEAtt, vr; ) , ^ ' f • QL0V1S AXS KRT1V8, 'i, . m Towels, Blanket!, V* , . •;« i M CHOICE J. W. Qisty&Son, Hoot Oil Clothi 4 Ftttuna, RINGWOOD. ILL. * In this town, such as John Foster, Forbush & Browns, Red- path Brothers Goods without an equal. An all solid oil grain Child's Shoe, size 8 to 12, $1. a better one at $1.25; size 11 to 2, $1.25, 1,50, 1,76. LadieV satin oil or grain, «2, goat or kid, $2. 2.50, 3.00, 3.25, to 5.00, (but no 3.50 shoe for 2.50, that is some­ thing we are unable to find.) Also a full line ot Badger state *;v4 CHOICB GROCERIES'. Q£Q Ciscoetto Flour ONLY SI. 10. PACTS, VESTS A Ways on hand. Look at our one twenty-five and one seventy- five knit shirts. Our two twenty*5 five Milton shirt will defy Ken* tncky lightning. A tine line of fall Gloves in sto Jk, The be it that money can roesi- bly buy. Youra for trade, See advertisement locals next week* • EVER YOURS, and % ' Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OIL* ' Toilet Articles, y?f •-- • -PURE WINIi lilQTJORS, FOR MEIM-CAL USE. r - * : ' .y. Also Bottled Ate and Porter for Medical use. ' ^ 4 The best brands of Cigars anJ Smo&ing and Chewing Tobacco alwayson hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, • Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. G. W. BES EY. • i ' V- ^ "5:. : A i - { West McHenry J McHenry, December 28th, 18871 ; We again ask you to call ott nflir We have filled our store full of new goods and you m«y see something that will just please you in style and make up, something different trom what you have seen elsewhere. Young AS EVKB^ t 'M- MfMWi T J t ' " M .f * A.. ±jL As,. . *.: .1 1 fiPH * ' -JA*- *

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