Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1889, p. 8

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"iP'iim'j. •* Tfjw>, www! '1 W.O. T. U. DEPARTMENT. weeping ft and notice* and or the above head fiishoil by the Ladies of the W. C T. U. K'ltior claims no part or credit for 1 KV« ,. $ I , If Ms wm?k. aniiouitee «Mr Annual Mid«J»i DEALER miner not to carry oyef anv stock, and that What it Would So. i mo," says one, "the money that ban been spent in rum, and twill purchase every foot of land on the globe. I will clothe every man, woman and child in an attire that kings and queens might be proud of. I will build a school house upon every hillside, and in every valley over the whole earth. I will supply that school house with* a competent teacher. I Will build an academy in every town, and endow it; a college in every state, and All it with able professors. I will crown every hill with a church conse­ crated to the gospel of peace, and sup­ port in Its pulpit an able teacher of •righteousness; so that on every Sabbath morning the chime on one hill shall an­ swer to the chime on another around the .earth's broad circumference, and the Voice of prayer and the song of praise shall ascend as one universal offering to heaven." This is no voifte of enthusiasm, but a simple utterance of what is literally true and practicable, as any one can see who WBl consult facts and history. Pass it round, then, ye lovers of tem­ perance, and let the people see where the money goes to that might feed the hun­ gry, clothe the naked, and give to all the nations the bread of eternal life. Pass it round, and let all see that intemperance wastes more, by untold millions, than Ambition grasps or avarice covets; and they that find fault with our benevolence, cfr our social organizations, let them leara that the social disorganizations, crimes and miseries which intemperance produces, are a thousand-fold more ex­ pensive and grievous to be borne. 1 K\xv, ^nCBCSTWRIIC-SWIIPMADEIN-AMBM* .Mml 1 JAS-SI\IRK <Sig:$8-1 HrTE- £ CLOUD| •Fumhnn*. Soap* WRAPPERS (URt£ size) > mi receive a § HANDSOm Containing , n PHOTO&baphs > IX-CstebrafSJ. "WANTED. orders for Nnreerv Stock, on Sal- or Commission. I can make a successful SALS81UJ ' anr one who will work and follow my In notions Will fnrnisb handsome outfit , and pay yonr salary or commission every write for terms at once. E. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Rochester, N, Y. !>, |j • For all diseases of the Tliroat and Lungs, no remedy is so pafe, speedy/and. certain as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. An indispensable family medicine. "I find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral an Invaluable remedy lor colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat and longs." --M. S. Randall, 204 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral r for bronchitis and Lung Diseases,; for which I believe it to be the medicine in the world."--James Miller, Caraway,®. C. "My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the side and breast. We tried various medicines, but none did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whicli has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine." -- Robert Horton, Fore­ man Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral curcd me ol a sovere cold which had settled on my lungs. My wife says the Pectoral helps her more than any other medicine she ever used."--£nos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Kansas. * Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PRKPAKEl) BT Dr. J. C. Ayer * Co., Lowell, Mam. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottlss, $6. *, J. Baxbaa* |. J. Barton BARBIAM BROS. Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN FINE CIGARS, MeHENRY ILLINOIS: Baving leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at nil times can be found Sne cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment and some very handsome patterns. CALL ANI» J*EE U8. BA8BUV BBOS.t McHenry, November 18th, 1883. 4V«BS isWUlrXi.'. MARK For sale by Coo. W. Besley. • canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock. dv employment guarantee.!. SALARY ml EXPENSES paid to successful men. kpply M:«ms stating age. Mention this V ;#iper. ^ CHASE BRno co. r*n* JMnuter.M'Y. ^B@nfs Wanted! Liberal Tbrmb :,#ui be given to introduce our new Jtook, C0 CO c* a> w CD P •-i M M- P o M* CO ft W 3 U W W CO o U1 'iff ' _ Bible Brilliants: STORIES, HO fHER'S mm p r HOME the greatest success of the year, and some-ting entirely new in the book line. Royal Qnarto; 6ize,~9^xll?«; finest of paper; large tvpe; 820 illustrations. 68 fuil page, two of Ibem printed in nine coltrs; retail price only A90 Thousands will be sold for Holiday Presents. Those first in the field will reaps larvest. Act %uick or you will miss It. . v$VIiSHi£E & MACMAKIN, Cincinnati, O. "This is one of the Dusters. It Is closely wovenandhandsomelyembioidered." Don't get studs with Dusters Which will let the dost through OA)! spoil your clothes. 5/A Lap Duster* wSSURSh. 5/A Ironsides Sheet roSfewtHormm j la Stafais. j > FcrTinun >if | fMaitm. ' at BaU tks Cmti. 100 other styles of S/a. Horae Sheets aatf I THIS ADVERTISEMENT Sayt thai anything in the line of CQAl, Ac FEED Can be bought CHEAPER FOR CASH rAT W A. CRISTY'S, Than any other place in town. Car Lo A a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, in West McHenry. ME MEMBER THE PLACE. • W HARMLESS SPUR WIRE! 5A Clipper Fly Nets i S««alloXsatte < lOO other styles of 5/A Hora Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For •ale by «1I dealera. If yoa can't get «xiteiu. • a BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE OCNUINCWITHOUTTHC Btt iiart Xannfd toy Wu. Atkeb & Sons, PUMa •wire the famous Horse Brand Baker BlftsketaT BEGGS' CHEEEY COUGH SYRUP. Is giving splendid satisfaction to the? trade and the sales are positively mar­ velous, which can be accounted for in no- other way except that it is without, doubt the best on the market. Ask for and be sure you get the genuine. \(» keep It;. Q. W. ̂ dey. Druggi^ 3E Our aii^ U irccomplishfl VVe do not expect to roalizie anywhere neat the worth of the roous, but we are not after making money, pur object is to sell jr.stock to make room for large fall \ ,, DON'T WAIT, Chancos lor Bargains as^ rare as this do not occur often, and It, is to your interest to call at oujt, store and inspect goods and learn prices* This is Your Golden Opportunity ty M DO NOT MISS IT7 liiillllilMll JACOB BON SLETT. OPPOSITE MeHENRY, BISHOP'S MILL, ILLIIVOIS. •4 -DEALER IN Purchased f >r Oasl.. all o< which will be sold as low as the market will admit and furnish first class goods. A FUML MME -OF BT-'CITKS. GARLAND AND OTHER KIN Call and see our Gasolene GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Stoves Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron War** And in addit on has putin a full stock ol AGRICULTURAL IM Including the M.iliue Plowa, Gesloy Sulsy Plows, Orvis Plow4 Stoddard Seeders, Dislc Harrows, Driga, and in short everything in the Farming Tool line, which will be sold at Bottom Fisrures. , •'r .u EMENTS Figures s Barb Wirm, > ' 1-,s * * * ' ^ m . « x AT BOTTOM PRlCES.-^r JfOBIlIKCt AIB B1FA KIHCT- Will be done on short Notice and ^tlsikciioa Guaranteed. A work. A share of publio patronage W. P. STEVENS, pecialty of Rutter Factory respectfully solicited. W HIH L1M £0NFiHT: HEAR THE West McHenry, Illinois, ;V-'--7vFV: i *i y ; • . ^ toves. Reliable Lumber of all kind*, always on hand, and for sale at prices as low or lower than good Lumber can be bought anywhere See us before buying as we are sure we can save you money. We have just received a1 com­ plete line of Fall Goods, Dress Goods In Henrietta, Oashftiere and French Suitings. Latest, shades in Green, Blue, Grey and Old Rose. A lull line of fanpy Dress Buttons, Hairpins, Buckles, etc. In tlie Market, at Bottom Prioens. JOBSIXTQ AETD" KEFAIRIMQ Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. share of public patronage respectfully solicited, JACOB BON8LETT. ;A new lot of JACKETS / Atone dollar and ninety cents* worth double the mone>. New Priuts, Ginghams, hirtiuga, etc. All of these we will seU to %ou at a reasonably small profit and at a clost-r margin than other dealers who sell siioddy goods at lower prices and greater profits. We have a full line ei Ii It .not i * otuler that peopfc will insure their bnf.'dltigs niratnst Are, their stock agSlnsi b e i n g k i l l c<l b y l i K h t n l n g , a n d s t i l l persist i n UsinK wicAeil l>arl» wire io turn their slock when i t ha 8 al ready damaged their s lock and themselvei • more than lire and lightning (Join • bined. We now offer for sale for the next three months In <orUer to get i t introduced, the Harmless Sp ur Wire, double painted, »t the extreme low $rlce of 3 Cents per Pound. It will turn stock as well as an/ bard twisted wicked barb wire, and will reach seven rods fartbe r per hundred pounds. Satisfaction gi laranteed or (honey refund ft* • For sale at B. Gilbert's. West McHenry QUno'ji, ; SAMU EL SHERMAN. 0^'.' ft JPW M| *»». ie-tia BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies* fine kid, patent tip, one dollar and ninety cent*. Tho celebrated Toe Tiik Mark, child:) school shce, silk sewe<l, war ranted. Oxford Ties repuced to one dollar. OUR G J t O l F . t U Are alway? ,he best, and the, -best is the cheapest in the end. Elgin Con. Milk 15c 3 ft can Peaches, 10c 3 •' Tomatoes, , 10c 2 " Apples, 8c Torn, 10c, 3 cans for 25c WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are now better than "ever prepared to. offer you GREAT BARGAINS In all kinds of Goods. We mean business and will give you Low­ er Prices than ever before offered in Lake County. ----OUR STOCK OP-- General Merchandise * as never more complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Special iaducements for Cash 'Buy­ ers in sums from $1 up. COLDINC BROTHERS. Iflr Highest Market Price paid fox* Farm Produce. JULIA A. STOBT, (One Door West of Riverside House,) MoHEN i tY, TLLOOIS. -DEALER IN* <« ti tt Blueb's )0c, Blackberries DeLand's Salaratus; 20 fbs Dried Peaches, Fine Prunes. Good Japan Tea, 253 8c 66 $1.00 5c . m o Fitzsimmons & Henderson .West acHsnryj IH.K? 7 Drugs, Me d i c i n e s --A FULL LINK OF----- Bruga, Qumie&ls, Dyt Stuf£s, Faints, Oils tad Colore. Constantly oh hand. £ Also a large line of « Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- i, Boor anA Window Frames-Ready Mafle-Alwa^s mt Haii. i Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. 3 We shall keep our stock complete at all timet-- and spare no pain to acc&mmodate all who may favor us with their patronage. , jg WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY. C. H, GRANGER, Manager. O. J. BHIX«Z«f t RICHMOND. ILLINOIS, mem We have received a large i»» voice of Fail Goods and are pre* pared to show at prices lower than ever, 3 Cashmeres. A fall line of Cloths, of the latest styles and patterns always on hand. SINGLE GARMENTS, OR FULL SUITS, Made on ehort notice anil a fit guaranteed. From our experience and practical knowl­ edge of ihe business we are confident we can please the most fastidious, and respectfully invite all in want of Clothing of any kind to give me a calL Prices as low as the same quality of goods can be purchased anywhere. C . J . BRILL. Blehmond, October 15th, 1898. H . S I Cte&tr&l Blacksmith and WAGON-MAKER^ SHOP, NEAR THE OiEPOT, WestMoHenry. Baring built a new shop, Iamnow pr< withUrst-class workmen, and good mai todo all kinds of BLACBSuxrani AND Wagon-Ma On short notice and »e ,l'0"'Vb will do your work in the wst 01 with the least possible delay. Horse Shoein ASpfCialty. attendedte. Uci>airlngof all kind#' Oall anti see for yourr HENET Si West McHenry, I"., Nov. «h, STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Fhysiciaiiii Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. AGENTS WASTE: DAL OB TIUVBUNQ. MIIKI r Permanent work. Iiiicl Selling Special Junntowai, - Qingh&mi, PRINTS, And in fact everything per­ taining to a complete Dry Goods Department ^ STRAW At a sacrifice, and finest line a£ GOODS, '3 The lurgeat J In this town, such as John Foster, Forbush & Browns, Bed- path Brothers. Goods without |an equal. An all solid oil grain Child's Shoe, size 8 to 12, $1. a better one at 11.25; size 11 to 2, $1.25, 1.50, 1,76. Ladies' satin oil or grain, *2, goat or kid, $2. 2.50, 3.00, 3.25, to 5.00, (but no 3.50 shoe for 2.50, that is some­ thing we are unable to find.) Also a full line ot Badger state J STOCK warranted. Experience instructions to ) VIUAIUUIJ PANTS, VESTS, ETC. Always on hand. Look at our one twenty-five and one seventy- five knit shirts. Our two twenty- five Milton shirfe^will defy Ken­ tucky lightning. A fine line of fall Gloves in stock. KOCEBIESf The be it that money can poeei* My buy. Yours lor trade, Elegant Outfit free quired. Oomplete success. S. WHITNEY, Nurserymfm. \ < •' ' Mocheater) JVj

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